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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
National Capital Region
Manila Education Center Arroceros Forest Park
Antonio J. Villegas St. Ermita, Manila

Disciplines and Ideas

in the Social Sciences
Perceived Human Personality and
Rationality towards Solidarity

Quarter 1- Week 7
Module 7
Most Essential Learning Competency:
Analyze the basic concepts and principles of the major
Social Science ideas: Psychoanalysis, Rational Choice,
Institutionalism, Feminist Theory, Hermeneutical
Phenomenology, Human-Environment Systems

Before starting the module, I want you to set aside other tasks that will disturb
you while enjoying the lessons. Read the simple instructions below to successfully
enjoy the objectives of this kit. Have fun!

1. Follow carefully all the contents and instructions indicated in every page of
this module.
2. Write on your notebook the concepts about the lessons. Writing enhances
learning that is important to develop and keep in mind.
3. Perform all the provided activities in the module.
4. Let your facilitator/guardian assess your answers using the answer key card.
5. Analyze conceptually the posttest and apply what you have learned.
6. Enjoy studying!


• Expectations - These are what you will be able to know after completing the
lessons in the module.
• Pre-test - This will measure your prior knowledge and the concepts to be
mastered throughout the lesson.
• Looking Back to your Lesson - This section will measure what learnings
and skills did you understand from the previous lesson.
• Brief Introduction - This section will give you an overview of the lesson.
• Discussion - This section provides a short discussion of the lesson. This
aims to help you discover and understand new concepts and skills.
• Activities - This is a set of activities you will perform with a partner.
• Remember - This section summarizes the concepts and applications of the
• Check your understanding - It will verify how you learned from the lesson.
• Post-test - This will measure how much you have learned from the entire

You will analyze the basic concepts and principles of Psychoanalysis.
Specifically, this module will help you to:
• understand the concepts and principles of Psychoanalysis;
• analyze the psychodynamics of the person’s personality in terms of Id, Ego,
and Superego; and
• Interpret personal and social experiences relating to defense mechanism
Let us start your journey in learning more on
Psychoanalysis. I am sure you are ready and excited to
answer the Pretest. Smile and cheer up!

Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer and write it on a separate sheet of
1. The basic tenets of psychoanalysis include the following EXCEPT:
a. Therapeutic techniques and a set of psychological theories.
b. Man thinks rationally in making choices and decisions in life.
c. The human behavior is largely determined by irrational drives.
d. Attempts to bring drives into awareness lead to defense mechanisms.
2. Which of the following is NOT a part of the personality structure theorized by
Sigmund Freud?
a. Defense mechanism b. Ego c. Id d. Superego
3. Which of the following describes the level of a conscious mind?
a. Opposes the desires of the id by enforcing moral restrictions
b. Stores memories, motives and emotions that are very threatening
c. Is visible in the surface whereas the mind lurks mysteriously beneath.
d. Contains memories that are not conscious but can easily be brought to
4. Ms. Reyes saw her two students, Adam and Julius, talking to each other while
taking the test. She told them to stop talking or they will not be allowed to take
the test. She also asked them for the reason of such action. They justified their
action by explaining that Julius was just borrowing a pen from Adam at that
time. The students’ action is an example of ____________.
a. Defense mechanism b. Ego c. Id d. Superego
5. Rico is very thirsty. He wants to drink a glass of cold water, but he doesn't have
any amount of money in his pocket to buy a bottle of drink. He went to the
nearest convenient store and got a bottle of drink without paying it. Rico’s
action is a product of what personality structure?
a. Defense mechanism b. Ego c. Id d. Superego

Great, you finished answering the questions. You may request your
facilitator to check your work. Congratulations and keep on learning!

Data Retrieval Chart

In the previous lesson, you studied about the application and importance of
the major Social Science theories. To test your knowledge of the lesson, you must
provide the needed information on the table below.

Directions: Write at least one application and importance of each major Social
Science theory on the table below. Use separate sheet of paper for this activity.

