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 A follower of Islam is called a ________________.

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Which of the statements is not true about religion?

Select one:
a. Religion promotes both cultural peace and cultural violence.
b. It is isolated from human political, economic and social life.
c. It shapes and is shaped by historical and social contexts.
d. Religion is socially constructed therefore inevitable to changes.
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The communal expansion of the Diaspora also served to fragment world Jewry.
Select one:
a. False
b. True
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Religion functions in the promotion of both violence and peace.

Select one:
a. False
b. True
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Why are generalizations such as, “Buddhists encourages internal peace.” or “Islam
encourages violence.” problematic and even wrong?
Select one:
a. All religions encourage both peace and violence.
b. Buddhists are really violent and majority of Muslims is peaceful.
c. There is a vast diversity of beliefs and interpretations of sect/branches within a
particular religion
d. People’s behaviors in the 21st century are more influenced by media and not by
religion anymore.
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What it the form of violence, according to Galtung, that represents the existence of
prevailing or prominent social norms that make direct violence seem natural or right.

Select one:
a. Cultural Violence
b. Structural Violence
c. Direct Violence
d. Traditional Violence
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Muslims generally consider translations of Quran to different languages to be

interpretations and not the Quran itself.
Select one:
a. False
b. True
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Religious traditions and practices are uniform.

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What was the most relevant achievement of Zionism?

Select one:
a. The civil equality for Jews in Western societies
b. The emergence of new political and ideological movements
c. The formation of a new politics governing all Jew societies
d. The establishment of a modern Jewish state in Israel
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Withdrawing from everyday life to concentrate on prayer, meditation and practice of
devotional beliefs.

Select one:
a. Catholic Reformation
b. Pentecostalism
c. Salafim
d. Sufism
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Religious expressions and traditions are uniform within all sects/branches or

Select one:
a. True
b. False
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Three elements or points of references OF JUDAISM

God, Torah and Peoplehood
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In Arabic, the word islam means called out.

Select one:
a. True
b. False
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Relativism presumes that all knowledge claims are equally valid.

Select one:
a. True
b. False
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Which of the following definitions pertain to Culture?

Select one:
a. a personal set of or institutionalized system of religious beliefs, attitudes and practices
b. an ensemble of beliefs and practices that function as a pervasive technology of
c. a typical widespread practice, procedure or custom
d. the practices and processes of making meanings with and from texts we encounter in
our everyday lives
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Fiqh is the totality of God’s will regarding human action as represented in the Quran and

Select one:
a. False
b. True
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The nature of method of cultural studies approach to religion is multi and inter-

Select one:
a. True
b. False
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True or False. Both religion and spirituality are multidimensional.

Select one:
a. False
b. True
c. Neither true nor false
d. Either true or false
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The ancient Hebrews affirms that their laws came directly from God.
Select one:
a. True
b. False
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One assumption of the cultural studies approach is that the method is discrete.
Select one:
a. True
b. False
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A Christian sacrament marked by ritual use of water and admitting the recipient to the
Christian community

Select one:
a. Methodism
b. Monasticism
c. Baptism
d. Diaspora
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Christians believe that the common ancestor of humankind is Abraham and his wife

Select one:
a. False
b. True
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Which of the following represents the Jews’ understanding of God?

Select one:
a. God is an abstract concept/principle which guides humanity to do righteous behaviors
and practices.
b. God is a divine being represented on earth in human form through nature deities.
c. God is a divine being represented on earth in the form of Jesus to teach the people to
live in accordance to His will.
d. God’s creation of the universe, including the possibilities of good and evil, implies the
existence of human free will.
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Kabbalah represents the repeated exile of the Jewish people.

Select one:
a. False
b. True
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Cultural studies primarily concerns in the following except

Select one:
a. Understanding how codes of behavior are articulated, enforced and reshaped
b. Understanding ways in which identities are formed
c. Understanding about ritual practices and what scriptures say
d. Heightening attention to beliefs and practices implicitly enforced
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Kabbalah represents the repeated exile of the Jewish people.

Select one:
a. True
b. False
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The presumptions of religious literacy is/are:

Select one:
a. Religion is static and isolated from historical and cultural movements.
b. There is a difference between religious learning and understanding about religion.
c. Religion is isolated from human political, social and cultural life.
d. Religion, being socially constructed is malleable to changes.
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What does a religious literate person need to understand?
Select one:
a. the truth about God and what one needs to be saved
b. the diversity of religious beliefs, traditions and institutions among and within religions
c. the true religion and which presents more credible interpretations
d. the words in sacred literatures such as the Bible or the Quran are not to be taken
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What is the type of violence that represents the systematic ways in which some groups
are hindered from equal access to opportunities, goods and services that enable the
fulfillment of basic human needs?

Select one:
a. Direct Violence
b. Traditional Violence
c. Structural Violence
d. Cultural Violence
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The Hasidism is a movement that sought to preserve the essentials of Judaism while
changing the public image of the Jew though secular education.

Select one:
a. True
b. False
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Which of the following is considered an element of religion?

Select one:
a. spirituality
b. sacred space
c. belief in God
d. concept of Creation
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A new movement to reform the corrupt practices within the Catholic Church.

Select one:
a. Salafim
b. Sufism
c. Catholic Reformation
d. Pentecostalism
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A study of religion in a devotional perspective presumes religious legitimacy of

knowledge claims.

Select one:
a. True
b. False
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The story of Jesus comes from that part of the Bible called the New Testament.

Select one:
a. False
b. True
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 Christianity is originally an Arabic word that means “submission.”

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Which of the following statements accurately describes the Torah?

