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Quarter 1 – Module 2:
Developing ICT Content for Specific

Region I
Alaminos City, Pangasinan
Project Write, Write, Write

This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to
help you master the concept of Information Communication Technology and
your expectations about the topic.

The scope of this module permits it to be used in many different

learning situations. The language used recognizes the diverse vocabulary level
of students. The lessons are arranged to follow the standard sequence of the

This module has three lessons, namely:

LESSON 1: Advanced Word Processing Skills

LESSON 2: Advance Techniques in PowerPoint

LESSON 3: Advance and Complex Calculations in Excel

The learners shall be able to: at the end of the 2-week period independently
apply advanced productivity tools to create or develop ICT content for use in
specific professional tracks. These may be in the form of, but not limited to:

1. Calculating spread sheet of athletic statistics (Sports)

2. Layout of catalogue of creative works (Arts)

3. Materials/ ingredients projections for batches of baked goods (Tech- Voc)

4. Letterhead/ business card design (Business/Academic)

that are useful for your academic and chosen career.


As you start, answer the questions below to test your readiness about the
lesson. This will help you gain insights regarding on what the content of this
module is.

Direction: Read each item carefully and choose the letter of the correct
answer. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.

1. Which of the following feature of MS Word that allows you to create

documents and combine or merge them with another document or
data file?
a. Form Document c. Mail Merge
b. Data File d. Merge Field/Place Holder
2. It is a document that contains the main body of the message we want
to convey or send.
a. Mail Merge c. Merge Field/Place Holder
b. Form Document d. Data File
3. It includes the individual information or data or the recipient’s
a. Data File c. Form Document
b. Mail Merge d. Merge Field/Place Holder
4. It marks the position on your form document where individual data or
information will be inserted.
a. Mail Merge c. Merge Field/Place Holder
b. Data File d. Form Document
5. Which of the following program is used to create spreadsheets which
can later be used to analyze statistical tool?
a. MS Excel c. MS Publisher
b. MS Word d. MS OneNote
6. What MS Excel function adds a range of cells?
a. ADD c. SUM
7. Which of the following cannot be inserted in your MS Word?
a. Picture c. Chart
b. Sound d. Shape

8. Which of the following type of an image file can display transparencies
and capable of displaying simple animations?
a. .JPG c. .PNG
b. .GIF d. .JPEG
9. Which of the following image file can support 16.7 million colors that
is why it is suitable for use when working with full color photographic
a. .JPG c. .PNG
b. .GIF d. .TIFF
10. It is another type of material that you can integrate in your Word
document that allows you to represent data characteristics and trends.
a. chart c. smart art
b. pictures d. shapes
11. A graphic image with a central figure is an example of this type of
a. balance c. alignment
b. contrast d. symmetry
12. Which statement best defines the principles of graphic design?
a. These are a set of rules only followed by designers.
b. These are outline of ways designers can use elements in a
c. It provides the set of rules on how the graphic design started.
d. It is the art and practice of planning and projecting ideas and
experiences with visual and textual content.
13. Why do designers use contrast?
a. To show difference between elements of art.
b. To cause controversy in the design world.
c. To create harmony and bring elements together.
d. To make bright colored compositions.
14. Which type of balance has two sides that are balanced but different?
a. Symmetrical c. Radial
b. Asymmetrical d. Centered
15. What type of image manipulation technique is used if you want to
remove unnecessary parts of a picture?
a. Color Balance c. Cropping
b. Removing Colors d. Brightness and Contrast

1 Advanced Word Processing Skills

In the professional world, sending out information to convey important

information is vital. Because of ICT, things are now sent much faster than the
traditional newsletters or postal mail. You can now send much faster than the
traditional newsletters or postal mail. You can now use the Internet to send
out information you need to share. What if we could still do things much faster
– an automated way of creating and sending uniform letters with different
recipients? Would that not be more convenient?


Reflect on the following questions:

1. What are the different trends in ICT today?

2. What is the significance of ICT in education?


Are you ready to learn? You may start doing your module. Make sure to
answer all the activities made for you. Good luck!

Activity 1 Computer Tools and Application

Direction: Answer the following questions. Write your answer in your

activity notebook.
• How many times do you check your computer/laptop?
• What are the different applications installed in your
• Have you tried to use it?
• In your own opinion, which one is the most significant tool or
application? Why?


