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Review of Economic Studies (2003) 70, 395–415 0034-6527/03/00150395$02.

c 2003 The Review of Economic Studies Limited

Professionals Play Minimax

Brown University

First version received September 2001; final version accepted October 2002 (Eds.)

The implications of the Minimax theorem are tested using natural data. The tests use a unique
data set from penalty kicks in professional soccer games. In this natural setting experts play a one-shot
two-person zero-sum game. The results of the tests are remarkably consistent with equilibrium play in
every respect: (i) winning probabilities are statistically identical across strategies for players; (ii) players’
choices are serially independent. The tests have substantial power to distinguish equilibrium play from
disequilibrium alternatives. These results represent the first time that both implications of von Neumann’s
Minimax theorem are supported under natural conditions.

During the last few decades game theory has contributed to a reshaping of important aspects
of the methodology of Economics and other social sciences. In a large part this is because the
language, concepts and techniques of non-cooperative game theory have become central to many
areas of the discipline. Undoubtedly, studying the interaction of ideally rational players greatly
aids our understanding of the behaviour of real individuals, firms and other agents. Moreover, as
Kreps (1991) remarks, “studying the former should aim at understanding the latter. The point of
game theory is to help economists understand and predict what will happen in economic, social
and political contexts”.
Theoretical contributions should thus feed back to empirical analysis. However, testing the
implications of the theory has proven extremely difficult in the literature. The primary reason
is that many predictions often hinge on properties of the utility functions and the values of the
rewards used. Even when predictions are invariant over classes of preferences, data on rewards
are seldom available in natural settings. Moreover, there is often great difficulty in determining
strategy sets and in measuring individuals’ choices, effort levels, and the incentive structures they
face. As a result, even the most fundamental predictions of game-theoretical models have not yet
been supported empirically in real situations.
In view of the substantial problems associated with testing theoretical predictions using
natural data, many authors have been compelled to test them in experimental settings.
Interestingly enough, despite the controlled structure of experiments, the results of many
experiments during the last few decades typically reject the assumption that subjects are
playing according to the theoretical implications of equilibrium play. For instance, a number
of experiments have evaluated the empirical validity of von Neumann’s Minimax Theory for
two-person zero-sum games, a theory that occupies a central position in our understanding of
strategic situations. The results have been mixed and are often rather negative (see, for instance,
Brown and Rosenthal (1990), Rapoport and Boebel (1992), Camerer (2003), and the references
It is rightly argued, however, that in experimental settings individuals are often exposed to
games and situations that they have not faced previously and that, despite their usual simplicity, it
may not be possible for them to become very proficient in the limited timeframe of an experiment.
This in turn has contributed to generating an important literature dealing with out-of-equilibrium

play, or “learning”, in experimental games.1 Consequently, the state of affairs is such that even
though the ability of game theoretical models to explain the diversity of individual behaviour
in socioeconomic environments has significant theoretical and practical implications, the major
equilibrium predictions of the theory have received little or no empirical support.
This paper offers an empirical examination of an aspect of the theory of strategic
interactions. A fundamental concept in many strategic situations is that one’s actions must
not be predictable by one’s opponent. The theory of mixed strategy play, including von
Neumann’s Minimax theorem and the general notion of a Nash equilibrium in mixed strategies,
remains the essential basis of our theoretical understanding of strategic situations that require
unpredictability.2 In this paper we use data from a natural strategic play in professional sports to
provide an empirical test of the Minimax theorem, an approach that has been recently followed by
Walker and Wooders (2001). Moreover, the specific features of the play and its environment allow
the analysis to overcome the usual difficulties that have plagued previous empirical attempts in
the literature, both in natural and experimental settings.
In professional sports participants are experts at their games. This clearly presents a notable
advantage over many experiments, as the individuals are already the most proficient agents of the
situations of the game. However, despite the fact that situations that require unpredictable play
and mutual outguessing are pervasive in sports, it is normally not feasible to conduct accurate
empirical tests of the Minimax hypothesis in these scenarios. The reason is that players generally
have many strategies available and outcomes are numerous. In addition, outcomes are generally
not decided immediately after players choose their initial actions. There are subsequent strategic
choices that usually play a crucial role in determining final outcomes. As a result, it is essentially
impossible to obtain detailed data on all relevant variables to conduct informative statistical
All of these usual difficulties and drawbacks are overcome in the natural setting we examine
in this paper. We focus on a specific one-shot two-person zero-sum game in professional sport
that requires unpredictability and mutual outguessing. As in the typical experimental setting,
the game has a precisely defined set of rules, few strategies are available, outcomes are decided
immediately after strategies are chosen, and all relevant information is observable. In contrast
with most experiments, however, professional players are highly motivated and experts at the
game. The analysis is concerned with a play of the world’s most popular game: penalty kicks in
soccer. To test the implications of the Minimax theorem, we exploit a unique data set of more
than 1400 penalty kicks in professional soccer games that includes very detailed information on
all relevant aspects of the play, especially actions and outcomes.
As a brief summary of the main results, we find that, as predicted by the theory of
mixed strategy play: (i) winning probabilities are statistically identical across strategies, and
(ii) players’ choices are independent draws from a random process. The first result has been
notably difficult to obtain in the literature. As to the second, essentially all previous tests of
randomness in experimental research in psychology and economics have found that individuals
“switch strategies” too often to be consistent with random play. When individuals are asked
to generate or identify random sequences these sequences often have negative autocorrelations
(see Bar-Hillel and Wagenaar (1991), Camerer (1995) for reviews of the literature). In our tests
of the Minimax hypothesis, professional players are found to be capable of behaving perfectly
randomly. Their sequences neither exhibit negative or positive autocorrelation, and choices do
not depend on one’s own previous play, on the opponent’s previous plays or on past outcomes.

1. See Erev and Roth (1998), Camerer and Ho (1999), Stahl (2000), and many references therein.
2. Osborne and Rubinstein (1994) discuss a number of interpretations of mixed strategy equilibrium.

We take these two results as consistent with the implications of the Minimax theorem. In
this sense, and to the best of our knowledge, they represent the first time that the fundamental
notion of Nash equilibrium in mixed strategies is supported with real data.
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. The following section describes the
structure and setting of the play, and the empirical hypothesis that will be evaluated. Section 3
describes the data. Section 4 is devoted to the empirical analysis. Section 5 contains an evaluation
of the power of the tests against non-Minimax behaviour, and a discussion of some extensions of
the empirical analysis. Finally, Section 6 concludes.


In soccer, a penalty kick is awarded against a team which commits one of the ten punishable
offences inside its own penalty area while the ball is in play. The world governing body of soccer,
the Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA), describes in detail the simple rules
that govern this play in the Official Laws of the Game (FIFA, 2000).3 First, the position of the
ball and the players are determined as follows:

• “The ball is placed on the penalty mark in the penalty area.4

• The player taking the penalty kick is properly identified.
• The defending goalkeeper remains on the goal line, facing the kicker, between the
goalposts, until the ball has been kicked.
• The players other than the kicker are located inside the field of play, outside the penalty
area, behind the penalty mark, and at least 10 yards (9·15 m) from the penalty mark.”
The procedure to be followed is described as follows:
• “The player taking the penalty kicks the ball forward.
• He does not play the ball a second time until it has touched another player.
• A goal may be scored directly from a penalty kick.”

