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15 Products Solutions Services


Brief Operating Instructions

Proline Promag H 100
Electromagnetic flowmeter

These Instructions are Brief Operating Instructions; they are

not a substitute for the Operating Instructions pertaining to
the device.
Detailed information about the device can be found in the
Operating Instructions and the other documentation:
• On the CD-ROM supplied (not included in the delivery for all
device versions).
• Available for all device versions via:
– Internet:
– Smart phone/tablet: Endress+Hauser Operations App
Proline Promag H 100

Order code 00X00-XXXX0XX0XXX

Ser. No.: X000X000000
TAG No.: XXX000

Serial number Endress+Hauser Operations App


2 Endress+Hauser
Proline Promag H 100 Table of contents

Table of contents
1 Document information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.1 Symbols used . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

2 Basic safety instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

2.1 Requirements for the personnel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.2 Designated use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.3 Workplace safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.4 Operational safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.5 Product safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.6 IT security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

3 Product description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
3.1 Product design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

4 Incoming acceptance and product identification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

4.1 Incoming acceptance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
4.2 Product identification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

5 Storage and transport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

5.1 Storage conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
5.2 Transporting the product . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

6 Mounting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
6.1 Installation conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
6.2 Mounting the measuring device . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
6.3 Post-installation check . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

7 Electrical connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
7.1 Connection conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
7.2 Connecting the measuring device . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
7.3 Hardware settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
7.4 Ensuring the degree of protection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
7.5 Post-connection check . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

8 Operation options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
8.1 Structure and function of the operating menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
8.2 Access to the operating menu via the Web browser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
8.3 Access to the operating menu via the operating tool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

9 System integration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

10 Commissioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
10.1 Function check . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
10.2 Establishing a connection via FieldCare . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
10.3 Configuring the device address via software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
10.4 Configuring the measuring device . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
10.5 Defining the tag name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
10.6 Protecting settings from unauthorized access . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

11 Diagnostic information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

Endress+Hauser 3
Document information Proline Promag H 100

1 Document information
1.1 Symbols used
1.1.1 Safety symbols

Symbol Meaning

DANGER This symbol alerts you to a dangerous situation. Failure to avoid this situation will result in
serious or fatal injury.

WARNING This symbol alerts you to a dangerous situation. Failure to avoid this situation can result in
serious or fatal injury.

CAUTION This symbol alerts you to a dangerous situation. Failure to avoid this situation can result in
minor or medium injury.

NOTICE This symbol contains information on procedures and other facts which do not result in personal

1.1.2 Electrical symbols

Symbol Meaning

Direct current
A terminal to which DC voltage is applied or through which direct current flows.

Alternating current
A terminal to which alternating voltage is applied or through which alternating current flows.

Direct current and alternating current

• A terminal to which alternating voltage or DC voltage is applied.
• A terminal through which alternating current or direct current flows.

Ground connection
A grounded terminal which, as far as the operator is concerned, is grounded via a grounding system.

Protective ground connection

A terminal which must be connected to ground prior to establishing any other connections.

Equipotential connection
A connection that has to be connected to the plant grounding system: This may be a potential
equalization line or a star grounding system depending on national or company codes of practice.

4 Endress+Hauser
Proline Promag H 100 Document information

1.1.3 Tool symbols

Symbol Meaning

Allen key

Open-ended wrench

1.1.4 Symbols for certain types of information

Symbol Meaning

Indicates procedures, processes or actions that are permitted.

Indicates procedures, processes or actions that are preferred.

Indicates procedures, processes or actions that are forbidden.

Indicates additional information.

Reference to documentation
Refers to the corresponding device documentation.

Reference to page
Refers to the corresponding page number.

Reference to graphic
Refers to the corresponding graphic number and page number.

, , … Series of steps

Result of a sequence of actions

Visual inspection

1.1.5 Symbols in graphics

Symbol Meaning

1, 2, 3,... Item numbers

, , … Series of steps

A, B, C, ... Views

A-A, B-B, C-C, ... Sections

Flow direction

Endress+Hauser 5
Basic safety instructions Proline Promag H 100

Symbol Meaning

Hazardous area
- Indicates a hazardous area.

Safe area (non-hazardous area)

. Indicates the non-hazardous area.

2 Basic safety instructions

2.1 Requirements for the personnel
The personnel must fulfill the following requirements for its tasks:
‣ Trained, qualified specialists must have a relevant qualification for this specific function
and task
‣ Are authorized by the plant owner/operator
‣ Are familiar with federal/national regulations
‣ Before beginning work, the specialist staff must have read and understood the instructions
in the Operating Instructions and supplementary documentation as well as in the
certificates (depending on the application)
‣ Following instructions and basic conditions

2.2 Designated use

Application and media
Depending on the version ordered, the measuring device can also measure potentially
explosive, flammable, poisonous and oxidizing media.
Measuring devices for use in hazardous areas, in hygienic applications or in applications
where there is an increased risk due to process pressure, are labeled accordingly on the
To ensure that the measuring device remains in proper condition for the operation time:
‣ Only use the measuring device in full compliance with the data on the nameplate and the
general conditions listed in the Operating Instructions and supplementary documentation.
‣ Based on the nameplate, check whether the ordered device is permitted for the intended
use in the hazardous area (e.g. explosion protection, pressure vessel safety).
‣ Use the measuring device only for media against which the process-wetted materials are
adequately resistant.
‣ If the measuring device is not operated at atmospheric temperature, compliance with the
relevant basic conditions specified in the associated device documentation is absolutely
essential: "Device documentation" section (Verweisziel existiert nicht, aber'true').

Incorrect use
Non-designated use can compromise safety. The manufacturer is not liable for damage caused
by improper or non-designated use.

