Effective Approach To Achieve Sustainable Urban Renewal in Densely Populated Cities

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Grace Lee*, Edwin Chan*
*Department of Building and Real Estate, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University,
Hong Kong
[email protected], [email protected]

To ensure that urban renewal can address urban decay problems effectively and satisfy
different parties in a territory, many scholars in the world recommend sustainable urban
renewal. Sustainable urban renewal is a concept to integrate global concept of sustainabil-
ity into urban renewal process. In order to transform such abstract concept into real prac-
tices, an effective approach should be worked out. With reference to previous studies and
foreign examples, urban (re)development projects can be more sustainable through urban
design. To work out how urban design would affect triple sustainable values i.e. economy,
environment and social equity of urban renewal projects in Hong Kong, a study investi-
gating this issue is initiated. By conducting questionnaire survey to collect the views from
experienced practitioners in local construction industry, urban design features that have
significant impacts on the sustainable values can be identified. It is believed that the
research findings of this paper can strengthen the understanding of local developers, urban
designers and government officials on how to plan a sustainable urban renewal project
Keywords: Urban Renewal, Sustainability, Urban Design, Hong Kong, Practitioners

Urban areas especially in the early-developed cities grow and deteriorate from
time to time. Adversely changed urban environment worsen the living conditions
of the citizens and therefore, urban renewal projects to improve the built environ-
ment take place. However, many projects fail to tackle the problems of urban
decay and to satisfy affected parties, and hence generate some negative outcomes
including destruction of existing social and community networks (Couch, 1990),
expulsion of vulnerable groups like low income group and the elderly (Rothen-

Grace Lee, Edwin Chan

berg, 1969) and presence of undesirable features e.g. air, noise and air pollutions,
traffic jams, etc. (Alexandre, 1992).
As a result, many scholars, planning practitioners and officers in the West recom-
mend incorporating global concept of sustainability into urban renewal process in
recent years in order to create sustainable community. Like other Asian-pacific
regions, Hong Kong has been influenced by this trend and the Government
attempts to promote and implement sustainable (re)development in the territory
since late 1990s.
When the people in Hong Kong have been struggling to identify some effective
ways to achieve sustainable (re)development, overseas urban design literature
coincidentally claims that urban design can contribute to enhancement of eco-
nomic, environmental and social values which are the fundamental components
of sustainability. Therefore, this study aims to justify this idea by collecting the
views from experienced practitioners in the local construction industry.


To minimize the deficiencies in the urban renewal projects, a sustainable
approach to urban renewal process is necessary. One way to develop such
approach is to apply the concept of sustainability to urban renewal (Lee, 2003).
The concept of sustainable development to safeguard the interest of generations
has been initiated since 1980s. Sustainable development was clearly defined in
Brundtland Commission Report as “a development that meets the needs of the
present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet
their own needs” (WCED, 1987). In recent decades, many people have revisited
this concept and produced more than hundreds other definitions. When examin-
ing those definitions, it can be noticed that economy, environment and social
equity are 3 foremost sustainable values commonly recognized in the world,
which should be considered, merged and balanced for the benefits of current and
future generations.
Recently, sustainable urban renewal approach integrating global concept of sus-
tainability into local urban renewal process is gradually recognized in the world
and many states or cities start to incorporate this idea into their planning strate-
gies. For instance, Californian government makes effort to assess the urban rede-
velopment plans to ensure that sustainable development elements are taken into
account (Devuyst, 2000). The Community Redevelopment Agency of the City of
Los Angeles also implements sustainable development practices in economic,
environmental and social redevelopment of deteriorated urban neighborhoods
(Pincetl, 2001).

1st International CIB Endorsed METU Postgraduate Conference
Built Environment & Information Technologies, Ankara, 2006