Each penalty kick involves two players: a kicker and a goalkeeper. In the typical kick the
ball takes about 0·3 s to travel the distance between the penalty mark and the goal line; that is, it
takes less than the reaction time plus goalkeeper’s movement time to possible paths of the ball.
Hence, both kicker and goalkeeper must move simultaneously.5 The penalty kick has only two
possible outcomes: score or no score. Players have few strategies available and their actions are
observable. The spin of the kick plays no role. There are no second penalties in case a goal is
not scored. The initial location of both the ball and the goalkeeper is always the same: the ball is

3. To William McCrum belongs the credit of inventing the original penalty kick rule. As a member of the Irish
Football Association he submitted the penalty kick rule to the International Football Board in 1891. The rule was passed
4. Law 1 is concerned with the dimensions of the field of play: “the penalty area is defined at each end of the
field as follows: two lines are drawn at right angles to the goal line, 18 yards (16·5 m) from the inside of each goalpost.
These lines extend into the field of play for a distance of 18 yards (16·5 m) and are joined by a line drawn parallel with
the goal line. The area bounded by these lines and the goal line is the penalty area. Within each penalty area a penalty
mark is made 12 yards (11 m) from the midpoint between the goalposts and equidistant to them. . . . Goals must be placed
on the centre of each goal line. They consist of two upright posts equidistant from the corner flagposts and joined at the
top by a horizontal crossbar. The distance between the posts is 8 yards (7·32 m) and the distance from the lower edge of
the crossbar to the ground is 8 feet (2·44 m)” (FIFA, 2000).
5. Miller (1998) reports evidence on ball speed, reaction times, and movement times from all the penalty kicks in
four World Cups which confirms that, as intended by the rule, goalkeepers must optimally begin their movement at the
point of foot–ball contact and that kickers must choose their kicking side before goalkeepers move.

placed on the penalty mark and the goalkeeper positions himself on the goal line, equidistant to
the goalposts.6 Finally, the outcome is decided immediately after players choose their strategies.
The clarity of the rules and the detailed structure of this simultaneous one-shot play
resembles those in the theoretical setting and in many experiments. In this sense, it presents
notable advantages over other plays in professional sports and other natural settings. In baseball,
pitchers and batters have many actions available and possible outcomes are numerous. In cricket
and tennis, possible outcomes are limited but players have many strategic choices available.
Even in serves, the direction of the serve, its spin, and the initial location of the opponent are
all important strategic choices. Another difference is that outcomes are typically not decided
immediately. After a player serves, there is subsequent strategic play that often plays a crucial
role in determining the final outcome. Notable difficulties clearly arise both in modelling such
situations theoretically and, especially, in observing all strategic choices in a given play. In
an original paper, however, Walker and Wooders (2001) examine whether the choice of first
serves alone by professional tennis players is consistent with equilibrium play. Although no
other strategic variables are considered, second serves are ignored, and outcomes are not decided
immediately, their findings support the implication that winning probabilities are statistically
identical across strategies. Players, however, switch serving strategies too often to be consistent
with random play, and hence with one implication of the Minimax theorem.
The characteristics of the play and the fact that it involves professional players—for whom
arguably no learning is involved—allow the example in our case to overcome previous difficulties
both in experimental and natural settings. They present a suitable opportunity for testing the
Minimax hypothesis with natural data.
In what follows, we let the player’s payoffs be the probabilities of success (“score” for the
kicker and “no score” for the goalkeeper) in the penalty kick. The kicker wishes to maximize
the expected probability of scoring, while the goalkeeper wishes to minimize it. Consider, for
example, a simple 2 × 2 game-theoretical model of player’s actions for the penalty kick and let
πi j denote the kicker’s probabilities of scoring, where i = {L , R} denotes the kicker’s choice
and j = {L , R} the goalkeeper’s choice, with L = left, R = right:
i\ j L R
L πL L πL R
R πRL πR R
This game has a unique Nash equilibrium when
πL R > πL L < π R L ,
π R L > π R R < πL R .
If the play in a penalty kick can be represented by this model, then equilibrium play requires
each player to use a mixed strategy. Equilibrium theory then yields two sharp testable predictions
about the behaviour of kickers and goalkeepers:
1. Success probabilities—the probability that a goal will be scored (not scored) for the kicker
(goalkeeper)—should be the same across strategies for each player. Formally, let g L denote the
goalkeeper’s probability of choosing left. This probability should be chosen so as to make the
kicker’s success probabilities identical across strategies. That is, g L should satisfy p kL = p kR

6. The goalkeeper always chooses to be equidistant to the goalposts. The reason is that the distance between the
goalposts is long enough (8 yards) so that he cannot afford to “invite” a professional kicker to shoot in a given direction.
A professional kicker would score with an extremely high probability if the goalkeeper were not to locate himself 4 yards
from each goalpost.

p kL = g L π L L + (1 − g L )π L R ,
p kR = g L π R L + (1 − g L )π R R .
Similarly, the kicker’s probability of choosing left k L should be chosen so as to make the
g g
goalkeeper’s success probabilities identical across strategies, p L = p R , where
p L = k L (1 − π L L ) + (1 − k L )(1 − π R L ),
p R = k L (1 − π L R ) + (1 − k L )(1 − π R R ).
2. Each player’s choices must be serially independent given constant payoffs across games.
That is, individuals must be concerned only with instantaneous payoffs and intertemporal links
between occurrences must be absent. Hence, players’ choices must be independent draws from a
random process; therefore, they should not depend on one’s own previous play, on the opponent’s
previous play, on their interaction, or on any other previous actions.
We will test these fundamental predictions of von Neumann’s Minimax theorem next.
Before describing the data and implementing the empirical tests, two final observations are in
order. First, it will be shown that there is a perfect symmetry between left-footed and right-footed
kickers. In fact, the hypothesis that the game is identical for left-footed and right-footed kickers,
up to the appropriate renaming of the actions, will not be rejected. Second, the distinct advantages
and characteristics of this play make it suitable for empirical analyses other than the equilibrium
implications for individual player behaviour implied by the Minimax theorem. Chiappori, Levitt
and Groseclose (2002), for instance, are concerned with problems of aggregation across different
players when few observations are available per player and individual level tests cannot be
conducted. In particular, they examine a small data set of observations where individual players
are involved in a limited number of penalty kicks (most are involved in five or fewer penalties).
In situations where few observations are available per player it is not possible to test the Minimax
implications for individual players. However, these authors show that it is still possible to test
for various relevant cross-sectional implications that arise when aggregating observations across
players using the available data.7

Data on 1417 penalty kicks have been collected during the period September 1995–June 2000
from professional games in Spain, Italy, England and other countries. The data come from
the weekly TV programmes English Soccer League in the United States (Fox Sports World),
Estudio Estadio in Spain (TVE), Noventessimo Minuto in Italy (RAI) and from various weekly
programmes on the European station Eurosport. These programmes review all of the best plays
in the professional games played during the week, including all penalty kicks that take place in
the games.
The data include the names of the teams involved in the match, the date of the match, the
names of the kicker and the goalkeeper for each penalty kick, the choices they take (left, centre,
or right), the time at which the penalty kick is shot, the score at that time, and the final score
in the match. They also include the kicker’s kicking leg (left or right) and the outcome of the
shot (goal or no goal).8 More than 90% of all observations come from league matches in Italy,

7. The basic aggregate predictions of their analysis find support in their data set and are also substantiated in our
data set.
8. The outcome “no goal” in the data includes in separate categories saves made by the goalkeeper and penalties
shot wide, to the goalpost or to the crossbar by the kicker.

Distribution of strategies and scoring rates
Score Scoring
difference #Obs. LL LC LR CL CC CR RL RC RR rate
0 580 16·9 1·3 21·0 4·3 0·8 5·6 19·4 0·6 27·9 81·9
1 235 19·1 0 19·1 4·2 0 2·5 28·0 0 26·8 77·8
−1 314 19·7 0·9 25·8 1·9 0 6·4 20·0 0·6 30·2 80·2
2 97 23·7 2·0 17·5 5·2 0 0 20·6 1·0 29·9 75·2
−2 114 26·3 0 25·4 3·5 0 3·5 16·6 0 24·5 78·0
3 27 14·8 0 18·5 3·7 0 11·1 22·2 0 29·6 77·7
−3 23 30·4 0 30·4 0 0 0 21·7 0 17·4 82·6
4 7 42·8 0 28·5 0 0 0 14·2 0 14·2 100
−4 12 25·0 0 25·0 0 0 16·6 16·6 0 16·6 83·3
Others 8 50·0 0 0 0 0 12·5 37·5 0 0 87·5
Penalties shot in:
First half 558 21·1 0·8 19·8 3·9 0·3 3·5 20·0 0·3 29·7 82·9
Second half 859 18·7 0·9 23·2 3·3 0·3 3·6 22·8 0·5 26·3 78·3
Last 10 min 266 21·8 0 21·0 0·3 0 0·7 25·1 0 30·8 73·3
All penalties 1417 19·6 0·9 21·9 3·6 0·3 3·6 21·7 0·5 27·6 80·1
Scoring rate 80·1 55·2 100·0 94·2 94·1 50·0 82·3 96·4 100·0 71·1

Note: The first letter of the strategy denotes the kicker’s choice and the second the goalkeeper’s choice. “R” denotes the
R.H.S. of the goalkeeper, “L” denotes the L.H.S. of the goalkeeper, and “C” denotes centre.

