Mobile Apps Admin Guide E64384

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Oracle® E-Business Suite

Mobile Apps Administrator's Guide

Release 12.1 and 12.2
Part No. E64384-11

September 2017
Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps Administrator's Guide, Release 12.1 and 12.2

Part No. E64384-11

Copyright © 2015, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Primary Author: Melody Yang

Contributing Author: Tushar Abedin, Tahir Ahmad, Prasad Akkiraju, Hadi Alatasi, Sugathan Aravindan,
Prasanna Athota, Srinivasa Rao Atla, John Brazier, Hubert Ferst, Sunil Ghosh, Erik Graversen, Sri Ramya
Inturi, Clara Jaeckel, Anupam Johri, Jeanne Lowell, Saritha Merugu, Sanyukta Palod, Chidananda Pati,
Balakrishna Pulivarthi, Arun Purushothaman, Tirupathi Rao PVS, Esteban Rodriguez, Vijay Shanmugam,
Dilbagh Singh, Ryoji Suzuki, Sukanya Tadepalli, Venkatakalpanarani Thota, Arvin Tjen, Erik Wu, Ice Yu

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1 Introduction to Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps

Overview................................................................................................................................... 1-1
Technical Overview.................................................................................................................. 1-3
Sizing Requirements ................................................................................................................ 1-4

2 Setting Up the Mobile Apps

Setup Overview......................................................................................................................... 2-1
Applying Prerequisite Patches on the Oracle E-Business Suite Server................................... 2-2
Configuring the Mobile Apps on the Oracle E-Business Suite Server..................................2-15
Enabling a Mobile App Individually and Specifying the Configuration Through the UI
Enabling and Configuring a Mobile App Individually............................................... 2-19
Viewing and Validating Your Mobile App Configuration.......................................... 2-30
Reviewing Your Mobile App Details...........................................................................2-32
Additional Setup Tasks to Enable the Apps SSO Login Authentication Security........2-33
Enabling and Setting Up Multiple Mobile Apps Using a Script........................................ 2-38
Validating the Configuration............................................................................................. 2-42
Setting Up Mobile App Access to Responsibilities............................................................... 2-45
Additional Setup for Device Integration................................................................................2-47
Setting Up Person Contact Cards.......................................................................................2-48
Step 1: Setting Up a Qualifier...................................................................................... 2-48
Step 2: Scheduling the "HR Mobile Utils Person Data Full Synch" Concurrent Program

Step 3: Allowing Apps to Access Local Contacts.........................................................2-59
Setting Up Maps................................................................................................................ 2-62
Support for Barcodes......................................................................................................... 2-64
Additional App-Specific Setup...............................................................................................2-66
Communicating Mobile App Information to Users............................................................... 2-67

3 Setting Up Push Notifications for Mobile Apps

Overview................................................................................................................................... 3-1
Setting Up a FCM Project for Android Push Notifications (Optional)....................................3-6
Setting Up an Oracle Mobile Cloud Service Instance..............................................................3-6
Creating a Mobile Backend.................................................................................................. 3-7
Creating Mobile Clients....................................................................................................... 3-7
Creating an Oracle Mobile Cloud Service User Account..................................................... 3-8
Enabling HTTP Basic Authentication.................................................................................. 3-9
Configuring Oracle E-Business Suite for Push Notifications................................................ 3-10
Configuring Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation Push Notification System........ 3-10
Configuring Supported Mobile Apps with Push Notifications..........................................3-13

4 Administering the Mobile Apps

Overview................................................................................................................................... 4-1
Viewing Mobile App Installation and Usage Metrics ............................................................ 4-1
Viewing Your Mobile App Installation Details....................................................................4-2
Viewing Your Mobile App Usage........................................................................................ 4-4
Purging Mobile App Usage Information..................................................................................4-5

5 Advanced Configurations
Overview................................................................................................................................... 5-1
Demilitarized Zone (DMZ)....................................................................................................... 5-1
Secure Communication with HTTPS........................................................................................5-2
Single Sign-On (SSO)............................................................................................................... 5-7

6 Diagnostics and Troubleshooting

Overview................................................................................................................................... 6-1
Enabling the Logging and Diagnostics Features...................................................................... 6-1
Enabling Server Logging..................................................................................................... 6-2
Enabling Client Logging...................................................................................................... 6-2
Enabling REST Service Auditing......................................................................................... 6-5
Troubleshooting Tips................................................................................................................6-6

Troubleshooting Tips on the Mobile Client......................................................................... 6-6
Directing Users to Obtain Connection Details and Download Updates from the Server
Troubleshooting Tips for Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps................................... 6-9
Troubleshooting Tips on the Oracle E-Business Suite Server.............................................6-19
Troubleshooting Tips on the Oracle E-Business Suite Server...................................... 6-19
Troubleshooting Tips on Configuring Apps With the Apps SSO Login Authentication
Type............................................................................................................................ 6-21
Troubleshooting Tips for Push Notifications...............................................................6-23

A Integrating Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps with Enterprise Mobility

Management (EMM) Solutions
Overview................................................................................................................................... A-1

B Product Family Patches for Earlier Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile

Foundation Releases
Overview................................................................................................................................... B-1
REST API Patches for Custom App Development in Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile
Foundation Release 6.1............................................................................................................. B-2
Product Family Patches for Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation Release 6.0........... B-4
Product Family Patches for Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation Release 5.0......... B-14
Product Family Patches for Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation Release 4.0......... B-23
Product Family Patches for Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation Release 3.0......... B-31

C Mobile App Access Roles

Mobile App Access Roles......................................................................................................... C-1
Mobile App REST Services Permission Sets........................................................................... C-3

D Mobile App Module Names

Mobile App Module Names.....................................................................................................D-1

E Application Definition Metadata

Application Definition Metadata ............................................................................................ E-1

F Setting Up and Using the Supported Languages

Overview................................................................................................................................... F-1

G Associated Products in My Oracle Support
Associated Products in My Oracle Support............................................................................. G-1

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Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps Administrator's Guide, Release 12.1 and 12.2
Part No. E64384-11

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Note: Before sending us your comments, you might like to check that you have the latest version of the
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Intended Audience
Welcome to Release 12.1 and 12.2 of the Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps
Administrator's Guide.
This guide assumes you have a working knowledge of the following:
• The principles and customary practices of your business area.

• Computer desktop application usage and terminology.

• Oracle E-Business Suite applications.

This documentation assumes familiarity with Oracle E-Business Suite. It is written for
the technical consultants, implementers and system integration consultants who
oversee the functional requirements of these applications and deploy the functionality
to their users.
If you have never used Oracle E-Business Suite, we suggest you attend one or more of
the Oracle E-Business Suite training classes available through Oracle University.
See Related Information Sources on page x for more Oracle E-Business Suite product

Documentation Accessibility
For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle
Accessibility Program website at

Access to Oracle Support

Oracle customers that have purchased support have access to electronic support

through My Oracle Support. For information, visit
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ctx=acc&id=trs if you are hearing impaired.

1 Introduction to Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps
2 Setting Up the Mobile Apps
3 Setting Up Push Notifications for Mobile Apps
4 Administering the Mobile Apps
5 Advanced Configurations
6 Diagnostics and Troubleshooting
A Integrating Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps with Enterprise Mobility Management
(EMM) Solutions
B Product Family Patches for Earlier Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation Releases
C Mobile App Access Roles
D Mobile App Module Names
E Application Definition Metadata
F Setting Up and Using the Supported Languages
G Associated Products in My Oracle Support

Related Information Sources

This book is included in the Oracle E-Business Suite Documentation Library. If this
guide refers you to other Oracle E-Business Suite documentation, use only the latest
Release 12.2 versions of those guides.
Online Documentation
All Oracle E-Business Suite documentation is available online (HTML or PDF).
• Online Help - Online help patches (HTML) are available on My Oracle Support.

• Oracle E-Business Suite Documentation Library - This library, which is included

in the Oracle E-Business Suite software distribution, provides PDF documentation
as of the time of each release.

• Oracle E-Business Suite Documentation Web Library - This library, available on

the Oracle Technology Network, provides the latest updates to Oracle E-Business
Suite documentation. See for the
latest Release 12.2 documentation or
htm for the latest Release 12.1 documentation. Most documents are available in PDF
and HTML formats.

• Release Notes - For information about changes in this release, including new
features, known issues, and other details, see the release notes for the relevant
product, available on My Oracle Support.

• Oracle Electronic Technical Reference Manual - The Oracle Electronic Technical
Reference Manual (eTRM) contains database diagrams and a detailed description of
database tables, forms, reports, and programs for each Oracle E-Business Suite
product. This information helps you convert data from your existing applications
and integrate Oracle E-Business Suite data with non-Oracle applications, and write
custom reports for Oracle E-Business Suite products. The Oracle eTRM is available
on My Oracle Support.

Related Guides
You should have the following related books on hand. Depending on the requirements
of your particular installation, you may also need additional manuals or guides.
Oracle Alert User's Guide
This guide explains how to define periodic and event alerts to monitor the status of
your Oracle E-Business Suite data.
Oracle Diagnostics Framework User's Guide
This manual contains information on implementing and administering diagnostics tests
for Oracle E-Business Suite using the Oracle Diagnostics Framework.
Oracle E-Business Suite Concepts
This book is intended for all those planning to deploy Oracle E-Business Suite Release
12.2, or contemplating significant changes to a configuration. After describing the
Oracle E-Business Suite architecture and technology stack, it focuses on strategic topics,
giving a broad outline of the actions needed to achieve a particular goal, plus the
installation and configuration choices that may be available.
Oracle E-Business Suite CRM System Administrator's Guide
This manual describes how to implement the CRM Technology Foundation (JTT) and
use its System Administrator Console.
Oracle E-Business Suite Developer's Guide
This guide contains the coding standards followed by the Oracle E-Business Suite
development staff. It describes the Oracle Application Object Library components
needed to implement the Oracle E-Business Suite user interface described in the Oracle
E-Business Suite User Interface Standards for Forms-Based Products. It provides information
to help you build your custom Oracle Forms Developer forms so that they integrate
with Oracle E-Business Suite. In addition, this guide has information for customizations
in features such as concurrent programs, flexfields, messages, and logging.
Oracle E-Business Suite Maintenance Guide
This guide explains how to patch an Oracle E-Business Suite system, describing the
adop patching utility and providing guidelines and tips for performing typical patching
operations. It also describes maintenance strategies and tools that can help keep a
system running smoothly.
Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps Developer's Guide, Release 12.1 and 12.2

This guide describes how to develop enterprise-distributed mobile apps by using
mobile application archive (MAA) files and how to implement corporate branding. It
also explains how to implement push notifications for supported mobile apps, and how
to implement Oracle E-Business Suite REST services to develop custom mobile apps by
using the Login component from Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation or using
any mobile app development framework if desired.
Oracle E-Business Suite Security Guide
This guide contains information on a comprehensive range of security-related topics,
including access control, user management, function security, data security, secure
configuration, and auditing. It also describes how Oracle E-Business Suite can be
integrated into a single sign-on environment.
Oracle E-Business Suite Setup Guide
This guide contains information on system configuration tasks that are carried out
either after installation or whenever there is a significant change to the system. The
activities described include defining concurrent programs and managers, enabling
Oracle Applications Manager features, and setting up printers and online help.
Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide
This guide explains how to navigate, enter and query data, and run concurrent requests
using the user interface (UI) of Oracle E-Business Suite. It includes information on
setting preferences and customizing the UI. In addition, this guide describes
accessibility features and keyboard shortcuts for Oracle E-Business Suite.
Oracle E-Business Suite User Interface Standards for Forms-Based Products
This guide contains the user interface (UI) standards followed by the Oracle E-Business
Suite development staff. It describes the UI for the Oracle E-Business Suite products and
how to apply this UI to the design of an application built by using Oracle Forms.
Oracle Workflow Administrator's Guide
This guide explains how to complete the setup steps necessary for any product that
includes workflow-enabled processes. It also describes how to manage workflow
processes and business events using Oracle Applications Manager, how to monitor the
progress of runtime workflow processes, and how to administer notifications sent to
workflow users.
Oracle Workflow Developer's Guide
This guide explains how to define new workflow business processes and customize
existing Oracle E-Business Suite-embedded workflow processes. It also describes how
to configure message metadata for Oracle Mobile Approvals for Oracle E-Business Suite
and how to define and customize business events and event subscriptions.
Oracle Workflow User's Guide
This guide describes how users can view and respond to workflow notifications and
monitor the progress of their workflow processes.

Do Not Use Database Tools to Modify Oracle E-Business Suite Data
Oracle STRONGLY RECOMMENDS that you never use SQL*Plus, Oracle Data
Browser, database triggers, or any other tool to modify Oracle E-Business Suite data
unless otherwise instructed.
Oracle provides powerful tools you can use to create, store, change, retrieve, and
maintain information in an Oracle database. But if you use Oracle tools such as
SQL*Plus to modify Oracle E-Business Suite data, you risk destroying the integrity of
your data and you lose the ability to audit changes to your data.
Because Oracle E-Business Suite tables are interrelated, any change you make using an
Oracle E-Business Suite form can update many tables at once. But when you modify
Oracle E-Business Suite data using anything other than Oracle E-Business Suite, you
may change a row in one table without making corresponding changes in related tables.
If your tables get out of synchronization with each other, you risk retrieving erroneous
information and you risk unpredictable results throughout Oracle E-Business Suite.
When you use Oracle E-Business Suite to modify your data, Oracle E-Business Suite
automatically checks that your changes are valid. Oracle E-Business Suite also keeps
track of who changes information. If you enter information into database tables using
database tools, you may store invalid information. You also lose the ability to track who
has changed your information because SQL*Plus and other database tools do not keep a
record of changes.

Introduction to Oracle E-Business Suite
Mobile Apps

Oracle E-Business Suite mobile apps enable users to perform needed tasks or take action
on Oracle E-Business Suite transactions from mobile devices including iOS and Android
smartphones. For example, users can handle approval requests through the mobile app
for approvals or perform time entry on the mobile app for timecards. Users can
download these apps from the Apple App Store and Google Play. To use the apps,
users must be licensed for the base products, with mobile services configured on the
Oracle E-Business Suite server. To find Oracle E-Business Suite mobile apps, search for
the keywords "Oracle America EBS" in the Apple App Store and Google Play.
This guide describes how to set up an Oracle E-Business Suite instance to support
connections from these mobile apps. It also describes common administration tasks for
viewing mobile app installation and usage metrics, as well as logging and
troubleshooting information for Oracle E-Business Suite mobile apps.

Note: This guide does not apply to the following mobile apps that are
not developed based on Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation,
except where specifically noted:
• Oracle Fusion Expenses (see Document 1625446.1)

• Oracle Mobile Field Service (see Document 1564644.1)

• Oracle Mobile Service Manager for Oracle E-Business Suite (see

Document 2107368.1)

• Oracle Mobile Supply Chain Applications for Oracle E-Business

Suite (see Document 2108155.1)

Introduction to Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps 1-1

• For known issues for Oracle E-Business Suite mobile apps, see the Oracle E-Business
Suite Mobile Foundation Release Notes, My Oracle Support Knowledge Document

• For the list of available Oracle E-Business Suite mobile apps, see the Oracle E-
Business Suite Mobile Apps, Release 12.1 and 12.2 Documentation Index, My Oracle
Support Knowledge Document 1641772.1.

• For information on developing enterprise-distributed apps and custom apps for

Oracle E-Business Suite, see the Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps Developer's
Guide, Release 12.1 and 12.2.

• For frequently asked questions, refer to My Oracle Support Knowledge Document

2064887.1, Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ).

• To share ideas with Oracle related to mobile apps, see My Oracle Support
Knowledge Document 1641772.1, Oracle E-Business Suite Product Enhancement
Request to My Oracle Support Community FAQ.

The initial releases of our mobile apps were distributed in English only. From the
mobile apps developed with Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation Release 4.0, the
apps are available in the following languages: Brazilian Portuguese, Canadian French,
Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Latin American Spanish, Simplified
Chinese, and Spanish. Specifically, these mobile apps include:
• Version 1.3.x or version 1.0.x for Person Directory and Learning apps, with Oracle
E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation Release 4.0

• Version 1.4.x, version 1.1.x for Person Directory and Learning apps, or version 1.0.x
for Discrete Quality Manager, Process Quality Manager, and Self-Service Human
Resources, with Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation Release 5.0

• Version 1.5.0, version 1.2.0 for Person Directory and Learning apps, version 1.1.0 for
Discrete Quality Manager, Process Quality Manager, and Self-Service Human
Resources apps, or version 1.0.0 for mobile Yard app with Oracle E-Business Suite
Mobile Foundation Release 6.0

• Version 1.6.0, version 1.3.0 for Person Directory and Learning apps, version 1.2.0 for
Discrete Quality Manager, Process Quality Manager, and Self-Service Human
Resources apps, or version 1.1.0 for mobile Yard app with Oracle E-Business Suite
Mobile Foundation Release 7.0

For information on using these languages, see Setting Up and Using Supported
Languages, page F-1.