6 Endress+Hauser
Proline Promag H 100 Basic safety instructions

Danger of breakage of the sensor due to corrosive or abrasive fluids!
‣ Verify the compatibility of the process fluid with the sensor material.
‣ Ensure the resistance of all fluid-wetted materials in the process.
‣ Observe the specified pressure and temperature range.
Verification for borderline cases:
‣ For special fluids and fluids for cleaning, Endress+Hauser is glad to provide assistance in
verifying the corrosion resistance of fluid-wetted materials, but does not accept any
warranty or liability as minute changes in the temperature, concentration or level of
contamination in the process can alter the corrosion resistance properties.

Residual risks
The external surface temperature of the housing can increase by max. 10 K due to the power
consumption of the electronic components. Hot process fluids passing through the measuring
device will further increase the surface temperature of the housing. The surface of the sensor,
in particular, can reach temperatures which are close to the fluid temperature.
Possible burn hazard due to fluid temperatures!
‣ For elevated fluid temperature, ensure protection against contact to prevent burns.

2.3 Workplace safety

For work on and with the device:
‣ Wear the required personal protective equipment according to federal/national

For welding work on the piping:

‣ Do not ground the welding unit via the measuring device.
If working on and with the device with wet hands:
‣ It is recommended to wear gloves on account of the higher risk of electric shock.

2.4 Operational safety

Risk of injury.
‣ Operate the device in proper technical condition and fail-safe condition only.
‣ The operator is responsible for interference-free operation of the device.

2.5 Product safety

This measuring device is designed in accordance with good engineering practice to meet state-
of-the-art safety requirements, has been tested, and left the factory in a condition in which it
is safe to operate.
It meets general safety standards and legal requirements. It also complies with the EC
directives listed in the device-specific EC Declaration of Conformity. Endress+Hauser confirms
this by affixing the CE mark to the device.

Endress+Hauser 7
Basic safety instructions Proline Promag H 100

2.6 IT security
We only provide a warranty if the device is installed and used as described in the Operating
Instructions. The device is equipped with security mechanisms to protect it against any
inadvertent changes to the device settings.
IT security measures in line with operators' security standards and designed to provide
additional protection for the device and device data transfer must be implemented by the
operators themselves.

8 Endress+Hauser
Proline Promag H 100 Product description

3 Product description
3.1 Product design
3.1.1 Device version with HART, EtherNet/IP and PROFIBUS DP communication



1 Important components of a measuring device

1 Sensor
2 Transmitter housing
3 Main electronics module
4 Transmitter housing cover

Endress+Hauser 9
Product description Proline Promag H 100

5 Transmitter housing cover (version for optional onsite display)

6 Onsite display (optional)
7 Main electronics module (with bracket for optional onsite display)

3.1.2 Device version with Modbus RS485 communication types


2 Important components of a measuring device

1 Sensor
2 Transmitter housing
3 Main electronics module
4 Transmitter housing cover

10 Endress+Hauser
Proline Promag H 100 Incoming acceptance and product identification

4 Incoming acceptance and product identification

4.1 Incoming acceptance
Are the order codes on the
delivery note (1) and the
product sticker (2) identical?
1 1
+ +
2 2

Are the goods undamaged?

Do the nameplate data match

the ordering information on
the delivery note?

Is the CD-ROM with the

Technical Documentation
(depends on device version)
and documents present?

• If one of the conditions is not satisfied, contact your Endress+Hauser Sales Center.
• Depending on the device version, the CD-ROM might not be part of the delivery! The
Technical Documentation is available via the Internet or via the Endress+Hauser
Operations App.

Endress+Hauser 11
Storage and transport Proline Promag H 100

4.2 Product identification

The following options are available for identification of the measuring device:
• Nameplate specifications
• Order code with breakdown of the device features on the delivery note
• Enter serial numbers from nameplates in W@M Device Viewer
( All information about the measuring device is displayed.
• Enter the serial number from the nameplates into the Endress+Hauser Operations App or
scan the 2-D matrix code (QR code) on the nameplate with the Endress+Hauser Operations
App: all the information for the measuring device is displayed.

Order code:

1 Ser. no.:
Ext. ord. cd.:

Order code:
2 Ser. no.: 4
Ext. ord. cd.:


3 Example of a nameplate
1 Order code
2 Serial number (Ser. no.)
3 Extended order code (Ext. ord. cd.)
4 2-D matrix code (QR code)

For detailed information on the breakdown of the specifications on the nameplate, see
the Operating Instructions for the device .

5 Storage and transport

5.1 Storage conditions
Observe the following notes for storage:
• Store in original packaging.
• Do not remove protective covers or protective caps installed on process connections.
• Protect from direct sunlight.
• Select a storage location where moisture cannot collect in the measuring device.
• Store in a dry and dust-free place.
• Do not store outdoors.
• Storage temperature→  14

12 Endress+Hauser
Proline Promag H 100 Storage and transport

5.2 Transporting the product

Center of gravity of the measuring device is higher than the suspension points of the
webbing slings.
Risk of injury if the measuring device slips.
‣ Secure the measuring device from rotating or slipping.
‣ Observe the weight specified on the packaging (stick-on label).
‣ Observe the transport instructions on the stick-on label on the electronics compartment


• Transport the measuring device to the measuring point in the original packaging.
• Do not remove protective covers or protective caps installed on process connections.
They prevent mechanical damage to the sealing surfaces and contamination in the
measuring tube.


Endress+Hauser 13
Mounting Proline Promag H 100

6 Mounting
6.1 Installation conditions
6.1.1 Mounting position

Mounting location


h ≥ 2 × DN
Installation in down pipes
Install a siphon with a vent valve downstream of the sensor in down pipes whose length h ≥
5 m (16.4 ft). This precaution is to avoid low pressure and the consequent risk of damage to
the measuring tube. This measure also prevents the system losing prime.



