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EDGARDO V. ESTARIJA, petitioner, vs. EDWARD F.

G. R. No. 159314 June 26, 2006


 On August 10, 1998, Edward F. Ranada filed an administrative complaint for Gross
Misconduct before the Office of the Ombudsman-Mindanao, against Captain Edgardo V.
Estarija, Harbor Master of the Philippine Ports Authority, Port of Davao, Sasa, Davao City
for allegedly issuing berthing permit for all ships that dock in the Davao Port demanding
a money for the approval and issuance of the said permit amounting to P5, 000 per
 The NBI caught Estarija in possession of the P5, 000 marked money. Consequently, the
Ombudsman ordered his preventive suspension and filed a criminal case for violation of
RA 3019 (Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act).
 The Ombudsman found Estarija guilty of the charges against him and thereby
DISMISSED him from the service with forfeiture of all leave credits and retirement
benefits; disqualified from reemployment in the government.
 Estarija filed a motion for reconsideration claiming that the dismissal was
unconstitutional since the Ombudsman did not have direct and immediate power to
remove government officials, whether elective or appointive, who are not removable by
impeachment, which was subsequently denied.
 He claimed that dismissal was unconstitutional since the Ombudsman did not
have direct and immediate power to remove government officials, whether
elective or appointive, who are not removable by impeachment.
 He maintains that under the 1987 Constitution, the Ombudsman’s administrative
authority is merely recommendatory, and that RA 6770, otherwise known as “The
Ombudsman Act of 1989,” is unconstitutional because it gives the Office of the
Ombudsman additional powers that are not provided for in the Constitution.
 The CA affirmed the decision of the Ombudsman and denied Mr. Estarija’s


1. Is the power of the Ombudsman to directly remove, suspend, demote, fine or censure
erring officials unconstitutional?



Rep. Act No. 6770 provides for the functional and structural organization of the Office of
the Ombudsman. In passing RA 6770, Congress deliberately endowed the
Ombudsman with the power to prosecute offenses committed by public officers and
employees to make him a more active and effective agent of the people in ensuring
accountability in public office. Moreover, the legislature has vested the Ombudsman with
broad powers to enable him to implement his own actions.

On the Conditions for the Exercise of Judicial Review | Constitutional Law I

On the Conditions for the Exercise of Judicial Review | Constitutional Law I

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