Major Social Science Theories Application Importance



Symbolic Interactionism

The changes of one’s personality are largely affected by the events of early
childhood; and the manner that people behave is influenced by their unconscious
drives. According to Sigmund Freud, a person uses different defense mechanism to
defend himself/herself from the facts restrained in the unconscious mind. For
instance, psychological and emotional problems like anxiety and depression are
mostly the cause of battle between the conscious and unconscious mind. In
Psychoanalysis, a psychologist can use different psychoanalytic strategies that may
help carry positive prospect of the unconscious mind into consciousness. These are
some of the concepts relating to the idea of psychoanalysis. As you go on with the
lesson, you will understand more about Psychoanalysis.

This module will help you understand the basic concepts and principles of
psychoanalysis. Analyze the psychodynamics of the person’s personality in terms of
Id, Ego, and Superego and try to interpret personal and social experiences relating
to defense mechanism techniques.

The Basic Concepts and
1 Principles of Psychoanalysis
The idea of Psychoanalysis is the notion that people have “unconscious
mind” which includes things that are extrinsic or outside of our awareness. These
may include early childhood memories, hidden drives and secret desires. This holds
things that may be socially unacceptable or unpleasant, because these might cause
conflict or suffering. These things are buried in our unconscious mind. They could
be outside of our awareness and might keep influencing our thoughts and actions.
Another idea is the “conscious mind” which includes everything that are intrinsic
or inside of our awareness that can easily bring into consciousness.


Psychoanalysis is characterized as therapeutic

techniques and set of psychological theories initiated by
Sigmund Freud (1856-1939). He developed the methods
of treatment and general theory of personality. The main
cognitive idea of psychoanalysis is that people have
unconscious mind, memories, feelings, and desires. This
introduced a perspective on psychological illness, which
convey that talking with psychologist about certain
Figure 1: Sigmund Freud
problem could relieve a person from suffering mental https:

distress. commons/d/d5/Sigmund_Freud

According to Freud, (1949) psychoanalysis method has important

corresponding steps to follow. First, a psychoanalyst collects substantial things
which are a product of patients' free associations, results of transference, dream
interpretation, and the patients' slips and parapraxes. Second, a psychoanalyst
starts to give hypotheses about what occurred to the patients in the past and what
is the present occurrence on their day-to-day life. It is also important that the
psychoanalyst gives conclusions which are supported upon their observations once
the patients have arrived with similar conclusions on their own. It is because when
a psychoanalyst discloses their conclusions to patients as early as it was, the
patients may resist and repression happens. When the patients accepted the
conclusions, they recovered (Freud, 1949, p. 57).


Freud conceptualized three

personality structures: the id, ego, and
superego. The id includes entirely of the
unconscious, underlying and primal
urges present from birth which operates
based on instinct and pleasure directed.
While ego, is the portion of the
personality that deals with the demands
of reality. It aids control and balance on
the urges of the id and makes us act in
Figure 2: id ego superego
ways that are both acceptable and
realistic, instead of satisfying our desires.
Furthermore, the Superego includes our values and ideals. The values that our
parents taught us and the ideals that our society instilled in us are the guiding
force of the superego and its effort to make us behave with accordance to our


A defense mechanism is a technique that the ego uses to defend itself from
anxiety. These defensive way acts as a protection when something seems too
overpowering or even improper. Defense mechanisms help keep the information
from entering consciousness in order to lessen distress.

Types of Defense Mechanism

• Rationalization - justification of an unacceptable behavior

• Intellectualization - reasoning to block emotional distress
• Reaction formation - changing unwanted emotions or feelings
• Acting Out – carrying out an extreme behavior
• Projection – transferring the drive or behavior that causes anxiety to others
• Dissociation – separating out of the memories one can’t deal with or doesn’t
• Compartmentalization – separating part of oneself from awareness of other
• Displacement – transferring of negative emotion from one person or thing
• Regression – seeking the safety of an earlier development stage
• Sublimation – diverting intolerable impulse to socially desirable one
• Compensation – balancing apparent weakness by accentuating strength
• Repression – unconscious forgetting of unwanted thought or trauma
• Suppression – conscious type of forgetting to escape from the problem
• Splitting – seeing everything as bad with nothing in between
• Using Humor – directing on funny aspects of a painful situation

Activity 1.1. Concept Map
Objective: Understand the concepts and principles of psychoanalysis.
1. Complete the concept map by writing inside the small circles some ideas
or concepts about Psychoanalysis.
2. Answer the questions that follow.
3. Use a separate sheet of paper for this activity.


