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Admas University

Curriculum for

Based on
Ethiopian Occupational Standard (EOS)

JUNE, 2015

Table of Contents
1. Introduction...........................................................................................................................2
2. TVET-Programme Design.................................................................................................4
2.1 TVET-Programme Title: Information Technology support service................................4
2.2 TVET-Programme Description........................................................................................4
2.3 TVET-Programme competencies.....................................................................................4
2.5 Qualification Level and Certification..............................................................................5
2.6 Target Groups..................................................................................................................5
2.7 Entry Requirements.........................................................................................................5
2.8 Concept and Mode of Delivery........................................................................................5
2.9 TVET-Programme Unit Competency Structure.....................................................................6
2.9.1 Unit competency / Subject Table..................................................................................6
2.9.2 Sequencing Structure....................................................................................................7
2.9.3 Module-Unit Relationship Matrix.................................................................................7
2.10 Cooperative Training.........................................................................................................9
2.11............................................ Assessment, Assessment Criteria and Assessment Scheduling 9
2.11.1 Classroom Level Assessment......................................................................................9
2.11.2 Institutional Assessment.............................................................................................9
2.11.3 National Assessment...................................................................................................9
2.12............................................................................................................Required Resources 10
2.13.................................................Admas university Trainer’s (Learning Facilitator’s) guide 10
2.14.......................................................................................Training Program Customisation 10
2.15..................................................................................The University generic Competences 10
1.17 TVET Trainers Profile.......................................................................................................11
3. Learning Modules............................................................................................................12

1. Introduction

The reformed Ethiopian TVET-System is an outcome-based system, meaning that it uses the
needs of the labour market and occupational requirements from the world of work as the
benchmark and standard for TVET-Delivery. The requirements from the world of work are
analysed and specified – taking into account international benchmarking – as Ethiopian
Occupational Standards (EOS).

In the reformed Ethiopian TVET-System, Curricula and Curriculum Development play an

important role with regard to quality driven TVET-Delivery. Curricula help to facilitate the
learning process in a way, that learners acquire the set of occupational competencies (skills,
knowledge and attitude) required at the working place and defined in the Ethiopian
Occupational Standards (EOS).
This curriculum has been developed by Admas university TVET IT trainers based on the
Ethiopian Occupational Standard “IT SUPPORT SERVICE”. It has the character of a model
curriculum and is an example on how to transform the occupational requirements as defined in
the respective Ethiopian Occupational Standard into an adequate curriculum.

Ethiopia has embarked on a process of reforming its TVET-System. Within the policies and
strategies of the Ethiopian Government, technology transformation – by using international
standards and international best practices as the basis, and, adopting, adapting and verifying
them in the Ethiopian context – is a pivotal element. TVET is given an important role with
regard to technology transfer. The new paradigm in the outcome-based TVET system is the
orientation at the current and anticipated future demand of the economy and the labour market.
The Ethiopian Occupational Standard (EOS) is - a core element of the Ethiopian National
TVET- Strategy and an important factor within the context of the Ethiopian TVET-
Qualification Framework (ETQF).
They are national Ethiopian standards, which define the occupational requirements and expected
outcome related to a specific occupation without taking TVET delivery into account.
This document details the mandatory format, sequencing, wording and layout for the Ethiopian
Occupational Standard comprised of Units of Competence.
A Unit of Competence describes a distinct work activity that would normally be undertaken by
one person.
Units of Competence are documented in a standard format that comprises:
 Reference to Industry Sector, Occupational title, ETQF level
 Unit code
 Unit title
 Unit descriptor
 Unit of Competence
 Elements and performance criteria
 Variables and Range statement
 Evidence guide
Together all the parts of a Unit of Competence:

 Describe a work activity


 Guide the assessor in determining whether the candidate is competent.

The ensuing sections of this EOS document comprise a description of the respective occupation
with all the key components of a Unit of Competence:
 A chart with an overview of all Units of Competence for the respective occupation (Unit
of Competence Chart) including the Unit Codes and the Unit of Competence titles
 A template for a Unit of Competence (Unit of Competence Standard) – this includes
further directions on the contents and format of the unit of competence
2. TVET-Programme Design
2.1 TVET-Programme Title: Information Technology support service

2.2 TVET-Programme Description

The programme is designed in line with the Ethiopian Occupational Standard (EOS). Therefore,
trainees participating and complete the programme successfully will be qualified in IT
SUPPORT SERVICE with competencies elaborated in the respective EOS. Graduates of the
programme will have the required qualification to work in the information Communication
sector in the field of Information Technology Assistance.
In the programme special emphasis is given to Information Technology Assistance systems and
devices of designing, installing, configuring and maintaining of hardware and network
equipments to the users. Graduates are therefore expected to Operate Database Application,
Update and Document Operational Procedures, Administrate Network and Hardware
Peripherals, Care for Network and Computer Hardware, Access and Use Internet,
Implement Maintenance Procedures, Maintain Equipment and Consumables, Apply
Problem Solving Techniques to routine Malfunction, Participate in Workplace
Communication, Work in Team Environment, Develop Business Practice & Apply
Continuous improvement process in accordance with the performance criteria described in the
The programme will be carried out as per the curriculum developed based on the EOS. The
curriculum gives details on the expected outcome, programme content, learning strategy,
evaluation and assessment as well as on the resource conditions of the programme.

2.3 TVET-Programme competencies

Upon completion of this particular TVET programme “IT SUPPORT SERVICE” the
trainees shall be able to cover the following unit of competencies.
 Operate Database Application
 Update and Document Operational Procedures
 Administrate Network and Hardware Peripherals
 Care for Network and Computer Hardware
 Access and Use Internet
 Implement Maintenance Procedures
 Maintain Equipment and Consumables
 Apply Problem Solving Techniques to routine Malfunction
 Participate in Workplace Communication
 Work in Team Environment
 Developing Business Practice
 Apply Continuous improvement process (KAIZEN)

2.4 Duration of the TVET-Programme

The Program will have duration of 1013 hours including the on-the-job practice or
cooperative training time.
2.5 Qualification Level and Certification
Based on the descriptors elaborated on the National Qualification Framework 1 the qualification of
this specific TVET programme will be “Level II.”

2.6 Target Groups

No special target group is assigned for the programme. Any citizen who meet the entry
requirements and capable of participating in the theoretical teachings and practical activities is
entitled to take part in the programme.

2.7 Entry Requirements

To enter the programme, a candidate shall at least successfully complete 10 th grade general

2.8 Concept and Mode of Delivery

This specific TVET-programme can be characterized as a formal programme on middle
technical level. As long as the required learning / contact hours as specified in the curricula are
retained, the training can be flexibly adopted according to the prevailing conditions and
provisions as far as organization, venue and scheduling of the training in concerned. As far as
feasible, preferred mode of delivery is co-operative training, meaning that TVET-institutions
and companies co- operate with regard to implementation. Involvement of companies in TVET-
delivery is highly recommended because it gives the learners exposure to the actual world of
work and enable them to get hands-on experience. Organization of in-company training depends
on the preferences and frame conditions of the respective companies. One of the options is
organization of in-company training in block-form. This has already been practiced in the past
(industry attachment / apprenticeship training) and is still relevant.

