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Dreaming’s Gate

Dreaming’s Gate:
A Doorway to the Higher

By Koyote the Blind

Dreaming’s Gate:
A Doorway to the Higher Dimensions

Cover Art: Sharla Sanchez

Editor: Violet Flame

ISBN: 9781095513392
By Koyote the Blind
Copyright 2019
All rights reserved: Xicoco Shamanic Arts and
Koyote the Blind

P.O. Box 5272

Riverside, CA 92517
[email protected]

Introduction ...............................................................
How Shamans Access Other Worlds ......................
Establishing Your Base of Operations ....................
The Dreaming’s Gate ................................................
Holding the Phantom Image.....................................
Mastering Visualization ............................................
Entering the Gate ......................................................
Lucidity is the Key to the Higher Planes .................
Apperception .............................................................
The Mastery of Perception: The Eye of the
Eagle ....................................................................
What to Do in a Lucid Dream ...................................
Is That All There Is? ..................................................
Also by Koyote the Blind: ........................................
About the Author .......................................................

The great teachings of the world have

produced many useful spiritual technologies
capable of helping us transform the way we
relate to the world, the way in which we
perceive reality, and even the manner in which
we relate to the core of our being.
These technologies exist in all spiritual paths,
all sacred traditions, and all disciplines.
I want to introduce these technologies to the
spiritual seeker and those who apply the tools
of science and the principles of art to
construct themselves.
These technologies are for those who know
they can transform themselves in order to be
able to hold more of the sacred power of their
essence. They are for you if you are interested
in realizing the full potential of your true self,
and they are for you if you want to be a
channel for the supreme consciousness that
inhabits every being in this universe.
Each of these spiritual technologies emerges
from one or more of three ancient lineages:
Tantra, Magick, and Nahualismo. They come
from India, Egypt, and the Nahuas of

Mesoamerica, respectively.
Each book in the series will be dedicated to
one single technology or strategy. No prior
knowledge is necessary. You do not need any
other tools beyond the interest to explore, an
impulse toward freedom and evolution, and
the life path that has brought you to this point
in time where this book is in your hands.
This book is dedicated to the Dreaming’s
Gate, a symbol of power that is the second
gate to the dreaming. This means that the
Dreaming’s Gate is the assemblage point of
the Dreaming, the point that holds a dream
In addition, it is important to point out that
the Dreaming’s Gate is the sacred symbol that
connects to the origin of the Aka Dua.
The Dreaming’s Gate is used to awaken and
develop the latent powers to become lucid in
the dreaming, travel in the higher dimensions,
develop the second attention, and master your
Follow the exercises, experiment, and write to
me if you have questions:

I hope you enjoy this book, but more than
that, I hope it becomes useful to you as you
walk your spiritual path.

How Shamans Access Other

The trick to having access to other

planes of existence is to realize that we
exist in different places

When you are playing a video game, your

consciousness is both in the room where your
physical body is and in the avatar that is
moving and experiencing the game
environment at the same time.
When you immerse yourself in the story line,
your consciousness identifies with the actions
and experiences of the avatar, and you feel
like what is happening to it is also happening
to you. You might even forget your physical
surroundings at moments. You suffer, fear, and
enjoy as the avatar does. When you have to
adjust your back, have some food, or answer a
question in the room where your physical
body exists, you pull your consciousness and
your identity away from the gaming avatar

and into your physical form.
The same principle is active whenever you
When you dream, you create a dream avatar.
This dream avatar is designed to move in and
experience the environment created in the
dreaming. You create a dreaming self through
which you experience the dream. Are you not
also in your physical body? Of course you are.
You are in both your physical body and in
your dream body simultaneously.
How much you perceive the dream as "real"
depends on the level of abstraction and
identification you attain in that dream. As
your consciousness abstracts from the stimuli
of the physical senses, your attention naturally
fixates itself on the stimuli coming from the
dreaming. Similarly, when you wake up and
the attention moves from the dreaming to the
physical world around you, the dreaming
fades to the background and places itself on
the signals coming through the physical
We must understand, however, that we are
always dreaming.
When we are awake and our attention is
centered in the physical world around us, the

