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Class Transaction Total: 14 periods (approx. 40 min each)

Pre-requisite for This lesson requiresbasic knowledge of facts like:
the course What is common between orange juice, curd and lemon juice?
Name some substances that taste bitter.
Why do orange juice, curd and lemon juice taste sour?

Assessment of 1.Written test

qualifying 2.Lab activity
knowledge 3.Group Discussion
4.HW notebook
Objective Given the content (chapter) the learners will be able to
 Differentiate between an acid and a base.
 Analyse the effect of indicators on acids and bases.
 Define neutralization and its application in day to day life.
 with 90% accuracy
DOL 1, 2, 3, 4
Learning KNOWLEDGE- Students will know and understand
Outcomes 1. The importance of acids and bases to human beings.
2. Properties of acids and bases.
3. Understand neutralization and cite its examples from day to day

SKILLS- Students would be able to

1. Appreciate different ways in which acids and bases is useful to us.

2. Interact with peers critically analyse and Identify chemical nature of
different solutions develop critical thinking and collaboration in
the process
3. Use analytical skills to visualize the given scenario and use the
concepts of neutralization learnt in everyday problems.
4. Answer knowledge, understanding and application based complex
questions based on the topics
5. Use analytical skills to visualize the given scenario and use the
concepts learnt in everyday problems.
Competencies developed- Critical thinking collaborative,
communication, character, citizenship

Transaction Transaction would proceed in the following manner-

(The teacher can Brain Storming-The class would start with a discussion on what the
use the mentioned students have already learnt in the previous classes and hence what is it that
techniques, they would learn now. They would also be told the significance of the topic
wherever that they would be studying.
applicable, and can
use any other too.) Active learning- Active learning- Frayer Model on acids and bases
(Critical thinking)

Group learning-. (Communication, Collaboration)

Think, pair and share;
Circle the Sage-Group learning- The class will be divided in the group of 5
students. The question will be asked by the teacher about the topic and the
students who knows the answer will stand at the various corners of the
room. (Communication, Collaboration)

Differentiation- (Character, Citizenship)

Interest centers or interest group. Independent study

Questioning- Multiple level question- Teacher will prepare a list of

questionson different topics and will ask these questions during
discussions. (Critical thinking, Communication)

Guided practice followed by Independent Practice- NCERT questions to

be discussed in the classroom.

Techniques to be used:
Daily Practice Problem
Peer Assessment
Student -teacher interaction,
Wipro- G.O.s(web chart, flow chart and differentiation table,compare-
contrast matrix),
Resources NCERT Science
CBSE Exemplar
Self Study, Home Independent Practice: Students would do the questions in their H.W
Work, notebooks as mentioned in the monthly planner by which we can assess
Assignments their understanding, writing skill andconcept development.
HW notebooks to be marked as per the given plan:
Assessment Parameters: The total marks for the activity is 5 marks:
On time submission 2 mark
Presentation/ Neatness(creativity)2 mark
Content (critical thinking and creativity)6 mark
It is also advised that the students come to the class with proper
background knowledge of the topic under discussion. They can refer to the
resources stated above.
Assessments Unit tests:
1. Unit Test 1 (25 marks)
2. Unit Test 2 (25 marks)
3. Unit Test 3 (25 marks)
4. Unit Test 4 (25 marks)
Half Yearly Exam (80 marks)
Annual Exam (80 marks)

By administering pen paper test we assess understanding, conceptual
knowledge and critical thinking.


Subject Enrichment 10 Marks
With the help of subject enrichment activities, we assess
communication,collaboration, character building and citizenship.
Note Book Submission 10 Marks
By writing the answers for relevant question we can assess their
knowledge, critical thinking and understanding.
Addressing Due to various social backgrounds and multiple intelligences, the
Classroom classroom might be a diverse arena. The following techniques can be used
Diversity for various groups:

For gifted students:

 EXEMPLAR questions to be done.
 HOTS questions will be discussed.
 Encouragement for referring other resources

For weak students:

 NCERT to be completed
 Buddy help to be provided
 Provide grade-up classes

For differently abled students:

 Ignore spelling mistakes and formulae, if not written
 Call parents at regular intervals
 Provide grade-up classes
Marks The weightage would be given by CBSE.
Questions for 1. Compare the properties of acid and base.
assessment during 2. Litmus shows no colour in sugar solution. Explain.
closure 3. Acids are never stored in metal containers. Comment.
4. Why is calamine used to treat bee sting?
5. Taste of many fruits is sour. Why?
Topic DAY 1- Acids and bases and their examples in daily life

Class Transaction 40 min

Pre-requisite for This topic requires basic knowledge ofvarious examples of substances
the course containing acids and bases
Assessment of Group Discussion
qualifying Questioning
Objective  Students will be able to understand the properties of acids and bases.