In the process of being defined and approved
2.9 TVET-Programme Unit Competency Structure
2.9.1 Unit competency / Subject Table
Unit Competency or subject Table

TVET-Programme Title: Basic clerical Works

In Cooperative Total
Unit of Competency school(Theory& Tr. Duration
Practical) Hrs
EIS ITS2 01 08
11 Operating Database Application 48 112 160
EIS ITS2 02 07
10 Updating & Documenting Operational Procedures 16 37 53
EIS ITS2 03 07
10 Administrating Network & Hardware Peripherals 48 112 160
EIS ITS2 04 07
10 Caring for Network & Computer Hardware 32 75 107
EIS ITS2 05 07
10 Accessing & Using Internet 32 75 107
EIS ITS2 06 07
10 Implementing Maintenance Procedures 32 75 107
EIS ITS2 07 07
10 Marinating Equipment & Consumables 16 37 53
EIS ITS2 08 07 Applying Problem-Solving Techniques to Routine
10 Malfunction 16 37 53
EIS ITS2 09 07
10 Participating in Workplace Communication 16 37 53
EIS ITS2 10 07
10 Working Team Environment 16 37 53
EIS ITS2 11 07
10 Develop Business Practice 16 37 53
EIS ITS2 12 07
10 Apply Continuous Improvement Process (Kaizen) 16 37 53
304 709 1013
2.9.2 Sequencing Structure
TVET-Programme Title: “Basic clerical works”
Code / Unit Of Competency Total Remark
Sequential Unit Competency Title Competency Duration
Order Type (Hrs.)
1 Operating Database Application Main Module 160
2 Updating & Documenting Operational Main Module
Procedures 53
3 Administrating Network & Hardware Main Module.
Peripherals 160
4 Caring for Network & Computer Main Module
Hardware 107
5 Accessing & Using Internet Main module 107
6 Implementing Maintenance Procedures Main Module. 107
7 Marinating Equipment & Consumables Main Module 53
8 Applying Problem-Solving Techniques to Main module
Routine Malfunction 53
9 Participating in Workplace Main Module.
Communication 53
10 Working Team Environment Main Module 53
11 Develop Business Practice Main Module 53
12 Apply Continuous Improvement Process Main Module.
(Kaizen) 53

2.9.3 Module-Unit Relationship Matrix

Learning Outcomes Duration
Operating 160
EIS ITS2 01  Create database objects
0811  Customize basic settings
 Create reports
Updating and 53
EIS ITS2 02 documenting  Assess technical and user documentation
0811 operational  Update procedures
procedure  Update documentation
 Confirm requirements of client 160
 Obtain required peripherals
 Connect hardware peripherals
Administrating  Install peripherals to a network
network and
EIS ITS2 03  Configure peripheral services
0811  Administer and support peripheral services
 Maintain peripherals and fix common problems
 Use and maximize operating system
 Support input and output devices

 Identify computer hardware components 107

Caring for
 Establish location requirements for hardware and peripherals
EIS ITS2 04 network and
 Monitor threats to the network
0811 computer
hardware  Establish maintenance practices

EIS ITS2 05 Accessing and  Access internet
0811 using internet  Search internet
 Determine best practices for equipment and 107
software maintenance
Implementing  Revise practices, where appropriate
EIS ITS2 06 Maintenance  Identify and analyze IT system components to
0811 procedure be maintained
 Apply maintenance procedures

EIS ITS2 07 Maintaining  Clean equipment 53

0811 equipment and  Replace and maintain consumables and supplies
consumable  Maintain equipment
Applying problem  Identify problems 53
solving  Determine fundamental / root causes of the problem
techniques to  Recommend solutions to problem
EIS ITS2 09 Participating in  Obtain and convey workplace information 53
07 10 Work place  Participate in workplace meetings and discussions
EIS ITS2 10 Working in Team  Describe team role and scope 53
07 10 Environment  Identify own role and responsibility within team
EISITS2 11 Developing  Identify business opportunities 53
0811 Business Practice  Review implementation process
 Plan for establishment of business operation
EIS ITS2 12 Apply  Satisfy quality system requirements in daily work 53
0811 Continuous  Analyze opportunities for corrective
Improvement and/or optimization action

2.10 Cooperative Training

Trainees are expected to get experience in competencies, values and attitudes of real world
environment through cooperative training. This will help Trainees to study, and learn more
easily, since they are aware of what they are training for and how they will apply competency
concepts in their practical work. The Cooperative training program is managed by a well
prepared implementation plan for each competency and the following activities will be
performed accordingly.

 Identifying industries for cooperative training

 Give awareness/orientation to the trainees
 Preparing MoU
 Assigning of trainers for the trainees
 Follow up and record the result of trainees
 Developing the training plan in cooperation with partner establishments;
 Overseeing trainees’ enrolment in the program;
 Integrating the CT program into the trainee’s overall educational and training

2.11Assessment, Assessment Criteria and Assessment Scheduling

Admas University designs this curriculum assessment criterion, the TVET Institution.
Assessment as well as management and scheduling of occupational testing based on the
former responsibility of TVET – Providers. In this regard, two types of assessment will be
carried out.

2.11.1 Classroom Level Assessment

It includes continuous assessment and final exams (Formative & summative) / assessment
for each module/competencies. This type of assessment is often competency-based and
done at class room level by the respective trainer based on the information deliberated in
each module and trainer’s manual. These assessments are conducted for each learning
outcome. Trainers will keep trainees progress by using progress chart.

2.11.2 Institutional Assessment

After completing assessments for each module trainees are expected to take institutional
assessment for their overall performance. This assessment is considered as model for the
national assessment. Trainees who are competent by institutional assessment are eligible to
take the national assessment. If the trainees are not competent during the institutional
assessment additional skill gap training will be given.

2.11.3 National Assessment

Occupational Assessment and Certification of the achieved occupational qualifications will
be done according to Occupational Assessment guideline and procedures by the national
assessment centre.
2.12Required Resources
Admas University TVET programme provides the following facilities to fulfil the
required resource for the righteous delivery of the training. The delivered resources mainly
 Learning facilities/infrastructure: - The University already includes
physical structures like buildings and the facilities required for the
teaching –learning process, e.g. enough computer laboratories and Model
 Teaching, Training and Learning Materials (TTLM): - All the unit of
competency are prepared with their respective TTLM. Each TTLM
prepared according to the rules and regulations set by the EOS.
N.B:- Admas University TVET programme also insist each trainer to appropriately select
and organize additional resources other than suggested in the respective module based on
their prevailing conditions.

2.13Admas university Trainer’s (Learning Facilitator’s) guide

For this particular TVET programme and especially for the main unit of competency the
University trainers (facilitators) are equipped with a minimum educational qualification of
either level B or level C in Business fields of studies and he/she is must be nationally

2.14Training Program Customisation

The AU TVET programme will have the option to customise the training programme
according to their specific needs as prescribed in the Curriculum Development Guideline,
the applicable Ethiopian Occupational Standard and the relevant rules and legislations.

2.15The University generic Competences

Generic competences focus on the capacity to apply physical or mental attributes, essential
for employability in a large number of different qualifications (occupations) and
organizations. They are context independent and important for work, learning and life in
Generic competences refer to overall performance outcomes, which have mostly been
derived from identified social, physical and personal environment related management
requirements. Acquired generic competencies are universal, immediately available personal
capacities, which guide the performance of skills / application of knowledge and do not
require any adaptation to fit new work situations.
Generic competences include:
 Cognitive (problem solving) competences
 Meta-cognitive (intra-personal) competences
 Human resource management (interpersonal) competences
 Physical resource management (operational)
competences (Technology, Data, Supplies, Time,
 Work readiness (educational) competences
 Work creativity and innovation (business) competences
2.16Licensing and regulatory requirements of the program
Licensing and regulatory requirements for this specific program is a bilateral
work of the institution and the government bodies not the right of the institution

1.17 TVET Trainers Profile

The Trainers conducting this particular TVET Program are at least B Level having COC
assessment Certificate and have satisfactory practical experiences or equivalent
3. Learning Modules


TVET - PROGRAM TITLE: Information Technology Support Service Level II

MODULE TITLE: Operating Database Application


MODULE DESCRIPTION: - This module defines the competency required to operate database
Applications and perform basic operations.
At the end of the module the learner must be able to:
LO1. Create database
objects. LO2. Customize
basic settings LO3. Create
LO4. Create reports
LO5. Retrieve information

LO1 Creating Database Objects
1.1 Introduction to the Module
1.2 Opening and designing DB application and principles
1.2.1 Naming conventions
1.2.2 Data layout
1.2.3 Formatting
1.3 Creating DB objects
1.3.1 Creating DB tables Adding And modifying data in a table Adding, modifying and deleting Records Identifying relationships Saving and compiling DB objects
1.3.2 Query
1.3.3 Forms
1.3.4 Reports
1.3.5 Macro modules
1.3.6 Pages
LO2 Customizing basic settings
2.1 Adjusting page layout

2.2 Opening and viewing different toolbar

2.3 Formatting
LO4 Create forms
4.1 Creating a form by Wizard/design
4.2 Opening and records Existing
4.3 Rearranging objects
LO3 Creating reports
3.1 Designing reports to present data in logical sequences
3.2 Modifying reports
3.3 Distributing reports
LO5 Retrieve information
5.1 Accessing and requiring Existing DB records
5.2 Creating simple query
5.3 Developing query with multiple criteria