1-2 Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps Administrator's Guide

Technical Overview
Oracle E-Business Suite mobile apps interact with the middle tier through REST-based
data services and security services. When a mobile user launches the app, the security
services are invoked to authenticate the user based on user credentials and initialize the
security context to authorize the user with access privileges. Once the login is validated
successfully, the user can access the app and the underlying Oracle E-Business Suite
REST services.
The following diagram illustrates the high level technical architecture for Oracle E-
Business Suite mobile apps:

Oracle E-Business Suite mobile apps are compatible with both Release 12.1.3 and
Release 12.2.3 and onwards, as well as iOS 9.0 or higher and Android 4.4 or higher.
Users can run the mobile apps on any devices that are capable of running iOS 9.0 or
higher. Oracle E-Business Suite primarily tests its iOS mobile apps with iPhones, iPod
Touches, and iPads.
In general, users can run Android mobile apps on any devices that are capable of
running Android 4.4 or higher. Android device manufacturers often customize their
Android distributions. Due to the degree of Android fragmentation, Oracle E-Business
Suite cannot perform comprehensive device-specific certifications for this platform.
Oracle strongly encourages all customers to test candidate mobile devices with their
mission-critical Oracle E-Business Suite product flows before deploying those devices
broadly to their end users. Oracle E-Business Suite primarily tests its Android mobile
apps with Samsung Galaxy and Google Nexus devices. Reported issues that cannot be
reproduced on Samsung or Google devices will be analyzed on a one-on-one basis and
may need additional assistance from the device vendors first.
Oracle E-Business Suite mobile apps are developed using Oracle Mobile Application
Framework (Oracle MAF), as well as additional components specific to Oracle E-
Business Suite provided through the Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation.
Different versions of the mobile apps may require different configuration steps on the

Introduction to Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps 1-3

Oracle E-Business Suite server. Before you begin configuring the mobile apps, Oracle
recommends that you review the mobile app version requirements in this document
and perform the configuration steps for the appropriate app version. See Oracle E-
Business Suite Mobile Foundation Release Update History section, My Oracle Support
Knowledge Document 1642431.1, Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation Release Notes.
As shown in the earlier diagram, there is no new technology required on the Oracle E-
Business Suite server for the mobile apps. To use the Oracle E-Business Suite mobile
apps, you only need to apply server-side patches and perform some setup tasks to
configure your mobile app on the server.

Sizing Requirements
Because there are different product combinations, different user profiles, and different
configurations, there is no one sizing answer for all hardware platforms. Some
hardware vendors have sizing worksheets that model the CPU and memory
requirements of Oracle E-Business Suite on their hardware. The most reliable strategy to
ensure that the hardware is sized appropriately is to install a test environment, and then
conduct a benchmark test with a configuration, product mix, and user load that
simulates your own current and expected workloads. These conditions can help verify
performance before you install your production-ready environment. An alternative is to
ask Oracle Consulting Services or your hardware vendor to find another Oracle E-
Business Suite system running a product mix and user profile similar to yours.
General Sizing Guidelines
When planning your Oracle E-Business Suite mobile app deployment, consider the
• You can support 150 to 180 mobile users per 2 GB of JVM heap.

• The initial heap size (Xms) and maximum allocated heap (Xmx) should both be set
to 2 GB per 150 to 180 users.

• One JVM is allocated per 2 CPUs in general. This is an actual CPU core rather than a
logical core.

• Use JVMs with a maximum of 4 GB, and scale for more users by using additional
JVMs. The benefits are:
• Garbage collection (GC) activity is easily balanced (automatically) with
multiple JVMs.

• Each instance will be able to utilize a separate connection pool. In essence, you
need to maintain a balance between the allocated JVM heap size per instance
and the available connection pool for that instance.

1-4 Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps Administrator's Guide

Setting Up the Mobile Apps

Setup Overview
Before letting the mobile users download and use an app, you need to perform
administrative tasks on the Oracle E-Business Suite server for your app. These tasks
include installing server patches, configuring the mobile app, granting the app access
role to responsibilities, completing additional setup tasks such as device integration if
required for your app, and validating the server URL before communicating the
information to the users.
The following diagram illustrates these high level setup tasks for the administrators to
perform on the server. Once the server-side setup is complete, the mobile users can start
to download and use the app on the go.

Setting Up the Mobile Apps 2-1

Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps High Level Implementation Steps

This chapter describes the following administrative tasks:

1. Applying Prerequisite Patches on the Oracle E-Business Suite Server, page 2-2

2. Configuring the Mobile Apps on the Oracle E-Business Suite Server, page 2-15

3. Setting Up Mobile App Access to Responsibilities, page 2-45

4. Additional Setup for Device Integration, page 2-47

5. Additional App-Specific Setup, page 2-66

6. Communicating Mobile App Information to Users, page 2-67

Applying Prerequisite Patches on the Oracle E-Business Suite Server

For each Oracle E-Business Suite mobile app, apply the corresponding consolidated
product family patch and conditionally required patches if needed.

Note: Ensure that you run AutoConfig after applying the consolidated
product family patch for Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1. In Oracle
E-Business Suite Release 12.2, when you apply patches using the adop
(AD Online Patching) utility, adop runs AutoConfig by default.

To support the "Apps SSO Login" authentication (previously known as "Web SSO")
from Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation Release 4.0, you must also apply
required patches and perform additional setup tasks to enable the feature. See:
Additional Setup Tasks to Enable Apps SSO Login Authentication Security, page 2-33.

2-2 Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps Administrator's Guide

Note: If you previously configured Oracle Mobile Approvals for Oracle
E-Business Suite (Approvals) or Oracle Mobile Timecards for Oracle E-
Business Suite (Timecards) version 1.0.x, with Oracle E-Business Suite
Mobile Foundation Release 1.0 on your Oracle E-Business Suite server,
then the first time you apply these product family consolidated patches
for Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation Release 2.1 or later, the
app status is changed to "Not Configured" due to technical changes in
the required configuration parameters. After applying the patches, you
must re-enable and reconfigure these apps according to the instructions
in Configuring the Mobile Apps on the Oracle E-Business Suite Server,
page 2-15.

Tasks and Patches Required for Mobile Apps Built with Oracle E-Business Suite
Mobile Foundation Release 7.0
This section describes the patch information and tasks required for the mobile apps that
are built with Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation Release 7.0. Perform the
required tasks to apply prerequisite patches in the following sequence:
1. Performing Conditional Pre-Install Tasks, page 2-3

2. Applying Patches for Mobile Apps Built with Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile
Foundation Release 7.0, page 2-4

3. Applying Conditional Post-Install Patches, page 2-13

For information on prerequisite patches for earlier Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile
Foundation releases, see Product Family Patches for Earlier Oracle E-Business Suite
Mobile Foundation Releases, page B-1.

Step 1: Performing Conditional Pre-Install Tasks

For Mobile Apps Built with Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation Release 7.0
Perform any additional conditionally required pre-install tasks from the following list
for your apps built with Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation Release 7.0:

Setting Up the Mobile Apps 2-3

Conditional Pre-Install Tasks for Mobile Apps Built with Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile
Foundation Release 7.0

Oracle E-Business Suite Requirement Patch Information

Release or Mobile App

Oracle E-Business Suite Required only if you plan to Oracle Mobile Maintenance
Release 12.2 and 12.1.3 implement Oracle Mobile "Disconnected" feature uses
Maintenance for Oracle E- the Oracle Mobile Field
• Oracle Mobile Business Suite Service Multiplatform
Maintenance for Oracle framework, which does not
E-Business Suite require Oracle Lite and it
should be uninstalled.

If the "mobileadmin" schema

exists, refer to My Oracle
Support Knowledge
Document 2188514.1, Oracle
Mobile Field Service Store and
Forward Multiple Platforms

Step 2: Applying Patches for Mobile Apps Built with Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile
Foundation Release 7.0
Important: If you install or upgrade your apps to the version built with
Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation Release 7.0, then you must
apply the server-side prerequisites through one of the methods
described in this section.

Important: The Oracle E-Business Suite 12.2 server-side patches listed

in this section for Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation Release
7.0 are already included in the respective product family patches in
Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2.7. If you have installed Oracle E-
Business Suite 12.2.7, skip this section and simply apply the post-install
patches, as described in Applying Conditional Post-Install Patches,
page 2-13.

Starting from Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation Release 7.0, you can apply the
server-side patches in either of the following ways based on your needs:
• Apply the Oracle E-Business Suite level patch for your Oracle E-Business Suite

2-4 Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps Administrator's Guide

To simplify the patching efforts, starting from Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile
Foundation Release 7.0, all product family patches except Oracle Yard Management
(YMS) are consolidated into a single Oracle E-Business Suite level patch for a
specific Oracle E-Business Suite release.
If you intend to uptake all the product family patches, simply apply this higher
level consolidated patch for your Oracle E-Business Suite release that in turn
contains all the patches corresponding to Oracle E-Business Suite mobile apps
except Oracle Mobile Yard for Oracle E-Business Suite. Then apply patch 24383610:
R12.YMS.C if you plan to use Oracle Mobile Yard for Oracle E-Business Suite.
The following table lists the Oracle E-Business Suite level consolidated patches:

Oracle E-Business Suite Level Patches for Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation
Release 7.0

Oracle E-Business Suite Oracle E-Business Suite Oracle E-Business Suite

Level Patch 12.1.3 12.2

Oracle E-Business Suite Patch 25486920:12.1.0 Patch 25486940:12.2.0

level patches contain all the
• To use Oracle Mobile
product family level patches
except Oracle Yard Yard for Oracle E-
Management (yms). Business Suite, apply
the additional patch
as listed in the product
family level patch table
for Oracle Yard
Management (yms).

• Apply the product family level patch for your Oracle E-Business Suite release
If you plan to apply the patches only for the relevant product families, rather than
for all product families, use this approach to apply the patches for your Oracle E-
Business Suite mobile apps.
For example, if you use the Supplier Invoices and Timecards approval types in the
Approvals app, and you are upgrading only the Approvals app to the version built
with Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation 7.0, then you can apply the Oracle
E-Business Suite level consolidated patch for all product families. Alternatively, you
can apply only the relevant product family patches for your Oracle E-Business Suite
release level, in this case the Oracle Financials product family patch for Supplier
Invoices approvals and the Oracle Human Resources product family patch for
Timecard approvals.
The following table lists the product family and the corresponding product family
level consolidated patches for each app:

Setting Up the Mobile Apps 2-5

Oracle E-Business Suite Product Family Level Patches for Oracle E-Business Suite
Mobile Foundation Release 7.0

Product Family Mobile App Name Patch for Oracle E- Patch for Oracle E-
Business Suite Business Suite 12.2

Oracle E-Business • Oracle Mobile Patch 24383252:R12. Patch 24383477:R12.

Suite Applications Approvals for ATG_PF.B: ATG ATG_PF.C - 12.2
Technology (atg_pf) Oracle E- -12.1 Consolidated Consolidated Patch
Business Suite Patch For Mobile For Mobile
(for developing Applications Applications
custom Foundation V7 Foundation V7
Apply the product Apply the product
family patches for family patches for
• the seeded approval the seeded approval
Custom mobile
types you want to types you want to
apps for Oracle
use, as shown in use, as shown in
subsequent rows in subsequent rows in
this table. this table.
including the
REST services
that the sample
app uses to
provide real
app flows

See: Oracle E-
Business Suite
Mobile Apps
Guide, Release
12.1 and 12.2.

2-6 Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps Administrator's Guide

Product Family Mobile App Name Patch for Oracle E- Patch for Oracle E-
Business Suite Business Suite 12.2

Oracle Financials • Oracle Mobile Patch 24383296:R12. Patch 24383588:R12.

(fin_pf) Approvals for FIN_PF.B: FIN - 12.1 FIN_PF.C: FIN - 12.2
Oracle E- Consolidated Patch Consolidated Patch
Business Suite For Mobile For Mobile
(for Expense Applications Applications
approvals) Foundation V7 Foundation V7

• Oracle Mobile
Approvals for
Oracle E-
Business Suite
(for Supplier

Setting Up the Mobile Apps 2-7

Product Family Mobile App Name Patch for Oracle E- Patch for Oracle E-
Business Suite Business Suite 12.2

Oracle Human • Oracle Mobile Patch 24383330:R12. Patch 24383538:R12.

Resources (hr_pf) Approvals for HR_PF.B: HRMS - HR_PF.C: HRMS -
Oracle E- 12.1 Consolidated 12.2 Consolidated
Business Suite Patch For Mobile Patch For Mobile
(for Human Applications Applications
Resources Foundation V7 Foundation V7

• Oracle Mobile
Approvals for
Oracle E-
Business Suite
(for Timecard

• Oracle Mobile
Timecards for
Oracle E-
Business Suite

• Oracle Mobile
Learning for
Oracle E-
Business Suite

• Oracle Mobile
Directory for
Oracle E-
Business Suite

• Oracle Mobile
Resources for
Oracle E-
Business Suite

2-8 Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps Administrator's Guide

Product Family Mobile App Name Patch for Oracle E- Patch for Oracle E-
Business Suite Business Suite 12.2

Oracle Interaction • Oracle Mobile Patch 24383355:R12. Patch 24383599:R12.

Center Family Approvals for CC_PF.B: CRM- 12.1 CC_PF.C: CRM- 12.2
(cc_pf) Oracle E- Consolidated Patch Consolidated Patch
Business Suite For Mobile For Mobile
(for Channel Applications Applications
Revenue Foundation V7 Foundation V7

• Oracle Mobile
Approvals for
Oracle E-
Business Suite
(for Quoting

Oracle Procurement • Oracle Mobile Patch 24383344:R12. Patch 24383558:R12.

(prc_pf) Approvals for PRC_PF.B: PRC - PRC_PF.C: PRC -
Oracle E- 12.1 Consolidated 12.2 Consolidated
Business Suite Patch For Mobile Patch For Mobile
(for Purchase Applications Applications
Order Foundation V7 Foundation V7

• Oracle Mobile
Approvals for
Oracle E-
Business Suite
(for Requisition

• Oracle Mobile
for Oracle E-
Business Suite

• Oracle Mobile
for Oracle E-
Business Suite

Setting Up the Mobile Apps 2-9

Product Family Mobile App Name Patch for Oracle E- Patch for Oracle E-
Business Suite Business Suite 12.2

Oracle Projects • Oracle Mobile Patch 24383283:R12. Patch 24383522:R12.

(pj_pf) Approvals for PJ_PF.B: PROJ - 12.1 PJ_PF.C: PROJ - 12.2
Oracle E- Consolidated Patch Consolidated Patch
Business Suite For Mobile For Mobile
(for Projects Applications Applications
approvals) Foundation V7 Foundation V7

• Oracle Mobile
Manager for
Oracle E-
Business Suite

2-10 Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps Administrator's Guide

Product Family Mobile App Name Patch for Oracle E- Patch for Oracle E-
Business Suite Business Suite 12.2

Oracle Supply Chain • Oracle Mobile Patch 24383271:R12. Merge and apply the
Management Approvals for SCM_PF.B: SCM following patches
(scm_pf) Oracle E- -12.1 Consolidated using the command:
Business Suite Patch For Mobile
• Patch 26571092:
(for Inventory Applications
approvals) Foundation V7 R12.EAM.C

• • Patch 24383496:
Oracle Mobile
Approvals for R12.SCM_PF.C:
Oracle E- SCM -12.2
Business Suite Consolidated
(for Product Patch For
Information Mobile
approvals) Applications
Foundation V7
• Oracle Mobile
Approvals for phase=apply
Oracle E- patches=2657109
Business Suite 2,24383496
(for Order

• Oracle Mobile
Approvals for
Oracle E-
Business Suite

• Oracle Mobile
Approvals for
Oracle E-
Business Suite
(for Service

• Oracle Mobile
Supervisor for

Setting Up the Mobile Apps 2-11

Product Family Mobile App Name Patch for Oracle E- Patch for Oracle E-
Business Suite Business Suite 12.2

Oracle E-
Business Suite

• Oracle Mobile
Manager for
Oracle E-
Business Suite

• Oracle Mobile
Inventory for
Oracle E-
Business Suite

• Oracle Mobile
for Oracle E-
Business Suite

• Oracle Mobile
Supervisor for
Oracle E-
Business Suite

• Oracle Mobile
Process Quality
Manager for
Oracle E-
Business Suite

• Oracle Mobile
Information for
Oracle E-
Business Suite

• Oracle Mobile

2-12 Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps Administrator's Guide

Product Family Mobile App Name Patch for Oracle E- Patch for Oracle E-
Business Suite Business Suite 12.2

for Oracle E-
Business Suite

• Oracle Mobile
Sales Orders
for Oracle E-
Business Suite

Oracle Yard • Oracle Mobile N/A Patch 24383610:R12.

Management (yms) Yard for Oracle YMS.C: YMS - 12.2
E-Business Consolidated Patch
Suite For Mobile
Foundation V7


• Oracle E-
Business Suite
Release 12.2.3

• R12.SCM_PF.C.

• R12.AD.C.Delta.
9 & R12.TXK.C.

Step 3: Applying Conditional Post-Install Patches

For Mobile Apps Built with Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation Release 7.0
Apply any additional conditionally required post-install patches from the following list
for your apps built with Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation Release 7.0:

Setting Up the Mobile Apps 2-13

Conditional Post-Install Patches for Mobile Apps Built with Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile
Foundation Release 7.0

Oracle E-Business Suite Requirement Patch Information

Release or Mobile App

Oracle E-Business Suite Required for all Oracle E- • Release 12.2 and 12.1.3:
Release 12.2 and 12.1.3 Business Suite mobile apps, Patch 26000442
with Oracle E-Business Suite
• Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation Release
Mobile Foundation 7.0, connected to Oracle E-
Release 7.0 Online Help Business Suite Release 12.1.3
or Release 12.2

Additional Information: To develop custom apps for Oracle E-Business

Suite, you need to download the following client-side patch for Oracle
E-Business Suite Release 12.1.3 and Release 12.2:
• Patch 26023015 - Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation (Login
component) Release 7.0

This patch enables the Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation

client libraries, application template, and sample app; therefore, apply
this patch on the mobile client, not on the Oracle E-Business Suite
For information on developing custom apps for Oracle E-Business Suite
and using the sample app. See: Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps
Developer's Guide, Release 12.1 and 12.2.

