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1- Who is Gulliver’s main enemy in the royal court in Brobdingnag

a) the dwarf b)the king c)the queen d)reldresal

2- What was the name of the rooster in the nun’s priest tale
a) Russel b)Reynard c)cooko d)chanticleer

3- Name of the two rivers in Oedipus rex

a) Istor and phasis b) Styx and Alph c)Acheron and Cocytus d) lathe and phlegethon

4- Where is the party held in the “rape of the lock”

a) Cheapside b)St James park c)the tower of London d)Hampton court palace

5- Faustus asks two magicians to aid him in summoning the devil what are their names
a) Valdes and Cornelius b)Rosencrantz and c)Troilus and Cressida d)pyramus and Thisbe

6- Thomas hardy was associated with the movement

a)classicism b) romanticism c) naturalism d) realism

7- A tale of two cities was published in weekly installments from April to November of what year
a) 1845 b)1859 c)1879 d)1870

8- Where PB Shelley died

a) Connaught palace b)field palace Horsham c) Viareggio grand duchy of d) duchy of Parma
England England Tuscany

9- What was the name of theatre founded by WB Yeats and lady Gregory
a)the abbey theatre b)terrible beauty c)ephemera d)the second coming

10- St Coleridge’s which creation also compelled his listeners with his eyes
a) limbo b)Christabel c)Kubla khan d)the ancient mariner

11- TS Eliot has barrowed the term “Unreal City” in first and third sections from
a)Baudelaire b)Irving Babbitt c)Dante d)Laforgue

