CHN Post Test 2

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Glenda, a 9 month old girl is suffering from diarrhea,

she is assessed for dehydration, she has sunken eyes,
she is eager to drink, and the skin pinch goes back
slowly. What is the classification of her dehydration?
a. No dehydration 7. The 1st child who s 13 month has fast breathing using
b. Some dehydration IMCI parameters he has:
c. Moderated dehydration
d. Severe dehydration
A. 40 breaths per minute or more
2. Keith, 1 year old, is being classified as having diarrhea B. 50 breaths per minute
for 3 days, the child has blood in the stools. Classify the C. 30 breaths per minute or more
child’s condition? D. 60 breaths per minute

a. Severe dehydration
b. Dysentery 8. Nina, the 2nd child has diarrhea for 5 days. There is no
c. Severe persistent diarrhea blood in the stool. She is irritable, and her eyes are
d. Persistent diarrhea sunken. The nurse offered fluids and the child drinks
eagerly. How would you classify Nina’s illness?
3. Kevin, a 18 month old toddler is suffering from cough
for 5 days, the patient is observed for the following: 55
breaths/min, chest indrawing and a harsh sound upon
A. Some dehydration
breathing in. classify his disease
B. Dysentery
C. Severe dehydration
a. Pneumonia D. No dehydration
b. Severe pneumonia
c. No pneumonia
d. None of the above
9. Nina’s treatment should include the following EXCEPT:

4. Cherry a 2 year old girl is being assessed for cough, her

mother told the nurse that she has cough and cold for
A. Reassess the child and classify him for
the past 3 days, the nurse counted the breaths and she
had 35 breaths/min. classify her disease
B. For infants under 6 months old who are not
breastfeed, give 100-200 ml clean water as
a. No pneumonia well during this period
b. Severe pneumonia C. Give in the health center the recommended
c. Pneumonia amount of ORS for 4 hours
d. None of the above D. Do not give any other foods to the child for
home treatment
5. Which of the following is an applicable treatment to
soothe the throat of Cherry who has a cough?
10. While on treatment, Nina, 18 months old weighed 28
a. Offer breastmilk kilograms and her temperature registered at 37 C. her
b. Give calamansi juice mother says she developed cough 3 days ago. Nina has
c. Both A and B no general danger signs. She has 45 breaths/minute,
d. None of the above no chest in-drawing, no stridor. How would you classify
Nina’s manifestation?

Situation – Two children were broughtto you. One with chest in-
drawing and the other had diarrhea. The following questions A. No pneumonia
apply. B. Severe pneumonia
C. Pneumonia
D. Bronchopneumonia

6. Using the Integrated Management & Childhood Illness

(IMCI) approach, how would you classify the 1st child? 11. The child named Felix, 25 months old, is classified to
have no dehydration but according to his mother, the
diarrhea is lasting for 17 days. Classify the child
a. Persistent diarrhea
A. Bronchopneumonia
b. Severe persistent diarrhea
c. Dysentery
B. C. Severe pneumonia d. Severe dehydration
C. No pneumonia: cough or cold

D. D. Pneumonia

Prepared by: Jayvee V. De Guzman RN, MANc

Situation 19 – Among common conditions found in children
especially among poor communities are ear infections/problems. 18. The child with no dehydration needs home treatment.
The following questions apply. Which of the following is not included in the rules for
home treatment in this case:

A. continue feeding the child

12. A child with ear problem should be assessed for the B. gives oresol every 4 hours
following, EXCEPT: C. know when to return to the health center
D. give the child extra fluid

A. is there any fever?

B. Ear discharge
C. If discharge is present for how long? 19. A child who has had diarrhea for 14 days but has no
D. Ear pain sign of dehydration is classified as:

A. severe persistent diarrhea

13. If the child does not have ear problem, using IMCI, B. dysentery
what should you as the nurse do? C. severe dysentery
D. persistent diarrhea

A. Check for ear discharge 20. If the child has sunken eyes, drinking eagerly, thirsty
B. Check for tender swellings behind the ear and skin pinch goes back slowly, the classification
C. Check for ear pain would be:
D. Go to the next question, check for
malnutrition A. no dehydration
B. moderate dehydration
14. A ear discharge that has been present for more than C. some dehydration
14 days can be classified as: D. severe dehydration

A. mastoiditis 21. Carlo has had diarrhea for 5 days. There is no blood in
B. chronic ear infection the stool, he is irritable. His eyes are sunken, the nurse
C. acute ear infection offers fluid to Carlo and he drinks eagerly. When the
D. complicated ear infection nurse pinched the abdomen, it goes back slowly. How
will you classify Carlo’s illness?

