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Druid hand book

By Jack Todespfiel

This handbook will cover the basic spells, spell recommendations per level,
and the different styles of play once you reach level 6. As a Druid it is your job to
know all about enchantments, the rules that go into combining enchantments, and
how enchantments interact with different classes.

The basics of Druid. As is well known Barbarians can’t be enchanted. Bards

will normally not want your enchantment without attune because it interferes with
there songs which while active are enchantments. Some healer enchantments such
as blessing against wounds will cannot be used in combination with a protection
enchantment such as bark skin. Enchantments such as golem’s cursed state doesn’t
interfere with regenerations (spirit) heal. Golem stacks persist warrior harden and
Ancestral Armour. Finally experienced cannot be used on enchantments, don’t try
it, don’t think about it, don’t even make that joke.

Level 1 (type, school, range, strips, cost, max, frequency)

 Bark Skin
Enchantement-Protection-touch:others-white strip-cost 1-max 2- 1/Ref
Bark skin gives 1point of sectional armour. On a level one Druid list this can be a good step to learning
enchantments without being overwhelmed or having too many complicated rules or enchantment
 Corrosive mist
Enchantment-Death-touch:self or Others-5 red strips-cost 1-max 1-1/ref
Corrosive Mist stops the player enchanted and allows them to destroy one section of armour worn by a
player within 20’. This enchantment is generally a trap but can be very effective in castle or bridge
situations. It also allows druids to get around Ancestral Armour. In General Skip this enchantment but keep
it in the back of your mind for specific game and situational use.

 Entangle
Ball-subdual-ball-Brown ball-cost 1-max 2- 2 balls/unlimited
Entangle allows players a cheap, reusable way to stop enemy players. It is engulfing and stops a player that
is touched for 60 seconds. This is great at low levels and for team work plays. It works well in combination
with ranged weapons, pole-arms, or any other way to out ranged the enemy while stopped. Just note that
most enemies can release themselves from this effect so its not as sustainable as Iceballs.

 Weapon short
Neutral-Neutral-x-cost 2-max 2
Almost always worth the points to go single short, flo, or sword and board. Most druids will always want to
take at least one unless they are playing a lawn chair Druid.
 Experience
Neutral-Neutral-x-cost 2-max 2
This gives you great sustain. If you’re playing pure utility Druid having more spells per life is usually
better. However on most players running Avatar of Nature(AON) or acting as a spawn for there golem the
continuous ability to reuse spells and keep your team healthy with release, heal, and mends is invaluable.
This can also give you back the use of dispel magic which at low levels or without naturalize magic can at
least let you disrupt enemy enchantments.

 Heat weapon
Verbal-Flame-20’-cost 1-max Na-1/life chgx3
Heat Weapon is a great spell for getting rid of nasty pole-arms or used in combination with entangle balls
to disarm enemy players and stab them with a dagger. Heat Weapon falls out of favour as druids gain Icy
Blast but it is almost always a useful spell in attrition style games or games where you can stand close to
the front line while being protected.

 Imbue armour
Enchantment-protection-touch:others-1 white strip- cost 1-max Na-1/ref
Imbue armour gives a martial class +1 to all armour locations covered. This means that the player has to be
wearing a decent amount of armour and areas covered. Note that this doesn’t take a player beyond there
class maximum limit for armour. This spell is almost never recommend since most fields don’t wear
armour making magical armour much more coveted.

 Mend
Verbal-sorcery-touch-cost 1-max na-1/life
This spell is great for druids. It allows your golems to live a little longer, your magic armour to last longer,
and your team to have weapons available when they get destroyed faster. Mend repairs one point of armour
to a location or repairs one weapon or shield. As utility Druid this allows you to support the front line as
equipment gets destroyed and allows your team to stay in the fight longer.