12- Aristotle indicates that medium of tragedy is drama ,not

a) narrative b)action c)poetry d) novel
13- Which country is most associated with theory of “Formalism”
a) Russia b)France c)Czech republic d)Germany
14- Semantics is concerned with the _____meaning and not the associative meaning
a) bound b)real c)conceptual d)phonological
15- Who was an author’ “To kill the mockingbird”
a) Harper lee b)Peter Taylor c) Anne Tyler d) Saul bellow
16- The general study of characteristics of speech sounds is called
a) phonetics b) phonology c)acoustic d)morphology
17- The syllables having nucleus and coda but no onset are called
a)open syllable b)closed syllable c)light syllable d)heavy syllable
18- ‘The Rainbow’ is a novel written by
a)EM Foster b)Hemingway c)Virginia wolf d)dh Lawrence
19- Which of the following is not a literary device used for aesthetic effect in poetry?
a)Assonance b)onomatopia c)rhyme d)grammar
20- Which of the following writers wrote historical novels?
a) Jane Austen and b) Sir Walter Scott and c) William Wordsworth and d) Mary Shelley and Percy
Charlotte Bronte Maria Edgeworth Samuel Taylor Coleridge Bysshe Shelley
21- The group of four plays known as the "major tetralogy" is:
a) Richard III, King John, b) 1 Henry VI, 2 Henry VI, 3 c) King John, Henry V, d) Richard II, 1 Henry IV, 2
Henry VIII, 1 Henry VI Henry VI, Richard III Richard II, Richard III Henry IV, Henry V
22- Who was “Fortinbras”?
a) Claudius’s son b) Son to the king of c) Ophelia’s lover d) Hamlet’s Mend
23- ‘There’s a special providence in the fall of a sparrow.” The line given above occurs in
a)Hamlet b)king lear c)Titus Andronicus d)as you like it
24- The key-note of Browning’s philosophy of life is?
a) agnosticism b) optimism c) pessimism d) skepticism
25- Who said that Shakespeare in his comedies has only heroines and no heroes?
a) Ben Jonson b) John Ruskin c) Thomas Carlyle d) William Hazlitt
26- “The rarer action is in virtue that in vengeance.” This line occurs in?
a) Hamlet b) Henry IV,Pt I c) The Tempest d) Twelfth Night
27- A collection of similar idiolect makes up
a)dialect b)ideolects c)register d)slang
28- A term introduced by the linguist SAUSSURE which refers to the state of a language as it exists at any given
a)synchrony b)diachrony c)paradigmatic d)syntagmatic
29- What was the original title of pride and prejudice?
a)pride of life b)longbourn c)Elizabeth d)first impressions
30- Choose the correct sequence of the following schools of criticism:
a) Structuralism, New b) New Criticism, c) Reader Response, d) Deconstruction, New
Criticism, Deconstruction, Structuralism, Deconstruction, Criticism, Structuralism,
Reader Response Deconstruction, Reader Structuralism, New Reader Response
Response Criticism
31- The Seven Lamps of Architecture is a fundamental work by
Mathew Arnold b)Jacque Derrida c)George Eliot d)John Ruskin
32- In which Dickens novel does Pip appear?
a)a tale of two cities b)Oliver twist c)great expectations d)old curiosity shop
33- What was clym’s occupation in Paris in “Return of the native”?
a)editor b)banker c)teacher d)diamond merchant
34- Which of these women is not a milkmaid? In Tess of the D'Urbervilles
a)marian b)izz c)mercy d)retty
35- Higgins claims that English is the language ofb
a)the queen b)the nobelest race c)all mankind d)shakespear ,Milton and
the bible
36- Where has Cecily recorded her engagement to jack’s brother earnest(Importance of being earnest)?
a)in the times b)in the family bible c)in a letter to her mother d)in her diary
37- Marlow’s predecessor with the company dies as a result of a quarrel over
a)ivory b)hens c)a card game d)a woman
38- Whose responsibility is it to maintain the first signal fire?
a)piggy’s b)the hunter’s c)sam and eric’s d)the littlun’s
39- What is revealed about Bluntschilli in act three
a)he is not a real soldier b)his father was poor c)his father was enormously d)he is not Swiss
40- Who accompanies mr Ramsey to the lighthouse at the novel’s end
a)James and Mrs. Ramsey b)James and cam c)minte doyle and Paul d)James and lily Briscoe
41- Who does everyone expect lopakhin to propose to
a)varya b)mrs ranevksy c)Anya d)dashenka
42- Waiting for godot was originally written in
a)Spanish b)German c)French d)English
43- To what country did torvald need to travel for his health(a doll’s house)
a)Germany b)Switzerland c)Norway d)Italy
44- For what region is willy responsible in his sales(Death of a salesman)
a)new England b)Brooklyn c)queen and long island d)new jersy
45- Where does Orin kill himself in mourning becomes Electra
a)in the sitting room b)in the hallway c)in ezra’s bedroom d)in the study
46- What day did the battle of cowshed take place on(Animal Farm)
a)march 29 b)midsummer’s day c)Christmas day d)October 12
47- What does the old man call the sea(the old man and the sea)
a)el mar b)la mar c)ague d)la ague Grande
48- Which is not the work of earnest Hemingway
a)the sun also rises b)a moveable feast c)the fifth column and four d)rising sun
stories of the Spanish civil
49- Beauty is truth,truth beauty ___that is all
Ye know on earth,and all ye need know”
These lines occur in ode of Keats, identify name of the ode
a)ode TO Grecian urn b)ode to autumn c)ode on indolence d)none of these
50- Hymn to intellectual beauty by Shelley was conceived in his voyage around the
a)alps height b)desert of Gobi c)Geneva lake d)Pyrenees
51- In child herald Byron described the luxury of courts of
a)Jewish rulers b)Christian rulers c)pagan rulers d)Muslim rulers
52- Who said “Keats was greek”
a)PB Shelley b)Tennyson c)William Hazlitt d)Mathew Arnold
53- What crime Andrea del Sarto commited
a)murder b)adultery c)theft d)balsphemy
54- The marriage of heaven and hell is a noticeable work of
a)Robert browning b)Shelley c)st Coleridge d)William Blake
55- At one point in mending wall the speaker describes his neighbor as
a)an old stone savage b)a tough old bird c)an ornamental frog d)a peg legged manure man
56- Which character of spencer represents queen mary of scots
a)lady una b)duessa c)abessa d)archimego
57- Tennyson’s “charge of the light brigade” is about which war
a)Crimean war b)battle of Salamanca c)Danish war d)Franco Prussian war
58- John donne’s the anniversaries is
a)an ode b)an elegy in two parts c)an epic in three parts d)a ballad
59- Meatless days is a book by
a)Daud Kamal b)taufiq rafat c)Mohsin Hamid d)Sara Suleri
60- Intoduction to Metaphysics is a book by
a)Michael Foucault b)Martin Heidegger c)Jacque Lacan d)Derrida
61- Life of Dr Johnson is a biography by
a)Boswell b)Addison c)Stelle d)Samuel Richardson
62- Preface to Shakespeare is a work written by
a)alexander pope b)dr Johnson c)Mathew Arnold d)st Coleridge
63- Sartor Resartus is a prose work written by
a)Thomas carlyle b)john ruskin c)de quincy d)Charles lamb
64- Stream of consciousness is a phrase used by
a)Virginia woolf b)james joyce c)William james d)William faulkner
65- Verslibre is called
a)free verse b)blank verse c)iambic pentameter d)couplet
66- What does the phrase white man burden coined by kipiling refer to
a)Britain manifest destiny b)the moral responsibility c)Britain need to improve d)importance of solving
to colonize the world to bring civilization and technology and transport in economic and social
Christianity to the people of other parts of the world problems in englandbefore
the world tackling the world’s
67- In Dream children lamb’s imaginary children’s names are
a) ketty and elia b)john and Anna c)Alice and john d)Alice and Paul
68- What two images does Dickinson use to symbolize success in success is counted sweetest
a) the nector and victorious b)the nector and the olive c)the olive branch and the d)the laurel and the
army branch laurel victorious army
69- The word tragedy is derived from greek word tragoidia which means
a) the sudden death of b)the sufferings of hero c)the goat song d)A chorous song
nobel character
70- Terror novels are also called
a) gothic novel b)regieonal novels c)historical novels d)picaresque novels
71- The archetypal approach is associated with
a)Northrop Frye b)William empson c)wk wimsat d)Roland Barthes