15. An ear discharge that has been present for less than 14 A. severe dehydration
days can be classified as: B. no dehydration
C. some dehydration
A. chronic ear infection D. moderate dehydration
B. mastoiditis
C. acute ear infection 22. Which of the following principles is applied in CHN?
D. complicate ear infection a. Greatest good for the greatest number
b. Geared toward self-reliance
16. If the child has severe classification because of ear c. What I cannot give to one I cannot give to all and vice versa
problem, what would be the best thing that you as the d. All of the above
nurse can do? 23. Which of the following statements is correct about health?
A. instruct mother when to return
a. Health and illness have the same meaning for individuals, families,
and groups
B. refer urgently
C. give an antibiotic for 5 days b. Planning, implementation, and evaluation of community health
D. dry the ear by wicking care plans must be done at their respective provincial health
c. While health is the responsibility of the health department, it is
Situation 20 – If the child with diarrhea registers one sign in the as much a responsibility of the individual, family, and
pink row and one in the yellow row in the IMCI Chart – community
d. People’s health behavior is not in any way influenced by their
beliefs and emotions.
24. The goal of community health nursing is to
17. We can classify the patient as: a. Lessen case load of public health nurses
A. moderate dehydration
b. Provide clinic nursing activities to the populace
B. some dehydration
C. no dehydration c. Assist families to be self-reliant and be able to identify and solve
D. severe dehydration their own problems

Prepared by: Jayvee V. De Guzman RN, MANc

d. Spread information about facilities of rural health units or centers a. Operation and maintenance of health facilities
25. R.A. 1054 is also known as the Occupational Health Act. In this b. Implementation of health programs and projects
law, occupational health services that should be given to the c. Delivery of health services
workers are based on which criteria? d. All of these activities
a. Number of workers 34. Local health boards were established at the provincial, city, and
b. Location of the workplace municipal levels. At the provincial level, the chairman of the
c. Both of these provincial health board is the
d. None of these a. Rural health physician
26. Mang Justiniano wants to make a report about an eatery with b. Municipal mayor
unhygienic practices. Which RHU personnel is in charge of this c. Public health nurse
matter? d. Governor
a. Rural Health Midwife 35. Which of the following public health programs are devolved and
b. Municipal Health Officer are made more accessible to the community?
c. Public Health Nurse a. Environmental health
d. Sanitary Inspector b. Maternal and child health
27. You are a PHN in Barangay Tapuac. You plan with the people to c. Control of non-communicable diseases
have a barangay clean up drive. What role are you carrying out in d. All of the above
this situation? 36. When we determine the ability of the nursing interventions to
a. Health care provider solve the problem in the community, we are referring to what
b. Epidemiologist criteria of evaluation?
c. Manager a. Effectiveness
d. Community organizer b. Efficiency
28. When a Public Health Nurse evaluates the performance of the c. Adequacy
midwives in their RHU she is utilizing her role as d. Appropriateness
a. Manager 37. Which herbal plant may be used in the treatment of diarrhea?
b. Health care provider a. Sambong
c. Epidemiologist b. Tsaang gubat
d. Health educator c. Lagundi
29. The school nurse provides direct nursing care by d. Bayabas
a. Teaching students in developing good health habits 38. To relieve elderly in the community with kidney problems, the
b. Enhancing interpersonal relationships among pupils and staff nurse can recommend the use of what herbal plant
c. Conducting epidemiological investigation in the school a. Lagundi
d. Providing first aid care to acutely ill students b. Sambong
30. Accessibility of health services means all of the following EXCEPT: c. Both
a. Health service providers are within a 5 kilometer radius from the d. None
catchment population 39. Seeds of these herb are taken two hours after supper to expel
b. Health services and the manner of delivery of these services are roundworms
acceptable to people a. Ampalaya
c. The people and the government can afford health services b. Niyug-niyogan
provided c. Bawang
d. Government and non-government agencies participate in d. Ulasimang bato
providing health services 40. Which of the following should not be included in the instructions
31. Which of the following pillars or cornerstones in primary health that the nurse will provide to the community regarding the use of
care advocate the use of locally available medicinal plants due to herbal medicines?
the increasing cost of drugs? a. Remove cover when boiling
a. Active community participation b. Use clay pots in preparing the herbal medicine
b. Use of appropriate technology c. Stop if allergies occur
c. Intra and intersectoral linkages d. Combine herbs to potentiate the effects
d. Support mechanism made available 41. Type of herbal preparation that makes use of the hard part of the
32. Health services were devolved to local government units because plant then boiled to release its active components
of what law? a. Infusion -  is
the process of extracting chemical
a. R.A. 7610
b. R.A. 7160
compounds or flavors from plant material in
c. R.A. 6170 a solvent such as water, oil or alcohol
d. R.A. 6710 b. Decoction
33. Under the present system, the LGU shall be responsible for which
of the following?

