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International Films (China) vs.

Lyric Film Exchange

Gabelman was the agent of International Films through power of attorney executed on April 5, 1933.
Thereafter, the International Films through its agent, leased the film entitled "Monte Carlo Madness" to
the Lyric Film Exchange for two days on the conditions that the defendant would be liable for the loss of
the film. The bodega of the Lyric Film Exchange, Inc., burned with the film

Whether or not Lyric Film Exchange is liable

No, it does not constitute either negligence or fraud.

Villegas vs. Lingan

Catral executed a Deed of Sale in favor of Lingan with a special power of Atty. Villegas asserts that the
power of attorney executed for Catral created a agency relationship only between his wife, Marilou
Marilou as principal, and Catral, as agent, for the administration of the properties of the Marilou.He
claim that he never authorized Catral to administer his properties and that Catral cannot execute the
Deed of Absolute Sale in favor of the Lingan there was no special authority to sell the property.

Whether or not Petitioner may redeem the property

Yes, agency is binding only between the contradicting parties, then only the parties, as well as the third
person who transacts with the parties themselves, may question the validity of the agency or the
violation of the terms and conditions found therein.

Blondeau vs. Nano

Blondeau wanted to foreclose a mortgage it made with Nano, the property was on Calle Georgia,
Manila. It was mortgaged to secure a 12,000 peso loan. There was a power of attorney of Vallejo in
favor of Nano who signed the document.Vallefo claims mortgage is void since his signature was forged.

Whether or not the mortgage may be foreclosed

Yes. The torrens titlewas duly registered and a person need not look beyond the title of the property.
But there is a narrower ground on which the defenses of the defendant-appellee must be overruled.
Agustin Nano had possession of Jose Vallejo's title papers. Without those title papers handed over to
Nano with the acquiescence of Vallejo, a fraud could not have been perpetrated.

Cason vs. Rickards

From the 1st day of November, 1895, until the 31st day of October, 1896, the defendant Rickards was
the agent of defendant, Smith, Bell & Co. He received from the Cason, as a deposit, 2,000 pesos. When
he left the employ of the defendant company the 2,000 pesos were, by his orders, delivered to another
agent of Smith, Bell & Co. Smith, Bell and CO received and used the amount.

Whether or not Rickards was authorized by Smith, Bell & Co. to receive deposits.

Yes. When money is received as a deposit by an agent, and that money is by the agent
turned over to his principal, with notice that it is the money of the depositor, the principal
is bound to deliver it to the depositor, even if his agent was not authorized to receive such

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