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IMPORTANT NOTE: Customer-specific requirements are regularly updated. Check www.iatfglobaloversight.

org and the Customer's websites for the latest requirements.

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Latest Revision Aug-09 Sep-08 01/01/2009 (Ed. 06)) Formel Q - 01/01/2005 (Rev. 5) SQAM 19/12/2006
Compliance Reference
TS16949 STD # Ford Reqmt GM Reqmnt Chrysler VW Toyota

4.2.3 Control Of documents Where the organisation uses Ford documents / Where the organisation uses VW documents / Suppliers must maintain an ECI QOPM 4.2.3
Instructions or other documents of external origin, the Instructions or other documents of external origin, Implementation log to show engineering
organisation ensures that the appropriate revision level is the organisation ensures that the appropriate change history. May only use alternative
used. Refer: revision level is used. Refer: document if it had been approved by TSAM -
See sec 18-2
or as specified by FMC 1.Production part approvals, tooling records, purchase Production part approvals, tooling records, Production part approvals, tooling Production records must always be completed & QOPM4.2.4.1
orders and amendments shall be maintained for the length purchase orders and amendments shall be records, purchase orders and available at the workstation or at the workplace
Records Retention of time that the part (or family parts) is active for production maintained for the length of time that the part(or amendments shall be maintained for ( pg 96)
and service requirements plus 1 calender year unless family parts) is active for productionand service the length of time that the part(or
otherwise specified by FMC.This included all purchasing requirements plus 1 calender year unless family parts) is active for Audit records for D/TLDinimum 15 years archiving
documents tooling included. otherwise specified by GM productionand service requirements
plus 1 calender year unless otherwise Documents must be pref backup on CD rom and
specified by Chrysler stored in a flame-proof facility

2. Records of inspection shall be maintained for each SAME AS FMC same as FMC
customer specification, unless waived in writing by STA.These records shall be retained for one calender year QOPM4.2.4.1
Records Retention in which they were created.
3.Records of internal quality system audits and
management review shall be retained for three years.
4. Retention
periods longer than those specified above may be
specified by an organisation in its procedures.

4.2.2 Scope Entire facility/plant must be Entire facility/plant must be Entire facility/plant must be QMS certification according to VDA 6.1 and/or QOPM 4.2.2
registered to TS16949: 2002 registered to TS16949: 2002 registered to TS16949: 2002 ISO/TS 16949 (pg 123)

Requirements for Formel Q (QPN) implemented.

(incl 2-day production acceptance) (pg 123)

4.2.4 Control of records APQP, tooling, POs, PPAPs, same as FMC same FMC QOPM 4.2.4
and Amendments maintained for active production &
service requirements plus one calendar, unless stated
otherwise by Ford

Mgmnt review and internal audits same same

retained for 3 years

Quality performance records Same same

including inspection, control
charts, test results, maintained
for one Calendar year after they
were created

5.2, 8.2.4, 8.5.1 Shall demonstrate enhanced customer satisfaction through Trends in Customer no requirement QOPM 5.2.1
Customer Focus continuous improvement requirements of Q1 as stated in satisfaction must be compared
QOS. QOS Assessments shall be used in development of to that of competitors and
QOS unless otherwise sated by the STA reviewed by top mgmt
Ref: GM publications in 4.2.2
(15 in total) Customer Rep change requires notification within 10 No requirement No requirement Customer Rep change requires notification QOPM 5.1.1
Customer Representative days or any changes in company ownership within 10

5.5.3 No requirement No requirement No requirement QOPM 5.1.1


5.6 Mngmt Review The organization shall hold monthly QOS performance At least once per year No requirement QOPM 5.1.1
meetings as specified in in the Q1 manufacturing Site
assessment. The results of these meetings and the Q1
assesment results shall be intergral to the senior
management meetings Resource Only trained & qualified personnel are to be involved in all No requirement No Requirement QOPM 6.1.1
Only trained & qualified personnel are to be
Provision aspects of manufacturing and design of Ford parts. involved in all aspects of manufacturing and
Personell are to be trained to the current processes and design of VW parts. Personnel are to be trained to
requirements. Records to be maintained for 3 years from the current processes and legal requirements. This
the date of training. includes any foreign nationals (pg 134 & 5)
Recources must be be accounted for at RFQ stage Recources including substitute opertors must be
be accounted for at RFQ stage ( pg 97 & 136)
6.3.1 Lean Evidence of LEAN principles must be entrenched in the No Requirement No requirement QOPM 6.3.1
process as specified in the Q1 manufacturing site

