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Раздел 1 Аудирование B1

Вы услышите 6 высказываний. Установите соответствие между высказываниями каждого говорящего и
утверждениями, данными в списке. Используйте каждое утверждение, только один раз. В задании есть
одно лишнее утверждение.

Скачать аудиофайл в формате MP3 или прослушать на Youtube.


Speaker 1

Выберите ответ:
My room is quiet and I can work in it.
It’s important for me to feel comfortable in my bedroom.
My old bedroom was bigger than this bedroom.
I share a bedroom with my sister.
No one can enter my bedroom when I’m not there.
My parents get annoyed when my bedroom is untidy.
I try to keep my bedroom as tidy as possible.

Speaker 2

Выберите ответ:
My room is quiet and I can work in it.
It’s important for me to feel comfortable in my bedroom.
My old bedroom was bigger than this bedroom.
I share a bedroom with my sister.
No one can enter my bedroom when I’m not there.
My parents get annoyed when my bedroom is untidy.
I try to keep my bedroom as tidy as possible.

Speaker 3

Выберите ответ:
My room is quiet and I can work in it.
It’s important for me to feel comfortable in my bedroom.
My old bedroom was bigger than this bedroom.
I share a bedroom with my sister.
No one can enter my bedroom when I’m not there.
My parents get annoyed when my bedroom is untidy.
I try to keep my bedroom as tidy as possible.

Speaker 4

Выберите ответ:
My room is quiet and I can work in it.
It’s important for me to feel comfortable in my bedroom.
My old bedroom was bigger than this bedroom.
I share a bedroom with my sister.
No one can enter my bedroom when I’m not there.
My parents get annoyed when my bedroom is untidy.
I try to keep my bedroom as tidy as possible.

Speaker 5

Выберите ответ:
My room is quiet and I can work in it.
It’s important for me to feel comfortable in my bedroom.
My old bedroom was bigger than this bedroom.
I share a bedroom with my sister.
No one can enter my bedroom when I’m not there.
My parents get annoyed when my bedroom is untidy.
I try to keep my bedroom as tidy as possible.

Speaker 6

Выберите ответ:
My room is quiet and I can work in it.
It’s important for me to feel comfortable in my bedroom.
My old bedroom was bigger than this bedroom.
I share a bedroom with my sister.
No one can enter my bedroom when I’m not there.
My parents get annoyed when my bedroom is untidy.
I try to keep my bedroom as tidy as possible.

Раздел 1 Аудирование A1-A7

Вы услышите интервью специалиста отдела маркетинга со случайной прохожей. Определите, какие из
приведенных утверждений соответствуют содержанию текста (True), какие не соответствуют (False) и о
чем в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного
ответа (Not stated).

Скачать аудиофайл в формате MP3 или прослушать на Youtube.

The woman’s husband is buying a newspaper.

Выберите ответ:
Not stated

The woman buys a new toothbrush every month.

Выберите ответ:
Not stated

In the woman’s family, each person has their own tube of toothpaste.

Выберите ответ:
Not stated

The woman visits her local supermarket once a week.

Выберите ответ:
Not stated

The woman buys a new tube of toothpaste approximately every three weeks.

Выберите ответ:
Not stated

The woman believes the mouthwash she uses is healthy and tastes nice.

Выберите ответ:
Not stated
The woman thinks that ‘Freshrinse’ is a good name for a mouthwash.

Выберите ответ:
Not stated

Раздел 1 Аудирование A8-A14

Вы услышите высказывания людей в семи различных ситуациях. В заданиях выберите правильный
вариант ответа.

Скачать аудиофайл в формате MP3 или прослушать на Youtube.


You will hear a woman talking about her son. How does she feel?

Выберите ответ:

You will hear a man talking about an activity he does regularly. Why does he particularly enjoy it?

Выберите ответ:
It helps to get him out of the house.
It makes him feel fit and healthy.
It stops him thinking about his problems.