Spain and England.9 The leagues in these countries are considered to be the premier leagues in
the world. The first two tables offer a basic description of the data.
Table 1 shows the relative proportions of the different choices made by the kicker and the
goalkeeper (left (L), centre (C), or right (R)), with the total number of observations in the second
left-most column. The first letter refers to the choice made by the kicker and the second to the
choice made by the goalkeeper, both from the viewpoint of the goalkeeper. For instance, “RL”
means that the kicker chooses to kick to the R.H.S. of the goalkeeper and the goalkeeper chooses
to jump to his left. The right-most column shows the scoring rate for a given score difference.
The term “score difference” is defined as the number of goals scored by the kicker’s team minus
the number of goals scored by the goalkeeper’s team at the time the penalty is shot. For instance,
a “−1” means that the kicker’s team was behind by one goal at the time of the penalty kick.
The strategy followed by goalkeepers coincides with that followed by kickers in about half
of all penalty kicks in the data set. Most are RR (27·6%), with 19·6% being LL and 0·3% being
CC. Kickers kick to the centre relatively rarely (7·5% of all kicks), whereas goalkeepers choose
C even less often (1·7%). The percentage of kicks where players’ strategies do not coincide with
each other are almost equally divided between LR (21·9%) and RL (21·7%). A goal is scored in
80·1% of all penalty kicks. The scoring rate is essentially 100% when the goalkeeper’s choice
does not coincide with the kicker’s, and it is over 60% when it coincides. It is well known that
soccer matches last two equal halves of 45 min, with a 15 min half-time interval. The scoring
rate in the sample is slightly lower in the second half (78·3%) than in the first half (82·9%), and
substantially lower in the last 10 min of a game (73·3%) than the overall average (80·1%). The
average number of goals per match in the sample is 2·57. It is thus no surprise to observe that
in most penalty kicks the score difference is 0, 1, or −1 at the time of the shot. For these score
differences, the scoring rate is slightly greater in tied matches (81·9%), followed by the rate in

9. Most professional soccer matches take place in league tournaments, which typically last for a season of 9
months a year. All other observations come from cup competitions (elimination tournaments that are simultaneously
played) and international games.

Distribution of strategies and scoring rates by kicker type
Left-footed kickers
Score Scoring
difference #Obs. LL LC LR CL CC CR RL RC RR rate
0 174 17·8 1·7 20·1 6·3 0 8·6 22·9 0·5 21·8 82·7
1 73 28·7 0 30·1 4·1 0 2·7 19·1 0 15·0 78·0
−1 92 29·3 1·0 26·0 1·0 0 2·0 21·7 1·0 18·4 82·6
2 29 51·7 0 13·7 3·0 0 0 10·3 0 20·6 72·4
−2 30 40·0 0 13·3 3·0 0 3·0 20·0 0 20·0 76·6
All penalties 406 29·3 1·4 20·4 4·4 0 3·9 23·8 0 16·5
Scoring rate 81·0 62·1 100 95·1 94·4 0 81·2 93·8 0 61·2
Right-footed kickers
0 406 16·4 1·2 21·4 3·4 1·2 4·4 20·4 0·7 30·5 83·2
1 162 14·8 0 14·2 4·3 0 2·4 32·1 0 32·1 77·7
−1 222 15·7 1·0 25·6 2·2 0 0 19·3 1·0 35·1 80·6
2 68 11·7 2·9 19·1 5·8 0 0 25·0 1·4 33·8 76·4
−2 84 21·4 0 29·7 3·5 0 3·5 15·4 0 26·2 78·5
All penalties 1011 15·8 0·6 22·5 3·2 0·5 3·4 20·8 0·6 32·1
Scoring rate 79·8 50·0 100 93·8 93·9 60·0 82·8 97·6 100 73·2

Note: The first letter of the strategy denotes the kicker’s choice and the second the goalkeeper’s choice. “R” denotes
the R.H.S. of the goalkeeper, “L” denotes the L.H.S. of the goalkeeper, and “C” denotes centre.

matches where the kicker’s team is behind by one goal (80·2%), and then by the rate in matches
where his team is ahead by one goal (77·8%).
Kickers may be classified into two types according to their kicking leg: left-footed and
right-footed. Most kickers in the sample are right-footed, as is the case in the population of
soccer players. Table 2 shows the distribution of strategies and scoring rates by kicker type and
score difference.
As is clear, these two groups of kickers have different strong sides. Left-footed kickers shoot
more often to the L.H.S. of the goalkeeper than to the R.H.S., whereas right-footed kickers shoot
more often to the R.H.S. In the next section we will consider these to be their “natural sides”
respectively, and choices will be renamed accordingly. Goalkeepers, in turn, tend to choose right
more often than left when facing a right-footed kicker, and left more often than right when facing
a left-footed kicker. Scoring rates are similar for the two player types for all penalties and for
given score difference. Note also that kickers tend to be more successful when shooting to their
natural sides. Other summary statistics, including evidence on Nash predicted frequencies and
actual choices by kicker type, are reported in Palacios-Huerta (2002). We turn next to testing the
empirical implications of mixed strategy equilibrium in this setting.

In the empirical tests of the implications of the Minimax theorem we start by considering the
subjects that were involved in a relatively large amount of penalties. There are 22 kickers and
20 goalkeepers in the sample that were involved in at least 30 penalties each. All these players
play in the Italian, Spanish and English professional leagues. Their identities are shown in the
Appendix. For each of these players the observations in the data set include all the penalties they
participated in during the period September 1995–June 2000, in the order that they took place.
Given that the roles are reversed for right-footed kickers and left-footed kickers, it would
be erroneous to treat the games associated with these different types of kickers as equal. For this
reason, in the remainder of this paper we will consider players’ choices according to the kickers’

natural sides. Whatever the kicker’s strong foot, R denotes the “kicker’s natural side” and L
denotes the “kicker’s non-natural side”. When the kicker is right-footed the natural side R is the
R.H.S. of the goalkeeper, and when the kicker is left-footed it is the L.H.S. of the goalkeeper.
This means, for instance, that a left-footed kicker kicking to the goalkeeper’s right is the same
as a right-footed kicker kicking to the goalkeeper’s left. Thus, the goalkeeper plays the same
game when he faces a left-footed or a right-footed kicker, but the actions are simply identified
differently. All that matters is whether the kicker and goalkeeper pick the kicker’s strong side
R or his weak side L. Payoffs are assumed to be the same for the two kicker types up to the
renaming of the actions.10
Players in the sample choose either R or L 96·3% of the time, kickers 93·8% of the time and
goalkeepers 98·9%.11 For subtle “technological” reasons we will consider the choice C within
their natural choices.12 The typical penalty kick may then be described by the simple 2 × 2
model outlined in Section 2. Penalty kicks in this model have a unique Nash equilibrium and the
equilibrium requires each player to use a mixed strategy. As mentioned earlier, equilibrium theory
makes two testable predictions about the behaviour of kickers and goalkeepers: (1) winning
probabilities should be the same across strategies for both players, and (2) each player’s strategic
choices must be serially independent.
Before we begin any formal test, it is worth examining the extent to which observed
behaviour is close to the Nash equilibrium predictions. For all players in the sample the empirical
scoring probabilities are
gL 1 − gL
kL 58·30 94·97
1 − kL 92·91 69·92
where, as indicated above, k L and g L denote the non-natural sides. The mixed strategy Nash
equilibrium predicted frequencies for these empirical values and the actual mixing probabilities
observed in the sample are
g L (%) 1 − g L (%) k L (%) 1 − k L (%)
Nash predicted frequencies 41·99 58·01 38·54 61·46
Actual frequencies 42·31 57·69 39·98 60·02

