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Presented by:
Cabiltes, Tajeleen Learah
Garcia, Janrey
Gosingan, Kevin S.
1|A r ab C uisi ne
Presented by: Tajeleen, Janrey & Kevin
Arab Cuisine

Arab cuisine is the cuisine of the Arabs, defined as the various regional cuisines spanning the Arab world,
from the Maghreb to the Fertile Crescent and the Arabian Peninsula. The cuisines are often centuries old
and reflect the culture of great trading in spices, herbs, and foods. The three main regions, also known as
the Maghreb, the Fertile Crescent, and the Arabian Peninsula, have many similarities, but also many
unique traditions. These cuisines have been influenced by the climate, cultivating possibilities, as well as
trading possibilities.

Medieval Cuisine


The white bread barazidhaj was made with high-quality wheat flour, similar to raqaq bread but thicker,
the fermented dough was leavened usually with yeast and "baker's borax" (buraq) and baked in a tandoor.
Raqaq bread was made in two varieties, labiq (soft, thin flatbreads) and jarmazaj (dry, thin bread flavored
with tamarisk seeds).

Numerous recipes for sauces (sibagh) have survived from historic Arabic cookbooks. One prepared by
adding rue, caraway, thyme, asafetida and cassia to mustard sauce, and another made by mashing vinegar
soaked raisins with garlic, walnut, mustard, vinegar, and seasonings like asafetida and anise. From the
seventh Abbasid caliph Al-Ma'mun's recipe collection comes a sibagh made with whey, walnut, garlic,
olive oil and murri. There are similar recipes meant for poultry dishes prepared with seasonings like ginger,
pomegranate, spikenard and cloves.


Described as the "food of kings" and "supreme judge of all sweets", lauzinaj was an almond-based
confection that had entered medieval European cuisine by the 13th-century from Andalusian influence,
returning Crusaders and Latin translations of cookery books. There are two versions of the dish known
from medieval texts:
1. Lauzinaj mugharraq or "drenched lauzinaj", this dish is believed to be an earlier version of the Ottoman
dish baklava. It was made by filling thin pastry dough with a mixture of ground almond (and sometimes
other nuts like pistachio or walnut), rosewater, and sometimes luxury flavorings like mastic, ambergris, or

2. Lauzinaj yabis was made with ground almonds cooked in boiling honey or sugar until reaching a taffy
like consistency. The raw version, closer to marzipan in consistency, was made by blending the almonds
with sugar and flavoring with camphor, musk and rosewater. The finished confection was molded into
animal or other shapes, or cut into squares and triangles.


Vegetables included leeks, endive, melilot, fenugreek, onions, purslane, Jew's mallow and radish. Boiled
asparagus was served with olive oil and murri. The cooking water was sweetened with honey and
seasoned with cilantro, rue, anise and black pepper, and used as a beverage either by itself with honey or

2|A r ab C uisi ne
Presented by: Tajeleen, Janrey & Kevin
added to wine. Some vegetables were consumed raw, but the following were usually boiled: asparagus,
cauliflower, white soy beans, leeks, orach, a variety of mushroom known as ghushina, chard, cabbage,
carrot, turnip, fresh fennel and eggplant.

Some vegetable dishes were served cold. One example of such a dish is eggplant with fried onion, fresh
herbs and olive oil dressed with fermented sauces, vinegar and caraway. There were several cold eggplant
dishes that were similar some made with smoked eggplant, adding nuts like ground walnuts or almonds,
and sometimes different seasonings like saffron, cassia, galangal and so on.