You will hear an advertisement for a new product. Who is the product aimed at?

Выберите ответ:
people who are wealthy
people with a lot of free time
people who are unfit

You will hear a radio announcer. What is on next?

Выберите ответ:
a comedy
the news
jazz music

You will hear a teacher talking to a class of students. What is she doing?

Выберите ответ:
congratulating the students
criticising the students
encouraging the students

You will hear a writer talking about his new novel. What is the novel about?

Выберите ответ:

You will hear a man talking about the economy. What worries him?

Выберите ответ:
that house prices might fall
that the price of petrol might increase
that unemployment might rise

Раздел 2 Чтение B2

Установите соответствие между текстом и приведенными ниже темами.

1. The World Bank is officially part of the United Nations. Its aim is to fight poverty around the world and, to do
that, it lends money to governments and countries which need financial help. Since it was created in 1945, after the
end of the Second World War, the World Bank has helped improve the lives of millions of poor people in many
different countries.

2. Credit cards have made shopping much easier for millions of people. With a credit card, you don’t have to carry
lots of cash with you when you go shopping. You just need to take one plastic card with you. With credit cards, you
get a bill at the end of each month. If you pay the bill immediately, you don’t have to pay the credit card company
any money. If you delay paying some or all of the bill, however, the credit card company charges you extra.

3. In America it’s the dollar and in Russia it’s the rouble. Many countries have their own ‘currency’ – their own
money. This means that when you travel from, say, Russia to the USA you have to exchange your roubles for
dollars, as shops in America don’t accept roubles. Many countries in Europe, such as France, Germany and Italy,
now have the same currency, called the euro. This means that Italians travelling to Germany don’t have to worry
about exchanging money when they travel.
4. In Britain, people who work receive either a ‘salary’ or a ‘wage’. They are both money that workers receive, but
there are small differences between them. If you get a salary, you are paid at the end of each month. A job with a
salary of £20,000 means that you get that amount over a year, not each month. A wage is usually paid at the end of
each week. A factory worker in Britain might get a weekly wage of about £300.

5. Most people do not have enough money to pay in cash if they want to buy a house or a flat. Because of this, they
have to borrow money from a bank. The name for the loan that most people get when they buy property is a
‘mortgage’. In Britain, it’s common to get a mortgage for up to twenty-five years. In other countries, it’s more
common to get a mortgage that lasts for only ten or fifteen years. When you’ve finished paying your mortgage, the
building is yours!

6. What would the world be like if we didn’t have money? It would be a very different place! We would probably
have to exchange different things to get what we needed. For example, imagine that you needed some bread. You
would go to a baker, but you couldn’t buy the bread with money. You would have to give the baker something that
the baker needed. If you were a farmer, perhaps you could offer the baker some fresh vegetables. It would be very
difficult to get everything we needed, wouldn’t it?

7. It’s a fact that children don’t work and don’t earn money but still enjoy spending it. Parents usually provide
children with an allowance, and they often insist that their children help around the home in order to receive their
money. This raises the question of how large the allowance should be. Many parents feel that if they give their
children too much money, they won’t learn the real value of money. It’s a balance that all parents find difficult to

1. The World Bank is officially part of the United Nations. Its aim is to fight poverty around the world and, to do
that, it lends money to governments and countries which need financial help. Since it was created in 1945, after the
end of the Second World War, the World Bank has helped improve the lives of millions of poor people in many
different countries.

Выберите ответ:

2. Credit cards have made shopping much easier for millions of people. With a credit card, you don’t have to carry
lots of cash with you when you go shopping. You just need to take one plastic card with you. With credit cards, you
get a bill at the end of each month. If you pay the bill immediately, you don’t have to pay the credit card company
any money. If you delay paying some or all of the bill, however, the credit card company charges you extra.