Guide Questions
1. What are the concepts and principles of psychoanalysis?
2. How do people make decisions based on personality structures id,
ego, and superego?
3. Do you believe that a person uses defense mechanism to defend
himself/herself from anxiety? Why or Why not?

Activity 1.2. Situational Analysis

Objective: Analyze the psychodynamics of the person’s personality in terms of Id,
Ego, and Superego.
1. Analyze each situation and answer the questions that follow.
2. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

Situation 1
While walking towards the school canteen, you saw a student bullying another
student. He took the eyeglasses of another student and run away. The bullied
student left crying in the corner. What will you do? Why?
Situation 2
Your teacher gave the scope of topics included in the second quarterly
examination to the students ahead of time but you forgot to study the lessons the
night before the exam. You are not prepared to take the test and you cannot afford
to fail because you have already failed in the first quarter. Your seatmate offered
you to copy some of his/her answers for the test. What will you do? Why?
Situation 3:
You are a new student in the campus. You like to be friends with some
popular students in your class. You approached one of them and introduced
yourself. The leader of the group told you that you have to prove to them first that
you truly belong to their company. Then, he gave an initiation task for you to do.
You need to hang out with them in the bar every night and drink hard liquor. What
will you do if you were in this situation? Why?

Activity 1.3. Comic Strip

Objective: Interpret personal and social experiences relating to defense mechanism
1. Create a comic strip about your personal and social experiences related to
defense mechanism technique.
2. Use a short bond paper and available coloring materials for this activity. Be
guided by the rubrics below.
Criteria Highest Possible Points
Creativity (artistry) 20 pts.
Content (relevance to the topic)) 15 pts.
Originality (uniqueness, own work) 15 pts.
Timeliness (submitted on time) 10 pts.
Total 60


Heal As One Dedication Card!
Due to COVID-19 pandemic, the government mandated home quarantine
protocols and social distancing to prevent the spread of virus. Because of these,
some people suffer from mental health problems like anxiety and depression. Your
task is to create a dedication card for them and spread love and happiness in spite
of all the crises that we are facing.
1. Make one dedication card for the frontliners.
2. Be creative and use available colored papers and coloring materials.
3. Send your dedication card to a frontliner that you know or take a picture of
your output and post it on social media to create social awareness. Be
guided by the rubrics below.

Criteria Highest Possible Points
Creativity (artistry) 30 pts.
Organization (presentation of thoughts) 20 pts.
Grammar (correct grammar and spelling) 20 pts.
Originality (uniqueness, own work) 20 pts.
Timeliness (submitted on time) 10 pts.
Total 100

• Psychoanalysis is characterized as therapeutic techniques and set of
psychological theories. This approach conveys that talking with a
psychoanalyst or psychologist about certain problem could help relieve a
person from suffering mental distress.
• Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) developed the method of treatment and general
theory of personality.
• The unconscious mind comprises things that are extrinsic or outside of our
awareness. These may include early childhood memories, hidden drives and
secret desires.
• The conscious mind is everything that is intrinsic or inside of our awareness.
This includes the things that we are aware of or can easily bring into
• The three personality structures are the id, ego and superego.
• The “id” includes entirely of the unconscious, underlying and primal urges
present from birth which operates based on instinct and pleasure directed.
• The “ego” is the portion of the personality that deals with the demands of
reality. It aids control and balance on the urges of the id and makes us act
in ways that are both acceptable and realistic.
• The “superego” includes the values that our parents taught us and the ideals
that our society instills in us. These serve as the guiding force of the
superego and its effort to make us behave in accordance to our morals.
• The defense mechanism is a technique that the ego uses to defend itself from
anxiety. This defensive act is a protection to help lessen distress.

Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer and write it on a separate sheet of
1. Which of the following describes the component of the “id” personality
a. Includes primal urges and operates based on instinct.
b. A technique that the ego uses to defend itself from distress.
c. Opposes the desires of the id by enforcing moral restrictions.
d. Operates based on reality, control, and balances the urges of id.
2. Which of the following describes the component of the “ego” personality
a. Includes primal urges and operates based on instinct.
b. Is a technique that the ego uses to defend itself from distress
c. Opposes the desires of the id by enforcing moral restrictions.
d. Operates based on reality, control and balances the urges of id.
3. Which of the following describes the component of the “superego” personality
a. Opposes the desires of the id by enforcing moral restrictions.
b. Stores memories, motives and emotions that are very threatening.
c. Is visible in the surface, whereas the mind lurks mysteriously beneath.
d. Contains memories that are not conscious but can easily be bring to
4. Upon his arrival from school, Jimmy went directly to their kitchen looking for
food to eat. While eating, he was thinking of playing mobile legend when done
eating. A moment later, he remembered that Mr. Santos gave an assignment on
that day. So, he did the assignment first before playing mobile legend. What
personality structure operates when Jimmy decided to do his assignment
before playing mobile games?
a. Defense mechanism c. Id
b. Ego d. Superego
5. Kayla goes to the school canteen to buy student meal. She counts right away
the change that the cashier gave to her and notices that there are excess
amount in her change. So, she tells the cashier about it and gives back the
excess amount of money. Kayla shows what personality structure?
a. Defense mechanism c. Id
b. Ego d. Superego

The Basic Concepts and
2 Principles of Rational Choice

You will analyze the basic concepts and principles of Rational Choice.
Specifically, this module will help you to
• understand the concepts and principles of Rational Choice;
• predict the social consequences of making decision and action; and
• interpret personal and social experiences relating to rational choice.

Let us start your journey in learning more on Rational Choice. I

am sure you are ready and excited to answer the Pretest.
Smile and cheer up!

Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer and write it on a separate sheet of
1. Which of the following describes rational choice theory?
a. Sees society as a competition for limited resources.
b. Society has interdependent and interconnected parts.
c. Therapeutic techniques and set of psychological theories.
d. Individual action is based on their conduct on logical process.
2. Which of the following tells about how a person acts and makes choices?
a. A person acts based on set of psychological processes.
b. The purpose of any human action contributes to social instability.
c. People act as they think on their action has much profit than costs.
d. The purpose of human action is always for resources such as food,
clothing, and shelter.
3. Which of the following states criticism about rational choice theory?
a. Founded on man’s goals and decisions determined their conduct.
b. Cannot justify why several people follow social norms of conduct.
c. Can be used to know why a person behaves or acts the way he does.
d. Affirmed that behavior and social life of a person can be explained.
4. Which of the following described decision making based on scarcity?
a. Includes primal urges and operates based on instinct.
b. A technique that a person uses to defend itself from distress.
c. Corresponds to the profits a person can have on best alternative.
d. Opposes the desires of the person by enforcing moral restrictions.
5. Which of the following situations show rational choice?
a. Buy LV bag even if it’s expensive since it’s popularly use by
b. Choose branded products over local products with the same quality.
c. Take engineering in college even you are not good in Math and
d. Take nursing in college and earn money before pursuing medical
doctor course.


Great, you finished answering the questions. You may request your
facilitator to check your work. Congratulations and keep on learning!

Word Puzzle Hunt

In the previous lesson, you have learned about the basic concepts and
principles of psychoanalysis. Before we start our new lesson, let’s have a puzzle
Directions: Read each item and look for the word each item describes in the
puzzle. Write the correct word for each item on a 1/4 sheet of paper.