10. As a referee noted, the assumption that the game is identical for the two kinds of kickers up to the renaming
of the actions is not obvious. Hence, we have tested this assumption using a regression framework. The null hypothesis
that kicker’s types are perfectly symmetric corresponds to kicker-type fixed effects being jointly insignificant different
from zero in different outcome variables: a goal is scored, the kicker shoots to the natural side, and the goalkeeper goes
to the natural side. The analysis includes as explanatory variables several covariates that describe the state of the soccer
match at the time the penalty is shot (match tied, goalkeepers’ team ahead by one goal, ahead by two or more goals,
and behind by one goal, goalkeeper is in the home team, time of the penalty), as well as goalkeeper-fixed effects. We
find that in none of the cases can we reject the hypothesis that kicker types are identical. The p-values of the F-statistic
for the joint significance of kicker-type fixed effects are 0·66, 0·63, and 0·72, respectively. Likewise, the hypothesis that
goalkeepers facing different kicker types are identical cannot be rejected either. The p-values of the F-statistic for the
joint significance of goalkeeper-fixed effects are 0·56, 0·61, and 0·59, respectively. Games are thus statistically identical
across kicker types. The same conclusion can be reached using maximum likelihood techniques.
11. Chiappori et al. (2002) pay close attention to the possibility that C is an available pure strategy in their
aggregate analysis and conclude that the availability of C as an action is not an issue. As indicated above (footnote
7), their findings are also substantiated in our data set. These results support the argument that a penalty kick may be
described as a two-action game.
12. In personal interviews with professional players in the Spanish First Division, I was informed that they
basically consider C and their natural strategy as equally natural. The reason is that they always kick with the interior
side of their foot, which allows for greater control of the kick, by approaching the ball running from their non-natural
side. This makes it equally difficult to shoot centre and to the natural side. See also Miller (1998) on this point, and on the
starting position and the angle of run-up or approach to the ball by kicker type. There may be other alternative ways of
treating the choice C. These are briefly discussed in Section 4.2. Not surprisingly, given the low frequency of this choice,
these alternative ways have no effect on any of the results of the tests.

This evidence indicates that observed aggregate behaviour is virtually identical to the theoretical
predictions.13 We turn next to testing the implications of the Minimax theorem.

4.1. Tests of equal scoring probabilities

The tests of the null hypothesis that the scoring probabilities for both kickers and goalkeepers are
identical across strategies can be implemented using Pearson’s χ 2 goodness-of-fit test of equality
of two distributions.

4.1.1. Individual tests. Let pij denote the probability that player i will be successful
when choosing strategy j ∈ {L , R}, n ij the number of times that i chooses j, and N ij S and
N ij F the number of times in which kicker (goalkeeper) i is successful (S) or fails (F) at scoring
(not scoring) the penalty kick, respectively, when choosing strategy j. Hence, under the null
N Li S +N Ri S
hypothesis piL = piR = pi . When pi is replaced by its maximum likelihood estimate ,
n iL +n iR
then the Pearson statistic for player i
(N j S − n ij pi )2 (N ij F − n ij (1 − pi ))2
" i #
P = +
j∈{L ,R} n ij pi n ij (1 − pi )

is distributed asymptotically as a χ 2 with 1 degree of freedom. The results of the tests are shown
in Table 3.
The results show that the null hypothesis is not rejected for most players. Of the 42 players
in the sample, the hypothesis is rejected for three players (two kickers and one goalkeeper) at
the 5% significance level, and for five players (three kickers and two goalkeepers) at the 10%
significance level. Note that with 42 players the expected number of rejections at the 5% level is
2·1 and at the 10% level is 4·2. These estimates suggest that at the individual level the hypothesis
that scoring probabilities are identical across strategies cannot be rejected for most players at
conventional significance levels. The number of rejections is basically identical, although slightly
greater, than what the theory predicts, in particular for the subgroup of kickers.
Gary Lineker, a star English player in the 1980s and 1990s, describes penalty situations
as “essentially a war of nerves between keeper and kicker” in Miller (1998). The descriptive
evidence in Table 1 allows us to conjecture that nervousness may be a potential determinant of
the scoring rate. This conjecture is intuitive and consistent with the fact that many superstars have
missed or had penalties saved in critical situations of stress and pressure of great magnitude. It
is also consistent with the evidence from other sports, even when players face no opponents and
have no strategic choices to make (e.g. free throws in professional basketball).14 However, even
though nervousness may play a role in determining the scoring rate, it need not have any effect
on the tests of equality of scoring probabilities. It would only play a role when the choice of
strategy is related to the importance of the penalty. In order to evaluate the possible effects in the
tests of equality of scoring probabilities, Palacios-Huerta (2002) considers the same subsample of

13. Observed behaviour is also remarkably close to the Nash predictions when penalties are sorted by kicker type
(see Palacios-Huerta, 2002). This is not surprising given that games are statistically identical across types.
14. A logit regression for the scoring rate (a dichotomous indicator for the outcome of a penalty shot) confirms
this conjecture for the penalties shot in the last 10 minutes of close games (when the score difference is 0, 1, or −1).
Moreover, the data reveal that the scoring rate decreases at the end of a game not because goalkeeper’s saves increase
but because kickers shoot wide, to the goalpost, or to the crossbar more often than earlier in the game. This may be
attributed to nervousness or to kickers being tired at the end of the game. There is no apparent way of determining
which interpretation is the right one. However, nervousness is the typical interpretation offered by professional players
in interviews (Miller, 1998), an interpretation that is consistent with the low level of effort that needs to be supplied in a
penalty kick.

Tests for equality of scoring probabilities
Mixture Scoring rates Pearson
Player #Obs. L R L R statistic p-value
Kicker 1 34 0·32 0·68 0·91 0·91 0·000 0·970
Kicker 2 31 0·35 0·65 0·82 0·80 0·020 0·902
Kicker 3 40 0·48 0·52 0·74 0·76 0·030 0·855
Kicker 4 38 0·42 0·58 0·88 0·91 0·114 0·735
Kicker 5 38 0·50 0·50 0·79 0·84 0·175 0·676
Kicker 6 36 0·28 0·72 0·70 0·77 0·185 0·667
Kicker 7 41 0·20 0·80 0·75 0·82 0·191 0·662
Kicker 8 35 0·31 0·69 0·82 0·75 0·199 0·656
Kicker 9 31 0·19 0·81 0·83 0·92 0·416 0·519
Kicker 10 35 0·37 0·63 0·86 0·77 0·476 0·490
Kicker 11 32 0·48 0·52 0·87 0·94 0·521 0·471
Kicker 12 32 0·48 0·52 0·87 0·94 0·521 0·471
Kicker 13 38 0·55 0·45 0·76 0·88 0·907 0·341
Kicker 14 30 0·33 0·67 0·90 0·75 0·938 0·333
Kicker 15 30 0·50 0·50 0·80 0·93 1·154 0·283
Kicker 16 42 0·43 0·57 0·89 0·75 1·287 0·257
Kicker 17 40 0·42 0·58 0·58 0·85 1·637 0·201
Kicker 18 46 0·44 0·56 0·90 0·77 1·665 0·197
Kicker 19 39 0·48 0·52 0·74 0·90 1·761 0·184
Kicker 20 40 0·35 0·65 0·93 0·69 2·913 0·088∗
Kicker 21 40 0·42 0·58 0·65 0·91 4·322 0·038∗∗
Kicker 22 40 0·40 0·60 1·00 0·75 4·706 0·030∗∗
All kickers 808 0·3998 0·6002 0·8111 0·8268
Goalkeeper 1 37 0·38 0·62 0·21 0·22 0·000 0·982
Goalkeeper 2 38 0·39 0·61 0·20 0·22 0·017 0·898
Goalkeeper 3 30 0·60 0·40 0·28 0·25 0·028 0·866
Goalkeeper 4 50 0·46 0·54 0·17 0·15 0·061 0·804
Goalkeeper 5 36 0·33 0·67 0·25 0·21 0·080 0·777
Goalkeeper 6 34 0·44 0·56 0·27 0·21 0·147 0·702
Goalkeeper 7 37 0·19 0·81 0·14 0·10 0·221 0·638
Goalkeeper 8 37 0·54 0·46 0·25 0·18 0·293 0·588
Goalkeeper 9 32 0·56 0·44 0·22 0·14 0·326 0·568
Goalkeeper 10 40 0·45 0·55 0·11 0·18 0·388 0·533
Goalkeeper 11 33 0·18 0·82 0·17 0·30 0·416 0·519
Goalkeeper 12 30 0·27 0·73 0·25 0·14 0·545 0·460
Goalkeeper 13 34 0·41 0·59 0·14 0·25 0·578 0·447
Goalkeeper 14 40 0·50 0·50 0·15 0·25 0·625 0·429
Goalkeeper 15 44 0·45 0·55 0·10 0·21 0·957 0·328
Goalkeeper 16 36 0·31 0·69 0·09 0·24 1·804 0·298
Goalkeeper 17 42 0·55 0·45 0·30 0·11 2·449 0·118
Goalkeeper 18 42 0·38 0·62 0·13 0·35 2·506 0·113
Goalkeeper 19 42 0·40 0·60 0·35 0·12 3·261 0·071∗
Goalkeeper 20 40 0·60 0·40 0·08 0·37 5·104 0·024∗∗
All goalkeepers 754 0·4231 0·5769 0·1943 0·2068

