Greedy Algorithms 3

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Greedy Algorithms 3

Greedy algorithms for
• The union- find problem
• Min cost spanning trees (Prim’s algorithm and Kruskal’s

The Union-find problem
Given a set {1, 2, …., n} initially partitioned into n disjoint
subsets, one member per subset, we want to perform the
following operations:
• Find(x): return the name of the subset that x is in
• Union(x, y) : combine the two subsets that x and y are in

What do we use for the “name” of a subset? Use one of its


A Data structure for Union-
Use a tree:

• implement with pointers and records

• the set elements are stored in the nodes
• each child has a pointer to its parent
• there is an array P[1..n] with P[i] pointing to the node
containing i

Set 11 is {9, 10, 11, 12}


Set 2 is {2} 9

12 7

3 8 6 5

Set 7 is {4, 5, 7} 5
Set 1 is {1, 3, 6, 8}


2 12

3 8 6 5

P 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Implementing the
• find(x): Follow the chain of pointers starting at P[x] to
the root of the tree containing x. return the set element
stored there.
• union (x, y): Follow the chains of pointers starting at P[x]
and P[y] to the roots of the trees containing x and y,
respectively. Make the root of one tree point to the root
of the other.



Union {4, 12} :

4 k

P 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Running time proportional to number of layers in the tree. But this may
be Ω (n ) for an n-node tree.

Make the root of the smaller tree point to the root of the bigger
More Analysis
Claim: If this algorithm is used, every tree with n nodes has at
most ⌊log n⌋ + 1 layers.

Proof: Proof by induction on n, the number of nodes in the

tree. The claim is clearly true for a tree with 1 node. Now
suppose the claim is true for trees with less than n nodes,
and consider a tree T with n nodes.

T was made by unjoining together two trees with less than

n nodes each.

T was made by unioning together two trees with less than n
nodes each.

Suppose the two trees have m and n – m nodes each, where m ≤

n/2. T1 T2

n-m m n-m
Then, by the induction hypothesis, T has
max { depth(T1.) + 1, depth(T2)}
= max {⌊log m⌋ + 2, ⌊log(n – m)⌋ + 1}
≤ max {⌊log n/2⌋ + 2, ⌊log n ⌋ + 1}
= ⌊log n⌋ + 1
Implementing detail: store count of nodes in root of each tree. 12
Update during union in O(1) extra time.
Conclusion: union and find operations take time O(log n).
It is possible to do better using path compression. When
traversing a path from leaf to root, make all nodes point to root.
Gives better amortized performance.

O(log n) is good enough for our purposes.

Spanning Trees
A graph S = (V, T) is a spanning tree of an undirected graph G = (V, E) if:
• S is a tree, that is, S is connected and has no cycles.
• TE
1 2 1 2

4 7 3 4 7 3

6 5 6 5

1 2 1 2

4 7 3 4 7 3

6 5 14
6 5
Spanning Forests
A graph S = (V, T) is a spanning forest of an undirected graph G = (V, E)
• S is a forest, that is, S has no cycles.
• T E 1 2
1 2
4 7 3
4 7 3
6 5
6 5

1 2 1 2

4 7 3 4 7 3

6 5 15
6 5
Min Cost Spanning Tree
Given a labeled, undirected, connected graph G, find a spanning tree
for G of minimum cost.

1 2 20
23 15 1 2
1 23 15
4 1
36 4
4 7 3 36
9 4 7 3
25 16 3 9
25 16 3
6 5 28
17 6 5

Cost = 23 + 1 + 4 + 9 + 3 + 17 = 57

The Muddy City Problem
The residents of Muddy City are too cheap to pave
their streets. (After all, who likes to pay
takes?)However, after several years of record
rainfall they are tired of getting muddy feet. They
are still too miserly to pave all of the streets, so
they want to pave only enough streets to ensure
that they can travel from every intersection to
every other intersection on a paved route, and
they want to spend as little money as possible
doing it. (The residents of Muddy City don’t mind 17
walking a long way to save money.)
Solution: Create a graph with a node for each intersection, and
an edge for each street. Each edge is labeled with the cost of
paving the corresponding street. The cheapest solution is a min-
cost spanning tree for the graph.
An Observation About Trees

Claim: Let S = (V, T) be a tree. Then:

1. For every u, v є V, the path between u and v in S is unique.
2. If any edge (u, v) ɇ T is added to S, then a unique cycle results.

1. If there were more than one path between u and v, then
there would be a cycle, which contradicts the definition of a
u v
2. Consider adding an edge (u, v) ɇ T to T. There must already be a
path from u to v (since a tree is connected). Therefore, adding an
edge from u to v creates a cycle.

u v u v

This cycle must be unique, since id adding (u, v) creates two cycles, then
there must have been a cycle before, which contradicts the definition of
a tree.

u v
u v
u v 19
Key Fact
Here is the principle behind MCST algorithms:

Claim: Let G = (V, E) be a labelled, undirected graph, and S = (V, T)

a spanning forest for G.

Suppose S is comprised of trees

(V1, T1), (V2, T2), ……., (Vk, Tk)
for some k ≤ n.

Let 1 ≤ i ≤ k. Suppose e = (u, v) is the cheapest edge leaving Vi

(that is, an edge of lowest cost in E – T such that u є Vi and v ɇ Vi).
Consider all of the spanning trees that contain T. There is a 20
spanning tree that includes T U {e} that is as cheap as any of
Decision tree
Choose edges other than e
Choose e

For every spanning tree here

There is one at least as cheap there 21
Proof : Suppose there is a spanning tree that includes T
but does not include e. Adding e to this spanning tree
introduces a cycle.

e e
v v
u u

Vi Vi w x

Therefore, there must be an edge d = (w, x) such that w є Vi and x
ɇ Vi.