Learning KNOWLEDGE- Students will be able to

Outcomes  Define acids and bases
 Appreciate different ways in which acids and bases is useful to us.
 Students will be able to critically analyse acids and bases used in
day to day life.
 Students will communicate and compare their properties among
themselves developing collaboration and citizenship.
Transaction Transaction would proceed in the following manner-
Methodology Anticipatory Set: 20 min
(The teacher can Wipro Technique (KWL- What you Know, What you will Learn, What
use the mentioned you have learned)
techniques, Facilitator asks students what they know about acids and bases and also to
wherever list 2 substances which contain acids and bases from daily life. After the
applicable, and can list is made the teacher asks a few students to share the items they had
use any other too.) listed.
Students’ responses will be listed on the blackboard by using the KWL
Then she/ he introduces concept of acids and bases
DOL 1,2,3

Discussion of topic through Collaborative Learning: 20 min

(Critical Thinking and collaboration)
Strategy- discussion
Active learning- Then teacher asks students to Complete table 5.1 by
writing the taste of substances given in table
In the group students will discuss the taste of substances containing acids
and bases
Students will discuss acids and bases present in some bases present in
natural sources (table on page 50)
Teacher students interaction / questioning to check their understanding
Then teacher asks students to and asks the following questions from the
Q1- What is the taste of substance containing acid?
Q2 - What is the taste of substance containing base?
Students will share names.

Guided practice: 10 min. NCERT questions

Independent Practice Students will complete. related questions of
Closure: 5 min
Involving students in summarizing by asking them to prepare questions
based on the topic.
Resources NCERT Science
CBSE Exemplar
Closure Involving students in summarizing by asking them to prepare questions
based on the topic.
Self Study, Home EXEMPLAR questions
Assessments Response during activity

Topic DAY 2- Indicators (Natural Indicator)

Class Transaction 40 min each
Pre-requisite for This topic requires basic knowledge of properties of acids and bases.
the course
Assessment of Group Discussion
qualifying Questioning
Objective Students will be able to identify acids and bases present in natural sources.
Learning KNOWLEDGE- Students will able to
Outcomes 1. Explain the term indicator
2. Cite example for different natural indicators and study their
3. identify acids and bases present in natural sources using litmus
1. Solve general problems based on the topics
2. Interact with peers and develop citizenship and collaboration in
the process.
3. Perform activities in groups, develop analytical skill, critical
thinking and character in the process.
Effectively interprets information and draws conclusions based on the best
Transaction Transaction would proceed in the following manner-
Methodology Anticipatory Set: 5 min
(The teacher can *Teacher asks questions based on previous day learning
use the mentioned DOL 1,2,
wherever Discussion of topic through Collaborative Learning: 20 min
applicable, and can (Critical Thinking and collaboration)
use any other too.) Strategy-
Experimentation, Group work, Student -teacher interaction, , tabulation,
G.O.s(web chart, flow chart and compare- contrast matrix),

 The class will be divided into groups of 5 students each.

They will be given lemon juice,Tap water, detergent solution, aerated
drink, soap solution, shampoo, common salt solution, sugar solution,
vinegar, baking soda solution, milk of magnesia, washing soda solution
and lime water.
 They will carry out activity 5.1 and observe the change in colour of
blue and red litmus with these solutions.
 The students will then draw out the conclusion and record it.
Guided practice: 10 min. students will record their observation and draw
out the conclusion for the same
Independent Practice: Relevant NCERT Questions and Exemplar
Closure: 5 min
Involving students in summarizing and discussion on muddiest point
Resources NCERT Science
CBSE Exemplar
Closure Involving students in summarizing by asking them to prepare questions
based on the topic.
Self Study, Home Independent Practice: EXEMPLAR Questions
Assessments Observations and responses from activities

Topic Day 3 –Indicators (Natural Indicator)

