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Background to the Study
How a student takes his or her studies, greatly determines his/her

level of academic achievements. The level of preparation and learning

strategies developed and employed consciously by students go a long

way to influence their level of academic performance (Ebele and Olofu,

2017). Thus, study pattern is one of the greatest students or learning

factors that highly influences students abysmal performance in both

internal and external examinations which would continue if nothing is

done to stop it as it will become more devastating and alarming (Mahray

and Qauar, 2012).

Study is the devotion of time and attention to gaining knowledge

(Soames, in Adeniyi, 2011). Consequently, the term “pattern” is a

regular form or order in which a series of things occur. Study pattern

can be seen as the devotion of time and attention to gaining knowledge in

a regular form or order. Grace (2013) defined the term study pattern as

the amount and kind of studying routines which the students is used to

during regular period of study which occur in a conducive environment.

Study pattern therefore is a students’ ability to manage time and other

resources to complete an academic task successfully. It can be classified

into; good study pattern and bad study pattern. Good study pattern

according to Katelyn (2013) are sometimes refered to as positive or

productive study pattern. On the other hand, John (2010) defined bad

study pattern as negative or non-productive which are undesirable and

counter-productive to students’ academic performance.

Study pattern is one of the greatest students’ learning factors that

hugely influence students’ academic achievements. Mahray and Qamar,

(2012) observed that positive study pattern is fast disappearing among

students in Nigeria educational system, this was attributed to distractions

from devices like TV, GSM and Computers which are by-products of

scientific and technological inventions and innovations. Mahray and

Qamar argued that today students prefer to watch movies and other

shows on television, listening to audio-CDs, watch video-CDs among

others. Drennan and Rode (2010) reported that generally performances

of students in accounting have not been impressive in higher institutions.

The performances of Business Education students in Accounting in

Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria for the period 2008-2011 affirm this

observation. Drennan and Rode observed that between 2008-2011

students who passed within the range of credit and above were 40% for

2008/2009 session, 30% for 2009/2010 session and 25% for 2010/2011

session which was further decline on performance level.

In learning of Accounting; either the student posses productive

study pattern or non-productive study pattern which can influence the

learning processes and eventually affect the academic performance of

learners. Academic performance according to Ibrahim, (2011) is what

students achieve in their studies and how they cope with or accomplish

different learning tasks given to them by their teachers. Talatu and Aliyu,

(2017) observed that how a student process information and approach a

learning task will eventually influence the quality of the outcome.

Talatu and Aliyu maintained that students are required to possess

and develop problem-solving skills for lifelong learning in Accounting

Education. The attitude of Business Education students towards study

pattern explain which learners learn better under what conditions, and

which learners needs additional support and assistance to be successful in

learning. Accounting according to Talatu and Aliyu (2017) is a course

that is offered by business education students because of its importance

to Business Education programme. According to Asaou as cited by

Talatu and Aliyu (2017) Accounting is the process of recording,

classifying, selecting, measuring, interpreting and summarizing and

reporting financial data of an organization to the users for objective

assessment and decision-making. Azih, (2010) posits that a basic

knowledge of accounting equips students with the knowledge of keeping

adequate records of financial transactions and a good analysis of business

liquidity and profitability.

One of the probable causes of abysmal performance of students in

Accounting Education may be attributed to the pattern of study adopted

by the students in learning as earlier highlighted in this study. According

to (Okafor 2012), the trend of poor performance among accounting

students could have a spillover effect on the quality of graduates

produced in the college.

Statement of Problem

Students of Accounting Education are required to possess and

develop problem solving-skills for lifelong learning. But this cannot be

possible when their academic performance in the course is consistently

poor due to factors that are traceable to poor study pattern. One of the

major challenges facing students’ study pattern in higher institutions is

their being distracted by several factors such as undue dependence on

social media, TV, and computer to the detriment of their study time. It

has been reported by Drennan and Rode (2010) that performance of

students in Accounting has not been impressive in higher institutions.

It is a common observable phenomenon among students to appear

to spend much time and emotional attachment to devices like TV, GSM

and Computers to the detriment of their studies. This attitude is even

more evident with the emergence of handheld devices like “Android

Smartphone”, students use it to do practically so much, more often than

they use it for course related studies.

If this observed lacuna in Accounting Education is left to persist,

several spillover effects may occur such as students’ mass withdrawal to

other courses of study from accounting education on account of loss of

interest due to poor performance or directive from the school


It is this challenge of abysmal performance among accounting

education students that impelled the researchers to consider the

examination of the influence of study pattern on the academic

performance of NCE Accounting Education students of Federal College

of Education (Technical), Umunze Anambra State.

Purpose of the Study

The main purpose of this study is to determine the influence of

students’ study pattern on the academic performance of NCE Accounting


Specifically, the study sought to:

1) Find out the type of study pattern employed by students of

Accounting Education in Federal College of Education (Technical),


2) Examine the extent the adopted study pattern of NCE Accounting

students affect their academic performance in Federal College of

Education (Technical), Umunze.

3) Identify factors that affect NCE Accounting Education students’study

pattern in Federal College of Education (Technical), Umunze.

4) Determine strategies for improving productive study pattern.

Significance of the study
The study has theoretical and practical significances:

Theoretically, the study is rooted in the social learning theory of

Bandura which explains human behaviour in terms of continuous

reciprocal interaction between cognitive, behavioral and environment

influence. Practically, the suggestions that will emanate from the

findings of this study when implemented will benefit the following:

students, tutorial staff, college management, government and researchers,

policy makers and curriculum planners.

Students: The findings of the study will enable the students to become

aware of problems associated with the pattern of study they adopted and

they will also be able to reconsider study pattern that will not assist them

in getting improved performance in Accounting Education.

The Tutorial Staff: The tutorial staff will benefit from the findings of

this study because it will open their eyes further to the ravaging effects of

negative study pattern in Accounting Education students. This will spur

them into supportive assistance or guidance to their students for

improved performance in the Accounting Education.

The College Management: The college management will benefit from

the outcome of this study as it will bring them to appreciate that

performance challenges faced by students in their studies can be

traceable to their adopted study pattern, this will encourage them to give

necessary supportive assistance to the student affairs department with the

view to reading out to students through seminars and other similar

programmes on the influence of study pattern on their performance.

Government: Government will benefit from the outcome of this study as

it would open government’s eyes on the influences study pattern of

students could have on their academic performance. The outcome will

equally serve as a source of empirical evidence for policy framework

review and or approval for tutorial professional development to enable

them direct students aright in their academic pursuit.

Researchers: Researchers will be able to benefit from the study because

the outcome will serve as veritable reference materials for research work

on similar research studies.

Policy Makers: Policy makers will find the outcome of this study a

reliable working document to consult for policy direction in relation to

the formulation of policies that will encourage the culture of studying

among students.

Curriculum Planners: Curriculum planners will benefit from the

outcome of this study as they will be able to appreciate the need to

reappraise the curriculum of Accounting Education with the view to

advancing effective study pattern for students’ adoption and lecturers’


Scope of the Study

The study is delimited to the influence of the students’ study

pattern on the academic performance of NCE Accounting students. The

study focuses on the examination of type of study pattern employed by

students, extent the adopted study pattern affects the student’s academic

performance, factors that affect students’ study pattern and strategies that

improves the study pattern of the students’. Geographically, the study

was carried out in Federal College of Education (Technical), Umunze in

Orumba South Local Government.

Research Questions

Four research questions were formulated to guide the study:

1) What type of study pattern do students of Accounting Education

employ in Federal College of Education (Technical), Umunze?

2) To what extent does the adopted study pattern of NCE Accounting

students affect their academic performance in Federal College of

Education (Technical), Umunze?

3) What are the factors that affect study pattern of NCE Accounting

Education students in Federal College of Education (Technical),


4) What are the strategies for improving study pattern?

Research Hypothesis
To guide this study, one null hypothesis was formulated and was

tested at 0.05 level of significance.

Ho1: There is no significant difference between the mean rating of male

and female NCE Accounting Education students on the extent their

adopted study pattern affect their academic performances in Federal

College of Education (Technical), Umunze.