subconscious continues to dream. There are
inner dialogues going on inside us, images of
past events, judgements about what is going
on right now, questions popping up, and even
full-fledged dreams unfolding in the
Yes, the dream world does not stop just
because we wake up. The dream continues;
we just withdraw our attention from it and
place it fully on the waking.
If during our waking life we happen to
withdraw our attention from the stimuli of the
physical senses, we experience day dreams
and, at times, even full-on dreams when we
are not sleeping. When we fall asleep, we
withdraw our attention from the physical
senses almost completely and, therefore, we
enter fully into the action of the dream world.
The same thing can be said when we are
dreaming. It is not that the waking world is
not there. The physical world is still there, we
just have withdrawn our attention from it.
Notice that even though we close our eyes
when we sleep, our five senses continue to
operate. The skin registers temperature and
movement just like when it is awake. The ear
drums continue to receive sound vibrations.

The nose continues to receive and register
smells. In fact, even the eyes continue to
receive light through closed eyelids. Yet, even
though the senses still operate, we do not seem
to be aware of the stimuli. This is because we
do not really stop receiving it; we simply
withdraw our attention from it.
This, then, is the key to learning to
consciously go from the waking to the
dreaming, and indeed to any other plane of
existence where we have formed a body:

You must learn to withdraw your

attention from one plane and
place it on another at will.

If your attention is placed on the external

world, on the stimulation coming from your
physical senses, then you will withdraw your
attention from the inner world of the
dreaming. But, if you know that the dreaming
is always there, it is a matter of just moving
your attention from the world your senses
perceive and placing it on the inner world.
This movement might seem hard to do at first,
but it is actually very, very simple and easy. It

is so easy that we do it every day and every
night. The difficulty is not in withdrawing the
senses from one plane and placing it on
another, since we do that daily. The difficulty
is learning to do it at will. It is a movement, a
switch that we have been doing automatically,
like breathing and the beating of our heart;
but just like breathing, we can also decide to
do it voluntarily.

You can choose where your

attention will be placed.

You can use the Dreaming's Gate to train

yourself to gain mastery of your attention, to
access your dream world at will, and later,
even, to use this ability to access higher planes
of consciousness.

Establishing Your Base of

Let me begin by giving you the secret to all

shamanic voyaging:

Thought is the directional guidance of

the dreamer. What you think is what
tells the dreamer where to go.

The first time I drove in the snow was during

a particularly heavy storm in Washington,
D.C. I had never driven in snow before, and a
friend of mine gave me a tip that applies
when navigating the higher dimensions as
well. He explained to me that when you are
driving in that vast whiteness, your brain loses
direction. At that moment, anything that
stands out tends to grab your attention, and
that is exactly where you go. “Do not look at
the road signs if your car begins to slide in the
ice,” he said. “If you are sliding, keep your
eyes and attention in the direction you want to
go, not where you don’t want to go.”
It so happens, he explained, that most

accidents in those icy conditions were from
drivers running into street signs. As the tires
begin to slide on the icy road, the driver looks
at the only thing that stands out: a road sign.
The driver knows that the sign is what to
avoid. He doesn’t want to go there. But the
sign is the only thing that stands out in that
field of white! So, because the car is out of
control, the driver’s own attention
unconsciously makes the driver take the car
straight to it.

When sliding on the thin membranes

of the ethers, keep your eyes where you
want to go and withdraw your attention
from the areas you want to avoid.

We will begin applying this principle by

avoiding the most common and constant pull
we experience towards the world: the pull of
the senses and the distractions produced by
the body. When we sleep, the attention is
automatically removed from the senses and
from the sensations the body produces. This
allows us to withdraw our attention from the
external world and immerse ourselves into the

It is important, therefore, when doing these
exercises, to find a place where the stimulation
of the senses are minimized. You should seek
a place where noises, movements, and smells
will distract your attention the least.
Take time to set up a space for your shamanic
work. It can be any space, indoors or
outdoors, as long as you can be there alone for
thirty minutes to an hour. It should be a place
that is well ventilated, if possible.
Try to make your workspace clean and
Silence is best. If needed, you can use relaxing
sounds that do not pull your attention or
concerns. Some people use sounds of nature,
background city noises, or any “sound wall”
that help them relax. It is best not to have any
music playing while you work in this space,
unless it’s music designed to put you into an
altered state and do not pull attention from
what you are doing at all.
If you are already a trained and experienced
dreamer, you don't need to change the space
where you now dream. If you need to modify
any of my instructions to suit your ability to
rest and relax in this place, do so. If a dark
place won't work for you, it's okay to have

