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First Quarter Examination

Directions: For each question, write on your paper the letter preceding the word or expression that best
completes the statement or answers the question.

1) It is defined as the set of all points in a plane 7) Which of the following is the graph of an ellipse
that are equidistant from a fixed point called the that has the denominator of the y-part greater
center. than the x-part, and has its center at (h , k ),
a. Parabola c. Midpoint where h and k are not equal to zero.
b. Circle d. Ellipse

2) The standard form of the equation of a circle,

centered at (h , k ) with radius r is given by
a. ( x−h )2+ ( y −k )2=r 2
x2 y 2 2
b. − =r
h k
c. ( x−h )2−( y−k 2 )=r 2
d. ( x−k )2+ ( y −h )2=r 2 a. c.

3) It is the set of points in a plane that are

equidistant from a fixed point F (called the
focus) and a fixed line l (called the directrix).
a. Circle c. Parabola
b. Hyperbola d. Ellipse

4) Which of the following is the standard form of a

parabola with vertex on the origin and the focus
located below the x-axis? b. d.
a. x 2=4 cy c. y 2=4 cx
b. x 2=−4 cy d. y 2=−4 cx 8) It is the set of all points in a plane whose
distances from two fixed points F 1and F 2 (the
5) Which of the following represents the graph of a foci) differ by a certain constant.
parabola with a standard form, a. Parabola c. Circle
( x−h ) =−4 c ( y−k )? b. Ellipse d. Hyperbola

9) Which of the following is the standard form of a

hyperbola whose center is at the origin and the
conjugate axis is vertical?
x2 y 2
a. 2 + 2 =1 c.
a b
(x−h)2 ( y −k )2
a. c. − =1
a2 b2

( y−k )2 ( x −h)2 x2 y 2
b. − =1 d. − =1
a2 b2 a2 b2

10) The center of a circle with an equation,

b. d.
( x−4 )2 + ( y +2 )2=9 is
a. (−4 , 2) c. (2 ,−4)
b. ( 4 ,−2) d. (0 , 81)
6) A conic section that is composed of the set of all
points ( x , y ) such that the sum of the distance 11) Point F is called the focus of the parabola. What
between ( x , y ) and two distinct points is a is the line through point F perpendicular to the
constant. directrix called?
a. Circle c. Hyperbola a. major axis c. minor axis
b. Parabola d. Ellipse b. asymptote d. axis of symmetry
12) Determine the standard equation of a parabola 22) Find the equation that represents the graph
with focus F (0 ,−3.5) and directrix y=3.5 . below.
a. y 2=−14 x c. x 2=−3.5 y
b. y 2=14 x d. x 2=−14 y

13) The two distinct points of an ellipse are called

a. asymptote c. foci
b. directrix d. vertices

Identify the graph of the following non-degenerate

conics. Choose you answer from the following
choices: (a) Circle; (b) Parabola; (c) Ellipse; and (d)

14) 49 x 2−490 x +36 y 2 +504 y +1225=0 C

15) y 2 +56 x−18 y +417=0 B a. ( x−3 )2 −( y+ 4 )2=36
16) x 2−10 x−48 y +265=0 B b. ( x−3 )2 + ( y + 4 )2=6
17) −144 x 2−1152 x +25 y 2−150 y−5679=0 D c. ( x−3 )2 + ( y + 4 )2=36
18) x 2−6 x + y 2+ 14 y +38=0 A d. ( x +3 )2 + ( y−4 )2=36
19) Which of the following is the standard form of 23) What is the equation of the directrix of the
the equation of a circle given its general form: graph of x 2=10 y ?
16 x 2+ 96 x+16 y 2 −40 y=315 ? 5 −5
5 2 121 a. y= x c. y= x
2 2
a. x−3 + y− =
( ) ( )

b. y=
d. x=−5
5 121 2
( )
b. ( x +3 ) + y − =
4 4
5 2
121 24) Which of the following equations represents a
( )
c. ( x +3 ) − y− =
4 parabola that has a vertical directrix and opens
to the right?
4 11 2
( ) ( )
d. ( x +3 ) + y − =
5 2
a. ( y−2 )2 =10 ( x−2 )2
b. ( x−2 )2=−10 ( y −2 )2
20) Determine the graph of x 2−6 x +5 y=−34 . c. ( x−2 )2=10 ( y−2 )2
d. ( y−2 )2 =−10 ( x −2 )2

a. c.

Refer to the figure above to answer items 25, 26,

and 27.

25) What are the coordinates of the foci?

b. d.

