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Subject : English Class: 1 Kreatif Time LES8O
Duration: N
Date: 7 Oct 2020 149
Theme : World Of Knowledge Focus skill: Listening CCE: Global sustainability
Teaching aids: 21st Century Skills/Strategy/Activity:
Worksheet, text Communication, collaboration
Language/Grammar focus:
Recycled topic language, Healthy/unhealthy
able to predict healthy and unhealthy food they will hear from a text
able to listen to a text and identify healthy and unhealthy food correctly
1.3 Use appropriate listening strategies in a variety of
M contexts C 1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar contexts

1.3.1 Predict words they will hear by using knowledge 1.2.2 Understand with support specific information and
M of a topic C details of very simple phrases and sentences

M At the end of the lesson, most pupils will be able to predict healthy and unhealthy food they will hear from a text.

C At the end of the lesson, most pupils will be able to listen to a text and identify healthy and unhealthy food correctly.

1. Teach pupils new vocabulary: healthy and unhealthy. Make 2 columns on the board: healthy
food and unhealthy food.
2. Ask pupils to name healthy and unhealthy food. They can use L1 if they don’t know the food
I. PRE-LESSON in English. Teach sweets and fizzy drink if pupils don’t suggest these.
3. Pupils come to the board and write the items in the correct columns on the board.
4. Pre-lesson task 2: Linked to a text you tell pupils about Wendy, Nasir and Lisa.
5. Pupils predict the healthy and unhealthy food they will hear.
1. Activity 1:
 Tell the story in the Wendy, Nasir and Lisa text, and check pupils’ guesses with them.
 Give pupils the grid and read out the text.
 Ask pupils to complete the grid. Read the text out again if necessary.
 Check pupils’ answers and tell the story one more time so that pupils can confirm their
II. LESSON  Ask pupils why healthy eating is important. This discussion will be in L1, as the focus
DEVELOPMENT here is on human well-being and development, and not on language.
2. Activity 2:
 Give pupils a handout of the text, or write a copy on the board.
 Put pupils into pairs or small groups and ask them to change Wendy, Lisa and Nasir’s
food so that it is all healthy.
 Make larger groups, and ask pupils to read the text out to their groupmates.
 Groupmates identify the new food and say whether it is healthy.
III. POST LESSON 1. Make a word ladder, using healthy food items. (post lesson task 8)

a. ___ out of ___ pupils were able to predict healthy and unhealthy Lesson postpone:
M food they will hear from a text. a. Course c. CRK

a. ___ out of ___ pupils were able to listen to a text and identify b. Sick leave d. Meeting
C healthy and unhealthy food correctly. Other :
Activity 1

Wendy, Nasir and Lisa

Wendy has got a cheese sandwich, an apple, a banana and some sweets for her lunch.

Nasir has got chicken, broccoli, peas and a fizzy drink for his lunch.

Lisa has got steak, peas, carrots, and 2 cakes for her lunch.

Wendy Nasir Lisa

Healthy food

Unhealthy food
Activity 2

Wendy, Nasir and Lisa

Wendy has got a cheese sandwich, an apple, a banana and


__________________ for her lunch.

Nasir has got chicken, broccoli, peas and

____________________ for his lunch.

Lisa has got steak, peas, carrots, and ___________________ for


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