To implement Oracle seeded APIs for custom app development, the following patches
are available in Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation 7.1 for the APIs associated
with the Oracle Mobile Self-Service Human Resources for Oracle E-Business Suite
mobile app for Pay Information, Pay Simulator, and Change Pay:
• For Oracle E-Business Suite 12.2: patch 26831849:R12.PER.C

• For Oracle E-Business Suite 12.1.3: patch 26831849:R12.PER.B

For more information about these APIs, see My Oracle Support Knowledge Document
2312158.1, FAQ for Accessing the Payslip and Pay Simulator REST APIs.
For implementation information on using these APIs, see: Implementing Oracle E-
Business Suite REST Services, Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps Developer's Guide,
Release 12.1 and 12.2.

2-14 Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps Administrator's Guide

Configuring the Mobile Apps on the Oracle E-Business Suite Server
Before letting the mobile users download and use the app, you must first enable the
mobile app that you want to configure, and then specify configuration parameter values
for the app. Oracle E-Business Suite provides default values for the configuration
parameters, which you can optionally override as needed.
Oracle E-Business Suite mobile apps use the configuration service to download the
configuration file from the server to the mobile apps. The apps then use the parameters
specified in the configuration files to connect securely from the mobile client to the
Oracle E-Business Suite instance. You must validate the configuration service URL to
ensure the mobile app is ready for the users.
This section includes the following topics:
• Enabling a Mobile App Individually and Specifying the Configuration Through the
UI Pages, page 2-16

• Enabling and Setting Up Multiple Mobile Apps Using a Script, page 2-38

• Validating the Configuration, page 2-42

Note: This setup is a one-time process for each app. You can enable and
set up each app individually through the Mobile Applications Manager
UI pages or set up multiple apps simultaneously using a script.
After the initial setup, you can update the configuration parameters if
necessary. If the configuration is changed after the initial setup is
complete and loaded to a user's app, starting from the Oracle E-
Business Suite Mobile Foundation Release 7.0, the updated parameters
will be automatically downloaded to the app every five logins. See
Directing Users to Obtain Connection Details and Download Updates
from the Server, page 6-6.

Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps Connectivity Options

Oracle E-Business Suite mobile app users have the following connectivity options to
access the mobile apps:
• Over the Internet
To access the Oracle E-Business Suite mobile apps over the Internet, your Oracle E-
Business Suite environment must be set up in a DMZ configuration. For additional
information on performing this configuration, see Demilitarized Zone (DMZ), page

• Over the Intranet

If your Oracle E-Business Suite environment is not set up in a DMZ configuration,

Setting Up the Mobile Apps 2-15

mobile app users must access the Oracle E-Business Suite mobile apps through an
intranet connection, such as a virtual private network (VPN).

• Through Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM) Solutions

Oracle E-Business Suite mobile apps developed using Oracle Mobile Application
Framework (MAF) can integrate with third-party Enterprise Mobility Management
solutions that support common AppConfig standards, such as VMware AirWatch.
For more information, see Integrating Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps with
Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM) Solutions, page A-1.

The Oracle E-Business Suite mobile apps connectivity options can be illustrated in the
following diagram:

Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps Connectivity Options

Enabling a Mobile App Individually and Specifying the Configuration Through the UI
To access Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Applications Manager UI pages, log in to
Oracle E-Business Suite as a user who has the Mobile Applications Manager

Note: The Mobile Applications Manager responsibility is assigned to

the Mobile Applications Administrator role
(UMX|FND_MBL_ROLE_ADMIN) and the Mobile Applications
Developer role (UMX|FND_MBL_ROLE_DEV). A system
administrator assigns these roles to users through Oracle User
Management. See: Assigning Roles to or Revoking Roles from Users,
Oracle E-Business Suite Security Guide.
Users granted different roles can perform various tasks as described in
the following table:

2-16 Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps Administrator's Guide

Privileges Mobile Applications Mobile Applications
Administrator Developer

Search enterprise apps Yes Yes

Configure the Push Yes Yes

Notification System

Register enterprise apps Yes Yes

Configure enterprise Yes Yes


Update application Yes Yes


Delete application Yes Yes


View configuration files Yes Yes

View mobile app Yes No

installation details

View mobile app usage Yes No


To configure mobile apps, users can obtain the responsibility through

the Mobile Applications Administrator role. The SYSADMIN user is
granted the Mobile Applications Administrator role by default.

Select the Mobile Applications Manager responsibility and choose the Applications
link from the navigator. The Search Mobile Applications page appears.

Setting Up the Mobile Apps 2-17

The Search Mobile Applications Page

This Search Mobile Applications page is the entry point to access the application
definition details for each Oracle E-Business Suite mobile app. After performing a
search, a user who has the Mobile Applications Administrator role can perform the
following tasks from the search result table:

Additional Information: A user who has the Mobile Applications

Developer role can register, update, and delete the application
metadata definition of an app modified from an MAA file for enterprise
distribution or a custom app developed for Oracle E-Business Suite. For
information on these tasks, see Registering and Updating Your Mobile
App Definition Metadata, Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps
Developer's Guide, Release 12.1 and 12.2.

• Enable and configure an app by clicking the Configure icon.

See: Enabling and Configuring a Mobile App Individually, page 2-19.

• View and validate the configuration for an app by clicking the Configuration File
See: Viewing and Validating Your Mobile App Configuration, page 2-30.

• View overall application definition details displayed in read-only mode by clicking

a desired app's Application Name link.
See: Reviewing Your Mobile App Details, page 2-32.

• View the device installation information for a mobile app by clicking the number of
users link either for iOS or Android.
See: Viewing Your Mobile App Installation Details, page 4-2.

2-18 Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps Administrator's Guide

• View the overall usage details for an app by clicking the App Usage icon.
See: Viewing Your Mobile App Usage, page 4-4.

• (Optional) Configure the required setup tasks for the Push Notification System by
clicking the Push Configuration button.
See: Configuring Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation Push Notification
System, page 3-10.

Enabling and Configuring a Mobile App Individually

Perform the following steps to configure your mobile app on the Oracle E-Business
Suite server:
1. Log in to Oracle E-Business Suite as a user who has the Mobile Applications
Administrator role. For example, log in as SYSADMIN.

2. Select the Mobile Applications Manager responsibility and choose the Applications
link from the navigator.

3. In the Search Mobile Applications page, enter desired search criteria and click the
Search button. The page displays the mobile apps that match the search criteria in
the search result table.

Note: The Users and App Usage columns are available in Oracle E-
Business Suite Mobile Foundation 5.0 for viewing user installation
and app usage information. See: Viewing Mobile App Installation
and Usage Metrics, page 4-1.

For metadata information that you can enter in the search criteria to locate your
desired app, see Appendix C: Application Definition Metadata, page E-1.

4. Click the Configure icon for the mobile app that you want to configure from the
search result table.

5. Review the app details in the Configure Mobile Applications page. If the selected
app is not configured, change the status to "Enabled".
• Enabled: This allows you to configure the app against Oracle E-Business Suite.

• Disabled: The app was configured previously but is currently disabled. This
prevents any further configuration on the app against Oracle E-Business Suite.
If an app was configured successfully prior to setting its status to "Disabled",
the app will continue to work.

• Not Configured (default): The app's definition was just installed on the server
and it is not configured yet.

Setting Up the Mobile Apps 2-19

Note that after an app is configured, although it is possible to change its status
to "Not Configured", it is recommended that you change it to "Disabled" only.

Enabling the Selected App in the Configuring Mobile Applications Page

6. In the Configuration Categories region, two types of category values can be

displayed depending on the selected app that you want to enable:
• "Connection Settings" for configuring authentication types for ALL mobile
See: Supporting Apps Local Login for Local Authentication and Apps SSO
Login for Remote Authentication from Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile
Foundation Release 4.0, page 2-20.

• "Push Notifications" for configuring push notifications for supported mobile

See: Supporting Push Notifications from Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile
Foundation Release 7.0, page 2-22.

Supporting Apps Local Login for Local Authentication and Apps SSO Login for
Remote Authentication from Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation Release
With the "Connection Settings" category, the authentication type value ("Apps Local
Login" or "Apps SSO Login") for the selected app is displayed in the Sub Category
field. This value is predefined or selected during the app registration.

Note: The "Apps Local Login" type (previously known as "HTTP

Basic") corresponds to the "HTTP Basic" authentication server type

2-20 Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps Administrator's Guide

used in Oracle Mobile Application Framework; the "Apps SSO
Login" type (previously known as "Web SSO") corresponds to the
"Web SSO" authentication server type used in Oracle Mobile
Application Framework.

Oracle E-Business Suite mobile apps support the following authentication scenarios:
• Apps Local Login (default) - for local authentication
Apps Local Login is the default type for a mobile app to authenticate mobile
users locally. When this type is selected for a mobile app, the mobile app users
are authenticated locally against the Oracle E-Business Suite server.
The authentication type value determines the configuration parameters
required to set for your mobile app. For example, when "Apps Local Login" is
selected as the type, three associated parameters, that is, Session Timeout, Idle
Timeout, and Service Endpoint, are displayed in the Configuration Parameters
For information on setting configuration parameters for the Apps Local Login
authentication type, see Configuring Parameters for the Apps Local Login
Authentication Type, page 2-23, as described in step 8.
You can override the default Apps Local Login type by selecting a desired
authentication type, such as "Apps SSO Login", from the Sub Category drop-
down list when needed. After the change, the parameters corresponding to the
selected authentication type will be loaded and displayed in the Configuration
Parameters region.

• Apps SSO Login - for remote authentication

When the "Apps SSO Login" type is selected for a mobile app, the mobile app
users are not authenticated against Oracle E-Business Suite, but against an
external Oracle Access Manager (OAM) server.
Use this authentication type if you want to delegate authentication to Oracle
Access Manager based on a protected Login URL.
To use "Apps SSO Login" as the authentication type, ensure the following:
• Your Oracle E-Business Suite instance must be integrated with Oracle
Access Manager.
Refer to My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 1388152.1, Overview of
Single Sign-On Integration Options for Oracle E-Business Suite.

• You must apply required patches and perform additional setup tasks to
enable this feature.
See: Additional Setup Tasks to Enable Apps SSO Login Authentication

Setting Up the Mobile Apps 2-21

Security, page 2-33.

For information about single sign-on, see Single Sign-On (SSO), page 5-7.
For information on setting configuration parameters for the Apps SSO Login
authentication type, see Configuring Parameters for the Apps SSO Login
Authentication Type, page 2-26, as described in step 8.
For troubleshooting information, see: Troubleshooting Tips on Configuring
Apps with Apps SSO Login Authentication Type, page 6-21.

Note: The Sub Category field for mobile app authentication type is
available from Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation Release
4.0. In releases earlier than Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile
Foundation Release 4.0, the Sub Category field is not shown and
"Apps Local Login" is the only supported authentication type for
Oracle E-Business Suite mobile apps.

Configuration Parameters Region in Earlier Releases

Supporting Push Notifications from Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation

Release 7.0
In Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation 7.0, push notifications are supported
when using Oracle Mobile Cloud Service in the following apps:
• Oracle Mobile Approvals for Oracle E-Business Suite when using enterprise

• Custom Oracle E-Business Suite mobile apps developed using the Login
component from Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation

If the selected app is one of the above supported apps, a mobile applications
developer can add the "Push Notifications" category while registering and defining
the application definition metadata for this app. For information on adding the
"Push Notifications" category during the app registration, see the Oracle E-Business
Suite Mobile Apps Developer's Guide, Release 12.1 and 12.2.
For information on setting the parameters for push notifications, see Configuring
Parameters for Push Notifications, page 2-28.
In order to receive push notifications from your mobile devices, ensure to complete

2-22 Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps Administrator's Guide

the following required setup tasks both on the server and mobile client. See:
• Setting Up and Enabling Push Notifications for Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile
Apps, page 3-5

• Implementing Push Notifications, Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps

Developer's Guide, Release 12.1 and 12.2

7. In the Configuration Categories region, optionally choose the Show link next to the
"Connection Settings" or "Push Notifications" category to display the parameters
corresponding to the selected authentication type or the parameters for the push
notifications. You can modify these parameter values for the configuration. If you
want to proceed with the default parameter values, skip the next step 8, and go to
step 9.

8. Update the configuration parameter values in the Configuration Parameters region

to appropriate values for your Oracle E-Business Suite instance, if the configuration
parameter settings for your instance are different from the default settings. For
example, for the authentication type, if the location of a web entry point specific to a
mobile app is stored in a custom profile option, then update the Service Endpoint
(APPS_MOBILE_AGENT) parameter as explained later in this step with the custom
profile option name.
When the configuration file is loaded to a mobile app, the app uses these
parameters to connect to the intended instance.

Note: The service version for the app is also included as a

parameter in the configuration file in Oracle E-Business Suite
Mobile Foundation Release 2.1 and onwards, but the parameter
value is set by Oracle and it cannot be modified. Therefore, it is not
listed in the Configuration Parameters region.

From Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation Release 4.0, what configuration
parameters are required to be included in the configuration file for the app depends
on the selected authentication type in the Sub Category field. If the selected app is
also enabled with push notifications, the relevant parameter settings for push
notifications are also included in the configuration file.
Configuring Parameters for the Apps Local Login Authentication Type
If the default "Apps Local Login" type (previously known as "HTTP Basic") is used
as the authentication type to authenticate users locally, update the following
parameter values:

Setting Up the Mobile Apps 2-23

Configuring an App with the Apps Local Login Type

• Session Timeout (APPS_MOBILE_SESSION_TIMEOUT): The number of

seconds that a user can remain logged in to an app.
This parameter is specified in seconds, and the minimum value is 300 seconds.
The default value is 28800 seconds. After the session expires, the user will be
prompted with the standard login page if the idle timeout period has not

Note: Always set the Session Timeout parameter to a value

greater than the Idle Timeout value.

• Idle Timeout (APPS_MOBILE_IDLE_TIMEOUT): The number of seconds that

an app can remain idle after the system no longer detects the activation of the
Similar to session timeout, the minimum value of this parameter is 300 seconds.
The default value is 7200 seconds. After the Idle Timeout period expires, the
user is timed out of all the app features that are secured by the login connection.
In this situation, the user will be prompted with the standard login page.

Note: The Session Timeout and Idle Timeout parameter values

can be set independently of the ICX_SESSION_TIMEOUT
profile option on the server. If the Oracle E-Business Suite
server session timed out based on the
ICX_SESSION_TIMEOUT profile value, when a REST request
is made from a mobile app, the request fails authentication and
thus triggers the mobile app to display the standard login page.

• Service Endpoint (APPS_MOBILE_AGENT): This is the web entry point that

the app uses to invoke Oracle E-Business Suite web services. This parameter is
known as Server Host URL in Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation
releases earlier than Release 2.1. If your Oracle E-Business Suite environment is

2-24 Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps Administrator's Guide

configured with multiple web entry points, you can assign a dedicated web
entry point for a specific mobile app to connect to the instance.
Please note that this parameter value may be different from the server URL
entered by the app users to configure the app for the first time. Compared to
the service endpoint, the server URL is a common web entry point to configure
the app, whereas the service endpoint URL may not be known by the mobile
users. These users would simply use the usual Oracle E-Business Suite web
applications URL as the server URL in the configuration flow. The app-specific
configuration settings including the Service Endpoint parameter value are
downloaded from the server through this server URL. Downloaded parameter
values are configured into the app and stored in the local database of the
mobile device. The app then connects to the dedicated server defined by the
value of the Service Endpoint parameter to invoke Oracle E-Business Suite web
This parameter value can be obtained in the following ways:
• The default value for this parameter is the current value of the
APPS_FRAMEWORK_AGENT profile option, as shown in the parameter

• You can optionally override the default value by selecting an override type
and entering a corresponding override value.
• Constant: Enter a constant URL for your Oracle E-Business Suite
instance in the Override Value field.

• Profile Option: If you are storing the URL for your Oracle E-Business
Suite instance in a profile option, then you can enter the internal name
of that profile option in the Override Value field. In this case the
current value of the specified profile option will be used as the server
host URL.

Note: To allow access from mobile apps to Oracle E-

Business Suite over the Internet, you must set the
Service Endpoint parameter value to the external web
entry point of your DMZ configuration.
Additionally, if you are accessing the Configure Mobile
Applications page from your intranet, then the current
value of the APPS_FRAMEWORK_AGENT profile
option, which is the default value for the Service
Endpoint parameter, will be your internal web entry
point. In this case, to allow access over the Internet,
you must manually specify an override value for the

Setting Up the Mobile Apps 2-25

parameter to set it to the external web entry point.
Consequently, ensure that the Server URL entered by
users to configure the app during the initial login
matches the Oracle E-Business Suite web entry URL.
Otherwise, Oracle E-Business Suite server might reject
the REST requests from the mobile app which will
result in redirecting the user to the login screen.

Configuring Parameters for the Apps SSO Login Authentication Type

Note: The "Apps SSO Login" type is previously known as the "Web
SSO" type.
• Select "Apps SSO Login" as the authentication type if you want
to delegate authentication to Oracle Access Manager based on a
protected Login URL.