In the professional world, sending out information to convey important

information is vital. Because of ICT, things are now sent much faster than the
traditional newsletters or postal mail. You can now send much faster than the
traditional newsletters or postal mail. You can now use the Internet to send
out information you need to share. What if we could still do things much faster
– an automated way of creating and sending uniform letters with different
recipients? Would that not be more convenient?

I. Mail Merge and Label Generation

A. Mail Merge

A mail merge is a method of taking data from a database, spreadsheet, or

other form of structured data, and inserting it into documents such as letters,
mailing labels, and name tags. It usually requires two files, one storing the
variable data to be inserted, and the other containing both the instructions
for formatting the variable data and the information that will be identical
across each result of the mail merge.

Two Components of Mail Merge

1. Form Document - It is generally the document that contains the main

body of the message we want to convey or send. The main body of the
message is the part of the form document that remains the same no
matter whom you send it to from among your list.

2. List or Data File - This is where the individual information or data that
needs to be plugged in (merged) to the form document is placed and
maintained. One of the best things about the mail merge feature is that
it allows data file to be created fro within the Microsoft Word application
itself, or it gets data from a file created in Microsoft Excel or other data

B. Label Generation

Labels in Global Label Management are generated in two ways:

1. Based on the label template (layout):

o The final label is generated based on a released label template.
o The label template does not contain any data. During the final
label generation but before printing, all data is determined and
output (for example, from the specification master or material
o The procedure for creating a report for the label as described in
the Process section does not apply to label generation based on
a label template.
2. Based on a report about the label (report body):
o The final label is generated based on a released report about the
label, that is, using a report generation variant with a released
label template. You can check the report and then release or
reject it.
o The label report contains data from the specification master. This
data is not determined again during final label generation and
before printing. However, other data such as that from the
material master is determined again and output together with the
specification data.
o The label report enables specification data to be determined and
released on the label for a specific point in time. If the data in the
specification master changes, the data from the report released
during label generation continues to be used.

II. Integrating Images and External Materials

Integrating or inserting pictures in your document is fun and it improves
the impression of your document. A common use of inserting a picture on a
document is when you are creating your resume. Though seemingly simple to
do, your knowledge on the different kinds of materials that you can insert or
integrate in a Word document and its characteristics can help you create a
more efficient, richer document not only in content but also in physical form.

A. Kinds of Materials
There are various kinds of materials Microsoft Word can integrate to make
the documents richer, more impressive, and more informative.

Integrating Illustrations in Word Processor
An illustration in MS Word is a visualization or drawing that is in the form
of pictures, clip art, shapes, SmartArt, charts, or screen clippings. You can
insert illustrations easily by using the illustrations group of the Insert Tab.

1. Pictures - These are electronic or digital pictures or photographs

you have saved in any local storage device. There are three
commonly used types of picture files. You can identify them by the
extension on their file names.
.JPG/JPEG - This is pronounced as “jay-peg“ and is the short
form of .jpeg or Joint Photographic Experts Group. Like all the
rest of the image file extensions, it identifies the kind of data
compression process that it uses to make it more compatible and
portable through the Internet. This type of image file can support
16.7 million colors that is why it is suitable for use when working
with full color photographic images.
.GIF - This stands for Graphics Interchange Format. This type
of image file is capable of displaying transparencies. Therefore, it
is good for blending with other materials or elements in your
document. It is also capable of displaying simple animation.
.PNG - This is pronounced as “ping“. It stands for Portable
Network Graphics. It was built around the capabilities of .GIF. Its
development was basically for the purpose of transporting images
on the Internet at faster rates..PNG allows the control of the
transparency level or opacity of images.

Inserting Illustrations: Picture from a File

a. Click the area where you want to insert the picture in your
b. Click Insert Tab then go to Illustrations group and click
Pictures. Insert picture dialog box will appear.
c. Choose the picture you want to insert and click insert.

2. Shapes

These are printable objects or materials that you can integrate in

your document to enhance its appearance or allow you to have some
tools to use for composing and representing ideas or messages. If
you are designing the layout for a poster or other graphic material
for advertising, you might find this useful.

Inserting Illustrations: Shape

a. Click Insert Tab then go to Illustrations group and click
b. Click the shape that you want and click the area in your
document where the shape will be placed.

3. Smart Art

Generally, these are predefined sets of different shapes grouped

together to form ideas that are organizational or structural in nature.
If you want to graphically represent an organization, process,
relationships, or flow for infographic documents, then you will find
this easy and handy to use.