 Cancel
Neutral-Neutral-touch-cost 0, max1, unlimited
Cancel allows a player to undue there enchantments. This is always a must take especially in games where
players can switch teams. Note that you’ll have to stop the player and disarm them in some way. This can
also be effective when you have extra armour enchantments but not the time to repair the armour on a
player. Just cancel and reapply the enchantment.

Level 2
 Small shield
Neutral-neutral-cost 4-max 1
A Small shield is almost a must for any Druid. It increases your survivability exponentially. Even without a
sword just being able to hide behind the shield and let it soak ranged fire while you heal, mend, or release a
player can be a saving grace.

 Gift of earth
Enchantment-protection-touch;others-1 White strip-cost 1-max 2- 1/ref
Gift of Earth gives a player two points of sectional armour and Greater Harden. The players weapons are
immune to being destroyed by any means other then verbal and Ball magic. The player is also suppressed.
This spell is great on a peasant or players who do not use class abilities/wear armour.

 Heal
Verbal-spirit-touch-cost 1-max na-1/life
Heal is a great utility spell to recover your mobility when you loose a leg, or increase the fighting
effectiveness of your team. Most of the time it is better to let the healer focus on healing but the availability
of this spell and experience allows most druids to play a low class healer when required.

 Iceball
Ball-Subdual-Ball-White Ball-Cost 1-max2-2 Balls/Unlimited
One of the best Druid spells. Iceball’s are engulfing and freeze an enemy player for 60 seconds upon
contact. These iceballs with enough practice can even stop Ancestral Armour warriors if it contacts there
weapons or garb. Iceballs are almost always a must take in any Druid list just remember that the warrior in
your lines can shake it off or will unfreeze eventually and wreck your lines if your forget.

 Innate
Meta_Magic-Neutral-NA-Cost 1-Max 4-1/ref
Innate allows a single use of an ability back instantly. Innate is always better then having multiple per
refresh chargeable abilities like stone form or dispel magic(experienced) since it gives you more utility in
what you want to use and when.

 Poison
Enchantment-Death-Touch;Others-1 red strip-cost 1-Max na-1/life
Poison is a great introductory enchantment. It gives an enchanted player wounds kill once per life. Note
that if the player dies before it is used the enchantment is still lost. This spell is great for keeping sustain in
longer games with less refreshes but if at your local field refreshes are happening sooner then
recommended it is better to spend the points on higher level enchantments.

 Release
Verbal-Sorcery-Touch-cost 1-max na-1/life
Release allows a player to end one state(Not cursed) that is affecting a player such as stopped, stunned,
frozen, or insubstantial(Via shadow step). It’s a great utility spell that can assist your team in pushing or
maintaining position. Almost always take release when able.

 Stone form
Verbal-Protection-self-cost 1-Max NA-1/ref chgx3
Stone form allows a player to be frozen. The player can unfreeze themselves at any point by saying, “the
earth release me”. Note that the enemy team can surround you, release, greater release, or shatter you. This
is a great get out of jail card when surrounded by none casters and scouts.

Level 3
 Attuned
Enchantment-Sorcery-Touch;Others-1 Yellow strip-cost 1-max 2-1/ref
Attuned allows a second enchantment to be worn. This can be combined with scout to allow for three
enchantments to be worn. Note that these enchantments don’t have to be placed by you. A healer or wizard
can instead apply persistent enchantments and thus when the player die the enchantments will remain and
attuned is no longer required. This can also allow bards to wear an enchantment and use there song

 Bear Strength
Enchantment-Sorcery-Touch;Others-strip-cost 1-max NA-1/ref
Bear Strength gives the player shield crushing. This is a decent cheap substitute for Flame Blade. The
player can now with a short sword chew through shields. Combined with dispel Magic or Naturalize magic
a tag team can now easily overcome a warriors shield or imbued shield. At lower levels or when saving on
spell points Bear Strength is always a consideration.

 Dispel Magic
Verbal-Sorcery-20’-cost 1-max NA-1/ref
Packing a few Dispel Magics, or innates if chargeable is always recommend. Being able to get rid of pro
mage, or a golem stack can make the difference between winning and loosing the battle. If your field has a
high amount of wizards, just let the wizards handle it with Dispel Magic chgx3. Dispel Magic allows you to
destroy all of one players active enchantments.

