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Rights and Obligations of the Customer

.t- The Crus{*;yrer sha}tr ereate ttrie ssflne#t}P$ Efs.ernarne arad Fasswcad. Ttr* *ustsrn*r Yriay *trtmnge the Pa.ssw*rd at *t!y !i$r}$. Ti}e

addres$ vsfi$fe ereatfng tfie {-lsemame afid to be used for sending OTF to make financialfnon-financia! transaction thror.,gh con*ect}F$
System. The Customer shall be responsible for any *nancial or non-financial loss on acsount of misuse of information sent on mentioned
e#;ail a{rdre6s andf*r ramhile rrumb*r.
f. 'flhe *ae{ry:wr u$wi! ttrem ag6 {o {ie *a*rk as *$K-{ii!"}6 er:r*$tnrers $* *i* es fu€rnlxt{s} sis$}} *"e emn@s3i$$ t}s*s}'i}efi}*'
3- Ti1g C*stonrer shall kees tisecfia{$e and Passwsyd ccn&de*tial ai a{9 tiii}es *srd uder no {:ir*$fi}statcffis sffU hefsfle disdcse {Jaerfarfe
andlor password. The Cusiomer shall be fully responsible for any accidental / negligent andJor unauthorized disclosure of Usemame andior
password to any other person and shatl bear the risks of l,.isernamre andlor Passwcrd being ueed by unautharized perscns cr for
uar'lxutlr*riz*<? prurpffiss ar {Far-s$s*iior}s.
"fte Cueg*mry is reqqdred 5l qt*sts {-r$er&*$r}s *6"m} Pwsrrms Fx *rder-k b6iry}te S'* c*r'm*c*9$rS S9'*teamer*d g,u* F*Werffi Isme$Si{F} k}
the Bank,
5. The Customer understands that although rnultiple bank accounts can be linked with the connectlPS, Cilsionrer shall select ihe acc.Gilnl
iln{ess }3}* peylrffini sp*aiiiea{ly &e*;itincw tke stkr haifii.t *fiffi&it$-
6. The Fayment lnstruction shall be issued by the Customer to the Bank in the form as prescribed by the Bank andlor NCHL, which is
complete in all particulars. The Customer shall provide correct beneficiary details, ineluding account number, account name (where
r*qdredi- sr*foitre nem&er" transar*i*n aras$nt, ek." tc tle Ba,rrk at Bre flrne of availirq fiw wnrlecitrF$ $ervifB" TtE mstomrer w*derstands
and agxww i$t6 tfte g[{ffi+!B}t r*p:** v*riflc*iEo,m ery {fffi S*rie{l$ery"* fueE?k c* e$tos}# am$ iBce ber*efr*ia$s bamk r'*m'y s'ed$& based oxt
beneficiarf account nuffiber ontlr, The Cr.lston'rer shall be s*!e[r respo*sBb for the acc{-$aqf and aufircnliclty of ihe partlujlars provided to
the Bank ind the same shall be considered to be suffcient to execute the transaction in the connectlPS System, The Bank and/or NCHL
shall rlot be required to indeperde*tly ve*{y ihe i$s{icrdions and har no tiability if it dee$ ne( or b unabb to *{r:S or pretrer* ti}e *xea;fion c{
arry F*p*ent *$*ff$etrifio *si*ed *:ry *'m *r:s.{*yrwr- Ttre *ustsrner sM* k }ia&ie t<l tm*p**sde Sw *afik lcs arry;Gse * i*.itq or* a*csw;t *f
any eror irl tke Feyner:{ {rw&'xctio*.
7- The Customer shall be bound by any Payment Instruction executed by the Bank, if the Bank has executed the Payment lnsiruction in