Выберите ответ:

3. In America it’s the dollar and in Russia it’s the rouble. Many countries have their own ‘currency’ – their own
money. This means that when you travel from, say, Russia to the USA you have to exchange your roubles for
dollars, as shops in America don’t accept roubles. Many countries in Europe, such as France, Germany and Italy,
now have the same currency, called the euro. This means that Italians travelling to Germany don’t have to worry
about exchanging money when they travel.

Выберите ответ:

4. In Britain, people who work receive either a ‘salary’ or a ‘wage’. They are both money that workers receive, but
there are small differences between them. If you get a salary, you are paid at the end of each month. A job with a
salary of £20,000 means that you get that amount over a year, not each month. A wage is usually paid at the end of
each week. A factory worker in Britain might get a weekly wage of about £300.

Выберите ответ:

5. Most people do not have enough money to pay in cash if they want to buy a house or a flat. Because of this, they
have to borrow money from a bank. The name for the loan that most people get when they buy property is a
‘mortgage’. In Britain, it’s common to get a mortgage for up to twenty-five years. In other countries, it’s more
common to get a mortgage that lasts for only ten or fifteen years. When you’ve finished paying your mortgage, the
building is yours!

Выберите ответ:

6. What would the world be like if we didn’t have money? It would be a very different place! We would probably
have to exchange different things to get what we needed. For example, imagine that you needed some bread. You
would go to a baker, but you couldn’t buy the bread with money. You would have to give the baker something that
the baker needed. If you were a farmer, perhaps you could offer the baker some fresh vegetables. It would be very
difficult to get everything we needed, wouldn’t it?

Выберите ответ:

7. It’s a fact that children don’t work and don’t earn money but still enjoy spending it. Parents usually provide
children with an allowance, and they often insist that their children help around the home in order to receive their
money. This raises the question of how large the allowance should be. Many parents feel that if they give their
children too much money, they won’t learn the real value of money. It’s a balance that all parents find difficult to

Выберите ответ:

Раздел 2 Чтение B3

Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски 1 - 6 частями предложений, обозначенными буквами A-G. Одна из
частей в списке A-G лишняя.

There are some very interesting plays coming to the local theatre this season. Let The Good Times Roll is a comedy
for all the family. Set in the late 1950s, the play is a humorous look at the relationships between two teenagers and
their parents. The kids are mad about rock ’n’ roll and the parents are mad with their kids 1 _________ .
In Richard and Liz, Corin Davers stars as Richard Burton and Wendy Davis is Elizabeth Taylor. It explores the
relationship between two of the most famous film stars of the twentieth century. Their love for each other was
powerful, 2 ______.
Alice In Wonderland, a new adaptation of Lewis Carroll’s famous children’s book, has been especially designed for
younger children. We’re sure the younger members of your family will love it. The show’s only one hour long, the
costumes are fantastic 3 _________.
In Man in the Moon, we follow the struggles of three close friends as they try to become astronauts. After many
twists and turns, one of them finally succeeds. This wasn’t an easy production for the director, 4 ________.
Teenage theatre-goers should enjoy Wipeout. It’s the story of a girl who runs away and is forced to grow up very
quickly on the streets of London. It reminds us that life doesn’t always go according to plan, 5 __________.
The final play this season is Come on, United! When Jody Green joins a local football team, it soon becomes
obvious that not everyone approves of a girl in the team. You’ll laugh in places, and you’ll cry in others. In the end,
you’ll agree that everyone should be allowed to follow their dreams, 6 ___________.

There are some very interesting plays coming to the local theatre this season. Let The Good Times Roll is a comedy
for all the family. Set in the late 1950s, the play is a humorous look at the relationships between two teenagers and
their parents. The kids are mad about rock ’n’ roll and the parents are mad with their kids 1 _________ .

Выберите ответ:
A. but so was their jealousy and ambition
B. which is a lesson all the characters learn
C. and there’s lots of audience participation
D. even when they seem impossible
E. for what they wear and the music they like
F. but he has achieved a lot
G. and the audience never knows the truth

In Richard and Liz, Corin Davers stars as Richard Burton and Wendy Davis is Elizabeth Taylor. It explores the
relationship between two of the most famous film stars of the twentieth century. Their love for each other was
powerful, 2 ______.