Class Transaction 40 min
Pre-requisite for This topic requires basic knowledge of .various examples acids and bases
the course
Assessment of Group Discussion
qualifying Questioning
Objective Students will be able to explain the term indicator and cite example for
some natural indicators from day to day life.
Learning KNOWLEDGE- Students will be able to
Outcomes 4. Explain the term indicator
5. Cite example for different natural indicators and study their
6. identify acids and bases present in natural sources using turmeric
and China rose extract


Students will able
1. Use observational skills while observing the activities to
understand the concept.
2. Interact with peers and comparevarious indicators and develop
critical thinking and collaboration in the process.
3. Perform activities in groups, develop character and citizenship in
the process.
Effectively interprets information and draws conclusions based on the best
Transaction Transaction would proceed in the following manner-
Methodology Anticipatory Set: 5 min
(The teacher can Recapitulationby asking questions based on previous day’s learning
use the mentioned DOL 1,2,
wherever Discussion of topic through Collaborative Learning: 20 min
applicable, and can (Critical Thinking, collaborationand communication)
use any other too.) Strategy-
Experimentation, Student -teacher interaction, tabulation, Wipro-
G.O.s(web chart, flow chart and compare- contrast matrix)
 The class will be divided into groups of 5 students each
 They will sit in groups and use turmeric stripes and china rose
extract which they prepared at home
 They will be given lemon juice, orange juice, detergent solution,
aerated drink, , common salt solution, sugar solution, vinegar,
baking soda solution, milk of magnesia.
 They will carry out activity 5.2 & 5.3 and observe the change in
colour of turmeric and china rose extract with these solutions.
 The students will then draw out the conclusion and record it in
tabular form
 They will also discuss the meaning of neutral solution.

 Teacher students interaction /

 supported by PPT/ Video
Guided practice: 10 min
RelevantNCERT Questions and Exemplar Questions
Closure: 5 min
Summarization by students
Independent Practice-Students will complete related questions of

Resources NCERT Science

CBSE Exemplar
Closure Involving students in summarizing the topic
Self Study, Home Independent Practice: EXEMPLAR Questions
Assessments Observations and responses from activities
Topic DAY 4 –Indicators (Synthetic Indicator)
Class Transaction 40 min each
Pre-requisite for This topic requires basic knowledge of .various examples acids and bases
the course
Assessment of Group Discussion
qualifying Questioning
knowledge Quiz
Objective Students will be able to explain the term indicator and cite example for
some synthetic indicators.
Learning KNOWLEDGE- Students will be able to
Outcomes 1. Explain the term indicator
2. Cite example for different synthetic indicators and study their
1. Solve complex questions based on the topics
2. Use observational skillswhile observing the activities to understand
the concept.
3. Interact with peers and comparevarious indicators and develop
critical thinking and collaboration in the process.
4. Perform activities in groups, develop character and citizenship in
the process.
Effectively interprets information and draws conclusions based on the best
Transaction Transaction would proceed in the following manner-
Methodology Anticipatory Set: 5 min
(The teacher can Recapitulationby asking questions based on previous day’s learning
use the mentioned DOL 1,2,3
wherever Discussion of topic through Collaborative Learning: 20 min
applicable, and can (Critical Thinking, collaboration and communication)
use any other too.) Strategy-
Hands on experiment, tabulation, Wipro- G.O.s(web chart, flow chart and
compare- contrast matrix),

Class will be divided into groups of 6 students each.

 Students in group will perform activity with synthetic indicators.
 Group presentation on synthetic indicators.
 Teacher students interaction / questioning to check their
Guided practice: 10 min
Tabulation of the colour changes of acids and bases with synthetic

Closure: 5 min
Involving students in summarizing and discussion on muddiest point
Independent Practice-Students will complete related questions of

Resources NCERT Science

CBSE Exemplar
Closure Involving students in summarizing by asking them to prepare questions
based on the topic.
Self Study, Home Independent Practice: EXEMPLAR Questions
Assessments Questioning

Topic DAY 5-Indicators ( Natural & Synthetic indicators)

Class Transaction 40 min
Pre-requisite for This topic requires basic knowledge of indicators, acids and bases.
the course
Assessment of Group Discussion
qualifying Questioning
knowledge Quiz
Objective Students will be able to differentiate between artificial and natural