 Extension
Meta_Magic-Neutral-NA-cost 1-Max 2-1/Life
Extension makes a 20’ spell extend to 50’. Extension at per life is almost mandatory to get off Dispel
Magic, Icy Blast, or heat weapon. Depending on play style ambulant or extension is always recomnended.

 Gift of Fire
Enchantment-Flame-Touch;Others-1 Red and 1 White Strip-cost 1-Max 2-1/Ref
Player is immune to flame and against 1 heat weapon per REF CHgx3. Immune to flame allows players to
shrug off Lightning balls, Fireballs, and opposing players Heat Weapons. Heat Weapon is a great offensive
ability for monks and many other players to disarm enemy Great Weapon users. This spell is always in
consideration but is usually only used on rare golem stacks or for left over spell points.

 Greater Mend
Verbal-Sorcery-Touch;Others-Cost 1-Max Na-1/Ref
Greater mend allows a player to restore one item or one location of armour to full value. This per refresh
spell is invaluable to any caster supporting a warrior golem. With any other 2-3 point’s of armour player I
prefer to mend and charge or die and get my per life use of mend back. This spell however as per refresh
required experienced to be used to received the full value. Only take when warriors with heavy amounts of
armour are on the field.

 Icy Blast
Verbal-Sorcery-20’-Cost 1-Max 2-1/Life
Icy Blast freezes a person for 30 seconds. As sorcery it is one of druids answers to barbarians. Druids lack
the synergy to Icy Blast shatter like Wizards but get Icy Blast per life. In any non-summoner list I’d
recommend Icy Blast at the very least 1xLife to threaten barbarians.

 Regeneration
Enchantment-Spirit-Touch;Others-1 Yellow Strip-Cost 1-Max NA-1/Ref
Regeneration gives swift heals outside of 10’ from an enemy. This can be a life saver to many golem stacks
by allowing the cursed player to heal. This is also great on Archers. The ability to passively hand-block
arrow and start raining down arrows moments later can keep tower archers in cover or at long distances the
edge over enemy ranged combatants.

 Stoneskin
Enchantment-Protection-Touch;Others-1 white strip-Cost 1-Max 2-1/Ref
Stone skin gives two points of Ancestral Armor(AA). This means that the player can block spell balls with
there body and loose a point without suffering the effects of the ball. 2pts AA allows allows most casters
with melee weapons to compete and outperform most martial classes. This is a must take if Iron skin isn’t
used while performing an enchantment build.

Level 4
 Weapon long
Neutral-Neutral-X-Cost 4-Max 1
Long weapons are in general obsolete. The fact that summoner cannot take any gear beyond level two and
that one level later druids gain great weapons place Long weapons in a hard situation. Take for fun but
know the effectiveness will be limited.

 Flame Blade
Enchantment-Flame-Touch;Others-1 Red and 1 White Strip-Cost 2-Max 2-1/Ref
Flame Blade gives the bearer Armor Breaking, Shield Crushing, Immune to Flame. This is an expensive
but great enchantment. If you can afford it on your spell list and Dispel Magic isn’t overly prevalent at your
park, use this in your stack every time. If there is decent odds of your golem getting dispelled, use cheaper
options like bear Strength instead.

 Force Bolt
Ball-Sorcery-Ball-Blue Ball-Cost 1-Max 2-2 Balls/Unlimited
Force Bolt is a sorcery ball that is armour breaking, weapon destroying, or a wound. Force bolts acts like an
arrow in hand, it can be used on every class. Force bolts can be used on dropped weapons that are heated,
or a sanctuary monk. Force bolts are a good counter to pole-arm users that are immune to subdual or that
don’t have armour protecting them. Force bolt is always a good option to take but not mandatory.