good faittr and in cornpliance with the instruetions given by the Custonrer"
g" -f*n* **st*rner a*tfu*r,zes t*e deHt tfffi Ac*l?a!fd{s} he}d a3 ff&e Sar"rk m S*rB}e in*ftudicr"t s*ceiwed byway *rf Fapre*it trr:m&u*fi*$'i ar*S amy
o,fher trlahiffi irm:rmd hry &te fur:k ac?6{ff^ Mf;FI{- o5i hefuaff *f ttw f;a;s$o&ter fer erecs*iss} &f f$18 i&$&qifi6'}s.r#, iEsd&rdir6 f*mf dwrg€s {t'*rs}
third party. Such insiruciion shall be irrevocable once approved by the customer-
9. The Customer shall ensure availability of funds in his Account(s) before initiating a lransaction- The Customer agrees thai In the event of
ir:*lffie&nt &g*'#s irl ii*e,4sfs*r$l, tfte Sanl* she*l d*dine slrfl*] tr*slsedi**r"
X#" ?h* Sa$kf i,*frfr${- }m* ifm r?S,'?t til $r}sFe{}d *3re tra*}sa{*iox wi& reeFeet t6 fixe
.s{}rir}sri}F& $*rvice, if }t lt*s re*$sfl t$ beXicve *mt the
Customer's instructions witl lead to or expose to direct or indirect loss to the tsanu NCHL or may require an indemnity from the Customer
before execuiing such instruction. The Customer agree$ lhat he/she shall not be entitled to make any claim against NCHL and/or any
pari$cipa*t *{ the con*ectlP$ $yste*l im respeat to t*rc canneetlP$ Ssvim"
it" fgs 6&sts*&6:r ackm*w**dge* tgia€ th*fls *r;Esy h8 tirme **g [r'i ts€6lssmiss8l:$ *$ Bns{nxct$*s, }r}&}EG?#{*$6t lrr esr$df.8}rii*a*!*s'* sis
tefeeom*runicailen *etvruri( fer which the Eank end/or NCHL sftafl not he held fiabfe.
12.The Customer shall not hotd the Bankl NCHL responsible for any damage, claim, and issue arising out or in connection with any
purchase *f goodslseruices frcrn Creditorlltf,erchant through connesltrS Service" The Cr$tomer understands and agrees tha{ all sttch
fosse*. dameg*s and msi"ieg shaXl *cnstifus{e * r*aift} agaietsl si,***t *reditoffider$*aii*-
Tfle ei:st*mer agrees tl.ief g,r* rffirccffp$ $ervires *re c#ered fu Iirre siiBl *f,e @er*iing Freccdr*r** 4*?iflft ere si#3e$ t* ci}crEe fi*rm
time to time by NRB and/or NCHL and shall be nolified through their website(s)-
14- The Customer shall not, and shal! not attenrpt to decoropite, reverse-engineer, convert, adapt, alter, modifu, enhance, add to, detete or
t$- frustcrmen agr*es mrat afi s**itt, tide acld iffifer-es{ i* amd reXa6rlg t* ffie afuowe a*d xrry and aff re}eted crpgrffi" pa{ex*,&a&cemr&,
servie mark, proprietary property, tiade secrets and exclusive works are and shall remain the exclusive property of NCHL' No n:ght, ttlle or
interest other ihan the right io access the information subject to these Terms is conveyed or transfened to the Customer" The Customer
shsll rici rnalrc ang seprea*fitatisn ar ds any ae*, ud'ri*fi filay be f6ker] ts tndifisie tfiat the Cr.*tar*er has any su*h rigfut, titte *r im*ercs't-