Learning KNOWLEDGE- Students will be able to

Outcomes 1. Explain the term indicator
2. Cite example for different indicators and study their applications.
1. Use observational skillswhile observing the activities to understand
the concept.
2. Interact with peers and comparevarious indicators and develop
critical thinking and collaboration in the process.
3. Perform activities in groups, develop character and citizenship in
the process.
Effectively interprets information and draws conclusions based on the best
Transaction Transaction would proceed in the following manner-
Methodology Anticipatory Set: 5min
(The teacher can Recapitulation by asking questions based on previous day’s learning
use the mentioned DOL 1,2,3
techniques, Strategy-
wherever Wipro Technique Think- Pair and Share, group work - collaborative
applicable, and can learning. Hands on experiment, tabulation, Wipro- G.O.s(web chart, flow
use any other too.) chart and compare- contrast matrix),

Discussion of topic through Collaborative Learning: 20 min

(Critical Thinking and Problem Solving , collaboration and Character
Activity: Class discussion on colour produced by different indicators
with acid and bases.
Teacher will draw the given table and answers are cited by students and
noted by them on board.

Indicator Colour in acid Colour in base

China rose
Methyl orange

Guided practice: 10 min

Studentswill observeand record their observation in tabular form.
Closure: 5 min
Summarization by students
Independent Practice-Students will complete practical and answer related

Resources NCERT Science

CBSE Exemplar
Closure Involving students in summarizing by asking them to prepare questions
based on the topic.
Self Study, Home Independent Practice: EXEMPLAR Questions
Assessments Observations and responses from activities

Topic DAY 6-Practical

Class Transaction 40 min each
Pre-requisite for This topic requires basic knowledge of various examples acids and bases
the course and indicators.
Assessment of Group Discussion
qualifying Questioning
Objective To find the chemical nature of various given solutions using

Learning SKILLS AND COMPETENCIES- Students would be able to

Outcomes have hands on experiment and enhance their ability to make correct

Transaction Transaction would proceed in the following manner-

Methodology Anticipatory Set: 5 min
(The teacher can Recapitulation by asking questions based on previous day’s learning
use the mentioned DOL 1,2,3
wherever Strategy-
applicable, and can Hands on experiment, tabulation,
use any other too.)
Discussion of topic through Collaborative Learning: 20 min
(Critical Thinking and Problem Solving , collaboration and Character
 Teacher will explain the practical, Collaborative work; Students
will work in group of three students each. learning ( 20 minutes)
 Teaching strategy – Hands on experiment, Discussion and

Guided Practice; 10 min

Students to record their observation and draw out the conclusion for the
same. learning
Independent Practice-Students will complete practical and answer related
Closure: 5 min
Involving students in summarization
Resources NCERT Science
CBSE Exemplar
Closure Summarization by students with the muddiest point discussed by the

Self Study, Home Independent Practice: EXEMPLAR Questions

Assessments Practical

Topic DAY 7- Acid rain

Class Transaction 40 min

Pre-requisite for This topic requires basic knowledge of .various examples acids
the course
Assessment of Group Discussion
qualifying Questioning
Objective Students will be able to describe the concept of acid rain and its causes.

Learning Students will be able to

Outcomes Students will be able to describe the concept of acid rain and its causes.
1. Perform activities in groups, develop citizenship, character and
collaboration in the process.
Transaction Transaction would proceed in the following manner-
Methodology Anticipatory Set: 5 min
(The teacher can Recapitulation by asking questions based on previous day’s learning
use the mentioned DOL 1,2,3
wherever Discussion of topic through Collaborative Learning: 20 min
applicable, and can (Critical Thinking and Problem Solving, collaboration )
use any other too.) Strategy- Questioning, group work

 Students in group will discuss concept of acid rain and its causes.
 Class discussion
 Teacher will ask questions to check their understanding
 Teacher’s role as a facilitator
Guided practice: 10 min
RelevantNCERT Questions
Independent Practice:EXEMPLAR Questions
Closure: 5 min
Involving students in summarizing the topic
Resources NCERT Science
CBSE Exemplar
Closure Involving students in summarizing by asking them to prepare questions
based on the topic.
Self Study, Home Independent Practice: EXEMPLAR Questions
Assessments Response during activity

Topic DAY 8-Class test

Topic DAY 9- Neutralization (Process only)