• You must apply required patches and perform additional setup

tasks to enable this feature.
See: Additional Setup Tasks to Enable Apps SSO Login
Authentication Security, page 2-33.

Configuring an App with the Apps SSO Login Type

If "Apps SSO Login" is selected as the authentication type to authenticate users

remotely, update the following parameter values:
• SSO Session Timeout (SessionTimeOutValue): The number of seconds that a
user can remain logged in to an app.

2-26 Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps Administrator's Guide

This parameter is specified in seconds, and the minimum value is 300 seconds.
The default value is 28800 seconds. After the SSO session expires, the user will
be prompted with the SSO login page.
It is recommended that you set this parameter to a value that is less than the
Oracle E-Business Suite session timeout value set in the
ICX_SESSION_TIMEOUT profile option. This setting helps avoid issues with
REST call failures after the ICX session timeout.
For example, if the ICX_SESSION_TIMEOUT value is set to 30 minutes, you can
set the SSO Session Timeout value to 1740 seconds (29 minutes). After the SSO
session expires, the user will be prompted with the SSO login page.

• SSO Login URL (LoginURL): This is the login server URL that challenges the
user to authenticate with Oracle Access Manager (OAM).
If the URL is valid, a mobile app displays the login screen where a user enters
the credentials for user validation through Oracle Access Manager (OAM).
This parameter value can be obtained in the following ways:
• The default value for this parameter is the current value of "%

Note: The convention %<string>% is used specifically for

parameter values of type "Profile Option" and the value of
which contains content that is in addition to the profile
value. For example, the run time value of this SSO Login
URL parameter would be "<profile-value-of-the-
APPS_AUTH_AGENT>/login/sso", where "/login/sso"
is a constant.

• You can optionally override the default value by selecting an override type
and entering a corresponding override value.
• Constant: Enter a constant URL for your Oracle E-Business Suite
instance in the Override Value field.

• Profile Option: If you are storing the URL for your Oracle E-Business
Suite instance in a profile option, then you can enter the internal name
of that profile option in the Override Value field. In this case the
current value of the specified profile option will be used as the SSO
Login URL.

• SSO Logout URL (LogoutURL): This is the server-side URL that logs out a
mobile user by terminating the server session from Oracle Access Manager.
The default value for this parameter is the current value of "%

Setting Up the Mobile Apps 2-27

APPS_AUTH_AGENT%/logout/sso". You can optionally override the default
value by selecting an override type, Constant or Profile Option, and entering a
corresponding override value.

• SSO Login Success URL (LoginSuccessURL): This is the URL that indicates the
user has logged in successfully.
To determine the correct value for this parameter, navigate to the configured
SSO Login URL in a web browser session and then submit valid login
credentials. The URL that you are re-directed to after successful login is your
SSO Login Success URL.
Please note that this URL can be the same as the SSO Login URL. In this release,
the same URL is used for this SSO Login Success parameter and the SSO Login
URL parameter, and it is the current value of "%APPS_AUTH_AGENT%

• SSO Login Failure URL (LoginFailureURL): This is the URL to redirect a user
to a login failure page after the authentication fails from the login page. This
parameter is reserved for future use.

• EBS Session Service (APPS_SESSION_SERVICE): This is the URL to create a

session in Oracle E-Business Suite after the mobile user is successfully
authenticated against the OAM server.
The default value for this parameter is the current value of "%
APPS_AUTH_AGENT%/login/apps", which is "<profile-value-of-the-
APPS_AUTH_AGENT>/login/apps", where "/login/apps" is a constant.
You can optionally override the default value by selecting an override type,
Constant or Profile Option, and entering a corresponding override value.

• EBS Service Endpoint (APPS_MOBILE_AGENT): This is the web entry point

that the app uses to invoke Oracle E-Business Suite web services.
The usage of this parameter is the same as the Service Endpoint parameter
described earlier for the HTTP Basic authentication type. See: Service Endpoint
(APPS_MOBILE_AGENT), page 2-24.

Configuring Parameters for Push Notifications

If the "Push Notifications" category appears in the Configuration Categories region,
and if you also want to implement push notifications for the app, select "Yes" in the
Sub Category.

Note: Although the "Push Notifications" category appears, you can

still leave the default "No" value unchanged if you do not want the
app to be enabled with push notifications. The app still works
simply without push notifications.

2-28 Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps Administrator's Guide

You can update the following parameter values for push notifications:

Configuring Parameters for Push Notifications

• Push Notifications Business Event (NOTIFICATION_BUSINESS_EVENT)

• Android Deployment Bundle ID (ANDROID_DEPLOYMENT_BUNDLE_ID)


For information on entering these push notification parameters, see Configuring

Supported Mobile Apps with Push Notifications, page 3-13.

9. Click the Apply button (or the Save and Generate Files button in Oracle E-Business
Suite Mobile Foundation releases earlier than Release 3.0). This action saves the
selected authentication type and relevant configuration parameters you specified to
the database to be used to generate the configuration file ebs-mobile-config.
xml during the initial launch of the app. When an app is launched for the first time,
the selected authentication type along with the configuration parameters including
the parameter settings for push notifications if available will be loaded to the app to
connect to an Oracle E-Business Suite instance, invoke configuration service to
download configuration data, and invoke Oracle E-Business Suite services with the
selected authentication type.

Note: For Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation releases

earlier than Release 3.0:
To generate the configuration file, click the Save and Generate
Files button instead. This action generates the configuration file
based on the configuration template and includes the updated
parameter values you entered.
If you are updating an existing configuration file, then the Save
and Regenerate Files button appears instead. Clicking the button

Setting Up the Mobile Apps 2-29

regenerates the file based on the updated parameter values for your

To validate the configuration, click the Configuration File icon from the search result
table. See: Viewing and Validating Your Mobile App Configuration, page 2-30.
On the client side, once the configuration file is downloaded from the server to the
mobile app during the initial login, it will be parsed to retrieve the configuration
parameters. The app user can view the downloaded parameters and connection details
from the mobile app in the device.
Mobile apps may have configuration updates after the initial launch. For example, an
administrator changes the timeout values or the service endpoint for an app, or an app's
server-side patch provides additional features that require the user to check for updates
as described in the patch readme. Starting from the Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile
Foundation Release 7.0, each app periodically checks for configuration updates and
automatically downloads them to the app from the Oracle E-Business Suite server.
Additionally, the user can still manually check if any new updates from the server are
required in the app if necessary. See Directing Users to Obtain Connection Details and
Initiate Server Updates, page 6-6.

Viewing and Validating Your Mobile App Configuration

After configuring a mobile app and applying the changes, you can view and validate
the updated configuration file ebs-mobile-config.xml for the app.
To validate the configuration, click the Configuration File icon from the search result
table in the Search Mobile Applications page. This displays the content of the
configuration file in the Configuration Service Response pop-up window.

2-30 Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps Administrator's Guide

Viewing the Configuration File

Note that if the selected app is configured with push notifications, the relevant
parameter settings are also displayed as part of the configuration file.

Viewing the Configuration File with Parameters for Push Notifications

Additionally, you can validate the configuration by accessing the configuration service
URL through a web browser. See Validating the Configuration, page 2-42.

Note: The Configuration File icon is only available in Oracle E-

Business Suite Mobile Foundation Release 3.0 and onwards.
For Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation releases earlier than

Setting Up the Mobile Apps 2-31

Release 3.0, to view the generated file, select the connections.xml
link from the Configuration Files region to display the configuration
file details.

Viewing the Configuration Details in Earlier Releases

To validate the configuration for your app in releases earlier than

Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation Release 3.0, you must
follow the validation instructions by accessing the configuration service
URL as described in Validating the Configuration, page 2-42.

Reviewing Your Mobile App Details

You can review existing application definition metadata and configuration details for
your app if needed before or after configuring your app.
To view the app details, click a desired mobile app's Application Name link from the
search result table. The Application Details page displays the existing definition
information in read-only mode for your selected app.
For example, click the "EBS Approvals" link to view the Application, Distributions, and
Configuration regions in the Application Details page for Oracle Mobile Approvals for
Oracle E-Business Suite.
• Application Region
This region includes the selected app status, and application metadata information,
such as application short name, application name, application type, parent
application name, application bundle Id, and display type.
The Status field indicates the current app condition whether if it is enabled,
disabled, or not configured. Note that by default "Not Configured" is selected. To
enable the app, you must update the status from "Not Configured" to "Enabled" and
configure your app. For information on configuring your app, see Enabling and
Configuring a Mobile App Individually, page 2-19.

• Distributions Region
This region describes the information about service version and distribution

2-32 Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps Administrator's Guide

platform such as Android, iOS, or both, for the selected app.

• Configuration Region
If the selected mobile app is enabled and configured, this region displays the
configuration details for the selected app. It includes the desired authentication
type and the associated configuration parameters for the app.
If the app can be enabled with push notifications, this region may also include the
push notifications related parameters.

To update the selected mobile app details, click the Update button. See: Updating Your
Mobile App Definition, Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps Developer's Guide, Release 12.1
and 12.2.

Additional Setup Tasks to Enable the Apps SSO Login Authentication Security
To support the "Apps SSO Login" (previously known as "Web SSO") authentication
type for remote authentication from Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation Release
4.0, in addition to integrating Oracle E-Business Suite with Oracle Access Manager for
single sign-on, you must perform additional setup tasks to enable the feature.
This section includes the following topics:
• Setup Tasks to Enable the Apps SSO Login Authentication Security, page 2-33

• Testing the Setup for the Apps SSO Login Authentication Security, page 2-37

Additionally, see Troubleshooting Tips on Configuring Apps With the Apps SSO Login
Authentication Type, page 6-21.

Setup Tasks to Enable the Apps SSO Login Authentication Security

For Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1.3
1. Download patch 24968408 to uptake Oracle E-Business Suite AccessGate

2. Deploy the Oracle E-Business Suite AccessGate application by following the setup
and configuration instructions in My Oracle Support Knowledge Document
1484024.1, Integrating Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 with Oracle Access Manager
11gR2 (11.1.2) using Oracle E-Business Suite AccessGate.

3. After the Oracle E-Business Suite AccessGate application is successfully deployed,

perform the following steps to define a public policy to make the
/accessgate/logout/sso service to be publicly invokable:
1. Log in to the Oracle Access Manager Console (http://<hostname>:

2. Under the Launch Pad tab, navigate to Access Manager and then select

Setting Up the Mobile Apps 2-33

Application Domain. In the Search Application Domains page, search and
locate the identifier for your WebGate.

3. Select the identifier for your WebGate from the application domain search
result table.

4. Click the Resources tab.

5. Click the New Resource button in the Resources tab.

6. Enter the following information in the Create Resources region to define a

resource in an application domain:
• Type: HTTP

• Description: Logout service for mobile

• Host Identifier: Enter the identifier for your WebGate

• Resource URL: Enter the URL in the following format:


• Protection Level: Unprotected

• Authentication Policy: Public Resource Policy

• Authorization Policy: Protected Resource Policy

7. Click Apply.
You should be able to access the newly-created public resource and verify the

4. Enabling the feature on a TLS-based Oracle E-Business Suite environment

Note: Oracle E-Business Suite mobile apps built with Oracle E-

Business Suite Mobile Foundation Release 6.0 or later support TLS
1.2 only and TLS 1.2 with backward compatibility (recommended).
For information on enabling TLS 1.2 only and TLS 1.2 with
backward compatibility, see My Oracle Support Knowledge
Document 376700.1, Enabling TLS in Oracle E-Business Suite Release
Please note that Oracle E-Business Suite mobile apps built with
Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation Release 5.0 only
support TLS 1.0.

2-34 Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps Administrator's Guide

If your Oracle E-Business Suite instance is TLS enabled and Oracle Access Manager
(OAM) configured, ensure you perform the following tasks:
1. If your mobile apps are built with Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation
Release 7.0, you need to configure the Oracle E-Business Suite AccessGate
(EAG) managed server with required TLS parameters so that the same TLS
security protocol is used for outbound communication.
For information on adding the required parameters for the EAG managed
server, refer to "Configuring Oracle E-Business Suite AccessGate (EAG)
Managed Server to use the TLS Protocol for Outbound Communication" in the
Configuring Transport Layer Security (TLS) section from My Oracle Support
Knowledge Document 2045154.1, Automating Integration of Oracle E-Business
Suite Release 12.1 With Oracle Access Manager 11gR2 (11.1.2) or My Oracle
Support Knowledge Document 1484024.1, Integrating Oracle E-Business Suite
Release 12 with Oracle Access Manager 11gR2 (11.1.2) using Oracle E-Business Suite

2. Import the root-CA certificates from the Oracle HTTP Server (OHS) wallet and
Oracle TLS CA certificates into the truststore of the managed server where the
Oracle E-Business Suite AccessGate application is deployed.
For information on obtaining private keys, digital certificates, and trusted
certificate authority (CA) certificates, see Configuring Identity and Trust, Oracle
Fusion Middleware Securing Oracle WebLogic Server.

For Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2

1. Uptake Oracle E-Business Suite AccessGate 1.3.2 (rehosted on Oracle E-Business
Suite through patch 25309988:R12.TXK.C).

2. Deploy the Oracle E-Business Suite AccessGate application by following the setup
and configuration instructions in My Oracle Support Knowledge Document
1576425.1, Integrating Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 with Oracle Access Manager
11gR2 (11.1.2) using Oracle E-Business Suite AccessGate.
If you have already deployed an earlier version of the Oracle E-Business Suite
AccessGate application, refer to section 8.2 Oracle E-Business Suite AccessGate
Upgrade, My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 1576425.1.

3. After the Oracle E-Business Suite AccessGate application is successfully deployed,

define a public policy to make the /accessgate/logout/sso service to be
publicly invokable.
Please note that the new resource /accessgate/logout/sso has been added to
the public resources defined in the AutoConfig template ebs_oam_uri_conf.tmp
, and will be automatically configured when you register Oracle E-Business Suite
with Oracle Access Manager.
If you have already registered Oracle E-Business Suite with Oracle Access Manager

Setting Up the Mobile Apps 2-35

for single sign-on prior to setting up Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation
Release 4.0 or later, then you need to re-register Oracle E-Business Suite, and
include an additional parameter -policyUpdate=yes. This adds the newly-
defined public resource /accessgate/logout/sso to your configuration.
To achieve this, follow the registration instructions as documented in section 4.2
Register Oracle E-Business Suite with Oracle Access Manager, My Oracle Support
Knowledge Document 1576425.1, but add an additional command line parameter -
policyUpdate=yes as shown in the following example: -script=SetOAMReg -registeroam=yes -policyUpdate=yes \
-oamHost= \
-oamUserName=weblogic \
-ldapUrl=ldap:// \
-oidUserName=cn=orcladmin \
-skipConfirm=yes \
-ldapSearchBase=cn=Users,dc=example,dc=com \

4. Enabling the feature on a TLS-based Oracle E-Business Suite environment

Note: Oracle E-Business Suite mobile apps built with Oracle E-

Business Suite Mobile Foundation Release 6.0 or later support TLS
1.2 only and TLS 1.2 with backward compatibility (recommended).
For information on enabling TLS 1.2 only and TLS 1.2 with
backward compatibility, see My Oracle Support Knowledge
Document 1367293.1, Enabling TLS in Oracle E-Business Suite Release
Please note that TLS 1.0 is required for Oracle E-Business Suite
mobile apps built with Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation
Release 5.0.

If your Oracle E-Business Suite instance is TLS enabled and Oracle Access Manager
(OAM) configured, perform the following tasks:
1. Import the root-CA certificates from the OHS wallet into the truststore of the
OAEA managed server where the Oracle E-Business Suite AccessGate
application is deployed, if the root-CA certificates have not already been

Note: When the OAEA managed server is isolated from the

oacore server, it is required to import the certificate into the
truststore of the OAEA server.

The default truststore or keystore for the managed server is at:

For information on importing the certificates into the truststore, see Section 3.9
Update the JDK Cacerts File, My Oracle Support Knowledge Document

2-36 Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps Administrator's Guide

2143101.1, Enabling SSL or TLS in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2.

2. If your Oracle Fusion Middleware version is earlier than, then you must
enable JSSE TLS in the Oracle E-Business Suite context file. Use Oracle
Applications Manager to update the Oracle E-Business Suite context file.
Prerequisites: Review My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 1617461.1,
Applying the Latest AD and TXK Release Update Packs to Oracle E-Business Suite
Release 12.2, and follow the instructions to apply the required codelevel of AD
and TXK for your system.
1. Log in to Oracle E-Business Suite as a system administrator.

2. Navigate to System Administration. Select Oracle Applications Manager,

and then AutoConfig.

3. Select the application tier context file, and choose Edit Parameters.

4. Search for the s_enable_jsse variable by selecting OA_VAR in the

search list of values and entering s_enable_jsse in the search text box.
Choose the Go button.

5. By default, the s_enable_jsse variable is set to false. Change this value

to true to enable JSSE TLS. Refer to the description of the context variable
for more information.

6. Choose the Save button.

7. Enter a reason for the update, such as Enabling JSSE TLS. Then choose the
OK button.

8. Execute AutoConfig and restart all application tier services. For more
information about AutoConfig, see: Technical Configuration, Oracle E-
Business Suite Setup Guide.

