Actuators and Actuated Valve Packages: Product Definition

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Product Leaflet / p 1

Actuators and Actuated Valve Packages

met for the complete package – ranging from an

actuated valve to a complete, engineered HIPPS
package to a specific Safety Integrity Level (SIL).

From the outset, Frames assesses your safety

requirements (process control, emergency or
protection), function (fail open, fail close or stay
put) as well as the valve designation and combines
these with your installation requirements into an
engineered package. Control panels or cabinets
can be included to meet the various requirements
for the actuated valve. SIL requirements, closed
loop, fire-fuse and backup bottles could be part
of those requirements. In addition, we can include
requirements for partial stroking facilities for
identifying the status of an actuated valve and
Hydraulic Actuated High Pressure Turret Valve Package
predicting maintenance activities.

Product Definition Flexible range of automation solutions

We offer a wide range of actuator valve solutions
Valves are mechanical devices which block or control process flows that provide full system safety while minimizing
such as liquids, gases, vapors and aerosols. Valves are either operator involvement. Our range of specialist
manually operated, self-acting or equipped with an actuator. An actuator systems can include:
actuator is a mechanical, pneumatic, hydraulic or electrical device • Line break detection systems – after detecting
that initiates a mechanical motion in response to an input signal. an unacceptable pressure drop, the line break
The combination of the two defines an actuated valve, with a detection system automatically switches
mechanical motion to open, close or regulate the stroke of a valve. the valve actuators to the emergency
(closed) position.
• Gas-over-oil actuators – ideal for remote
Product Description locations, gas-over-oil actuators use pipeline
gas pressure to indirectly power the hydraulic
The need for valve automation has increased with the demand for actuator valve.
more efficient and safe plant operation while operational manpower • Self-contained actuators – using a small power
is reduced. In order to ensure safe operations with efficient and pack, a hydraulic spring return actuator provides
sustainable equipment, automated valve system require failsafe, a reliable and safe solution for remote locations.
durable and extremely reliable components. • Fire-safe actuators – typically rated at 1093°C
for 30 minutes, a fire-safe actuator and control
Frames provides products to serve all your valve automation needs. cabinet delivers exceptional performance in
Because every user has different requirements and standards for emergency situations.
the control of oil and gas flows, each solution imposes different • Direct gas-operated actuators – primarily
requirements. Frames is committed to identifying the required designed for sweet gas operations, a direct
technologies and building cost-effective products that meet your gas-operated actuator takes pipeline gas
specific needs. As an independent company, we can source from a pressure, reduces it to less than 10 barg which
vast selection of suppliers. This ensures that client requirements are is applied to operate a scotch yoke actuator.

Flow Control & Safeguarding
Eikenlaan 237 +31 172 461 600
2404 BP Alphen aan den Rijn [email protected]
The Netherlands
Product Leaflet / p 2

Actuators and Actuated Valve Packages

Frames provides full support for its clients, ranging from local valve
suppliers to globally operating oil companies. Our extensive workshop
is fully equipped with all necessary facilities to test and handle
packages in accordance with international standards, including full
certification and NDT testing. This applies to both newly manufactured
units, as well as overhauled or enhanced equipment.

Process Description

Actuators and actuated valve packages for upstream and midstream

Pneumatic Actuated Valve Package
applications in oil and gas operations are available in a wide variety of
materials, sizes, ratings and types. Primary valve materials range from
carbon steel to super alloys, which are applied from simple media such
as potable water to dangerous chemicals such as acids.

Frames offers valve sizes from ½” up to 48” to DIN, ANSI or API

standards with pressure classes up to 15.000 psi and process
conditions ranging from cryogenic service from below -150°C up
to 500°C.

Actuator materials used in our valve packages range from aluminum

Pneumatic Actuated Valves in a Process Line
and carbon to stainless steel with torque values upwards of 750.000
Nm, with an electrical supply, pneumatic supply or hydraulic supply
that delivers pressures upwards of 350 bar.

Frames Actuator Valve Packages can also include smart and fieldbus
controls next to hard-wired controls and feedback loops.

