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Region IV-A

Division of Dasmariñas
A.Y. 2020-2021



The Effect of Textual Aids on the
Understanding of a Text
English 10 MODULE 2

Table of Contents
How to use this module? ................................................................ 3
PARTS OF THE MODULE .................................................................. 4
UNIT OVERVIEW ............................................................................. 5
OBJECTIVES ................................................................................... 5
WARM-UP ....................................................................................... 6
LESSON PROPER ............................................................................. 9
Discussion: Learn About It ! .................................................... 11
TASK ............................................................................................ 15
REMEMBER ................................................................................... 19
REFLECTION ................................................................................. 20
BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................ 21

ISCAG School 2
English 10 MODULE 2


Read the simple instructions below to successfully enjoy the objectives
of this learning material. Have fun!
1. Be guided with the function of each part of the module by going
through the tables below. Through that, you will be guided and
informed with the instructions, procedures, and important features of
this learning material.
2. Use the module with care.
3. Perform all the provided activities in the module.
4. Follow carefully all the contents and instructions indicated in every
page of this module.
5. Observe honesty and integrity in doing the tasks and checking your
6. Finish the task at hand before proceeding to the next.
7. Return this module to your teacher/facilitator once you are through
with it (for offline modular students).
8. Analyze conceptually the assessment and apply what you have
9. If you encounter any difficulty in answering the tasks in this module,
do not hesitate to consult your teacher or facilitator.
10. Enjoy studying!

ISCAG School 3
English 10 MODULE 2


This module has the following parts and corresponding icons:

 Unit Overview This section will give you an overview of the lesson.

This part of the module indicates the desirable

Objectives knowledge, skills, or attitudes that you are
expected to acquire.
Before proceeding to the lesson proper, you are
required to answer this part of the module wherein
 Warm-up
a set of questions or activity will help you check
your prior knowledge about the lesson to take.
This section provides a discussion of the lesson.
You may also encounter short activities to answer
 Lesson Proper
prior to the actual lesson. It consists of three sub-
parts namely: Review, Motivation, and Discussion.
 This is a brief drill or review to help you link the
current lesson with the previous one.
Review/ Motivation  In this portion, the new lesson will be introduced
to you in various ways; a story, a song, a poem,
a problem opener, an activity or a situation.
This section provides a brief discussion of the
Discussion lesson. This aims to help you discover and
understand new concepts and skills.
This comprises activities for independent practice to
 Let’s Practice
solidify your understanding and skills of the topic.
This part aims to evaluate your level of mastery in
 Task
achieving the learning competency.
This includes questions or blank
 Remember sentence/paragraph to be filled in to process what
you learned from the lesson.
This section provides an activity which will help you
 Reflection transfer your new knowledge or skill into real life
situations or concerns.
In this portion, additional resources or references
regarding the lesson discussed are provided via
 Additional Resources
website links that you could visit over the internet
for further learning.
This is a list of all sources or references that was
 Bibliography
used in developing this module.

ISCAG School 4
English 10 MODULE 2


This module is designed and created in order for you to cope up the
lessons intended for the Grade 10 learners like you despite of Pandemic
situation. It consists of activities that will enhance your ability to read and
think critically. Also, it explains how to use strategies in linking textual
The most essential learning competency covered in this module is
determining the effect of textual aids like advance organizers, titles,
nonlinear illustrations, etc. on the understanding of a text. EN10RCla-


As learner of this module, you are expected to:

a. use textual aids to understand and comprehend the content of
the text;
b. transcode information from nonlinear to linear text;
c. interpret the message of the advance and graphic organizer;
d. present information using tables and graphs; and
e. make connections between things.

ISCAG School 5
English 10 MODULE 2


│Hello learner! Let us start by testing your knowledge in advance

regarding the lesson.│
Directions: Read and understand the questions carefully. Choose the letter
of the correct answer.

1. Why do informational texts have illustrations?

A. So that the author can add his/her favorite drawings and photos
B. To help the reader visualize the content of the text
C. To make the pages look interesting
D. To make the story more exciting
2. What is the main purpose of a diagram in any informative text?
A. To list facts
B. To show picture
C. To describe something
D. To show the parts of something on an illustration
3. What are the effects of textual aids on understanding the text?
A. It helps students understand and comprehend any story,
subject, or topic.
B. It helps students understand any story, subject, or topic.
C. They give emphasis on what should be focused on.
D. All of these.
4. The following are the different types of textual aids EXCEPT ________.
A. Concept Map, Graphic Organizer
B. Cause and Effect Diagram
C. Flow Diagram, Venn Diagram
D. Linear text
5. What is the use of Venn Diagram as it shown below?

