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During this year, you will be learning information related to many topics in physics. In this course,
a non-traditional criterion-based assessment system is used. Rather than using a point system to
record scores on various assignments, quizzes and tests, you must demonstrate your level of
proficiency on various learning goals. For example, instead of getting one grade for a quiz that may
cover many topics, you will be scored on individual learning goals such as, “I can interpret/draw
position vs. time graphs for an object moving with constant velocity.” Rubrics that list the learning
goals and define achievement levels of each will be provided to you and used for assessment.

Grades will be assigned based on descriptors of achievement only. Grades will not be affected by
issues such as lateness of work, effort, attitude, participation, and attendance. Those factors will be
reported separately.

New information showing additional learning will replace old information. Grades will reflect the
most recent learning. You may re-attempt assessments provided that you have documented an
effort to engage in additional learning (e.g., tutoring, additional practice, test corrections, etc.). In
addition, an alternative assessment may be accepted if the work is pre-contracted between you
and me. There is no deadline for reassessments.

For each learning goal, you will be scored using the following scale:

My response shows I understand the content/skills completely and

can explain them in detail.
My response shows I understand the important things about the
My response shows I have a general understanding of the
content/skills, but I’m also confused about some important parts.

Beginning My response shows I do not understand the concept/skills.

No Evidence I do not provide a response to show my level of understanding.

Near the end of each quarter, you will meet with me individually to discuss your progress and to
assign a quarterly grade. Cumulative quarterly grades will be given as follows:

Grade Core Goals (A) Intermediate Goals (B) Advanced Goals (C)

65 Developing

68 Proficient Developing

70 Proficient

75 Proficient Developing

80 Proficient Developing

85 Proficient Proficient Developing

90 Proficient Proficient Developing

95 Proficient Proficient Proficient Developing

100 Proficient Proficient Proficient

A final exam or final project will count for 1/9 of your final course grade.

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