This chapter reviewed under the related literatures to this study

under the following sub-headings:

 Conceptual Framework

 Theoretical Framework

 Empirical Studies Review

 Summary of Review Related Literatures

Concept of Study Pattern

The term ‘Study’ is the devotion of time and attention to gaining

knowledge (Soanes in Adeniyi 2011). The term ‘pattern’ is a regular

form or order in which a series of things occur. Study pattern can be

seen as the devotion of time and attention to gaining knowledge in a

regular form or order. ( Grace 2013) defined the term study pattern as the

amount and kind of studying routines which the students is used to

during regular periods of study which occurred in a conducive

environment. Study Pattern therefore is a students’ ability to manage

time and other resources to complete an academic task successfully. It is

seen as study routines, including, but not restricted to frequency of

studying sessions, review of material, self testing, and rehearsal of

learned materials and studying in a conducive environment. ‘Study

Pattern’ are commonly used interchangeably as ‘Study habit’ (Wade,

Trathen and Schraw in Ebele and Olofu, 2017 ). These patterns to study

are made up of a combination of one or more individual tactics or

techniques such as note taking. When these techniques are used

deliberately in particular study situations, they are called study strategies

(Wade, Trathen and Schraw in Ebele and Olofu, 2017). A study strategy

and in turn study pattern, is a direct sequence of activities applied by the

learner to a set of information rather than a single random event (Kali and

Bisanz in Badau, 2018).

Study Pattern typically denotes degree to which students engages

in regular acts of studying that are characterized by appropriate studying

retains (review of materials) occurring in an environment that is

conducive to studying (Badau, 2018). Study Patterns refer to the

activities carried out by learners during the learning process of improving

learning. Study habits are intended to elicit and guide one’s cognitive

processes during learning. Study Patterns are learning tendencies that

enable students work privately (Badau, 2018).

Study Pattern is also seen as adopted way and manner a student

plans his private reading, after classroom learning so as to attain mastery

of the subject. ( Azikiwe in Badau, 2018 ) According to her good Study

Pattern are good asset to learners because habits helps students to attain

mastery in areas of specialization and ensuring excellent performance,

while the opposite becomes constraint to learning and achievement

leading to failure.

In recent times, study skills and study pattern or habits or

behaviours has been distinctly differentiated. ( Bliss and Mueller in

Badau, 2018) were among the first to note that the difference lies in

distinguishing between potential and actual behaviour. This distinction is

elaborated as:- study skills: study skills are usually steps or procedures

such as highlighting, outlining, note taking, summarizing and the likes

that may be taught through explicit instruction (Gettinger and Seibert in

Badau, 2018). Study patterns are the specific techniques that make up

the study plan.

The concept of study pattern according to Husain in Badau (2018)

is broad, as it combines nearly all other sub-concepts such as study

attitudes, study methods and study skills. Attitude is a mental and natural

state of readiness, organized through experience, exerting a direct

influence on the individual’s response to all objects and situations with

which is related. Attitude towards study has great contribution on

academic achievement, and good study pattern successful learners adopt

positive attitude towards study, and do not waste time or energy over

what they have to do. If the learning experience is pleasant, the learner’s

attitude and motivation is usually positive, and if the learning experience

is not pleasant he tends to avoid it.

Negative attitude towards study sometimes finds expression in

comments such as “I study but cannot remember what I study” or “the

lessons are too long”. Attitude serves as index on how we think and feel

about people, objects and issues in our environment (Badau 2018). Study

attitude, according to Husain in Badau, (2018) refers to the

predispositions which students have developed towards private readings

through a period of time. According to Husain, study attitude offers

great possibilities for successful achievement in studies. Study method is

the knowledge and application of effective study skills or techniques by


Concept of Academic Performance

Academic performance is what students performed in their studies

and how they cope with or accomplish different learning tasks given to

them by their teachers (Ibrahim, 2011). Academic performance

according to Langat (2017) refers to a students’ success in meeting short-

or-long-term goals in education.

Academic performance is the outcome of education; the extent to

which a student teacher or institution has achieved their educational goals

(Al-Deen and Hendricks, 2012). Academic performance is commonly

measured by examinations or continuous assessment but there is no

general agreement on how it is best tested or which aspects are most

important: procedural knowledge such as skills or declarative knowledge

such as facts.

With today’s youth spending a majority of their time after school

on social media, TV and computers without adequate attention to studies,

it is important to understand the influence of study pattern on academic


Academic performance, which stemmed from students’ study

pattern, is best explained in Bandura’s social learning theory. Academic

achievement can positively improve under a conducive learning

environment where a student’s study pattern is positive. Where a lot of

distractive tendencies abound study pattern is directly or indirectly

affected and academic performance is equally affected.

Academic performance is an indicator of level of the achievement

of the educational set goals by the student, teacher or institution. The

adopted study pattern of a student is a leading factor to improving on

knowledge acquisition and competence in skill assessment tests as well

as appreciation of accessed study materials.

Concept of Accounting Education

Accounting Education is a part of the Business Education

curriculum in the group of vocational education subjects. the reason for

inclusion of Accounting Education in tertiary curriculum is to building

on the work that began with the commercial subjects (Business studies)

at the secondary school level and also to provide the quality human

capital for the world of work as well to provide the teacher with the

framework within which the teaching is to take place (Ishag, 2011).

Accounting as a profession has a very important role to play in the

economic development of any nation. As a measurement and reporting

information system, the profession can cover both micro and

macroeconomic activities ( Ajayi in Okolie and Amos, 2014 ). The study

of accounting must not only be in form of practical education, but must

be a combination of both sound practical education and theoretical

knowledge ( Okolie and Amos, 2014 ).

Accounting education can be looked at from two perspectives, it

can be used to describe education for accountants, in other words, those

instructions designed to be necessary for potential accountants to acquire

in order to gain their professional qualifications. It can also be used to

describe the expansion and extension of knowledge and the development

of judgment of those who have already become accountant ( Albrecht

and Sack in Okolie and Amos, 2014 ). NCE accounting students are

students who are potential accountants pursuing knowledge, skill and

ethics of their chosen profession. They must therefore be able to study

effectively to be able to achieve their aim of becoming a trained

accountant hence the need to adopt positive study pattern because

according to( Wolcott 2010) accountants who remain narrowly educated

will find it more difficult to compete in an expanding profession.

Forms/Types of Study Pattern

Generally, study pattern can be classified into two types or forms

namely; (i) Good study pattern or positive or productive study pattern

and (ii) bad study pattern or negative or productive study pattern

(Kateyln 2013).

Good study pattern/positive or productive study pattern: As the name

implies, they are those pleasant study habits which have the tendency to

improve the academic performance of students or that seen to produce

good results. They are the study habits which make students successful in

their studies after developing and applying them throughout their

academic career (Ebele and Olofu, 2017).

Good study pattern occur as a result of practice and knowledge of

what methods are most effective for oneself (Katelyn, 2013) Katelyn

advocated; studying away from distractions such as computer. Instead of

procrastination work on long term assignment daily, instead of studying

the night before, study a little each night. Revision of what is done in

class every day as soon one gets home, before beginning of class when

one has the time prior to the teachers commencement of lesson delivery

for the day. Success, Katelyn concluded is most likely when one learns

the ways he learns best.

Katelyn (2013) identified fourteen positive or good study patterns

which students can employ in order to improve their academic

performance. They are:

- Attending all classes regularly

- Reviewing your notes daily

- Reading materials prior to its coverage in classroom

- Have at least one conference with the teacher

- Develop and learn a word list for the course

- Read materials to improve your background in the course (other

than text)

- Attend help session

- Attend learning resource lab when available

- Develop a list of possible questions

- Ask questions in class

- Study an old exam (when available)

- Avoid a last minute cram session and

- Sleep at least 8 hours the night before exams commence.

These study behaviours when consistently and judiciously practiced on

regular basis will translate into a study pattern for improved academic

performance. Consequently,( Herper and Row 2009) in Badau (2018)

highlighted students good study pattern as follows:

- Studying everyday

- Creating a quiet place at home or anywhere else

turning off the phone, TV and other devices that may disturb you

when studying.

- Listening to soft music

- Studying in a way that suits your learning style

- Taking regular breaks

- Studying early (do not wait for last minutes)

- Studying the hardest things first, spending more time

- Asking for help if one is struggling with his studies, taking notes as

one studies as well as organizing notes in a notebook or folder.

