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1-Bring and Take

Bring shows movement TO the speaker; take shows movement AWAY FROM the
For eg. (a) Could you bring me a fork from the kitchen?
= bring a fork from the kitchen to here
(b) Could you take the mail to the post office?
= take the mail from here to the post office

2-Compliment / Complement
These two words are pronounced the same, but they are spelled differently and
have different meanings.
Compliment can be both a noun and a verb. A compliment is a positive comment
about someone or something, for example: "You have beautiful eyes!"
And the verb compliment (or the expression "pay someone a compliment") means
to make a positive comment:
(a) He complimented me on my web design skills.
(b) He paid me a compliment on my web design skills.
The adjective complimentary means "free":
(c) At this hotel, breakfast is complimentary.
(d) You get a complimentary cookie when you order coffee at that cafe.
Complement can also be a noun or a verb. If two things
complement each other, it
means they go well together; they make each other appear better.
(e) That necklace is the perfect complement to your outfit
(f) My business partner and I really complement each other.
The adjective complementary means that two things are different,
but go together well. | | | www.

3-Discreet / Discrete
These words are pronounced the same, and they are both adjectives.
Discrete means separate, distinct, individual:
(a) The two companies have a partnership, but they are discrete entities.
Discreet describes something that is modest and does not call attention to itself:
(c) The photographer at the funeral remained discreet and respectful.
When you describe a person as discreet, it means that person can handle sensitive
topics with tact (good manners and professionalism).

4- Enquire / Inquire
Both of these verbs are used for asking about something or looking for information.
The nouns for the request / investigation are enquiry and inquiry.
Technically, enquire is used for “ask” in general (“He enquired about prices for the
products”), and inquire for a more formal investigation (“The police will make an
inquiry into the alleged corruption.”)

5-Especially / Specially
Use especially when something stands out from all the others (similar to the
meaning of "particularly.")
(a) The whole book was terrible – especially the ending.
(b) He loves animals, especially dogs.
Especially can also be used before an adjective with a meaning like "very" or
(a) It's especially important to arrive on time for your first day of class.
If something was designed specifically for a special purpose, use specially:
(a) The bus has been specially designed to accommodate passengers in

6- Former / Previous
Previous means "immediately before," and former means "at any time in the past."
(a) Your former employer means any employer you have had in your past, at any
(b) Your previous employer typically means the most recent employer you had
in your past. | | | www.

7-For / Since
Use for with periods of time: I’ve been studying English for two years.
(a) for…
three years
two weeks
four days
five hours
two centuries
Use since with measuring the time after a specific point in time:
I’ve been studying English since 2010.
(b) since…
last Independent day
I was a child

8- Ill / Sick
Sick is the less formal word, and it usually describes a more temporary health
problem – often nausea, although not always.
(a) If you’re feeling sick, you might need to vomit.
Ill is the more formal word, and it usually describes a more serious, more
permanent health problem, like cancer.
(c) My uncle has been ill for the past five years.

9- In time / On time
On time means that there is a specific time established when something is
supposed/expected to happen, and it is happening at the planned time.
(a) My job interview is scheduled for 4:00 PM.
If I arrive at 4:00 PM, I am on time for the interview.
In time means that something happened at the last moment before it was too late;
before something bad would happen.
(a) The accident victim was seriously injured; they got him to the hospital just in
time. (If they hadn't arrived at the hospital, he might have died) | | | www.

10- Such as / As such
Such as means “like” or “for example”:
(a) There are lots of things to see in New York City, such as the
Statue of Liberty,
Central Park, and Times Square.

Note: “For example” is typically used to start a sentence; “such

as” (more formal)
and “like” (informal) are used in the middle of the sentence.

As such is used to avoid repeating information that was recently stated:

(a) I’m a working mother, and because I’m a working mother, I don’t have much
free time. This is not ideal because we repeat a phrase
(b) I’m a working mother, and as such, I don’t have much free time. | | | www.


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