4 Installation in a down pipe

1 Vent valve
2 Pipe siphon
h Length of down pipe

14 Endress+Hauser
Proline Promag H 100 Mounting

Installation in partially filled pipes

A partially filled pipe with a gradient necessitates a drain-type configuration. The empty pipe
detection (EPD) function offers additional protection by detecting empty or partially filled

× DN
× DN


The direction of the arrow on the sensor nameplate helps you to install the sensor according
to the flow direction.
An optimum orientation position helps avoid gas and air accumulations and deposits in the
measuring tube.


This is the optimum for self-emptying piping systems and for use in conjunction with empty
pipe detection.

Endress+Hauser 15
Mounting Proline Promag H 100


2 2


1 EPD electrode for empty pipe detection

2 Measuring electrodes for signal detection

• The measuring electrode plane must be horizontal. This prevents brief insulation of
the two measuring electrodes by entrained air bubbles.
• The empty pipe detection only works if the transmitter housing is pointing upwards as
otherwise there is no guarantee that the empty pipe detection function will actually
respond to a partially filled or empty measuring tube.

Inlet and outlet runs

≥ 5 × DN ≥ 2 × DN


For the dimensions and installation lengths of the device, see the "Technical Information"
document, "Mechanical construction" section

6.1.2 Requirements from environment and process

Ambient temperature range

For detailed information on the ambient temperature range, see the Operating
Instructions for the device (Verweisziel existiert nicht, aber'true')
If operating outdoors:
• Install the measuring device in a shady location.
• Avoid direct sunlight, particularly in warm climatic regions.
• Avoid direct exposure to weather conditions.

16 Endress+Hauser
Proline Promag H 100 Mounting

Temperature tables

SI units
Ta T6 T5 T4 T3 T2 T1
[°C] [85 °C] [100 °C] [135 °C] [200 °C] [300 °C] [450 °C]

30 50 95 130 150 150 150

50 – 95 130 150 150 150

60 – 95 110 110 110 110

US units
Ta T6 T5 T4 T3 T2 T1
[°F] [185 °F] [212 °F] [275 °F] [392 °F] [572 °F] [842 °F]

86 122 203 266 302 302 302

122 – 203 266 302 302 302

140 – 203 230 230 230 230

System pressure


Furthermore, install pulse dampers if reciprocating, diaphragm or peristaltic pumps are




5 Measures to avoid device vibrations (L > 10 m (33 ft))

Endress+Hauser 17
Mounting Proline Promag H 100


[mbar] 100

8 m/s
7 m/s

6 m/s
5 m/s

max. 8° 4 m/s

3 m/s
d D
2 m/s

1 m/s

d/D 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9


6.2 Mounting the measuring device

6.2.1 Required tools

For sensor
For flanges and other process connections:
• Screws, nuts, seals etc. are not included in the scope of supply and must be provided by the
• Appropriate mounting tools

6.2.2 Preparing the measuring device

1. Remove all remaining transport packaging.
2. Remove any protective covers or protective caps present from the sensor.
3. Remove stick-on label on the electronics compartment cover.

18 Endress+Hauser
Proline Promag H 100 Mounting

6.2.3 Mounting the sensor

Danger due to improper process sealing!
‣ Ensure that the inside diameters of the gaskets are greater than or equal to that of the
process connections and piping.
‣ Ensure that the gaskets are clean and undamaged.
‣ Install the gaskets correctly.
1. Ensure that the direction of the arrow on the sensor matches the flow direction of the
2. To ensure compliance with device specifications, install the measuring device between
the pipe flanges in a way that it is centered in the measurement section.
3. Install the measuring device or turn the transmitter housing so that the cable entries do
not point upwards.


The sensor is supplied to order, with or without pre-installed process connections. Pre-
installed process connections are firmly secured to the sensor by 4 or 6 hexagonal-headed
The sensor may need to be supported or additionally secured depending on the
application and pipe length. In particular, it is absolutely essential to secure the sensor
additionally if plastic process connections are used. An appropriate wall mounting kit can
be ordered separately as an accessory from Endress+Hauser .

Endress+Hauser 19
Mounting Proline Promag H 100


DN 2…25 DN 40…150
(1/12…1") (1 ½…6")


6 Process connection seals

A Process connections with O-ring seal
B Process connections with aseptic molded seal, DN 2 to 25 (1/12 to 1")
C Process connections with aseptic molded seal, DN 40 to 150 (1 ½ to 6")

Welding the sensor into the pipe (welding connections)

Risk of destroying the electronics!
‣ Make sure that the welding system is not grounded via the sensor or transmitter.
1. Tack-weld the sensor to secure it in the pipe. A suitable welding aid can be ordered
separately as an accessory .
2. Release the screws on the process connection flange and remove the sensor, along with
the seal, from the pipe.
3. Weld the process connection into the pipe.
4. Reinstall the sensor in the pipe, and in doing so make sure that the seal is clean and in
the right position.

• If thin-walled pipes carrying food are welded correctly, the seal is not damaged by the
heat even when mounted. Nevertheless it is advisable to remove the sensor and seal.
• It must be possible to open the pipe by approx. 8 mm (0.31 in) in total to permit

Cleaning with pigs

It is essential to take the internal diameters of the measuring tube and process connection
into account when cleaning with pigs. All the dimensions and lengths of the sensor and
transmitter are provided in the separate "Technical Information" document.

20 Endress+Hauser
Proline Promag H 100 Mounting

Mounting the seals

Comply with the following instructions when installing seals:
• When mounting the process connections, make sure that the seals concerned are clean and
centered correctly.
• In the case of metal process connections, the screws must be tightened securely. The
process connection forms a metal connection with the sensor, which ensures a defined
compression of the seal.
• In the case of plastic process connections, comply with the max. screw tightening torques
for lubricated threads: 7 Nm (5.2 lbf ft). In the case of plastic flanges, always insert a seal
between the connection and the counterflange.
• Depending on the application the seals should be replaced periodically, particularly if
molded seals are used (aseptic version)! The interval between changes depends on the
frequency of the cleaning cycles, the cleaning temperature and the medium temperature.
Replacement seals can be ordered as an accessory .