Inserting Illustrations: SmartArt

Click Insert Tab then go to Illustrations group and click SmartArt. A

dialog box will appear. Select from the list of SmartArt that you want and
click OK.

4. Chart
Another type of material that you can integrate in your Word
document that allows you to represent data characteristics and
trends. This is quite useful when you are preparing reports that
correlate and present data in a graphical manner. You can create
charts that can be integrate in your document either directly in
Microsoft Word or imported from external files like Microsoft Excel.

Inserting Illustrations: Chart

a. Click in the document where you want the Chart to be placed.
b. Click Insert Tab then go to Illustrations group and click Chart.
A dialog box will appear. Select the type of chart that you want
and click OK. MS Excel window will appear with the chart.
c. Edit the data in MS Excel window. You can close Excel after
editing the chart.

III. Image Placement

1. In Line with Text

This is the default setting for images that are inserted or integrated in
your document. It treats your image like a text font with the bottom
side totally aligned with the text line. This setting is usually used
when you need to place your image at the beginning of a paragraph.
When placed between texts in a paragraph or a sentence, it distorts
the overall appearance and arrangement of the texts in the paragraph
because it will take up the space it needs vertically, pushing whole
lines of texts upward.

2. Square
This setting allows the image you inserted to be placed anywhere with
the paragraph with the text going around the image in a square
pattern like frame.

3. Tight
This is almost the same as the Square setting, but here the text “hug”
or conforms to the general shape of the image. This allows you to get a
more creative effect on your document. This setting can mostly be
achieved if you are using an image that supports transparency like a
.GIF or .PNG file.

4. Through
This setting allows the text on your document to flow even tighter
taking the contours and shape of the image. Again, this can be best
used with .GIF or .PNG type of image.

5. Top and Bottom

This setting pushes the texts away vertically to the top and/or the
bottom of the image so that the image occupies a whole text line on its

6. Behind Text
This allows your image to be dragged and placed anywhere on your
document but with all the texts floating in front of it. It effectively
makes your image look like a background.

7. In Front of Text
As it suggests, this setting allows your image to be placed right on top
of the text as if your image was dropped right on it. That means
whatever part of the text you placed the image on, it will be covered by
the image.

IV. Key Terms

Mail Merge – a feature that allows you to create documents and

combine or merge them with another document or data file.Form
Document – the document that contains the main body of the
message we want to convey or send.

Data File – includes the individual information or data or the

recipient’s information.

Merge Field/Place Holder – marks the position on your form

document where individual data or information will be inserted.

.JPG – file extension for the Joint Photographic Experts Group picture

.PNG – file extension for Portable Network Graphics image file.

.GIF – file extension for the Graphics Interchange Format image file.

Smart Art – predefined sets of different shapes grouped together to

form ideas that are organizational or structural in nature.

Text Wrap – adjusts how the image behaves around other objects or

Activity 2
True or False

Direction: Read the following statements carefully. Write True if the statement is
correct and False if the statement is wrong. Write your answer in your activity

1. Behind text allows your image to be dragged and placed

anywhere on your document but with all the texts floating in
front of it.

2. Charts predefined sets of different shapes grouped together to

form ideas that are organizational or structural in nature.

3. Shapes are printable objects or materials that you can integrate

in your document to enhance its appearance or allow you to
have some tools to use for composing and representing ideas
or messages.

4. JPEG development was basically for the purpose of

transporting images on the Internet at faster rates.

5. Smart Art predefined sets of different shapes grouped together

to form ideas that are organizational or structural in nature.

Activity 3 Inserting and Editing Pictures: Travelogue
Direction: Follow the instructions bellow:

1. Open MS Word and create a travelogue of a favorite place you have

visited currently or in the past.
2. Provide descriptions of the places you have been to and what is nice
about the place.
3. Embed pictures using Wrap Text in Tight. Set the brightness at 0% and
contrast at 20%.
4. Place a Picture Border of your choice.
5. Do not put any artistic effects on the pictures.
6. Other requirements:
7. choose a font style of your choice, size 12, paragraph alignment should
be justified, line spacing is 1.15.
8. Your work should be printed in a short bond paper.
9. Refer to the scoring rubric below for your grading.