Testing the Setup for the Apps SSO Login Authentication Security
To successfully log in to an Oracle E-Business Suite mobile app configured with the
Apps SSO Login security, you need to ensure successful HTTP(s) communication from
the Oracle E-Business Suite AccessGate managed server to the Oracle E-Business Suite
1. Validate the communication by executing the following WGET command from the
managed server where the Oracle E-Business Suite AccessGate application is
wget -d http(s)://<ebs_host>:<ebs_port>/OA_HTML/RF.jsp?

Setting Up the Mobile Apps 2-37

2. If this fails, verify the following tasks and ensure they are in place:
1. The root-CA, intermediate, and server certificates from the Oracle HTTP Server
(OHS) wallet and Oracle TLS CA certificates are imported into the truststore of
the managed server where the Oracle E-Business Suite AccessGate application
is deployed.

2. Network port from the current managed server to Oracle E-Business Suite web
entry is NOT restricted.

3. For an Oracle E-Business Suite environment configured in a DMZ

configuration, if the Oracle E-Business Suite AccessGate application is deployed
on your intranet server with firewalls and the Oracle E-Business Suite web
entry point is a URL over the Internet, then make sure this Oracle E-Business
Suite URL is NOT DIS_ALLOWED from the intranet server.
Although this Oracle E-Business Suite web entry point URL can be your
enterprise's own URL, this could still restrict access from your intranet server. If
this network restriction policy cannot be exempted to ALLOW access from the
intranet managed server where the Oracle E-Business Suite AccessGate
application is deployed to the Oracle E-Business Suite web entry point over the
Internet, then you can try the following option of configuring proxy host and
port for the HTTP communication as a workaround.
1. Restart with the following -D System settings on the managed server where
the Oracle E-Business Suite AccessGate application is deployed.

2. Use the -D settings for setting up proxy host and port through the System
properties in JAVA_OPTIONS:
• For the HTTP protocol communication:

• For the HTTPS protocol communication:

-Dhttps.protocols (TLSv1.1/SSL version)

For more information, refer to Oracle Networking Properties (, Oracle Java

Enabling and Setting Up Multiple Mobile Apps Using a Script

Instead of enabling and specifying the configuration information for each app one at a
time through the Mobile Applications Manager UI pages, you can complete the setup
tasks for multiple apps simultaneously by using an ant script called

2-38 Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps Administrator's Guide

EBSMblConfigApps.xml. For example, use the script to easily copy the configuration
details for your apps on different Oracle E-Business Suite instances, or use the script to
reconfigure the mobile apps on the target environment after cloning.
Perform the following steps to configure multiple apps at the same time by using the
1. Copy the template file Applications.xml and the script EBSMblConfigApps.
xml from the $JAVA_TOP/oracle/apps/fnd/mobile/ant/ directory to a
temporary directory in the Oracle E-Business Suite instance. Working with a copy
helps you avoid changes to the seeded template file Applications.xml.
The template file Applications.xml contains metadata for all the Oracle E-
Business Suite mobile apps. The following example shows a sample template
Applications.xml file:

Note: From Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation Release 4.0,

the script supports the selection of the Sub Category (<sub-
category>) attribute that indicates either of the following
authentication types to be used by a mobile app.
• HTTP_BASIC: The type corresponds to "Apps Local Login"
(display name) from the Mobile Applications Manager UI

• WEB_SSO: The type corresponds to "Apps SSO Login" (display

name) from the Mobile Applications Manager UI pages.

Note: If an app supports push notifications, available from Oracle

E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation Release 7.0, it cannot be
configured using the script. Instead, configure the app with push
notifications from the Mobile Applications Manager UI pages. See:
Enabling a Mobile App Individually and Specifying the
Configuration Through the UI Pages, page 2-16.

Setting Up the Mobile Apps 2-39

<applications configureAll="N">
<application configure="N">
<name>EBS Approvals</name>
<sub-category name="HTTP_BASIC" select="Y">
<sub-category name="WEB_SSO" select="N">
<param name="LoginFailureURL" type="SERVER_DEFAULT"/>
<param name="LoginSuccessURL" type="SERVER_DEFAULT"/>
<param name="LoginURL" type="SERVER_DEFAULT"/>
<param name="LogoutURL" type="SERVER_DEFAULT"/>
<param name="SessionTimeOutValue" type="SERVER_DEFAULT"/>

2. To configure all the Oracle E-Business Suite mobile apps at the same time, set the
attribute ConfigureAll in the Applications.xml file to Y at the root element
(applications) level. Otherwise, leave the ConfigureAll attribute to N and set the
Configure attribute to Y at the applications level for each particular app that you
want to configure.
• If you set the ConfigureAll attribute to Y, and set the "Configure" attribute to
N for an app at the application level, the ConfigureAll attribute set to Y at the
root element will override the value set at the Configure attribute and will
configure all the Oracle E-Business Suite mobile apps.
Note that the ConfigureAll attribute with its value set to Y at the root
element level only configures all the apps whose definitions exist in the
instance. If the definition of an app, (for example, the Timecards app) does not
exist in that instance, even thought you set the ConfigureAll attribute to Y,
only those apps that are defined in the instance will be configured, and the
Timecards app will not be configured. An appropriate message would be
shown as the output of the script indicating the result.

• If the ConfigureAll attribute is set to N, then the attribute of each individual

app determines if the app will be configured or not depending on whether you
set the Configure attribute to Y or N for each app at the application level. In
this situation, only the specified apps will be configured.

3. For each app you want to configure, change the status from the default

2-40 Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps Administrator's Guide

4. For each app you want to configure, set the select attribute for the desired
authentication type. By default, the select attribute for the "HTTP_BASIC" type
(Apps Local Login) is set to Y.

Note: If the select attribute for the "WEB_SSO" type (Apps SSO
Login) is set to Y, you must set the select attribute for the
"HTTP_BASIC" type to N. If both types are set to Y, then the
following errors may occur:
[java] There are two Authentication types selected for
the Application, <name> (such as EBS Approvals).
[java] There can be only one type of authentication
selected while configuring <name>.

5. Set each parameter type attribute to one of the following values only.
• SERVER_DEFAULT: The default value of the parameter is used to configure
the app. For example, 28800 is the server default for Session Timeout

• CONSTANT: A constant override value is used to replace the default value for
the parameter. In this situation, provide a value for that parameter, such as a
constant URL for your Oracle E-Business Suite instance as a constant value for
the APPS_MOBILE_AGENT parameter.

• PROFILE_OPTION: A profile option is used to override the default value for

the parameter. For example, provide the internal name of a profile option for
the APPS_MOBILE_AGENT parameter.

The options listed above are the same as those are shown in the Configuration
Parameters region if you configure the app from the Mobile Applications Manager
UI pages.

Configuring an App with the Apps Local Login Type

The following example shows a sample custom template Applications.xml file

after setting the parameters with the Apps Local Login (HTTP Basic) authentication

Setting Up the Mobile Apps 2-41

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<applications configureAll="N">
<application configure="Y">
<name>EBS Approvals</name>
<sub-category name="HTTP_BASIC" select="Y">

6. After completing the changes in the template file Applications.xml, execute the
following command from the folder where the template file is placed to initiate the
configuration process.
ant -f EBSMblConfigApps.xml
If any validation error occurs during the configuration process, the error
information will be reported in the command line. Additionally, an error log file
EBSMblConfigError.log is created in the same directory to capture other types
of errors. You can use the generated log file to trace and troubleshoot the errors if
When the process is completed successfully, you can verify the configuration details
as described in Validating the Configuration, page 2-42 or validate the
configuration from the Mobile Applications Manager UI pages.

Validating the Configuration

Once the app-specific configuration parameters are specified, these values are stored on
the server and the associated configuration file of the app is not generated at this time.
When a user logs in to the app for the first time, the configuration file ebs-mobile-
config.xml is then generated when requested and downloaded to the mobile app
using the configuration service.
To validate the configuration for your app, construct the configuration service URL and
verify if the URL is accessible through a web browser.

Note: In Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation Release 3.0 and

onwards, you can also validate the configuration through the Search
Mobile Applications UI pages by clicking the Configuration File icon
from the search result table, as described in Enabling a Mobile App
Individually and Specifying the Configuration through the UI, page 2-

2-42 Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps Administrator's Guide

For releases earlier than Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation
Release 3.0, the validation is performed only through the configuration
service URL in a browser window.

1. Verify if the configuration service URL is accessible through a web browser by

performing the following steps:
1. Construct the configuration service URL in the following format: http(s):
function_id=mConfig&bundleId=<application bundle
Please note that this step is only for you to validate the configuration service
URL for the app, and you should not provide this URL information to the
mobile app users.
For the Application Bundle Id for each app, see Appendix C: Application
Definition Metadata, page E-1.

Note: In Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation releases

earlier than Release 2.1, construct the configuration service
URL in the following format instead: http(s):
bundle id>/connections.xml

2. Copy the configuration service URL you just constructed and paste it into a
browser window. The configuration file is uploaded and displayed in the
browser window.
Please note that in Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation releases earlier
than Release 4.0, after you paste the configuration service URL into a browser
window, it is required to validate the Oracle E-Business Suite user name and
password before the configuration service uploads the configuration file to the
browser window.

Note: In Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation releases

earlier than Release 2.1, when you test the configuration service
URL in the format described in step 1, the URL automatically
redirects to the following format: http(s)://<hostname>:
function_id=mConfig&p1=/<application bundle
Please note that this redirection occurs because Oracle E-
Business Suite HTTP server is configured to redirect to the
above RF.jsp URL to fetch the requested configuration file.

The following example shows a sample ebs-mobile-config.xml file

Setting Up the Mobile Apps 2-43

returned as the response payload for the configuration service:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<name>EBS Approvals</name>
<distribution version="1.1.0" platform="IOS"/>
<param name="APPS_MOBILE_IDLE_TIMEOUT">7200</param>
<param name="APPS_MOBILE_SESSION_TIMEOUT">28800</param>
<param name="APPS_MOBILE_AGENT"></param>

In Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation Release 2.1 and onwards, a

version value used to identify a given app's server level is retrieved from the
app's definition metadata and is included in the ebs-mobile-config.xml
file (as shown above), along with the configuration parameters specified either
through the Mobile Applications Manager UI pages or through the script.
Starting from Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation Release 7.0, if the
"Push Notifications" configuration category is added to a mobile app to
implement push notifications, the associated ebs-mobile-config.xml file
(as shown below) will include relevant XML elements indicating whether the
push notifications feature is enabled for this app, as well as the Android Sender
ID for use in the Android mobile apps.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<name>EBS Approvals</name>
<distribution version="1.0.1"
<connection-settings AuthServerType="HTTP_BASIC">
<param name="APPS_MOBILE_IDLE_TIMEOUT">7200</param>
<param name="APPS_MOBILE_SESSION_TIMEOUT">28800</param>
<param name="APPS_MOBILE_AGENT"></param>
<param name="PUSH_STATUS">ENABLED</param>
<param name="ANDROID_SENDER_ID">559011138198</param>

For information on enabling push notifications for mobile apps, see

Configuring Supported Mobile Apps with Push Notifications, page 3-13.

3. Verify the content to ensure that the configuration file for your mobile app is
valid, well-formed XML, and validate that the configuration parameter values
are the same values as configured from the Mobile Applications Manager UI

2-44 Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps Administrator's Guide

pages or using the script.

2. Install an app on a mobile device and verify if the server URL is accessible through
the configuration screen in the mobile app by performing the following
configuration steps:
1. Enter the server URL in the following format: http(s)://<hostname>:

2. Check whether the configuration on the device was successful by logging into
the app and verifying that you can access the app content.

Please note the difference between the full configuration service URL used for
validation in step 1 in this section and the server URL shared with the app users.
For more information about the configuration steps in earlier Oracle E-Business Suite
Mobile Foundation releases, see Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation Release
Update History, Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation Release Notes, My Oracle
Support Knowledge Document 1642431.1.

Setting Up Mobile App Access to Responsibilities

Oracle E-Business Suite mobile apps use role-based access control to protect mobile app
data from unauthorized access.
Most mobile apps have app-specific access roles. Only users who are assigned those
app-specific roles can access the corresponding mobile apps. In order for those users to
be able to access Oracle E-Business Suite data in a mobile app that invokes REST
services, all REST services that the mobile app uses are grouped into a permission set
that is then granted to an app-specific access role. To provide the mobile app access
capability to existing Oracle E-Business Suite users, you must assign each access role to
the responsibilities that you want to associate with the corresponding mobile app. Users
who have the predefined mobile app access roles through those responsibilities will
have access to the corresponding mobile apps.

Note: Oracle Mobile Approvals for Oracle E-Business Suite does not
have an app-specific access role required for users to access the app.

For Oracle E-Business Suite mobile apps, responsibility selection is based on the
combination of user role and mobile app. If the mobile app access role is assigned to a
single responsibility, then the responsibility is automatically set and selected for a user
using that mobile app. If a user has more than one responsibility to which the mobile
app access role is assigned, then those responsibilities will be displayed for selection.
Please note that it is not required to create or assign any new responsibility to users to
use mobile apps. For information on the app-specific access roles, see Appendix A:
Mobile App Access Roles, page C-1.

Setting Up the Mobile Apps 2-45

For information on creating new mobile app access roles if needed for enterprise
distribution or custom apps for Oracle E-Business Suite, see Creating and Using Mobile
App Access Roles, Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps Developer's Guide Release 12.1 and

Note: For the access roles created for enterprise-distributed apps,

ensure to grant the REST services permission sets of the corresponding
seeded apps to the app access roles. See: Mobile App REST Services
Permission Sets, page C-3.

Assigning Mobile App Access Roles to Responsibilities

To secure mobile app data, perform the following steps to assign predefined app-
specific mobile app access roles to responsibilities:
1. Log in to Oracle E-Business Suite as a user who has the User Management
responsibility. For example, log in as SYSADMIN.

Note: The User Management responsibility is assigned to the

Security Administrator role. This seeded role is assigned to the
SYSADMIN user by default.

2. Select the User Management responsibility and navigate to the Roles and Role
Inheritance page.

3. Search for the responsibility you want.

4. In the search results table, click the "View In Hierarchy" icon for your responsibility.
Note that the codes for responsibilities start with FND_RESP, while the codes for
roles start with UMX.

5. In the Role Inheritance Hierarchy, click the Add Node icon for your responsibility.
Oracle User Management displays the next role hierarchy page with a message
informing you that the role you select will be inherited. In this page, either search or
expand nodes until you find the app-specific access role that you want to add to the
responsibility. Use the Quick Select icon to choose that role.

6. Oracle User Management then displays the initial page again, with a confirmation
message at the top. On this page, verify that the custom UMX role appears
underneath the responsibility. You may need to expand one or more nodes to
display the UMX role under the responsibility. Any other inherited roles appear as

7. When you add the role to the responsibility, you must also update the associated
grant for the app-specific access roles to reference the specific responsibility as the
security context. You need a separate grant for each responsibility to which you are

2-46 Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps Administrator's Guide

adding the role, so in some cases you should duplicate the shipped grant rather
than updating it.
In the row of the role that you just added, click the Update icon for your role to
navigate to the Update Role page.

8. In the Grants Table at the end of the page, if this is the first responsibility to which
you are adding to the role, click the Update icon for the grant you want to update. If
this is the second responsibility or more to which you are adding the role, click the
Duplicate icon for the grant instead of the Update icon. In the duplicate grant, you
must provide a unique name for the grant.

9. Apply your changes.

If you want to use the app-specific access role with more than one responsibility, you
must have a separate grant with a security context corresponding to each responsibility.
You can also add grants for a given role as a separate process, rather than while you are
adding the role to the responsibility. To do so, perform the following steps:
1. In the User Management responsibility, navigate to the Roles and Role Inheritance

2. Search for the app-specific access role you want.

3. Click the Update icon for your role to navigate to the Update Role page.

4. In the Grants Table at the end of the page, click the Duplicate icon for the grant you
want to duplicate.

5. Modify the grant name of the new grant to make it unique.

6. In the Security Context region, enter the name of the additional responsibility to
which you are adding the app-specific access role. Enter the name of a shipped
responsibility from the table above, or, if you are using a custom responsibility,
enter the name of that custom responsibility.

7. Click Next, Next, Finish, and OK to complete your grant.

For more information, see the Oracle E-Business Suite Security Guide.

Additional Setup for Device Integration

This section describes additional setup steps if your mobile app integrates with person
contact cards or maps on the mobile devices, and provides details about barcode
integration. It includes the following topics:
1. Setting Up Person Contact Cards, page 2-48

Setting Up the Mobile Apps 2-47

2. Setting Up Maps, page 2-62

3. Support for Barcodes, page 2-64

Setting Up Person Contact Cards

Mobile Apps Integrated with Person Contact Cards
The following Oracle E-Business Suite mobile apps integrate with person contact cards:
• Oracle Mobile Discrete Production Supervisor for Oracle E-Business Suite

• Oracle Mobile Discrete Quality Manager for Oracle E-Business Suite

• Oracle Mobile iProcurement for Oracle E-Business Suite

• Oracle Mobile Procurement for Oracle E-Business Suite

• Oracle Mobile Process Quality Manager for Oracle E-Business Suite

• Oracle Mobile Project Manager for Oracle E-Business Suite

• Oracle Mobile Project Manufacturing for Oracle E-Business Suite

• Oracle Mobile Sales Orders for Oracle E-Business Suite

If your mobile app integrates with person contact cards and you would like to show the
contact information within the context of the app, perform the setup tasks described in
this section:
1. Step 1: Setting Up a Qualifier, page 2-48

2. Step 2: Scheduling the "HR Mobile Utils Person Data Full Synch" Concurrent
Program, page 2-58

3. Step 3: Allowing Apps to Access Local Contacts, page 2-59

Step 1: Setting Up a Qualifier

Setting up a qualifier involves the following key steps:
1. Step 1.1: Creating a Qualifier, page 2-49

2. Step 1.2: Identifying the Flexfield Structure for Your Business Group, page 2-50

3. Step 1.3: Enabling the Qualifier for the Flexfield Segment, page 2-53

4. Step 1.4: Adding the "HR Mobile Utils Person Data Full Synch" Concurrent
Program to a Request Group, page 2-55

2-48 Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps Administrator's Guide

Step 1.1: Creating a Qualifier
Perform the following steps to create a qualifier for a key flexfield:
1. Log in to Oracle E-Business Suite as a user who has access to the Application
Developer responsibility. For example, log in as SYSADMIN.