Note: ∗ Indicates rejected at 10% level, and ∗∗ indicates rejected at 5% level.

kickers and goalkeepers except “important penalties” (those penalties shot in the last 10 minutes
of a match when the score difference was 0, 1, or −1). These penalties represent 12·9% of the
sample. We then perform the same statistical tests at individual levels as in Table 3. The results
show that the number of individual rejections decreases slightly: the null hypothesis is rejected
for two players at the 5% level and for four players at the 10% level, again virtually identical to
the 2·1 and 4·2 expected number of rejections in the sample predicted by the theory.

Tests for equality of scoring probabilities for aggregate distributions
Panel A: Pearson tests
Tests of the joint hypothesis that the data for all experiments were generated by equilibrium play:
piL = piR for each player i.
Pearson Degrees of
statistic freedom p-value
All players 43·944 42 0·389
All kickers 24·138 22 0·340
All goalkeepers 19·806 20 0·470
Panel B: KS tests
Tests the null hypothesis that the empirical distribution of p-values in individual Pearson tests was
generated by random draws from the uniform distribution U [0,1].
statistic p-value
All players 0·527 0·883
All kickers 0·396 0·891
All goalkeepers 0·373 0·832

4.1.2. Aggregate tests. We next examine whether behaviour at the aggregate level can
be considered to be generated from equilibrium play by testing the joint hypothesis that each
one of the experiments is simultaneously generated by equilibrium play. The test statistic for
the Pearson joint test in this case is the sum of the individual test statistics P i . Under the null
hypothesis this test is distributed as a χ 2 with 42 degrees of freedom. Note that this joint test
allows for differences in probabilities pi across players. The results are shown in Table 4.
Panel A shows that the Pearson statistic is 43·944 and its associated p-value is 0·389. This
indicates that the null hypothesis that the data for all players were generated by equilibrium play
cannot be rejected at conventional significance levels. If kickers and goalkeepers are considered
as separate groups then under the null hypothesis the test is distributed as a χ 2 with 22 and
20 degrees of freedom respectively. For kickers the Pearson statistic is 24·138 and its p-value
is 0·340, whereas for goalkeepers the Pearson statistic is 19·806 with a p-value of 0·470. The
hypothesis of equality of winning probabilities also cannot be rejected for either subgroup.
As is well known, however, a potential problem with the Pearson joint test is that it may have
little power against alternative hypotheses about how the data were generated. Panel B in this
table also includes a more powerful test of the extent to which aggregate behaviour is consistent
with the theory. As Walker and Wooders (2001) note, under the joint null hypothesis that all
observations were generated by equilibrium play the p-values associated with the realized P i
statistics should be 42 draws from the uniform distribution U [0, 1]. A simple visual comparison
of the distribution of p-values in Table 3 would initially appear to suggest that the data may
be consistent with the theory since p-values are distributed quite uniformly across deciles. A
formal assessment can be made by comparing the distribution of p-values with the uniform
distribution using the Kolmogorov–Smirnov (KS) test. The value of the KS statistic for all players
considered simultaneously is 0·527, with a p-value of 0·883. When kickers alone are considered
simultaneously the KS statistic is 0·396, with a p-value of 0·891; for goalkeepers alone the KS
statistic is 0·373 with an associated p-value of 0·832.
The results of these tests indicate more decisively than the Pearson’s joint test that Minimax
play has generated the data in the sample. In all cases the p-values do not even come close

to rejecting the hypothesis of equality of winning probabilities across strategies.15 In addition,

as will be shown in the next section, the tests have substantial statistical power to distinguish
equilibrium mixed strategy play from disequilibrium strategies. In consequence, we take the
results in Tables 3 and 4 to be consistent with the first hypothesis of Minimax play.

4.1.3. Interpretation and discussion. As in all strictly competitive games, players’

preferences are diametrically opposed in a penalty kick. The above results suggest that the
actions taken by each penalty taker and each goalkeeper in the sample may be interpreted as
a maxminimizer for each player in the sense that their actions maximize the payoffs that they can
guarantee. As is well known, a player maxminimizes if he chooses an action that is best for him
on the assumption that contingent upon his action his opponent will choose an action to hurt him
as much as possible. The empirical evidence on professional penalty kicks is thus consistent with
Nash equilibrium in this sense.
Notice that there are two special characteristics in this play that are not present in the typical
First, all penalties were not shot at the same time. In the data, most players are not
involved in more than 15–20 penalties in a given season. Given that players and opponents may
have limited information-processing ability and may be imperfect record keepers, players could
deviate from Minimax play. However, the results of the tests suggest that they do not do so. The
results show that they act instinctively and intuitively as if they were programmed with great
preciseness to correctly play this strategic game. This may not be too surprising; after all, their
knowledge and instincts have developed through years, often decades, by doing little else but
playing soccer.
Second, opponents rotate. Under one interpretation given in the literature, the mixed strategy
equilibrium provides a good description of the steady state behaviour of players who play one
given game repeatedly against randomly selected opponents (Osborne and Rubinstein, 1994,
pp. 38–39). Players, however, could feel freer to condition on their own past choices as an aid in
achieving any desired move frequencies in these cases. However, the results show that they chose
not to stray from Minimax play. A potential reason for their behaviour is that all players observe
all choices of all opponents in the weekly television programmes and, as professionals, they do
in fact keep written and mental records.16 Moreover, as will be shown in the next subsection,
tests of randomness show that their choices are serially independent; that is, they choose not to
condition on past own or opponents’ choices.
There are additional tests that can be implemented to confirm the idea that the mixed strategy
equilibrium found in the data describes the steady state behaviour of a given player playing one
given game against randomly selected opponents. For instance, consider Alan Shearer (player no.
2 in Table 3) from Newcastle United in the English Premier League. He is found to be indifferent
between L and R strategies. Assume now that rather than having played one given game against
his opponents he has actually played two different games, one against half of the opponents and