Prepared by: Jayvee V. De Guzman RN, MANc

c. Poultice - a
soft, usually heated substance that d. Promote healthy lifestyle through health diet and nutrition,
physical activity and fitness, hygiene and mental health.
is spread on cloth and then placed on the 49. Which of the following assistance are given by the DOH to the
skin to heal a sore or reduce pain. LGUs?
d. Tea a. Provide health information statistics and other necessary data
42. Which of the following is known as the “Traditional and b. Ensure that public has access to higher and more advanced
Alternative Medicine Act of 1997”? facilities
a. R.A. 9288 – newborn screening act c. Monitor and evaluate local health projects, programs and services
b. R.A. 7600 – rooming in and breastfeeding act d. All of these forms of assistance
c. R.A. 8423 50. Based on the population of your catchment area, your health
d. R.A. 8172 – Act for Salt Iodization Nationwide center is supposed to have three midwives. There are only 2
43. In the conceptual framework of Primary Health Care in the midwives assigned in the health center. What type of health
Philippine Health Care Delivery System, its goal is embodied in problem is this?
which of the following statements? a. Health status
a. Health for all Filipinos b. Health resources
b. Community based, accessible, accessible, acceptable, and cost- c. Health related
effective health care services – key strategy to achieve the goal of d. Wellness state
PHC 51. The chief advantage of conducting a home visit is
c. Health for all Filipinos and health in the hands of the people by a. The nurse is able to save time and effort
the year 2020 b. The nurse is able to provide service to many people at a time
d. A longer disability free life c. The nurse is able to perform first hand appraisal of the home
44. Primary Health Care aims to strengthen the health care delivery situation
system by increasing opportunities and supporting the conditions d. It emphasizes the family’s initiative in health care
wherein people will manage their own health care, as a strategy, 52. In the present health care system, the Rural Health Midwives are
what is its main focus? classified as the
a. Creating multi-sectoral linkages a. Secondary health worker
b. Responsibility for health rests on the individual, his family, and b. Grassroots
the community c. Primary health worker
c. Support for frontline health workers d. Tertiary health worker
d. Assurance of increasing investment for health care services 53. For health education to be successful, its implementation must be
45. Where was the First International Conference on Primary Health based on
Care held? a. Analysis of existing health programs
a. Jerusalem, Israel b. Evaluation of existing educational resources
b. New York City, USA c. Teaching competence of the nurse
c. Alma Ata, Russia d. Learning objectives
d. Manila, Philippines 54. The goal of health education is
46. As partners in the delivery of health services you will encourage a. Disease prevention
the community to participate in the following activities EXCEPT b. Health promotion
a. Evaluating the results of health activities provided c. Behavioral change
b. Organizing and mobilizing resources in the community for health d. Prolong life
activities 55. Health education is most facilitated and less difficult during which
c. Defining health and health-related needs and problems stage of infection?
d. None of these a. Acute exacerbation
47. The government ensures accessibility of health services to the b. Prodromal phase
population by adopting of the following measures? c. Convalescent phase
a. LOI 949 d. Incubation phase
b. PD 996 56. Health education is a vital component in the control of diseases.
c. RA 7160 Its maor aim is to
d. Both A and C a. Modify risk behavior
48. The National Objectives of the DOH are geared towards the b. Helps individual protect himself
improvement of the Health of all Filipinos. Which of the following c. Reduce risk of exposure
is the DOH mission? d. Avoid unnecessary stress
a. Ensure accessibility and quality of health care to improve the 57. The provision of health information in the rural areas nationwide
quality of life of all Filipinos especially the poor. through television, radio programs and video conferencing is
b. Improve the general health status of the population referred as
c. Reduce morbidity, mortality, disability, and complications from a. Red cross program
noted diseases b. Wellness program