A. Venn Diagram helps students make connection between

B. Venn Diagram states the cause and effect relationships.
C. Venn diagram shows the comparison and contrast.
D. None of these.
6. The following are true about the basic purposes of advance organizers
A. Direct students’ attention to what is important in the upcoming

ISCAG School 6
English 10 MODULE 2

B. Highlight relationships among ideas that will be presented.

C. Remind students of relevant information that they already have.
D. All of these.
7. The textual aids that highlights the direct relationships between
different events or concepts as it shown below is:

A. Cause and Effect Diagram

B. Venn Diagram
C. Flow Diagram
D. Concept Map
8. The diagrams that use words, phrases, and sometimes images to show
the relationships between ideas or information is _________.
A. Cause and Effect Diagram
B. Flow Diagram
C. Concept Map
D. Venn Diagram
9. Advance Organizer and Graphic Organizer are both used to display
information. They differ only on its purpose. Generally:
A. Graphic organizer is used all throughout the lesson
B. Graphic organizer is used in topic exploration
C. Graphic organizer is used all throughout the lesson and topic
exploration while advanced organizer is used as an introduction
tool for a topic
D. All of these
10. A graphic organizer helps students to:
A. Retain information, express what they learned in lengthy prose,
and organize thought and ideas
B. Retain information, organize ideas, and represent complex ideas
in a visual manner
C. Retain information, organize thoughts, and avoid reading lengthy
D. Retain information, organize ideas, and represent complex ideas
in lengthy prose
11. A type of compare/contrast organizer is____________.
A. web
B. Cornell Note-taking
C. Fishbone

ISCAG School 7
English 10 MODULE 2

D. Venn Diagram
12. Which of the following is NOT true about graphic organizer?
A. They are always subject specific
B. They can be used for a variety of subjects
C. They offer flexibility
D. They can be enhanced through technology
13. Tools or materials that provide support and facilitate understanding
of a texts is called:
A. Textual Aids
B. Advance Organizer
C. Graphic Organizers
D. Nonlinear text
14. Which graphic organizers can be used for informational text?
A. Venn Diagram
B. Compare & Contrast
C. Main Idea Map
D. KWL Chart
15. A _______ can help teach sequence of events.
A. Plot Line B. Compare and Contrast C. Chart D. Timeline

ISCAG School 8
English 10 MODULE 2

Lesson The Effect of Textual Aids on the

5 Understanding of a Text


Review: Looking Back to Your Lesson!

Directions: Study the posted illustration then tell what it suggests.

Guide questions:
1. What do you think is the man in the maze trying to figure out?
2. Is he facing a difficult problem?
3. Do you also feel the same way like what the man in the maze feels?
4. What is happening to the world right now puts us into this kind of
situation like the man in the maze?

In a five sentence paragraph, state your observation about the

illustration through the guide questions above.
State your observation here


ISCAG School 9
English 10 MODULE 2

Motivation: Self-learning!
Read between the lines
Directions: Read the lyric of the song entitled “Ode to the New Heroes,”by
Glaiza de Castro. Guess what the title of the song wants to emphasize.

Ode To The New Heroes

By Glaiza de Castro

You are the ones that bring light to our eyes

You are the ones that we recognize
When all of this is over, and we finally won the fight
We will all stand up together and see what it’s like

You’ve done enough, we won’t be shaken cause you’ve made
You’ve opened all the doors
It’s time to go, the world is waiting

There is no danger that you can’t face

You’ve risked something that can’t be replaced
Whoever you’ve left that was broken
Will be all following your trace
Cause you’ve brought us all together whatever it takes

Comprehension Questions:
1. What does the title of the song wants to emphasize?
2. To whom do you think the song was being written?
3. Who are these people whom the writer considers as the new heroes?
4. Can you consider the front liners as new heroes? Why? Why not?
5. When can you say that a person is a hero?

List the characteristics that a true hero should possess. Make use of
the graphic organizer below.


ISCAG School 10
English 10 MODULE 2

Discussion: Learn About It!