2. Select the Application Developer responsibility. Choose the Flexfield link, then the
Key link, and then the Register link from the navigator. This displays the Key
Flexfields window.

3. In the Key Flexfields window, search for the flexfield with the title "Job Flexfield"
and the application name "Human Resources".

Searching for the Key Flexfield "Job Flexfield"

4. Click the Qualifiers button. Enter the following case sensitive information in the
Flexfield Qualifiers window and then save.
• Name: Mobile

• Prompt: Mobile

• Ensure that the Global, Required, and Unique check boxes are not selected

Setting Up the Mobile Apps 2-49

Entering Flexfield Qualifiers for the "Job Flexfield"

Step 1.2: Identifying the Flexfield Structure for Your Business Group
Perform the following steps to identify the flexfield structure for your business group:
1. Log in to Oracle E-Business Suite as a user who has the HRMS Manager

2. Select the HRMS Manager responsibility. Choose the Work Structures link, then the
Organization link, and then the Description link from the navigator.

3. In the Find Organization window, query your business group in the Name field,
such as "Vision Corporation". Click the Find button. This displays the Organization
window for the selected organization.

4. In the Organization Classifications region, select "Business Group" and click the
Others button.

2-50 Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps Administrator's Guide

Identifying the Flexfield Structure in the Organization Window

5. The Additional Organization Information window appears. Select "Business Group


Setting Up the Mobile Apps 2-51

Specifying Additional Organization Information

6. Place the cursor in the Business Group Info field.

7. The complete Business Group Info window is displayed. This is the structure for
the Job Flexfield for your business group. Copy the value in the Job Flexfield
Structure field. This value will be used later to locate the flexfield that you want to

2-52 Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps Administrator's Guide

Displaying the Business Group Information

Step 1.3: Enabling the Qualifier for the Flexfield Segment

After obtaining the key flexfield structure name for your business group, perform the
following steps to qualify the key flexfield segment:
1. From the navigator, select the Flexfield link, then the Key link, and then the
Segment link.

2. In the Key Flexfield Segments window, search for the flexfield with the application
name "Human Resources" and the flexfield title that you obtained from the Job
Flexfield Structure field described in Step 1.2: Identifying the Flexfield Structure for
Your Business Group, page 2-50, such as "Job Flexfield".

3. In the Structures region, select the Job Flexfield and then deselect the Freeze
Flexfield Definition check box. This allows you to update the selected Job Flexfield
definition. Click the Segments button. This displays the Segments Summary
window for the selected Job Flexfield.

Setting Up the Mobile Apps 2-53

Displaying the Key Flexfield Segments

4. Select the segment you want to qualify and click the Flexfield Qualifiers button.

Selecting a Desired Flexfield Segment

5. Select the qualifier "Mobile" and then select the Enabled check box to enable the
selected qualifier for this segment. Save your work.

2-54 Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps Administrator's Guide

Enabling the Qualifier for the Selected Segment

Step 1.4: Adding the "HR Mobile Utils Person Data Full Synch" Concurrent Program to a Request Group
Perform the following steps to add the "HR Mobile Utils Person Data Full Synch"
concurrent program to a request group, and then run the program for the first time:

Note: Ensure that you have applied the patches for your app. The "HR
Mobile Utils Person Data Full Synch" concurrent program should then
be automatically created.
For patch information for each app, see Applying Prerequisite Patches,
page 2-2.

1. Log in to Oracle E-Business Suite as a user who has the System Administrator
responsibility. For example, log in as SYSADMIN.

2. Select the System Administrator responsibility. Choose the Security link, then the
Responsibility link, and then the Define link from the navigator. This displays the
Responsibilities window.

3. In the Responsibilities window, search for the responsibility, such as "US Super
HRMS Manager", that you want to run the "HR Mobile Utils Person Data Full
Synch" concurrent program.

Setting Up the Mobile Apps 2-55

Searching for a Desired Responsibility

4. In the Request Group region, record the value of the request group Name field
which in this example is "US SHRMS Reports & Processes" for the "US Super HRMS
Manager" responsibility. Close the window.

5. From the navigator, select the Security link, then the Responsibility link, and then
the Request link. This displays the Request Groups window.

6. In the Request Groups window, search for the request group name "US SHRMS
Reports & Processes" you recorded earlier in the Group field.

7. In the Requests region, click the New icon to add the "HR Mobile Utils Person Data
Full Synch" concurrent program to this security group. Save your entry and close
the window.

2-56 Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps Administrator's Guide

Adding the "HR Mobile Utils Person Data Full Synch" Concurrent Program to a
Request Group

8. From the navigator, select the Requests link and then the Run link. This displays
the Submit Request window.

9. Enter the "HR Mobile Utils Person Data Full Synch" concurrent program as the
request name.

Setting Up the Mobile Apps 2-57

Selecting the Concurrent Program in the Submit Request Window

The Parameters window appears.

Specifying the Parameter Value

10. Select "Person Card" as the Process Name parameter. Click OK and Submit to
execute the request for the first time. This concurrent request refreshes the related
HR tables with the person data.

Step 2: Scheduling the "HR Mobile Utils Person Data Full Synch" Concurrent Program
After adding the "HR Mobile Utils Person Data Full Synch" concurrent program to a
request group and executing the concurrent request for the first time, you can schedule
the concurrent request be run at the desired frequency to refresh the related tables with
the latest person data.

2-58 Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps Administrator's Guide

Step 3: Allowing Apps to Access Local Contacts
After the setup mentioned above is complete and an iOS mobile user has installed an
app that integrates with person contact cards, the first time the user accesses a page that
has person contacts embedded within it, the app will request permission to access the
user's local contacts on the iOS mobile device.

Note: Unlike iOS mobile users, Android users do not have the option to
choose whether or not to grant an app permission to access the local
contacts on the devices. While installing an app from Google Play,
users must grant the following permissions to the app:
• From the PRIVACY section: read phone status and identity, receive
text messages (SMS), modify your contacts, read your contacts,
modify or delete the contents of your USB storage, read the
contents of your USB storage, and find accounts on the device

• From the Device Access section: full network access, and view
network connections

If a user does not grant these permissions, then the app will not be
After installing the app, users can review the permissions by tapping
Settings, then App Name, and then Permissions on their Android

For example, Oracle Mobile iProcurement for Oracle E-Business Suite requests the
permission to access the user's local contacts on the iOS device as shown below:

Setting Up the Mobile Apps 2-59

Requesting the Permission to Access Local Contacts

Note: iOS mobile users can modify the setting that determines whether
the app can access local contacts at any time by tapping Settings, then
Privacy, and then Contacts on their iOS devices.

On Android devices, and if the user gives permission on an iOS device, the app will
fetch the person information from the local contacts along with the enterprise
information from Oracle E-Business Suite as shown below.

2-60 Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps Administrator's Guide

In this case, the user can also save enterprise contact information to add or update local
contacts. If the user does not allow the app to access the local contacts on the iOS device,
then the app displays only the enterprise contact information from Oracle E-Business
Suite, and the user cannot save this information to the local contacts on the device.

Note: Saving person contacts will not save the person's image to local
contacts on the Android devices. The app on Android always displays
the images for the person contacts from enterprise contacts. If the image
of an enterprise contact is not present, then the app displays the person
contact only without the image on the Android devices.

Note: Oracle E-Business Suite mobile apps use the email address for an
enterprise contact to determine whether the enterprise contact matches
any existing local contact on the device.

Please note that if the setup tasks for person contact cards are not performed properly,
depending on how your app is integrated with person contact cards, either the app
page that includes person contact (such as the Requisition page shown above) shows a

Setting Up the Mobile Apps 2-61

blank page with no data on it or the person contact details (such as the contact details
for Pat Stock in this example) are not shown on the page.
For information on setting up person contact cards, see Setting Up Person Contact
Cards, page 2-48.

Setting Up Maps
Mobile Apps Integrated with Maps
The following Oracle E-Business Suite mobile apps integrate with maps:
• Oracle Mobile Learning for Oracle E-Business Suite (Google Maps)

• Oracle Mobile Maintenance for Oracle E-Business Suite (Oracle Maps)

Note: The Oracle Maps feature is enabled by default; therefore,

there is no additional setup required for integrating with Oracle

• Oracle Mobile Person Directory for Oracle E-Business Suite (Google Maps)

• Oracle Mobile Product Information for Oracle E-Business Suite (Google Maps)

• Oracle Mobile Self-Service Human Resources for Oracle E-Business Suite (Google

For example, Oracle Mobile Product Information for Oracle E-Business Suite presents
the supplier information and its geographical location in a Google map as shown below.

2-62 Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps Administrator's Guide

Displaying a Google Map

Note: Any use of this map is subject to Google's Privacy Policy and not
Oracle's Privacy Policy.

Oracle Mobile Maintenance for Oracle E-Business Suite presents the asset information
and its geographical location in an Oracle map as shown below.

Setting Up the Mobile Apps 2-63

Displaying an Oracle Map

Setting Up Google Maps

To integrate your mobile app with Google Maps, set the "CSF: Google Map Key" profile
option value on the Oracle E-Business Suite instance to the Google Map JavaScript API
license key. You can obtain this key by registering with Google, Inc.
If you do not provide a license key as the profile value, the map feature in Oracle E-
Business Suite mobile apps will be disabled. The app users can view data (such as
supplier information as shown in the screenshot) displayed in a list only. If the
provided license key is not valid, even though the app displays the map option, the
Google map will not be rendered when a user taps the map option. An error message
also occurs indicating it is an invalid license key.
For information on how to set this profile option, see the Oracle Field Service
Implementation Guide.

Support for Barcodes

Some Oracle E-Business Suite mobile apps provide support through the Cordova
plugin for scanning barcodes to capture data or scanning an item or work order.

2-64 Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps Administrator's Guide

Note: There is no additional setup task required to integrate Oracle E-
Business Suite mobile apps with barcodes.

For example, Oracle Mobile Maintenance for Oracle E-Business Suite uses barcode
scanning to capture data for assets, work orders, and work requests.

Capturing Data Through Barcode Scanning

Mobile Apps Integrated with Barcodes

The following Oracle E-Business Suite mobile apps integrate with barcodes:
• Oracle Mobile Discrete Production Supervisor for Oracle E-Business Suite

• Oracle Mobile Discrete Quality Manager for Oracle E-Business Suite

• Oracle Mobile Inventory for Oracle E-Business Suite

• Oracle Mobile Maintenance for Oracle E-Business Suite

Setting Up the Mobile Apps 2-65

• Oracle Mobile Process Production Supervisor for Oracle E-Business Suite

• Oracle Mobile Process Quality Manager for Oracle E-Business Suite

• Oracle Mobile Product Information for Oracle E-Business Suite

• Oracle Mobile Yard for Oracle E-Business Suite

• Oracle Mobile Supply Chain Applications for Oracle E-Business Suite

Note: Although Oracle Mobile Supply Chain Applications for

Oracle E-Business Suite is not developed based on Oracle E-
Business Suite Mobile Foundation, the barcode information
described in this section also applies to this app.

Supported Barcode Types

For mobile apps that include barcode scanning, the following barcode types are
• QR Code

• Data Matrix



• EAN 8

• EAN 13

• Code 128

• Code 39

Additional App-Specific Setup

Perform any appropriate app-specific implementation steps described in each release
note of the following mobile apps:
• Oracle Mobile Approvals for Oracle E-Business Suite

• Oracle Mobile Discrete Production Supervisor for Oracle E-Business Suite

• Oracle Mobile Discrete Quality Manager for Oracle E-Business Suite

2-66 Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps Administrator's Guide

• Oracle Mobile Learning for Oracle E-Business Suite

• Oracle Mobile Maintenance for Oracle E-Business Suite (for the "Disconnected"

• Oracle Mobile Person Directory for Oracle E-Business Suite

• Oracle Mobile Product Information for Oracle E-Business Suite

• Oracle Mobile Sales Orders for Oracle E-Business Suite

• Oracle Mobile Self-Service Human Resources for Oracle E-Business Suite

• Oracle Mobile Timecards for Oracle E-Business Suite

For the list of Oracle E-Business Suite mobile apps mentioned here, see the Oracle E-
Business Suite Mobile Apps, Release 12.1 and 12.2 Documentation Index, My Oracle Support
Knowledge Document 1641772.1.

Communicating Mobile App Information to Users

After you have completed the setup tasks for your app, provide the following
information required to access the app to the users who will install and use the mobile
• Name of the app to download
For the name of the mobile app to download, see the Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile
Apps, Release 12.1 and 12.2 Documentation Index, My Oracle Support Knowledge
Document 1641772.1.

• Where to download the app

For the download location information for your app, see the Oracle E-Business Suite
Mobile Apps, Release 12.1 and 12.2 Documentation Index, My Oracle Support
Knowledge Document 1641772.1.

• Oracle E-Business Suite user name and password

The mobile app user login information is the same user name and password used to
log in to Oracle E-Business Suite.

• Oracle E-Business Suite server URL in the following format: http(s):

Please note the difference between the server URL shared with the app users and
the full configuration service URL used for validation as described in step 1, the
Validating the Configuration, page 2-42.

Setting Up the Mobile Apps 2-67

Important: If your Oracle E-Business Suite is deployed in a
multinode and load-balanced environment, make sure that the
Oracle E-Business Suite server URL represents the web entry point
of your environment as specified in your $CONTEXT_FILE. By
default, the web entry point is set to the hostname of the
application server where Oracle E-Business Suite is installed. If a
load-balancer is used, the web entry point becomes the load-
balancer's hostname. Refer to Using Load-Balancers with Oracle E-
Business Suite Release 12, My Oracle Support Knowledge Document
380489.1 for details.

If you modify the topology of your Oracle E-Business Suite server in a way that
changes the server URL, then you must inform the app users of the new URL. The
users must update the server URL in the device settings from the mobile home page
to trigger the reconfiguration process for the app.
Note that in Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation Release 2.0, a modification
entered in the iOS device settings will not trigger the reconfiguration process. To
connect the mobile app to a different server, mobile users must uninstall the mobile
app and then install it again. See the Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation
Release Update History, Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation Release Notes, My
Oracle Support Knowledge Document 1642431.1.

Additional Information: When the configuration service is invoked

during the initial login process, it downloads the configuration
details from the server with the following scenarios:
• If an app of version 1.0.x (Approvals and Timecards apps only)
connects to a server that is configured for Oracle E-Business
Suite Mobile Foundation Release 2.0, then the configuration is
downloaded through the connections.xml file.

• If an app of version 1.0.x (Approvals and Timecards apps only)

connects to a server that is configured for Oracle E-Business
Suite Mobile Foundation Release 2.1 or later, then the
configuration is downloaded through the connections.xml
file. However, Oracle strongly recommends that you direct
your users to update their apps from the Apple App Store in
order to take advantage of the new features provided in Oracle
E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation Release 2.1 or later

• If an app of version 1.0.x (Learning and Person Directory apps

only), version 1.1.0 or later connects to a server that is
configured for Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation

2-68 Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps Administrator's Guide

Release 2.1 or later, then the configuration is downloaded
through the ebs-mobile-config.xml file.

• If an app of version 1.0.x (Learning and Person Directory apps

only), version 1.1.0 or later connects to a server that is
configured for Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation
Release 1.0 or Release 2.0, then the configuration is
downloaded through the connections.xml file.

Please note that Oracle tests the client app and server patch
combinations with N-1 policy where N is the latest Oracle E-
Business Suite mobile app release that contains both the
corresponding client app version and the associated server patches.
The latest client app version is expected to work with one previous
version of the server patches. However, Oracle strongly
recommends that you keep both the server and client versions the
same in order to leverage the latest app features.
For required patch information for each Oracle E-Business Suite
Mobile Foundation release, refer to Applying Prerequisite Patches
on the Oracle E-Business Suite Server, page 2-2.
If neither ebs-mobile-config.xml nor connections.xml can
be found, then an error appears indicating that this mobile app is
not currently configured on the server.

Setting Up the Mobile Apps 2-69

Setting Up Push Notifications for Mobile

This chapter explains the concept and architecture of Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile
Foundation Push Notification System (or the Push Notification System thereafter) and
the required configuration tasks to enable this feature for the supported mobile apps.
Specifically, this chapter includes the following topics:
• Understanding Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation Push Notification
System, page 3-1

• Setting Up and Enabling Push Notifications for Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile
Apps, page 3-5

Understanding Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation Push Notification System

What is a push notification?
Push notifications are messages that a server can send to the mobile devices to inform
the mobile app users of some events. For example, when a new expense report is
submitted to an approver for approval, the Oracle E-Business Suite server can send a
push notification to the approver's mobile device where the Approvals mobile app is
installed. This helps to inform the approver of the new expense report for timely
approval. These notifications can appear as alerts or banners based on the state of the
app and the notification settings.
Starting from Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation 7.0, you can optionally set up
and enable push notifications for supported Oracle E-Business Suite mobile apps.