light. If you need noise, then have noise.
Modify my instructions in any way, as long as
you can relax and sleep. An experienced
dreamer can do this anywhere, under any
circumstances. A master dreamer can dream
in the middle of a battlefield. In fact a master
dreamer has no choice but to dream. But to
begin your training, you are going to designate
a space for the island of your dreaming, and
you will perform all these exercises there.
Also, it is crucial to be able to relax the body,
so that it doesn’t pull your attention when you
are trying to move into the inner spheres of
The following relaxation exercise is simple,
powerful, and very effective for most people.
Of course, feel free to use any method that
works for you. I am including it here for your
reference. Try it, and if it is not for you, no
problem. Use one that works for you.

The Draining Exercise:

• Sit comfortably with your back straight.
• Make sure your clothes are not cutting
off your circulation or creating any
pressure on your body.

• Place both feet on the floor, or sit with
your legs in the lotus position.
• Take a deep breath. Feel the energy taken
with the breath flow all the way down to
a few inches below your body.
• Slowly, exhale. Try to exhale even slower
than you inhale.
• Take a second deep breath, in the same
way as the previous one, but this time feel
your whole body being filled by the
energy that is all around you.
• Exhale, and when you exhale slowly,
imagine all tensions and toxins leaving
your body along with your breath.
• Take a third breath. This time, see the
energy filling your body and, when you
exhale, see all tensions come out from
you into the core of the Earth.
• Keep breathing slowly, feeling the pull of
gravity. See this gravitational pull drain
all tensions from your body.
• Place your attention on the soles of your
feet. Feel all tension being drained from
your feet by the pull of the Earth.
• Continue by repeating this with your

ankles, calves, knees, thighs, buttocks,
genitals, hips, waist, abdomen, lower
back, middle back, chest, upper back,
collar bone, shoulders, arms, elbows,
forearms, wrists, hands, fingers, neck,
throat, chin, face, eyes, forehead,
• Scan your entire body again, placing
your attention anywhere you find
unnecessary tension, and allowing that
tension to be drained by the pull of the
Now you are ready to proceed with the
shamanic techniques for voyaging.

The Dreaming’s Gate

In this book, I am providing you with a

geometric symbol used in our lineage to train
the dreamer to move between the worlds, to
master the Dreaming, and to gain access to
the higher dimensions of existence. This is a
sacred gift to you, so that you may also gain
mastery of your perception and attain the
freedom to move about this universe as you
This is the living symbol of the Aka Dua. It is
the sigil that contains the force of the Ring of
Power, and is the assemblage point of the
Dreaming. It is presented here to the world so
that everyone who uses it can awaken the
third attention and have the help necessary to
master their own perception.
May it serve the cause of freedom and
evolution, and may these teachings be used for
the benefit of All Beings Everywhere!
This tool will hone different parts of your
psyche, your attention, and your dream-self.
The first section of the training consists of
teaching the attention to switch from the outer
to the inner, and then keeping it where you

want it to stay. You can use this powerful
image to conduct the exercises in the following
If you want to download and print a separate
copy fo the Dreaming’s Gate, you can obtain a
PDF of it on my website:
A laminated copy of the Dreaming’s Gate is
provided as an insert for the hardbound copy
of The Golden Flower. There are only a
limited number of hard covers printed, and
there is no guarantee any will be available.
If you want your hardbound copy, signed to
you, go to:

Holding the Phantom Image

Attention is the most powerful tool we have at

the beginning of our journey. It is important
to train it, and to sharpen it into a potent
magical implement. This exercise will train
your attention until it becomes what it is
meant to be: the magical tool of a shaman
and magician.
Here is the first exercise:

The Holding the Phantom Image Exercise:

• Find a place where you can be alone
and undisturbed for about 5 minutes.
• Minimize external distractions of
sound, smell, and light. You need
enough light to see the Dreaming's
Gate, but don't have your television on
or anything else that will be shining on
your eyelids.
• Sit in a comfortable position you can
hold for five minutes without cramping
or discomfort.
• Stare at the Dreaming's Gate for 30 to

45 seconds without blinking and
without moving your eyes. Stare with
as much attention and intensity as you
can muster.
• Close your eyes.
• Place your attention on the inner
image that appears in your mind's eye,
and hold it for as long as you can. At
first, the image might vanish after a
few seconds. With experience, you will
learn to keep it going longer.
• Repeat the exercise as many times as
you like, but stop if you are getting
tired or sleepy.
• Keep working with this exercise until
you are able to hold the image without
change for at least 1 minute.