Criteria 4 3 2 1
Required Images are present. All 4 of the Only 2 of the Only 1 of the
elements images are formatted, requirements requirements requirements is
bordered, and followed are met. is met. met. Project is
Weight: (x2) specific brightness and unacceptable.
• Images contrast requirement.
• Formatted size is 12, paragraph
alignment is justified
• Font size and line spacing is
• Justified 1.15.
• Line spacing
Formatting, Project contains One of the Two of the
The project is
Design, excellent formatting, following following could
not formatted,
Artistry page layout, and all could be be improved:
page layout is
words are clear and improved: formatting,
Weight: (x1) easy to read. formatting, page layout,
contents are
Overall, page layout, readability, or
difficult to
aesthetically readability, or aesthetics.
read, and not
pleasing and aesthetics. visually
attractive to look. appealing.
Grammar and There are no grammar There are some There are some There are
Mechanics or spelling errors. minor errors in excessive
grammar grammar and grammar and
Weight: (x1) and spelling spelling. spelling errors.

2 Advance Techniques in PowerPoint

Powerpoint is a highly innovative and versatile program that can

ensure a successful communication whether you’re presenting in front of
potential investors, a lecture theatre or simply in front of your colleagues. The
following are the five features you should be using-if youy aren’t already.
Learn everything about these tips: they will improve your presentation skills
and allow you to communicate your message successfully. The five features
of PowerPoint was
1)adding smart art
2)Inserting Shapes
3)Inserting and Image
4)Slide Transitions
5)Adding Animations

Creating an Effective Presentation

1. Minimize: Keep slides counts to a minimum to maintain a clear
message and to keep the audience attentive. Remember that the
presentation is just a visual aid. Most information should still come
from the reporter.
2. Clarity: Avoid being to fancy by using font style that is easy to read.
Make sure that it is also big enough to be read by the audience. Once
you start making your presentation, consider how big the screen is
during your report.
3. Simplicity: Use bullets or short sentences. Summarize the information
on the screen to have your audience focus on what the speaker is saying
than on reading the slide. Limit the content to six lines and seven words
per line. This is known as the 6 x 7 rule.
4. Visual: Use graphics to help in your presentation but not too many to
distract the audience. In addition, instead of using table of data, use
charts and graphs.
5. Consistency: Make your design uniform. Avoid having different font
styles and backgrounds.
6. Contrast: Use a light font on dark background or vice versa. This is
done so that it is easier to read. In most instances, it is easier to read
on screen if the background is dark. This is due to the brightness of the

Animation is the process of making the illusion of motion and the
illusion of change by means of the rapid succession of sequential images
that minimally differ from each other.

Microsoft PowerPoint provides several animation styles in different

categories, namely, Entrance, Emphasis, Exit and Motion Paths. Animations
make your presentation more dynamic.

If you want to put animations in your presentation, all you have to do

is go to the Animations Tab and click Add Animations. From there, you can
find various animations types for entrance, emphasis, exit and motion

Inserting Hyperlink

A hyperlink which is frequently stated as “links” is a text or image on

the screen that you can click on to jump to another file or within the
existing file. When you hover your pointer over a hyperlink, either it is text
or an image, the arrow changes into a small pointing hand, called hyperlink
cursor. It is usually activated by clicking on the text or image. Text
hyperlinks are usually in color blue and underlined.

Hyperlinks in PowerPoint allow you to another slide in the current

presentation, another slide in a different presentation, another file or
webpage, or email address.


1. To insert a Hyperlink, click the word or the image then click the
Insert tab and look for Hyperlink or Link in other versions of MS
PowerPoint. Click on the choices on where you will link the image or
the word. After that, click OK.

Activity 5 History of My Beloved Barangay

1. Adapt your Barangay story and create a storyboard using PowerPoint

2. Place pictures and animations in your story.

3. Place texts as descriptions for the storyboard or dialogue cloud for the
conversation of characters.

4. Save you’re your using this file name: PPTBARANGAYSTORY_FAMILY


5. Check the rubrics on how you will be graded. Send your work through
your teacher’s email address.


Criteria 4 3 2 1
Creativity and The work The work The work The work
Originality demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates
superior creativity good use of average use little evidence
and originality in the creativity and of creativity of creativity
selection of the originality in and originality and originality
visuals. the selection of in the in the selection
the visuals. selection of of the visuals.
the visuals.