Mounting grounding rings (DN 2 to 25 (1/12 to 1"))

Pay attention to the information on potential equalization →  35.

In the case of plastic process connections (e.g. flange connections or adhesive fittings),
additional ground rings must be used to ensure the potential between the sensor and fluid is
matched. If grounding rings are not installed, this can affect the measuring accuracy or cause
the destruction of the sensor as a result of the electrochemical decomposition of the
• Depending on the option ordered, plastic disks are used instead of grounding rings on
some process connections. These plastic disks only act as "spacers" and do not have any
potential matching function. Furthermore, they also perform a significant sealing
function at the sensor/process connection interface. Therefore, in the case of process
connections without metal grounding rings, these plastic disks/seals should never be
removed and should always be installed!
• Grounding rings can be ordered separately as an accessory from Endress+Hauser .
When ordering make sure that the grounding rings are compatible with the material
used for the electrodes, as otherwise there is the danger that the electrodes could be
destroyed by electrochemical corrosion!
• Grounding rings, including seals, are mounted inside the process connections.
Therefore the installation length is not affected.

Endress+Hauser 21
Mounting Proline Promag H 100

2 3 2


7 Installing grounding rings

1 Hexagonal-headed bolts of process connection
2 O-ring seals
3 Grounding ring or plastic disk (spacer)
4 Sensor

1. Release the 4 or 6 hexagonal-headed bolts (1) and remove the process connection from
the sensor (4).
2. Remove the plastic disk (3), along with the two O-ring seals (2), from the process
3. Place the first O-ring seal (2) back into the groove of the process connection.
4. Fit the metal grounding ring (3) in the process connection as illustrated.
5. Place the second O-ring seal (2) into the groove of the grounding ring.
6. Mount the process connection back on the sensor. In doing so, make sure you comply
with the max. screw tightening torques for lubricated threads: 7 Nm (5.2 lbf ft)

6.2.4 Turning the display module

The display module can be turned to optimize display readability.

22 Endress+Hauser
Proline Promag H 100 Mounting

Aluminum housing version, AlSi10Mg, coated


7. 6.
4. 4.

3 mm

Compact and ultra-compact housing version, hygienic, stainless

1. 8 mm

3. 3.


3. 3.


Endress+Hauser 23
Electrical connection Proline Promag H 100

6.3 Post-installation check

Is the device undamaged (visual inspection)? 
Does the measuring device conform to the measuring point specifications?
For example:
• Process temperature
• Process pressure (refer to the section on "Pressure-temperature ratings" in the "Technical Information" 
document on the CD-ROM provided)
• Ambient temperature
• Measuring range
Has the correct orientation for the sensor been selected ?
• According to sensor type 
• According to medium temperature
• According to medium properties (outgassing, with entrained solids)
Does the arrow on the sensor nameplate match the direction of flow of the fluid through the piping ? 
Are the measuring point identification and labeling correct (visual inspection)? 
Have the fixing screws been tightened with the correct tightening torque? 

7 Electrical connection
The measuring device does not have an internal circuit breaker. For this reason, assign
the measuring device a switch or power-circuit breaker so that the power supply line can
be easily disconnected from the mains.

7.1 Connection conditions

7.1.1 Required tools
• For cable entries: Use corresponding tools
• For securing clamp (on aluminum housing): Allen screw3 mm
• For securing screw (for stainless steel housing): open-ended wrench 8 mm
• Wire stripper
• When using stranded cables: crimping tool for ferrule

7.1.2 Requirements for connecting cable

The connecting cables provided by the customer must fulfill the following requirements.

Electrical safety
In accordance with applicable federal/national regulations.

Permitted temperature range

• –40 °C (–40 °F) to +80 °C (+176 °F)
• Minimum requirement: cable temperature range ≥ ambient temperature +20 K

Power supply cable

Standard installation cable is sufficient.

24 Endress+Hauser
Proline Promag H 100 Electrical connection

Signal cable
Current output
For 4-20 mA HART: Shielded cable recommended. Observe grounding concept of the plant.
Pulse/frequency/switch output
Standard installation cable is sufficient.
The IEC 61158 standard specifies two types of cable (A and B) for the bus line which can be
used for every transmission rate. Cable type A is recommended.

Cable type A

Characteristic impedance 135 to 165 Ωat a measuring frequency of 3 to 20 MHz

Cable capacitance <30 pF/m

Wire cross-section >0.34 mm2 (22 AWG)

Cable type Twisted pairs

Loop resistance ≤110 Ω/km

Signal damping Max. 9 dB over the entire length of the cable cross-section

Shielding Copper braided shielding or braided shielding with foil shield. When grounding the
cable shield, observe the grounding concept of the plant.

Modbus RS485
The EIA/TIA-485 standard specifies two types of cable (A and B) for the bus line which can be
used for every transmission rate. Cable type A is recommended.

Cable type A

Characteristic impedance 135 to 165 Ωat a measuring frequency of 3 to 20 MHz

Cable capacitance <30 pF/m

Wire cross-section >0.34 mm2 (22 AWG)

Cable type Twisted pairs

Loop resistance ≤110 Ω/km

Signal damping Max. 9 dB over the entire length of the cable cross-section

Shielding Copper braided shielding or braided shielding with foil shield. When grounding the
cable shield, observe the grounding concept of the plant.

Endress+Hauser 25
Electrical connection Proline Promag H 100

The standard ANSI/TIA/EIA-568-B.2 Annex specifies CAT 5 as the minimum category for a
cable used for EtherNet/IP. CAT 5e and CAT 6 are recommended.
For more information on planning and installing EtherNet/IP networks, please refer to
the "Media Planning and Installation Manual. EtherNet/IP" of the ODVA Organization.