At some point, you will see the cross in the

center spin. This is a very good sign. It means
you are opening your inner eye and learning
to see in the way sorcerers see.
This exercise will allow you to place and hold
your attention in the inner spaces at will, and
strengthen your attention to be able to
withdraw from the senses, also at will.

Mastering this exercise will make it possible
for you to master all the exercises given in The
Golden Flower, as well as the next two
exercises in this booklet.
In fact, this and the next two exercises will
prove to be an effective way to train your
psychic attention to be able to travel in the
dreaming, to gain the ability to become lucid
in your dreams, and also to awaken many
latent psychic abilities you didn't know you
After you have gained the ability to hold the
afterimage of the Dreaming's Gate for a
minute or more, it is time to train your mind
to access the gate any time, at will. 

Mastering Visualization

In order to move in the higher planes of

existence as well as in the dreaming, the
shaman uses the power of perception to
navigate the worlds, and to project her
consciousness anywhere in this universe. To
master the faculty of perception is to master
the freedom to go anywhere, ascend to any
plane of existence, and create any reality we
need to create.

The Mastering Visualization Exercise:

• Find a comfortable and safe place
where you can be undisturbed.
• Sit or lie down comfortably.
• Close your eyes and see the
Dreaming's Gate in your mind's eye.
• Visualize it in as much detail as
possible: colors, shapes, and all kinds
of nuances.
• Compare it with the physical copy
until you can visualize it without

Imagination is good for this exercise. Later,
you'll realize that the imagination is a
powerful gateway to the dreaming and,
indeed, to any other plane of existence.

Entering the Gate

The third exercise with the Dreaming's Gate

will suggest itself to you. It might happen after
you have mastered the first two, or it can
happen as you are still working with them.
Exercise #3 will open the gates to the
dreaming and allow you to enter it, and the
astral plane, consciously and at will.

The Entering the Gate Exercise:

• Hold the Dreaming's Gate in your
mind's eye without distortions.
• As soon as you feel a pull or the
sensation of movement, go through
the doorway, or vortex of energy, that
opens up before you.
• You can travel anywhere you desire,
and you will have many adventures. If
at any point you want to come back,
simply will yourself to come back to
the body. Or, you can bring the
Dreaming's Gate to your mind's eye
and walk backwards away from it and
into your physical body.

• When you come back, take a few
seconds to feel your body and feel
yourself re-entering your body.
• Record your experience in detail. It is
very important to write every
experience down.

Enjoy your travels and experiences with this

powerful and ancient tool! It is charged with
the intent of powerful sorcerers and
magicians, and it is an extraordinary tool for
voyaging and mastering the inner worlds.

Lucidity is the Key to the Higher

The ability to become lucid during a dream is

a milestone for the shaman. Lucidity is the
ability to realize you are dreaming. When in a
lucid dream, you wake up enough to realize
that you are dreaming, but not enough to
dissolve the dream. You just wake up enough
to remember yourself, while retaining the
ability to let the dream go on.
Remember that a dream is simply a different
plane of experience. When you withdraw the
attention from the waking as you fall asleep,
the attention goes to the stories happening in
the unconscious, and we dream. In this same
manner, when we wake up we withdraw our
attention from the dreaming and focus it on
the impressions coming from the senses.
Lucidity, in this sense, is the ability to
remember yourself in different planes of
existence. It is to know that even if you find
yourself experiencing a dream, part of you
becomes aware that you also exist in a
different world, the world of the waking. You
realize that you are dreaming because you

