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CITY OF VALENZUELA                       ) S.S.


        I, VANESSA DEE, of legal age, single, and a resident of No. 20 Bartolome Subd.,
Veinte Reales, Valenzuela City, after having been duly sworn to in accordance with law
hereby depose and state that:
1. I am one of the complaining witnesses for Estafa and Illegal Recruitment (large
scale) against LEONISA POLINTAN in the case entitled "People of the Philippines versus
Leonisa Polintan and Ticy Grance Gerance", Criminal Case No. 856-V-04 for Estafa, Crim.
Case No. 856-V-04 for Illegal Recruitment (large scale), Crim. Case Nos. 857-V-04 to 862-
V-04 for Estafa, pending before the Regional Trial Court, Branch No. 75, City of

2. After my sober and soul searching assessment and analysis of the incident, I
have realized that I have yet again wrongfully charged Mrs. Leonisa Polintan.

3. I came to realize that the case merely arose out of misapprehension of facts and
that the account of the accused has already been settled even prior to the filing of this
case in Valenzuela City. It is wrong for her to be prosecuted for the same offense/ crime
which was already dismissed in the Regional Trial Court of Manila.

4. Since I could not state with certainty and without doubt the liability of Mrs.
Polintan and in fairness to her, I am permanently withdrawing my complaint against
her. I clear her of whatever responsibility or liability to me.
        5. I hereby inform the City Prosecutor of Valenzuela or in any other court where I
may have a similar action against the same accused that I am withdrawing my
complaint. I likewise request the Regional Trial Court, Branch No. 75, City of
Valenzuela to dismiss with prejudice the said criminal cases.
        IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereby set my hand this __ day of April 2015 at the City
of Valenzuela
Complaining Witness
SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this ___ day of April 2015 at the City of
Valenzuela, Philippines.
Public Prosecutor

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