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A Use there + the correct form of be to say what we can and cannot find in the town of
(a cinema:) There's a cinema.
(a river) There isn't........... a river.
(restaurants: 10) There are ...... ten restaurants.
1 (a castle:) …………………..a castle.
2 (baker's shops: 2)……………………………. two baker's shops.
3 (a zoo:) ………………………………….. a zoo.
4 (banks: 6)………………………………….six banks.
5 (a luxury hotel:)………………………..... a luxury hotel.
6 (a theatre)……………………………….a theatre.
7 (newsagents: 6)………………………..six newsagents.
8 (many tourists) ………………………………..many tourists.

B Write questions by putting the words in brackets () in the correct order.

(thirsty - you - are) Are you thirsty?
1 (a teacher - you - are) …………………………………………………………?
2 (they - bored - are) …………………………………………………………?
3 (is - afraid - he) …………………………………………………………?
4 (she - tired - is) …………………………………………………………?
5 (are - you - how) …………………………………………………………?
6 (cold today-it-is) …………………………………………………………?
7 (she - Spanish - is) …………………………………………………………?
8 (they – from London – are) …………………………………………………………?

C. Add -s or -es to the verbs in the sentences if it is necessary. If it is not necessary, put a tick
(v) in the gap.
He works....... in a bank.
They live ..... in France.
1 I watch TV every day.

2 They go on holiday in August

3 She go ........ to work by car.
4 He speak .... Italian and French.
5 The film finish ..... at ten o'clock.

6 She do her homework every night.
7 We start work at half past eight.
8 We play ....... tennis every weekend.

II. READING Read the information about the history of the London Police and answer these

0 In 1700, there were
A policemen everywhere
B policemen only in London,
C no policemen in London

1 In 1700, the man who protected the streets were paid

A a lot
B a little
C nothing
2 300 years ago, many people
A came to live in London.
B wanted to leave London.
C had big houses in London
3 people did not leave their houses because
A the city was not clean
B they had no money
C they were afraid
4 The Bow Street Runners
A stole money

B stopped people stealing.
C paid people to steal

5 in 1800, there were

A enough policemen
B not enough policemen.
C too many policemen

6 of the first 3000 Metropolitan policemen,

A al of them rode horses.
B some of them rode horses.
C most of them rode horses.

7 Today, police officers who work with horses are paid

A more than their colleagues.
B the same as their colleagues
C half as much as their colleagues


You will hear some information about a travel agency

Listen and answer questions

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