Cable diameter
• Cable glands supplied:
M20 × 1.5 with cable  6 to 12 mm (0.24 to 0.47 in)
• Spring terminals:
Wire cross-sections 0.5 to 2.5 mm2 (20 to 14 AWG)

26 Endress+Hauser
Proline Promag H 100 Electrical connection

7.1.3 Terminal assignment

Connection version 4-20 mA HART with pulse/frequency/switch output
Order code for "Output", option B
Depending on the housing version, the transmitters can be ordered with terminals or device

24 +
_ 3

26 +
_ 2

1 L+
2 L_


8 Terminal assignment 4-20 mA HART with pulse/frequency/switch output

1 Power supply: DC 24 V
2 Output 1: 4-20 mA HART (active)
3 Output 2: pulse/frequency/switch output (passive)

Terminal number
Order code for
Power supply Output 1 Output 2
2 (L-) 1 (L+) 27 (–) 26 (+) 25 (–) 24 (+)

Option B DC 24 V 4-20 mA HART (active) Pulse/frequency/switch

output (passive)

Order code for "Output":

Option B: 4-20 mA HART with pulse/frequency/switch output

Endress+Hauser 27
Electrical connection Proline Promag H 100

PROFIBUS DP connection version

For use in the non-hazardous area and Zone 2/Div. 2.

Order code for "Output", option L

Depending on the housing version, the transmitters can be ordered with terminals or device

26 B
27 A

1 L+
2 L_


9 PROFIBUS DP terminal assignment

1 Power supply: DC 24 V

Terminal number
Order code for
Power supply Output
2 (L-) 1 (L+) 26 (RxD/TxD-P) 27 (RxD/TxD-N)

Option L DC 24 V B A

Order code for "Output":

Option L: PROFIBUS DP, for use in non-hazardous areas and Zone 2/div. 2

28 Endress+Hauser
Proline Promag H 100 Electrical connection

Modbus RS485 connection version

Order code for "Output", option M
Depending on the housing version, the transmitters can be ordered with terminals or device

26 A
27 B

1 L+
2 L_


 10 Modbus RS485 terminal assignment

1 Power supply: DC 24 V
2 Modbus RS485

Terminal number
Order code for
Power supply Output
2 (L-) 1 (L+) 27 (B) 26 (A)

Option M DC 24 V Modbus RS485

Order code for "Output":

Option M: Modbus RS485

Endress+Hauser 29
Electrical connection Proline Promag H 100

EtherNet/IP connection version

Order code for "Output", option N
Depending on the housing version, the transmitters can be ordered with terminals or device

1 L+
2 L_


 11 EtherNet/IP terminal assignment

1 Power supply: DC 24 V
2 EtherNet/IP

Terminal number
Order code for
Power supply Output
2 (L-) 1 (L+) Device plug M12x1

Option N DC 24 V EtherNet/IP

Order code for "Output":

Option N: EtherNet/IP

7.1.4 Pin assignment, device plug

Supply voltage
For all connection versions (device side)

2 Pin Assignment Coding Plug/socket

1 L+ DC 24 V A Plug
3 1 4 L- DC 24 V
5 Grounding/shielding

30 Endress+Hauser
Proline Promag H 100 Electrical connection

4-20 mA HART with pulse/frequency/switch output

Device plug for signal transmission (device side)

2 Pin Assignment Coding Plug/socket

1 + 4-20 mA HART (active) A Socket
2 - 4-20 mA HART (active)
3 + Pulse/frequency/switch output (passive)
1 3 4 - Pulse/frequency/switch output (passive)
5 Grounding/shielding

For use in the non-hazardous area and Zone 2/Div. 2.

Device plug for signal transmission (device side)

2 Pin Assignment Coding Plug/socket

1 B Socket
5 Grounding/shielding

Device plug for signal transmission (device side)

2 Pin Assignment Coding Plug/socket

1 B Socket
2 A Modbus RS485
1 3 4 B Modbus RS485
5 Grounding/shielding

Endress+Hauser 31
Electrical connection Proline Promag H 100

Device plug for signal transmission (device side)

2 Pin Assignment Coding Plug/socket

1 + Tx D Socket
2 + Rx
3 - Tx
1 3 4 - Rx


7.1.5 Shielding and grounding

The shielding and grounding concept requires compliance with the following:
• Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)
• Explosion protection
• Personal protection equipment
• National installation regulations and guidelines
• Observe cable specification →  24.
• Keep the stripped and twisted lengths of cable shield to the ground terminal as short as
• Seamless cable shielding.
Grounding of the cable shield
To comply with EMC requirements:
• Ensure the cable shield is grounded to the potential matching line at multiple points.
• Connect every local ground terminal to the potential matching line.

In systems without potential matching, the multiple grounding of the cable shield causes
mains frequency equalizing currents!
Damage to the bus cable shield.
‣ Only ground the bus cable shield to either the local ground or the protective ground at one

7.1.6 Preparing the measuring device

1. Remove dummy plug if present.
Insufficient sealing of the housing!
Operational reliability of the measuring device could be compromised.
‣ Use suitable cable glands corresponding to the degree of protection.
If measuring device is delivered without cable glands:
Provide suitable cable gland for corresponding connecting cable →  24.
3. If measuring device is delivered with cable glands:
Observe cable specification →  24.
32 Endress+Hauser
Proline Promag H 100 Electrical connection

7.2 Connecting the measuring device

Limitation of electrical safety due to incorrect connection!
‣ For use in potentially explosive atmospheres, observe the information in the device-specific
Ex documentation.