Prepared by: Jayvee V. De Guzman RN, MANc

c. Telehealth program b. Human science
d. Community health program c. Environmental sanitation
58. A nearby community provides blood pressure screening, height, d. Epidemiology
and weight measurements, smoking cessations classes and 66. Nursing as a science deals with the control of and modification of
aerobics class services. This type of programs are referred as the environment so that it can be utilize as a natural way of
a. Wellness center restoring and maintaining the health of man. This assertion
b. Outreach program follows a theory of
c. Hospital extension programs a. Faye Abdellah – 21 nursing problems
d. Barangay health center b. Martha Rogers – science of unitary human being
59. Part of teaching client in health promotion is responsibility for c. Florence Nightingale
one’s health. When the client states that he needs to improve his d. Calista Roy – adaptational model in nursing
nutritional status this means 67. Which of the following diseases can result from poor
a. nurse will decide goals and interventions needed to meet the environmental conditions?
client’s goals a. Hepatitis A
b. goals and interventions developed by the nurse and client should b. Hypertension
be approved by the doctor c. Diabetes Mellitus
c. client will decide the goals and interventions required to meet d. Anemia
the goal 68. State policy that prohibits improper waste disposal?
d. goals and interventions to be followed by client are based on the a. PD 996
nurse’s priorities b. PD 825
60. Nurse is providing tertiary prevention. An example of tertiary c. PD 856 – sanitation code
prevention is d. RA 8975
a. Poison control 69. All of the following are considered as areas of concern in
b. Identifying complications of diabetes sanitation EXCEPT
c. Self-examination for testicular cancer a. Food sanitation
d. Marriage counseling b. Water sanitation
61. The client is scheduled for Pap smear. The client has a strong c. Nutrition
family history of cervical cancer. This is an example of d. Waste management
a. Secondary prevention 70. In preparing food, which of the following should not be observed?
b. Primary prevention a. Do hand hygiene before and after cooking
c. Tertiary prevention b. Store food at the right temperature
d. Health screening c. Cook the food properly
62. Teaching strategies and approaches when giving nutrition d. Leave food without cover
education is influenced by age, sex and immediate concerns of the 71. Food sanitation program in the country covers which of the
group. Your presentation for a group of young mothers would be following?
best if you focus on a. Inspection of food sources and regulation of food establishment
a. Commercial preparation of dishes b. Provision of health certificates for food handlers
b. Harmful effects of drugs and alcohol intake c. Information campaign of proper food handling at home
c. Diets limited in salt and fat d. Regulatory measures and health promotion activities as
d. Cooking demonstration and meal planning mentioned above
63. The role of the health worker in health education is to 72. The sate recognizes the importance of sanitation in maintaining
a. Educate as many people about warning signs of non- the health and welfare of the public. This is embodied by the
communicable diseases different regulations promulgated by the government. Which of
b. Report incidence on non-communicable disease to community the following laws is NOT part of the environment sanitation
health center program?
c. Monitor clients with hypertension a. PD 825 – providing penalty for improper waste disposal
d. Focus on smoking cessation projects b. PD 856 – sanitation code
64. Based on your community diagnosis, majority of the population is c. EO 51
using unsanitary toilet facility. What type of community health d. RA 9003 – solid waste management act
problem is this? 73. This type of water supply facility is composed of a source
a. Health status reservoir, a piped distribution network and communal faucets and
b. Health resources is located not more than 25 meters from the farthest house
c. Health related a. Level 1
d. Wellness state b. Level 2
65. It refers to the control of all factors in the surroundings of man c. Level 3
that may pose a threat to his welfare and well being d. Level 4
a. Environmental science