Since late 1990s, the Hong Kong Government also attempts to incorporate the
idea of sustainability in urban renewal strategies in addition to urban develop-
ment (Fung, 2001). Housing Planning and Lands Bureau (2001) emphasized that
promotion of sustainable development in the urban area was one of the main
objectives of urban renewal in Hong Kong. Urban Renewal Authority, a quasi-
governmental agency responsible for renewal related works in Hong Kong, takes
into account the principles of sustainable development when planning and exe-
cuting urban renewal programmes.
Even though the Hong Kong Government has a clear and correct direction to
future development of urban renewal and the academics strongly recommend
adoption of sustainable urban regeneration approach, the query about how to
achieve sustainable urban renewal has to be resolved. Urban design literature in
the West coincidentally claims that urban design can contribute to enhancement
of economic, environmental and social values (Vandell et al, 1989; Rowley,
1998), and improve the quality of life of the citizens (Couch, 1990; Lee, 2003).
Vandell, Lane and Kain (1989) have analyzed the design qualities of a set of 102
commercial buildings in the United States and they found that good design did
not necessarily cost more but the rental value consistently increased. Investors,
developers and users are beneficial as more investment opportunities are offered,
higher return can be obtained, more jobs are created, better environmental quali-
ty is provided and more accessible amenities are available in well-designed city
(CABE & DETR, 2001). Furthermore, Lee (2003) studied the design character-
istics of 7 urban redevelopment projects in Seoul and he concluded that good
urban design led to higher level of residents’ satisfaction.
From the foreign examples, it seems that urban design is very effective in creat-
ing sustainable communities and achieving sustainability in a (re)development. In
order to work out whether sustainability of local urban renewal projects can be
enhanced following the same way, this study has collected the views from expe-
rienced practitioners in the local construction industry on how urban design
would affect 3 sustainable values in Hong Kong renewal projects.


Selection of Urban Design Features
Urban design in this study refers to an urban planning process to satisfy function-
al and aesthetic needs on a local scale. The urban design objectives are so abstract
that they should be transformed into concrete design features (DETR, 2000).
Design features are components/ elements found in a development. Rowley
(1998) has published 50 urban design features categorized into 4 concerned areas

Grace Lee, Edwin Chan

namely functional and social use considerations; natural environment and sus-
tainability considerations; visual considerations, and the urban experience which
should be considered in securing the quality of urban design. Lee (2003) also pin-
pointed that more than 30 urban design features could be incorporated in the rede-
velopment programme to make the downtown areas in Seoul more sustainable.
After the literature review, 46 features commonly observed in the communities
with good urban design are short listed (Table 1). The features in the table are not
conclusive but the most typical design characteristics are included.

Table 1. List of Urban Design Features

1st International CIB Endorsed METU Postgraduate Conference
Built Environment & Information Technologies, Ankara, 2006

In this study, questionnaire survey was adopted to collect data. A total of 30 expe-
rienced practitioners representing different disciplines of town planning, architec-
tural design, and property development were invited to answer a questionnaire on
sustainable urban renewal in March 2005. All of them are building professionals
and nearly 90% of them have worked in the construction industry for 10 years or
above. These parties were selected as target respondents because they have
actively involved in various stages of urban (re)development.
There are two parts in the questionnaire. In the first part, the respondents are
required to rate the importance of 46 urban design features on each of triple sus-
tainable values namely economy, environment and social equity of urban renew-
al project. In this survey, a 5-point Likert-type scale between 1 and 5 is used. 1
represents the least important design feature while 5 represents the most impor-
tant design features. In the second part, the practitioners are asked to fill in some
personal information e.g. Gender, Age, Education Level and Average Monthly
Personal Income. In this study, descriptive analysis was employed to analyze
both attitudinal and demographic data collected from the questionnaire survey.

Table 2. Personal Information of The Respondents

Demographic Characteristics of The Respondents
The demographic characteristics of the respondents are presented in Table 2. It is
not surprising to notice that more than 70% of respondents are male. In the con-
struction industry, the population of male is always higher than that of female.
Since most of the respondents are professionals with experience of 10 years or
more, half of them are over age of 40. Another fourth is between the ages of 30

Grace Lee, Edwin Chan

and 39 and only a small remaining portion is below age of 30 or above age of 50.
The respondents surveyed generally have achieved a higher education level. Half
of the respondents have only obtained a bachelor degree while 43 % of them have
attained master level or above. As many of the respondents are in managerial
grades and senior positions, their incomes are relative higher than the public. 62%
of them earn at least HK $30.000 per month.
Foremost Urban Design Features Improving Triple Sustainable Values
Mean value of individual feature under each of 3 sustainable values is calculated
and the results are then arranged in descending order of importance. 10 out of 46
design features with the highest mean values under each category are presented
in Table 3 - Table 5.
Table 3. Top 10 Features for Enhancement of Economic Sustainability

The design features significantly improving the economic sustainable values are
shown in Table 3 and the explanations of their effects are discussed as follows:
Every resource including land and space has value in alternative use (Barron,
2004). The use of a resource is regarded as inefficient if the alternative use has
higher productivity and yields higher net benefits. Many low-density buildings in
Hong Kong were built in the past and the maximum development potentials of
sites were underused. Their property values are usually lower than the site rede-
velopment values; therefore, urban renewal to cover urban land by a more effi-
cient and profitable use is likely to be considered to optimize the economic ben-
The political environment and economy of a city, technology level, and demands
of the citizens change when the time passes. Buildings and provisions within a
development that are not capable to cater for changing needs will become obso-