1. Includes entirely of the unconscious and underlying primal urges present

from birth and it operates based on instinct.
2. The portion of the personality that deals with the demands of reality. It aids
control and balances on the urges of the id and makes us act in ways that
are both acceptable and realistic.
3. Includes our values and ideals to make us behave in accordance to our
4. A professional, who studies about human behavior, conducts scientific
studies, observes and interviews individuals who suffer from psychological
problems or illness.
5. Therapeutic techniques and set of psychological theories initiated by
Sigmund Freud.

Have you ever thought of how a person makes important decisions in life?
What are the things that a person considers before making any decision in his/her
life? Rational choice theory will help you understand why a person takes certain
actions that way. The rational choice theory believes that the behavior and social
life of a person as a whole can be formulated through the person’s rational choices.

As you go on with the lesson, you will understand the basic concepts and
principles of rational choice theory. This will also guide you to predict social
consequences of decision, and to help you interpret personal and social experiences
using rational choice.

The Rational Choice Theory or RCT emerged during behavioral revolution in
American Political Science between 1950s and 1960s (Ward 2002). Positivists
greatly influenced this theory specifically August Comte (1798-1857) on his works
in the 19th century and the Vienna Circle of logical positivism in 1920s.
Behaviorists follow the perspectives of positivism close to the natural explanation of
empirical theory in which behaviorists consider the following: (1) observable
behavior should be the concentration of analysis; and (2) any explanation of that
behavior should be susceptible to empirical testing (Sanders, 2002).

Rational Choice affirmed that the behavior and social life of a person as a
whole can be explained through a person’s rational choices. This approach can be
used to know why a person behaves or acts the way s/he does. The rational choice
fundamental assumption is that an individual action is based on their conduct on
logical process. They take action with reason when making choices. Their choices
are intended for their pleasure or gain.

In Rational Choice, social norms and moral considerations are not part of
the notion of the human actions. The human person nature is egocentric and
primarily concerns to self-interest. Consciences or moral views are not part of
conceptual attention. Anyhow, such thoughts would simply be understood as
integrated into person’s inclinations, and not part of a multi-value communally
shared complex. As a whole, matter of morality and ethical conduct have to be
elevated and examined outside rational choice. However, human are moral beings;
Moral thoughts come into a person’s decision and courses of action. A person’s
relations stimulate concepts of objectivity, righteousness and the human purpose
as foundations of moral obligation. An example of this is the adherence of a church
group to other’s expectation of helping the poor and the homeless.

Rational choice theory is the perspective that people act as they do, since
they think that acting on their chosen human activity has much profit than costs.
That is, a person does rational choices founded on their goals, and those decisions
determine their conduct. Several sociologists use rational choice theory to justify
social change. For them, social change happen because man have made rational
choices. In Economics, opportunity cost corresponds the profits of an individual
when choosing one’s best alternative over another. Same thing can be applied when
making “decisions based on scarcity” of resources. The fact that many people
wanted those things, made those things insufficient and they settled on the
alternatives with the same or more value. In this situation, rational choice applied
after an individual weighs the cost and benefits of those choices.

On the other hand, Rational Choice Theory has been criticized for its
enormously impractical conventions about human action. The following are some of
the critiques of RCT: (1) The element that social norms, linkages, institutions, and
the processes of socialization influence how an individual makes choices and acts;
(2) A person’s behavior is influenced in many aspects, situations or problems
surrounding him/her. Also, the moral significances and discourses related with
their characters and relations; (3) People follow norms of reciprocity, righteousness,
and selflessness which explicitly developed their behavior; and (4) People are
controlled by their culture, institutions, and roles so as to behave, think, and act
the way he/she does.

Activity 1.1. Symbolism
Objective: Understanding of the concepts and principles of rational choice
1. Think of something that may symbolize or show rational choice.
2. Draw the symbol on a short bond paper and use available coloring materials.
3. Write a short explanation about the symbol that you draw.
Criteria Highest Possible Points
Creativity (Artistry) 10 pts.
Originality (uniqueness, own work) 7 pts.
Organization (presentation of thoughts) 5 pts.
Grammar (correct grammar and spelling) 5 pts.
Timeliness (submitted on time) 3 pts.
Total 30 pts.