recognize that you are also in a different
For the purpose of shamanic voyaging, this
means lucidity gives us the ability to move our
attention between different realms and
between different planes of existence. Once
you are lucid, you can train your attention to
stay in the dreaming or to wake up.
But more than that, to become lucid also
allows you to move and act in the dream with
a higher level of power and effectiveness. If
you have experienced lucid dreaming, you
know that once you know you are dreaming,
you can do almost anything in that dream!
You can fly, teleport, find solutions to your
problems, receive illuminating answers to your
deepest questions, and have any experience
you desire or need.
This also happens when the shaman becomes
aware of two different planes of existence.
This ability to perform extraordinary feats is
not only true of the dreaming. It happens
whenever we find ourselves having an
experience in one plane, and our attention
becomes rooted in a higher plane.
What is a higher plane, for the purpose of this
manual? The difference between an ordinary

dream and what most people call “reality”, is
that the experience in the dream, as real as it
can feel at times, is not as saturated with
reality as the world of the waking.
For the shaman, all planes of existence are
real, but some are more real than others.
Some planes have a stronger gravitational pull
on our essence, and they seem to have a
denser force about them. A higher plane,
therefore, is for the shaman a plane of
existence that feels more real than the lower
During an ordinary dream, the untrained
person is not aware of any other plane of
existence than the dream. In becoming lucid,
however, he becomes aware of another plane,
the one he calls “reality.” This awareness
allows him to become lucid, because he
remembers himself in the higher plane of the
waking. If he manages to remain conscious of
both, as a shaman does even when in the
waking, the dreamer becomes not only aware
of another plane of existence, but he also
acquires power over the dream he
In this way, the shaman seems to have powers
ordinary people do not.

The training for navigating the planes, and to
achieve the mastery of awareness necessary to
operate at the level of the shaman and the
sorcerer, requires an exacting and intense
training. Mastering lucidity while dreaming
trains the muscles of perception of any
person, preparing us for life in the higher
This manual is a highly effective introduction
to the training of perception for life in the
higher dimensions, and if practiced with care,
the exercises presented here will awaken the
ability to access other dimensions of reality.
They will also awaken in you the latent
powers of the soul, as you become more and
more adept at recognizing the different levels
of existence.
The exercises given in the previous chapters
will give you this access, and awaken these
dormant abilities. In order to gain deeper
access and higher states of awareness,
however, you have to master the ability to
become lucid.
There are two more practices I’d like to share
with you, to lay the groundwork for higher

1. Keep a dream journal.
2. Ask yourself if you are dreaming.

They are that simple, and immensely

powerful. To make them effective, you have to
practice them assiduously for a long time.
They have to become second nature.
Keep a dream journal, and write in it every
day as soon as you wake up. Write even if you
don’t remember your dreams well. Just write
whatever you do remember, even if it doesn’t
make sense. Write even if it is only vague
impressions. In fact, write even if you think
you didn’t dream anything at all. Just put pen
to paper and begin to write. Even saying, “I
only remember darkness,” or “Nothing comes
to mind, except a vague sensation of...” and so
The discipline of writing in your journal will
signal to your unconscious that you are serious
about this, and will begin to open up the
bounty of the dream worlds to you.
The more aware you become of your dreams,
the more you will use your senses and faculties
during dreams; and the more you use them,
the more powerful your awareness becomes in

all ways, and in all planes.
Keeping a dream journal will allow you to
have richer and more rewarding dreams, and
this will enrich your life in all respects.
But to truly master lucidity, you must also get
into the habit of becoming aware not only of
what you dreamt last night, but also of
knowing that you are dreaming.
You acquire the habit of lucidity by asking
yourself if you are dreaming. Truly wonder
about this, and truly seek to investigate if this
is a dream. Get into the habit of questioning
reality any time, in all circumstances. Any
time you remember the practice, ask yourself
if this is a dream.
Once you ask the question, investigate it. Do it
for real. Ask yourself if you are dreaming, and
try to prove to yourself that this is a dream.
Once you do this over and over at random
times of the day, you will suddenly ask
yourself this while in a dream, and then you
will become lucid!
Practice these powerful, yet deceptively simple
techniques, and the world of the shaman and
the sorcerer will open its secrets to you. You
have in your hands the Dreaming’s Gate, and
with the practice of journaling and asking

yourself if you are dreaming, you also have
possession of the Key of Awareness. Put them
together, and the universe will open all its
levels to you, and the bounties of all the
worlds will become possible for you.