Learning Strategies
 Learner-centred
 Flexible
 Off- and on-job-training integrated
 Consideration of both individual vs. group based practices/exercises
 Holistic projects
Learning Methods
 Discussion
 Lecturer
 Demonstration
 Project
 Practical exercise
 Training, Teaching and learning materials
o Trainer’s Guide
o Reference manuals

o Reference books
 An Introduction to Database system, C.Desai
 Fundamentals of Information Technology, Alex Leon (1999)
o From Internet
o Text books
o Models and Charts
o Modules
 Learning Facilities (infrastructure)
o Visual training media (OHP, transparencies, Black board, White Board, Flip chart)
o Basic computer maintenance tool kit,
o Computer,
o Software

o safety tools
o Required building facilities (Laboratory rooms, workshops )

o Budget for further training of teachers/instructors

Assessment of the module should be based on the evaluation of the attainment of the learning
outcomes with the reference to the performance criteria indicated in the respective EOS for the
 Assessment Methods and
Schedule Methods:
o Practical assessment
o Interview
o Simulation/Role-plays
o Observation
o Theoretical exam
o Portfolio Assessment (Eg Certificate from training providers)
o Project work
o Final-exam
o Continuous assessment
o Final examination (theory & practical) at the end of the module
 Assessment Conditions
Aspects of competency, including the attainment of relevant knowledge and skills, may be
assessed in a closely simulated work environment, or other appropriate means that clearly meet
industry competency requirements.
Assessment Criteria
LO 1 Create database objects
 Database application is opened and designed incorporating basic design principles
 Database object is created according to database usage, as well as user requirements
 Database object is modified as required
 Data in a table are added and modified according to information requirements
 Records are added, modified and deleted as required
 Database objects are saved and compiled
LO 2 Customize basic settings
 Page layout is adjusted to meet user requirements
 Different toolbars are opened and viewed
 Font is formatted as appropriate for the purpose of the database entries
LO 3 Retrieve information
 Existing database is accessed and required records located
 Simple query is created and required information retrieved
 Query with multiple criteria is developed and required information retrieved
 Data are selected and appropriately displayed
LO 4 Create forms

 Wizard used to create a simple form


 Existing database opened and records through a simple form modified

 Objects within the form rearranged to accommodate information requirements

LO 5 Create reports
 Reports are designed to present data in a logical sequence or manner
 Reports are modified to include/exclude additional requirements
 Reports are distributed to appropriate person in a approved format

TVET - PROGRAM TITLE: Information Technology Support Service

Level - II
MODULE TITLE: Updating and Documenting Operational Procedures
MODULE DESCRIPTION: - This unit defines the competence required to assess, update and
Document the operational procedures required to use the system.
At the end of the module the learner must be able to:
LO1 Assess technical and user documentation
LO2 Update procedures
LO3 Update documentation


LO1 Assess technical and user documentation

1.1. Analyze technical and user documentation
1.1.1. Check, investigate and document the current System
1.2.1. Kinds of technical and user documentation System Layout Operational procedures Technical manuals
1.2. Reviewing the current version based on the latest operation
1.3. Comparing the accuracy of the document
1.4. Identifying inaccuracy for future use.
LO2 Update procedures
2.1 Determining operational procedure requirement
2.2 Developing /updating operating procedures for the system
2.3 Submitting proposed procedures
LO3 Update documentation
3.1 Reviewing and making appropriate feedback changes
3.2 Updating technical and user documentation
3.3 Submitting technical and user documentation for final approval
Learning Strategies
 Learner-centred
 Flexible
 Consideration of both individual vs. group based practices/exercises
 Holistic projects
Learning Methods
 Discussion
 Lecturer

 Demonstration
 Project
 Practical exercise
 Training, Teaching and learning materials
o Trainer’s Guide
o Reference manuals
o Text books
o Reference Books
o Models and charts
o Internet
o Modules
 Learning Facilities (infrastructure)
o Visual training media (OHP, transparencies, Black board, White Board, Flip chart)
o Computer Laboratory
o Required building facilities (Class rooms, workshops )
o Budget for further training of teachers/instructors
Assessment of the module should be based on the evaluation of the attainment of the learning
outcomes with the reference to the performance criteria indicated in the respective EOS for the

 Assessment Methods and

Schedules Methods:
o Continuous assessment(test, group work, etc)
o Quiz
o Assignments
o Project work
o Final-exam
o Continuous assessment
o Final examination (theory & practical) at the end of the module
 Assessment Conditions
Aspects of competency, including the attainment of relevant knowledge and skills, may be
assessed in a relevant workplace, a closely simulated work environment, or other appropriate
means that clearly meet industry competency requirements.

Assessment Criteria

LO 1 Assess technical and user documentation

 Current version of technical and user documentation is reviewed based on the latest
operational procedures.
 Accuracy of technical and user documentation is compared with current system functionality.
 Inaccuracies are identified and documented for future reference.
LO 2 Update procedures
 Operational procedure requirements are determined using review outcomes.
 Operating procedures are developed / updated for the system.

 Proposed operating procedures are submitted to appropriate person.


LO 3 Update documentation

 Feedback is reviewed and appropriate changes are made as needed.
 Technical and user documentation are updated to incorporate changes.
 Technical and user documentation are submitted to appropriate person for final
approval. Technical and user documentation are distributed as agreed with appropriate

Assessment of the module should be based on the evaluation of the attainment of the learning
outcomes with the reference to the performance criteria indicated in the respective EOS for the

 Assessment Methods and

Schedules Methods:
o Continuous assessment(test, group work, etc)
o Quiz
o Assignments
o Project work
o Final-exam
o Continuous assessment
o Final examination (theory & practical) at the end of the module
 Assessment Conditions
Aspects of competency, including the attainment of relevant knowledge and skills, may be
assessed in a relevant workplace, a closely simulated work environment, or other appropriate
means that clearly meet industry competency requirements.
TVET-PROGRAMME TITLE: Information Technology Support Service Level II

MODULE TITLE: Administrating Network and Hardware

Peripherals NOMINAL DURATION: 48 hrs
MODULE DESCRIPTION. This module defines the competence required to connect, install,
configure, maintain and troubleshoot local area network and peripherals
At The End Of The Module The Learner Must Be Able To:
LO1 Confirm requirements of client
LO2 Obtain required peripherals
LO3 Connect hardware peripherals
LO4 Install peripherals to a network
LO5 Configure peripheral services
LO6 Administer and support peripheral services
LO7 Maintain peripherals and fix common
problems LO8 Use and maximize operating system
LO9 Support input and output devices
LO1 Confirm requirements of client
1.1 Identifying and confirming client peripherals
1.1.1 Input peripherals
1.1.2 Output peripherals
1.1.3 Secondary storage devices
1.1.4 Confirming requirements of organizational standards
1.2 Documenting Client requirements and peripherals
1.3 Verifying client requirements
1.3.1 Report Procedures
1.4 Ensuring warranty and supply services
1.4.1 Warranty
1.4.2 Support services
LO2 Obtain required peripheral
2.1 Obtaining peripherals
2.1.1 Instruction or specification
2.2 Entering peripherals into equipment inventory
2.3 Validating components
2.4 Reserving discrepancies
2.5 Storing peripherals
LO3 Connect hardware peripherals
3.1 Verifying installation schedule
3.2 Removing old peripherals
3.3 Environmental considerations
3.3.1 How to dispose packaging
3.3.2 Safety procedures Physical hazards Chemical hazards Ergonomics Psychological factors Physiological factors Burglary Fire Power accidents
3.4 Adding new peripherals
3.4.1 Operating system compatibility
3.4.2 Install device drivers
3.4.3 Test peripherals
LO4 Install peripherals to a network
4.1 Plan peripheral location
4.1.1 Identifying computer network &types
4.1.2 Types of topology
4.1.3 Network media
4.2 Connecting peripheral to a network
4.2.1 Using vendor approved technologies Parallel Serial Direct
4.3 Testing peripherals /cables, and other devices/ operations
LO5 Configure peripheral services
5.1 Install required software to configure/manage local area network
5.1.1 Local peripherals
5.1.2 Network peripherals
5.2 Configuring access and security
5.1.3 User privileges System privileges Object privilege
5.3 Configuring work stations
5.4 Sharing Network resources

