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Ruthe Catolico Ashley, a Vice President of the State Bar of California Board of Governors, is
the newly-appointed Diversity Officer, External Affairs, for CalPERS (California Public Employment
Retirement System) the largest public pension fund in the United States with assets of $235 billion.
CalPERS is the only state agency to create this position and this allows CalPERS’ to extend its core value
of diversity to its external partnerships.

Formerly, the Assistant Dean for Career and Professional Development at the University of the
Pacific, McGeorge School of Law, Ashley was appointed by State Bar President, Jim Heiting, as chair of
his major initiative, the Pipeline Task Force. A 1988 graduate of Pacific McGeorge, Ashley practiced law
for 14 years prior to returning to her alma mater. Her prior legal experience included trial work in both
large and small law firms. In 1998, she was a founding partner at the first Asian-American women-
owned law firm in the greater Sacramento area which specialized in healthcare law, civil rights,
employment, and business litigation. Ashley was a nurse for 15 years prior to becoming a lawyer. She
was a public health nurse and ended her nursing career as an Assistant Professor of Nursing.

As chair of the Diversity Pipeline Task Force, Ashley led a group of 70 prominent members of
the legal community including bar presidents, law firm partners, educators, deans, professors, corporate
counsel and the judiciary in a project that facilitates the formation of diversity pipeline programs. This
unique project put the State Bar of California in the lead in providing a resource of “Best Practices” that
was continuous, sustainable, had impact and could be replicated for any legal entity. Ashley led the
Board of Governors in the creation of a new Access and Fairness Council that will institutionalize the
work of the task force into the State Bar structure.

Ashley is featured in the American Bar Association’s book, “Dear Sisters, Dear Daughters”
which incorporated Words of Wisdom from Multicultural Women Attorneys Who’ve Been There and
Done That. She was also featured in “Perspectives”, a publication for and about Women Lawyers
released by the American Bar Association in an issue featuring multicultural women lawyers. She
authors a continuing legal column in the Journal of Cardiac Nursing. Most recently, Ms. Ashley was
featured as one of Ten Fascinating Women for the April 2005 issue of Filipinas Magazine.

Awards include the Heritage Award presented by the State Assembly (2005), “Filipina’s Who
Could be President (2004), Lifetime Achievement Award from Pace University School of Law (2004),
the Unity Award for her community service from the Unity Bar Association (2002), the Unsung Heroes
Award from Sacramento’s public television station KVIE and Union Bank for her volunteerism and
activism (2001), the “Trailblazer Award” (1998) at an annual lawyer convention for her leadership in a
unique and innovative organization in the Sacramento area called the Unity Bar Association. She is a past
president of the National Asian Pacific American Bar Association (NAPABA) which represents the
interests of 40,000 APA lawyers across the nation, a past president of Legal Services of Northern
California, a past chair of the Sacramento Asian Pacific Chamber of Commerce and a past president of
the Asian Bar Association of Sacramento. She was a Governor Appointee to the Developmentally
Disabled Area III Board. She continues to serve on other boards and commissions including the
University Enterprises, Incorporated, Council on Legal Education Opportunity (CLEO), and the
American Bar Association’s Bar Activities committee. She is also a dynamic and entertaining
professional speaker who presents seminars nationally to healthcare and legal professionals.

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