Bad study pattern/negative or non-productive study pattern: Bad study

habit, on the other hand, are negative or non-productive study pattern

which are undesirable and counter-productive to students’ on academic

performance when developed and utilized by students at all level, they

tend to hamper academic progress and performance of the users. Due to

the peculiarity and uniqueness of individual students, what may be

considered as bad study pattern to student “A” may seem to be very

productive and efficient for student “B”. However, bad study habits

generally range from procrastination, truancy, not taking note, selective if

reading, studying while watching television or what is generally regarded

as distractive study and so forth. Nikki (2013) identifies the following as

negative study pattern; studying with friends, listening to loud music,

studying in uncomfortable conditions, cramming and so forth.

For students to succeed in their studies, they must be able to

appropriately assimilate course content, digest it, reflect on it and be able

to articulate the information in written and/or oral form. (Kelli in Badau,

2018). What is fundamental is the ability of a student to acquire effective

study habits. Many students tend to believe that the hours put in studying

are the most important.

However, students according to Badau (2018) can study for hours

and at the end retain very little. The more appropriate a question is

determines how students should study more effectively. Developing

good time management skills is very important. Badau advocated

recognition of time for every activity within and outside the school such

as, time for study, family, social activity and privacy (just to be alone).

The critical point is acknowledging that there must be an appropriate

balance. Ebere and Olofu, (2017) assert that vision is equally imperative

for the student. A clearly articulated picture of the future they intend to

create for themselves is very important and contributes to students’

success in school. This will promote a passion for what they wish to do.

Passion is critical and leads to an intense interest, dedication and

commitment to achieving career goals and objectives.

Students with learning problems, however, may still have

generally inefficient and ineffective study pattern and skill Marc (2011).

Marc observes that good study pattern is essential to educational success;

as they contribute to a successful academic future. Developing good

study to Marc is very crucial for every student irrespective of his level of

education. It boosts students’ ability to be self-disciplined, self-directed

and ultimately successful in their degree programs.

Factors Affecting the Choice of Study Pattern of Students

There are several factors that tend to affect students’ study pattern.

Anything can affect students’ study pattern. Their ability to study and

concentrate can be increased by finding a quiet place where they can

concentrate. Distractions such as phones, chat rooms and text messaging,

TV, video games, music and computers can all decrease students’ ability

to learn. Badau (2018) maintains that what preoccupies the mind of a

student often affects his study habits.

According to Cerna and Pavlinsheheako (2015) study pattern can

be affected by factors such as:

1) Age of student

2) Home environment

3) Studying materials

4) Television and computer games

5) Social network (face book)

6) Students’ determination and aspiration

7) Financial and economic status of parents

8) Surrounding such as entertainment centre, games center and other

similar places.

9) The rule of the schools

10) The teaching style of teachers

11) The leisure of the students

12) Some activities in school

13) Availability of library

14) The nature of friends and peers

15) Assignments and homework restriction

16) Students’ parents educational background

17) Parents not interested and supportive in helping their children study

18) Household choices

19) Family problems

20) Procrastination and poor time management

21) Students’ comfort level

22) The noise level

23) The lighting level and the availability of items that might be

necessary to study or to enhance concentration.

Styles of Study Pattern

Styles of study pattern are peculiar approaches adapted often to

study. Harper and Row (2009) grouped styles of study pattern into:

i) Group or individual study

ii) Class attendance

iii) Study in or outside the library

iv) Day or night study

There are students whose style of study can never be the same with

another. One may prefer to study merely at night, take class attendance

seriously and study outside the library and takes individual study to heart

whereas the reverse maybe another person’s preference. Whatever style

adopted, it is pertinent that those elements that characterize effective

study techniques are taken into cognizance of.

According to Katelyn (2013) the elements that characterize

effective study techniques are:

1) Learning to select important information

2) Learning to summarize information

3) Learning to organize information

4) Learning to take affection notes in the classes

5) Learning to underline appropriately

6) Learning to construct question

7) Learning to facilitate elaboration processing

Impact of Study Pattern on Students’ Academic Performance

Grades are always an indicator of how well a learning material is

learnt. If a learner earns high grades it is concluded that he/she may have

learned a lot, while low grade indicates lesser learning, (Badau, 2018).

Consequently, Badau observes that many factors would account for the

grades. He asserts that no single factor can be singled out as predicting

grades. It has been an interplay of so many factors – year level, learner’s

socio economic status, IQ, gender, age and so forth.

Infact, almost all of existing environmental and personal factors

are variable of academic performance. Though many students do not

realize that some study habit component skills can influence their

academic performance. As emphasized by educators, counselors and

psychologists, these skills may become predictors of academic

performance of students at any level of education. The study pattern

component skills according to Bakare in Ebele and Olofiu (2019) include

homework and assignment; time allocation to work; reading and note-

taking; study period procedures; concentration; written work;

examination and teacher consultation.

a) Homework and assignment covers the pattern that the students have in

studying outside the class hours. It assesses how the student

organizes his/her academic schedule at home to facilitate learning.

According to Okeafor cited in Ebele and Olofu (2017) the idea of

giving students home work and assignments is because in the pursuit

of their studies, instead of being on-lookers waiting for some authority

(the teacher ) to impose items of information on them, they become

also initiators or active participants in learning.

b) Time allocation to work is the dimension that assesses the pattern of

student to avoid certain factors that might distract his/her focus from

succeeding in the course of study.

c) Reading and Note-taking is the dimension that assesses students’

habits of note taking. Orderly, labeled, and legible note written in a

student’s own words and the key words used and some supporting

detailed notes have been correlated with positive academic

achievement Omoegun cited in Badau (2018), reported that for

students at all levels to properly function in our society of today

where information is rapidly increasing and knowledge becoming

more complex they must master how to read and take notes.

d) The study period procedures subscales assesses pattern related to

spreading/spacing studying, while concentration assesses the habits a

student has formed to avoid distraction while studying. Therefore, it

is necessary that a student should have a good study environment.

The library is about the best place to study in. Akinboye in Katelyn

(2013) described it as the academic power house and a chief link

between students and the wisdom of the ages.

e) Written work assesses a student’s habits in expressing his/her

thoughts in an organized manner with attention to neatness and


f) The examination dimension works at the habits of a student in

preparing for examination and teacher consultation evaluates habit of

interacting with the teacher in studying effectively.

The following 5 study skills were recommended by Jay (2013):

(1) Plan your work (2) set routine (3) build systems (4) collaborate

with others and (5) do it right the first time.

Strategies for Improving Productive Study Pattern

Strategies for improving productive study pattern are plan that is

intended to achieve a better study pattern. According to Ashish (2013) if

a student must ensure academic success throughout the entire year it is

important to ditch bad study pattern and establish good ones. Kabiru

(2018) to this end asserts that developing goodtime management skills is

very important. Students, he affirmed, must realize that there is a time to

be in class, a time for study, time for family, time to socialize and time to

just be alone. The critical issue is recognition that there must be an

appropriate balance. A clearly articulated picture of the future they

intend to create for themselves is very important and contributes to

students’ success in school. This according to Kabiru (2018) will

promote a passion for what they wish to do. Passion he affirms is critical

and leads to intense interest, dedication and commitment to achieving

career goals and objectives.

Being organized and having homework routines are the most

important things in helping a child/student develop good study pattern for

life. To Ashish (2013), knowing exactly what does and does not work on

a personal level, even tracking study patterns and correlating it with

related grades and then proactively creating a study plan and schedule

around the proven effective methods, is the most powerful study tool of


Actually, there seems to be no hard and fast rule to what

constitutes a good study pattern because according to Kabiru (2018) what

may be a good study pattern to a particular student may be a bad one

indeed to another student. As such, it is often difficult to practically pin-

point that this is good and that is bad. In the opinion of Katelyn (2013),

there is no doubt that different people study in different ways and it is a

near certainty that what works for one on topics you find difficult person

may not work for another. However, generally identified bad study

pattern ranging from procrastination, truancy, note taking, selective

reading, studying while watching television or what is generally

described as distractive study among others must be avoided. To this end,

Katelyn (2013) identifies thirteen strategies to good or productive study

pattern as follows;

1) Attending all classes regularly

2) Reviewing course materials or notes daily

3) Reading materials prior to it being covered in class study

4) Having at least one conference with the teacher

5) Developing and learning a word list for the course

6) Reading materials to improve your background in the course

7) Attending help (counseling) session

8) Attending learning resource laboratory when available

9) Developing a list of possible questions,

10) Asking questions in class

11) Studying with old examination papers for self assessment

12) Avoiding a last minute cram session and sleeping at least 8 hours

the night before examination commence.