The next important key to learn is called

Apperception is the ability to observe the
observer in the process of observation. It is to
be aware of the observer in you as your
attention is on something else. In effect, you
split your attention two ways: part of it is on
what you observe, and the other part is on the
Keep reading these words. Slow down the
speed of your reading. Observe each word as
you keep reading. Savor each word. Now, at
this very moment, notice your Self reading
Observe yourself reading these words.
This, right now, the moment when you
remember yourself as you observe any
experience whatsoever, is when you use the
faculty of apperception.
Practice the faculty of apperception now with
the Dreaming’s Gate. Place your attention on
the cross in the center, the apex of the vortex.
Observe the observer.

While you go about your day, do this exercise
as often as you can, for as long as you can. It is
a non-phenomenal muscle that needs to be
trained. The faculty of apperception is one of
the most powerful techniques you can learn
from any esoteric school.
With this technique, you will soon be waking
up in your dreams and will have more and
more conscious control of your experiences
— until one day, you will find yourself also
waking up during your daily ordinary life. At
that point, you will fully realize that every
experience whatsoever is a dream, and you
might even come to know yourself as the
dreamer who is having all these experiences in
the Palace of Dreams, and experience the true
awakening as the One Who Sleeps begins to
gain consciousness of yourself as a dreamer.

The Mastery of Perception: The
Eye of the Eagle

The ultimate end of the Toltec warrior’s

training is to master one’s own perception. In
a sense, this is also the aim of yoga, magick,
and alchemy. In all these esoteric traditions,
the aspirant seeks to fine-tune their awareness
to perceive and hold the consciousness of the
cosmos, the supreme being.
These practitioners seek to change the way
they perceive the universe. They seek to be
able to see the universe from the perspective
of God, and in this manner attain the
knowledge of the gods. It is an act of ultimate
aspiration for those who follow the path of
knowledge and self-transformation.
The way to do this is to learn to transcend the
limits of human perception, and identify with
the perception of the infinite. To stand in the
place of the supreme being and witness the
beauty of creation is to become one with all,
even if for a moment. The life that follows this
supreme vision will be vastly different from
the life of an ordinary human being, a life far
beyond the limits imposed by the false beliefs

and petty agreements we have allowed to
cloud our vision.
We can say that the mastery of perception
forever transforms not only the way you
experience reality, but also the manner in
which you see yourself.
Who are you? After this experience, you no
longer answer this question within the
constraints of language, or within the
framework of society. You become what you
perceive, and in this way you also become
identified with the supreme entity. Your will
and the will of God become one because you
are no longer identified with the limits of
culture, society, programming, and education.
You have become more than that.
Your consciousness becomes as the clear
diamond that reflects the light and color of
the surface upon which it stands. So your
perception will be a reflection of the cosmic
entity, the supreme being.
In the Toltec tradition, this is called the Eye of
the Eagle.
The Dreaming’s Gate is a doorway to this
perception. I am here, giving you a powerful
exercise that will bring your awareness to the
entrance of this supreme vision. After that, all

you have to do is enter.

The Eye of the Eagle Exercise:

• Place your attention on the center cross of
the Dreaming’s Gate.
• Withdraw your attention from all other
stimuli. Concentrate only on the image.
• Holding the attention on the center, place
part of your attention on the circle outside.
• Move the cross and feel or see the vortex of
energy it opens.
• With your intent, see the world beyond the

Success in this exercise is proof that you have

attained an impressive degree of mastery over
your perception. You are only a hairbreadth
away from the Eye of the Eagle. Continue to
do the exercise any time you want to, and
eventually you will see what the Eagle sees.
This is the assemblage point of the Dreaming.
It is what keeps the sorcerer’s vision together,
and it is the lens that channels the power of

This is the essence of the doorway to other
worlds, and to the inner core of your
perception. By opening this vortex you
successfully alter your own assemblage point
and thus gain entrance to all the mysteries of
the universe, and the awareness of the
supreme being.
Success in this exercise is the attainment of
samadhi, the accomplishment of the
alchemical Orphic egg, and the gift of the
There is from here nothing else but to do!