5.4.1 Hardware
5.4.2 Data
5.4.3 Applications
LO6 Administer and support peripheral services
6.1 Assigning priorities
6.2 Configuring setting on the network
6.2.1 Maintenance schedule
6.2.2 Usage logs
6.2.3 Usage statistics
6.3 Demonstrating methods for the user
LO7 Maintain peripherals and fix common problems
7.1 Establishing regular maintenance schedule
7.2 Replacing consumables and components
7.2.1 Consumable types
7.3 Fixing unfortunate accident and malfunctions
7.3.1 Conducting preventive maintenance
7.3.2 Symptoms
7.3.3 Fixing malfunctions
7.4 Recommending peripheral usage
LO8 Use and maximize operating system
8.1 Configuring Network operating system
8.1.1 Adding different functionalities of operating system
8.2 Operating application soft wares
8.2.1 Installing
8.2.2 Upgrading
8.2.3 Uninstalling
8.3 Working with graphical user interface and command line
8.3.1 Windows
8.3.2 Disk operating system(DOS)
8.4 Using operating system utilities
8.5 Customizing graphical user interface
8.5.1 Customizing desktop
8.5.2 Customizing appearance
8.5.3 Customizing screen resolution
LO9 Support input and output devices
9.1 Setting up and check devices
9.2 Installing drivers and checking functionality based vendor manuals
9.3 Ensuring drivers



Learning Strategies

 Flexible
 Off- and on-job-training integrated
 Consideration of both individual vs. group based practices/exercises
 Holistic projects
Learning Methods
 Explanation
 Demonstration
 Discussion
 Project
 Practical exercise

Assessment of the module should be based on the evaluation of the attainment of the learning
outcomes with the reference to the performance criteria indicated in the respective EOS for the
 Assessment Methods and
Schedules Methods:
o Interview
o Written Test
o Oral Questioning
o Observation
o Demonstration
o Continuous assessment
o Final examination (theory & practical) at the end of the module
 Assessment Conditions
Aspects of competency, including the attainment of relevant knowledge and skills, may
be assessed in a relevant workplace, a closely simulated work environment, or other
appropriate means that clearly meet industry competency requirements.

LO1 Confirm requirements of client
 Client peripheral requirements are Identified and confirmed in accordance with
organizational standards.
 Client requirements and peripherals needed are documented in line with
organizational standards and report findings to the appropriate person.
 Client requirements are verified with appropriate person in line with organizational
standards and reporting procedures.
 Action taken to ensure client support expectations are covered by vendor warranty
and support services.
LO2 Obtain required peripherals
 Peripherals are obtained under instruction from appropriate person.
 Peripherals are entered into equipment inventory according to organizational standards.

 Contents of delivered components and physical contents that match the packing list

are validated and resolved discrepancies if necessary.

 Peripherals are stored according to vendor/manual guidelines.
LO3 Connect hardware peripherals
 Timeframe for installation schedule is verified with the client requirement.
 Old peripherals are removed if they are being replaced with minimal disruption to
clients, taking into account environmental considerations and OHS standards.
 New peripherals are connected with minimum disruption to clients, taking into
account operating system procedures.
 The computer configured to accept the new peripherals based on business requirement
 Hardware peripherals are tested and confirmed to client satisfaction, pay
particular attention to possible impact on other systems and make adjustments as

LO4 Install peripherals to a network

 Location of peripherals are planned to provide appropriate services to users and to
take into consideration OHS standards.
 Peripherals are connected to network, using vendor-approved method and technology.
 Peripherals are connected to computers in the network using parallel, serial or other
direct connection methods appropriate for the job order.
 Peripherals are tested for correct operation based on client’s specifications.
LO5 Configure peripheral services
 Required software is installed to manage local and network-connected peripherals
according to business requirement software peripherals according to business
 Meaningful names are used for peripherals and control queues
 Security and access are configured to allow appropriate users to make use of peripherals.
 Workstation for peripherals is configured to allow applications to work with peripherals.
LO6 Administer and support peripheral services
 Priority is assigned to control queues based on organizational requirement.
 Settings on the network is configured to create maintenance schedules, usage logs,
and cost centre usage statistics
 Methods are demonstrated to the user for using peripheral services from their
application or workstation
LO7 Maintain peripherals and fix common problems
 A regular maintenance schedule is established and followed as recommended by
peripheral manufacturer.
 Consumables and components are replaced when required.
 Peripheral mishaps (unfortunate accident) and malfunctions are fixed based on procedure.
 Peripheral usage and traffic is monitored and recommend additional peripherals if needed.
 Failures of peripheral services or devices are determined and rectify as required.

LO8 Use and maximize operating system


 Operating system is configured to suit the working environment, including but not
limited to setting variables.
 Application software is installed, upgraded and uninstalled to suit the
working environment.
 Both graphical user interface and the command line interface are used to perform
basic tasks based on clients.
 Operating system and third-party utilities are used based system requirement.
 Graphical user interface is customized based on clients.
LO9 Support input and output devices
 Input and output devices are set up and checked functionality based on requirement.
 Drivers are installed as appropriate and checked functionality based vendor manuals.
 Drivers are ensured to be properly working

TVET-PROGRAMME TITLE: Information Technology Support Service Level II

MODULE TITLE: Care for Network and Computer Hardware

MODULE DESCRIPTION. This module defines the competence required to maintain
computer hardware. It includes locating sitting of hardware for safe and efficient utilization and
reducing risk of infection.


At the end of the module the learner must be able
to: LO1 Identify computer hardware components
LO2 Establish location requirements for hardware and peripherals
LO3 Monitor threats to the network

LO1 Identify computer hardware components
1.1 Introduction to computer hardware
1.1.1. External hardware Standards Compatibility Specification
1.1.2 Internal hardware Standards Compatibility Specification
1.2 Determining safe workplaces
1.2.1. Legal requirement
1.2.2. Manufacturer requirement
LO2 Establish location requirements for hardware and peripherals
1.1 Computer platforms
1.2 Preventive Maintenance

1.2.1 System protection devices


1.2.2 Suitable environmental conditions for hardware and peripherals

1.2.3 Requirements when moving hardware
1.3 Suitable storage principles for hardware and associated peripherals
1.4 Applying and considering business requirements
1.4.1 Business requirement 9 Quality and cost Robustness Industry standard components Upgrade
1.4.2 Functions of computer hardware Function s of input devices Functions of output devices Functions of secondary storage devices Functions of CPU

LO3 Monitor threats to the network

1.5 Using software Utilities
1.6 Identify security threats
3.2.1. Security threats Eavesdropping Manipulation, impersonation and penetration Denial Of Service(DOS) By-pass & Hacking Viruses
1.6.2 Carry-out spot-checks and other security strategies Security strategy Privacy Authentication Authorization and integrity
1.7 Implementing Encryption facilities
1.7.1 Encryption facilities public key: RSA/Rivert Shamir and Adleman/ PGP (pretty good privacy) Asymmetric ciphers Asymmetric public-key ciphers Sniffers, PKI(Public-key Infrastructure), Linux security
command/SSH/, Deslogin, Data compression software’s/e.g.
PKZIP/, secure socket layer (SSL) Digital signatures
1.8 Prepare and present an audit report
1.9 Obtain approval for recommended changes to be made
LO4 Establishing maintenance practice
4.1 Determining Maintenance requirements specified by the equipment manufacturer
4.1.1 Caution
4.1.2 Attention
4.2 Scheduling Maintenance procedures
4.2.1 Onsite response
4.2.2 Remote diagnostic
4.3 Diagnostic functions and replacing suspected components
4.3.1 Diagnostic functions
4.3.2 Replacing suspected components
10 Motherboards, CMOS battery, CPU, Drives, Interface cards, Fax,

modem cards, and RAM

4.3.3 Upgrades

4.3.4 Reloading soft wares
4.4 Configuring security setting
4.4.1 Install firewall, Install antivirus, Install anti-malware, Install anti spyware
4.5 Determine Unserviceable components


Learning Strategies
 Flexible
 Off- and on-job-training integrated
 Consideration of both individual vs. group based practices/exercises
 Holistic projects
Learning Methods
 Explanation
 Demonstration
 Discussion
 Project
 Practical exercise

Assessment of the module should be based on the evaluation of the attainment of the learning
outcomes with the reference to the performance criteria indicated in the respective EOS for the
 Assessment Methods and
Schedules Methods:
o Interview
o Written Test
o Oral Questioning
o Observation
o Demonstration
o Continuous assessment
o Final examination (theory & practical) at the end of the module
 Assessment Conditions
Aspects of competency, including the attainment of relevant knowledge and skills, may
be assessed in a relevant workplace, a closely simulated work environment, or other
appropriate means that clearly meet industry competency requirements.