Strategies recommended for the improvement of good study

pattern according to Kabiru (2013) are; involving school guidance

counselors, teachers, (lecturers) and school authority in a collaborative

guidance to students on how to develop good study pattern. He

advocated parental participation in reinforcing good study pattern early

from their homes and for teachers to apart from encouraging student

visitation of school library for studies to also engage them with

assignments presentations and projects at all times.

Theoretical Framework

According to Banduras’, Social learning theory as cited by Katelyn

(2013), social learning theory posits that people do learn from one

another via observation, imitation and modeling. This theory has an

interconnection between behaviourist and cognitivist learning theories

because it encompasses attention, memory, and motivation. Bandura

social/learning theory explains human’s behaviour in terms of continuous

reciprocal interaction between cognitive, behavioural and environmental


There are four necessary conditions for effective study as

propagated by Bandura social learning theory includes:

Attention –This involves various factors that increase or decrease the

amount of attention paid to learn something.

Retention – there is connection between remembering what one paid

attention to, for instance, symbolic coding of mental images which

facilitates this process of remembering what is retained.

Reproduction –The third, is reproducing the image stored which requires

the learners physical capacities and self observation.

Motivation –The fourth involves having a good reasoning to imitate this

requires the learners motives such as past memories and seeing and

recalling the reinforced model.

These various theories of learning all points out the fact that some

factors are necessary for learning and since they are factors necessary for

learning, negligence in utilizing these factors in ones study pattern (for

instance, by allowing social media, television and use of technological

devices for social engagements other than for studies) could become

challenging issue to students’ ability to adopt a positive study pattern and

this could translate to poor academic performance. This is the underlying

theoretical framework which this study is based upon to examine the

influence of study pattern on academic performance of NCE Accounting


Empirical Studies Review

In a study, on the effect of study habits on students’ performance

in Chemistry in secondary schools in Udi Education Zone, by

Nwachukwu (2014). Findings of the study showed that there is no

significant relationship between students’ involvement in homework and

assignment and their achievement in chemistry. There is no relationship

between the students’ time-table allocation and their achievement in

chemistry and there is no significant relationship between students

reading and note-taking and their achievement in chemistry. The study

recommended among others that the curriculum designers should

improve the curriculum contents in chemistry, thereby making it simpler,

and avoid using complex contents, produce enough chemistry textbook

for use in secondary schools and invite resource personnel in areas

different from those of the teachers participating in class discussion. The

study is relevant to the present study because it sought to determine

effect of study habit on students’ achievement but unlike the present

study it was a study of Udi Zone whereas the present study will be a

study of Federal College of Education (Technical) Umunze.

In a study on influence of study strategies on performance of

Business Education students in Financial Accounting in Federal

Universities in Nigeria by Talatu and Aliyu (2017). Revised Study

Process Questionnaire (R-SPQ-2F) and Financial Accounting Evaluation

Test (FAET) made of post-tests 1 and 2 were administered to the

respondents. The population of the study was 281 financial accounting

students of the ten Federal Universities in Nigeria offering Business

Education. Eight students from the three first generation universities

namely: Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, University of Benin, Benin

City and University of Nigeria, Nsukka were used for the study. The

study adopted repeated measure experimental designs often referred to as

within-subjects design. Descriptive statistics was used in answering the

research questions, while the t-test was employed in testing the null

hypothesis at 0.05 level of significance. The result revealed that study

strategies had significant influence on performance of Business

Education students’ performance could be because of the peculiar

difference in their study strategy, their way of approaching tasks and

possibly the skills and methods they use in solving problems. Any

student who ignores these features is likely to have problem in learning

financial accounting. The study also recommended that lecturers should

assist students to perform well in financial accounting by discouraging

them from adopting surface strategy to learning. They should encourage

students to adopt a deep approach and inculcate analytical and critical

thinking skills in the students in order to make them acquire the problem

solving skill. This study is relevant to the present study because it sought

to establish influence of study strategy on performance. However the

study centered on financial accounting but this present study will

concentrate on influence of study pattern on the academic performance of

NCE Accounting Students.

In a study on study habit and its impact on secondary students’

academic performance in biology in the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja

carried out by Ebele and Olofu (2017). The findings of the study

revealed that there is a significant relationship between study habit and

students’ academic performance. It was recommended that teachers and

school guidance counselors should collaboratively guide students on how

to develop good study habits, thereby enhancing their academic success.

In another study carried out by Joseph, Kweku and Robert (2018)

on the study habit of students: keys to good academic performance in

public junior high school in the Ekumfi District of Ghana. The findings

of the study showed that study habits significantly accounted for 44%

variance in students’ academic performance whilst the contribution of

examination, homework and assignments and concentration did not

individually contribute significantly to academic performance. Besides,

the study’s hypothesis disclosed that apart from gender and age, the

circuit and form significantly impact on their academic performance.

Based on the findings the study recommended that the ministry of

Education and the Ghana Education service should pay attention to study

habits of students so as to heighten academic performance of students

Ekumfi District.

Uzman (2018), carried out a research on the effect of study habit on

students of Rawal Institute of Health Sciences, the study used close

ended questionnaire and interview to compare the study habits between

two groups. After analyzing the data gathered, it was found that students

from both the systems performed equally in the first professional exams

irrespective of their educational background, hence there is no

relationship between the type of secondary education and performance in

professional examinations. Similarly, there was no association between

the study habits and the system of education. The study concludes that

study habits are personal traits and vary from one student to another


In the same vein, Younis and hermant (2016) carried out a study

on the academic achievements and study habits of college students of

District Pulwama. The findings of the study highlights that the female

college students have high academic achievement as compared to male

college students. On the other hand it has been found that the study

habits of college female students are slightly higher than male. The two

groups under study do not show any significant difference in their study


Study on study habits and skills and academic achievement of

students in Kerman University of medical sciences carried out by Nouhi,

Shakoori and Nakhei (2008). The findings of the study showed that the

major defects in students’ study skills were planning and time

management followed by concentration and note taking skills. Study

skills had a significant correlation with educational achievement, whole

study habits correlation with educational achievement was not

significant. Although males scored slightly better in study habits and all

components of study skills but this superiority was only significant for

reading comprehension and speed. The study concluded that students

need to learn study skills early in their university life. Results showed

weakness in study habits and study skill and deficit in planning and time

management, concentration and note taking skill. The study based on the

findings recommended that educational course or workshop about

university study skills for students be organized.

Summary of the Literature Review

This study examined the influence of study pattern on the

academic performance of NCE Accounting Students in Federal College

of Education (Technical), Umunze. The review of the literature was

done under the following sub-headings: Concepts of study pattern,

Academic performance, Accounting Education as well as forms/types of

study pattern; factors affecting the choice of study pattern of students and

impact of study pattern on students’ academic performance. The social

learning theory by Bandura formed the theoretical framework of this

study. Indeed, this study is imperative for a sustainable performance in

Accounting Education among NCE students in Federal College of

Education (Technical) Umunze in this contemporary times where

technological innovations appear to be redefining approach to learning as

it presents side by side its inevitable challenges due to its multipurpose

vistas of applicability, some of which are distractive for students and tend

to affect their studying pattern.



This chapter deals with the research procedure adopted for this

study. The procedures were discussed under the following sub-headings:

 Design of the Study

 Area of the Study

 Population of the Study

 Sample and Sampling Technique

 Instruments for Data Collection

 Validation of the Instrument

 Method of Data Collection

 Method of Data Analysis

Research Design

This study adopted descriptive survey research design. This type

of design was considered appropriate because the study involves

gathering of opinion and information from students. According to

Nworgu (2015) a descriptive survey research design is a study which

aimed at collecting data and describing in a systematic manner the

characteristics features or facts about the given population.