6.3.2 Contingency Notification of Buyer and STA engineer and assembly No requirement No requirement Contingencies for ongoing supply of parts must be QOPM 6.2.3
within 24 hours of any plant interuption and contingency inplace
plans activated to continue supply

6.4.2 Cleanliness Part dunnage is included No requirement No requirement QOPM 6.1.1

7.1 Product GPDS users must use must use APQP/PPAP Readiness See GM publications Use AQP requirements as defined in AQP/PSO DOC Supplier shall develop Production Prep Plan QOPM 7.1
Realization Planning Assessment schedule on Ford Portal - See page 11 (PPP) Updatedto TSAM by 4th each month
See TSAM production Trial requirements Sec
The organization shall meet meet requirements of 12 pg 1 - 7
"Statement of Work" available on the Ford website
Report APQP status as defined on website
Use prototype data for production
Use prototype data for production planning

7.1.2 Acceptance criteria As per Ford SR's in table A & B on Pg 24 & 25 No requirement No requirement QOPM 7.1

7.1.4 Change no requirement no requirement Shall proactively communicate Supplier must submit Process change request QOPM 7.1.4
control changes when ECI affects any approved production
Shall notify SQ Manager and process - see Sec 18-2
Purchasing agent of changes to
material, process and manuf.
Also supplier issues and
capacity issues

7.2.1 Environmental Report materials noted in no requirement No Requirement Materials, substances & component must comply QOPM 7.2.1
requirement - materials PPAP instructions with EU regulations (pg102) QOPM
Lists for declarable substances are to be
considered and documented (pg 125)
Information be be updated on IMDS Review of requirement - Product Authorization can be obtained from buyer or Ford no requirement No Requirement
Engineering where appropriate Feasibility Include all supplier and Ford no requirement no requirement QOPM
organizations as appropriate
20% volume increase requires
full feasibility study, Family parts may be covered by No requirement Need CP for all three build phases. Need CP for both build phases. ( pg 94)
PFMEA must be updated for project changes with PFMEA & MQC shall be submitted to TSAM 8
FMEAs, Control Plans One FMEA or CONTROL PLAN implemented actions (pg 94) weeks prior to 1A trials
This must be approved by FORD Shall manage MQC of sub-suppliers and
STA (Ford 4.2) submit to TSAM on request
emphasis on prevention Customer Assistance in CP3 or legacy data systems availabe Electronic dat tranfer systems for GM's North Establish electronic communication with Chrysler on Covisint QOPM
Communication through website operations and CX for SA through Global Supplier Portal Forever Req. - The organization shall communicate any changes
that may impact on quality on FRF on webCN
Cross-functional teams must be used to to
FMEA & CP approval is required for parts supplied no requirement no requirement develop Manufacturing Quality Charts (MQC), Multidisciplinary approach
DFMEA & PFMEA required for all parts supplied to Ford & PFMEA

As per GM key characteristic Designation (KCDS)

Ref GM 1805 QN Critical characteristics must be discussed &
All D/TLD part special characteristics must be agreed to withTSAM QCE Sec 8 pg4
documented including those not identified by VW Special Critical and Special "shall be knowledgeable of stds" PS-9336<H> QOPM
but by the supplier (pg 127 & 8 & 131)
Characteristics characteristics guidelines only PS-10125<T>, AS-10119<A>
also Changes to monitoring of SC must be approved by STA Use GM KCDS Ref: The Diamond <> for further detail refer to PS-7300

7.3.4, Must use GPDS for review of product, No requirement All design changes including those proposed by suppliers All design/process changes including those
Design & Development review design and development stages - Pg15 must have written Chrysler approval or waiver of such approval proposed by suppliers must have written
prior to implementation refer to OSO/TS cl 7.3.7 & PPAP manual TSAM approval or waiver of such approval at
least 3 months prior to the proposed change -
Sec 18
7.3.5 Design Design verification required to show conformance with No requirement must be performed QOPM 7.3.1
Verification Ford VDS & SDS before PSO can be completed
Continuing conformance
inspection/test shall be
performed during the model