Выберите ответ:
A. but so was their jealousy and ambition
B. which is a lesson all the characters learn
C. and there’s lots of audience participation
D. even when they seem impossible
E. for what they wear and the music they like
F. but he has achieved a lot
G. and the audience never knows the truth
Alice In Wonderland, a new adaptation of Lewis Carroll’s famous children’s book, has been especially designed for
younger children. We’re sure the younger members of your family will love it. The show’s only one hour long, the
costumes are fantastic 3 _________.

Выберите ответ:
A. but so was their jealousy and ambition
B. which is a lesson all the characters learn
C. and there’s lots of audience participation
D. even when they seem impossible
E. for what they wear and the music they like
F. but he has achieved a lot
G. and the audience never knows the truth

In Man in the Moon, we follow the struggles of three close friends as they try to become astronauts. After many
twists and turns, one of them finally succeeds. This wasn’t an easy production for the director, 4 ________.

Выберите ответ:
A. but so was their jealousy and ambition
B. which is a lesson all the characters learn
C. and there’s lots of audience participation
D. even when they seem impossible
E. for what they wear and the music they like
F. but he has achieved a lot
G. and the audience never knows the truth

Teenage theatre-goers should enjoy Wipeout. It’s the story of a girl who runs away and is forced to grow up very
quickly on the streets of London. It reminds us that life doesn’t always go according to plan, 5 __________.

Выберите ответ:
A. but so was their jealousy and ambition
B. which is a lesson all the characters learn
C. and there’s lots of audience participation
D. even when they seem impossible
E. for what they wear and the music they like
F. but he has achieved a lot
G. and the audience never knows the truth

The final play this season is Come on, United! When Jody Green joins a local football team, it soon becomes obvious
that not everyone approves of a girl in the team. You’ll laugh in places, and you’ll cry in others. In the end, you’ll
agree that everyone should be allowed to follow their dreams, 6 ___________.

Выберите ответ:
A. but so was their jealousy and ambition
B. which is a lesson all the characters learn
C. and there’s lots of audience participation
D. even when they seem impossible
E. for what they wear and the music they like
F. but he has achieved a lot
G. and the audience never knows the truth

Раздел 2 Чтение A15-A21

Прочитайте текст и выполните задания, выбрав правильный вариант ответа.

Whether you call it a ‘gap year’, a ‘year out’ or a ‘year off ’, the decision to delay going to university for a year after
leaving school is a difficult, but important, one.

Becky Roberts, now studying history at the University of Warwick, doesn’t regret her decision to take a year off. ‘I’d
worked so hard for my A levels,’ she says. ‘I knew it would do me good to do something totally unrelated to
studying before embarking on a three-year degree course. My year off working for my dad’s company wasn’t a
holiday by any means, but it was a break from the world of education, and that’s just what I needed.’

Carl Sanchez agrees. Now halfway through a biology degree at Cardiff University, Carl spent much of his gap year
travelling. ‘I worked for about three months to save up enough money, then went to stay with some friends who
live in France. I ended up travelling round most of Europe, and even got over to Russia for a few weeks, which was

Both Becky and Carl enjoyed their year off, but do they feel it’s benefited them in terms of their university life now?
‘Definitely,’ says Carl. ‘When I left school, I was a normal, fairly irresponsible eighteen year-old. I hadn’t been
anywhere, I hadn’t done anything. A year later, when I went to university, I felt much more like an adult than a

‘I know a few people at Warwick who took a year off,’ says Becky. ‘Generally, we’re more dedicated to our studies
than those students who came straight from school. We’ve got different priorities. We want to have fun, of course,
but we realise we’re here to get our degrees. I don’t think some of the others have quite realised why they’re at
university yet.’

