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Spelling: L-blends

Your Name: Camille Mazloomian

Grade Level: First Grade

Concept: How to read words with l-blends including gl, sl, bl, cl, pl, and fl

Objective: Students will be able to spell and read letters with l-blends

Standards: L.1.2d Use conventional spelling for words with common spelling
patterns and for frequently occurring irregular words
RF.1.3 Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills
in decoding words.

Hook: Video on l-blends where students can dance and sing:
Opening: (Whole group): I will state the learning objective for the lesson. I will
explain how each small group center will be working towards the learning objective
and inform students of their groups.
Body: (Small Group Centers) Students will be split into small group centers to
better differentiate instruction.
Teacher: students will be cutting and creating two dice. One with beginning L-blends
(Consonant-L) and the other with word endings (Vowel-Consonant). The students
will roll both dice, read the words, record the words on their paper, and determine if
the word is a real word or a non-sense word. Students will put a smiley face next to
real words and a frowning face next to non-sense words.
Instructional Assistant: Students will be completing a worksheet that focuses on
practicing reading and writing skills using l-blend words
Technology: Students will be using the Spelling City application to practice their
spelling words and sight words for the week.

Modifications and Adaptations:

Dice and Worksheet: I will increase or decrease the number of required words
depending on the student’s level of achievement. Students who complete early will be
asked to write one or more complete sentences on the back of their paper using
correct Capitalization, spelling, spacing, and punctuation.
Students who need more guidance with fine motor skills and reading will be
partnered up with other students. Each pair would only have to cut one die and would
have a partner to blend and read the words with.
Spelling City App: I have given students a choice of activities with a wide range of
difficulty. Students who are able, can complete the more difficult activities, and
student’s others can complete the activities at their own level.

Assessment: I will informally assess student understanding through observation of

small group centers. I will formally assess by analyzing completed
student worksheets and specific progress monitoring data online.
fl ip
cl pl gl ed ag ap
sl op
bl ug

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