7.2.1 Connecting the transmitter

The connection of the transmitter depends on the following order codes:
• Housing version: compact or ultra-compact
• Connection version: device plug or terminals


1 2 1 2 3 4

 12 Device versions and connection versions

A Housing version: compact, aluminum coated
B Housing version: compact hygienic, stainless
1 Cable entry or device plug for signal transmission
2 Cable entry or device plug for supply voltage
C Housing version: ultra-compact hygienic, stainless, M12 device plug
3 Device plug for signal transmission
4 Device plug for supply voltage

Endress+Hauser 33
Electrical connection Proline Promag H 100

8 mm 8 mm

3 mm

2 2 2
1 3

1 2 3

10 (0.4)

mm (in)


 13 Device versions with connection examples

1 Cable
2 Device plug for signal transmission
3 Device plug for supply voltage

Depending on the housing version disconnect the local display from the main electronics
module: Operating Instructions for the device .
‣ Connect the cable in accordance with the terminal assignment or the device plug pin
assignment .

34 Endress+Hauser
Proline Promag H 100 Electrical connection

7.2.2 Ensuring potential equalization

Electrode damage can result in the complete failure of the device!
‣ Make sure that the fluid and sensor have the same electrical potential.
‣ Pay attention to internal grounding concepts in the company.
‣ Pay attention to the pipe material or grounding.
Connection examples for standard situations
Metal process connections
Potential matching usually takes place via the metallic process connections in contact with
medium which are directly mounted on the measuring transmitter. This usually means that
additional potential matching measures are unnecessary.

Connection example in special situations

Plastic process connections
In the case of plastic process connections, additional grounding rings or process connections
with an integrated grounding electrode must be used to ensure potential matching between
the sensor and the fluid. If there is no potential matching, this can affect the measuring
accuracy or cause the destruction of the sensor as a result of the electrochemical
decomposition of the electrodes.
Note the following when using grounding rings:
• Depending on the option ordered, plastic disks are used instead of grounding rings on some
process connections. These plastic disks only act as "spacers" and do not have any potential
matching function. Furthermore, they also perform a significant sealing function at the
sensor/connection interface. Therefore, in the case of process connections without metal
grounding rings, these plastic disks/seals should never be removed and should always be
• Grounding rings can be ordered separately as an accessory from Endress+Hauser . When
ordering make sure that the grounding rings are compatible with the material used for the
electrodes, as otherwise there is the danger that the electrodes could be destroyed by
electrochemical corrosion!
• Grounding rings, including seals, are mounted inside the process connections. Therefore the
installation length is not affected.

Endress+Hauser 35
Electrical connection Proline Promag H 100

Potential equalization via additional grounding ring

2 3 2


1 Hexagonal-headed bolts of process connection

2 O-ring seals
3 Plastic disk (spacer) or grounding ring
4 Sensor

36 Endress+Hauser
Proline Promag H 100 Electrical connection

Potential equalization via grounding electrodes on process connection

2 1



1 Hexagonal-headed bolts of process connection

2 Integrated grounding electrodes
3 O-ring seal
4 Sensor

7.3 Hardware settings

7.3.1 Setting the device address

The IP address of the measuring device can be configured for the network via DIP switches.
Addressing data

IP address and configuration options

1st octet 2nd octet 3rd octet 4th octet

192. 168. 1. XXX
↓ ↓
Can only be configured via software addressing Can be configured via
software addressing
and hardware

Endress+Hauser 37
Electrical connection Proline Promag H 100

IP address range 1 to 254 (4th octet)

IP address broadcast 255

Addressing mode ex works Software addressing; all DIP switches for hardware addressing are set to OFF.

IP address ex works DHCP server active

For device addressing via software →  48

Setting the address


1 1

2 2
IP Address setting

3 4
(last octet)

4 8

5 16

6 32

7 64

8 128

9 - Write protection

10 - Default Ethernet
network settings


‣ Set the desired IP address using the corresponding DIP switches on the I/O electronics
 Hardware addressing with the configured IP address is enabled after 10 s.

The address must always be configured for a PROFIBUS DP/PA device. The valid address
range is between 1 and 126. In a PROFIBUS DP/PA network, each address can only be
assigned once. If an address is not configured correctly, the device is not recognized by the
master. All measuring devices are delivered from the factory with the device address 126 and
with the software addressing method.

38 Endress+Hauser
Proline Promag H 100 Electrical connection

Setting the address


1 1

2 2

3 4

4 8

5 16

6 32

7 64

8 - Software addressing

9 - Write protection

10 - Not used


 14 Addressing using DIP switches on the I/O electronics module

1. Disable software addressing via DIP switch 8 (OFF).

2. Set the desired device address via the corresponding DIP switches.
 Example →  14,  39: 1 + 16 + 32 = device address 49
The device demands rebooting after 10 s. After rebooting, hardware addressing is
enabled with the configured IP address.

7.3.2 Enabling the terminating resistor

To avoid incorrect communication transmission caused by impedance mismatch, terminate
the PROFIBUS DP cable correctly at the start and end of the bus segment.
• If the device is operated with a baud rate of 1.5 MBaud and under:
For the last transmitter on the bus, terminate via DIP switch 2 (bus termination) and DIP
switch 1 and 3 (bus polarization). Setting: ON – ON – ON →  15,  40.
• For baud rates > 1.5 MBaud:
Due to the capacitance load of the user and the line reflections generated as a result, ensure
that an external bus terminator is used.
It is generally advisable to use an external bus terminator as the entire segment can fail
if a device that is terminated internally is defective.

Endress+Hauser 39
Electrical connection Proline Promag H 100



4. 390 Ω

1 Bus polarisation
2 Bus termination 220 Ω
3 Bus polarisation
4 Not used
390 Ω


 15 Termination using DIP switches on the I/O electronics module (for baud rates < 1.5 MBaud)

Modbus RS485
To avoid incorrect communication transmission caused by impedance mismatch, terminate
the Modbus RS485 cable correctly at the start and end of the bus segment.