Important: In Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation Release 7.0,

push notifications are supported when using Oracle Mobile Cloud

Setting Up Push Notifications for Mobile Apps 3-1

Service in the following apps:
• Oracle Mobile Approvals for Oracle E-Business Suite, when
provided to users through enterprise distribution

• Custom Oracle E-Business Suite mobile apps developed using the

Login component from Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation
See: Using the Login Component to Develop Mobile Apps, Oracle
E-Business Suite Mobile Apps Developer's Guide, Release 12.1 and 12.2.

Standard Oracle E-Business Suite mobile apps installed directly from

the Apple App Store or Google Play do not support push notifications.
Please note that push notifications require enterprise distribution due
to iOS requirements. The provisioning profile used to build the iOS app
and the certificate and private key presented by the Oracle E-Business
Suite server to send the push notifications are specific to the iOS app to
be used in your organization; therefore, you must obtain your own
profile and certificate from the Apple Developer Program. You can then
use these to build and deploy the iOS app through enterprise
• For information on editing application bundle ID or package name
in the platform-specific deployment profile, see Modifying an
Existing Deployment Profile (Conditional), Oracle E-Business Suite
Mobile Apps Developer's Guide, Release 12.1 and 12.2.

• For information about enterprise distribution, see Using Mobile

Application Archives for Enterprise Distribution, Oracle E-Business
Suite Mobile Apps Developer's Guide, Release 12.1 and 12.2.

What is Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation Push Notification System?

In order for the Oracle E-Business Suite server to send push notifications to the mobile
devices of designated mobile app users, the server must have a way to identify those
users and to deliver the notifications whenever there is a need. To achieve this goal,
Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation Push Notification System provides the
underlying components allowing the supported mobile apps to register the mobile
devices and receive push notifications.
Specifically, the Push Notification System contains the following essential components:
• Push Notification Client - Login Component
The Login component is used to develop the mobile apps and implement the ability
to receive the push notifications from the server.

• Push Notification Server

3-2 Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps Administrator's Guide

Push notification server contains the data model to store information about mobile
users and the unique IDs (iOS push tokens and Android registration IDs) from their
mobile apps to which push notifications should be sent, plus the components to
send push notifications to the mobile apps.
Push notification server uses Oracle Mobile Cloud Service (MCS) to send the
notifications. MCS serves as an intermediary, as shown in the following diagram,
between the push notification server and client to manage the device registrations
as well as connect to the following platform-specific push notification services to
send the notifications.
• iOS - Apple Push Notification service (APNs)

• Android - Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM), new version of Google Cloud

Messaging (GCM)

Important: Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation Push

Notification System requires MCS subscription to enable push
notifications for mobile apps. MCS handles platform-specific
delivery of push notifications and provides monitoring and error
handling capabilities for administrators. If you have already
subscribed to MCS for your enterprise mobile app requirements,
you can use the same subscription to enable push notifications for
Oracle E-Business Suite. Otherwise, you must obtain a new MCS
subscription to use push notifications. Once MCS subscription is
available, in order to use Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile
Foundation Push Notification System, the MCS instance should be
set up and registered with Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile
Foundation. See: Setting Up an Oracle Mobile Cloud Service (MCS)
Instance, page 3-6.

To better understand these components and how the system works to deliver push
notifications, the following diagram illustrates the high level architecture of the Push
Notifications System:

Setting Up Push Notifications for Mobile Apps 3-3

Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation Push Notifications System High Level

Push notifications can be sent from the server to supported mobile apps using the
following flows:
• A Mobile App Registers to Receive Push Notifications
In order for the Oracle E-Business Suite server to send push notifications to mobile
devices, it needs a list of mobile users, the apps that those users have installed, and
the unique IDs corresponding to the apps on each user's device where the
notifications will be sent.
• Step 1: A mobile user launches a mobile app.

• Step 2: The mobile app connects to the corresponding platform's push

notification service (APNs or FCM) to receive a unique ID known as a push
token on iOS or registration ID on Android for that app.
The unique ID is the address to which the push notification will be delivered.
The mobile app registers that unique ID with the server from which it would
receive push notifications. For example, the server sends iOS push notifications
to APNs and Android push notifications to FCM.

• Step 3: When the user signs in to the app, the mobile app invokes the Oracle E-
Business Suite REST API called "Push Register" (mPushRegister) to register
the push token or registration ID with Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile
Foundation for that user and the mobile app.

• Step 4: Oracle E-Business Suite invokes the MCS "Register Device" REST API (
/mobile/platform/devices/register) to propagate the push token or
registration ID from Oracle E-Business Suite to Oracle Mobile Cloud Service

3-4 Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps Administrator's Guide

through Workflow Java Deferred Agent Listener.

The same user can install the same app on multiple devices. A registration is
created for each installation of the app to receive push notifications.

• Oracle E-Business Suite Server Sends Push Notifications to Mobile Apps

Once the Oracle E-Business Suite server receives the list of users registered to
receive push notifications, push notifications are delivered to the users.
• Step 5: Oracle E-Business Suite application product code calls the PL/SQL API
FND_MBL_NOTIFICATION.Send which internally raises the push notification
business event to send a notification to the user of a given mobile app.

• Step 6: The Push Notification System builds the notification payload targeted
for that user and the app, and enqueues the payload to the

• Step 7: Generic Service Component (GSC) MCS Push Notification Agent

retrieves the push notification from the queue, builds the MCS payload, and
delivers the payload to Oracle Mobile Cloud Service using the "Notification"
REST API (/mobile/system/notifications/notifications/) for the

• Step 8: Oracle Mobile Cloud Service delivers the notification to all registered
devices for that Oracle E-Business Suite user through the corresponding
platform's push notification service, such as APNs for iOS and FCM for

Please note that Oracle E-Business Suite only delivers one push notification for the
user of a given app to Oracle Mobile Cloud Service. If the user had installed the
same app on multiple devices, Oracle Mobile Cloud Service delivers the same
notification to all the devices for that user.

Setting Up and Enabling Push Notifications for Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps
To set up the Push Notification System and enable the mobile apps, you need to
perform the following setup tasks:
1. Setting Up a FCM Project for Android Push Notifications Only (Optional), page 3-

2. Setting Up an Oracle Mobile Cloud Service (MCS) Instance, page 3-6

3. Configuring Oracle E-Business Suite for Push Notifications, page 3-10

• Configuring Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation Push Notification
System, page 3-10

Setting Up Push Notifications for Mobile Apps 3-5

• Configuring Supported Mobile Apps with Push Notifications, page 3-13

In addition to the above administrative tasks performed on the server, a mobile

applications developer needs to complete the following tasks to implement push
notifications for the mobile apps. For more information, refer to:
• Adding Push Notifications to App Configuration, Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile
Apps Developer's Guide, Release 12.1 and 12.2

• Implementing Push Notifications, Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps Developer's

Guide, Release 12.1 and 12.2

For information on troubleshooting issues related to the setup or processing of push

notifications, see Troubleshooting Tips for Push Notifications, page 6-23.

Setting Up a FCM Project for Android Push Notifications (Optional)

Android push notifications sent from Oracle E-Business Suite are delivered to Android
devices through Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM). In order for FCM to recognize the
Oracle E-Business Suite server from where the notifications are sent and the Android
apps that receive them, you are required to create a Firebase project.
Perform the following steps to set up a FCM project:
1. Go to the Firebase console ( and
create a project.

2. In the Project Settings, record the values of the Server Key and Sender ID for Cloud
You will use the Sender ID and Server Key you recorded here when creating the
Android mobile client in Oracle Mobile Cloud Service. See: Creating Mobile Clients,
page 3-7.
You will use the same Sender ID when configuring the Push Notification System in
the Mobile Push Notification Configuration page. See: Configuring Oracle E-
Business Suite Mobile Foundation Push Notification System, page 3-10.

For more information, refer to the Firebase documentation at

Setting Up an Oracle Mobile Cloud Service Instance

In order for the Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation Push Notification System to
connect to Oracle Mobile Cloud Service to deliver push notifications, complete the
following setup tasks on the Oracle Mobile Cloud Service instance first:

3-6 Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps Administrator's Guide

Note: You must use a single Oracle Mobile Cloud Service instance for a
given Oracle E-Business Suite. If the instance is changed after the initial
setup, the earlier registrations for Oracle E-Business Suite mobile apps
will not be automatically synchronized.

1. Creating a Mobile Backend, page 3-7

2. Creating Mobile Clients, page 3-7

3. Creating an Oracle Mobile Cloud Service User Account, page 3-8

4. Enabling HTTP Basic Authentication, page 3-9

Creating a Mobile Backend

To create a mobile backend on the Oracle Mobile Cloud Service instance, perform the
following tasks:
1. Log in to your Oracle Mobile Cloud Service instance.

2. Create a mobile backend to be used specifically for Oracle E-Business Suite push
For more information, see Mobile Backends, Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Mobile Cloud
Service (

Creating Mobile Clients

In order for Oracle Mobile Cloud Service to deliver push notifications on behalf of the
Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation Push Notification System, the Oracle E-
Business Suite mobile apps to which push notifications should be delivered need to be
registered on the Oracle Mobile Cloud Service instance.
1. Log in to your Oracle Mobile Cloud Service instance.

2. Click the menu icon to open the side menu. Select Application, and then Client
Management. Create a client for each Oracle E-Business Suite mobile app
For example, if you would like to receive push notifications for both iOS and
Android distributions of an enterprise-distributed Approvals app, you have to
register one client each for each platform.

3. When creating a client, use correct Bundle ID or Package Name that has been used
to deploy your mobile app.

Setting Up Push Notifications for Mobile Apps 3-7

• Bundle ID (iOS): The Bundle ID registered with Apple to receive the iOS
provisioning profile. This is the bundle ID used in the deployment profile to
create the iOS app.
For information on the platform-specific deployment profile, see Modifying an
Existing Deployment Profile (Conditional), Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps
Developer's Guide, Release 12.1 and 12.2.

• Package Name (Android): The Package Name used in the deployment profile to
create the Android app.

4. For each client, create a required push notification profile.

• iOS: Use the APNs certificate issued by Apple.

• Android: Use the values of Sender ID and Server Key you recorded earlier for
the Firebase project.
For information on obtaining the project number and the Server Key, see:
Setting Up a FCM Project for Android Push Notifications Only (Optional), page

5. Associate each client with the mobile backend that you created earlier for Oracle E-
Business Suite.
See: Creating a Mobile Backend, page 3-7.

For more information about client management, see Client Management, Oracle Cloud
Using Oracle Mobile Cloud Service (

Creating an Oracle Mobile Cloud Service User Account

In order for the Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation Push Notification System to
connect to Oracle Mobile Cloud Service to deliver push notifications, you should create
a user account on Oracle Mobile Cloud Service, assign required roles to that account,
and then configure it in the Push Notification System.
Use the following steps to create an Oracle Mobile Cloud Service user account:
1. Log in to your Oracle Mobile Cloud Service instance.

2. Click the menu icon to open the side menu. Select Application, and then Mobile
User Management.

3. Either create a new realm or use a default realm.

4. Create a user who will be used to register this MCS backend with Oracle E-Business

3-8 Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps Administrator's Guide

5. Go to Oracle Cloud My Services, and select the Users page.

6. The user created in the MCS backend appears with a default role associated with
the MCS instance.
For example, the default role is Default

7. Assign the "Mobile Notifications" role to this user.

For example, the role is mcsinst Mobile Notifications.

These two roles described here are important for Oracle E-Business Suite to connect to
this Oracle Mobile Cloud Service instance to deliver push notifications.
For more information, see Mobile User Management, Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Mobile
Cloud Service (

Enabling HTTP Basic Authentication

Oracle E-Business Suite uses the HTTP Basic authentication to connect to Oracle Mobile
Cloud Service. Enable the HTPP Basic authentication and record required connection
details for the Oracle Mobile Cloud Service instance to be registered in the Oracle E-
Business Suite Mobile Foundation Push Notification System.
1. Log in to your Oracle Mobile Cloud Service instance.

2. Open the mobile backend you created earlier for Oracle E-Business Suite. Select the
Settings page.

3. Under Access Keys, enable the "HTTP Basic" authentication by turning the switch to
When switched to ON, the access keys that you need are displayed.

4. Record the following information that will be used later in Configuring Oracle E-
Business Suite Mobile Foundation Push Notification System, page 3-10.
• Mobile Backend ID under HTTP Basic

• Base URL under Environment URLs

• MCS Username (created earlier)

• MCS Password for this user

Once the setup is complete, you are ready to configure the Push Notification System to
connect to Oracle Mobile Cloud Service.

Setting Up Push Notifications for Mobile Apps 3-9

Configuring Oracle E-Business Suite for Push Notifications
Besides the setup tasks on Oracle Mobile Cloud Service, you need to perform required
configuration on Oracle E-Business Suite so that Oracle E-Business Suite can accept
push notification registrations from mobile users and send push notifications to the
registered devices. These setup tasks on Oracle E-Business Suite include:
• Configuring Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation Push Notification System,
page 3-10

• Configuring Supported Mobile Apps with Push Notifications, page 3-13

Configuring Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation Push Notification System

To configure the Push Notification System from Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile
Foundation, select the Mobile Applications Manager responsibility and choose the
Applications link from the navigator. The Search Mobile Applications page appears.
Click Push Configuration on the upper right corner to access the Mobile Push
Notification Configuration page.

3-10 Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps Administrator's Guide

Mobile Push Notification Configuration Page

Perform the following tasks to configure the Push Notification System and required
component parameters:
1. Specify the following information to enable the Push Notification System:
• Push Notification System: Enabled

• Provider for iOS: Mobile Cloud Service

Note: Since Oracle E-Business Suite uses Oracle Mobile Cloud

Service to send push notifications, the values of the "Provider
for iOS" and "Provider for Android" fields are set to Oracle
Mobile Cloud Service by default.

• Provider for Android: Mobile Cloud Service

2. In the Mobile Cloud Service (MCS) Parameters region, enter the following
information for Oracle Mobile Cloud Service:

Note: For the MCS Backend ID, URL, Username, and Password
fields, use the information you recorded earlier while enabling the
HTTP Basic authentication in Oracle Mobile Cloud Service, See:

Setting Up Push Notifications for Mobile Apps 3-11

Enabling HTTP Basic Authentication, page 3-9.

• MCS Backend ID: Enter the value that you recorded earlier when creating the
MCS backend for Oracle E-Business Suite push notifications.
See: Creating a Mobile Backend, page 3-7.

• MCS Backend URL: Specify the desired URL for Oracle Mobile Cloud Service.

• MCS Username: Enter the Mobile Cloud Service user who has appropriate
notification user roles.
MCS credentials are used by the Push Notifications System to connect to Oracle
Mobile Cloud Service to register devices and send push notifications. The MCS
user must have the following roles assigned:
• Mobile Notifications (mcsinst Mobile Notifications)

• Default (mcsinst_MobileEnvironment_Default_1_0_Realm)

If the MCS credentials are invalid or if required roles are not granted to the user
in Oracle Mobile Cloud Service, the configuration will fail.
For information on creating a mobile user with MCS credentials, see: Creating
an Oracle Mobile Cloud Service User Account, page 3-8.

• MCS Password: Enter the associated user password.

• Android Sender ID: Enter the Sender ID used to create the Android push
notification profile when creating the Android client in Oracle Mobile Cloud
Service. See: Creating Mobile Clients, page 3-7.

Note: Sender ID is used to register the Android client in Oracle

Mobile Cloud Service; Android Sender ID is used in the Mobile
Push Notification Configuration page here. These two values
should be the same.

Android Sender ID is downloaded to Oracle E-Business Suite Android mobile

apps through the configuration service. Android apps then use this Android
Sender ID to register for push notifications with FCM.
See: Setting Up a FCM Project for Android Push Notifications Only (Optional),
page 3-6.

3. In the Push Service Component region, notice the following information:

• Component Status: This displays the current component status, such as

3-12 Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps Administrator's Guide

• Status Information: This displays any error messages when starting the MCS
Push Notification Provider.

4. Click Apply to save the configuration.

In order for the Push Notification System to work correctly, the following Service
Components should be running.
• Workflow Java Deferred Agent Listener - Processes business events to synchronize
device registrations for push notifications from Oracle E-Business Suite to Oracle
Mobile Cloud Service.

• MCS Push Notification Provider - Processes push notifications triggered by Oracle

E-Business Suite application code to its corresponding mobile app. It connects to
Oracle Mobile Cloud Service to send the push notifications.

Log in to Oracle E-Business Suite as a user who has the System Administrator
responsibility. Select the Oracle Applications Manager link, and then Workflow
Manager to ensure these two components are running.

Configuring Supported Mobile Apps with Push Notifications

After the setup for the Push Notification System is complete, it is important to configure
each supported mobile app that should receive push notifications from the Oracle E-
Business Suite server.

Important: In Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation Release 7.0,

push notifications are supported when using Oracle Mobile Cloud
Service for the Approvals app through enterprise distribution, and for
custom apps developed using Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile
Standard Oracle E-Business Suite mobile apps installed directly from
the Apple App Store or Google Play do not support push notifications.