1st International CIB Endorsed METU Postgraduate Conference
Built Environment & Information Technologies, Ankara, 2006

lete very soon even though their service lives have not expired yet. To optimize
full utility values of individual buildings and the facilities, and avoid premature
replacement, the building and urban forms should be highly adaptable after rede-
velopment (Montgomery, 1998).
Mixed-use development is a preferred approach to be adopted in urban renewal
projects to revitalize derelict areas in Hong Kong. Since Hong Kong is a densely
populated city with compact urban form, there is enormous potential for diversi-
fied uses located in the same district. Mixed development with great variety of
activities can attract the investors and consumers to move in to stimulate the eco-
nomic growth of an urban area as the time for searching various activities can be
Obviously, establishment of business activities e.g. retail shops, banks can moti-
vate public consumptions and new investments in neighborhoods. Proximity to
commercial establishment probably improve the property transaction values
since the buyers in general are willing to pay more if they can get what they want
conveniently in their daily life operations (Li & Brown, 1980). Hence, the
respondents preferred to have different business establishment proximity to their
properties after completion of urban renewal programme.
Like other Asian countries, property market plays an important role in stimulat-
ing economic growth in Hong Kong. High property transaction prices in the real
estate market characterize prosperous economy. According to Li and Brown
(1980), the property sale price increases when the visual appearance is to the sat-
isfaction of the public. Apart from the sale values, good building design and nice
appearance also increase the rental value of buildings (Vandell et al, 1989). To
achieve good performance of property market and continuous development of the
economy, due consideration to building design and appearance is necessary.
Not surprisingly, the practitioners believed that urban design created jobs by
attracting new business and retaining contemporary companies in particular area
after urban renewal. Availability of employment draws population while high
concentration of people supports local economic activities (Oktay, 2004). As
mentioned by Corbett and Corbett (2000), distance from work is negatively relat-
ed to productivity. Therefore, access to work is perceived as one of top 10 design
features for enhancing economic sustainability.
To minimize general expenses, effective management of buildings, facilities &
spaces is required. Routine maintenance, one of the major building management
activities, reduces the deterioration rates of the structures and their facilities, and
lowers the operation and future repair costs (Miles & Syagga, 1987). Reducing in
energy consumption through proper management also saves capital expenditure
(Chartered Institute of Housing, 2000). An example provided by Corbett and Cor-

Grace Lee, Edwin Chan

bett (2000) showed that a corporation saved approximate $18 million in a year by
switching off office lightings, air-conditionings and equipment when they were
not in use. The money saved can be spent elsewhere to get a better return.
Table 4. Top 10 Features for Enhancement of Environmental Sustainability

Environmental sustainable design features in Table 4 are discussed below:

Measures / technologies to control pollutions or maintain the air quality and noise
level to acceptable standards can offset the negative impacts of developments on
the environment. To reduce total amount of wastes generated in the long run,
reuse and recycling of materials are required. Apart from recycled and recyclable
materials, durable materials can also be used as they are long lasting, and do not
require frequent maintenance and replacement. Proper waste management is ben-
eficial to the environment. For instance, total amount of domestic solid waste can
be reduced when waste recovery programme including separation of waste paper,
aluminum cans and plastic bottles is initiated.
Consumption of natural resources can be more effective through either building
design or mechanical means. Proper building orientation and façade design to
maximize the ingress of sunlight and facilitate natural airflow, provision of exter-
nal shading devices such as fins and balconies, etc. regular heat entering and leav-
ing the buildings without inducing excessive solar heat gain and loss. Therefore,
only reasonable amount of energy is required to be used for providing artificial
lighting, and additional cooling and heating (Chartered Institute of Housing,
2000). In addition, installation of environmentally friendly fittings such as ener-
gy efficient and water conservation devices can prevent unnecessary wastage of
scare resources like power and water during operation of the buildings.
Natural landscape and open space are important to protect urban ecology. Open
spaces are regarded as city lung of urban areas. Green spaces such as parks ame-