Area of the Study

The area of the study is Federal College of Education (Technical),

Umunze. The school is situated in Umunze town in Orumba-South

Local Government Area of Anambra State. There are areas like Ajalli

town which bounded Orumba-South Local Government Area in the

North, Awka Nnachi in the South, Isuochi in the East and Umuchu in the

West. The towns that make up the Local Government Area are Umunze

(the headquarter), Ihite, Ogbunka, Owerri-Ezukala, Umuchukwu,

Umuomaku, Nawfija, Onneh, Ezira, Isulo, Eziagu, Akpu, Ogboji,

Enugwu-Umuonyia and Agbudu. Orumba South Local Government

Area is inhabited predominantly by farmers, traders, civil servants and

students. The people are by religion mostly Christians. The area of the

study was chosen for the study by the researchers because the target

population for the study was domiciled in the area.

Population of the Study

The population of the study is 355 comprising of 79 NCE year 1,

125 NCE years 2 and 151 NCE year 3 Accounting Students in the

Accounting Education department. The distribution of the population is

shown in table 1 in Appendix I.

Sample and Sampling Technique

The population of the study was manageable, therefore it was not


Instrument for Data Collection

The instrument for data collection was structured questionnaire

which was designed by the researchers. This questionnaire was titled

questionnaire on: Study Pattern and Academic Performance of Students

(QSPAS). The questionnaire consists of four sections: 1, 2, 3 and 4 which

were designed as follows:

Section One: Type of study pattern employed by NCE Accounting

Education Students: There are 12 items under section one each for

productive or unproductive study pattern. The scores of the 12 items

were added together for each study pattern and whichever is greater

indicate the study pattern the student uses.

Section Two: Extent adopted study pattern of NCE Accounting students

affect their academic performance.

Section Three: Factors that affect students study pattern. All the sections

1 and 3 were constructed using 4 – point form of likert scale shown


Strongly agree (SA) = 4 points

Agree (A) = 3 points
Disagree (D) = 2 points
Strongly disagree (SD) = 1 point
Except for section 2 which was constructed using 4 – point scale as

shown below:

Very High Extent (VHE) = 4 points

High Extent (HE) = 3 points

Low Extent (LE) = 2 points

Very Low Extent (VLE) = 1 point

Validation of the Instrument

The structured questionnaire was validated by three experts, one

from the school of Education and two from the School of Business

Education Federal College of Education (Technical), Umunze for its face

and content validity. Their various inputs assisted the researchers to

produce a final copy from the draft.

Method of Data Collection

The 355 copies of questionnaire were distributed to the

respondents by the researchers and were collected back on the spot after

they were filled. To make sure that there is 100% rate of return.

Method of Data Analysis

Arithmetic mean and standard deviation will be used to analyze the

data on the bases of the 4 – point scale. While Z-test statistics will be

used to analyze the research hypothesis formulated. The mean will be

obtained using the formular as shown below:

Mean (X) = ∑Fx


Where X = Mean

∑ = Summation of all the norminal of items

F = Frequency

X = Nominal values of options

N = Number of scaling items

Therefore, X = ∑Fx

= 4+3+2+1 = 10 = 2.5
4 4

An error margin of 0.5 was added to the mean to get the cut-off point
Decision Rule: Any response with a mean of 3.00 and above was

accepted while any response with a mean below 3.00 was rejected.

Using Standard Deviation SD = ∑F(X-X)2



The hypothesis formulated was tested using Z-test statistics at 0.5 level

of significance. The formular used to determine Z- score was shown


Z = X1-X2

Where X1 = Mean of the male students

X2 = Mean of the female students

SE = Standard Error

2 2
SE = SD + SD
n1 n2

Where SDI= Standard deviation of male


SD2= Standard deviation of female


n1= Sample size of male students

n2=Sample size of female students.

Decision Rule: The null hypothesis (Ho1) is accepted if the z-tab value

is greater than Z-cal value. But if the Z-cal value is greater than Z-tab,

the null hypothesis is rejected.



This chapter deals with the presentation and analysis of the data
Research Question One:
What type of study pattern do students of NCE Accounting
Education employ in Federal College of Education (Technical), Umunze?

Table 2: The Mean Responses of the Respondents on the Type of

Study Pattern Students of NCE Accounting Education Employ.
S/N Items SA A D SD N X SD Remarks
Unproductive Study Pattern
1. Often procrastinate
when it comes to my
studies. 176 79 55 45 355 3.0 1.06 Accepted
2. Am always outside the
lecture halls/school
during lectures. - - 305 50 355 1.8 0.35 Rejected
3. Cramming study
materials works for me
than studying them. 102 150 3 100 355 2.7 1.15 Rejected
4. I enjoy studying while
listening to loud music. 6 2 222 125 355 1.6 0.57 Rejected
5. Studying while watching
movies or networking
with friends on social
media. 10 9 260 76 355 1.8 0.58 Rejected
6. Don’t like note taking
while receiving lectures
or studying. 20 23 220 92 355 1.9 0.69 Rejected
Total Mean 12.7
Mean of Means 2.1 Rejected

S/N Items SA A D SD N X SD Remarks
Unproductive Study Pattern
7. Study every day. 202 150 3 - 355 3.5 0.51 Accepted
8. Study mostly in quiet
places. 205 105 20 5 355 3.3 0.69 Accepted
9. Attend all lectures
regularly. 211 107 32 5 355 3.4 0.72 Accepted
10. Revise lecture
materials/notes daily. 107 120 121 7 355 2.9 0.84 Rejected
11. Revise old question
papers to assess myself
on studied areas. 225 101 21 8 355 3.5 0.79 Accepted
12. Studying difficult course
areas first and consulting
my lecturers and brighter
peers on challenging
areas. 110 168 67 10 355 3.0 0.78 Accepted
Total Mean 19.6
Mean of Means 3.2 Accepted

From table 2 above, findings showed that items 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6

with mean scores of 1.8, 2.7, 1.6, 1.8 and 1.8 respectively were rejected.

They were rejected because they were below the acceptance cut-off point

of 3.0. However, item 1 with mean score of 3.0 was accepted. The mean

of means calculated for the unproductive study pattern category is 2.1

which is below the acceptable cut-off point of 3.0. This suggests that

unproductive study pattern is not the type of study pattern students of

NCE Accounting Education in Federal College of Education (Technical),

Umunze employ.

On the other hand, the respondents accepted items 7, 8, 9, 11 and

12 under the productive study pattern category with the mean scores of

3.5, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5 and 3.0 respectively. The mean score of item 10

rejected was 2.9. The calculated mean of means is 3.2 which is within

the acceptable cut-off point of 3.0. This suggests that productive study

pattern is the type of study pattern students of NCE Accounting

Education in Federal College of Education (Technical), Umunze employ.

Research Question Two:
To what extent does the study pattern of NCE Accounting students
affect their academic performance?

Table 3: The Mean Responses of the Respondents on the extent the

study pattern of NCE Accounting students affect their academic
S/N Items VHE HE LE VLE N X SD Remarks
13. My study pattern has
improved my internal High
examination grades. 119 162 70 4 355 3.0 0.82 Extent
14. The grades of passes
made after examination
ranges from credit and High
above. 66 253 20 16 355 3.0 0.65 Extent
15. Reading and taking notes
have improved the level
of information available Low
to me. 22 83 230 20 355 2.3 0.66 Extent
16. My revising past
question papers for self-
assessment after studies
has improved my High
academic performances. 90 201 60 4 355 3.0 1.26 Extent
17. All assignments and
homework are always High
done on time. 120 190 35 10 355 3.1 0.72 Extent
18. Daily revision of lessons
taught has improved my
ability to internalize and High
recall. 163 156 30 6 355 3.3 0.45 Extent
Total Mean 17.7
Mean of Means 2.9 Accepted

From the above table 3, findings revealed that items 13, 14, 16, 17

and 18 with mean scores of 3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.1 and 3.3 respectively were

high in extent. They were accepted as high in extent because they were

above the cut-off point of 3.0. Item 15 with mean score of 2.3 was not

above the cutoff point of 3.0 hence it was regarded as low in extent. The

mean of means calculated Is 2.9 which is below the acceptable cut off

point of 3.0. This suggests that the extent study pattern of NCE

Accounting students affect their academic performance is low in extent.