7.3.7 Design No requirement All changes shall have All changes shall have Chrysler approval or waiver of such approval QOPM 7.3.1
Changes written approval or waiver prior to production implementation Prototypes shall request confirmation of the Ref: GP4 No ref QOPM 7.3.1
need for prototypes PPAPs 1) Shall comply with AIAG PPAP Same as Ford plus, PPAP's required from suppliers inaccordance with Chrysler's As specified in TRL requiremnts see Pgs 137 - QOPM
141) Off Tool Sample evaluation must meet TSAM
process PPAP requirements for assembly centres shall requirements - see pg 1
evaluation requirements -see sec 13 p1 - 3
2)Subcontractors must meet PPAP from a specified prod run of saleable pilot vehicles
requirements Trial & changed parts must be clearly labelled
3) All design changes shall have in accordance with TSAM requirements - See
approval per PPAP and made Sec 18-3
through WERS or SREA process
4) Run-at-rate is satisfied by
demonstrating "Prod. Verification" Regulations All applicable including internations regulation shall apply no requirement no requirement Materials/substances must comply with REACH QOPM
as specified by Ford as specified on Ford portal on covisint regulations
Written confirmation of compliance to legal
requirements are required, Supplier Quality Management System Development to When sub suppliers are too small to certify to When sub suppliers are too small to certify to ISO/TS or ISO 9000 Subcontractors for which influence the Sub supplier quality must be simular to Tier 1 QOPM
Subcontractor QMS Development minimum ISO9000 level. When required, subcontactors to ISO/TS or ISO 9000 the organization shall have a the organization shall have a decision criteria for designating small characteristics of mandatory documents must be supplier quality assurance activities. Tier 1
be approved by Ford decision criteria for designating small suppliers. suppliers. Such decision criteia shall be in writing, applied audited to ensure that the requirements are supplier is responsible for all production &
Such decision criteria shall be in writing, applied consistently in the application and verified by the third part auditor. verified (pg 130) quality issues. TSAM must be notified of any
consistently in the application and verified by the Refer guidelines on pg 5 sub-supplier change at 3 months prior to
third part auditor. Refer guidelines on pg 17 change. Sec 9 pg 2 Incoming Need incoming quality measures, unless waived Ref: GM 1746 No ref CGI fully responsible for Quality of incoming Need incoming quality measures QOPM
materials including that of VW assured suppliers
Product Quality in writing by Ford STA (pg 99)
Any inspection shall be commensurate with the risk and
quality of the subcontractor

Only approved & qualified subcontractors to be Only approved suppliers as listed on the Scheduling 100% on time delivery from subcontractors No ref No ref used (pg 99) approved supplier's list can be used - See
Subcontractors Monitor and minimise premium freight. Sec 09 pg 1 Job (work) Instructions Operators shall use most current WI's unless authorised in No ref See element 10 Operating instructions QOPM
writing Verification of Job set ups Set up records shall be No ref No ref QOPM
maintained for 1 year. 1) Documented system for No ref Refer requirements as per Element 19 QOPM
Preventive preventive maintenance
Maintenance Includes timely review and
documented action plan
2) Action plans to be included
in management review
3) Records kept for 1 year

Process Validation No requirement No requirement PSO shall be completed by QOPM 7.5.2
product team to verify readiness
prior to PPAP submittal.
Parts that have been out of
production for 12 months or more
shall have production led PSO - Refer Element 21

Identification, Traceability, preservation Storage & Packaging & ID of containers, data exchange Shall establish a system to assure Toyota
inventory Shall conform to Chrysler Packing, shipping and labelling packing specs are maintained - see sec 11 pg
must comply with requirements set out in B2B-
instructions 1-3
Key requirements are compliance to MMOG/LE Ref: GM 1731 Platform (pg 122) QOPM 7.5.3,QOPM 7.5.5
7.5.3, 7.5.4, 7.5.5 specified by Fords MMOG/LE manual on covisint All tooling shall be clearly identified & correctly stored Packaging, ID of containers & VW interphase Ref 4.340 Cust Specifics communications (CX)shall comply with VW
requirements as set out in B2B Platform

7.6.1. MSA In accordance with AIAG manual No ref Refer requirements listed in Element 18
Family gauge studies must 3rd Party cal lab certified to ISO/IEC 17025
be approved by STA