Diet and Foods

The Arab cuisine uses specific and sometimes unique foods and spices. Some of those foods are:

 Meat: lamb and chicken are the most used, followed by beef and goat. Other poultry is used in
some regions, and fish is used in coastal areas including the Mediterranean Sea, Atlantic Ocean or
the Red sea. Pork is completely prohibited for Muslim Arabs, being both a cultural and
religious taboo (Haram) and prohibited under Islamic law; many Christian Arabs also do not eat
 Dairy products: dairy products are widely used, especially yogurt, buttermilk and white
cheese. Butter and cream are also used extensively.
 Herbs and spices: The amounts and types used generally varies from region to region. Herbs and
spices include: sesame, saffron, black
pepper, allspice, turmeric, garlic, cumin, cinnamon, parsley, coriander and sumac. Spice mixtures
include baharat, ras el hanout, za'atar, and harissa.
 Beverages: hot beverages are served more often than cold, coffee being at the top of the list in the
Middle-eastern countries and tea at top of the Maghreb countries. In Jordan, Palestine, Egypt, some
parts of Syria, Morocco, and Algeria, tea is much more prevalent as a beverage. Other Arabic drinks
include Andalucian horchata and Maghrebi avocado smoothie.
 Grains: rice is the staple and is used for most dishes; wheat is the main source
for bread. Bulgur and semolina are also used extensively. According to historic recipes known
from Arabic cookbooks, grains were primarily used to made porridge and pasta type dishes in Arab
cuisine until the 12th century. Two types of pasta were known:itriya, a short dry noodle of Greek
origin similar to orzo, and rishta, a hand cut fresh noodle of Persian origin. By the 13th century,
the Turkic style tutmaj and salma noodles had entered the cuisine
 Legumes: lentils are widely used in all colours, as well as fava beans, peanuts, chickpeas (garbanzo
beans), scarlet runner beans, green peas, lupini beans, white beans, and brown beans.
 Vegetables: Arab cuisine favors vegetables such as
carrots, eggplant (aubergine), zucchini (courgette), artichokes, okra, onions, and olives. Potatoes are
also eaten as vegetables in Arab culture.
 Fruits: Arab cuisine favors fruits such as pomegranate, dates, figs, oranges, citruses,
watermelons, cantaloupe, honeydew melon, grapes, peaches, and nectarines.
 Nuts: almonds, pine nuts, pistachios, and walnuts are often included in dishes or eaten as snacks.
 Greens: parsley, coriander and mint are popular as seasonings in many dishes,
while spinach and mulukhiyah (leaves from the plant of the Corchorus genus) are used in cooked

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Presented by: Tajeleen, Janrey & Kevin
 Dressings and sauces: The most popular dressings include various combinations of olive oil, lemon
juice, parsley, or garlic, as well as tahini (sesame paste). Labaneh (strained yogurt) is often seasoned
with mint, onion, or garlic, and served as a sauce with various dishes.


1. Khaleej
 Coffee ceremony: In the Khaleej al-Arab region, a visitor is greeted by a great table of dried fruits,
fresh fruits, nuts and cakes with syrup. Dried fruits include figs, dates, apricots and plums. Fresh
fruits include citruses, melons and pomegranate. Arabic Coffee is served the most, but Arabic tea
is also a great refresher. Spices are often added in the coffee or other drinks.
 Dinner guests: In the Khaleej al-Arab region, a visitor might expect a dinner consisting of a very
large platter, shared commonly, with a vast amount of spiced rice, incorporating cooked spicy
lamb or chicken, or both, as separate dishes, with various stewed vegetables, heavily spiced,
sometimes with a tomato-based sauce. Different types of bread are served with different
toppings specific to the region. Tea would certainly accompany the meal, as it is almost constantly
consumed. Coffee would be included in the same manner.
2. Maghreb
 Tea/coffee ceremony: In the Maghreb region, a visitor might expect a table full of bread-like
snacks, including Msemen, Baghrir and other stuffed breads. These are served with
honey, rosewater or olive oil. There are also many different cookies and cakes included
accompanied by plates with different kinds of nuts. Arabic coffee and Mint tea is often served
with it in a traditional Maghrebian teapot.
 Dinner guests: In the Maghreb region, a visitor might expect a table with different kinds of stews,
also called Marqas or Tajines. Dishes such as couscous or other semolina based dishes are much
appreciated as well. These main dishes are accompanied by smaller mezze-like plates with salads,
sauces and dips. Breads such as Msemen and Khobz are used to eat the stews.
3. Levantine
 Coffee/ tea ceremony: In an average Arab Levantine household, a visitor might expect a table full
of Mezzes, breads topped with spices including Za'atar and nuts. In the Levant, Arabic coffee is a
much loved beverage, but Arabic tea is also much loved in Jordan and Palestine.
 Dinner guests: In the Levant, a visitor might expect a table with different kinds of mezzes, nuts,
dips and oils. Mezzes include Hummus, Baba ghanoush, Falafel, Kibbeh, Kafta, smoked vegetables
and Tabouli salads. The nuts can differ from almonds to walnuts, with different spice coatings.
The dips and oils include hummus and olive oil.
Regional Differences
There are many regional differences in the Arab cuisine. For instance, mujadara in Syria and Lebanon is
different from mujadara in Jordan and Palestine. Some dishes, such as mansaf (the national dish of
Jordan), are native to certain countries and rarely, if ever, make an appearance in other countries. Unlike
most Western recipes, cinnamon is used in meat dishes, as well as in sweets such as baklava. Dishes
including Tajine and Couscous can differ from Morocco to Libya, each having their own unique
preparation. Other dishes, such as the Arabo-Andalucian Bastilla or Albondigas have different traditional
spice mixes and fillings.
4|A r ab C uisi ne
Presented by: Tajeleen, Janrey & Kevin
Structure of Meals

