Lab 6.1 IOT - AWS

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Exercise 6.

1 - Connect 2 Car Things to

IoT Core from Cloud9
In this exercise, you will create two Cars Things and connect them to AWS IoT Core
service so they can send telemetry data on an IoT Topic that will be used in a later
exercise. To connect those Cars, you will create an IoT Thing, Certificate and Policy.
The Thing will represent a Car. The Certificate will be used to authenticate to AWS
IoT Core and the Policy will define what your Car can do once authenticated. The
first car will be created via the AWS Management Console while you will use the
AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) to create the second Car.

The Cars will be simulated in a Cloud9 environment that you will need to create.
You will download the code of the Cars, upload their IoT Certificates and start their
engine. You will use the AWS IoT MQTT Client in the AWS Management Console
to subscribe to the telemetry IoT Topic to confirm that the Cars are sending data.

The diagram below shows the resources and data flow that you will create in this

1. Create an IAM Policy

To begin, you will create an IAM User and Policy specific to this class so you can
delete that user once you are done with the exercises.

In this section, you will create an IAM customer-managed policy. Customer-

managed policies provide more precise control over your policies than policies
managed by AWS. This policy will have permissions specific to the AWS resources
you need for this course.

1. In the AWS Management Console, click Services, and then click IAM to open the
IAM dashboard.

2. In the left navigation menu, click Policies.

3. Click Create policy.

4. Click the JSON tab.

5. In the editor text box, replace the sample policy with the following:

"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "*"
6. Click Review Policy.

7. For Name, enter labIoTPolicy.

8. Click Create policy.

You successfully created an IAM policy.

2. Create an IAM user and attach a policy to the user.

In this section, you will create an IAM user and attach a policy to the user.

1. In the AWS Management Console, click Services, and then click IAM to go to the
IAM dashboard.

2. In the left navigation menu, click Users.

3. Click Add user.

4. In the User name text box, enter labIoTUser.

5. For Access type, select AWS Management Console access.

6. For Console password, choose Custom password and enter a password of your
choosing. Note the password.

7. Remove the check mark next to User must create a new password at next

8. Click Next: Permissions.

9. In the Set permissions section, click Attach existing policies directly.

10. In the search text box for Filter, enter labIoTPolicy.

11. Put a check mark next to labIoTPolicy in the filtered list.

12. Click Next: Tags.

13. Click Next: Review.

14. Review the information, and click Create user. You should see a success

15. Note the sign-in URL in the success message at the top. This is a special URL for
IAM users, which includes your account ID.
16. Click on the sign-in URL in the success message at the top. This will log you out.

17. Sign in as the labIoTUser IAM user.

3. Create an AWS Cloud9 environment

In this section, you will create an AWS Cloud9 environment.

1. In the AWS Management Console, click Services, and then click Cloud9 to open
the Cloud9 dashboard.

2. Make sure you are in the Frankfurt, Ireland, N. Virginia, Ohio, Oregon or
Tokyo Region. Those are, at the time of writing the exercises, the only regions with
all the services that will be used: Amazon Cognito, Amazon EC2, Amazon S3,
Amazon SNS, AWS Cloud9, AWS IAM, AWS IoT Analytics, AWS IoT Core, AWS
IoT Greengrass, AWS Lambda. Since all resources must be in the same region for
the exercises to work, you must use a region where all those services are
available. You can find a list of the services available per region at this link.1

3. Click Create environment at the top-right corner.

4. For Name, enter IoTOnAWS.

5. Click Next step.

6. On the Configure Settings page, leave the default settings, and click Next step.

7. Review the details and click Create environment. This should launch your AWS
Cloud9 environment within a few minutes.

Note that this Cloud9 instance will automatically shutdown after 30 minutes if it's
not used. All of your work will be saved and brought back to what it was if you were
to re-open it.

4. Setup your Cloud9 Environment, download the Car

code and the AWS IoT CA Public Cert
In this section, you will install the Node package for the Car code to work,
download the Car code and setup your repository structure for the cars.