There are drawbacks to taking a gap year, though. Penny Cartwright went straight from school to study medicine at
Imperial College, London. ‘I thought about taking a gap year but decided against it and don’t regret the decision for
a minute. Becoming a doctor takes such a long time — I’ll be about 26 years old before I can start earning any
money — that the sooner you start, the better, in my opinion. It might be fun, but it’s really just a wasted year in
terms of career development.’

There’s also the financial consideration. If you do decide to take a year off, and you don’t want to work the whole
time as Becky did, you have to be able to pay for it. Susan Jenkins, a Careers Officer, points out that parents are
now less likely to fund their child’s year off. ‘Twenty years ago, it was fairly common for parents to say to their son
or daughter, ‘Here’s two thousand pounds, go and have fun abroad for a few months.’ Nowadays, because parents
have to pay so much more for their child’s education while they’re at university,
they just can’t afford to pay for this extra year too.’

One option, of course, is to do what Carl did: work for a few months in order to save up for a trip abroad. Another
option is to find casual work while travelling abroad. ‘There are now a lot of books and websites with loads of
information for people who want to do this,’ says Susan. ‘It’s a great way to see the world, gain experience, and get
money for living expenses all at the same time. But don’t expect to earn enough to save any money.’

So, should you take a gap year? The answer is: it depends. If you want a break from books and essays, then it’s
probably a good idea — as long as you, or your parents, can afford it and as long as you’re going to do something
worthwhile during your time off. Sitting at home watching TV doesn’t count! If you want to get your degree and
start regular employment as quickly as possible, a gap year may not be so sensible.

Becky took a year off because she

Выберите ответ:
needed to see what working for her father was like.
felt she needed a long holiday before university.
wanted to do something different for a while.
had done so well in her A level exams at school.

Carl says that a year off helped him

Выберите ответ:
learn the importance of saving money.
make friends in many different countries.
become more knowledgeable about geography.
become more mature and experienced.

According to Becky, students who didn’t take a year off

Выберите ответ:
are less hard-working than those who did.
probably won’t end up with a degree.
don’t want to have fun at university.
are less intelligent than those who did.

According to Penny, a year off

Выберите ответ:
should be taken when you’re about 26 years old.
is better once you’ve actually started your course.
can be enjoyable and useful for your future work.
merely delays the time when you can get a job.

In the past, parents were more likely to
Выберите ответ:
pay for their child’s education at university.
give their child money to help with their year off.
encourage their child to go straight to university.
force their child to take a year off before university.

Susan issues a warning about

Выберите ответ:
low wages for casual work abroad.
information from books and websites.
paying for everyday expenses abroad.
the difficulty of finding casual work.

This article would probably not appear in

Выберите ответ:
a handbook for school-leavers.
a textbook for university students.
a magazine for young people.
the education section of a newspaper.

Раздел 3 Грамматика и лексика B4-B10

Прочитайте текст. Преобразуйте, если необходимо, слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце
предложений, обозначенных номерами B4 – B10, так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали
содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами.

The News on TV Do you watch the news on TV?

B4 Before television, people often ______ to the cinema to watch the news. GO

B5 In those days, they ________ also listen to the news on the radio but they weren’t able to see anything. CAN

B6 Of course, newspapers ________ people the news for hundreds of years. GIVE
have given / have been given

B7 Even today, however, a daily newspaper gives ________ readers yesterday’s news and the only pictures are
photographs. IT

B8 The introduction of television _________ the daily news, with moving pictures, into people’s homes for the first
time. BRING

B9 In the beginning, people _________ the news on TV whenever they wanted it, because it was only broadcast at
certain times of the day. NOT GET
didn't get / did not get

B10 These days, there are a number of TV news channels ________ the news 24 hours a day. PROVIDE

Раздел 3 Грамматика и лексика B11-B16

Прочитайте текст. Преобразуйте, если необходимо, слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце
предложений, обозначенных номерами B11 – B16, так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически
соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами.