Textual aids
 It is also called as text features, are visual elements of a page
that stand out from the main text.
 These are tools or materials that provide support and facilitate on
understanding of the texts.
 Authors include text features to help the reader better understand
what they have read.
 Text features provide information that may not be written in the
text itself.
 Text features can be found in textbooks, magazine articles,
newspapers, reports, web pages, and other forms of nonfiction

What is an Advance Organizer?

 It is an instructional unit that is used before direct or before a new

 Advance organizers are like cognitive roadmaps that allow students to
see where they have been and where they are going.
 It is the intellectual scaffolding or subsequent learning.

Main Purpose of Advance Organizer

 To make connections between incoming information and prior


1. Expository Advance Organizer – It describes the new content and
may simply provide students with the meaning and purpose of what is to

ISCAG School 11
English 10 MODULE 2

2. Comparative Advance Organizer – It is designed to discriminate

between the old and new concepts to prevent confusion caused by their
3. Narrative Advance Organizer – It presents the new information in
the form of a story to the students.
4. Skimming – It focuses on highlighted information such as headings,
subheading, and the first sentence of each paragraph.
5. Graphic Organizer – It is a method of presenting information in the
visual realm. It also demonstrates relationships between different
information and concepts.
 Graphic organizers are designed to improve learning outcomes
and review information. It structures the information visually or
in pictures.
Kinds of Graphic Organizer

What are the pros and cons of deciding to buy a sport

utility vehicle?

a. T-chart – It helps organize

ideas into two columns
and examine two
components of an object,
concepts or events; such
as identifying the pros and
cons, advantages and
disadvantages, facts and

b. Concept Map – It
shows relationships between
the main idea and other
information. The concepts or
ideas are represented in circles
or boxes and are linked to one
another using arrows or lines.
Most concept maps represent a
hierarchical structure in which
the most general ideas are
placed at the top and the sub
ideas are presented below .

ISCAG School 12
English 10 MODULE 2

c. Venn Diagram – It is
used to compare and
contrast two or more
groups of things by
visually displaying
their similarities and
differences in
overlapping circles.

d. Sequence Chart – It
presents a series of steps or
events in order. Also called flow

e. Cause-and-Effect
Diagram – It helps you
illustrate the relationships
on why something happens
or visually explains the
effect of something.

6. K-W-L Chart – It is used at any age and for any subject matter; a
popular form of an advance organizer. It presents about what they
know about the topic, what they want to know, and what they have
learned in the end.

ISCAG School 13
English 10 MODULE 2

Linear Text vs. Nonlinear Text

What is linear text?
Linear text refers to traditional text that needs to be read from
beginning to the end. Here, the reader makes sense of the text according to
the grammatical and syntactic arrangement of the words. Moreover, this
type of text has an order or sequence; it’s typically the author of the text
who decides the order of the text, or its reading path. Generally, texts
printed on paper are considered as linear texts. Novels, poems, short stories,
letters, educational texts, all those texts we read from the beginning to the
end, are linear texts.
Linear text is the most common type of reading. It is the traditional
method of reading we are taught as children. However, linear text or linear
reading is not always advantageous; it may prove disadvantageous when
you are in a hurry and need to find some information quickly. This is because
reading a linear text involves reading the whole text from the beginning to
the end, and it may take a considerable amount of time to find the specific
information you need.
What is nonlinear text?
Nonlinear text is the opposite of linear text. As its name suggests, it
is nonlinear and non-sequential. In other words, the readers do not have to
go through the text in a sequential manner in order to make sense of the
text. This type of text has many reading paths since it’s the readers who
decide the sequence of reading, not the author of the text.
There are many definitions of the term nonlinear text. Most people
consider texts with visuals or graphs along with it as examples for nonlinear
texts. Some examples include flowcharts, charts, and graphs (ex: pie chart,
bar graphs), graphical organizers such as knowledge maps and story maps.
In fact, any text that is not read from beginning to the end falls into the
category of nonlinear text. For example, consider an encyclopedia or a
telephone directory. We do not read them from beginning to the end; we
skim through them to obtain the specific information we need.

Note to the learner:

Visit this link and watch

the video lesson for a better learning experience about transcoding information
from linear text to nonlinear text and vice versa.

ISCAG School 14
English 10 MODULE 2


Directions: Read and understand the questions carefully. Choose the letter
of the correct answer.

1. Read the text below.

Question: Why did the author choose to put “saliva” in special, bold text?

A. To make the text attractive and easy to read

B. Draw the reader’s attention to an important word or phrase.
C. Point out the main idea of the paragraph or section.
D. Help the reader visualize the information.