Class Transaction 40 min
Pre-requisite for This topic requires basic knowledge of different acids and bases,
the course indicatorsand their properties.
Assessment of Group Discussion
qualifying Questioning
Objective Students will be able to describe the process involved in mixing of acids
and bases.
Learning KNOWLEDGE- Students will able to observe different changes observed
Outcomes different changes during neutralization.
1. Observe and devlop the concept by hands on activity.
2. Use analytical skills to identify changes observed during the
3. Perform activity in group to develop citizenship, character and
collaboration in the process.
Transaction Transaction would proceed in the following manner-
Methodology Anticipatory Set: 5 min
(The teacher can Recapitulation by asking questions based on previous learning
use the mentioned
techniques, DOL 1,2,3
applicable, and can Discussion of topic through Collaborative Learning: 20 min
use any other too.) (Critical Thinking and collaboration)
Teaching strategy – Hands on experiment, Discussion and tabulation
Activity: The activity 5.5 is conducted in lab and explained to the students
step by step and then the following questions will be asked to check their
1. What type of change do you observe?
2. What can be the reason for the changes?
Guided Practice- Students will observe and record their observation in
tabular form.
Independent Practice:EXEMPLAR Questions
Closure: 5 min
Involving students in summarizing by asking them to prepare questions
based on the topic.
Resources NCERT Science
CBSE Exemplar
Closure Involving students in summarizing by discussion on muddiest point
Self Study, Home Independent Practice: EXEMPLAR Questions
Assessments Observations and responses during activities

Topic Day 10Neutralization (Reaction and examples)

Class Transaction 40 min
Pre-requisite for This topic requires basic knowledge of different acids and bases and
the course neutralization.
Assessment of Group Discussion
qualifying Questioning
Objective Students will be able to describe the process involved in mixing of acids
and bases.
Learning KNOWLEDGE- Students will able to analyse different changes observed
Outcomes different changes thus abstract a definition for neutralization.
1. Compare different examples of neutralization.
2. Will discuss different examples and communicate to understand
Transaction Transaction would proceed in the following manner-
Methodology Anticipatory Set: 5 min
(The teacher can Recapitulation by asking questions based on previous day’s learning DOL
use the mentioned 1,2,3
techniques, Strategy-
wherever group work - collaborative learning. Hands on experiment, tabulation,
applicable, and can
use any other too.) Discussion of topic through Collaborative Learning: 20 min
(Critical Thinking and Problem Solving , collaboration and Character
 Teacher will explain the practical, Collaborative work; Students
will work in group of three students each. learning ( 20 minutes)
 Teaching strategy – Hands on experiment, Discussion and

Guided Practice; 10 min

Students to record their observation and draw out the conclusion for the
same. Learning.
Independent Practice-Students will complete practical and answer related
Closure: 5 min
Involving students in summarizing by asking them to prepare questions
based on the topic.
Resources NCERT Science
CBSE Exemplar
Closure Involving students in summarizing the topic
Self Study, Home Independent Practice: EXEMPLAR Questions
Assessments Peer assessment

Topic DAY 11– & 12 Neutralization in everyday life

Class Transaction 40 min
Pre-requisite for This topic requires basic knowledge of .various examples acids and bases
the course
Assessment of Group Discussion
qualifying Questioning
Objective Students will be able to describe the applications of neutralization in
everyday life.

Learning KNOWLEDGE:Students will be able to describe the applications of

Outcomes neutralization in everyday life.
Will discuss different examples and communicate to understand concept
Transaction Transaction would proceed in the following manner-
Methodology Anticipatory Set: 5 min
(The teacher can Recapitulation by asking questions based on previous day’s learning
use the mentioned DOL 1,2,3
techniques, Strategy-
wherever Wipro Technique, Student -teacher interaction, Think- Pair and Share,
applicable, and can group work - collaborative learning.),
use any other too.)
Discussion of topic through Collaborative Learning: 20 min
(Critical Thinking, collaboration and communication)
 Students in the group of 5 will discuss Importance of neutralization
in everyday life
 Groups will give presentation
 Students teacher interaction
 Questioning-Teacher will ask questions on Importance of
neutralization in everyday life
 children will make web cluster on Importance of neutralisation in
everyday life
 Teacher’s role as a facilitator

Guided practice: 10 min
Relevant NCERT Questions and Exemplar Questions
Closure: 5 min
Summarizationby students with the muddiest point discussed by the
teacher. learning
Independent Practice-Students will complete related questions of
Resources NCERT Science
CBSE Exemplar
Closure Involving students in summarizing by asking them to prepare questions
based on the topic.
Self Study, Home Independent Practice: EXEMPLAR Questions
Assessments Observations and responses during activities

Topic DAY 13 Closure by mind mapping and open discussion

Topic DAY 14-Class test

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