 Gift of Water
Enchantment-Sorcery-Touch;Others-White Strip-Cost 1-Max 2-1/Ref
Gift of water is an underrated enchantment but has some uses. It gives one point of sectional armour and
unlimited use of heal. This can be affective on Archers, or any ranged combatants that may get injured but
won’t be killed. Skip if limited on points but can be an affective enchantment to help your team win the
ranged combat fight.

 Golem
Enchantment-Sorcery-Touch;Others-White and Red Strip-Cost 1-Max NA-1/Ref
Bearer is immune to Death, Cursed, healed via mend, Imbue Armour that is not magical, and causes all
enchantments to be permanent. Golem is the bread and butter enchantment of Druid. This enchantment
allows the stack to last longer, giver warriors more armour, and allows and easy heal via mend. Golems are
required if creating a stack and mandatory on most Druid lists. Don’t forget that the player can be used as a
golem spawn location.

 Lycanthropy
Enchantment-Death-Touch;Others-1 red and 1 white strip-Cost 1-Max 2-1/Ref
Lycanthropy gives the bearer two points of sectional armour, shield crushing, and immune to command.
This is a great enchantment if the field is overrun by Bards, especially on a golem stack that makes the
player immune to death. Lycanthropy gives a good all around coverage as an enchantment, while not
amazing is still a great enchantment. This is a must take on Bard heavy fields but is a good enchantment for
any field.

 Swift
Meta_Magic-Neutral-X-Cost 1-Max 2-1/Life
Swift is meta magic that allows a player to say the last sentence in a multi line spell or one verse in a
multiple verse spell. It may only be used on abilities at the range of ball, touch, or self. This Meta Magic
can be used as a quick escape via swift teleports, or great offence to swift iceballs, but can also be used for
great utility by healing, or releasing a key player. Swift can also be used to quickly get an enchantment
stack up and running in limited time events. Swift has great utility on any Druid list and shouldn’t be

 Teleport
Verbal-Sorcery-Touch:Others/self-Cost 1-Max 2-1/Life
Teleport allows a player to move in a straight line to a destination, ending the effects before or when the
player reaches the destination. This can be used on to escape situations where stoneform might get you
trapped. Teleport can also be used with team work to allow a barbarian to fight after death in an enemy
heavy environment. Teleport has great utility for a creative individual however druids can normally spend
there spell points of this level on other enchantments or spells.

Level 5
 Ambulant
Meta_Magic-Neutral-X-Cost 1-Max 2-1/Life
Ambulant is a great meta_Magic that allows the player to cast magic while moving there feet. This is great
magic for escaping or chasing down an enemy trying to escape your spell. If you are taking icy blast, heat
weapon, or dispel you should be taking either Ambulant or extension. Combining ambulant and extension
should always be done in the order of Extension Ambulant. These are must takes on any non Summoner list
and is still recommended on summoners list to ambulant Iceballs, forcebolts, release, mends, and many
more options.

 Weapon great
Neutral-Neutral-x-Cost 5-Max 1
The better version of Long weapon, great weapon allows players to have shield crushing, armour breaking
without needing enchantments. Combined with attune stoneskin poison can allow for very devastating
game play. Great weapons are almost always better taken by paying the points and not through ranger

 Essence graft
Enchantment-Sorcery-Touch:Others-1 Yellow Strip-Cost 1- Max NA-1/Ref
Essence graft allows the bearer to wear 3 additional enchantments not including essence graft. All
enchantments must be from a Druid. This is the true beginning to the golem stack, it is advisable for all
druids who perform a golem stack to use essence graft and save attuned for class combo shenanigans.