Select one:
a. It is a religious textual compendium developed over the history of the Jewish people.
b. It contains passages on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ.
c. It contains the material that can be called as folklore, history, ethics and philosophy.
d. It applies to all of Jewish sacred literature, learning and law.
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In what way/s is Christianity similar to Judaism?
Select one:
a. the belief that righteous acts and deeds are ways to be saved on the Day of Judgment
b. the belief in Jesus as the prophet and messenger of God
c. the belief in Abraham and Sarah as the common ancestor of humankind
d. the belief in one God as the Creator and the Divine Ruler
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Which of the following definitions pertain to Cultural Studies?

Select one:
a. a personal set of or institutionalized system of religious beliefs, attitudes and practices
b. a typical widespread practice, procedure or custom
c. the practices and processes of making meanings with and from texts we encounter in
our everyday lives
d. an ensemble of beliefs and practices that function as a pervasive technology of
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A nonsectarian perspective in understanding religion fosters religious literacy.

Select one:
a. False
b. True
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Judaism is the way of life of the Jewish people.

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The communal expansion of the Diaspora also served to fragment world Jewry.
Select one:
a. False
b. True
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Religions function in isolation from political, cultural, and economic contexts.

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The majority of Muslims believe that the last prophet of Allah isAnswer who
wrote the last revelation in the Qur’an.

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An Islamic stream of interpretation emphasizing the interior path of mystical love and
knowledge of God.

Select one:
a. Sufism
b. Pentecostalism
c. Salafim
d. Catholic Reformation
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Muslims claim that Muhammad is the final prophet of God.

Select one:
a. False
b. True
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Jews believe that the words of their sacred book were originally revealed by the Angel

Select one:
a. False
b. True
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Physical evidence of early Hindu religious thought in Harappa is the terracotta figurines
also found in the large public baths that depicted venerated goddesses.

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Why did Martin Luther founded Protestantism, breaking away from the Church?

Select one:
a. He condemned the wrong and sinful acts and deeds of the Church leaders.
b. He did not believe in the life of Jesus as revealed and told by his disciples.
c. He contested whether the Bible is influenced from interpretations of the ‘followers’
from their historical/social contexts.
d. He insisted that religious authority lay not primarily in church traditions, nor in the
hierarchy of bishops and popes, but in the Bible alone.
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The essay, “Overcoming Religious Illiteracy: A Cultural Studies Approach” proposes

which of the following to diminish religious illiteracy?
Select one:
a. Religion should only be discussed inside families in their own devotional perspectives
b. Religion should be taught by religious leaders because an academic study of religion
presumes religious legitimacy of claims which can be problematic between religions.
c. Theology should be taught in primary and secondary schools.
d. World religions should be taught in primary and secondary schools in a nonsectarian
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What was Martin Luther’s argument in attacking the Catholic Church which eventually
led him to establish Protestant Reformation?

Select one:
a. All knowledge claims, including religious ones are mere interpretations and so is the
b. It is not certain whether the Bible is the revelation of God or a collection of inspired
writings that are products of particular historical contexts, with their own historical
c. The Bible and the worship life of the church must not be translated into different
languages of people because it will lead to misinterpretations.
d. The Bible alone is the only source of religious authority and not in the hierarchy of
bishops and popes.
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There was a time when Indian society was not at all divided according to these
hereditary social groups called vanas

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Cultural studies primarily concerns in the following except:

Select one:
a. Understanding ways in which identities are formed
b. Understanding about ritual practices and what scriptures say
c. Heightening attention to beliefs and practices implicitly enforced
d. Understanding how codes of behavior are articulated, enforced and reshaped
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The three forms of violence are interrelated and mutually reinforcing.

Select one:
a. True
b. False
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Which of the following statements refers to Judaism?

Select one:
a. Judaism is a belief in God as an abstract concept that guides humanity to do
righteous behaviors.
b. Judaism is the belief in God represented in the forms of numerous nature deities who
communicates with the people.
c. Judaism is the Jewish religion that teaches the life and teachings of Jesus.
d. Judaism is conceptualized as a triad withthree points of reference: God, Torah and
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The Christian scriptures have been translated into many languages leading to more
conversions into the faith.

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Studying religion helps one understand the modern world we are living in today -
locally, nationally, and globally.

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Slavery of Africans
Select one:
a. Traditional Violence
b. Structural Violence
c. Direct Violence
d. Cultural Violence
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Judaism was a word invented by the English-speaking Western world

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A religious literate person needs to understand the following except:

Select one:
a. the truth about God and the ways to be saved
b. religious dimensions across time and places
c. the diversity of religious beliefs, traditions and institutions among and within religions
d. understand the historical and cultural contexts that shaped religions
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A movement to return the era of the First Muslim Community.

Select one:
a. Catholic Reformation
b. Sufism
c. Pentecostalism
d. Salafim
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How did Islamic civilization persist despite European colonialism?

Select one:
a. The struggle to understand how God would allow Muslims to become subjugated to
foreign, non-Muslim powers contributed to the emergence of three major perspectives:
Salafism, modernism and messianism
b. The widespread Islamic civilization in other societies in Asia, America and Africa
c. The acceptance of European societies of the beliefs, practices and traditions of Islam.
d. The struggle for power over Europeans led to competition of colonialism therefore
spreading Islamic civilizations across the world.
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Hinduism is the religion of the Indus River region.

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 Islam is originally an Arabic word that means “submission.”

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Which of the statements is true about religion?
Select one:
a. Religion is evitable from changes brought by historical and cultural movements.
b. Religion promotes both cultural peace and cultural violence.
c. Religion present absolute, universal truths.
d. It is isolated from human political, economic and social life.
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Religions are static and separate from the movements of history.

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Answer is the religion of a people who believes that there is one God the
Creator (Allah in Arabic) who communicates to people through prophets and

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