40 Endress+Hauser
Proline Promag H 100 Electrical connection

If the transmitter is used in the non-hazardous area or Zone 2/Div. 2


4 - Bus termination 26 A
3 - Not used

2 - Not used 220 W

1 - Write protection
27 B


 16 Terminating resistor can be enabled via DIP switch on the main electronics module

7.4 Ensuring the degree of protection

The measuring device fulfills all the requirements for the IP66/67 degree of protection, Type
4X enclosure.

To guarantee IP66/67 degree of protection, Type 4X enclosure, carry out the following steps
after the electrical connection:
1. Check that the housing seals are clean and fitted correctly. Dry, clean or replace the
seals if necessary.
2. Tighten all housing screws and screw covers.
3. Firmly tighten the cable glands.
4. To ensure that moisture does not enter the cable entry, route the cable so that it loops
down before the cable entry ("water trap").


5. Insert dummy plugs into unused cable entries.

Endress+Hauser 41
Electrical connection Proline Promag H 100

7.5 Post-connection check

Are cables or the device undamaged (visual inspection)? 
Do the cables comply with the requirements →  24? 
Do the cables have adequate strain relief? 
Are all the cable glands installed, firmly tightened and leak-tight? Cable run with "water trap" →  41 ? 
Depending on the device version: are all the device plugs firmly tightened →  33? 
• Does the supply voltage match the specifications on the transmitter nameplate ?
• For device version with Modbus RS485 intrinsically safe: does the supply voltage match the 
specifications on the nameplate of the Safety Barrier Promass 100 ?
Is the terminal assignment or the pin assignment of the device plug correct? 
• If supply voltage is present, is the power LED on the electronics module of the transmitter lit green
→  9?

• For device version with Modbus RS485 intrinsically safe, if supply voltage is present, is the power LED
on the Safety Barrier Promass 100 lit →  9?
Is the potential equalization established correctly →  35? 
Depending on the device version, is the securing clamp or fixing screw firmly tightened? 

42 Endress+Hauser
Proline Promag H 100 Operation options

8 Operation options
8.1 Structure and function of the operating menu
8.1.1 Structure of the operating menu

Operating menu for operators and maintenances

Language !



Operating menu for experts





 17 Schematic structure of the operating menu

8.1.2 Operating philosophy

The individual parts of the operating menu are assigned to certain user roles. Each user role
corresponds to typical tasks within the device lifecycle.
For detailed information about the operating philosophy of the device, see the Operating
Instructions for the device (Verweisziel existiert nicht, aber'true').

8.2 Access to the operating menu via the Web browser

This type of access is available with the following device version:
Order code for "Output", option N: EtherNet/IP

Endress+Hauser 43
Operation options Proline Promag H 100

8.2.1 Function range

Thanks to the integrated Web server the device can be operated and configured via a Web

8.2.2 Prerequisites

Connecting cable Standard Ethernet cable with RJ45 connector

Computer RJ45 interface

Measuring device: Web server must be enabled; factory setting: ON

IP address If the IP address of the device is not known, communication with the Web server
can be established via the standard IP address
The DHCP function is enabled in the device at the factory, i.e. the device expects
an IP address to be assigned by the network. This function can be disabled and
the device can be set to the standard IP address set switch DIP
switch No. 10 from OFF → ON.


1 1

2 2
IP Address setting

3 4
(last octet)

4 8

5 16

6 32

7 64

8 128

9 - Write protection

10 - Default Ethernet
network settings


 • Once the DIP switch has been activated, the device must be restarted
before the device uses the standard IP address.
• If the standard IP address (DIP switch No. 10 = ON) is used, there is no
connection to the EtherNet/IP network.

Software of the computer

Web browsers supported • Microsoft Internet Explorer (min. 8.x)
• Mozilla Firefox
• Google chrome

Recommended operating systems • Windows XP

• Windows 7

44 Endress+Hauser
Proline Promag H 100 Operation options

User rights for TCP/IP settings User rights required for TCP/IP settings (e.g. for changes to IP address, subnet

Computer configuration • JavaScript is enabled

• If JavaScript cannot be enabled, enter in the
address line of the Web browser, e.g. A
fully functional but simplified version of the operating menu structure starts
in the Web browser.

8.2.3 Establishing a connection

Configuring the Internet protocol of the computer

The following information refers to the default Ethernet settings of the device.
IP address of the device: (factory setting)

IP address 192.168.1.XXX; for XXX all numerical values except: 0, 212 and 255 → e.g.

Subnet mask

Default gateway or leave cells empty

1. Switch on the measuring device and connect to the computer via the cable .
2. If a 2nd network card is not used: all the applications on the notebook should be closed,
or all the applications that require the Internet or network, such as e-mail, SAP
applications, Internet or Windows Explorer, i.e. close all open Internet browsers.
3. Configure the properties of the Internet protocol (TCP/IP) as defined in the table above.

Starting the Web browser

1. Enter the IP address of the Web server in the address line of the Web browser:
2. If the IP address of the measuring device is known, enter the defined device address in
the address line of the Web browser. If it is unknown, set DIP switch No. 10 to ON,
restart the device and enter the standard IP address: →  44.
The login page appears.