Research Question Three:
What are the factors that affect NCE Accounting students’
studying pattern in Federal College of Education (Technical), Umunze?

Table 4: The Mean Responses of the Respondents on the factors that

Affect NCE Accounting Students’ Studying Pattern.
S/N Items SA A D SD N X SD Remarks
19. Social networking
activities. 120 140 95 - 355 3.0 0.77 Accepted
20. The type of friends
kept. 120 202 30 3 355 3.2 0.63 Accepted
21. Family problems. 35 15 202 103 355 1.9 0.85 Rejected
22. Procrastination and
poor time
management. 301 50 3 1 355 3.8 0.41 Accepted
23. Level of noise in the
environment. 2 8 220 125 355 1.6 0.55 Rejected
24. Students’
background. 2 4 260 89 355 1.4 0.78 Rejected
25. Social engagements
like clubbing and
partying. 225 106 20 4 355 3.5 0.56 Accepted
26. Students’ comfort
level. 106 222 22 5 355 3.2 0.61 Accepted
27. Students’
determination and
aspirations. 220 130 1 4 355 3.5 0.56 Accepted
Total Mean 25.4
Mean of Means 2.8 Accepted

From the table 4 above, findings showed that items 19, 20, 22, 25,

26 and 27 with mean scores of 3.0, 3.2, 3.8, 3.5, 3.2 and 3.5 respectively.

While items 21, 23 and 24 with mean scores of 1.9, 1.6 and 1.7

respectively were rejected. The mean of means calculated is 2.8. The

factors which were not accepted as affecting the study pattern of NCE

Accounting students were: family problems, level of noise in the

environment and students parents/guardian educational background.

Research Question Four:
What are the strategies for improving productive study pattern of NCE
Accounting Education students’ in Federal College of Education (Technical),

Table 5: The Mean Responses of the Respondents on the strategies for

improving productive study pattern of NCE Accounting Education
students’ in Federal College of Education (Technical), Umunze.
S/N Items SA A D SD N X SD Remarks
28. Good time
management. 120 220 12 3 355 3.2 0.57 Accepted
29. Involving school
guidance counselors,
lecturers and school
authorities in assisting
students develop good
study pattern. 201 150 2 2 355 3.5 0.54 Accepted
30. Studying with a well
articulated study plan
and schedule. 120 211 20 4 355 3.2 0.61 Accepted
31. Passion for studying. 220 101 14 20 355 3.4 0.81 Accepted
32. Attending all classes
regularly. 258 78 18 1 355 2.6 0.58 Accepted
33. Studying with old
examination papers for
self assessment. 254 68 30 3 355 3.6 0.67 Accepted
34. Cultivating the culture
of studying early. 180 160 13 2 355 3.4 0.59 Accepted
35. Engaging students with
presentation and
projects at all times. 99 105 150 1 355 2.8 0.83 Rejected
Total Mean 23.1
Mean of Means 2.8 Accepted
From the table 5 above, all items 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33 and 34 with

mean scores of 3.2, 3.5, 3.2, 3.4, 3.6, 3.6 and 3.4 respectively were

accepted as the strategies for improving productive study pattern of NCE

Accounting Education Students in Federal College of Education

(Technical), Umunze. Item 35 with mean score of 2.8 was rejected as a

strategy for improving productive study pattern of NCE Accounting

Education students’ in Federal College of Education (Technical),


Testing of Hypothesis

The hypothesis formulated was tested using Z-test statistics at 0.05

level of significance.

Ho1: There is no significance difference between the mean responses of

the male and female students on the type of study pattern students of

NCE Accounting Education employ in Federal College of Education

(Technical), Umunze.

Table 6: Z-test on the significant Difference between the mean
Responses of Male and Female students on the type of study pattern
students of NCE Accounting Education Employ Federal College of
Education (Technical), Umunze.
Variables X SD N SE Z-Cal Z-Crit Decision
Male Students 3.4 0.78 32
0.17 2.27 1.96 Rejected
Female Students 3.0 1.09 323
Source: Researchers computation (2019)

The result form table 6 above showed that Z-cal is 2.27 greater

than Z-crit, 1.96 hence the no significant difference hypothesis is


Thus, there is a significant difference between the mean responses of the

male and female students on the type of study pattern students of NCE

Accounting Education employ in Federal College of Education

(Technical), Umunze.

Summary of the Major Findings

The type of study pattern students of NCE Accounting Education

employ in Federal College of Education (Technical) Umunze showed

they employ the productive study pattern. However, procrastination when

it comes to their studies was accepted.

The extent the study pattern of NCE Accounting students affect

their academic performance in Federal College of Education (Technical),

Umunze showed that study pattern improve their internal examination

grades, passes made after examination ranges from credit and above;

reviewing past question papers for self- assessment after studies has

improved their academic performances; all their assignments and

homework are always done on time and daily revision of lessons taught

has improved their ability to internalize and recall.

Among the factors that affect NCE Accounting students study

pattern in Federal College of Education (Technical), Umunze were:

social networking activities, type of friends kept; procrastination and

poor time managements; social engagements like clubbing and partying

among others.

The strategies for improving productive study pattern of NCE

Accounting Education students' in Federal College of Education

(Technical), Umunze revealed that: good time management, involving

school guidance counselors, lecturers and school authorities in assisting

students develop good study pattern; studying with a well articulated

study plan and schedule attending classes regularly and studying with old

examination papers for self assessment among others were the accepted


The hypothesis tested using Z-test at 0.05 level of significance

showed that there is a significant difference between the mean responses

of male and female students on the type of study pattern students of NCE

Accounting Education employ in Federal College of Education

(Technical), Umunze.



This chapter deals with the discussion of the analysis of data under

the following sub-headings:

 Discussion of Findings

 Implications of the Study

 Recommendations

 Limitations of the Study

 Suggestions for Further Study

 Conclusion

Discussion of Findings

Findings on research question are on the type of study pattern

students of NCE Accounting Education employ in Federal College of

Education (Technical), Umunze revealed that the students employ the

productive study pattern. The however, accepted they procrastinate when

it comes to their studies.

The findings of the study in relation to the adoption of the

productive study pattern by the students are in agreement with the views
of Katyln (2013) and Harper and Row in Badau (2018). Among the

fourteen good students pattern which student can apply according to

Katyln includes: attending classes regularly, reviewing notes daily, and

studying an old examination papers among others. Haper and Row in

Badau equally highlighted what constitutes productive study pattern to

include creating a quit place at home or anywhere else; studying early

and studying the hardest things first among others. However, the finding

that students procrastinate is a learning problem which according to Mac

(2011) could make the students have inefficient and ineffective study


Findings on the extent the study pattern of NCE Accounting

students affect their academic performance in Federal College of

Education (Technical), Umunze show that: grades of passes made after

examination ranges from credit and above; reviewing past question

papers for self assessment after studies has improved their academic

performances; all their assignments and homework are always done on

time and; daily revision of lessons taught has improved their ability to

internalize and recall, were high in extent.

These findings agree with the views of Badau (2018) and; Bakara

in Ebele and Olofu (2017). According to Badau grades is always an

indicator of how well a learning material is learnt. Bakare in Ebele and

Olofu highlighted the following skills as capable of becoming predictors

of academic performance namely: home work and assignment; time

allocation to work, reading and note-taking, study period procedures,

concentration; written work, examination and teacher consultation.

However contrary to the fore view to a low extent that reading and note

taking had improved the level of information available to the students.

Findings on the factors that affect NCE Accounting students'

studying pattern in Federal College of Education (Technical), Umunze

revealed that: Social networking activities, type of friends kept;

procrastination and poor time management; social engagements like

clubbing and partying among others were the factors that affect their

study pattern.

This findings are in perspective with the view of Cerna and

Pavliushchenko (2015) who affirmed that factors which can affect study

pattern of students include:.... social network, student determination

....nature of friends kept, students parents educational background....

family problems, procrastination and poor time management, student

comfort level and noise level among others.

