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Business Concept :
F o r w a r d i n g a n d L o g i s ti c s c o n c e p t s l i e s t h e b a s i c a r c h i t e c t o f a n y
b u s i n e s s enterprise, today modern and scienti fi c systems of business mainly rely
onefficient Logistics and Supply Chain management, that is why we believe in our professional capabilities
and trust of our valued customers.

Key Success Factors :

We believe in de-centralize management planning and the key factor of selectiona n d m o ti v a ti o n o f
p e r s o n a l s a n d b u s i n e s s a s s o c i a t e s w o r k i n g w i t h , s e tti n g business targets and
compelling not only give us the confidence but also makingsomething new and innovati ve in the
shape of developing new products and intelligent business decisions
Vision Statement :
Perceive an idea, with the objecti ve of setti ng a Forwarding/Cargo Agency, based on Import
Freight specialization and controlling Income-Expense ratios atpar 3:1By the Grace of Allah
Almighty, we believe to make a company that will off er  innovative products and key emphasis
lies on customer services and confidencebuilding measures.With the objectives of making a pioneering and
establish name in the proposeFree Port city of Gwadar , we foresee a vision to establish a complete
Logisticsand Maritime company, having its own systems and resources which enable totalsupply chain solution and
Integrated Logistics services.

Market Analysis:
The overall cargo market seems shifting towards medium size enterprises, whom they expect personalize services
and at the competitive rates, today in Pakistanall top 10 leading Freight Forwarders & NVOCC
companies do not belong toM N C ’ s b u t a m e d i u m & l a r g e s i z e l o c a l
c o m p a n i e s , e n j o y i n g c u s t o m e r s confidence and support, which gave them + ve growth
annually. About marketsegmentati on, Import Freight sti ll has been competi ti ve and most
establishforwarders working on export consolidation and CY-CY sales, only few Importnomination,
which lies only on endorsement factors, but we initially emphasis onImport Freight business with
specialize in new products and CY-CY sales, bothf r e e h a n d a n d n o m i n a t e d c a r g o , a l s o
c u s t o m e r s n e e d s a n d c h a r a c t e r i s ti c s keeping in mind.

Job Task :
1 . A g e n c y m a k i n g f o r h a n d l i n g s h i p m e n t s t h r o u g h
I n t e r n a ti o n a l communications.
2.Make list of target accounts and update on regular basis.3.Handling of Shipments
Documentati ons & Operati ons.
4 . R e v e n u e g e n e r a ti o n t h r o u g h S a l e s & M a r k e ti n g a s p e r b u s i n e s
projections below.

1.Making of Agency Network Worldwide.
2.Sales & Marketi ng Development.
3.Gross Revenue reachPKR 100,000 per monthwithin 6 month (2 QTR)and later within closing 1 year reach
target of PKR 250,000 per month.
4.New Product development like Airfreight, Seafreight
c o n s o l i d a ti o n , Warehousing, Upcountry Sales desk, New route development, etc.

Enterprise Goals and Objectives : ( After 1 year program )

To be Wal-Mart in the International Logistics industry and our core objective andgoal is “Smooth
Transportation, and Harmonious Inter person Relations”.We value four elements of business most :
1.S t a ff : We att ach great importance to each employee. A talented staff is t h e m o s t
v a l u a b l e t r e a s u r e o f a c o m p a n y a n d t h e f o u n d a ti o n o n w h i c h i t maintains sustained
growth. Therefore, we will commits to all employees acomfortable, harmonious working environment and a
promising future.
2.Client :We aim to maximize its client’s sati sfacti on, which is the key to its sustained
development. To achieve that, we commit itself to the delivery of excellent services.
This is the magic that keeps a company competitive in the longterm. We encourages each employee to
innovate in every area such as thework process, marketing modes and the managerial systems, and
share hisof her points of view with the company. Innovati on entails a wide range
of knowledge, so we also encourage its staff to keep on learning and broadentheir horizon.
4.Executi on :
Good executi on can only help improve producti vity and these enhance a company’s
competence. Loose execution not only renders in vainall ti me and eff orts invested in making
strategies or regulati ons, but also nourishes employees’ idleness. Therefore, we rejects empty talks
and valuesstrict executions.