Endress+Hauser 45
Operation options Proline Promag H 100

2 1

Device tag

Webserv.language English

Ent. access code OK

Access stat.tool Maintenance


1 Device tag →  49
2 Picture of device

8.2.4 Logging on

Access code 0000 (factory setting); can be changed by customer →  49

8.2.5 User interface

1 2 3 4

6 5

1 Picture of device
2 Function row with 6 functions
3 Device tag
4 Header
5 Working area
6 Navigation area

46 Endress+Hauser
Proline Promag H 100 System integration

The following information appears in the header:
• Device tag →  49
• Device status with status signal
• Current measured values

Function row

Functions Meaning
Measured values The measured values of the device are displayed
Menu Access to the operating menu structure of the device, same as for the operating tool
Device status Displays the diagnostic messages currently pending, listed in order of priority
• Data exchange between PC and measuring device:
– Upload the configuration from the device (XML format, create configuration back-up)
– Save the configuration to the device (XML format, restore configuration)
– Export the event list (.csv file)
Data management – Export parameter settings (.csv file, create documentation of the measuring point
– Export the Heartbeat verification log (PDF file, only available with the "Heartbeat
Verification" application package)
• Upload the device driver for system integration from the device
Configuration and checking of all the parameters required for establishing the connection to the
Network device:
configuration • Network settings (e.g. IP address, MAC address)
• Device information (e.g. serial number, firmware version)
Logout End the operation and call up the login page

8.3 Access to the operating menu via the operating tool

For detailed information about access to the operating menu via operating tool, refer to
the Operating Instructions for the device (Verweisziel existiert nicht, aber'true').

9 System integration
For information on system integration, see the Operating Instructions for the device
(Verweisziel existiert nicht, aber'true').
Applies only to device version with EtherNet/IP communication type
A detailed description of how to integrate the device into an automation system (e.g.
from Rockwell Automation) is available as a separate document: →
Select country → Automation → Digital Communication → Feldbus device
integration → EtherNet/IP

Endress+Hauser 47
Commissioning Proline Promag H 100

10 Commissioning
10.1 Function check
Before commissioning the device, make sure that the post-installation and post-connection
checks have been performed.
• "Post-installation check" checklist →  24
• "Post-connection check" checklist →  42

10.2 Establishing a connection via FieldCare

• For FieldCare connection →  47
• For establishing a connection via FieldCare

10.3 Configuring the device address via software

In the "Communication" submenu the device address can be set.

"Setup" menu → Communication → Device address

10.3.1 Ethernet network and Web server

When delivered, the measuring device has the following factory settings:

IP address

Subnet mask

Default gateway

• If hardware addressing is active, software addressing is disabled.

• If a switch is made to hardware addressing, the address configured via software
addressing is retained for the first 9 places (the first three octets).
If the IP address of the device is not known, the device address currently configured can
be read out: Operating Instructions for the device

10.3.2 PROFIBUS network

At time of delivery, the measuring device has the following factory setting:

Device address 126

If hardware addressing is active, software addressing is blocked →  37

48 Endress+Hauser
Proline Promag H 100 Commissioning

10.4 Configuring the measuring device

The Setup menu with its submenus is used for fast commissioning of the measuring device.
The submenus contain all the parameters required for configuration, such as parameters for
measurement or communication.

Submenu Meaning
System units Configuring the units for all measured values
Medium selection Defining the medium
Communication Configuration of the digital communication interface
Low flow cut off Configuring the low flow cut off

10.5 Defining the tag name

To enable fast identification of the measuring point within the system, you can enter a unique
designation using the Device tag parameter and thus change the factory setting.

"Setup" menu → Device tag

Parameter overview with brief description

Parameter Description User entry Factory setting

Device tag Enter the name for the Max. 32 characters, such as Promag
measuring point. letters, numbers or special
characters (e.g. @, %, /).

10.6 Protecting settings from unauthorized access

The following options exist for protecting the configuration of the measuring device from
unintentional modification after commissioning:
• Write protection via access code for Web browser →  49
• Write protection via write protection switch →  50

10.6.1 Write protection via access code

With the customer-specific access code, access to the measuring device via the Web browser is
protected, as are the parameters for the measuring device configuration.

"Setup" menu → Advanced setup → Administration → Define access code

Structure of the submenu

Define access code → Define access code

Confirm access code

Endress+Hauser 49
Commissioning Proline Promag H 100

Defining the access code via the Web browser

1. Navigate to the Enter access code parameter.
2. Define a max. 4-digit numeric code as an access code.
3. Enter the access code again to confirm the code.
 The Web browser switches to the login page.

If no action is performed for 10 minutes, the Web browser automatically returns to the
login page.
The user role with which the user is currently logged on via the Web browser is indicated
by the Access status tooling parameter. Navigation path: Operation → Access status

10.6.2 Write protection via write protection switch

The write protection switch makes it possible to block write access to the entire operating
menu with the exception of the following parameters:
• External pressure
• External temperature
• Reference density
• All parameters for configuring the totalizer
The parameter values are now read only and cannot be edited any more:
• Via service interface (CDI)
• Via HART protocol
• Via Modbus RS485
• Via service interface (CDI-RJ45)
• Via Ethernet network

For device version with HART communication type

2 = Not used
1 = Write protection


For device version with Modbus RS485 communication type

50 Endress+Hauser
Proline Promag H 100 Commissioning


4 - Bus termination

3 - Not used

2 - Not used
1 - Write protection


For device version with EtherNet/IP communication type


1 1

2 2
IP Address setting

3 4
(last octet)

4 8

5 16

6 32

7 64

8 128

9 - Write protection

10 - Default Ethernet
network settings


For device version with PROFIBUS DP communication type

Endress+Hauser 51
Diagnostic information Proline Promag H 100


1 1

2 2

3 4

4 8

5 16

6 32

7 64

8 - Software addressing

9 - Write protection

10 - Not used


‣ Setting the write protection switch on the electronics module to the ON position enables
the hardware write protection.
 If hardware write protection is enabled, the Hardware locked option is displayed in
the Locking status parameter.

11 Diagnostic information
Any faults detected by the measuring device are displayed on the home page of the operating
tool once the connection has been established and on the home page of the web browser once
the user has logged on.
Remedial measures are provided for each diagnostic event to ensure that problems can be
rectified quickly.
• Web browser: Remedial measures are displayed in red on the home page next to the
diagnostic event.
• FieldCare: Remedial measures are displayed on the home page in a separate field below the
diagnostic event.

52 Endress+Hauser

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