Rights and Obligations of the Bank

t- Bank *lis$3 not he bimdirng fnr the enr*Xlrneni request uritil the basrk ertsures KVC" A*6!-, arM any other requite*lisr*s are ceftxpl*€d ttriift by
&e #*s&6}ert8 Eir:k fu eremwffi*)"
Z. T6e Eanl sha$, execu€e a Faynlent Snslructic* issued and duty aut&orized by the Custome( wtless: {a) eec6ufit is not itl dsnnant
situation or suspended by the authority, (b) the funds available in the Account{s) of the Customer are not adequate or funds are not
propedy applicahhJayaitrable tc cor*ply wffh the Pa$InenI fnstruclis*. (*:) the Fayrnent l*s&u*tion is ineompl*t*, {d} tfie Eank h*s reass$ ts

tlie c*ruec#F$ $ystere"

3. No Payment lnitruction issued by the Customer shatl be binding on the Bank until the Bank has accepted it.
4" The Bank shall, for execution of every Payment lnstruction, he entitled to debit the designated Accountis) ef the Custonrer, rsith the
arawumfl o,u iNra fumds t* ha trefisfcsred tcg*{frer w6:k appll*ab'{e dmrgm payeb tf,Eresft-
5- A record *f iFla tra6sa#!s{} sl}dl be uvaihfuk **!irw irs &}e Cfir}rB{trF$ &f#m arxn sk$ [r$ the stst*srmc$ 6S 8]e effi$Jr$- Sudl advice w
confirmation shall be deemed to have been received by the Customer immediately after transmission and it is the duiy of the Customer to
check such advice or confinnation.
fi" TIH Bs{e fry previ*ir€ ifre e*nt:e*t{F$ -qsr$iee {s {fB *slstsrr*erslaatl fdlun*rt{re Opel'at W Fr*eedurm pe*miEed hy 0{fi& *n#*r SKHL
*1 thie rr*#rd$.
7. The tsaak reserves the right to charge feesl ctrarges in relation to the use andror terminafion sf the Services as prescribed by NCHI- and
to revise such feesi charges at any time with or without notice to the Customer, which shall be binding on the Cuslomer. Feesl Charges
sitall he colle#*d frssn itre f,u*tsmer in $,.rcf! rnarurer and at eudl fu:tenral* as t$m Bar& rnay speciiy"
S" TC}e Ser*.ardtr*rF*CI-*8- $Mtt*Bqs remelwwme{ffigEfqlsg$sB$t rBt$Btifssy*tstm[qmw*#iw'xnru*tttiBwms:swisEP$kqf#s se
il-rstailed wltl.l adequate searity designs and to wntrpl a*d rnanage l?Ne risks in operating the sefiritrs. Wane cf trE Bank or F58LII- xmtranls
or represents that the connectlPS Services, the information are free from virus or olher destructive features which may adversely affect the
Custorrlefs hardware, s*ftsare or eq$iprnent" In *o event shall ihe Bank or NCHL be liable to &e Cusrcnlet or flny other person far any
ir*idat*a1tr, indirex" *peeiai, **nsequen*iaf *f or ererlrp*arg d*rnages inciadir&g, wi*ir*a*.t !!rnita{io*" ar:y $*sx o{ $ss, rev*nsffi, Pr*8{s *r

il) 4))
Sharing of lnformation
TtE Cu5tron€r irrevocably and unoorditionally aufirorizes ihe Bat* to am the Crstornet's Accoun(s) ard rcoords for tte prpre oI
F*E5f,ding $le coaxedlPS Seftices- The &gffiFr agree* ffi Sre Ea:& ssdtor l$Clg msf hold scd
proces eb p*ser*al ffid dH
informafion coneming its Accoun(s) on computer or olhenvise in connection witfi the @nnedlPs Service, for analysis and/or as reguiled
by law.

\ Jhile the NCHL and/or Bank shall endeavor to promptly execute and process the transactions as proposed to h made by the Customer,
the Bankl NCHL shall not be responsible for any non-response or delay in responding due to any reason whatsoever, induding due to
failrreof oper-d*xal st6eils, *asrrru.Edealionfa&s, ne{r*o*kbiftreryarry rcm*erter*of &ts hr- Ttte HC**.JBaEd(shd ftofibeEa&[e
fu aV loss, da;m ordanrage suFerd bf me en*srrcrandforrry derfiird pilly arfo*rqil ort of orresr$nfil filn ffire of csurcctrPS
transaction on account of time out transaction i.e. rvhere no re$ponse is received from connectlPS System or the benefict'ary bank to the
transaclion rcquest andlor where informalion, includirq but not limited io inconed beneficiary delails, mobile number and/or acmuni details,
inlfigfansaetion-TheEar*rllClllsWrrdbeliaUe{orarywrphrlqperwinmsucfiastack}U# ar}dsMnoilhli&b
ftranyrrerd*wizerlkmffiionearffi,rsryfi"esdfirs cail*# fliutftrffi*€ Segdrydftatre"lMmMEard# begx*red bt6B
terms of Etectronic Transac{ion Ac{ 2063. The Customer shall indemniff the Bank, NCHL and their respective offers and employees
against all liabilities, dairns, demand, losses, damage$, costs, charges and expenses of any kind (induding, without limitation, legal fees on
a nrU inOennity hasi$) $fticfr may be incuned by any of trcm ard aS adions or Foedingwiticfi may be hurght by or agairxt arry of ttem
Esr wmesfirn u*Er fie prw*rtom dfi* wrecAFS $eruts;. fttrcl*.J ffi shd trlH, rr$ cifir#l#E, tse tEffi &*le e $e Cssms" if
connectlPs Servie acess is not auaitabb in lhe dedred manner fur reasons incfufing brrt nol frnited to natural catamilie$, bgal rcsnraint$,
or any other reason beyond the conlrol of the Bank and/or NCHL. Illegal or improper use of the connectlPs SeMce shall render the
Cuslomer liable for payrneoi of financial cftarges or may result in suspension of lhe mnrEc*lPS Srvires. All the records of the Bank
ggrs7ks btr firel Mions a*isi6 or.rl dthe ffie sf *re mnffi Serrb, Itefu*ry S* Are dka:sadion # be w*ihxiue prod*f
the gern*rpffsc a*d aceuary d On fansacfkm" Tte Ba* elryesafr &damns d ywrat$Gs d ary fir$, rrfie*er erp{s6s or irpned ry
statutory, including, but not limited to the implied wananties of merchantability, frtness for a particular purpose, data accuracY and
completeness, and any wananties relating to non-