72- In 15th century a song of religious praise or devotion and sometimes for joy or exaultation orginated from folk
lore was called
a)chorus b)carol c)masque d)ballad
73- Important factor for the revival of drama in 1890 was
a)influence of ibsen b)cynical atmosphere c)decline of novel d)both a and b
prevailing that time
74- He complains ____headache
a)of b)off c)about d)from
75- Snow of Kilimanjaro is a short story written by
a)O’henry b)mark twain c)earnest Hemingway d)Scott Fitzgerald
76- Which of these is not Huxley;s work
a)Adonis and the alphabet b)Brave new world c)homage to Catalonia d)the perennial philosophy
77- What was the pen name of Charles Dickens
a)Boz b)Dr c)Don d)Synjohn
78- TS Elliot got the nobel prize in
a)1946 b)1947 c)1948 d)1949
79- I saw a woman walking (along) the road.
a)preposition b)conjunction c)adverb d)adjective
80- Ali has never _____ illness
a)see b)seen c)seeing d)saw

81- World’s highest lake is

a)lake Titicaca b)lake laduga c)lake Erie d)great slave lake
82- Drakensberg is a mountainy range in which country it is located
a)Namibia b)South Africa c)Congo d)Mozambique
83- Commonwealth of independent states founded in 1991 in which city it’s headquarter located
a)Moscow b)Minsk c)Kyiv d)Astana(Nur Sultan)
84- World smallest river is
a)Roe b)Yenisei c)Yangtze d)Seine
85- Haleji lake is located in
a)Thattha b)Hydrabad c)Dadu d)Jamshoro
86- Karana bar is located in
a)Punjab b)Sindh c)Baluchistan d)KPK
87- Most of the photosynthesis on earth is carried by
a)Kelps b)gymnosperms c)angiosperms d)algae
88- Which type of motions are present in solids
a)translational b)rotational c)vibrational d)all of these
89- What is the duration of the national anthem of Pakistan
a) 50 seconds b)60 seconds c)80 seconds d)90 seconds
90- Dwarf planets mean
a)outer planets b)inner planets c)huge planets d)small planets
91- Current prime minister of IRAQ
a) Adil Abdul Mehdi b)Ibrahim Saleh c)Aguila Saleh Esa d) Mustafa Al khadimi
92- Old name of ESWATINI
a) Swaziland b)south Ossetia c) Limpopo d)kawazulu natal
93- End of History is a book by
a)Samuel P Huntington b) Henry Kissinger c) Francis Fukuyama d) Allan Bloom
94- Complete the series 1,8,4,27,9…..
a) 8 b)9 c)64 d)16
95- Inventor of Mouse
a) Douglas Engelbart b) Charles Babbage c)john Napier d) Christopher Latham
96- Women bank was established in Pakistan in
a) 1988 b)1989 c)1990 d)1991
97- Antonym of ENCROACH
a) Keep off b) infringe c)invade d)none of these
98- Synonym of FIASCO
a) festival b)failure c)misgiving d)grimace
99- First Gazwa is
a) Ghazwa Abwa b)ghazwa badar c)ghazwa zat ur riqa d)ghazwa bani mustalaq
100- ‫اردو کا پہال اخبار کونسا ہے‬
‫کوہ نور )‪a‬‬ ‫ہمدرد )‪b‬‬ ‫الہالل )‪c‬‬ ‫جام جہاں نما )‪d‬‬

1 d 2 d 3 a 4 d 5 b 6 c 7 b 8 c 9 a 10 d
1 a 1 a 1 a 14 c 1 a 1 a 17 b 1 d 19 d 20 b
1 2 3 5 6 8
2 d 2 b 2 a 24 b 2 b 2 c 27 a 2 a 29 d 30 a
1 2 3 5 6 8
3 d 3 c 3 d 34 c 3 d 3 d 37 b 3 b 39 c 40 b
1 2 3 5 6 8
4 a 4 c 4 d 44 a 4 d 4 d 47 b 4 d 49 a 50 c
1 2 3 5 6 8
5 d 5 a 5 c 54 d 5 a 5 d 57 a 5 b 59 d 60 b
1 2 3 5 6 8
6 a 6 b 6 a 64 c 6 a 6 b 67 c 6 a 69 c 70 a
1 2 3 5 6 8
7 a 7 b 7 d 74 a 7 c 7 c 77 a 7 c 79 a 80 b
1 2 3 5 6 8
8 a 8 b 8 b 84 a 8 a 8 a 87 d 8 c 89 c 90 d
1 2 3 5 6 8
9 d 9 a 9 c 94 c 9 a 9 b 97 a 9 b 99 a 100 d
1 2 3 5 6 8

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