15. As indicated earlier, it is not possible to conduct individual level tests when few observations are available per
player. In our sample the vast majority of players never choose C (particularly goalkeepers) or choose it just once or
twice during the period 1995–2000. Also, as indicated above (footnote 11), the availability of C as a pure strategy is not
an issue. Yet, the evidence is also consistent with Minimax play when individual Pearson tests and aggregate Pearson
and KS tests are evaluated in a three-action game for kickers with at least three choices to the centre. The p-values of
the individual tests are distributed quite uniformly across deciles, while the the p-value of the aggregate Pearson test is
0·820 and of the KS test is 0·501. These results are shown in Palacios-Huerta (2002).
16. Data on all professional players are relatively easy to obtain as virtually every penalty taken is televised.
Miller (1998) and Anthony (2000) report interviews with professional players from the 1960s to the 1990s in England
and Germany who acknowledged keeping written dossiers on their opponents, behaviour. This practice is now considered
to be common among all professional players.

a second one against the other half. A simple test could then detect whether in fact more than
one game was actually being played. Consider we take a subset of 30 out of the 41 observations
we have for Alan Shearer. If in fact two different games were played—but somehow the tests of
equality of winning rates in the whole sample did not reject the hypothesis of equality of winning
rates across strategies—then testing the hypothesis for this subsample would tend to reject the
hypothesis that winning rates are identical, or at least show significant variation in the p-values
of the test. This idea is implemented in Palacios-Huerta (2002) for many different subsamples,
all of the same size, randomly chosen for each player. The results show that the average p-values
are extremely similar to those obtained in Table 3 for each and every kicker and goalkeeper in the
sample. Moreover, the standard deviation of the p-values is also very low, always below 0·187.
These results confirm the idea that for a given player one given game is being played against
randomly selected opponents. This idea is also confirmed in a regression framework by testing
for the homogeneity of the opponents for a given player, and by evaluating the stability of the
payoff matrices for each and every player in the sample using the technique of bootstrapping (see
Palacios-Huerta, 2002).

4.2. Tests of serial independence

The second testable implication is that a player’s mixed strategy is the same at each penalty
kick given constant payoffs across games. This implies that players’ strategies are serially
independent. More precisely, their play will not be serially independent if they choose not to
switch their actions often enough or if they switch actions too often. In either case their play
would not be consistent with the randomness implied by equilibrium play.
The work on randomization is now extensive in the experimental economics and
psychological literatures. Interestingly, this hypothesis has never found support in any empirical
(natural and experimental) tests of the Minimax hypothesis, and is rarely supported in other tests.
In particular, when subjects are asked to generate random sequences their sequences often have
negative autocorrelation, that is individuals exhibit a bias against repeating the same choice (see
Bar-Hillel and Wagenaar (1991), Rapoport and Boebel (1992), Rapoport and Budescu (1992),
Mookherjee and Sopher (1994) and Camerer (1995)). Some subjects, however, have been taught
to choose randomly after several hours of training in experimental settings (see Neuringer, 1986).
These training data suggest that in some settings subjects might be able to learn to generate
randomness. However, as Camerer (1995) remarks, “whether they do in other settings, under
natural conditions, is an empirical question”. We examine this open, elusive question next.
Consider the sequence of strategies chosen by player i in the order in which they occurred
s i = {s1i , s2i , . . . , sni i }, where sxi ∈ {L , R}, x ∈ [1, n i ], n i = n iL + n iR , and n iR and n iL are the
number of natural and non-natural choices made by player i. Let r i denote the number of runs
in the sequence s i . A run is defined as a succession of one or more identical symbols which
are followed and preceded by a different symbol or no symbol at all. Let f (r i ; s i ) denote the
Pr i
probability that there are exactly r i runs in the sequence s i . Let 8 r i ; s i = k=1 f (k; s )
denote the probability of obtaining r or fewer runs. Gibbons and Chakraborti (1992) show that
by using the exact mean and variance of the number of runs in an ordered sequence then, under
the null hypothesis that strategies are serially independent, the critical values for the rejection
of the hypothesis can be found from the normal approximation to the null distribution. More
r i − 0·5 − 2(n iL n iR /n i )
2n iL n iR ((2n iL n iR − n)(n i )2 (n i − 1))

Tests of serial independence of choices
Observations Runs
Player L R Total R 8[ f (r − 1; s)] 8[ f (r ; s)]
Kicker 1 11 23 34 16 0·439 0·597
Kicker 2 11 20 31 21 0·983** 0·994
Kicker 3 19 21 40 22 0·570 0·691
Kicker 4 16 22 38 19 0·365 0·496
Kicker 5 19 19 38 22 0·689 0·795
Kicker 6 10 26 36 15 0·344 0·509
Kicker 7 8 33 41 14 0·423 0·625
Kicker 8 11 24 35 15 0·263 0·407
Kicker 9 6 25 31 9 0·097 0·241
Kicker 10 13 22 35 19 0·599 0·729
Kicker 11 15 17 32 19 0·714 0·822
Kicker 12 15 17 32 20 0·822 0·901
Kicker 13 21 17 38 23 0·816 0·891
Kicker 14 10 20 30 12 0·117 0·221
Kicker 15 15 15 30 18 0·711 0·824
Kicker 16 18 24 42 19 0·164 0·254
Kicker 17 19 21 40 20 0·321 0·443
Kicker 18 20 26 46 19 0·693 0·789
Kicker 19 19 20 39 19 0·259 0·374
Kicker 20 14 26 40 14 0·022 0·049∗
Kicker 21 17 23 40 18 0·159 0·251
Kicker 22 16 24 40 22 0·668 0·779
Goalkeeper 1 14 23 37 17 0·249 0·374
Goalkeeper 2 15 23 38 21 0·678 0·790
Goalkeeper 3 18 12 30 12 0·065 0·130
Goalkeeper 4 23 27 50 24 0·250 0·350
Goalkeeper 5 12 24 36 17 0·424 0·576
Goalkeeper 6 15 19 34 15 0·124 0·212
Goalkeeper 7 7 30 37 13 0·533 0·738
Goalkeeper 8 20 17 37 20 0·516 0·647
Goalkeeper 9 18 14 32 19 0·739 0·842
Goalkeeper 10 18 22 40 14 0·009 0·021∗∗
Goalkeeper 11 6 27 33 11 0·423 0·661
Goalkeeper 12 8 22 30 15 0·802 0·908
Goalkeeper 13 14 20 34 19 0·644 0·767
Goalkeeper 14 20 20 40 22 0·564 0·685
Goalkeeper 15 20 24 44 27 0·871 0·925
Goalkeeper 16 11 25 36 16 0·378 0·535
Goalkeeper 17 23 19 42 28 0·964* 0·983
Goalkeeper 18 16 26 42 23 0·713 0·814
Goalkeeper 19 17 25 42 18 0·113 0·187
Goalkeeper 20 24 16 40 19 0·285 0·408

Note: ∗ Indicates rejected at 10% level, and ∗∗ indicates rejected at 5% level.

is distributed as a standardized normal probability distribution. The null hypothesis will then
be rejected at the 5% confidence level if the probability of r i or fewer runs is less than 0·025
or if the probability of r i or more runs is less than 0·025, that is if 8[r i ; s i ] < 0·025 or
if 1 − 8[r i − 1; s i ] < 0·025. The results of these tests of serial independence are shown in
Table 5.
These results show that the null hypothesis of serial independence is rejected for two players
(one kicker and one goalkeeper) at the 5% significance level. With 42 players the expected
number of rejections at this level is 2·1. At the 10% significance level, the number of rejections
is four (two kickers and two goalkeepers) with 4·2 being the expected number of rejections.