MODULE TITLE: Accessing and Using Internet


Module Code: EIS ITS2 M05 0811

Unit Descriptor: This unit defines the competence required to access internet and complete basic web
search tasks. It includes finding required information.


At the end of the module the learner must be able
to: LO1 Access internet
LO2 Search internet

LO1 Access internet
1.1 Introduction to internet
1.2.1 Definition, use, and basic terminologies of Internet
1.2.2 Makeup and structure of web addresses
1.2.3 Security, viruses, privacy legislation, copyright
1.2.4 Types of search engines
1.2 Opening Internet browser
1.2.1 Netscape Navigator, Internet Explorer, Mozilla, Opera, Galleon Phoenix ,Conqueror,
1.3 Setting internet options
1.3.1 Home page
1.3.2 Location of temporary files
1.3.3 Privacy level
1.3.4 Security level
1.3.5 Type of connection
1.3.6 History
1.4 Adjusting display/view modes
1.4.1 Modifying Toolbar
1.4.2 Menus and Buttons
1.5 Accessing and retrieving site data
1.5.1 Loading Images
1.5.2 Opening URL

1.5.3 Deleting cookies and history of internet browser

LO2 Search internet

2.1.1 Search parameters

2.1.2 Key words
2.1.3 Logical operators
2.2 Opening and defining Search engines
2.2.1 Types of search engines
2.2.2 features of search engines
2.3 Saving and presenting search results
2.4 Creating Bookmarks
2.5 Modifying Page set up options
2.6 Shutting down and exiting browser
2.7 Observing OHS and netiquette principles
2.8 Using E-Mail


 Learning Strategies
 Learner-centred
 Flexible
 Off- and on-job-training integrated
 Consideration of both individual vs. group based practices/exercises
 projects
 Learning Methods
 Discussion
 Lecture
 Demonstration
 Project
 Practical exercise

 Training, Teaching and learning materials
 Trainer’s Guide
 Reference manuals
 Text books
 Reference Books
 Internet connections ,personal computers with proper software package
 earning Facilities (infrastructure)
 Visual training media (LCD projector, Black board, White Board, )
 computer laboratory
 Required building facilities (Class rooms, workshops )
 Budget for further training of teachers/instructor
 Internet browser software(Netscape Navigator, Internet Explorer, Mozilla,
 Opera, Galleon, Phoenix, Lynx)


Assessment of the module should be based on the evaluation of the attainment of the learning outcomes
with the reference to the performance criteria indicated in the respective EOS for the occupation.
Assessment Methods and Schedules
 Continuous assessment(test, group work, etc)
 Quiz
 Assignments
 Project work
 Final-exam
 Continuous assessment
 Final examination (theory & practical) at the end of the module
Assessment Conditions
 Aspects of competency, including the attainment of relevant knowledge and skills,
 may be assessed in a relevant workplace, a closely simulated work environment, or
 Other appropriate means that clearly meet industry competency requirements.
Assessment criteria
LO1: Access internet
 Internet browser is opened and a home page of personal choice set up by setting internet ]
 options
 Display/view modes is adjusted to suit personal requirements
 Toolbar is modified to meet user and browsing needs
 Particular site is accessed and retrieved data
 Images are loaded or not loaded depending on modem speed, computer and browser
 capabilities
 URL is opened to obtain data and browse link
 Cookies and history of internet browser are deleted as precaution from virus infection
LO2: Search internet
 Search engines are opened and search requirements defined using a range of search
 parameters
 Search results are saved and presented as a report according to the information required
 Bookmarks are created for required web page and saved in associated bookmark folder
 Page set up options is modified and web page or the required information printed
 Browser is shut down and exited


MODULE TITLE: Implementing Maintenance Procedures
Module Code: EIS ITS2 06 0811
Unit Descriptor: This module defines the competence required to set up maintenance procedures to keep
equipment and software operating effectively and efficiently.
At the end of the module the learner must be able to:

LO1 Determine best practices for equipment and software maintenance

LO2 Revise practices’ where appropriate
LO3 Identify and analyze it system components to be maintained
LO4 Apply maintenance procedures

1 Determine best practices for equipment and software maintenance

1.1 Introduction to the module
1.2 Overview of maintenance procedures
1.3 Identifying equipment and software to be maintained
1.4 Identifying implemented processes
1.5 Identifying vendor documentation, peer organizations or research information
1.6 Obtaining requirements in the area of equipment maintenance and reliability
1.7 Documenting procedures
2 Revise practices, where appropriate
2.1 Monitoring and reviewing Maintenance operation
2.2 Identifying Problems to meet service-level agreements
 Communications carriers, ISPs, ASPs and SLAs for vendor products
 Workload and performance considerations,
 Expectations regarding servicing, penalties, and charge back to business units
2.3 Considering changes to maintenance procedures
2.4 Assessing changes
2.5 Designing and implementing Improvements to maintenance procedures
3 Identify and analyze IT system components to be maintained
3.1 Determining and documenting warranty status of components and/or software

3.2 Reviewing System architecture and configuration documentation

3.2.1 Operating system
3.2.2 Database software
3.2.3 Configuration: small memory model, large memory model, requests per second
3.3 Identifying Critical components and/or software and documenting recommendations
4. Apply maintenance procedures
4.1 Creating Preventative maintenance schedule
4.2 Identifying and applying Specific and appropriate maintenance procedure
4.3 Documenting recommended procedures and submitting for approval
4.4 Implementing staff are oriented on the procedures and ensured to follow the maintenance schedule
4.5 Occupational Health Safety (OHS) is observed throughout the process


Learning Strategies
 Learner-centred
 Flexible
 Off- and on-job-training integrated
 Consideration of both individual vs. group based practices/exercises
 projects
Learning Methods
 Discussion
 Lecture
 Demonstration
 Project
 Practical exercise

Training, Teaching and learning materials
 Trainer’s Guide
 Reference manuals
 Text books
 Reference Books

 Internet connections ,personal computers with proper software package

 Modules
Learning Facilities (infrastructure)
 Visual training media (LCD projector, White Board, )
 computer laboratory
 Required building facilities (Class rooms, workshops )
 Budget for further training of teachers/instructors

Assessment of the module should be based on the evaluation of the attainment of the learning outcomes with
the reference to the performance criteria indicated in the respective EOS for the occupation.
Assessment Methods and Schedules
 Interview
 Written Test
 Oral Questioning
 Observation
 Demonstration
 Assignments
 Project work
 Final-exam
 Continuous assessment
 Final examination (theory & practical) at the end of the module
Assessment Conditions
Aspects of competency, including the attainment of relevant knowledge and skills, may be assessed
in a relevant workplace, a closely simulated work environment, or other appropriate means that
clearly meet industry competency requirements.
Assessment criteria
LO1: Determine best practices for equipment and software maintenance

 Equipment and software to be maintained and implemented processes are identified to

ensure future acquisitions of equipment and software.

 Vendor documentation, peer organizations or research information detailing best practices in

equipment and software maintenance are identified to improve system performance and

 Requirements are obtained from user in the area of equipment maintenance and reliability.
 Procedures are documented for maintenance based upon best
practices LO2: Revise practices, where appropriate

 Maintenance operation is monitored and reviewed where appropriate.

 Problem areas including failures are identified to meet service-level agreements, and
consider changes to maintenance procedures.

 Changes are assessed in consultation with user, support staff and third party suppliers.
 Improvements are designed and implemented to maintenance
procedures LO3: Identify and analyze IT system components to be maintained

 Warranty status of components and/or software is determined and documented according

to vendor, project or organizational requirements.

 System architecture and configuration documentation are reviewed for currency status.
 Critical components and/or software are identified and recommendations are
documented regarding possible service arrangements.
LO4: Apply maintenance procedures

 Preventative maintenance schedule is created based on cost, business and service-

level agreements requirements

 Specific and appropriate maintenance procedure is identified and applied based on

cost, business and service-level agreements requirements


MODULE TITLE: Maintaining Equipment and Consumables

Module Code: EIS ITS2 07 0811
Unit Descriptor: This unit defines the competence required to maintain the operation of basic computer
hardware and peripherals including the replacement of consumables.