1. Install the AWS IoT Device SDK Node package by running the following command
in your AWS Cloud9 terminal. You can find that terminal at the bottom of the page.
There is a bash tab with the prompt labIoTUser:~/environment: $. You can adjust
the size of that screen like you would in a normal IDE: put your cursor above the tab
and select&drag to increase/decrease the space.

npm install aws-iot-device-sdk

You can ignore the warnings that there are no package.json files.
2. Create the repository structure for the Car application. As there will be 2 Cars, you
will create 2 folders. Run the following commands in your AWS Cloud9 terminal.

mkdir ~/environment/car1; mkdir ~/environment/car2

3. Download and copy the application code in each Car folder by running the
following commands in your AWS Cloud9 terminal:

cd ~/environment


cp exercise-1.1.js car1/

cp exercise-1.1.js car2/

rm exercise-1.1.js

4. Download the AWS IoT Certificate Authority Public Certificate that will be used in
the code later and that will sign the IoT Certificates you will create in the next
section. To do so, execute the following commands in your Cloud9 terminal:

cd ~/environment
wget -O root-CA.crt
5. Create Car 1 IoT Thing, Certificate and Policy
In this section you will use the AWS Management Console to create all of the
resources required for your Car 1 to connect to AWS IoT. This includes the the Car
Thing, the Certificate and the Policy. We could use the wizard to create many of
these resources, but instead, you will do it manually to see how each of the
components is attached to each other. You will finish by uploading the Certificate
and Private Key that you generated as part of these steps to Cloud9.

5.1 Create an IoT Thing

In this section, you will create a Thing representing your Car.

1. You may have lost your AWS Management Console and only see the Cloud9
console at this moment. To get back to the AWS Management Console without
having to retype the URL, click on the cloud icon with the number 9 in it at the top
left corner of the page and select Go To Your Dashboard.

2. In the AWS Management Console, click Services, and then click IoT Core to open
the the IoT Console.

3. Make sure you are in the same Region as your Cloud9 instance.

4. Click Get started.

5. Expand Manage in the left menu.

6. Click Things.

7. Click Register a thing.

8. Click Create a single thing (any of the two buttons with that name works).

9. For Name, enter car1 and click Next.

10. Click Create thing without certificate so that you skip the creation of the
Certificate via the wizard.

The car1 Thing has now been created.

5.2 Create an IoT Policy

In this section, you will create a Policy for authorization purposes that will be used
in the next section.
1. Expand Secure in the left menu.

2. Click Policies.

3. Click Create a policy.

4. For Name, enter labPolicy.

5. Click Advanced mode.

6. Replace the sample policy with the following policy which authorize to Connect to
your AWS IoT Core endpoint, to Publish and Subscribe to an IoT Topic, Receive
messages from AWS IoT once subscribed and use the Discover API from
Greengrass which will be used in a later exercise.

"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [

7. Click Create.

You now have a Policy that provides authorizations.

5.3 Create an IoT Certificate

In this section, you will create a Certificate that will be used for Authentication.

1. Expand Certificates.
2. Click Create a certificate.

3. Click Create certificate to automatically generate a Certificate, a Public Key and a

Private Key using AWS IoT's Certificate Authority that you will then download. Note
that you could create your own Certificate Authority. You could also create your
own Private Key on your end and generate a Certificate Signing Request that you
would upload here to be signed by AWS IoT's Certificate Authority. Both could
work with the exercise, but you would have to adapt some of the later commands.
For simplicity, use the One-click certificate creation.

4. Make sure that you do the following steps before going to the next screen as you
would have to restart the creation of this Certificate.

1. Click the Activate button to activate the Certificate so it can be

used later to connect to AWS IoT Core by your Thing.

2. Click the Download link next to A certificate for this thing.

3. Rename this file to certificate.pem.crt.

4. Click the Download link next to A private key. Note that you
won't need the public key.

5. Rename this file to private.pem.key.

5. Click Done.

You now have a Certificate and Private Key that can be used to connect to your
AWS IoT Core endpoint. However, this is only for authentication, you don't have
any authorization yet associated to this Certificate. You may see that the Certificate
is inactive, if you refresh the page, it should show as active. This will be done next.

5.4 Associate the Policy and Thing to your Certificate

In this section, you will attach a Policy to your Certificate to add authorizations and
attach the car1 Thing that is related to this Certificate.

1. Click on the certificate you just created.

2. Click Actions > Attach policy.

3. Put a check mark next to labPolicy and click Attach.

4. Click Actions > Attach thing.

5. Put a check mark next to car1 and click Attach.

6. If you click on Policies or Things on the left menu, you can see that both the
labPolicy Policy and car1 Thing have been attached.

5.5 Upload your Certificate and Private Key to Cloud9

In this section, you will upload the Certificate and Private Key that are now
associated to car1 into Cloud9 using the upload feature.