2. Study the figure below.

Question: This text feature provides what information to the reader?

A. Informs the reader about the earth’s size compared to other
B. Helps the reader understand the layers that make up the
C. Helps the reader locate the earth in the solar system
D. Convinces the reader to learn about the history of the earth

ISCAG School 15
English 10 MODULE 2

3. Study the bar graph below.

Total number of foreign tourist arrivals in the Philippines from 2009 to 2018 (in millions)

Question: What benefit would this have in an article about tourism in the
A. It helps readers visualize the changes in tourist numbers.
B. It helps tourists decide when and why to visit the Philippines.
C. It helps present a small amount of data in a small space.
D. Both A and C.

FOR QUESTIONS numbers 4-8. Directions: Study and analyze the

information presented in the following nonlinear texts then, answer the
questions that follow.

4. Based on the illustration, how many percent of your family are very
worried to get sick from the corona virus?
ISCAG School 16
English 10 MODULE 2

A. 36% B. 27% C. 21% D. 16 %

5. You are not worried at all when you lose income due to a workplace
closure or reduced hours because of coronavirus. Based on the
illustration, how many percent is the level of your worries?
A. 19% B. 27% C. 36% D. 43%
6. The level of your worry and your family based from the illustration when
you will put yourself at risk of exposure to coronavirus because you can’t
afford to stay home and miss work is 42%. This only shows that
A. you are very worried
B. you are not all worried
C. not too worried
D. somewhat worried
7. Of all the personal worries listed in the illustration, what worry got the
highest percent in the level of very worried?
A. You or someone in your family will get sick from the coronavirus.
B. Your investment such as retirement or college savings will be
negatively impacted by the coronavirus.
C. You will lose income due to a workplace closure or reduce hours
because of coronavirus.
D. You will not be able to afford testing or treatment for coronavirus
if you need it.
8. You are only somewhat worried if you can’t be able to afford testing or
treatment for coronavirus if you need it. Based from the illustration, how
many percent is the level of your worry?
A. 17% B. 19% C. 43% D. 20%
9. What is the importance of using textual aids?
A. Make it easy for students to memorize, remember and learn
important words.
B. Helps students understand and comprehend the story
C. Guide the students to take note the important words
D. Lead the students to get the main idea of the text
10. The following are examples of text aids EXCEPT:
A. titles, bold or italic print
B. tables, charts
C. diagrams, maps
D. linear and nonlinear text
11. Which example would help the students compare and contrast ideas?
A. Venn Diagram
B. KWL Charts
C. Main Idea Mountain
D. Plot line
12. What is the main purpose of an advance organizer?
A. To keep the text in place
B. To make connections between incoming information and prior
C. To organize the data and information

ISCAG School 17
English 10 MODULE 2

D. None of the above

FOR QUESTIONS 13-15, refer to the table below:

13. Based on the table, among the Top 10 countries with the highest
number infected in COVID- 19 as of March 24, 2020. The first in rank
A. Spain B. China C. Italy D. United States
14. What country got the highest number of death during that day?
A. Spain B. Iran C. China D. Italy
15. Which country has the highest recovered from covid-19 on that day?
A. China B. Iran C. Italy D. Spain

ISCAG School 18
English 10 MODULE 2


After your learning adventure with the topic about determining the
effect of textual aids on the understanding of a text, complete the following
My Day, MY Realizations!
As I have answered all the activities in this module, I learned that
determining the effect of textual aids like advance organizer, is

I realized that I need to improve my


I believe that improving my knowledge and skills in determining the effect

of textual aids on the understanding of a text will

ISCAG School 19
English 10 MODULE 2


This activity will help you transfer your new knowledge or skill into real
life situations or concerns.

Nonlinear Text to Linear Text

Directions: Read and understand the given bar graph. Write your
understanding about it in 4-5 sentences.


ISCAG School 20
English 10 MODULE 2


Derecho, N.P. and Zabalo, V.M. (2020). English Quarter 1-Module 2:

Determining The Effect of Textual Aids on Understanding of a Text.
Puerto Princesa, Palawan: DepEd MIMAROPA Region.

Gellain Official Channel. (2020, July 24). TV-Based Lesson 1 in English

10/EFFECTS OF TEXTUAL AIDS/. Retrieved from

Teacher Isko. (2020, October 6). Effects of Textual Aids on the

Understanding of a Text-English 10 Lesson 2. Retrieved from

ISCAG School 21

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