 Gift of Air
Enchantment-Protection-Touch:Others-1 White Strip-Cost 1-Max 2-1/Ref
Gift of Air allows the bearer when struck by ranged projectiles, and melee weapons that are not shield
crushing or armour breaking to go insubstantial instead of receiving a wound. When struck by verbals, spell
balls, phase arrows, or melee crushing/armour breaking weapons the enchantment is not triggered and the
player receives the affects of the attack as normal. Bearer may not wield weapons/shields and can either
return to the physical world at the spot, on the way to base, or at there base. This enchantment is great to
place on casters who want to avoid melee, allows them to avoid ranged weapons and only leaves them
susceptible to casters, barbarians, great weapons, phase, and enchanted players with armour breaking/shield
crushing. This ability when these options are lacking can create such an imbalance in the game that a two
man team can take on a field of warriors in meat grinder, regicide, and other such games that involve
killing a key player.
 Heart of the swarm
Enchantment-Spirit-Self-1 yellow Strip-Cost 1-Max 2-1/Ref
Heart of the swarm is a self enchantment that allows a player to be stopped and act as a spawn location.
Players can only spawn while enemies and game objectives are not within 20’. This enchantment is
situational by game design. In rare circumstances being closer to a critical location can while being able to
maintain enemies 20’+ away allow for an easy victor or break some game designs. This is up there
situationally like corrosive mist and grasping tentacles. Put in a lot of thought to game design and the
situational uses before even considering to put this spell on your list. However in rare circumstances it can
be game breaking. For example, if the game design was to attack a fort with 10 second respawn from 150’
away then Heart of the swarm while 30-45’ away would give that team a major advantage at the cost of one

 Iron Skin
Enchantment-Protection-Touch:Others-1 White Strip-Cost 1-Max 2-1/Ref
Iron skin grants a player 2 pts AA cross sectionally and immunity to flame. Because the immunity to flame
is generated from the armour Fireballs, lighting balls and other such abilities have no affect on this armour.
This armour is great in combination with a golem stack to provide an immunity to flame and armour. It’s a
great enchantment and should almost always be taken when available.

 Poison Glands
Enchantment-Death-Touch:Others-1 Red Strip-Cost 1-Max 2-1/Ref
Poison glands grants a player Self only poison 1/Ref chgx3. This enchant isn’t bad for an assassin wannabe
but in all other cases it is easily replaced by 6th level imbue weapon or 2nd level poison. In almost all
instances you’ll always take poison or imbue weapon over poison glands. Recommend to never add to your
spell list.

 Resurrect
Verbal-Spirit-Touch-Cost 2-Max NA-1/Ref
Target dead player who has not moved loses all non persistent enchantments and is brought back to life
with there wounds healed. This can be a life saver if you only have one healer on your team in a limited life
point game. However it is normally not taken because healers gain a better version of Resurrect that is at
level 3 and rechargeable. If it was level 4 a case could be made to use it as a knock off healer experienced.

 Troll Blood
Enchantment-Protection-Touch:Others-3 White Strips-Cost 1-Max 2-1/Ref
Instead of dying player becomes frozen for 30 seconds. This ability triggers three times before being
removed. While a player is enchanted with trolls blood they also have regeneration. This is a great one off
enchantment to place on a warrior and keep them fighting with shake it off. If you have spare spell points
of 5th level it never hurts to spend a few on Troll’s blood.

Level 6
 Avatar of Nature
Neutral-Neutral-x-Cost 1-Max 1
AON allows a player to change all enchantments of 4th level or lower into Touch:Self, excluding golem.
This is necessary for a few of the Druid builds below and can lead to Druid being very power for competent
warriors. If you want to join the battle at the front lines while maintains support capabilities and casting this
is a great class to play.
 Call lightning
Verbal-Flame-20’-Cost 1-Max NA-1/Ref
Call lighting allows the player to instantly kill an enemy within 20’. This is the only direct damage spells a
Druid packs that can kill enemy players. It rivals Wizards finger of death but has less archetype support.
While I tend to take it for fun lists, if limited on points Icy Blast being per life and Chargeable is always

 Grasping tentacles
Enchantment-Command-Self-5 Strips-Cost 1-Max 1-1/Ref
Grasping Tentacles stops the caster and allows them to stop up to 5 enemy players for 30 seconds. This
spell can be attuned with Corrosive mist for some creative team kills. While used in bridge or fort scenarios
it can be extremely effective, in all other cases it should see limited to no use.