Activity 1.2. Think and Decide
Objective: Predict the social consequences of making decision.
1. Put yourself in the given situations and think of your decisions based on the
given options and its consequences.
2. Use a separate sheet of paper for your answer.

Situations and Options Decision Consequences

1. You recently graduated in the Senior
High school. Now, you are thinking
what course you are going to take in
college. You have the following choices.
What will you choose? Why?
A. Take Education because you like
children and your mother is also a
B. Take Medicine because you dream of
becoming a doctor but your parents
cannot afford the finances.
2. You already graduated in BS Nursing
and got your licensed. You are now
ready to work. You have these options.
What will you choose? Why?
A. Work at a public hospital in the
country to serve my fellowmen
B. Work abroad for better salary
3. You earned an exact amount of money
to buy your sister a cellphone for her
birthday. You have the two options
below. What will you choose? Why?
A. Buy a brand-new Android phone.
B. Buy second-hand iPhone.

Activity 1.3. Just Essay

Objective: Interpret personal and social experiences relating to rational choice.
1. Recall one important decision you have made in your life.
2. Write a short essay about it.
3. Use a separate sheet of paper for this activity.

Criteria Highest Possible Points

Content (ideas, facts, information) 10 pts.
Organization (presentation of thoughts) 7 pts.
Grammar (correct grammar and spelling) 5 pts.
Originality (not copy paste) 5 pts.
Timeliness (submitted on time) 3 pts.
Total 30


Mind Mapping
In our lesson, you have learned about the basic concepts and principles of
“Rational Choice Theory.” Show your creativity and critical thinking skills by
creating a mind map about your understanding of the lesson.

1. Create a mind map about the concepts and principles of rational choice.
2. Use your creativity and critical thinking skills.
3. Use a short bond paper and available coloring materials.


Criteria Highest Possible Points

Creativity (Artistry) 10 pts.
Originality (uniqueness, own work) 7 pts.
Organization (presentation of thoughts) 5 pts.
Grammar (correct grammar and spelling) 5 pts.
Timeliness (submitted on time) 3 pts.
Total 30 pts.

• Rational Choice Theory emerged during behavioral revolution in American
political science between 1950s and 1960s (Ward 2002). Positivists greatly
influenced this theory, specifically August Comte (1798-1857), in his works
in the 19th century and the Vienna Circle of logical positivism in in 1920s.
• Rational choice fundamental assumes that an individual action is based on
their conduct on logical process. They take action with reason when making
choices. Their choices are inclined to their pleasure or gain.
• This approach can be used to know why a person behaves or acts the way he
does. People act as they do since they think that acting on their chosen
human activity has much profit than costs. That is, a person does rational
choices founded on their goals, and the decision making determine their

Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer and write it on a separate sheet of
1. All of the following constitute the meaning of rational choice EXCEPT one:
a. Take action with reason when making choices.
b. Therapeutic techniques and set of psychological theories.
c. Used to know why a person behaves or acts the way he/she does.
d. People act as they think on their action has much profit than costs.
2. Which of the following tells about the rational choice of making action?
a. Take choices based on the consensus of people around.
b. Therapeutic techniques and set of psychological theories.
c. Used to know why a person behaves or acts the way he/she does.
d. People act as they think on their action has much profit than costs.
3. Which is NOT a criticism of rational choice theory?
a. Do not convey the conducts that are unselfish or selfless.
b. Can’t explain and take appropriate account of the existence of bigger
social structures.
c. Affirmed that the behavior and social life of a person can be explained
through a person’s rational choices.
d. Cannot justify why several people follow social norms of conduct that
lead them to do things unselfishly.
4. Which of the following predicts the social consequences of decision making
based on scarcity?
a. Includes primal urges and operates based on instinct.
b. A technique that a person uses to defend itself from distress.
c. Corresponds to the profits a person can have on best alternative.
d. Opposes the desires of the person by enforcing moral restrictions.
5. Which of the following situations show rational choice?
a. Buy iPhone rather than Android phone with the same value.
b. Patronize Pinoy rice with much more quality over commercial rice
c. Watch pirated movie at home rather than watching it on theater.
d. Choose branded products over local products with the same quality.