Ttre Cgstorner asrees" al ils oarn exser|€e, fo irdemnify, deferd ard ltold fiarrdess l{C}lL ard fhe Banl1 its dirccfss ard empkyees,
refffi{ffi;4s, agent$, ad ib se*6re *rw*h's ryBtrd *V ce*& s*, #*on sr s$MS ett€E* agaft$* ilCfe 6&'Se Aff*,
its afftliates, direciors ard employees, representalives uagents ty a third patty, to lfie extent lhat strch daim, suit, aclion of other
proceeding brought against NCHL, Bank, its service provider, dircctoE and employees, representatives or agents is based on or arises in
connec*ion with the use of the connedlPS Service with refrerence to :
S) a u**a{itm of &re Terns bf tlrB G&totnel;
(ii) aryrlel€{krs, addt rxr, inserlionsoralleralioxto, raryrrmdsislu*d,8n wndPSServ*-bf tpClstsnq
(iii) any misrepresentation or breacfi of representa{ion or warranty made by the Customer contained herein;
(iv) any breacfr ofany covenant or oHigatton to be perfonned by the Custorner hereurder;
Theeisiurgnagreestopayanyar$aillM,danryesaad€cper@;nckeg"hrltldffidtt"*anornhhamnq5 kstdcosts
mred again$il s*rsw{se foxund by winmmree*funr*!h uai*rgfuml anysdldafu.st6, ari*xr

The Bank shall be entitled to sell. assign, $b-,codract or transfer the Bard('s right and digation$ urder Stese Terms to any pssonl
oorsptrry dtrB Bar*ds dro{ee in r*fiob c in gt and in sadr rrarrs ard st sldt E EE cd st&iaxts e &e M ory dec*le. Attf sr{r!
sale, assignrnent or lransfer shall condusrively bind lfre Custonrer ard all otfter percor, @mpary. The Custoner, its sressors ard as(7ns
are bound by these Tenns. Horrrrever, the Custoner shall not be entitled to transfer or assign any of its rights and obligations under these

The Customer may disable the linked bank Account{s} in the onnecflPS System, after vvfticft the payment transac{ion cannot be initiated
through sudl di$abled account, Huuever, the Customer can enable again sudr linked bank account, if it deenrs necessary- The Customer
wi$ refiiain rc*pffi for ad the trmcltores n* freqh ilr mmecilP$ sy$a wffi fu finkd acsa.rd b rfis&led" The Bank rlay
uspe'rd orem*naie the corndlP$ Senft,B trrylime eifhereflielf orrlidyr{i[u, re{gfqg arry trcorn lBh#oeueratd Bilhflrt ffir
notice ifthe Customer has breached any ofthese

1. The connecllPS Sewices and tfiese Tems straf, be gov€med ty and corclrued in accordance wiltt ttre laws of Nepat arid all the parties
shall submit to the no&exchange jurisdidion of the Courts of Nepal.
2. The dalse headirqs in this Twnrs are only fur wwsriefm ard do rd &ci
tle nreanirq of lfe mlalive dause-
3- The Eaf* lffi tle *eoklb ecretioc b ilrErd tr $pde[lEnil my dftre Tanns EG5 ffi hereh d aqy tkle or as ilnerded ry HRB
andror"ll and wifr erderrcrto Siue fior rutie for sucfi drange+*rrmfeasit*e, Suo,t ndices rry be pubffished on fe rrebeite or in
a newspaper and such notices will have the same efiect as a notice served individually to each Customer.
4. Any provision of these Terms, wfricfr as prohibited or unenforeable by law, shall he ineffective lo lhe extenl of prohibition or
une*forronflfiy bu{ slull not in*alidate ille r*:na*l*qg proflfr*sls cf ilEse Tenns or aftci sueh Fuu*rio{t-
5" The Baild(M halESreri{iltdsefdard fem, furcspedircdarydubt rduge, peser* srre*astrhsBst trEdepsdB he$ lt
the Accour*(s) to the extent of all outstanding dues, urhatsoever, afiSng as a resuft of the connedlPS $ervice extended to andJor used by
the Customer.

,t,/ ily

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