Results of significance tests from logit equations for the choice of the natural side
Estimating equation:
R = G[a0 + a1 lag(R) + a2 lag2(R) + b0 R ∗ + b1 lag(R ∗ ) + b2 lag2(R ∗ ) + c1 lag(R)lag(R ∗ ) + c2 lag2(R)lag2(R ∗ )]
Players whose behaviour allows rejection
of the null hypothesis at the:
Null hypothesis: 0·05 level 0·10 level 0·20 level
1. a1 = a2 = b0 = b1 = b2 = c1 = c2 = 0 Kicker — 2 2, 18
Goalkeeper — 7 7, 15
2. a1 = a2 = 0 Kicker — 2 2, 14
Goalkeeper — 8 8, 17
3. b1 = b2 = 0 Kicker — — 5
Goalkeeper — 7 7
4. c1 = c2 = 0 Kicker — — 6
Goalkeeper — — 14
5. b0 = 0 Kicker — 11, 17 5, 11, 17, 21
Goalkeeper — 3, 16 3, 9, 10, 16

Notes: R and R ∗ denote the choice of “natural” strategy by a kicker and a goalkeeper, respectively (right for a right-footed
kicker and for a goalkeeper facing a right-footed kicker, and left for a left-footed kicker and for a goalkeeper facing a
left-footed kicker). The terms “lag” and “lag2” refer to the strategies previously followed in the ordered sequence of
penalty kicks. G[x] denotes the function exp(x)/[1 + exp(x)]. Rejections are based on likelihood-ratio tests.

These findings suggest that professional soccer players are indeed able to generate random
sequences; they neither switch strategies too often nor too little. The number of rejections is
remarkably consistent with the theory. As indicated above, this result is in sharp contrast with
the overwhelming experimental evidence from the psychological and experimental literatures
mentioned earlier, and also with the evidence from first serves in tennis players (Walker and
Wooders, 2001).
Note also that the values in columns 8 r i ; s i and 8 r i − 1; s i tend to be uniformly

distributed in the [0, 1] interval. This suggests that professional soccer players do not even have
a (statistically insignificant) tendency to “sit on” a given strategy or to switch strategies too often.
To confirm that past choices have no role in determining current choices, we follow the analysis
in Brown and Rosenthal (1990) and estimate a logit equation for each player. The dependent
variable is a dichotomous indicator of the choice of natural side. The independent variables are
first and second lagged indicators for both players’ past choices, first and second lags for the
product of their choices, and an indicator for the opponent’s current choices. The results are
shown in Table 6.
The main result in this table is that the null hypothesis that all the explanatory variables are
jointly statistically insignificant (hypothesis #1) cannot be rejected for any player at the 5% level,
and is rejected for only two players at the 10% level.
The table also reports the tests of different hypotheses concerning whether one’s past
choices alone, past opponent’s choices alone, and successful past plays alone may determine
current choices (hypotheses #2 through #4). No evidence that any player made choices in a
serially dependent fashion in any respect is found at the 5% level, while at the 10% level none of
the hypotheses are rejected for more than two players. As suggested by the findings in Table 5,
these results indicate that the choices of most players are unrelated to their own previous choices
and outcomes, and to opponents’ previous choices and outcomes.
An interesting finding is concerned with the role of the opponent’s current choice (hypoth-
esis #5). As argued in Section 2, the 12-yard distance between the penalty mark and the goal line
is too short for players to choose not to move simultaneously. Consistent with this idea, the coef-

ficient b0 in Table 6 that captures the role of the opponent’s current choice is not significant for
any player at the 5% level, and for four players at the 10% level. At the 20% level it is significant
for about four kickers and four goalkeepers. Although this confidence level is somewhat gener-
ous by conventional standards, these results could suggest that there may be a small element of
sequentiality in some players’ choices or, perhaps, some ability “to read the opponent’s face”.17
Finally, we may also test the joint hypothesis that each of the 42 experiments is seri-
ally independent. Following the suggestion in Walker and Wooders (2001), we employ the
KS goodness-of-fit test
 i by constructing a random draw d i from the uniform distribution
U 8 r − 1; s , 8 r ; s
 i i i 18
for each player i. Under the null hypothesis of serial indepen-
dence d i is distributed as a U [0, 1]. Figure 1 shows how the empirical cumulative distribution
function of a particular realization is strikingly similar to the theoretical prediction. After per-
forming 10,000 trials with such random draws for each player, the average value of the KS test
statistic that compares the cumulative distribution of the realized values d i with the uniform dis-
tribution is 0·660 with a standard deviation of 0·005. The average p-value is 0·780 with a standard
deviation of 0·001. Hence, the hypothesis that each of the 42 experiments is serially independent
cannot be rejected. Similar results are also obtained for the subgroups of kickers and goalkeepers.
We take the results of the tests of randomness as consistent with the hypothesis that
the strategies followed by professional soccer players are serially independent. This evidence
represents the first time that individuals have been found to display statistically significant serial
independence in a strategic game in a natural setting.


Empirical evidence from the behaviour of professional soccer players in penalty kicks provides
substantial support for the two empirical implications that derive from the hypothesis that agents
play according to equilibrium. Clearly, the positive results obtained from the analysis may in
large part be attributed to the distinct virtues of the natural play. This one-shot, face-to-face play
involves professional subjects. These subjects have had the time necessary to become proficient
at generating random sequences and to develop the instincts and learn what is considered to
be the correct way of playing two-person zero-sum games. Motivation and incentives are high,
and strategic choices and all relevant features of the environment are observed. The expertise
of the players and the simple features of the environment that approximate so well the setting
in the theoretical model may also explain why positive results for the Minimax theorem are
obtained in this natural setting with a smaller sample size than the amount of data usually
elicited from subjects in experimental settings. Hence, professional soccer players strictly focus
on maximizing their payoffs in penalty kicks and are not involved in exploring non-equilibrium
alternative patterns of behaviour in their play.
The analysis also provides various advantages over previous attempts to test for Minimax
play and mixed strategies in natural conditions in the literature. As indicated earlier, Chiappori
et al. (2002) are concerned with problems of aggregation when few observations are available
per player and the Minimax equilibrium implications for individual players, including serial
independence, cannot be tested. They show that it is still possible to test for various predictions

17. A small element of sequentiality may induce players to choose C. For instance, kickers may choose C if the
goalkeeper moves too early, and goalkeepers may choose it if they react too late. None of the results of the tests of
equality of winning rates and randomness change in a noticeable way if the observations C for kickers are interpreted
this way (as the choice opposite to the one taken by the goalkeeper). For goalkeepers the number of C observations is
basically negligible for different interpretations to induce differences in the tests.
18. This procedure is able to circumvent the fact that the KS cannot be applied directly to the values in the columns
8(r i ; s i ) and 8(r i − 1; s i ) given that their values are neither identically distributed nor continuously distributed.

that arise when aggregating observations across players. As indicated earlier the basic aggregate
predictions of their model are also substantiated in our data set. With respect to Walker and
Wooders (2001), an important feature of the analysis in this paper is the ability to test equilibrium
restrictions on both sides of the game. Win rates for both players in the game can be computed,
which turn out to be statistically identical across strategies. Walker and Wooders (2001) can
compute win rates for only one of the two players (the server). It is thus conceivable that win rates
for players receiving serves are different and, hence, that servers are not mixing properly. This
aspect cannot be tested in their data. A second relevant feature is that by using all penalty kicks
we avoid a subtle potential problem of selection bias that may be present in Walker and Wooders
(2001). The authors choose tennis matches that are long enough to provide lots of observations
of L and R services. However, by choosing only long matches they may be selecting for matches
in which players are mixing optimally and, hence, overstating the degree of conformity with the
first implication of the Minimax theorem. By using all penalty kicks, the analysis in this paper
does not have such a potential problem of selection bias. A third aspect is that penalty kicks are a
simultaneous-move game since outcomes are decided immediately. Hence, there is no subsequent
strategic play that would need to be modelled theoretically and addressed empirically as in
tennis or in other non-simultaneous games. Finally, strategic choices exhibit serial independence
and hence conform with the second implication of the Minimax theorem. Although this result
may appear intuitive in our natural setting, it has not been obtained previously under natural or
experimental conditions.
In the remainder of this section we show and discuss other evidence that complements the
empirical findings. We conduct Monte Carlo simulations to evaluate the power of the Pearson
and Kolmogorov–Smirnov tests of equality of winning probabilities to reject the null hypothesis
when various alternative hypotheses are true. We also discuss related evidence on the result of
serial independence.

