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Swedish Institute (SI) Scholarship Programmes

Enclosure to the application for SI Scholarship for Global Professionals for

master’s level studies in Sweden starting in the academic year 2021/2022


The referee is expected to state an opinion of the applicant from a professional perspective, on behalf of the
referred organisation, and will thereby provide an important supplement to the letter of motivation and the
curriculum vitae for your scholarship application.

To be eligible for SI Scholarship for Global Professionals, you must provide two different letters of
reference. At least one letter of reference must be based on your work experience. The second letter of
reference can be based on your work as well but can also be an academic reference based on your studies at
university. However, it will be a merit if the second letter of reference is based on your involvement in
networks or civil society organisations outside of your regular work.

Who can fill out the letter of reference?

The referee should be someone who knows you in a professional rather than private manner. It does not have
to be your direct manager. For instance, it can be the HR manager, or the head of the organisation, as long as
the person can comment on your work on behalf of your employer.

If you work in a family business, if you are the owner of a business, or if you do freelance work, we can
accept a signature from a client or a staff who works at your company who is not your family member.
Clients should be companies/organisations (i.e. not private persons) and are only allowed to certify the
working hours that you have worked for them. The stamp should be the official stamp of the

If you do freelance work, you may also ask an employee at the professional association or agency where you
are registered as a freelancer or receive assignments from to be your referee and to sign and stamp the letter
of reference.

Examples of who cannot be used as a referee are

 Co-workers
 Family members/relatives/partners/friends
 Individuals who demand compensation (money, goods, favours, services or other means) from you
in order to give you a statement of reference


The letter of reference must be completed in English or alternatively translated by a notary public with the
notary’s official stamp. The original letter of reference or the English translation should not exceed two
pages (excluding the instruction page). Any additional page(s) will be disregarded. In order to be valid, the
letter must be completed, dated, signed by the referee, and stamped by the referred
company/organisation/university at which you worked or studied and which the referee represents. The
stamp can be in any language as long as it is the official stamp of the referring organisation.
If your referee has changed job and is unable to represent your former or current employer, we recommend
that you find another referee who still works at the company/organisation and is able to comment on your
work performance.

If your employer does not have any stamp, we recommend that you provide a letter of reference based on
your experience at another organisation. If it is the only work experience you have, we may accept an official
stamp of a notary office. However, your referee still needs to fill in the template and sign it on behalf of
your employer. The notary public needs to certify in English that the referee is authorised to represent the
referred organisation and to write the letter of reference for you.

Kindly note that when the letter of reference stretches over two pages, the referee’s signature and the
official stamp of the referred organisation or notary office are required at the bottom of both pages.


You must merge the two letters of reference into one PDF document before submission. Do not include the
instruction in the file. Please present the letter based on your work experience first. If both of your letters are
based on your work, please sort them in reverse chronological order. If any letter is stamped by a notary
office, you should present the notary certificate (if applicable) in the same PDF document directly after the
original letter that is written and signed by your referee. If any letter is not written in English by your referee,
you should present the translation from the notary office directly after the original letter in the same PDF
document. The PDF document should be enclosed along with your online application through our online
application portal, during the application period 8 – 18 February 2021.


SI will carry out random checks on the applications and applicants to scrutinise any false or misleading
information, including fabricated documentation. Should any false information be found, the applicant will
be automatically disqualified and barred from applying for any SI scholarship programme in the future. Any
false information discovered during the scholarship period will cause a termination of the scholarship. The
scholarship holder will then have to refund the full scholarship amount to SI.

Do you have any questions?

Please read the instruction above thoroughly. SI cannot make any exceptions. If you have more questions,
please make sure to read through the information about the SI Scholarship for Global Professionals as well as
the FAQ.
Enclosure to the application for Global Professionals for master’s level studies in
Sweden starting in the academic year 2021/2022
LETTER OF REFERENCE FORM (Two pages maximum including this page)
The referee may decide how to allocate text between the questions, as long as each letter does not exceed
two pages. Any additional page(s) will be disregarded. Information should be typed, then printed and signed
by hand by the referee, on behalf of the referring organisation, then scanned and uploaded as a PDF
document by the applicant along with the online application during the application period 8 - 18 February
Kindly note that when the letter of reference stretches over two pages, the referee’s signature and the
official stamp of the referring organisation or notary office are required at the bottom of both pages.
FIRST NAME(S) of applicant (as written in the passport)      
SURNAME(S) of applicant (as written in the passport)      
DATE OF BIRTH of applicant (YYYY-MM-DD)      
CITIZENSHIP of applicant      

FULL NAME of referee      

ORGANISATION/UNIVERSITY that the referee represents      
and the applicant works/worked or studies/studied at
TITLE/POSITION of referee at the referring      
E-MAIL ADDRESS of referee (preferably work e-mail)      
TELEPHONE NUMBER of referee (with country code)      

What is the letter of reference based on Choose one item


In what capacity do you know the applicant      

How long has the applicant been working/studying with you at      
your organisation/university? Please specify number of hours.

In your opinion, how would an SI scholarship for master’s studies in Sweden be valuable for the
professional and academic development of the applicant?


Briefly comment on the applicant’s potential to contribute to and/or drive social changes in his/her

Please evaluate the applicant’s leadership capacity and potential to play a role in development of the
society (e.g. in networking, motivation and perseverance; problem solving and communication).
Please give a concrete example.


Please describe within which thematic field the applicant has been working within your organisation.


I hereby declare that I wrote the letter of reference on behalf of the referring organisation. The information I provide is based on facts
and my observations about the applicant’s qualities and performance.
Date and place (city, country) Signature of referee Official stamp of the referred organisation or notary office

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