At the end of the module the learner must be able to:
LO1 Determine best practices for equipment and software maintenance
LO2 Revise practices’ where appropriate
LO3 Identify and analyze IT system components to be maintained
LO4 Apply maintenance procedures
LO1 Determine best practices for equipment and software maintenance
1.1 Introduction to maintain equipments and consumables
1.1.1 OHS principles and concept
1.1.2 Equipment and consumables uses and characteristics
1.1.3 Maintenance procedures and techniques
1.1.4 Chemical storage, control and disposal
1.2 Accessing and verifying cleaning equipment supplies
1.2.1 peripheral devices
1.2.2 Workstations and Personal computers,
1.2.3 Modems and other connectivity devices
1.2.4 Power supply, Monitor and Printers
1.2.5 CD Drive, floppy drive and Hard drive
1.2.6 Mother board and Processor and RAM
1.3 Recording and documenting Maintenance actions
1.4 Cleaning equipments as per manufacturer specifications and in line with organizational manuals
LO2 Revise practices, where appropriate
2.1 Accessing consumables
2.1.1 Disks and Tape
2.1.2 Ribbons
2.1.3 Paper, Printer toner and Cartridges,
2.1.4 Cleaners

2.2 Replacing consumables

2.3 Dispose of consumables following environmental guidelines
2.4 Testing equipment/ Hardware/
LO3 Identify and analyze IT system components to be maintained
3.1 Identifying equipment which requires maintenance
3.2 Maintaining equipment
3.3 Documenting maintenance procedures
3.4 Exercising care to prevent interruption of business activities
3.5 Storing unused equipment devices
Learning Strategies
 Learner-centred
 Flexible
 Off- and on-job-training integrated
 Consideration of both individual vs. group based practices/exercises
 projects
Learning Methods
 Discussion
 Lecture
 Demonstration
 Project
 Practical exercise
 Training, Teaching and learning materials
 Trainer’s Guide
 Reference manuals
 Text books
 Reference Books
 Internet connections ,personal computers with proper software package
 Modules
 Hardware
 Software
 Blower
 Cleaning agents(alcohol, contact
cleaner) Learning Facilities (infrastructure)
 Visual training media (LCD projector, White Board, )
 computer laboratory
 Required building facilities (Class rooms, workshops )
 personal computers
 modems
 printers
 hard drives
 monitors
Assessment of the module should be based on the evaluation of the attainment of the learning
outcomes with the reference to the performance criteria indicated in the respective EOS for the
 Assessment Methods and
Schedules Methods:
 Interview
 Written Test
 Oral Questioning
 Observation
 Demonstration
 Assignments
 Project work
 Final-exam
 Continuous assessment
 Final examination (theory & practical) at the end of the module
 Assessment Conditions
Aspects of competency, including the attainment of relevant knowledge and skills, may be
assessed in a relevant workplace, a closely simulated work environment, or other appropriate
means that clearly meet industry competency requirements.
Assessment criteria
LO1:Clean equipment
 Cleaning supplies are accessed and verified for usability on the selected equipment
 Maintenance actions undertaken are recorded and documented according
to organizational procedures
 Equipment are cleaned as per manufacturer specifications and in line
with organizational manuals
LO2:Replace and maintain consumables and supplies
 Access consumables from storage points and record usage information in line
with organizational procedures
 Replace consumables when needed and log the action undertaken
 Dispose of consumables following environmental guidelines
 Test equipment to ensure it is in working order at set time periods and in line
with organizational procedures
LO3: Maintain equipment
 Equipment are identified which requires maintenance
 Equipment is maintained as required by organizational guidelines and
manufacturer specifications.
 Maintenance procedures are documented as required by organizational guidelines.
 Care is exercised to prevent interruption of business activities during
maintenance procedures
 Unused equipment devices are stored in line with manufacturer specifications

and organizational guideline


TVET - PROGRAM TITLE: Information Technology Support Service Level - II

MODULE TITLE: Applying Problem -Solving Techniques to Routine Malfunction

MODULE DESCRIPTION: - This module defines the competence required to apply problem
techniques to determine the origin and plan for the resolution of a routine malfunction.
At the end of the module the learner must be able
to: LO1 Identify problems
LO2 Determine fundamental/root cause of problems
LO3 Recommend solutions to problem

1 Identifying problems
1.1 Hardware problems
1.2 Software Problems
1.3 User or procedural problem
1.4 Defining and Determining Problems
1.5 Documenting Current conditions related to
1.5.1 Hardware
1.5.2 Software
1.5.3 User
2 Determining fundamental / root causes of the problem
2.1 Identifying possible causes
2.2 Using diagnostic tools and analytical techniques.
2.3 Developing possible cause statements
2.4 Conducting results of diagnosis and investigation
3 Recommending solutions to problem
3.1 Identifying Potential solutions
3.2 Developing, Documenting, Ranking Recommendations
3.3 Planning Implementation
3.4 Evaluating of solutions
3.5 Documenting and submitting Recommended solutions

Learning Strategies
 Learner-centred

 Flexible
 Consideration of both individual vs. group based practices/exercises
 Holistic projects
Learning Methods
 Discussion
 Lecturer
 Demonstration
 Project
 Practical exercise
 Training, Teaching and learning materials
o Trainer’s Guide
o Reference manuals
o Basic computer maintenance tool kit & Safety tools
o Computer
o Antivirus software & Recovery software
o Text books
o Reference Books
o Models
o Internet
o Office Applications
o Modules
 Learning Facilities (infrastructure)
o Visual training media (OHP, transparencies, Black board, White Board, Flip chart)
o Model room
o Required building facilities (Class rooms, workshops )
o Budget for further training of teachers/instructors
Assessment of the module should be based on the evaluation of the attainment of the learning
outcomes with the reference to the performance criteria indicated in the respective EOS for the

 Assessment Methods and

Schedules Methods:
o Continuous assessment(test, group work, etc)
o Quiz
o Assignments
o Project work
o Final-exam
o Continuous assessment
o Final examination (theory & practical) at the end of the module
 Assessment Conditions
Aspects of competency, including the attainment of relevant knowledge and skills, may be assessed in
a relevant workplace, a closely simulated work environment, or other appropriate means that clearly
meet industry competency requirements.

Assessment Criteria
LO 1 Identify problems
 Hardware, software, user or procedural problem areas are identified to appropriate person in the organization
 Problems to be investigated are defined and determined
 Current conditions of the hardware, software, user and problems are objectively identified and documented
LO 2 Determine fundamental / root causes of the problem
 Possible causes are identified based on experience and the use of diagnostic tools and
analytical techniques.
 Possible cause statements are developed based on findings
 Fundamental causes are identified per results of diagnosis and investigation conducted
LO 3 Recommend solutions to problem
 Potential solutions to problems are identified
 Recommendations about possible solutions are developed, documented, ranked and presented to
the appropriate person for decision
 Implementation and evaluation of solutions are planned
 Recommended solutions are documented and submitted to the appropriate person for confirmation.