5.1. Power of the tests

The data were found to support the Minimax theorem but, in principle, they may also support
other models having little to do with Minimax play. We examine the ability of the tests to reject
the null hypothesis when various alternative hypotheses are true by evaluating the power of the
Pearson and KS tests of equality of winning probabilities to detect deviations from Minimax play
using Monte Carlo simulations.
Recall that the actual mixing behaviour, k L = 39·98% and 1−k L = 60·02% for kickers, and
g L = 42·31%, 1 − g L = 57·69% for goalkeepers, is basically identical to the Nash equilibrium
predicted frequencies: k L = 38·54%, 1 − k L = 61·46%, g L = 41·99%, 1 − g L = 58·01%. This
evidence may initially suggest that the tests are going to have substantial power.
Under the null hypothesis
Pn that iin each case opponents follow their equilibrium mixture, the
Pearson test statistic P n = i=1 P is distributed as a χ 2 with n degrees of freedom (n = 22 for
kickers and n = 20 for goalkeepers). We compute the power functions for these tests by randomly
generating 100,000 times the data for each of the “experiments” in the initial subsample—
assuming the average frequencies with which the natural and non-natural sides are chosen—and
computing the frequency with which the Pearson joint test rejects the null hypothesis against
a true alternative hypothesis at the 5% significance level. The power functions are depicted in
Figure 2.
The results of the simulations show that the tests have substantial power for both kickers
and goalkeepers. For instance, if opponents were assumed to choose their strategies with equal
probability the null hypothesis would be rejected with probability 0·70 for kickers and 0·92 for
goalkeepers; if they were assumed to choose the natural side 70% of the time the null hypothesis



Distribution Function







0 0·1 0·2 0·3 0·4 0·5 0·6 0·7 0·8 0·9 1

KS test of serial independence

Probability of Rejecting Null Hypothesis







0·2 Goalkeepers

0 0·1 0·2 0·3 0·4 0·5 0·6 0·7 0·8 0·9 1
Opponent's Probability of Natural Side

Power functions

would be rejected with probability 0·80 for goalkeepers and 0·95 for kickers.19 Likewise, the
KS joint tests of equality of winning probabilities also show significant power to reject the

19. The power functions have also been computed for left-footed kickers alone, right-footed kickers alone, and
for the goalkeepers facing these types of kickers respectively. The corresponding functions are very similar to those
presented in Figure 2.

null hypothesis when alternative hypotheses are true. The power functions are in fact basically

5.2. Serial independence and time delays

As is well known, the testable implications of the Minimax theorem examined in this paper
and in the literature are unaffected by different time lags. More precisely, equilibrium strategies
in repeated zero-sum games are independent of the time lags between the stages of the game.
Moreover, the equilibrium strategies dictate that at every stage players play according to the
equilibrium strategy of the stage game. Therefore, from the theoretical perspective time lags
have no influence on equilibrium play.
From the empirical perspective, however, it is at least conceivable that the lack of serial
correlation in the sequences chosen by kickers and goalkeepers may have been caused, at least
in part, by the actual time delay between penalties. Recall that in this natural scenario players are
typically involved in no more that 15–20 penalties per season. Given that there is no evidence in
the extensive literature on randomization about the effect of different time lags in zero-sum or
other games, and that the hypothesis of serial independence has not been supported previously,
it is of interest to study whether in this natural setting the time delay between penalties may
have played a role in the serial independence result. Intuitively, however, the possible role is
not clear. On one hand, time lags and changes in context may decay memory and thus help
produce sequences that are random. On the other hand, as mentioned earlier (see footnote
16), professional players keep written records of opponents’ choices in previous penalties; so,
in a sense, they may have perfect memory, perhaps even better than if penalties were shot
In order to study this aspect, Palacios-Huerta (2002) implements the tests of serial
independence with data from penalty shootouts where kicks occur in rapid succession in short
spans of time. The data come from elimination tournaments where ties are broken with penalty
shootouts. The result of serial independence also appears for penalty shootouts. Hence, spacing
strategies out over time or taking them in rapid succession does not appear to make any difference
for these professional players to generate sequences with no serial correlation in this natural play.
We conclude that even though different time lags play no role in the theoretical implications
of repeated zero-sum games, the empirical role they may play in empirical studies of strategic
games in natural and experimental settings is an important, understudied aspect in the literature.
It is thus an aspect that deserves careful analysis, especially given the fact that randomness is
such an important but elusive phenomenon and that time lags may characterize many natural

Over the last few decades non-cooperative game theory has become a standard tool in economics
and other social sciences. At the same time it has also come under increasing scrutiny from
theoretical and experimental economists. Despite recent substantial progress in the literature, an
important challenge facing non-cooperative game theory is that of providing compelling evidence
that predictions are confirmed by empirical evidence, which in turn often means using the full
extent of experimental and natural data to shape generalizations of game theory.
The analysis in this paper exploits a unique data set on a one-shot two-person zero-sum
game involving expert players under natural conditions. The results of the tests are remarkably
consistent with equilibrium play in every respect: (i) winning probabilities are statistically
identical across strategies for players; (ii) players generate serially independent sequences and

ignore any possible strategic links between plays. The tests have substantial power to distinguish
equilibrium mixed strategy play from disequilibrium alternatives. These results represent, to the
best of our knowledge, the first time that both implications of von Neumann’s (1928) Minimax
theorem are supported under natural conditions.


Players are grouped by the country of the professional league where they played in at the end of the period of analysis. In
brackets is the identification number used in Tables 3, 5, and 6, and in parenthesis is the professional team they played
Italy: [9] Batistuta (Roma), [13] Baggio (Brescia), [11] Del Piero (Juventus), [5] Mihajlovic (Lazio), [15] Chiesa
(Fiorentina), [6] Signori (Bologna), [7] Rui Costa (AC Milan), [8] Amoroso (Udinese), [1] Mendieta (Lazio).
Spain: [22] Penev (Atletico de Madrid), [17] Hierro (Real Madrid), [16] Larrazabal (Athletic de Bilbao), [14]
Garitano (Zaragoza), [19] Catanha (Celta), [20] Donosti (Eibar), [12] Juninho (Atletico de Madrid/Vasco de Gama), [10]
Rivaldo (Barcelona), [3] Zidane (Real Madrid).
England: [2] Shearer (Newcastle), [4] Bergkamp (Arsenal), [21] Finidi (Ipswich Town), [18] Suker (West Ham).
Italy: [7] Toldo (Inter Milan), [9] Mazzantani (Perugia), [10] Peruzzi (Lazio), [14] Pagliuca (Bologna), [11] Taibi
(Atalanta), [3] Brivio (Venezia), [12] Buffon (Juventus).
Spain: [2] Cesar (Real Madrid), [1] Alberto (Real Sociedad), [13] Cañizares (Valencia), [4] Ceballos (Racing de
Santander), [17] Stelea (Salamanca), [18] Etxebarria (Rayo Vallecano), [8] Molina (Deportivo Coruña), [19] Juanmi
(Zaragoza), [20] Dutruel (Barcelona), [16] Esteban (Oviedo), [5] Prats (Betis).
England: [15] Seaman (Arsenal), [6] Schmeichel (Aston Villa).
Notes: Kickers number 5, 6, 10, 14, 16, 18, and 22 are left-footed. All others are right-footed. Penev (Atletico de
Madrid) retired in 2000.

Acknowledgements. I am grateful to Robert J. Aumann, Pierre-Andre Chiappori, James Dow (the editor), Peter
Hansen, Tony Lancaster, Steve Levitt, Ana I. Saracho, Roberto Serrano and, especially, Oscar Volij and two anonymous
referees for useful comments and suggestions. I am also grateful to seminar participants at Brown University, Iowa State
University, the First World Congress of the Game Theory Society, and the V Spanish Meeting on Game Theory and
Applications, to Subhalakashmi Ghosh and Maria Luz Huerta for able research assistance, and to the George J. Stigler
Center and the Salomon Foundation for financial support. Oscar Volij suggested the title. Any errors are mine alone.

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