Gas Driven Double Acting Actuators Complete with Controls

Flow Control & Safeguarding
Eikenlaan 237 +31 172 461 600
2404 BP Alphen aan den Rijn [email protected]
The Netherlands
Product Leaflet / p 3

Actuators and Actuated Valve Packages

Project Management Added Value Frames

At Frames, we understand that success depends on sharp project • Our total approach ensures the best, most cost

management. As our client, we are driven to supporting your effective solution

business, with our dedicated project team always on hand for one-on- • We look beyond the actuated valve package at the

one contact, providing you with the best possible service. overall process

• Solutions are optimized with associated packages

From concept through to design, production, testing and delivery, our • Our experienced in-house engineers work with

project team will know your operating environment, and will use the your business to optimize site safety

latest technology to precisely meet your needs. • Easy-to-maintain systems with minimized

maintenance and optimized operational

We are solution orientated, understand your industry and always use efficiencies for lower operational cost

strict document control and professional planning to exercise tight • Worldwide field service and support to reduce

process control and meet all delivery deadlines. Our global office operational downtime

network, international supply chain and partnerships with leading

vendors mean we are always able to supply the best systems and
meet all of the local requirements and regulations. References

• E17a-A platform – GDF Suez E&P Nederland B.V.,

Technical Details the Netherlands

• Noord-Zuid Expansion, phase 2 – RMA Kehl GmbH

• Variety of actuator power supply options, including air, electric, & Co. KG, Germany / N.V. Nederlandse Gasunie,

hydraulic, direct gas or inert gas the Netherlands

• Full range of valves as part of the actuated package in all bores, • Q-16 Platform – Noton B.V., the Netherlands /

classes and connections TAQA Energy B.V., the Netherlands

• Extensive safety features, including fail-open, fail-close, stay-put, or • Clair Ridge Platform – BP Exploration Operating

running-to-safe position Company Ltd., United Kingdom

• Complete control system , panel-mounted or within a cabinet • Aseng FPSO – Single Buoy Moorings Inc., Monaco /

• Position monitoring for extreme positions to performance diagnostics Noble Energy Inc., USA

with partial stroke facilities

• Integrated testing of the final assembly, site installation,

commissioning and site acceptance testing


+ 31 172 461 600

[email protected]

Flow Control & Safeguarding
Eikenlaan 237 +31 172 461 600
2404 BP Alphen aan den Rijn [email protected]
The Netherlands
Frames Family Tree

Frames Family Tree

Onshore Offshore Floaters

Flow Control
Oil & Water Gas & Safeguarding

Multiphase Separation Gas Separation Hydraulic Systems Services

• Production Separators • Demisting • Wellhead Control
(High & Low Pressure) • Scrubbers • Subsea Hydraulic
• Test Separator • Filters Power Units
• Degasser & Knock-Out • Hydraulic Power Units
Drum Heat Exchangers • IWOCS
• Water Oil Separator • Shell & Tube Heat (Intervention Workover
(WOSEP) Exchangers Control Systems)
• Compact Inline Separation • TUTU (Topside Umbilical
Air-Cooled Coolers
Termination Unit)
Electrostatic Coalescers Gas Sweetening (H2S & CO2) • Cargo Ballasting Systems Asset Life Cycle
• Dehydrator • Amines Management
• Desalter Safety Instrumented
• Thiopaq O&G
Systems Maintenance &
• Solid Bed Scavenger
Produced Water Treatment • High Integrity Protection Field Services
• Membrane
• Deoiling & Desanding Systems (HIPS)
• Molecular Sieve
Hydrocyclones Commissioning
Chemical Injection
• Gas Floatation Gas Dehydration
• Chemical & Methanol Spare Parts
• Media Filtration • Glycol (TEG)
Injection Systems
• Sand Cleaning • Molecular Sieve Operator Training
• Chemical Distribution
Separation Internals Dew Point Control Systems Engineering
• Low Temperature Studies
Heat Exchangers Separation (LTS) Valve Automation Center • Conceptual
• Solid Desiccant • Actuators and • FEED and Basic
Actuated Valve Packages
Hydrate Inhibition • Control Systems
• MEG/DEG Recovery
• Methanol Recovery Automation
• MEG/DEG Desalination • Buoy Control
• Tank Farm Control &
Light Hydrocarbon Recovery
• Condensate Stabilization
• Fractionation

Fuel Gas Treatment

Integrated Total Plant Solutions

Industrial CO2


Early Production Facilities

Wellsite Packages


Flow Control & Safeguarding
Eikenlaan 237 +31 172 461 600

2404 BP Alphen aan den Rijn [email protected]

The Netherlands

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