MODULE TITLE: Participating in Workplace Communication

This module covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to gather, interpret and convey
information in response to workplace requirements.
Learning Outcomes(Objectives)
At the end of the module the learner will be able to:
LO1 Obtain and convey workplace information
LO2 Participate in workplace meetings and discussions
LO3 Complete relevant work related documents

1. Obtain and convey workplace information

1.1 Access specific and relevant information from appropriate sources
1.2 convey information effectively
1.2.1 Effective communication
1.2.2 Different modes of communication Listening communication skills Speaking communication skills Writing communication skills e.t.c
1.2.3 Communication procedures and systems
1.3 identify, practice active listening and speaking skills
1.3.1 Follow simple spoken language
1.3.2 Participate in workplace meetings and discussions
1.3.3 Complete work related documents
1.4 use appropriate medium to transfer information
1.41 Memorandum
1.4.2 Circular
1.4.3 Notice
1.4.3 Information discussion
1.4.4 Follow-up or verbal instructions
1.4.5 Face to face communication
1.5 Identify and use appropriate non- verbal / lines of communication with
1.5.1 supervisors and Colleagues Team members Suppliers Trade personnel Local government Industry bodies
1.5.2 Use defined workplace procedures for the location and storage
1.5.3 Perform personal interaction clearly and concisely

2. Participate in workplace meetings and discussions

2.1 Attained team meetings and work place interaction on time
2.1.1 Face to face
2.1.2 Telephone
2.1.3 Electronic mail, chatting ,fax ,
2.1.4 Written including electronic, memos, instruction and forms,
2.1.5 Non-verbal including gestures, signals, signs and diagrams

2.2 Express clearly own opinion without interruption

2.3 Established consistent Meeting inputs and protocols
2.3.1 Observing meeting
2.3.2 Compliance with meeting decisions
2.3.3 Obeying meeting instructions
2.4 Ask and respond questions about simple routine workplace
procedures 2.5Interpret and implement meeting out comes
3. Complete relevant work related documents
3.1 Complete range of forms relating to employment conditions
3.2 record workplace data on standard workplace forms
3.2.1 Personnel forms
3.2.2 Telephone message forms
3.2.3 Safety reports
3.3 Understand and use basic mathematical processes for routine calculations
3.3.1 Basic mathematical processes of addition, subtraction, division
and multiplication
3.4 Identify errors in recording information on forms/ documents
3.5 Complete report requirements to supervisor


 Learner cantered
 Flexible
 Off and on-job training integrated
 Consideration of both individual and group based practices / exercises
 Holistic project
 Lecture/presentation/demonstration
 Lab practice
 Tutorials
 Discussion
 Assignments
 Co-operative

Resources condition
 Fax machine
 Telephone

 Writing materials
 Internet
Assessment of the module should be based on the evaluation of the attainment of the learning
outcomes with the reference to the performance criteria indicated in the respective EOS for the
 Assessment Methods and
Schedules Methods
o Continuous assessment (test, group work, etc)
o Quiz
o Assignment
o Mid exam
o Project work
o Final
exam Schedules
o Mid exam
o Final exam
o Project work
 Assessment conditions
o Classroom
o Home environment
o Work place
o Demonstration room
 Oral questioning
 Written test

Assessment Criteria
LO 1 Obtain and convey workplace information
 Specific and relevant information is accessed from appropriate sources
 Effective questioning , active listening and speaking skills are used to gather and
convey information
 Appropriate medium is used to transfer information and ideas
 Appropriate non- verbal communication is used
 Appropriate lines of communication with supervisors and colleagues are identified and followed
 Defined workplace procedures for the location and storage of information are used
 Personal interaction is carried out clearly and
concisely LO 2 Participate in workplace meetings and
 Team meetings are attended on time
 Own opinions are clearly expressed and those of others are listened to without interruption
 Meeting inputs are consistent with the meeting purpose and established protocols
 Workplace interactions are conducted in a courteous manner
 Questions about simple routine workplace procedures and matters concerning working
conditions of employment are asked and responded to
 Meetings outcomes are interpreted and
implemented LO 3 Complete relevant work related


 Range of forms relating to conditions of employment are completed accurately and legibly
 Workplace data is recorded on standard workplace forms and documents
 Basic mathematical processes are used for routine calculations
 Errors in recording information on forms/ documents are identified and properly acted upon
 Reporting requirements to supervisor are completed according to organizational guideline

TVET –PROGRAMME TITLE: Information Technology Support Service

Level II
MODULE TITLE: Working in Team Environment


MODULE DESCRIPTION: This unit covers the skills, knowledge and attitudes to
identify role and responsibility as a member of a team.

Learning Outcomes(Objectives)
At the end of the module the learner will be able to:
LO1 Describe team role and scope
LO2 Identify own role and responsibility within team
environment LO3 Work as a team member

1. Describe team role and scope
1.1 Identify the role and objective of the team from available sources
of information
1.1.1 Standard operating and/or other workplace procedures
1.1.2 Machine/equipment manufacturer’s specifications and instructions
1.1.3 Organizational or external personnel
1.1.4 Client/supplier instructions
1.1.5 Quality standards
1.1.6 OHS and environmental standards
1.2 Identify team parameters, reporting relationships and responsibilities
1.2.1 consistent communication relating with the culture of workplace
2. Identify own role and responsibility within team
2.1 Identify Individual role and responsibilities within the team
2.1.1 Communication process
2.1.2 Team structure
2.1.3 Team roles
2.1.4 Group planning and decision making
2.2 Identify roles and responsibility of other team members
2.3 Identify and reporting relationships within team and external to team
3. Work as a team member
3.1 Make effective and appropriate contributions based on individual skills
and workplace context
3.1.1 Workplace context
 Work procedures and practices
 Conditions of work environments

 Legislation and industrial agreements

 Standard work practice including the storage, safe

handling and disposal of chemicals

 Safety, environmental, housekeeping and quality guidelines
3.2 Report protocols using standard operating procedures

3.3 Contribute to the development of team work plans


 Learner cantered
 Flexible
 Off and on-job training integrated
 Consideration of both individual and group based practices / exercises
 Holistic project
 Lecture/presentation/demonstration
Lab practice
 Tutorials
 Discussion
 Assignments

Assessment of the module should be based on the evaluation of the attainment of the learning
outcomes with the reference to the performance criteria indicated in the respective EOS for the
Assessment Methods and Schedules
o Continuous assessment (test, group work, etc)
o Quiz
o Assignment
o Mid exam
o Project work
o Final exam
o Mid exam
o Final exam
o Project work
Assessment conditions
o Classroom
o Home environment
o Work place
o Demonstration room
Oral questioning
Written test
Assessment Criteria

LO 1 Describe team role and scope

 The role and objective of the team is identified from available sources of information
 Team parameters, reporting relationships and responsibilities are identified from team
discussions and appropriate external sources
LO 2 Identify own role and responsibility within team
 Individual role and responsibilities within the team environment are identified
 Roles and responsibility of other team members are identified and recognized
 Reporting relationships within team and external to team are identified
LO 3 Work as a team member
 Effective and appropriate forms of communications used and interactions undertaken with
team members who contribute to known team activities and objectives
 Effective and appropriate contributions made to complement team activities and objectives,
based on individual skills and competencies and workplace context
 Observed protocols in reporting using standard operating procedures
 Contribute to the development of team work plans based on an understanding of team’s role
objectives and individual competencies of the members

TVET PROGRAM TITLE: Information Technology Support Service Level II

MODULE TITLE: Developing Business Practice

MODULE DESCRIPTION: This module covers the knowledge, attitudes and skills required
in Developing Business Practice in Electrical/Electronics Industry It includes: Identify
business opportunities, Identify personal business skills, Plan for establishment of business
operation, Implement establishment plan, Review implementation process

At the end of the module the trainee will be able to:
LO1: Identify business opportunity
LO2: Identify personal business skills
LO3: Plan for establishment of business operation
LO4: Implement establishment plan
LO5: Review implementation process
LO6: Develop one’s own business plan
LO1: Identify business opportunity.(15 Hrs)
1.1. Identifying business opportunities
1.2. Preparing Feasibility study
1.3. Undertaking market research on product or service
1.4. Evaluating impact of emerging technology
1.5. E-commerce
1.6. Assessing business opportunity
1.7. Preparing business plan
LO2: Identify personal business skills(10hrs)
1.1. identifying available financial & business skills
1.2. personal skills/attributes of entrepreneurs
2.3 Researching business opportunities
2.4 Identifying and assessing business risks
LO3: Plan for establishment of business operation(13hrs)
3.1.Documenting Business structure and operations
3.2.Developing and documenting procedures to guide
business operations
3.3. Securing financial backing of business operation
3.4 Identifying and complying business legal and
regulatory requirement
3.5 Determining human and physical resources
3.6 Developing and implementing recruitment strategies.
LO4: Implement establishment plan(23 hrs)
4.1. Concepts of marketing, management, sales and finance.
4.2. Carrying out marketing of business operation.