 Imbue weapon
Enchantment-Death-Touch:Others-1 red strip-Cost 1-Max NA-1/Ref
Imbue weapon allows an enchanted player to always deal wounds kill. This spell is far better then poison
glands and poison on any golem stack. A permanent wounds kill effect on a stacked warrior or monk can
break games. With most fields not having a lot of armour or easily exposed gaps in armour most skilled
fighters can take advantage of this and deal carnage on the field.

 Naturalize magic
Enchantment-Sorcery-Self-5 red strips-Cost 1-Max 2-1/Ref
Naturalize magic is always a great enchantment that’s made even better when taken by a Summoner.
Naturalize magic allows a caster to dispel enemies with 4 words, up to 5 times. This is made even better by
the fact that summoners who cannot take dispel magic get double the uses of Naturalize magic. When
points are available and a player cannot take dispel magic it is advisable to always take naturalize magic. In
enchantment heavy fields Naturalize magic is a must have.

 Ranger
Neutral-Neutral-Cost 2-Max 1
Ranger allows a player to use a bow and have all weapons cost 0. However enchantments cost double.
Ranger should only ever be taken for the use of a ranged weapons. It is almost always more advisable to
pay the points for equipment. However ranger in its self just the fact that it opens up a weapon group to
Druid should never be discounted. It can always be great on a utility druids list to add ranged fire support
without any additional cost since the player wasn’t taking or taking in limited number enchantments.

 Summoner
Neutral-Neutral-Cost 2-Max 1
Summoner allows a player to double the number of enchantments purchased. However the player may not
purchase equipment beyond level 2 and cannot buy verbals at the range of greater then touch. The player
may still use the ranged weapon provided by Ranger however other equipment such as longs, and greats
must still be purchased at 0 points and thus must still not be used. Summoner is a great enchantment for
players who want to be support and provide the maximum amount of enchantments that they can.

 Word of mending
Verbal-Sorcery-Touch-Cost 1-Max NA-1/Ref
Word of mending allows a caster to instantly repair all of a chosen players equipment and armour. On any
warrior with 6 points of armour in a tight situation this is a game changer. It can allow Golem stacked
players to keep alive for the final push and destroy enemy moral as the warrior who is scavenging every
piece of armour and on there last leg from attrition to be back with full fighting force. Word of mending on
most fields is ill advised but on any heavy warrior field can be the difference between a tight game and a
one sided slaughter.

Some styles of play

Druid is a great caster class in the fact that it can be played in a variety of ways
inside the play styles and a creative person can come up with new play styles while
moulding Druid to his local park. Below are some of the various styles druids can
dominate the field with.

If your field is full of dispel magic utility Druid is an option. This Druid is
packing, icy blasts, mends, heals, swifts, extensions, ambulant, call lighting,
experience, dispel magic, your choice of weapons, balls, stoneform, and heat
weapons. For this list I normally ensure Icy Blast is experienced and I have a
shield and sword. Two swifts and heals to allow for a speedy heal. A few innate to
be used on icy blast, heat weapons, or stone forms when in a pinch.
Utility druids are great for fields with high amounts of armour and dispel magic.

AON druids are for self sufficient players who don’t trust there team or are very
excellent fighters. These lists can have Ranger to use a bow, summoner to gain
more enchantments to place on yourself, or neither to take heavy amounts of icy
blast and other verbal spells. A good combination for self enchantments are
lycanthropy and poison, Stoneskin and poison, and stoneskin bear Strength.

These druids usually take some utility and rely on there physical prowess to
wreck the field. Note that if you die often as this class its not recommended to play
AON since you will run out of enchantments quickly.