Composition Artwork exhibits Artwork Composition Ideas are

and Design masterful execution exhibits good demonstrates expressed with
of animations. execution limited no unity in
Skillful use of of presentation.
knowledge of
entrance, exits, animations.
Proper use of execution of
emphasis, and animations.
motion paths are
exits, Entrance,
shown through its
emphasis, and exits,
proper timing.
motion emphasis, and
paths motion paths
are shown. somewhat in
proper timing

Color Color choice and Artwork Color choice Ideas could

application enhances exhibits good and have been
the idea being choice. Color application expressed
expressed. is effective in shows some better with
The use of color is expressing the knowledge of other color
attractive and idea. color theory choices and
appealing. and better
relationships. application.

Lesson Advance and Complex Calculations in
3 Excel

Complex formula is the combination of more than two simple

formulas. One of the key features of excel is the ability to calculate complex
formulas. There are four basic computation uses in excel. Namely addition,
subtraction, multiplication, and division. When solving complex problems,
Excel follows the PEMDAS. PEMDAS is an acronym for the words:
parenthesis, exponents, multiplication, division, addition, and subtraction.

Relative Reference
All cell references are called relative references. When copied
across multiple cells, they change based on the relative
position of rows and columns.

Absolute Reference
These are cell references that do not change when copied or
filled. You can use an absolute reference to keep a row
and/or column constant.
These reference cells can be made constant by inserting $
sign in between or before the row and column.


$A$2 The column and the row do not change when

A$2 The row does not change when copied.
$A2 The column does not change when copied.

These are predefined formula that performs calculations
using specific values in a particular order.


The parts of a function are:

Equal sign Function Name Argument

Function Library

IF formula in Excel
The IF function can perform a logical test and return one value for a
TRUE result, and another for FALSE result. More than one condition can be
tested by nesting IF functions. The IF function can be combined with logical
functions like AND and OR.


• logical_test is a value or logical expression that can
be evaluated as TRUE or FALSE.
• value_if_true (optional) is the value to return when
logical_test evaluates to TRUE.
• value_if_false (optional) is the value to return when
logical_test evaluates to FALSE.

The VLOOKUP function performs a vertical lookup by searching for a
value in the first column of a table and returning the value in the same row
in the index_number position.

The VLOOKUP function is a built-in function in Excel that is categorized

as a Lookup/Reference Function. It can be used as a worksheet function in
Excel. As a worksheet function, the VLOOKUP function can be entered as part
of a formula in a cell of a worksheet.


1. Identify a column of cells you would like to fill with new
data. In this case, that is column D entitled MRR.

2. Select 'Function' (Fx) > VLOOKUP and insert this formula

into your highlighted cell.

3. Enter the lookup value for which you want to retrieve

new data.
The first criteria is your lookup value. This is the value of your spreadsheet
that has data associated with it, which you want Excel to find and return for
you. To enter it, click on the cell that carries a value you are trying to find a
match for. In our example, shown above, it is in cell A2. You will start
migrating your new data into D2, since this cell represents the MRR of the
customer name listed in A2.

4. Enter the table array of the spreadsheet where your desired data
is located.
Next to the "table array" field, enter the range of cells you would like to search
and the sheet where these cells are located, using the format shown in the
screenshot above. The entry above means the data we are looking for is in a
spreadsheet titled "Pages" and can be found anywhere between column B and
column K.

5. Enter the column number of the data you want Excel to return.
Beneath the table array field, you'll enter the "column index number" of the
table array you're searching through. For example, if you're focusing on
columns B through K (notated "B:K" when entered in the "table array" field),
but the specific values you want are in column K, you'll enter "10" in the
"column index number" field, since column K is the 10th column from the left.

6.Enter your range lookup to find an exact or approximate match of

your lookup value.
In the given example, which concerns monthly revenue, you want to find exact
matches from the table you're searching through. To do this, enter "FALSE"
in the "range lookup" field. This tells Excel you want to find only the exact
revenue associated with each sales contact. However, if you want Excel to look
for an approximate match instead of an exact match. To do so, simply enter
TRUE instead of FALSE in the fourth field shown above.

