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No.45020/13/2020-1 PS. II
Government of India/Bharat Sarkar
Ministry of Home Affairs/Grih Mantralaya
** *
North Block. New Delhi-1
Dated, the W November, 2020.

i o ,

The Chief Secretaries of all State Governments/UTs

The Director General of Police of All State Governments/UTs

Sub: O nline filin g of Im m ovable P roperty R eturn (!PR)-2020 by IPS officers - reg.


In terms of Rule 16{2) of All (India) Services (Conduct) Rules, 1968, every
member of the service shall submit his/her Immovable Property Return (iPR) in the
prescribed form by 31st January of every year in respect of the previous year ending 31st

2. Earlier, it was decided that IPS officers would file the Immovable Property Return
through online and in this regard, this Ministry had issued the instructions vide letter
number 45020/14/20164PS.II dated 13.12.2016 (for the year 2016), letter
NO.45020/29/IPS.II dated 11.12.2017 (for the year 2017), letter No.45020/34/IPS.Ii
dated 16.11.2018 (for the year 2018) and letter No.45020/22/2019-IPS.II dated
05.12.2019 (for the year 2019).

3. All the IPS officers would file the Immovable Property Return for the year 2020
through online in the same manner as per the instructions issued by this Ministry vide
letters dated 13.12.2016, 11.12.2017, 16.11,2018 and 05.12.2019. in this regard, an
application, namely, IPR (Immovable Property Return) has already been designed to
enable the officer to file the return online. Since the application would be available in
the SPARROW itself, no separate user ID and password would be required once the
officer accesses SPARROW (h ttp s://ip s.g o o r H ttps://sparrow
by using his e xistin g nic-e-iVIaiJ ID and password.

4. After filing the Immovable Property Return for the year 2020 online, the officer
would have to authenticate it by using the Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) already
issued to him under SPARROW. In this connection, a ‘User Manual’ to faciliate filling
up the online immovable Property Return (IPR) is available at welcome page of

5. it is clarified that filing of Immovable Property Return under Rule 16 of the All
India Services (Conduct) Rule, 1968 by all IPS officers is mandatory. The Immovable
Property Return for the year 2020 is required to be filed latest by 31.01.2021. In case
the officer fails to submit the IPR (online) within the stipulated time limit his/her vigilance
clearance will be denied in terms of DoPT OM No. 104/33/2005-AVD.I dated 7.9.2011.
No request for condonation of delay in filing of IPR for the year 2020 will be entertained
by the Ministry of Home Affairs.

6. In view of the above, it is requested that these instructions may be widely

circulated to all concerned officers for strict compliance in respect of filing Immovable
Property Returns for the year 2020 under the provisions of the AIS (Conduct) Rules,
1968 within the prescribed time limit through online. Immovable Property Return in
any other form will not be accepted. In case of any difficulty in accessing IPR module
through SPARROW the officer could send their grievances through e-mail at
support-sparrow@ n? or spa rro w .ip s@ n ic,in.

Yours faithfully.

Director (Police)
Tel. No.2309 3256

Copy forwarded for necessary action to:

1. Ail Mimstries/Department of Government of India.

2. AS (UT Division), Ministry of Home Affairs. New Delhi-in respect of AGMU
4. Director IB, CBI, R&AW, SPG
5. Director NPA, NCRB, NICFS, NEPA
6. President Secretariat/Cabinet Secretariat/PMO
Director (NIC-MHA)- for uploading on MHA website under what’s new and
Immovable Property Return (IPR) - related orders/instructions.

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