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FE 208 Homework 2

Compass Bearing Conversions

1. What magnetic bearing is needed to retrace a line for the conditions below

1875 Magnetic Bearing 1875 Declination Present Declination

a N 650 35’ E 30 30’ W 20 30’ E
b S 730 10’ W 20 20’ E 10 15’ W
c N 890 55’ W 00 30’ W 40 15’ E
d S 450 30’ E 70 15’ E 50 20’ W

2. Calculate the true bearing in 1870 based on the following

1870 Magnetic Bearing Present Magnetic Bearing Present Declination

a S 000 15’ E S 40 45’ E 50 30’ E
b S 500 30’ W S 620 15’ W 150 40’ E
c N 020 30’ W N 020 15’ E 30 15’ E
d N 240 30’ E N 210 10’ E 40 45’ E

3. Describe the procedure to locate and correct a set of bearings affected by local attraction

4. Does local attraction affect the size of the angle computed from magnetic bearings read at
that point? Explain

5. Classify the following as either an error (E) or a mistake (M)

Compass out of level Local attraction from overhead power

Setting the declination on the wrong Bent compass needle
side of north
Failing to check forward and back Staff compass not lined up carefully on
sightings the survey point
Weak magnetized compass needle Reading wrong end of the needle
Magnetic variation Pivot point of needle off center
Setting the wrong declination

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