This outcome shows that despite their adopting productive study

pattern as their study pattern. They have the factors revealed as affecting

their choice of study pattern.

The outcome of the study on the strategies for improving

productive study pattern of NCE Accounting Education students in

Federal College of Education (Technical), Umunze revealed that good

time management, involving school guidance and counselors, lecturers

and school authorities and assisting students develop good study pattern;

studying with a well articulated study plan and schedule, attending

classes regularly and studying with old examination papers for self

assessment among others were the accepted strategies.

The findings of this study are in agreement with the views of

Kabiru (2013) who affirmed the need to involve school guidance

counselors, teachers (lecturers and school authority in a collaborative

guidance to students on how to develop well study pattern. Katyln (2013)

also alluded to the findings on attending classes regularly and studying

with old examination papers for self assessment. Kabiru (2018) agreed

with finding of the study on the need for students to adopt good time


The outcome of this study suggests that the students accepted the

strategies relative to the challenges they indentified that affect their study

pattern. Hence the suggested measures were accepted with the view that

it could address the impact of the factors which affect the study pattern of

the students.

Testing of Hypothesis Formulated

The hypothesis tested using Z-test at 0.05 level of significance

revealed that there is a significant difference between the male and

female students on the type of study pattern students of NCE Accounting

Education employ in Federal College of Education (Technical), Umunze.

This outcome suggests that majority of the students deploy productive

study pattern than the unproductive study pattern as a type of study

pattern in their studies hence the disparity in their mean responses.

Implications of the Study

The implications of this study were that:

Productive study pattern is a type of study pattern ideal for NCE

Accounting students but there are prevailing factors which tend to affect

the academic performances of students which if nothing is done to

forestall its impact could continue to affect the academic performances of

the students negatively.

Another implication of the study is that the identified strategies

could improve productive study pattern of the NCE Accounting students

if it could be adopted by the school authorities, guidance counselors and

lecturers in guiding the students in their academic pursuit.


Based on the findings of this study, the researchers made the

following recommendations:

1) Students of NCE Accounting Education should desist from

procrastination when it comes to their studies by adopting the

culture of regularly revising learnt lessons prior to any form of


2) Seminar should be organized for students in NCE Accounting

Education to educate them on the inherent factors that affect their

academic performance with view to assist them improve the


3) Motivational reward system in the form of monetary reward

should be given on annual bases to students whose academic

performances are consistently outstanding across the two

semesters in a session by the department of Accounting Education.

Limitations of the Study

The researchers were limited in this study on the following areas:

The study was limited to the opinion of the students alone which is not

within the control of the researchers hence the outcome of their responses

could have been biased. However, to the extent of its coverage the

outcome is still valid.

The researchers also had difficulty getting the students to fill the

questionnaire particularly those living outside the school premises as

some of them at the time of this study are not regularly in school.

However, in spite of all these challenges, the researchers were still able

to conduct the study successfully.

Suggestions for Further Study

The researchers made the following suggestions for further study:

A study on the influence of students’ study pattern on the teaching

and academic performance of NCE Accounting students in Federal

College of Education (Technical), Umunze should be carried out with a

view to including their lecturers as respondents.

Another study on this topic should be carried out in other

departments in the school of Education in Federal College of Education

(Technical), Umunze to have a broader outcome that could be extended

to cover all the students in the school of Business Education.


The study examined the influence of students’ study pattern on the

Academic Performance of NCE Accounting Education Students in

Federal College of Education (Technical), Umunze.

The findings of the study revealed that productive study pattern is

the study pattern students of NCE Accounting Education employ in

Federal College of Education (Technical), Umunze. The study showed

that to a high extent study pattern of NCE Accounting Education students

affect their academic performance in Federal College of Education

(Technical), Umunze. Among the factors revealed that affect NCE

Accounting students study pattern were: social networking activities,

type of friends kept, procrastination and poor time management, social

engagements like clubbing and partying. It was also revealed that among

the strategies for improving productive study of NCE Accounting

Education Students’ in Federal College of Education (Technical),

Umunze, good time management, studying with a well articulated study

plan and schedule as well as attending classes regularly were the

accepted strategies among others. The tested hypothesis showed that

there is a significant difference between the mean responses of male and

female students on the type of study pattern students of NCE Accounting

Education employ in Federal College of Education (Technical), Umunze.

It could therefore be concluded that study pattern adopted by

students could affect their academic performance either negatively or

positively hence it is imperative for students to be properly educated and

guided towards making a wise decision in relation to their study pattern.


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S/N Department Year Number of Number of Total
Male Female
Students Students
1. Accounting 1 06 73 79
2. Accounting 2 11 114 125
3. Accounting
Education 3 15 136 151
Grand Total 355
Source: Establishment Unit, Federal College of Education (Technical),
Umunze 2019.


Department of Accounting,
School of Business Education,
Federal College of Education
Anambra State.
26th July, 2019.

Dear Respondent,


We are final year NCE students of the above named institution carrying
out a research study on the topic: “Influence of Students’ Study Pattern on
the Academic Performance of NCE Accounting Students in Federal
College of Education (Technical) Umunze”.
The questionnaire is divided into two parts A and B. Part A sought to
elicit personal information from the respondents while part B contains question
items on each research question.
Please kindly supply us with your sincere responses to enable us
successfully carry-out this study. Be assured of our commitment to ensure that
all information provided by respondent will only serve the purpose of this
study and it will be treated confidentially.

Yours Faithfully,
Aluka, Eucharia Mmesoma
Ezenwanne, Chidimma Grace
Okeke, Juliet Nkiruka
Nwankwo, Chigozie Lilian
The Researchers.

Part A: Personal Information
Please kindly fill in the gaps with the most appropriate responses

and tick (√ ) where applicable.


Year of Study: Year 1 ( ), Year 2 ( ), Year 3 ( )

Gender: Male ( ), Female ( ).

Part: B - Instruction:

Carefully tick (√) in the column which best suits your opinion.

The key below is for your guidance.


Very High Extent (VHE) and Strongly Agreed (SA)

High Extent (HE) Agreed (A)

Low Extent (LE) Disagreed (D)

Very Low Extent (VLE) Strongly Disagreed (SD)

Research Question One: What type of study pattern do students of NCE
Accounting Education employ in Federal College of Education (Technical), Umunze?
S/N Items SA A D SD
Unproductive study pattern.
1. Often procrastinate when it comes to my
2. Am always outside the lecture halls/school
during lectures.
3. Cramming study materials works for me than
studyin g them.
4. Studying while listening to loud music.
5. Studying while watching movies or
networking with friends on social media.
6. Don’t like note taking while receiving lectures
or studying.
Productive study pattern.
7. Study every day.
8. Study mostly in quiet places.
9. Attend all lectures regularly.
10. Review lecture materials/notes daily.
11. Review old question papers to assess myself
on studied areas.
12. Studying difficult course areas first and
consulting my lecturers and brighter peers on
challenging areas.

Research Question Two: To what extent does the study pattern of NCE
Accounting students affect their academic performance?
13. My study pattern has improved my internal

examination grades.
14. The grades of passes made after

examination ranges from credit and above.

15. Reading and taking notes have improved the

level of information available to me.

16. My reviewing past question papers for self-

assessment after studies has improved my

academic performances.
17. All assignments and homework are always

done on time.
18. Daily revision of lessons taught has

improved my ability to internalize and


Research Question Three: What are the factors that affect NCE Accounting
students’ studying pattern?
S/N Items SA A D SD
19. Social networking activities.
20. The type of friends kept.
21. Family problems.
22. Procrastination and poor time management.
23. Level of noise in the environment.
24. Students’ parents/guardian educational

25. Social engagements like clubbing and

26. Students’ comfort level.
27. Students’ determination and aspirations.

Research Question Four: What are the strategies for improving
productive study pattern of NCE Accounting Education students’ in
Federal College of Education (Technical), Umunze?
S/N Items SA A D SD
28. Good time management.
29. Involving school guidance counselors,

lecturers and school authorities in assisting

students develop good study pattern.

30. Studying with a well articulated study plan

and schedule.
31. Passion for studying.
32. Attending all classes regularly.
33. Studying with old examination papers for self

34. Cultivating the culture of studying early.
35. Engaging students with assignments,

presentation and projects at all times.






