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Rebecca A. Froman Waller Municipal Court Prosecutor P.0.Box239 Waller, Texas 77484 [email protected] November 19, 2020 Judge Ted Krenek Justice of the Peace Precinct 4 Waller County, Texas 3410 First St. P.O. Box 7 Pattison, Texas 77466 [email protected] Re: Mark Elie Saber Docket #0200033768 Citation #96196 Offense: Speeding >10% Above Posted 85 MPH in a 65 MPH zone Dear Clerk: Attached hereto please find the Motion for Dismissal of the above referenced matter that | request be filed with the Court. CC: Mr. Mark Elie Saber 2212 Diamond St Houston, Texas 77018 [email protected] Dismissal Judgment Cause Number:0200033788 OFFENSE: SPEEDING>10% ABOVE POSTED 85 MPH in a 65 MPH zone STATE OF TEXAS. vs. SABER, MARK ELIE on this the __day of _ 20__, the Defendant appeared in the above numbered and syfed cause and presented evidence of remedying a defect. Therefore, the above sumbered nd sled casei mised on the Defend’ motion Defendant presented evidence of remedied expired river's license within 20 working days/frst court appearance (Whichever i later of the date of the offense, (Gee. $21,026, TC) Defendant presented evidence of remedied expied inspection certificate within 20 working days/first court appearance (whichever is later f the date ofthe offense. (Section 548.605(0), TC) Defendant presented evidence of remedied expired ‘registration within 20 working daysfirst court appearance (whichever i Istr) ofthe date of the offense and late fee paid, (Section 502.407(6), .C) ‘Defendant presenod evidence of propery displaying registration insignia (Sec. 502.473 (a) & @), TC.) Defendant presented evidence of a valid registration insignia attached to the motor vehicle establishing tht vehicle was registered forthe period during which the ‘offense was committed (See. 502.475 (a)(3) & (0) T.C) ‘Defendant presented evidence of two license plates on ‘vehicle or registration insignia for period of offense before the defendant's first court appearance, (Section 502.983(0) and (8), T.C)** Defendant presented evidence of remedying altered, ‘unclean or obseured license plate or of valid registration {insignia asigned forthe period of time thatthe registration was in effect before defendants first court appearance. (Section 502.945 (83), (5), (6), (7) and (4), Toy Defendant presented evidence of changing driver's license address or name with the Texas Department of Publie Safety not later than 208 day afer offense. (ection 521.054(4), TC)°** ‘Defendant presented evidence that driver's license ‘endorsement was imposed because of physical concition that was surgically or otherwise medially corrected before the date ofthe offense or was in eror ‘and the Texas Department of Public Safety as removed the restriction beiore the first court appearance. (Section 521.2218), 10)" Defendant presented evidence of remedying expired disabled parking placard (See. 681.013(0), TC) Defendant presented evidence thst defective equipment remedied (Section $47.007(0), T.C.)** Defendants ordered w pay 2 $10 fee. Defendant is ordered 1 pay a $20 fee ‘****Court may waive fe in interest of justice. o a Sudge, Municipal Court Date City of Waller, Waller County, Texas s IN THE MUNICIPAL COURT $ CITY OF WALLER, s WALLER COUNTY, TEXAS To the Flonorabe Judge of said court: ‘NOW COMES the state of Texas, by and through her City ‘Automey/Deputy City Attomey, and respectfully requests the Court to dismiss the above entitled and numbered criminal action forthe following reason: In the interest of justice ‘The Defendant vas convicted in anther case. Passed the statute of limitations. ‘No jurisdiction. Missing witness. Request of complaining witness, ‘The Defendant is deceased, Motion to suppress was granted Insufficient evidence. Case refled as Cause No, : (Co-Defendant red, this Defendant testified Defendant presented evidence of financial responsibility ‘that was valid atthe time of arrest. (Sect. 601.193) Defendant presented evidence of valid Texas driver's ase at ee a ee fea 1 Defendant presented evidence ofa valid Texas inspection certificate tht was valida the ime of arrest. (Sec. 548.602, TC) See attached mation D1 Otter: 000000000 oo 1 OMicer no longer with agency. ‘The foregoing motion having been presented to me on tis the day of, 20____ andthe: ineving been considered, itis Qerefore, ORDERED, ADIUDGI sand DECREED that said above entitled and numbered cause be the same is hereby dismissed, Defendant is ordered to pay # $10 fee (Only applies to Fall Display river's cease) : Judge, Municipal Court City of Waller, Waller County, Texas (municipal cour seal)

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