Dela Cruz, Arleigh Ross et. al. (2016). Disciplines and Ideas in the Social Sciences.
Quezon, City: Phoenix Publishing House, Inc.

Tatel Jr., Carlos Peña (2016). Disciplines and Ideas in the Social Sciences.
Sampaloc, Manila: Rex Book Store, Inc.

Online Sources

Beystehner, Kristen M. (1998). Psychoanalysis: Freud's Revolutionary Approach to

Human Personality. Northwestern University. Retrieved May 27, 2020 from
http:/ /

Cherry, Kendra (2019). Sigmund Freud Terms and Concepts. Retrieved May
27,2020 from

Crossman, Ashley (2020). Rational Choice Theory. Retrieved May 27, 2020 from

Grimsley, Shawn (2015). Rational Choice Theory: Definition & Principles. Retrieved
May 27, 2020 from

Quisil, Jamaica R. Psychoanalysis (2013). Theory. Retrieved May 27, 2020 from

Verywell Mind (2020). About, Inc. (Dotdash) Retrieved May 27, 2020 from https://


Writer: Ma.Teresa B. Berondo - MT II

Editor: Amalia C. Solis - EPS
Reviewers: Alvin V. Santos - MT II (Concept)
Irish Mellie U. Nomorosa - Teacher III (Language)
Management Team: Maria Magdalena M. Lim-Schools Division
Superintendent-Manila, Aida H. Rondilla-Chief Education Supervisor
Lucky S. Carpio-EPS and Lady Hannah C. Gillo, Librarian II-LRMS

Name _______________________________________ Grade and Section ______________
School: ______________________ Date: __________ Subj. Teacher: _______________

Quarter: 1st Module No.: 7 Week No.: 7

MELC: Analyze the basic concepts and principles of social science ideas

1. Appreciate the value of Psychoanalysis as a treatment used for mental
2. Create a journal entry applying the basic concepts and principles of
Psychoanalysis in preventing mental health problems/illness during
COVID-19 Pandemic.

Topic: Psychoanalysis

Journal Entry

Directions: Write a journal entry on how we can take care good care of our mental
health during this current situation that we are facing due to the pandemic,
COVID-19, to prevent mental illness like anxiety and depression. Write your journal
entry on a separate sheet of paper. You may read news articles or surf the internet
about having a good mental health despite of COVID-19 Pandemic.

Criteria for the written output:

Content (in-depth and comprehensive) - 15 points
Organization (presentation of thought) - 10 points
Conventions (grammar, spelling) - 5 points
Total: 30 points


Name ________________________________________ Grade and Section _______________

School: ______________________ Date: ___________ Subj. Teacher: ________________

Quarter: 1st Module No.: 7 Week No.: 7

MELC: Analyze the basic concepts and principles of social science ideas
1. Appreciate the value of rational choice as one of the social science idea
2. Create a journal entry applying the basic concepts and principles of
rational choice in in predicting the social consequences of decision
making in this time of crisis because of COVID-19 Pandemic.

Topic: Rational Choice

Journal Entry

Directions: Create a journal entry applying the basic concepts and principles of
rational choice in predicting the social consequences of decision making in this
time of crisis that we are facing because of COVID-19 Pandemic. Write your journal
entry on a separate sheet of paper. You may read news articles or surf the internet
about the COVID-19 crisis in the Philippines.

Criteria for the written output:

Content (in-depth and comprehensive) - 15 points
Organization (presentation of thought) - 10 points
Conventions (grammar, spelling) - 5 points
Total: 30 points

Pretest Posttest
1. b 1. d
2. d 2. c
PUZZLE GAME 3. c 3. b
1. ID 4. c 4. c
2. EGO 5. b 5. d
O A L A I C 0 S Y H T R A E
Pretest Posttest
1. b 1. a
2. a 2. d
3. c 3. a
O O G E R E P U S I T Y C A 4. a 4. b
C G L A I C O S O H C Y S P 5. c 5. d

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