Long & Short term Goals :

We foresee strategic goals require 5-10 years to establish as a basis
o f   b e c o m i n g a s e r v i c e n e t w o r k c o v e r i n g t h e e n ti r e w o r l d , i n o r d e r t o
p r o v i d e customers with the online services of an international logistics group.
Short term Goals (Year, 2007) : Achieve the creation of 5 branches and offices, Become a globally
operatedcomprehensive logistics company.
Mid term Goals (Year, 2010) : Achieve the creation of 8 branches, including regional countries, Become
acomprehensive logistics company with global influence.
Long term Goals ( Year, 2015) :

Relying on us, global service network and i n f o r m a ti o n network

s y s t e m s , assemble and classify the resources of clients from around the world, focus
purchasing, provide clients with logisti cs services which is “one stop”, from Purchase to
Transport. We propose our Logisti cs company, when shift ed its base as Head Offi ce at Gwadar,
a propose Free port city, where number of mother vessels call, whereh u g e a s s e t b a s e d L o g i s ti c s
s e r v i c e s d e m a n d f o r e c a s t l i k e W a r e h o u s i n g , Distribution, Express service to cater local
commercial needs as well as regionalcountries transit trade operations.We as Logistics services providers,
encompasses three services discipline thatmatch the requirements of multinational corporations :

•Multi– modal transportation & distribution .

•Integrated Logistics products.
•Supply Chain Management programmes.Within the above disciplines, we will off er the following
specifi c services andsupport :
 With the cooperation of carrier relationship, we will obtain large-scale allocationsand can offer customers
the following specific services :
•International and Continental
•Pick up and Delivery
•Direct and Consolidated shipments
• Airport to Airport through Door to Door 
•Complete Export and Import documentation
•Charters and part charters
•Oversize shipments
•Packing and Crating
•Restricted Materials
•Break bulkThe benefit to be gained by customers due to this approach includes increasedcapability and
shipment visibility, a reliable, time definite global services and costeffective routings.

We will operate as either a traditional Freight Forwarder or as NVOCC to offer flexible, cost effective, time
definite transit times, carriers and services :
•FCL contract management
•Worldwide NVOCC – FCL and LCL
•Projects and Charters
•Weekly sailings
•Flexible transit times
•Timely and accurate documentation
•Vendor consoladation
•Multimodal transportation
•On – forwarding and distribution


 At many destinations worldwide, customs clearance, remains a primary cause for the delay of
time – sensitive cargoes due to complexity and bureaucracy, that iswhy we need to offer the
following services :
•Off – shore pre – clearance
•Traditional entries
•Complex, multi lines entries
•Compliance management and consulting
•Classification and valuation advice
•Duty payment
•Duty drawback programmes
•Liquidation and other management reports
•Bonded facilitiesT h i s w i l l b e n e fi t s t o c u s t o m e r s i n c l u d e c y c l e ti m e r e d u c ti o n ,
f a s t , a c c u r a t e clearance, import compliance, increased cash flow, error free documentation andshipment

We will offer Logistics centers, which will straightforward storage and distributionto complex
just – in time inventory management. Among the services will offer are :
•Product postponement
•Pick and pack
•Just in time inventory
•Order processing
•Return management
•Inventory management
•Bonded facilities
•Physical security
•Perishable storageWith the services and infrastructures will offer, customer benefit through
reduced overhead, a cost eff ecti ve solutions for product and JIT stock
postponement, increased cash flow, inventory visibility, reduced cycle time and lower claims
for damage and theft.

Integrated logistics bundles services to streamline a client’s supply chain. Thecore logistics
services include : global transportati on ( Air or Sea ), Custom B r o k e r a g e ,
d i s t r i b u ti o n ( ti m e d e fi n i t e or deferred ), Warehousing,
P r o d u c t postponements ( Kitting, Labeling and localization ), Information Systems( I n c l u d i n g E D I ,
B a r - c o d i n g a n d E R P l i n k a g e ) , P r o j e c t m a n a g e m e n t a n d Consulting


We assume business operations with a Revenue task of PKR 100,000 per month w i t h i n ( 2 Q T R ) i . e .
½ y e a r p r o g r a m . T h i s w i l l b e a c h i e v e d b y t h e m a j o r j o b responsibility lies on Mr.
Khawar Baqi by giving shipments volume mainly by Seafreight CY-CY trade, initially emphasis would be
given on Sea freight cargo as ityield more revenue in term of capital earnings. Also, we have
responsible personals available who already have more than 15-2 0 s h i p m e n t s p e r
m o n t h i n t h e i r b e l t , a n d t h e y w i l l j o i n u s l a t e r , b e f o r e transferring
s o m e o f t h e i r k e y c u s t o m e r s . P r e s e n t l y t h e y a r e s u c c e s s f u l l y generating
revenue of PKR 70,000 per month on a regular basis.


Based on the nature of our Business, we only do Invest in starting balance sheet, only readily available
business i.e. shipments and agents at overseas ready toengage or ready to do business with us. When
we establish office and registration take place, we keep in mind to inject PKR 200,000.00 in
Bank account as running finances, needed for payments to Shipping Lines in order to get Delivery

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