There are two basic structures for meals in the Arab World, one regular schedule during most of the year
and a second one that is unique to the month of Ramadan in which observant Muslims fast during the

1. Breakfast

Cafés often serve croissants for breakfast. Breakfast is often a quick meal, consisting of bread and dairy
products, with tea and sometimes jam. The most common breakfast items are labneh and cream (kishta,
made of cow's milk).

2. Lunch

A selection of Jordanian mezze, appetizers or small dishes, in Petra, Jordan. Lunch is considered the main
meal of the day, and is traditionally eaten between 1:30pm and 2:30pm. It is the meal for which the family
comes together. Rarely do meals have different courses; however, salads and mezze are served as side
dishes to the main meal. The platter usually consists of a portion of meat, poultry or fish, a portion of rice,
lentils, bread and a portion of cooked vegetables, in addition to the fresh ones with the mezze and salad.
The vegetables and meat are usually cooked together in a sauce (often tomato, although others are also
popular) to make maraqa, which is served with rice. Most households add bread. Drinks are not
necessarily served with the food; however, there is a very wide variety of drinks such as shineena (or
laban), karakaden, Naqe'e Al Zabib, Irq Soos, Tamr Hindi, and fruit juice, as well as other traditional Arabic
drinks. During the 20th century, carbonated soda and fruit-based drinks have also become very popular.

3. Dinner

Dinner is traditionally the lightest meal, although in modern times, dinner has become more important
with regards to entertaining guests due to the hours of the workday.

4. Ramadan

 Iftar (also called Futuur), or fast-breaking, is the meal taken at dusk when the fast is over. The
meal consists of three courses: first, diners eat a date due to Islamic tradition. This is followed by
a soup or anything they would like, the most popular being lentil soup, but a wide variety of soups
such as chicken, oats, freeka (a soup made from whole wheat and chicken broth), potato, maash,
and others are also offered. The third course is the main dish, usually eaten after an interval, when
Maghreb prayer is conducted. The main dish is mostly similar to what is served in lunch year-
round, except that cold drinks are served.
 Suhur is the meal eaten just before dawn, when fasting must begin. It is eaten to help the person
make it through the day with enough energy until dusk.
 In addition to the two meals eaten during Ramadan (one for dinner and one for Suhur before
dawn), sweets are consumed much more than usual during the month of Ramadan; sweets and
fresh fruits are served between these two meals. Although most sweets are made all year round
such as Kanafeh, baklava, and Basbousa, some are made especially for Ramadan, such as Qatayef.

