University of The Philippines College of Law Office of Legal Aid Hearing/Trial Report

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University of the Philippines

College of Law


Case Title: People v. Fernando Rico Sevilla IV Nature of Case: Criminal

Docket No.: Criminal Case No. 19-00836 For: Slight Physical Injuries
Client: Fernando Rico Sevilla IV Venue: MeTC Quezon City, Br. 38
Judge: Hon. John Boomsri Sy Rodolfo Team No.: 9
Handling Intern: Mary Clarence Angela T. Protacio How OLA was notified: Order dated
Supervising Lawyer: Atty. Edgar Carlo Vistan II and September 2, 2020
Atty. Marwil Llasos Date of Hearing/Trial: October 9, 2020
Agenda/Trial Stage: Promulgation LI who attended hearing: LI Protacio

Summary of Hearing/Trial

At 9:45 a.m., LI Protacio arrived at the UP OLA office for the scheduled video conference
hearing for the promulgation of the case. The client, Mr. Fernando Sevilla IV, along with his
sister and niece were already inside the OLA SL Room. LI Protacio asked the assistance of Sir
Mark from the OLA office to connect to the Microsoft Teams invitation for the video conference
hearing. LI Protacio and the client entered the waiting room of the video conference hearing at
9:55 a.m. The Court accepted the OLA account into the meeting at 10:00 a.m.

When the OLA account was accepted into the meeting, the judge asked LI Protacio who is the
supervising lawyer present during the hearing. LI Protacio answered that SL Marwil Llasos will
be attending the hearing from his house and is connecting to the Microsoft Teams meeting
through his personal account. SL Llasos entered the meeting at 10:05 a.m. and introduced
himself as the supervising lawyer.

The judge informed LI Protacio and SL Llasos that the private complainant, Ms. Corazon Chebat,
was present in court. ACP Feria also joined the meeting via videoconferencing and was not
physically present in court. The client was asked to move in front of the camera for the judge to
see him through the video call which the client complied with. After this, the judge asked the
case to be called.

ACP Jerome Feria entered appearance for the State. After, LI Protacio entered appearance for
the client, under the supervision of SL Llasos. SL Llasos confirmed his supervision over LI
Protacio. The hearing was recorded by the Court. The judge asked LI Protacio for any
manifestations, to which LI Protacio moved that only the dispositive portion of the Judgment be
read in court.
The Branch Clerk of Court read the dispositive portion of the Judgement, which found the client
guilty beyond reasonable doubt. The Court imposed the penalty of 20 days of arresto menor
and payment of P5,000 by way of temperate damages, and P5,000 by way of moral damages.
The judge asked the client if he was able to hear and understand the judgment which was
entered against him. SL Llasos confirmed that it was heard and understood properly,
manifesting that we will confer with the client as to the filing of a motion for reconsideration or

The video conference hearing ended at around 10:10 a.m.

LI Protacio discussed with the client the judgment that was decided against him, explaining the
imposition of the penalty of imprisonment of twenty days as well as the payment of damages.
SL Llasos contacted LI Protacio and the client via a video call.

SL Llasos asked the client if he has any plans of applying for work abroad, to which the client
answered no. Because of this, SL Llasos had advised to apply for probation under the provisions
of the Probation Law. The client agreed to this. LI Protacio was directed by SL Llasos to assist
the client on his application for probation. LI Protacio was directed to draft the application for
probation using the templates provided and coordinate with the probation office of Marikina

In addition, SL Llasos asked the client if he has paid bail to the Court. SL Llasos then advised LI
Protacio to look at the case files regarding bail which has been paid to the court, which may be
used to pay or offset the imposition of the fine by the Court. The video call was ended after this.

Before leaving the OLA Office, LI Protacio explained to the client that she will prepare the
application for probation and get into contact with him regarding said application. The client
told LI Protacio that he can go to the OLA office at any time, to which LI Protacio informed him
that most of the process will be attempted to be made remotely. LI Protacio told the client that
once she receives the decision and order from the court via email, she will get into contact with
him to explain the said decision.

At around 10:30 a.m., the client left the OLA Office, followed shortly by LI Protacio.

Submitted by: LI Mary Clarence Angela T. Protacio

Date Submitted: October 9, 2020

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