Let c(e) denote the cost of e and c(d) the cost of d. By hypothesis,
c(e) ≤ c(d).

There is a spanning tree that includes T U {e} that is at least as

cheap as this tree. Simply add edge e and delete edge d.

• Is the new spanning tree really a spanning tree? Yes, because

adding e introduces a unique new cycle, and deleting d
removes it.
• Is it more expensive? No, because c(e) ≤ c(d).

Claim: Let G =(V, E) be a labeled, undirected graph, and S = (V, T) a
spanning forest for G.

Suppose S is comprised of trees

(V1, T1), (V2, T2), ……., (Vk, Tk)
for some k ≤ n.
Let 1 ≤ i ≤ k. Suppose e = (u, v) is an edge of lowest cost in E – T such
that u є Vi and v ɇ Vi.

If S can be expanded to a min cost spanning tree, then so can

S’ = (V, T U {e}).
Proof: Suppose S can be expanded to a min cost spanning tree M.
By the previous result, S’ = (V, T U {e}) can be expanded to a 24
spanning tree that is at least as cheap as M, that is, a min cost
spanning tree.
General Algorithm
1. F := set of single-vertex trees
2. while there is > 1 tree in F do
3. Pick an arbitrary tree Si = (Vi, Ti ) from F
4. e := min cost edge leaving Vi
5. Join two trees with e

1. F := ф
for j := 1 to n do
Vj := { j }
F := F U {(Vj , ф)}
2. while there is > 1 tree in F do
3. Pick an arbitrary tree Si = (Vi, Ti) from F
4. Let e = (u, v) be a min cost edge, where u є Vi , v є Vi, j ≠ i 25
5. Vi := Vi U Vj; Ti := Ti U Tj U {e}
Remove tree (Vj, Tj) from forest F
Prim’s Algorithm : Overview
Take i =1 in every iteration of the algorithm.
We need to keep track of:
• The set of edges in the spanning forest, T1
• The set of vertices V1
• The edges that lead out of the tree (V1, T1) , in a data structure that
enables us to choose the one of smallest cost

Prim’s Algorithm
Q is a priority queue od edges, ordered on cost.
1. T1 := ф; V1 := {1}; Q := empty
2. for each w є V such that (1, w) є E do
3. insert (Q, (1, w))
4. while |V1| < n do
5. e := deletemin (Q)
6. Suppose e = (u, v), where u є V1.
7. if v ɇ V1 then
8. T1 := T1 U {e}
9. V1 := V1 U {v}
10. for each w є V such that (v, w) є E do
11. insert (Q, (v, w)) 28
For Data Structures
• E : adjacency list
• V1: linked list
• T1 : linked list
• Q : heap
• Line 1:O(1)
• Line 3:O(log e)
• Line 2-3:O(n log e)
• Line 5:O(log e)
• Line 6:O(1)
• Line 7:O(1)
• Line 8:O(1)
• Line 9:O(1)
• Line 4-9: O(e log e)
• Line 11: O(log e)
Total : O (e log e) = O ( e log n)
• Lines 4,10-11: O(e log e)
Kruskal’s Algorithm: Overview
At every iteration of the algorithm, take e = (u, v) to be the unused edge of
smallest cost, and Vi and V j to be vertex sets of the forest such that u є Vi and
v є Vj.

We need to keep track of

• the vertices of spanning forest

F = {V1, V2, …., Vk}

(note: F is a partition of V)
• The set of edges in the spanning forest, T
• The unused edges, in a data structure that enables us to choose the one of
smallest cost
Kruskal’s Algorithm
T is the set of edges in the forest.
F is the set of vertex – sets in the forest.

1. T : = ф; F := ф
2. for each vertex v є V do F := F U {{v}}
3. Sort edges in E in ascending order of cost
4. while |F| > 1 do
5. (u, v) := the next edge in sorted order
6. if find(u) ≠ find(v) then
7. union(u, v)
8. T := T U {(u, v)}

Lines 6 and 7 use union-find on F.

On termination, T contains the edges in the min cost spanning tree for
G = (V, E)
Data Structures
• E : adjacency list
• F : union-find data structure
• T : linked list


• Line 1:O(1)
• Line 2:O(n)
• Line 3:O(e log e)=O(e log n)
• Line 5:O(1)
• Line 6:O(log n)
• Line 7:O(log n)
• Line 8:O(1)
• Line 4-8: O(e log n)

Total: O(e log n)
Would Prim’s algorithm do this?
3 5 3
4 2 4
2 1 2 12
2 12 4 4 5
1 5
6 6
10 1 10
1 9 8 9 11
8 11
7 7
6 7 6 7
3 3

5 3 3
2 4 2 4
1 2 12 1 2 12
4 5 4 5
6 6
1 10 1 10
8 9 11 8 9 11 34
7 7
6 7 6 7
3 3
Would Kruskal’s algorithm do this?

5 3
5 3
2 4
2 4 1 2 12
2 12 4 5
1 4 5 6
6 1 10
1 10 8 9 11
8 9 11
7 6 7
6 7 3

5 3
5 3
2 4
1 2 12 2 4
4 5 1 2 12 4 5
1 10 6
9 1 10
8 11 9
8 11 35
6 7 7
3 6 7
Could a min-cost spanning tree algorithm do this?

3 5 3
4 2 4
2 1 2 12
2 12 4 4 5
1 5
6 6
10 1 10
1 9 8 9 11
8 11
7 7
6 7 6 7
3 3

5 3 3
2 4 2 4
1 2 12 1 2 12
4 5 4 5
6 6
1 10 1 10
8 9 11 8 9 11 36
7 7
6 7 6 7
3 3

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