1. You may have closed your Cloud9 tab. If you did so, in the AWS Management
Console, click Services, and then click Cloud9 to open the Cloud9 dashboard.
Click Open IDE under the IoTOnAWS environment card.

2. In the left menu, click the car1 folder to select it.

3. Click File > Upload Local Files....

4. Make sure that Upload to folder is: /car1.

5. Click Select files. Note that the button may appear in grey, it isn't disabled and you
can click on it.

6. Browse to the Certificate you have downloaded and renamed earlier:

certificate.pem.crt. Select it and click Open. The Certificate should now be
uploaded to your car1 folder.

7. Click Select files again.

8. Browse to the Private Key you have downloaded and renamed earlier:
private.pem.key. Select it and click Open. The Private Key should now be
uploaded to your car1 folder.

9. Click the x icon next to Upload Files to close that window.

Both car1 Certificate and Private Key should now be in the car1 folder.

6. Create Car 2 IoT Thing, Certificate and Policy

In this section you will use AWS CLI from the Cloud9 terminal to create all of the
resources required for your Car 2 to connect to AWS IoT. This includes the Car
Thing and the Certificate. The Policy has already been created from the previous
step, so you will re-use it.

6.1 Creation of car2 IoT Core resources using the CLI

1. In your Cloud9 terminal, enter the following commands to create the car2 Thing:

cd ~/environment/car2
aws iot create-thing --thing-name car2

2. To create the Certificate, enter the following command:

aws iot create-keys-and-certificate --set-as-active --certificate-pem-

outfile certificate.pem.crt --private-key-outfile private.pem.key

This command will place the Certificate and Private Key in the certificate.pem.crt
file and private.pem.key respectively. It will also output the certificateArn which you
will re-use in the next command.
3. To attach the Policy to the Certificate, enter the following command. Replace
certificateArn_changeme with the value of the attribute certificateArn from the
output of the previous command. It should be similar to: arn:aws:iot:us-east-

aws iot attach-policy --policy-name labPolicy --target


The command should not return anything if it worked.

4. To attach the car2 Thing to the Certificate, enter the following command. Replace
certificateArn_changeme with the value of the attribute certificateArn from the
output of the certificate creation command (2 steps above). It should be similar
to: arn:aws:iot:region:1234567890:cert/0f11db22dafacda87be0940dd5b2e0106359
aws iot attach-thing-principal --thing-name car2 --principal

The command should not return anything if it worked.

6.2 Validation of creation of car2 IoT resources

In this section, you will validate that all the resources for the creation of car2 have
been completed successfully. If you are missing any resources, you may want to
try the commands above again, but first, Delete the car2 Thing using the Console
by selecting it and clicking Actions > Delete and try the steps from Section 6.1
again. If you still can't get those to work, use Section 5 to create everything from
the AWS Management Console.

1. In the AWS Management Console, click Services, and then click IoT Core to open
the IoT Core console.

2. Expand Manage and click on the Things menu.

3. You should see car2 listed. If not, refresh the page as your browser may have
cached the previous version of this page.

4. Click car2.

5. Click Security.

6. You should see a Certificate card.

7. Click on that Certificate card.

8. Click on Policies.

9. You should see the labPolicy attached.

You have now created the car2 Thing, its Certificate and Private Key to
authenticate and attached the labPolicy to authorize the commands to execute

7. Execute the code and validate telemetry

At this point, you should have a directory structure that looks like the following in
your Cloud9 environment:
In this section, you will execute the code of both cars and validate that telemetry
data is sent by both cars using the AWS IoT MQTT Client in the AWS Management

The code (exercise-1.1.js) requires one more resource to communicate with AWS
IoT and that is your specific AWS IoT Endpoint. It will be stored in a file that will be
used in all of the other exercises. To authenticate to your AWS IoT Endpoint, it will
use the certificate.pem.crt (Certificate), private.pem.key (Private Key) and root-
CA.crt (Certificate Authority public certificate). It then connects to AWS IoT and
starts publishing random telemetry data every 5 seconds to the lab/telemetry IoT

Feel free to read the code to understand what is happening. Comments have been
added to the code so it can be self explanatory.