4.3. Establishing operational unit

4.4 Physical and human resources to implement business
4.5 Developing and implementing monitoring and evaluation process
4.6 Maintaining relevant records
4.7 Contracting procurement of goods and services
4.8. Ownership of business premises
4.9 leasing, franchising
LO5: Review implementation process(9 hrs)
5.1. Applying relevant performance measures
5.2. Identifying improvements in business operations
5.3 Improving business operations through the management process
5.4 Quality assurance principles and methods.
5.5 Process for implementation of business operation
LO6:Develop one’s own business plan(25 hours)
6.1 Meaning and concepts of business plan
6.2 The rational for preparing business plan
6.3 Users of a business plan
6.4 Process of preparing/ writing a business plan
6.5 Standard structure and format of a business plan
6.6 Interpreting, assessing and analyzing findings of the business plan
6.7 Feasibility study
6.8 Problems that may arise or encounter when starting a business
6.9 Techniques and procedures in obtaining and sourcing
 Discussion
 Demonstration
 Practical exercises
 Role playing
 Presentation
 Small group work
 Case study
 Individual assignment
 Projects and mini enterprises
 Brain storming
 Guest speaker
 Games
 Coaching/mentoring

 Written test
 Demonstration
 Interview
 Direct Observation with Oral Questioning


LO1. Identify business opportunity

 Business opportunities are investigated and identified

 Feasibility study is undertaken to determine likely business viability

 Market research on product or service is undertaken
 Assistance with feasibility study of specialist and relevant parties is sought as required
 Impact of emerging or changing technology including e-commerce, on business
operations are evaluated
 Practicability of business opportunity assessed in line with perceived risks, returns
sought and resources available
 Business plan for operation is completed
LO2. Identify personal business skills
 Financial and business skills available are identified and taken into account when
business opportunities are researched
 Personal skills/attributes are assessed and matched against those perceived as necessary
for a particular business opportunity
 Business risks are identified and assessed according to resources available and
personal preferences
LO3. Plan for establishment of business operation
 Business structure and operations are determined and documented
 Procedures to guide operations are developed and documented
 Financial backing for business operation is secured
 Business legal and regulatory requirements are identified and complied
 Human and physical resources required to commence business operation are determined
 Recruitment strategies are developed and implemented
LO4. Implement establishment plan
 Marketing of business operation is undertaken
 Physical and human resources to implement business operation are obtained
 Operational unit to support and coordinate business operation is established
 Monitoring process for managing operation is developed and implemented
 Legal documents are carefully maintained and relevant records are kept and updated
to ensure validity and accessibility
 Contractual procurement rights for goods and services including contracts with
relevant people, negotiated and secured as required in accordance with the business
 Options for leasing/ownership of business premises identified and
contractual arrangements completed in accordance with the business plan
LO5. Review implementation process
 Review process for implementation of business operation is developed and implemented
 Improvements in business operation and associated management process are identified
 Identified improvements are implemented and monitored for effectiveness

LO6: Develop one’s own business plan

5.1 Process of preparing/ writing a business plan is discussed and applied
5.2 Standard structure and format are applied in preparing business plan
5.3 Findings of the business plan are interpreted, assessed and analyzed
5.4 Feasibility of the business idea is made clear and understandable
5.5 Problems that may arise or encounter when starting a business are identified
and understand
5.6 Techniques and procedures in obtaining and sourcing information are discussed
and understood

Occupational Standard: IT SUPPORT SERVICE Level II

Unit Title Apply Continuous Improvement Processes (Kaizen)
Unit Code EIS ITS2 14 1012
Unit Discriptor
This unit of competence covers the exercise of good workplace practice and effective
participation in quality improvement teams. Personnel are required to ensure the quality
and integrity of their own work, detect non-conformances and work with others to
suggest improvements in productivity and quality.
Learning Outcomes
At the of this module, trainees will be able to:
LO1:-Satisfy quality system requirements in daily work
LO2:-Analyze opportunities for corrective and/or optimization
action LO3:-Recommend corrective and/or optimization actions
LO4:-Participate in the implementation of recommended actions
LO5:-Participate in the development of continuous improvement strategies

LO1:-Satisfy quality system requirements in daily work
1.1 Access information on quality system requirements for own job function
1.2 Record and report quality control data in accordance with quality system
1.3 Follow quality control procedures to ensure products, or data, are of a
defined quality as an aid to acceptance or rejection
1.4 Recognize and report non-conformances or problems
1.5 Conduct work in accordance with sustainable energy work practices
1.6 Promote sustainable energy principles and work practices to other workers
LO2:-Analyze opportunities for corrective and/or optimization action
2.1 Compare current work practices, procedures and process or
equipment performance with requirements and/or historical data or
2.2 Recognize variances that indicate abnormal or sub-optimal performance
2.3 Collect and/or evaluate batch and/or historical records to determine possible
causes for sub-optimal performance
2.4 Use appropriate quality improvement techniques to rank the probabilities
of possible causes
LO3:-Recommend corrective and/or optimization actions
3.1 Analyze causes to predict likely impacts of changes and decide on the
appropriate actions

3.2 Identify required changes to standards and procedures and training

3.3 Report recommendations to designated personnel

LO4:-Participate in the implementation of recommended actions

4.1 Implement approved actions and monitor performance following changes
to evaluate results
4.2 Implement changes to systems and procedures to eliminate possible causes
4.3 Document outcomes of actions and communicate them to relevant personnel
LO5:-Participate in the development of continuous improvement strategies
5.1 Review all relevant features of work practice to identify possible
contributing factors leading to sub-optimal performance
5.2 Identify options for removing or controlling the risk of sub-optimal performance
5.3 Assess the adequacy of current controls, quality methods and systems
5.4 Identify opportunities to continuously improve performance
5.5 Develop recommendations for continual improvements of work
practices, methods, procedures and equipment effectiveness
5.6 Consult with appropriate personnel to refine recommendations
before implementation of approved improvement strategies
5.7 Document outcomes of strategies and communicate them to relevant personnel

Assessment of the unit should be based on the evaluation of the attainment of the learning
outcomes with the reference to the performance criteria indicated in the respective EOS
for the occupation
Assessment Methods and Schedules
o group work/individual,
o Quiz/ test,
o Assignments
o Project work
o Examination
 Continuous assessment(group or individual- tests, quizzes,
projects, assignments)
 Final examination (Theory and Practical, project) at the end of the unit
 50% continuous /formative assessment & 50% summative assessment.
 Training-, Teaching- and Learning Materials
o Trainer’s Guide
o Learner’ Guide
o Formats, Charts, and Sample Document
o Reference Manuals and Reference Books
 Learning Facilities / Infrastructure
o Visual training media (OHP, transparencies, Black board, White Board, Flip chart)
o Computer and its accessories

o Required building facilities (Class rooms and Model room)


o Budget for the training operations

o Budget for further training of
teachers/instructors Stationery materials
 Class room, model room
 Simulation room
 access to an actual workplace or simulated environment
 access to office equipment and resources
 Examples of operational and maintenance manual and records
Annex: Resource requirement

Item Ratio
Category/Item Description/ Specifications Quantity
No. (Item: Trainee)
A. Learning Materials
CBLM - Trainer’s made handouts
KAB _Trainee handbooks
1. 25 1:1
2. Textbooks If available 25 1:1
3. Reference Books Any KAIZEN Book 5 1:5
Learning Facilities
& Infrastructure
- 8x12m; equipped with IT
1 Demonstration room 1 1:25
2. Library - Multipurpose
3. Shelves - wooden or metal 5 1:5
4 White Board 1.50 X 1.50 1 1:25
5 Cabinet - metal 1 1:25
High speed Internet 1:25
6 Internet and Virtual library Recommended 1
E-VDO, Broad Band

C. Consumable Materials
1 Blank CD - CD-R/RW 5 1:5
- Whiteboard marker,
2 Stationery
paper, printer ink
3 Flash disk San disk or similar 4GB 5 1:5
 Zope card  hard card/file(claser)
 local
 Flip chart  white board and
 Marker permenant(all clours)
 Scotch

 Candy
 chocolate

D. Tools and Equipments

1 Samples  KAIZEN Manual 5 1:5
 At least 80 GB, 3.4Ghz,
2 Computer P IV 12 1:2
 With Expandability
3 UPS  750 Volt Ampere 2 1:12
4 Divider  American socket supporter 6 1:2
5 Multimedia projector - LCD 1 1:25
6 Printer Laser Jet 1 1:25
7 Desk jet Printer Color 1 1:25
8 digital Camera Digital 1 1:25
9 Scanner Image and Text support 1 1:25
10 Laptop Toshiba 5 1:5
11 Photo copier canon 1 1:25
12 Dart 5 1:5

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