5|A r ab C uisi ne
Presented by: Tajeleen, Janrey & Kevin
Regional Arab Cuisines

1. The cuisine of Eastern Arabia today is the result of a combination of diverse cuisines,
incorporating Levantine and Yemeni cuisines. Bukhari rice (Ruz al Bukhari) is a dish eaten in the
Hejaz, Saudi Arabia. It is a rice with spicy tomato sauce, flavoured chicken and a fresh salad. It is
a very popular dish in the Hejaz district of Saudi-Arabia. Kabsa or makbūs is a traditional mixed
rice dish in many Arab states of the Persian Gulf that originates from Saudi Arabia.
2. The cuisine of Yemen is distinct from other Arab cuisines. Like most other Arab cuisines, chicken,
goat, and lamb are eaten more often than beef. Fish is eaten mostly in coastal areas. However,
unlike most Arab countries, cheese, butter, and other dairy products are less common, especially
in the cities and other urban areas
3. Levantine cuisine is the traditional cuisine of the Fertile Crescent. Although now divided into
Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq, Egypt, and Palestine, the region has historically been more united,
and shares most of the same culinary traditions. Although almost identical, there is some regional
variation within the Levantine area.
4. The Bedouins of the Arabian Peninsula, Middle-East and North-Africa relied on a diet of dates,
dried fruit, nuts, wheat, barley, rice, and meat. The meat comes from large animals such as cows,
sheep, and lambs. They also eat dairy products: milk, cheese, yoghurt, and buttermilk (Labneh).
5. In Palestine and Jordan, the population has a cooking style of their own, involved in roasting
various meats, baking flat breads, and cooking thick yogurt-like pastes from goat's milk. Musakhan
is a common main dish, famous in northern Jordan, the city of Jerusalem, and northern West
Bank. The main component is taboon bread, which is topped with pieces of cooked sweet onions,
sumac, saffron, and allspice. For large dinners, it can be topped by one or two roasted chickens
on a single large taboon bread.
6. Iraqi cuisine mainly consists of meat, rather than appetizers. In Iraqi cuisine, the most common
meats are chicken and lamb. The national dish of Iraq is the Masgouf fish, usually enjoyed with
grilled tomatoes and onions. Iraqi cuisine uses more spices than most Arab cuisines.
7. Egyptian cuisine is rich in vegetarian dishes; three national dishes of Egypt; ful medames,
ta'miya (also known in other countries as falafel), and kushari, are generally vegetarian. Fruits are
also greatly appreciated in Egypt: mangos, grapes, bananas, apples, sycamore, guavas, and
peaches are very popular, especially because they are all domestically produced and are available
at relatively low prices.
8. The Sudanese cuisine has a rich variety in ingredients and creativity. Simple everyday vegetables
are used to create stews and omelettes that are healthy yet nutritious, and full of energy and flair.
These stews are called mullah. One could have a zucchini mullah, spinach "Riglah" mullah, etc.
9. Maghreb cuisine is the cooking of the Maghreb region, the northwestern most part of Arab
world along the Mediterranean Sea, consisting of the countries of Algeria, Libya, Morocco, and
10. Tunisian cuisine is the style of cooking used by the Tunisian people and is part of the Maghreb
and Mediterranean cuisine. Assa on mush, spices, olive oil, chili red pepper, kodaid, wheat flour,
lamb, garlic, fish and many other vegetables and spices.

6|A r ab C uisi ne
Presented by: Tajeleen, Janrey & Kevin
11. Algerian cuisine is characterized by a wealth derived from land and sea production, a
Mediterranean-Maghreb cuisine. It offers a variety of dishes depending on the region and season,
which gives a very varied kitchen plate.
12. Moroccan cuisine has long been considered one of the most diverse in the world. This is
because Morocco has interacted extensively with the outside world for centuries. Over the
centuries, chefs in Moroccan cuisine in Fes, Meknes, Marrakech, Rabat and Tetouan have been
the basis for what is known as Moroccan cuisine today. Moroccan cuisine also ranked first in the
Arab world and Africa, and second in the world in 2012 after France.


7|A r ab C uisi ne
Presented by: Tajeleen, Janrey & Kevin

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