21) Find the equation that represents the graph

a. 25 x 2−39 y 2+150 x +390 y=−225
b. 3 x 2−2 y 2−42 x−16 y=−67
c. 16 y 2−25 x 2−400=0
x2 y2
d. − =1
25 16
a. (−5,0 ) , ( 5,0 ) c. ( 0 ,−3 ) , ( 0,3 ) ( x−3 )2 ( y−6 )2
d. + =1
b. (−4,0 ) , ( 4,0 ) d. ( 0 ,−4 ) , (0,4) 16 41

26) What are the coordinates of the vertices? 36) Given that the absolute value of the difference
a. (−5,0 ) , ( 5,0 ) c. ( 0 ,−3 ) , ( 0,3 ) of the distance of a point from the foci of a
b. ( 0,5 ) , ( 0 ,−5 ) d. ( 0 ,−4 ) , (0,4) hyperbola is √ 8, what is the distance of the
center from one of the hyperbola’s vertices?
27) Which of the following is the equation of the a. 4 b. 2 √2 c. √ 2 d. 2
x 2 y2 y2 x2 A cross-section
a. − =1 c. − =1
25 9 25 9 of a parabolic
x y 2
x2 y2 reflector is shown in
b. + =1 d. + =1 the figure. The bulb
9 25 25 9
is located at the
Given the hyperbola represented by focus and the
2 2 opening at the focus
25 x −39 y +150 x +390 y=−225 , answer items 28,
is 10 cm.
29, and 30.
28) What is the coordinate of the center of the 37) Find the equation of
hyperbola? the parabola above.
a. (−3,5 ) c. ( 3 ,−5 ) a. y 2=5 x
b. ( 5 ,−3 ) d. (−3 ,−2) b. x 2=5 x
c. y 2=10 x
29) What are the coordinates of the vertices?
d. y 2=−10 x
a. (−3 ,−2± √ 15) c. ( 3 ,−4 ) , ( 11 ,−4 )
b. (−3 , 0) ,(−3 , 10) d. (0 , 1 ± √ 41)
38) Find the diameter of the opening, 11 cm from
the vertex.
30) What are the equation of the asymptotes? a. 2 √10 c. 2 √ 110
5 15
a. y=± x± +5 b. 10 √ 2 d. 110 √ 2
√ 39 √ 39 39) Which of the following equations describe a
5 15 circle on the coordinate plane with center at
b. y=± x∓ +5
√ 39 √ 39 (−2 , 3) and tangent to the x-axis?
5 15 a. ( x +2 )2+ ( y−3 )2=9
c. y=± x± −5
√ 39 √ 39 b. ( x +2 )2+ ( y−3 )2=4
5 15
d. y=∓ x± +5 c. ( x +2 )2+ ( y−3 )2=16
√ 39 √ 39
d. ( x +2 )2+ ( y−3 )2=25
Identify the graph of the following degenerate
conics. Choose your answer from the following
choices: (a) point; (b) empty set; and (c) pair of 40) Find the standard equation of an ellipse which
intersecting lines. satisfies the following conditions: foci (−7,6)
and (−1,6), the sum of the distances of any
point from the foci is 14.
31) 9 x 2+ 72 x−64 y 2+128 y +80=0 C
32) x 2+ 20 x + y 2−20 y +200=0 A ( x+ 4 )2 ( y −6 )2
a. + =1
33) x 2+ 4 x +16 y 2−128 y +292=0 B 49 40
( x−5 )2 ( y−3 )2
b. + =1
34) What is the center of the circle 100 64
x 2+ y 2−4 x +6 y −36=0? ( x−2 )2 ( y−4 )2
c. + =1
a. (9 ,−3) c. (3 ,−2) 40 121
b. (2 ,−3) d. (2 ,−10) ( x−3 )2 ( y−8 )2
d. + =1
49 65
35) Determine the standard form of an ellipse with a
general equation: Two control towers are located at points
2 2
41 x + 16 y +246 x−192 y +289=0. Q(−500,0) and R(500,0), on a straight shore
( y−6 )2 ( x +3 )2 where the x-axis runs through (all distances are
a. + =1
16 41 in meters). At the same moment, both towers
( x+3 )2 ( y−6 )2 sent a radio signal to a ship out at sea, each
b. + =1
16 41 travelling at 300 meters per microseconds ( μs).
( x−3 )2 ( y +6 )2 The ship received the signal from Q 3 μs before
c. + =1 the message from R.
16 41
41) Find the equation of the curve containing the
possible location of the ship.
x2 y2
a. − =1
3,763,600 3,753,196
x2 y2
b. − =1
10 90
x2 y2
c. − =1
202,500 47,500
Prepared by:
d. − =1
1,500,625 3,339,375 Batanes National Science High School

42) Find the coordinates (rounded off to two

decimal places of the ship if it is 200 m from the

a. (−610.76 , 200)
b. (−610,760 , 200)
c. ( 20 ,−61.76 )
d. (−20 , 61.76)

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