Taking summoner as AON limits your options for verbals but can increase your
sustainability in melee. If your local park has a large number of refreshes or short
games taking AON without summoner is advisable. If you can survive on the
refreshes provided with only AON then with your sustainability through mends
this is a great archetype. If AON is not lasting you long enough, combine with
summoner. If this change doesn’t allow you to sustain your enchantments long
enough consider changing your play style or picking a different archetype.

Enchanters take summoner and usually focus on utility. The limit of non
offensive spells save for balls limits how and who druids can engage. These
players focus on having there utility spells such as mend, heal, or release. They
also usually have a few golem stacks available and extra enchantments to give to
other players. These enchantments are usually naturalize magic to get rid of
enchanted warriors, or higher threat enchantments, poison, and bear Strength. Bear
strength can be given in unlimited qualities per refresh and combined with
naturalize magic to tear through enemy shields. Poison can be given to almost
every player on your team and at per life is never a loss. Being able to instantly kill
an enemy player on a limb can create resurrection overload on the enemy healers
and negate the use of heals.
Enchanters can run out of steam when there per refresh abilities run out so taking
poison and a few utility per life spells can help mitigate this weakness. Don’t
forget that your golem can spawn on you and relies on you to protect them against
enemy casters. Even as an Enchanter you should have means for dealing with
enemy enchantments, and weapons in the form of balls and a shield.

Bow druids require ranger, making them expensive for enchantments. Most will
only take Naturalize magic, and AON for a few self defensive enchantments. A
great enchantment on a bow Druid is attune; stone skin and regeneration, or Gift of
water, or lycanthropy. It’s usually advisable to not take enchantments since your
spell list will be bloated with just a few enchantments.
Bow druids make great utility druids with a bit of ranged threat. Bow druids love
Long bows, and crossbows. A dirty trick with a crossbow is to have a spell ball
ready and rush with the crossbow. If the crossbow misses, you have a spell ball
ready and the option to ambulant icy blast while retreating.

-Single golem tag team

Golem tag team is a combination of an AON Druid with possible summoner
combined with a focus on a golem stack. Your job as the Druid is to persuade
people to not dispel your golem, providing them support, and a frontline respawn.
This team is weak to dispel magic and low refresh games. However two
competent stick users can crush a team using team work and powerful
enchantments. This list has limited sustainability once the enchantments are
dispelled or the Druid dies enough to times. It requires practice to pull off properly
but can destroy team balance.

-Poison utility(inspired by Sej of Western Winds)

This Druid list involves running a complete poison list with utilities. Nothing is
worst on low armour fields then an enemy having to deal with infinite poisons.
Since the poisons are per life the Druid will never run out of sustain. At kingdom
level where players are plentiful but enchantments may be rare or there are a
number of newer players this can lead to an easy to explain and understand
stratagem. Never discount this effective strategy for the sole exception of the lack
of red spell Strips.

Golem Stacks
Here are some possible golem stacks and what they should be placed on.

-Cheap Stack-
Attune-Iron Skin/golem
Attune-bear strength/Golem(warrior)

-Self Stacks-
Attune-Stone Skin/bear Strength
Attune-Armour/Naturalize magic

-Full Golem Stack-

(Immunity) Essence Graft (Gives immune to command, death, flame)
Lycanthropy, Golem, Flame Blade, imbue weapon

(Cheaper Immunity) Essence Graft

Lycanthropy, Golem, gift of fire, imbue weapon(losing armour breaking and
weapon being immune to flame)

Generalist monk
Essence graft, imbue weapon, Iron skin, Golem, Regeneration

Generalist Warrior
Essence graft, Imbue weapon, Golem, regeneration(trolls blood), Flame blade(gift
of fire)

In conclusion Druids are currently very viable and are one of the classes with the
most variations and Play styles. Druids get exponentially better with there
archetypes. This point is proven by the fact that Druid’s gain there play styles and
variations of play at level 6. Druids are the do everything class but lack total
domination in one singular aspect or game type. Don’t be afraid to play Druid on
any battle field but be ready to adapt and change your play style.

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