6. Click 'Done' (or 'Enter') and fill your new column.

Activity 6 Multiple Choice
DIRECTIONS: Read each item carefully and choose the letter of the correct
answer. Write your answers in your activity notebook.
1. What do you call the cells that do not change?
A. Constant cells C. Absolute Reference
B. Relative Reference D. Single cells
2. What type of Excel function searches for a specific value in your data using the
spreadsheet columns and a unique identifier within those columns?
B. IF Function D. Absolute Reference

3. What two Microsoft applications are used to create a mail merge?

A. Word & PowerPoint C. Word & Excel
B. PowerPoint & Excel D. Word & Publisher

4. What are hyperlinks in PowerPoint?

A. A tool that you use to navigate from one slide to another.
B. A tool that you use to play in PowerPoint.
C. A tool that you use to save a file and slide.
D. A tool that you point to another image in the PowerPoint.
5. What do you call the software that people use to create and produce professional
quality documents, presentations, databases, charts, and graphs?
A. Production Tools C. Professional Tools
B. Productivity Tools D. Advanced Application Tools


Congratulations! You have reach this far, you are near to finish this
module. To check your understanding about the lesson do the activity below.

Activity 7 Identification

Direction: Answer the following questions. Write your answer in your

activity notebook.
1. What are the two components of mail merge?
2. List the commonly used types of picture and their uses.
3. Give the five different illustration in MS Word
4. What are the five features of PowerPoint?
5. Give at least 5 different techniques on how to create effective
6. What is PEMDAS?


Direction: Read each item carefully and choose the letter of the correct
answer. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.

1. Which of the following feature of MS Word that allows you to create

documents and combine or merge them with another document or
data file?
a. Form Document c. Mail Merge
b. Data File d. Merge Field/Place Holder
2. It is a document that contains the main body of the message we want
to convey or send.
a. Mail Merge c. Merge Field/Place Holder
b. Form Document d. Data File
3. It includes the individual information or data or the recipient’s
a. Data File c. Form Document
b. Mail Merge d. Merge Field/Place Holder
4. It marks the position on your form document where individual data or
information will be inserted.
a. Mail Merge c. Merge Field/Place Holder
b. Data File d. Form Document
5. Which of the following program is used to create spreadsheets which
can later be used to analyze statistical tool?
a. MS Excel c. MS Publisher
b. MS Word d. MS OneNote
6. What MS Excel function adds a range of cells?
a. ADD c. SUM
7. Which of the following cannot be inserted in your MS Word?
a. Picture c. Chart
b. Sound d. Shape

8. Which of the following type of an image file can display transparencies
and capable of displaying simple animations?
a. .JPG c. .PNG
b. .GIF d. .JPEG
9. Which of the following image file can support 16.7 million colors that
is why it is suitable for use when working with full color photographic
a. .JPG c. .PNG
b. .GIF d. .TIFF
10. It is another type of material that you can integrate in your Word
document that allows you to represent data characteristics and trends.
a. chart c. smart art
b. pictures d. shapes
11. A graphic image with a central figure is an example of this type of
a. balance c. alignment
b. contrast d. symmetry
12. Which statement best defines the principles of graphic design?
a. These are a set of rules only followed by designers.
b. These are outline of ways designers can use elements in a
c. It provides the set of rules on how the graphic design started.
d. It is the art and practice of planning and projecting ideas and
experiences with visual and textual content.
13. Why do designers use contrast?
a. To show difference between elements of art.
b. To cause controversy in the design world.
c. To create harmony and bring elements together.
d. To make bright colored compositions.
14. Which type of balance has two sides that are balanced but different?
a. Symmetrical c. Radial
b. Asymmetrical d. Centered
15. What type of image manipulation technique is used if you want to
remove unnecessary parts of a picture?
a. Color Balance c. Cropping
b. Removing Colors d. Brightness and Contrast


15. 15. c
10. 14. 14. c
9. 13. 13. a
8. 12. 12. b
7. 11. 11. b
6. 10. 10. a
5. 9. 9. a
4. 8. 8. b
3. 7. 7. b
2. 6. 6. c
1. 5. 5. a
What’s New 4. 4. c
3. 3. a
2. 2. b
1. 1. c
What I Have Learned Assessment
What I Know

Activity 3:

Activity 7: Activity 2:
Additional Activities What’s More


Learning Material in EmpTech Reader v6 111816

Curriculum Guide in Empowerment Technologies 11/12

Additional Online Resources:

For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Department of Education – City Schools Division of Alaminos

San Jose Drive, Poblacion, Alaminos City, Pangasinan

Telefax: (075) 205-0644/205-0643

Email-Address: [email protected]


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