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Class 7 Subject: Science Topic:

Fiber to Fabric


Learner Clothing
Knowledge Journey of plant fibres (cotton and jute) from plant to fabric

Target  Animals fibres (wool and silk)

Knowledge for  Journey of fibres from sheep to woolen sweater
this Topic
 Life cycle of silk worm
 Processing of silk

Learning Goals

More Complex Learning Goal- Students will be able to demonstrate their understanding about
the whole process of getting fabric from animal fibres.

Target Learning Goal-Students will be able to describe the formation of animal fiber to fabric.

Simpler Learning Goal- Students will be able to list out various types of animal

Period Lesson Objectives Teaching Learning Materials Required

1  Understand that wool  Board and markers
is obtained from the  Reference sheet 1
hair of the animal.
 Define selective
 Name different animals
which yield wool
2 and 3  Understand and  Board and markers
explain the process  Reference sheet 2

of processing of
wool from fibres.
Class 7 Subject: Science Topic:
Fiber to Fabric

4  Describe the life  Board and markers

cycle of silk moth.  Reference sheet 3
 Worksheet 1

5  Explain the process  Board and markers

of the making of  Reference Sheet 4
silk from cocoon
Class 7 Subject: Science Topic:
Fiber to Fabric

Period 1

Lesson Objectives
At the end of this lesson students will be able to:
 Understand that wool is obtained from the hair of the animal.
 Define selective breeding.
 Name different animals which yield wool

Teaching Learning Materials required

 Board and markers

 Reference sheet 1

Details of Teaching Learning Experience

Seating Arrangement: - Individual

Lesson Beginning
 Ask the students following questions
Time: 5 min
a. What are fibres?
b. Name the process through which yarn is prepared from fibres?
 Introduce the
c. Name any two natural fibres.
 Collate all the answers on the board.

Lesson Middle  Ask the students to share the uses of the wool.
 Discuss that the wool is the hair of the sheep.
Time: 25 min.
 Introduce the topic fleece and explain it.
Purpose:  Ask students to guess the use of hair to the animals like sheep.

 Develop  Discuss the importance of hair for the animals and how different hair are
conceptual used to form fibres.
understanding  Define ‘selective breeding’ with an example. You can use any fictitious
example to make them understand the concept.
 Discuss how the animals other than sheep also yield wool.
Class 7 Subject: Science Topic:
Fiber to Fabric

Lesson End
 Wrap up the class reading/showing the questions on the board given in the
Time: 5 min reference sheet 1.


 Recap their

Reference Sheet 1

Q1. Name any 4 wool yielding animals.

Q2. Why do animals have fur on them?

Q3. Name the regions where we can find the following animals

a. Alpaca

b. Yak

c. Angora goats

d. Llama

Q4. What do you understand by selective breeding?

Class 7 Subject: Science Topic:
Fiber to Fabric

Period 2 and 3

Lesson Objectives
At the end of this lesson students will be able to:
 Understand and explain the process of processing of wool from fibres.
 Define and explain different processes involved in making of wool.

Teaching Learning Materials required

 Board and markers

 Reference sheet 2

Details of Teaching Learning Experience

Seating Arrangement: - In groups of 4 or 5

Lesson Beginning
 Ask the students to recall the animals which yield wool.
Time: 5 min
 Ask them to recall the processes involved in the processing of cotton.
Purpose:  Display/ Distribute the images given in reference sheet 2.

 Introduce the

Lesson Middle  Let the groups arrange the pictures in the correct order.
 Let the groups discuss their sequence with the larger group.
Time: 25 min.
 Explain the correct order of the images on the board.
Purpose:  Ask the students to explain the pictures in their own words.

 Develop  After the discussion, explain each step involved in the process of making
conceptual yarn of from fibres. (Refer to Page 28 and 29 of NCERT book)
Class 7 Subject: Science Topic:
Fiber to Fabric

Lesson End
 Wrap up the class by clearing their doubts, if any.
Time: 5 min


 Recap their

Reference Sheet 2

A. B.

C. C.

E. E.
Class 7 Subject: Science Topic:
Fiber to Fabric

Period 4

Lesson Objectives
At the end of this lesson students will be able to:
 Describe the life cycle of silk moth.
Teaching Learning Materials required
 Board and markers
 Reference sheet 3
 Worksheet 1

Details of Teaching Learning Experience

Seating Arrangement: In groups of 4-5 each

 Divide the class in different groups.

Lesson Beginning
 Ask the students to define the terms shearing, scouring, sorting etc.
Time: 5 min  Collate the responses of the students on the board.


 Recapitulate the
processes involved
in wool
 Display/Distribute the image given in reference sheet 3.
Lesson Middle
 Let the students discuss and write their understanding about the picture.
Time: 20min.  Discuss the life cycle of silk moth in detail.

Purpose:  Discuss how the cocoon is formed and its importance in detail.

 Develop

Lesson End Finish Up

 Wrap up the discussion by clearing doubts if the students have.

Time: 5 min
Home Assignment- Distribute Worksheet 1 for home assignment.

 Finish Up
Class 7 Subject: Science Topic:
Fiber to Fabric

Reference Sheet 3

Worksheet 1 Skill: Comprehension

Q1. Complete the following figure

Class 7 Subject: Science Topic:
Fiber to Fabric

Q2. Define the following terms

a. Pupa __________________________________________________________________________

b. Sericulture ______________________________________________________________________

c. Cocoon _________________________________________________________________________

Q3. How is silk processed?


Q4. Find out about the cocoon of the following silks

a. Tassar silk ___________________________________________________________________________

b. Mulberry silk ________________________________________________________________________

c. Mooga silk ___________________________________________________________________________

Class 7 Subject: Science Topic:
Fiber to Fabric

Period 5

Lesson Objectives
At the end of this lesson students will be able to:
 Explain the process of the making of silk from cocoon
Teaching Learning Materials required
 Board and Markers
 Reference Sheet 4

Details of Teaching Learning Experience

Seating Arrangement: Normal

Lesson Beginning
 Ask the students to name the different stages of the life cycle of silk moth.
Time: 5 min  Write the sequence of the life cycle of silk moth on the board.
 Ask them to guess the stage of silk moth’s lifecycle which is used to get
the silk fibres.
 Revisit the
concept of
lifecycle of

Lesson Middle  Display the reference sheet 4.

 Ask the students to state their understanding on the basis of the sheet.
Time: 20min.
 Discuss the rearing process of silkworms in detail with reference to
Purpose: NCERT book page 30.

 Develop  Discuss the processing of silk with reference to NCERT book page 31.

conceptual  Discuss NCERT exercise with the students.

 Discussion of

Lesson End Finish Up

 Wrap up the discussion by clearing doubts, if any

Time: 5 min
Class 7 Subject: Science Topic:
Fiber to Fabric

 Ask the students to find out about occupational hazards.


 Finish Up

Reference Sheet 4

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