1st International CIB Endorsed METU Postgraduate Conference
Built Environment & Information Technologies, Ankara, 2006

liorate local climate (Oktay, 2004). Trees and plants are useful to moderate wind
speed and regulate wind direction to change the airflow patterns between and
within the buildings (Corbett & Corbett, 2000). In addition, they provide shading
over the land surfaces to control indoor and outdoor temperatures. A study under-
taken by the University of California revealed that the ambient temperature in
well-shaded areas is about 10 degrees lower than that in poorly shaded regions
(Corbett & Corbett, 2000). Moreover, vegetation filters the air. Smith (2000)
pointed out that planting remove up to 75% of suspended particulates in the ambi-
ent air, regulate the level of greenhouse gas i.e. carbon dioxide and release oxy-
gen into the atmosphere.
Table 5. Top 10 Features for Enhancement of Social Sustainability

The following paragraphs indicate how design features presented in Table 5

enhance the social sustainability.
Provision of public facilities not only meets the basic needs of the citizens
(Rothenberg, 1969) but also offers venues for holding different leisure activities.
To look after vulnerable groups such as disabled, elderly and children within a
community, special provisions should be readily available for their uses. Open
spaces provide a buffer zone in crowded areas to facilitate social gathering and
public interaction. Most of them are public goods so that everyone belonged to
various socio-economic groups can enjoy. Thus, sense of place can be promoted.
Security is an essential element in every neighborhood. As said by Corbett and
Corbett (2000), people prefer to stay in a safe and security place where thieves,
burglars or vandals are absent. The public would like to know what is going on
in the public areas around their dwellings and hence urban design that fails to
keep the spaces under public surveillance reduces a sense of security of the citi-

Grace Lee, Edwin Chan

zens. Public participation is another matter of concerns during urban design

process. When the residents are involved in urban design of their communities,
the finalized design proposal is very likely to meet their needs and desires. Since
they are able to assist in shaping the community, they feel that they are part of the
community and their senses of belongings are also enhanced.
The respondents pinpointed that existing community network had to be con-
served after urban renewal. Throughout the years, many practitioners comment-
ed that disruption of existing social network was a negative outcome of urban
redevelopment. As rehousing resources are inadequate to meet the demand of
affected citizens in Hong Kong, relocation of properties’ or businesses’ owners is
inevitable. In order to safeguard the interests of local residents, daily activities,
customs, ways of living and interaction, etc. of existing community should be
Accessibility is also an essential theme in improving social sustainability. Every-
body regardless of his/her age and physical condition should have proper and
convenient access to certain places in their daily lives. Freedom of movement
from place to place is recognized as a basic human right that should be preserved
anyway. Provisions of convenient, efficient & safe public transportation routes
and pedestrian walkways are vital as they increase social contact at street level.
When the people walk around or travel by mass transportation systems, they can
meet their friends and thus inter-personal relationship improves (Lee, 2003). Pro-
moting effective mass public transit and frequent walking can improve social
cohesion as well as public health since reduction in total traffic volume increas-
es chances for the pedestrians to do healthy and mild exercise, lowers the
amounts of harmful pollutants, and reduces stress on drivers and pedestrians
(Corbett & Corbett, 2000).

Hong Kong was a former colony of the United Kingdom from 1840s to 30 June
1997. Within 160 years, Hong Kong underwent rapid developments in various
aspects e.g. physical, political, financial and social dimensions. As a result of lim-
ited land supply, changing economy and population needs, high-density urban
form of development is adopted here. Such development forms not only creates
crowded living environment, traffic congestion and incompatible land uses but
also poses constraints on urban design (Fung, 2001). In order to cope with
changes in various aspects and address different urban problems, more and more
urban renewal schemes are undertaken nowadays. With reference to the foreign
examples, urban renewal projects can be more sustainable and good communities
can be created through urban design. The questionnaire survey conducted in this

1st International CIB Endorsed METU Postgraduate Conference
Built Environment & Information Technologies, Ankara, 2006

study has confirmed that urban design features had significant impacts on 3 fore-
most sustainable values i.e. economy, environment and social equity.
Someone may argue that it is preferable to incorporate top 10 design features
under each of 3 categories in an urban renewal project. Nevertheless, it is impos-
sible as the projects often incur financial and site constraints. Therefore, the pol-
icy makers have to make a trade-off among options. To ensure that right decision
can be made, the characteristics of the region undergoing urban renewal, site con-
straints and preference of affected residents should be well known. The ideal will
be to have an urban renewal proposal that is capable to achieve possible econom-
ic growth without sacrificing environmental and social needs for the benefits of
current and future generations.

This study is supported by research grant provided by the Hong Kong Polytechnic University

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