What happened to the ship the Mary Celeste is a mystery that remains unsolved to this day.
B11 Built in 1861, the ship was __________called the Amazon, but its name was changed to the Mary Celeste in
1869. ORIGIN

B12 The Mary Celeste left New York for Italy on 7th November 1872 with a crew of seven professional _________
and the captain’s wife and daughter. SAIL

On 4th December, another ship, the Dei Gratia, spotted the Mary Celeste drifting in the sea.
B13 To the crew’s _________, ASTONISH

B14 they discovered that everyone on the Mary Celeste had ________ disappeared. COMPLETE

B15 There was plenty of food and water on board and the ship was in ________ condition. EXCELLENCE

There were no signs of a struggle or fight. The people on the Mary Celeste were never found.
B16 No one has ever discovered what happened to those nine _________ men and women. LUCK

Раздел 3 Грамматика и лексика A22-A28

Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами A22-A28, и выберите правильный вариант.

Dear Claire, It was wonderful to receive your e-mail yesterday. I can’t believe it’s over six years since we were last in
touch. How time flies! It was great to hear all your news, and thank you so much for attaching those photos of you
and the family. You haven’t aged a bit, and look as beautiful as ever!

I’m still living in the same flat in Rome, but it looks very different to when you were here last. I’ve totally
redecorated and knocked the wall through from the kitchen to the living room to make a large living A22
It’s a lot more comfortable for me because – and this is my other big news – I now work from home as a full-time
writer! You remember that novel I always said I was writing? Well, I finished it, sent it off to a publisher and it was
accepted for publication. This was about three years ago. The book A23 ________ out in hardback first and got
some fairly good reviews in the Sunday newspapers in the UK, and last year they produced a paperback A24
________ ! Can you believe it?

I’m not rich yet by any means, but I am earning enough from royalties to have been able to A25 ________ my job.
I’m now hard at work on my second novel – let’s just hope it doesn’t take as long to write as the first one!

Actually, it’s A26 ________ well and I hope to have finished it within the next six months or so.

I’ll be coming over to the UK the first week of next month. I’d love to meet up! Let me know when you’re free and
we’ll arrange it. I can either come over to your A27 _______ and meet the family, or maybe just you and I can go
out to dinner somewhere and A28 _______ up on old times. Whatever you prefer. I’ll be staying at a hotel in
London and will only have a couple of meetings while I’m there, so I should be free most of the time.
Let me know, and see you soon, I hope!
Lots of love,

I’m still living in the same flat in Rome, but it looks very different to when you were here last. I’ve totally
redecorated and knocked the wall through from the kitchen to the living room to make a large living A22

Выберите ответ:

It’s a lot more comfortable for me because – and this is my other big news – I now work from home as a full-time
writer! You remember that novel I always said I was writing? Well, I finished it, sent it off to a publisher and it was
accepted for publication. This was about three years ago. The book A23 ________ out in hardback first and got
some fairly good reviews in the Sunday newspapers in the UK,

Выберите ответ:

and last year they produced a paperback A24 ________ ! Can you believe it?

Выберите ответ:

I’m not rich yet by any means, but I am earning enough from royalties to have been able to A25 ________ my job.
I’m now hard at work on my second novel – let’s just hope it doesn’t take as long to write as the first one!

Выберите ответ:

Actually, it’s A26 ________ well and I hope to have finished it within the next six months or so.

Выберите ответ:

I’ll be coming over to the UK the first week of next month. I’d love to meet up! Let me know when you’re free and
we’ll arrange it. I can either come over to your A27 _______ and meet the family,

Выберите ответ:

or maybe just you and I can go out to dinner somewhere and A28 _______ up on old times. Whatever you prefer.
I’ll be staying at a hotel in London and will only have a couple of meetings while I’m there, so I should be free most
of the time.
Let me know, and see you soon, I hope!
Lots of love,

Выберите ответ:

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