7.6.3, Laboratory requirements Independent laboratories shall be approved prior to use Independent laboratories shall be approved prior No Ref The acceptance criteria should be based on QOPM
The acceptance criteria should be based on ISO/IEC to use The acceptance criteria should be based on ISO/IEC 17025 or national equivalent.
17025 or national equivalent, shall be documented other ISO/IEC 17025 or national equivalent, shall be
approval from Ford STA is required documented other approval from GM is required
8.1.1, 8.1.2 Statistical tools Latest edition of AIAG manual for SPC, MSA VDA must be No ref No ref QOPM 8.1.1
applied. Capability Index must include Cpk & Ppk studies Short-term process capability Cmk/Ppk values >/= Production & Mass production trila must be
to determine possible sources of variation conducted to meet TSAM quality & delivery
1.67: Long-term process capability >/= 1.33
Capability regarding Mandatory documentation requirements See sec 12 pg 1 - 7
characteristics must be proven & fully documented
(pg 132), 5.2 Customer Shall notify 3rd party in 5 days Notify within 5 days Customer satisfaction must be measured which QOPM 8.2.1
should included packaging and delivery processes Supplier shall have documenred
Satisfaction in writing if Q1 revoked. after being placed on in 5 working days if (pg 122) countermeasure sytem to analyze and
Shall monitor performance metrics "New business hold - Quality" placed in the "Needs improve quality concerns through waranty dat
as per Q1 and updates to FSP For details ref 4.2.8 GM Improvement" category. and customer returns
2) Shall communicate customer specifics
satisfaction to all employees
twice a year.

Internal auditors trained as per ISO 19011 1st D/TLD-parts & additional legal requirements to be
Perform at least once per year
8.2.2 Internal Audits & Auditors Internal audit reviews conducted at least anually edition evaluated by regular internal audits QOPM
Internal auditors qualified and competent in all core tools, Auditors must be qualified & competent in process The organization shall complete the self-assessment audit 1/year
and process approach. approach, core tools & customer specifics commencing 7 Jan 2008 using Elements O Manufacturing Basics -
5 internal audits in the company see pg 7
of a trained auditor covering all The organization shall conduct LPA & provide evidence of LPA
aspects relating to Ford being conducted on production parts
Process and product audits
can be performed by process
specialists without full auditor
training. Monitoring & measurement of manufacturing 1) Need to reduce variability using no requirement No requirement QOPM
process Six Sigma or other similar

8.2.4 ES test failures shall be the cause to stop no requirement No requirement QOPM 8.2.4
Monitoring and shipments. Ford shall be informed No parts can be shipped to TSAM unless
measurement of product All suspect must be reworked. Provisional or final approval has been granted
Test frequency requirements by TSAM QCE - see Sec 17 Pg 1
shall be noted in the control plan and FMEA
Revisions to frequencies need STA approval

8.3.4 Customer Waiver Approval is required before the use of non conforming or Approval is required before the use of non Approval is required before the use of QOPM 8.3.4
changed process conforming or changed process non conforming or changed process Layout Inspection Shall be be performed annually and the measurements No requirement Same as Ford QOPM
shall be documented on the PPAP Dimensional Results
sheet. Reference AIAG PPAP Manual Appearance Items Where processes or environmental could affect the No requirement No requirement Judgement for colour must be evaluated as QOPM
product the organization shall implement measures such per TSAM requirements - see sec 14 Pg 1 - 5
as Ford Global Craftmanship. This should be covered in
the CP and APQP reporting. Refer to FSP for further

8.3,8.5.2,8.5.3 Shall have systems in place to prevent shipping of non PRR system must be actioned on the GM GQTS A written 8 step plan Respond to Quality Improvement Request QOPM 8.5.2
Control of NC conforming parts to any Ford company facility system on GMSupplypower shall be submitted for Continuous & preventive methods to be applied to (QIR) or QPR by duae date or as specified in
product and correctve Respond to Ford with 8D within 5 business days corrective action progress towards zero defect demand of customer the SQAM - see Sect 19
action Close out 8D within 10 days e-CIMS - at least two people at 8D cause & effect taguchi type sytems must be
Internal notification system each loc. must be trained in use considered
Communicate results and PPM's and reg. access the system
Implement corrective actions PSFD0270 to be incorporated
to effectively respond to e-CIMS

Form No.

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