What to Do in a Lucid Dream
Eventually you will find yourself in a lucid
dream. This is a dream where you know you
are dreaming. At this point, you have a great
opportunity to take your experience to the
next level. The answer to what you can do in
a lucid dream is very simple:
You can do whatever you will to do.
The truth is that the Dreaming is to your true
Self what the universe is to God. The universe
is the dream the supreme consciousness is
having. Every galaxy, every star, every sentient
being, and even every blade of grass is part of
this dream, dreamed by the supreme
consciousness, which has this dream as each
and every sentient being. Consequently, you
are also part of the dream of the supreme
consciousness. You are God dreaming the
universe from your particular perspective.
We live in a sentient universe. The universe is
not just the material environment where
sentient beings exist; rather, it is a sentient
being experiencing a dream from multiple
perspectives. Each perspective brings a new
angle, a new experience, and a new and
enriched understanding of itself.

From the point of view of the supreme being,
since all experiences are a dream, there are no
external consequences to any action. Think
about your own dreams. If your house burns
during a dream, you might suffer during that
dream; but when you wake up, your house is
still there. If you injure someone in a dream,
when you wake up that person is unharmed.
You might die during a dream, but when you
wake up you are still alive and well. You can
commit any sin, and even if you seem to suffer
consequences to your trespass during the
dream, there is no karma affecting your
waking life. Karma is only the effect of
actions that happen within the same plane of
existence, and it does not transfer to the
waking state.
This is why it is said that the supreme being
does not incur karma. No matter what
happens in this universe or what any creature
does, the eternal consciousness witnessing and
performing all things is never affected. There
is no evil done and no karma accumulated
from the perspective of the supreme being
because the entire universe is the dream of
such a being.
For a human being, the actions taken in a
dream are part of that person’s inner life and

do not accumulate karma outside the dream.
However, the actions taken outside a dream
do have karmic consequences for us because
they are external. They affect other beings
and our environment, and therefore our
actions create effects that in turn come back to
us. Our consciousness moves between the
inner and the outer, whereas for the sentient
universe it is all internal. Our internal life
produce no karma, but the external life does.
This is, of course, only one way to look at the
situation. We could say that the universe also
gets to experience an external reality by
experiencing life as every particular entity. By
dreaming itself as each sentient being, it gets
to know what is like to have an external world.
This would be true, but as with any dream,
the illusion that the universe is experiencing
an external world only operates while the
being identifies with the body or the
personality created for that experience. As
soon as the supreme being remembers its true
nature, an awakening occurs and the dream
no longer has a hold.
It then follows that all things are lawful for the
supreme being. Similarly, it can be said that
you, as the creator of your dreams, have the
right and power to act in any way that you

will. There are no laws determining what you
are allowed to do. You are the supreme being
of your dream and you have complete
authority over your creation, just like the
supreme being of this universe has complete
authority over its creation.
You are the autarch of your dream life. You
are the sole authority and the supreme power.
The only question is whether you wake up
enough to realize this fact, and whether you
have the valor to take on that responsibility. If
you remain asleep in the dream, the dream
seems to happen to you. However, if you
remember yourself and recognize that you are
dreaming, you acquire the power and the
moral authority to do anything you will.
Wake up, then, during your dreams and
realize that you are the sole authority and the
source of all power. Wake up into your true
power and take on the role of the creator,
destroyer, and maintainer of your inner
Become the avatar of the dreamer, and
exercise your power to dream.
Be bold, therefore, and go forth into the
dreaming to experience, to discover, to
behave, and to create. Do not hold back. Act

as you will. You have within you the supreme
authority and infinite power over your own
dream, including the power to forget who you
really are and experience dreams of
powerlessness and victimization. Wake up,
and grasp that you have within yourself the
power and ability to do all things, to love all
things, to understand all things, and to
become the master of your inner universe.
The key to mastering the Dreaming can be
expressed by three principles:

1. Be fearless.
2. Experience as you will.
3. Be responsible for your dream.

There is nothing within your dream that can

truly harm you, and since the entire dream is
your own creation, there is no one external to
you that you can harm. A dream is your own
universe, and you are the supreme god in that
realm. Experience there as you will and
without fear.
The third principle, however, is what makes
dreaming the most powerful tool we have at