Prepared by: Jayvee V. De Guzman RN, MANc

74. Chemical disinfection is the most commonly used water a. Both Mr. and Mrs. Pacquiao decided to plan for their family
treatment. In rural areas, the cheapest and the most commonly b. Mr. and Mrs. Pacquiao have sincere inner motivation
used water treatment in the household is c. Mr. and Mrs. Pacquiao expressed their feelings about having 3
a. Boiling children
b. Flocculation d. All of the following
c. Filtration
d. Sedimentation Situation: You conducted immunization rounds in Barangay
75. Base from the monthly report in the RHU, there is a high Amanoaoac in the Municipality of Mapandan.
incidence of diarrhea in the community. The nurse should refer to
the Rural Sanitary Inspector to conduct 83. Which of the following vaccines should be given first?
a. Physical analysis a. DPT
b. Bacteriological analysis b. BCG
c. Chemical analysis c. OPV
d. Radiological analysis d. MMR
76. This method of refuse disposal is discouraged because of the 84. Maintenance of the “cold chain” is an important practice to keep
danger of seepage that will contaminate underground water the biological for immunization potent. This means proper cold
a. Land fill storage. Which biolgoicals should be stored in the freezer
b. Incineration a. OPV
c. Recycling b. Measles vaccine
d. Waste reduction c. BCG
d. All of these
Situation: Mrs. Pacquiao, 35 years old is one of your prenatal 85. Which of the following vaccines is given subcutaneously?
patients for follow up care. a. BCG
b. DPT
77. You made an assessment of Mrs. Pacquiao. This procedure c. Measles
includes the following EXCEPT d. OPV
a. Teaching measure on how to enhance the body’s resistance to 86. To complete DPT immunization, how many doses of the biological
the disease will you need?
b. Looking at the general condition of the patient and for signs of a. 1
deviation from normal b. 2
c. Checking for vital signs c. 3
d. Checking the weight of the patient d. 4
78. Mrs. Pacquiao presents signs of goiter. Treatment includes 87. Children with which condition cannot be given immunization?
a. Administration of ferrous sulfate once a day at the start of a. Cough and colds
pregnancy to 2 months post partum b. Diarrhea with dehydration
b. Administration of tetanus toxoid # 4 c. Fever
c. Administration of potassium iodate capsule one dose d. Malnutrition
d. Administration of chloroquine once a week 88. Which biological is discarded 4 hours after it has been
79. Among your health teachings for Mrs. Pacquiao, you will advise reconstituted?
her to take foods rich in a. OPV
a. Potassium b. Measles
b. Iron c. BCG
c. Iodine d. DPT
d. Phosphorous 89. Which of the following health care workers is responsible in
80. Mrs. Pacquiao is qualified for Domiciliary Obstetrical service if she maintaining the cold chain of the vaccines in the rural health unit?
meets the following classifications EXCEPT a. BHW
a. She is without co-existing disease b. Midwife
b. No history of complications or abnormalities in present and c. Nurse
previous pregnancies and deliveries d. Physician
c. Full term 90. After giving OPV to baby Megan, which of the following
d. Primigravida statements of Mrs. Young indicates that she has understood the
81. Post-partum care for Mrs. Pacquiao include which of the instructions given by Nurse De Diva?
following? a. “She must be thirsty and I will give him glucose water.”
a. Ask Mrs. Pacquiao to start breastfeeding the child b. “I will give my baby paracetamol right away.”
b. Educate about child’s immunization c. “The vaccine taste awful, she should be given some fruit juices.”
c. Administer antibiotics to Mrs. Pacquiao d. “I will withhold feeding for 30 minutes.”
d. All of these 91. After the administration of measles vaccine. Your nurse
82. The nurse may teach Mrs. Pacquiao about family planning if instruction will be

Prepared by: Jayvee V. De Guzman RN, MANc

a. Bring the baby back to the clinic if the baby develops fever and b. 3rd to 4th month
rashes c. 5th to 6th month
b. Bring the baby back to the clinic if the baby develops an abscess d. 6th to 7th month
at the site
c. Administer an antipyretic if the baby develops fever
d. Administer antibiotic if the baby develops an abscess at the site
92. Under the EPI, the following have been identified as high-risk
a. Children in areas with Vitamin A deficiency
b. Children in remote areas
c. Children in the urban poor slums
d. All of these children
93. Which of the following activities are given priority in health
promotion and disease prevention for under five old children?
a. Control of non-communicable diseases
b. Breastfeeding campaign
c. EPI
d. All of these
94. Preparation for future mothers about breastfeeding is best
started on
a. As early as possible during pregnancy
b. During the second trimester
c. A few weeks before delivery
d. Even before pregnancy
95. After normal delivery, when should the post-partum offer her
breast initially for the baby to suck?
a. Immediately
b. 1 hour
c. 2 hours
d. 4 hours
96. For how long will the mother’s antibodies pass through her
breasts in breastfeeding?
a. 2 months
b. 4 months
c. 6 months
d. 1 year
97. In observing proper suckling of the infant on the breast of his
mother the nurse must observe
a. Chin should be touching the breast of the mother.
b. More areola is seen above
c. Baby’s mouth is wide open
d. All of the above
98. In the assessment of the nutritional status of adults you must
a. Weight
b. Height
c. Both of these
d. None of these
99. A nurse who refers a second degree malnourished child to a
feeding program is involved in
a. Primary prevention
b. Secondary prevention
c. Tertiary prevention
d. None of these
100. The first dose of tetanus toxoid is preferably given by a health
care worker at what age of gestation?
a. 1st to 2nd month

Prepared by: Jayvee V. De Guzman RN, MANc

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