SESSION: 2018/2019

S/No. State Male Female Total

1. Abia - 2 2
2. Anambra 6 59 65
3. Ebonyi - 1 1
4. Enugu - 7 7
5. Imo - 2 2
6. Ibadan - 1 1
7. Edo - 1 1
Total 6 73 79


S/N. State Male Female Total

1. Abia - 4 4
2. Anambra 8 91 99
3. Ebonyi - 2 2
4. Enugu 1 12 13
5. Imo 2 4 6
6. Rivers - 1 1
Total 11 114 125


S/N. State Male Female Total

1. Abia - 7 7
2. Anambra 14 111 125
3. Ebonyi 1 - 1
4. Enugu - 18 18
Total 15 138 151




SESSION: 2018/2019


1. NCE I 6 73 79
2. NCE II 11 114 125
3. NCE III 15 136 151
TOTAL 32 323 355


S/N. State Male Female Total
1. Abia - 13 13
2. Anambra 28 261 289
3. Ebonyi 1 3 4
4. Enugu 1 37 38
5. Imo 2 6 8
6. Ibadan - 1 1
7. Edo - 1 1
8. Rivers - 1 1
Total 32 232 355


Testing of Hypothesis
Standard Deviation of Male Students from Research Question One

X F FX X X-X (X-X)2 F(X-X)2
4 19 76 3.4 0.6 0.36 6.84
3 9 29 3.4 -0.4 0.16 1.44
2 3 6 3.4 -1.4 1.96 5.88
1 1 1 3.4 -2.4 5.76 5.76
∑ = 32 ∑ = 19.92

Using formular for standard deviation

SD = ∑f (X-X)2

:. SD1 = 19.92 = 0.6225 = 0.78


Standard Deviation of the female students from Research Question One

X F FX X X-X (X-X)2 F(X-X)2
4 157 628 3.0 1 1 157
3 70 210 3.0 0 0 0
2 54 108 3.0 -1 1 54
1 44 44 3.0 -2 4 176
∑ = 323 ∑ = 387.0

Standard Deviation (SD)

= 387.0 = 1.19814

SD2 = = 1.09

Z-Test Computation for the Ho1

X1 - X2 3.4 - 3.0
Z-Test = (SD)2 + (SD)2 (0.78)2 + (1.09)2
n1 n2 = 32 323
Recall, SE = (SD1) + SD2 (0.78)2 + (1.09)2
n1 n2 = 32 323

= 0.1936 + 0.5184
32 323

:. SE = 0.0190 + 0.0123 = 0.020704 0.176

Z-cal = 3.4 - 3.0 = 0.4

0.176 0.176 = 2.272

:. Z-cal = 2.272
Z-crit = 1.96

Decision: Ho1 is rejected because Z-cal 2.272 is greater than Z-crit 1.96



















We hereby certify that the work enclosed in this project is original

except as specified in acknowledgement and references and has not been
submitted either in part or whole to this or any other institution for the
award of a Certificate/Diploma or Degree.

ALUKA, EUCHARIA MMESOMA ---------------- --------

NCE/BED/2016/16537 Signature Date

EZENWANNE, CHIDIMMA GRACE ---------------- --------

NCE/BED/2016/16539 Signature Date

OKEKE, JULIET NKIRUKA ---------------- --------

NCE/BED/2016/16540 Signature Date

NWANKWO, CHIGOZIE LILIAN ---------------- --------

NCE/BED/2016/16545 Signature Date


This project has been supervised and approved as meeting the

requirements for the award of the Nigeria Certificate in Education
(NCE), for the School of Education Federal College of Education
(Technical), Umunze.
------------------------- ------------
Eburuche, J.D.C. Date
(Project Supervisor)

------------------------- ------------
Ezeyi, V.N. Date
(Project Supervisor)

------------------------- ------------
Enwere, J. O. Date
(H.O.D, Accounting Education)

Unegbu,P.I. ------------
(Project Co-ordinator) Date

------------------------- ------------
Dr. Martins-Umeh, N.F. Date
(Dean School of Education)



This project is dedicated to God Almighty without whom nothing

is possible. Without whom our dream to acquire knowledge will not be a



We express our profound gratitude to God Almighty who by His grace

and power we are able to carry out this study successfully. Words are not

adequate enough to express our deep and sincere appreciation to our dearly

beloved project supervisors, Mrs. Ezeyi, V.N. and Mr. Eburuche, J.D.C. for

putting in so much energy, time, personal sacrifices and endless pieces of

advice to the successful completion of the study. In fact, their meaningful and

wonderful suggestions contributed in making this project a reality. Also to the

whole lecturers of Business Education FCET, Umunze for their directions

throughout our stay in the college.

It is impossible for us to acknowledge fully all the sources from which

assistance was received. Finally, we render our immense gratitude to our

caring parents and guardians whose prayers, financial support and

encouragement made our academic pursuit a reality. We love you all.


Title Page i

Approval Page ii

Certification Page iii

Dedication iv

Acknowledgement v

Table of Contents vi

List of Tables x

Abstract xi


Background of the Study 1

Statement of the Problem 5

Purpose of the Study 7

Significance of the Study 7

Scope of the Study 10

Research Questions 10

Research Hypothesis 11


Conceptual Framework 12

Theoretical Framework 34

Empirical Studies 35

Summary of Related Literature Review 41


Design of the Study 43

Area of the Study 44

Population of the Study 44

Sample and Sampling Techniques 45

Instrument for Data Collection 45

Validation of the Instrument 47

Method of Data Collection 47

Method of Data Analysis 47


Presentation and Analysis of Data 51

Testing of Hypothesis 59

Summary of the Major Findings 60


Discussion of Findings


Implications of the Study 68

Recommendations 68

Limitations of the Study 69

Suggestions for Further Studies 70

Conclusion 70

References 72

Appendices 75




1. Distribution of the population of accounting education

NCE year 1, 2 and 3 students. 45

2. The Mean Responses of the Respondents on the Type

of Study Pattern Students of NCE Accounting
Education Employ. 51

3. The Mean Responses of the Respondents on the extent

the study pattern of NCE Accounting students affect
their academic performance.
4. The Mean Responses of the Respondents on the
factors that Affect NCE Accounting Students’
Studying Pattern.
5. The Mean Responses of the Respondents on the
strategies for improving productive study pattern of
NCE Accounting Education students’ in Federal
College of Education (Technical), Umunze.

6. Z-test on the significant Difference between the mean

Responses of Male and Female students on the type of
study pattern students of NCE Accounting Education
Employ Federal College of Education (Technical), 60


This study examined the influence of study pattern on the academic

performance NCE Accounting Education students in Federal College of
Education (Technical), Umunze. Four research questions and a
hypothesis was formulated to guide the study. Descriptive survey design
was adopted for the study. The population of the study comprised of all
the NCE years 1, 2 and 3 students of Accounting Education totaled 355.
The population in view of its manageable size was not sampled.
Arithmetic means and standard deviation was used to analyze the data
collected. Z-test statistics was used to test the hypothesis formulated at a
0.05 level of significance. The findings of the study showed that
productive study pattern is the study pattern students of NCE Accounting
Education employ in Federal College of Education (Technical), Umunze.
The study revealed that to a high extent the study pattern of NCE
Accounting Education Students affect their academic performance in
Federal College of Education (Technical), Umunze. Among the factors
revealed that affect NCE Accounting Education students’ study pattern
were: social networking, procrastination and poor time management
among others. The study also revealed that: good time management and
a well articulated study plan and schedule as well as attending classes
regularly were among the strategies that could improve productive study
pattern of NCE Accounting Education students in Federal College of
Education (Technical), Umunze. The hypothesis tested showed there is a
significant difference between the mean responses of male and female
students on the type of study pattern students of NCE Accounting
Education employ in Federal College of Education (Technical), Umunze.
Among the recommendations made were that: Students of NCE
Accounting Education should desist from procrastination when it comes
to their studies by adopting the culture of regularly revising learnt
lessons prior to any form of assessment and motivational reward system
in the form of monetary reward should be given on annual bases to
students whose academic performances are consistently outstanding
across the two semesters in a session by the department of Accounting


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