our disposal. This is the key that allows us to
truly align our consciousness with the supreme
consciousness, and to begin to understand
what it is like to take on the burden of the
supreme being. To be responsible for your
dream means to know that all things are as
you design, consciously or unconsciously. It
means that you take on the attitude not of
someone who is helplessly on the receiving
end of a big universe, but of someone who is
responsible for what you are perceiving, what
you are living, and what you do.
This principle is not meant for assigning
blame. It is not a matter of saying who is
guilty of the situation in which you find
yourself in life. No. This is about knowing
that all your circumstances are a dream, and
you are the source of that dream. You are
dreaming yourself and the environment you
perceive around you. Within that dream, even
if it seems like the world is harsh and hostile,
you can quickly realize that the entire dream
is a part of you.
Wake up, remember yourself, and know that
you are the creator of all things within that
Be responsible for your dream. Acknowledge

it as the environment you have created, aware
or oblivious, to have this experience. All you
have to do is realize you are the dreamer, and
then act as you will, be fearless, and transform
your world into a dream worth having.

Is That All There Is?
This is a beginning. It is a glorious and
miraculous beginning, but only a beginning.
These practices will bring you a lifetime of
exploration, wonder, and realizations. You
have the doorway, and the key that opens it.
If you desire to know more, you can find the
path of mastery of perception in the Yoga of
Dreaming. These complete teachings can be
found in The Golden Flower, which more
than a book, is an artifact that contains the
teachings of the path of shamanic dreaming.
There are only very few of these collectible
hardbound, numbered copies available. These
volumes are signed, and come with a
laminated insert of the Dreaming’s Gate.
You can also obtain the kindle version of this
book, as well as other books by me at
Amazon’s Koyote the Blind’s author page.
I hope you have enjoyed this book. If you did,
please check out the following resources, and
it would help me if you subscribe and like
some of them. And, if you have read any
other books by me, please consider writing a
review on Amazon. They truly help a lot.

Check out these links to Koyote’s teachings:


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Also by Koyote the Blind:
The Golden Flower
A unique book on the art of dreaming, astral
projection, and voyaging through the higher
planes, presented by a Toltec shaman and
Western magician. This is the Yoga of
Dreaming. It is a distillation of the deepest
teachings and art of lucid dreaming, delivered
in clear and practical, yet poetic, prose. A
delight to read, and filled with practical gems
throughout. The exercises included in the text
will introduce the novice to lucid dreaming
practices—or enable the more advanced
reader to experiment new approaches to
Dreaming as a spiritual practice.

A pocket book of haiku with an intriguing
and erudite introduction by the author on the

Tolteca I, II, and III

A journal of articles by Koyote on Toltec
history, philosophy, esoteric wisdom, and art.
Only three of nine issues have been released.

The Teachings of a Toltec Survivor
A transformative experience, based on the
esoteric lectures delivered in 2007 to a small
group of close students.

For information on courses and seminars

taught, as well as performances of The
Telling, check out our website:

Check out my other books on my Amazon

Author’s Page:

About the Author

Koyote began his training among the

volcanoes and jungles of El Salvador, where
the revolutionary dreams of a just and good
world framed his spiritual aspirations. While
pursuing his Jesuit education and volunteering
to create and lead a literacy program for the
children of war refugees, Koyote trained in
Tantra Yoga and Western Mysticism during
his adolescence, until he was forced into exile
when targeted by that troubled country’s
death squads.
In 1985, Koyote fled to the USA, where he
obtained political asylum and, eventually, his
citizenship. He then took on the roll of a
householder and raised a family, worked full
time, and pursued his graduate and post-
graduate studies in Philosophy and Cognitive
Sciences at UCSD and Santa Clara
University. His worldly obligations did not
stop his spiritual pursuits. He was initiated in
Kriya Yoga and Magick while fulfilling his
duties as a householder.
In 1995, he was initiated by his Yaqui-
Lacandon benefactor into the Toltec tradition

and the Path of the Infinite. Koyote was
acknowledged as a teacher in the lineage by
the elder Nahual, Teczaki Güitame Cachora.
He developed a Toltec improvisational
performance art called The Telling, a mystical
inducing experience known to affect and
transform the listener through a direct and
unmediated experience.
Koyote runs a branch of the A.’. A.’. under
the Ox and None Clerk-House; and Xicoco,
an esoteric school of the Toltecs, where he
trains students in magick, shamanism,
mysticism, and yoga.
He has authored books and created seminars
on the Yoga of Dreaming, meditation, astral
voyaging, shadow walking, magick, and Toltec


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