7.1 Execute the code

In this section, you will first obtain your specific AWS IoT Endpoint that was
automatically created for you when you created your first IoT Thing. This normally
takes a few minutes to complete. Depending how fast you went with the steps
above, you may have to wait a few minutes if the next command doesn't return
anything. You will then open two Cloud9 terminals to simulate a connection to
AWS IoT from both cars. From each terminal, you will run the code which will use
its appropriate Certificate and Private Key as you placed them in their respective
1. In the Cloud9 terminal, enter the following command to get your specific AWS IoT
Endpoint which will then be saved in the endpoint.json file:

aws iot describe-endpoint --endpoint-type iot:Data-ATS >


The command above will not output anything if it worked. Feel free to look at that
file as it will be visible on the left side of the editor.

2. In the Cloud9 environment, click the circled + icon that is next to your current
terminal and select New Terminal. You now have 2 different terminals.

3. In the left terminal, execute the following commands to start the code for car1.
Car1's Certificate and Private Key, the Root Certificate Authority and your specific
AWS IoT Endpoint will all be read from the files you created.

cd ~/environment/car1

node exercise-1.1.js

You should see the following:

Connected to AWS IoT

Sending car telemetry data to AWS IoT for car1

Sending car telemetry data to AWS IoT for car1

4. In the right terminal, execute the following commands to start the code for car2.
Car2's Certificate and Private Key, the Root Certificate Authority and your specific
AWS IoT Endpoint will all be read from the files you created.

cd ~/environment/car2

node exercise-1.1.js

You should see the following:

Connected to AWS IoT

Sending car telemetry data to AWS IoT for car2

Sending car telemetry data to AWS IoT for car2


Both cars are now successfully sending telemetry data to the lab/telemetry IoT
7.2 Subscribe to the lab/telemetry Topic
In this section, you will use the AWS IoT MQTT Client in the AWS Management
Console to subscribe to the lab/telemetry IoT Topic. While connected to this MQTT
Client, it does consume connection minutes. The free tier is generous and provides
2,250,000 minutes of connection for free, but you should make sure to disconnect
when you are not using it by browsing away from that page.

1. In the AWS Management Console, click Services, and then click IoT Core to open
the IoT Core console.

2. Click Test in the left menu. It will open an AWS IoT MQTT Client where you can
interact with any Topic that you have access to. This Client will automatically
connect to your IoT Endpoint.

3. In the Subscription topic, enter lab/telemetry.

4. Click Subscribe to topic.

In the next 5 seconds, you should start seeing data being published by both cars in
the interface. You can see which car is sending the data by looking at
the device attribute.
8. Delete the resources created in this exercise
While there are no connections nor data being transmitted to the IoT service, there
will not be any charge for this exercise for that service.

The Cloud9 environment uses a t2.micro EC2 instance and an 8GiB Elastic Block
Storage (EBS) volume which is what you are being charged on for the usage of
Cloud9. The t2.micro has 750 hours of free utilization per month under the free tier
for the first 12 months after opening your account. You have 30GiB of space for
EBS covered under the free tier for the first 12 months of the opening of your
account. If you are no longer under the free tier, you will incur a charge while the
EC2 instance is running for the t2.micro instance and a charge for the EBS volume
as long as your environment exists.

All of the other exercises will use the resources created as part of this exercise.
The recommendation is to keep the IoT resources for the future exercises and to
let Cloud9 stop by itself after 30 minutes of inactivity so you can keep the
environment. If you decide not to keep some of those resources, you will have to
do this exercise again before the other exercises.

If you would prefer to remove all of your resources. Follow the steps hidden below:

Expand for instructions on how to delete all your resources (not recommended).

8.1 Stop the cars

1. Press Ctrl-c in each of the Cloud9 terminal to stop them from interacting with

8.2 Stop the MQTT Client

1. Navigate away from the AWS IoT MQTT Client page to disconnect from the

8.3 Stop the Cloud9 environment

The Cloud9 environment will automatically shut down after 30 minutes of inactivity.
For your Cloud9 environment to be considered inactive, you need to close the
browser tab. All of the settings will be saved.

1. Close the browser tab where your environment was running.

As the operating system is Amazon Linux, you are billed by the second during
those 30 minutes of inactivity. If you are under the free tier, this would be covered.
If you are no longer under the free tier, you can force a stop of the EC2 instance
that runs your Cloud9 environment. This will have no effect on the future exercises.

1. In the AWS Management Console, click Services, and then click EC2 to open the
EC2 console.

2. Click Instances in the left menu.

3. Select the EC2 Instance that has a name that starts with aws-cloud9-IoTOnAWS.

4. Click Actions > Instance State > Stop instance

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