Note: If an app can be enabled with push notifications, during the app
registration, a developer can define the application definition metadata
by adding the "Push Notifications" category along with the relevant
parameters in the Configuration Details page for the app. See:
Registering Your Mobile App, Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps
Developer's Guide, Release 12.1 and 12.2.
After the registration, you can enable the app and update the push
notifications parameters if desired in the Configure Mobile
Applications page.

Setting Up Push Notifications for Mobile Apps 3-13

Perform the following steps to configure a mobile app that supports push notifications:
1. Log in to Oracle E-Business Suite as a user who has the Mobile Applications
Administrator role. For example, log in as SYSADMIN.

2. Select the Mobile Applications Manager responsibility and choose the

Applications link from the navigator.
The Search Mobile Applications page appears.

3. Search for the app that supports push notifications. For example, select the
enterprise-distributed Approvals app called XXX_APPROVALS.

4. Click the Configure icon for the selected app XXX_APPROVALS that you want to
configure with push notifications from the search result table.
The Configure Mobile Applications page appears.

5. Select Yes for the "Push Notifications" category

Configuring the Push Notifications for a Supported App

6. Expand the "Push Notifications" category by clicking the Details icon. Enter the
following values:

3-14 Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps Administrator's Guide

Configuring Parameters for Push Notifications

• iOS Deployment Bundle ID (IOS_DEPLOYMENT_BUNDLE_ID): Enter the

same bundle ID used to create the iOS client in Oracle Mobile Cloud Service for
this selected mobile app.

• Android Deployment Bundle ID

(ANDROID_DEPLOYMENT_BUNDLE_ID): Enter the same Package Name
used to create the Android client in Oracle Mobile Cloud Service for this
selected mobile app.

• Push Notifications Business Event (NOTIFICATION_BUSINESS_EVENT):

Enter the app-specific business event used to trigger push notifications when
the event arises. For example, enter
push.event for the enterprise-distributed Approvals app.
This business event along
with other app-specific events are included in an event group called oracle. Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile
Foundation uses the event group that has the default event subscription to
process the push notifications.

7. Save your mobile app configuration.

Additionally, after configuring the mobile app, you can invoke the configuration service
corresponding to that mobile app and confirm the following values:
• Android Sender ID
This value is the same as the following:

Setting Up Push Notifications for Mobile Apps 3-15

• Sender ID: It is used to create the Android push notification profile in Oracle
Mobile Cloud Service. See: Creating Mobile Clients, page 3-7.

• Android Sender ID: It is used to set up the Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile
Foundation Push Notification System. See: Configuring Oracle E-Business Suite
Mobile Foundation Push Notification System, page 3-10.

• Push Status
This should be ENABLED for the mobile app to successfully receive push

For information on invoking the configuration service, see Validating the

Configuration, page 2-42.

3-16 Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps Administrator's Guide

Administering the Mobile Apps

This chapter describes various administrative tasks that you would perform to better
understand how your app is currently installed and used. It includes the following
• Viewing Mobile App Installation and Usage Metrics, page 4-1

• Purging Mobile App Usage Information, page 4-5

Viewing Mobile App Installation and Usage Metrics

Once users start using mobile apps, it is highly beneficial for administrators to gather
statistics on these apps. These statistics include platform-specific user installations and
usage frequencies over a period of time for any app. Users who have the Mobile
Applications Administrator role can obtain this essential information through the
Mobile Applications Manager UI pages and provide needed support for their users
more efficiently.

Note: These features are available from Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile
Foundation Release 5.0 and are only available for users who have the
Mobile Applications Administrator role. Users who have the Mobile
Applications Developer role cannot find the Users and App Usage
columns from the search result table.

To view user installations and usage metrics for an app, select the Mobile Applications
Manager responsibility and choose the Applications link from the navigator. The
Search Mobile Applications page appears.

Administering the Mobile Apps 4-1

Accessing the Mobile App Installation and Usage Metrics

Perform the following tasks to view user installation and app usage information:
• Click the number of users link for iOS or Android to view the installation
information for a desired app.
See: Viewing Your Mobile App Installation Details, page 4-2.

• Click the App Usage icon to view the mobile usage information.
See: Viewing Your Mobile App Usage, page 4-4.

Viewing Your Mobile App Installation Details

To view user installation information for a specific app (such as "EBS Approvals"), after
locating the app in the Search Mobile Applications page, click the number of users link
for iOS or Android in the Users column from the search result table. The Mobile App
Installations page appears with the installation details for your selected app, such as
"EBS Approvals".

4-2 Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps Administrator's Guide

Viewing the Mobile App Installation Details

The installation details include the name of the users who have installed the app (such
as "EBS Approvals"), last login date and time, app version, device or platform
information (either iOS or Android, depending on your selection from the Users
column in the search result table), device OS version, and device model information
(such as iPhone, iPad, or Android).
In the Filter Criteria region, you can further refine the result by modifying the following
fields for the same app or obtain the information for a different app.
• Application: This field is automatically displayed with your selected app name
from the search result table.
If you want to view the user installations for a different app, select a desired app
from the Application drop-down menu.

• Platform: Either iOS or Android is selected automatically based on your selection

from the search result table in the Search Mobile Applications page.
You can select a different value, including "iOS", "Android", or "All", to view the
platform-specific user installations for the selected app.
If "All" is selected, then the user installation information for both iOS and Android
are displayed.

• User Name: Specify a desired user name if you want to view the installation for that

You can click Export to export all the data to an Excel spreadsheet if desired.
Click the Return to Application Search link to return back to the Search Mobile
Applications page.
For information on viewing app usage information, see Viewing Your Mobile App
Usage, page 4-4.

Administering the Mobile Apps 4-3

Viewing Your Mobile App Usage
To view the usage pattern for an app in terms of number of logins in the last few days
or hours, click the App Usage icon from the search result table in the Search Mobile
Applications page. The Mobile App Usage page appears for your desired app.

Viewing the Mobile App Usage Details

In the Filter Criteria region, enter the following information to view the app usage
• Application: This field is automatically displayed with your desired app name.
Select a different name if you want to view the usage information for another app.

• Range: Enter a numeric number in the text box as the time range, and select a
desired range unit, such as "hours" or "days". For example, obtain the number of
logins for an app within the last 47 hours or the last 24 days.
Please note that if "hours" is selected as the range unit, the number you specify in
the text box should be less than "48" hours. Otherwise, an error message appears.

After you modify the filter criteria and click Go, the app usage information is displayed
in a table with the app login date and login count.
To export the data to an Excel spreadsheet, click Export.
Click the Return to Application Search link to return back to the Search Mobile
Applications page.

4-4 Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps Administrator's Guide

You can purge the app usage data if needed, see Purging Mobile App Usage
Information, page 4-5.
For information on viewing user installations for an app, see Viewing Your Mobile App
Installation Details, page 4-2.

Purging Mobile App Usage Information

Oracle E-Business Suite mobile apps allow you to purge app usage data stored in the
database that has been collected for a period of time. This can be achieved through a
concurrent program called "Mobile Metrics Purge Program".

Important: The "Mobile Metrics Purge Program" only purges the mobile
app usage data. The data for user installations will not be purged.

To access this concurrent program, log in to Oracle E-Business Suite as a user who has
the System Administrator responsibility. Select Concurrent, and then Requests from
the navigation menu.
In the Submit Request window, select "Mobile Metrics Purge Program" as the Name
from the drop-down list.

Administering the Mobile Apps 4-5

Selecting the "Mobile Metrics Purge Program" Concurrent Program

After you select "Mobile Metrics Purge Program" as the concurrent program name, the
Parameters window appears. Specify a number of days in the Retention Age in Days
field to indicate the desired days that you intend to retain the data. All the app usage
data that is older than the specified days will be purged.

Specifying the Parameter Value

For example, if you desire to keep the data within the last 30 days, then enter "30" in the
Retention Age in Days field. The app usage data stored in the database older than the
last 30 days will be removed, but the data for user installations remains intact and will
not be purged.
After you specify the information in the Parameters window and click OK, the specified

4-6 Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps Administrator's Guide

number of days, such as "30", is automatically displayed in the Parameters field.

Executing the Concurrent Request

Click Submit to submit your concurrent request and start the process of purging the
app usage data based on the specified parameter.

Administering the Mobile Apps 4-7

Advanced Configurations

This chapter describes requirements for using advanced configurations with Oracle E-
Business Suite mobile apps. It includes the following sections:
1. Demilitarized Zone (DMZ), page 5-1

2. Secure Communication with HTTPS, page 5-2

3. Single Sign-On (SSO), page 5-7

Demilitarized Zone (DMZ)

If your mobile users need to access the Oracle E-Business Suite mobile apps over the
Internet, your Oracle E-Business Suite environment must be set up in a DMZ
Please note that DMZ configuration is supported only for mobile apps with a client
version of 1.1.0 or higher, with Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation Release 2.1
or later on the Oracle E-Business Suite server.
• For DMZ configuration instructions on Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1, see My
Oracle Support Knowledge Document 380490.1.

• For DMZ configuration instructions on Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2, see My
Oracle Support Knowledge Document 1375670.1.

Note: For any responsibility to which you have assigned the mobile
app access role, as described in Setting Up Mobile App Access to
Responsibilities, page 2-45, to allow mobile users to access the
responsibility from an external node in a DMZ configuration, set the

Advanced Configurations 5-1

"Responsibility Trust Level" profile value to External for that
responsibility at the responsibility level.
Please note that any responsibility with this profile value set to External
will also be exposed on all other nodes in the DMZ. Any standard web
tier set up in the DMZ for limited access will now have this
responsibility visible.
For more information on setting the trust level, refer to the following
knowledge documents:
• For Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1, see My Oracle Support
Knowledge Document 380490.1, Section 5.3 Update List of

• For Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2, see My Oracle Support

Knowledge Document 1375670.1, Section 4.4 Update List of

Additionally, when setting up the configuration file for your mobile app, ensure that
the value of the Service Endpoint parameter (or the Server Host URL parameter in
Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation releases earlier than Release 2.1) is set to
your external web entry point.
For information on configuring your mobile app, see Enabling a Mobile App
Individually and Specifying the Configuration Through the UI Pages, page 2-16.

Note: If you use the Configure Mobile Applications page to set up the
configuration parameters, note that the value for the Service Endpoint
parameter defaults to the current value of the
APPS_FRAMEWORK_AGENT profile option. However, if you are
accessing this page from your intranet, then the current value of the
APPS_FRAMEWORK_AGENT profile option will be your internal web
entry point. In this case, to allow access from mobile apps to Oracle E-
Business Suite over the Internet, you must manually specify an
override value for the Service Endpoint parameter to set it to the
external web entry point.

Secure Communication with HTTPS

Built on Oracle Mobile Application Framework (Oracle MAF), Oracle E-Business Suite
mobile apps support the HTTPS protocol for certificates from commercial Certificate
Authority (CA) vendors. Such public certificates are included within Application
Resource Security cacerts file. Oracle MAF recognizes only commercial CA-issued TLS

5-2 Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps Administrator's Guide

For more information on mobile security, refer to Securing MAF Applications, Oracle
Mobile Application Framework Developing Mobile Applications with Oracle Mobile Application
For a list of certificates supported by Oracle MAF, see Migrating to New cacerts File for
SSL in MAF 2.x.x, Oracle Mobile Application Framework Installing Oracle Mobile Application
Framework. For example, see Migrating to New cacerts File for SSL in MAF 2.4.0, Oracle
Mobile Application Framework Installing Oracle Mobile Application Framework for Oracle E-
Business Suite mobile apps, built with Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation
Release 7.0.
For information on the Oracle MAF version for your mobile app, see Section 1: Oracle
E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation Release Update History, Oracle E-Business Suite
Mobile Foundation Release Notes, Oracle Support Knowledge Document 1642431.1.

Note: If your mobile apps are deployed on Android 5 devices, you

must apply Oracle Fusion Middleware January 2017 Oracle Critical
Patch Updates (minimum requirement) (see Document 2203916.1) to
bring the required TLS (Transport Layer Security) version and
negotiation support for TLS-based connection to Oracle E-Business
• For Oracle E-Business Suite 12.1.3, apply appropriate Oracle Fusion
Middleware patches. See My Oracle Support Knowledge
Document 376700.1.

• For Oracle E-Business Suite 12.2, apply appropriate Oracle Fusion

Middleware patches. See My Oracle Support Knowledge
Document 1367293.1.

Support for Custom CA or Self-Signed Certificates in Oracle E-Business Suite

Mobile Apps for TLS Connections
Custom CA or self-signed certificates can be included in the Oracle E-Business suite
mobile apps' truststore using one of the following options:
• Importing Certificates Dynamically for Standard Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile
Starting from Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation Release 7.0, mobile users
can dynamically add custom CA or self-signed server certificates to the standard
Oracle E-Business Suite mobile apps, downloaded from the Apple App Store or
Google Play, for TLS connections to Oracle E-Business Suite.
Steps to import certificates after an app is installed:
1. Save the custom CA or self-signed certificate file in binary format (DER), for
example, <ca-cert-filename>.cer.

Advanced Configurations 5-3

Note: Use keytool or an appropriate tool to view the contents of
the certificate file <ca-cert-filename>.cer and confirm
that the file is the correct self-signed or custom CA certificate
for the Oracle E-Business Suite environment. If the correct
certificate for the Oracle E-Business Suite environment is not
imported to the app, then the app user cannot connect to the
Oracle E-Business Suite server.

2. Change the extension of the certificate file to <ca-cert-filename>.


3. Upload the certificate file to an internal server where your mobile users can
access from their mobile devices.

4. Ask your mobile users to install required Oracle E-Business Suite mobile apps.

5. Open the certificate file from the internal server using the mobile device's web
• For iOS devices, use Safari web browser to open the certificate file.

• For Android devices, use Chrome web browser to open the certificate file.

6. When prompted, select the Oracle E-Business Suite mobile app to open the
certificate file with so that it is imported into that app.

7. Restart the app and connect to Oracle E-Business Suite.

8. Repeat the tasks from step 5 to step 7 for each Oracle E-Business Suite mobile
app that should connect to that server.

Note: For Oracle Mobile Learning for Oracle E-Business Suite, apart
from importing the certificate with extension .servercert to the
app, download and install the original certificate <ca-cert-
filename>.cer to the device's user truststore (not system
truststore) in order to play the course content.

• Importing Certificates to cacerts for Enterprise-distributed Mobile Apps

You need to create a custom version of an app through enterprise distribution and
import additional root-CA certificates into to the MAF application's truststore. The
app is distributed through your enterprise's own site, rather than through a public
app store.
For more information on setting up environment for enterprise distribution, see

5-4 Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps Administrator's Guide

Importing Additional Root-CA Certificates (Optional), Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile
Apps Developer's Guide, Release 12.1 and 12.2.

Validating if the TLS Certificate is Valid or Trusted

Use the following steps to validate if your mobile app can perform a successful TLS
handshake with the Oracle E-Business Suite TLS endpoint:
1. Validate that the JDK 8 client can connect to the Oracle E-Business Suite TLS
1. Install JDK 8 on a computer.

2. Create a file named with the following content:

/* * @(#) 1.3 01/05/10

/* This example illustrates using a URL to access resources

* on any site, including a secure site. */

public class Url {

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
String url = "" ;
if( args.length >= 1 ) // get URL from command line
url = args[0] ;

System.out.println( "###### Hitting URL " + url );

URL site = new URL( url );
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(
new InputStreamReader(

String inputLine;
while ((inputLine = in.readLine()) != null)

3. Compile using the following command, assuming that you have Java 8
JDK installed in the ~/jdk1.8/directory:
$ ~/jdk1.8/bin/javac

4. Run Url.class using the following commands, assuming that you have Java 8
JDK installed in the ~/jdk1.8/directory:
$ ~/jdk1.8/jre/bin/java -Dhttps.protocols=TLSv1 Url https:
Replace the sample input URL in this example with the specific URL for your
Oracle E-Business Suite TLS endpoint.
If HTML content is returned as the result after you execute these commands,
then the TLS handshake is successful. If the following exceptions appear
instead, then the TLS certificate on the server is not recognized by the JDK 8

Advanced Configurations 5-5

client. You need to configure the Oracle E-Business Suite TLS endpoint with a
server certificate issued by a commercial CA, as listed in Migrating to New
cacerts File for SSL in MAF 2.x.x, Oracle Mobile Application Framework Installing
Oracle Mobile Application Framework.

Note: For information on the Oracle MAF version required for

your mobile app, see Section 1: Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile
Foundation Release Update History, Oracle E-Business Suite
Mobile Foundation Release Notes, Oracle Support Knowledge
Document 1642431.1.

Exception in thread "main" PKIX path building
SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification
path to requested target.

Please note that these exceptions could also happen for a trusted certificate if
the certificate chain is incomplete.

2. Validate that the Oracle E-Business Suite TLS endpoint presents the complete
certificate chain.
Please note that even if the Oracle E-Business Suite TLS endpoint is configured with
a certificate from a commercial CA, the TLS handshake could still fail. Use the
following steps to verify if the server presents the full certificate chain where the
CA's certificate is present:
1. Connect to the TLS endpoint using openssl with the -showcerts option:
openssl s_client -connect -showcerts
Alternatively, use the following commands for more condensed results:
openssl s_client -connect -showcerts
2>/dev/null | sed '/BEGIN CERT/,/END CERT/d' | sed -n
'/^Certificate chain/,/^---/ p'
These commands should display the complete certificate chain and the actual
certificate content. For example,
• The certificate chain is displayed as 0 -> 1.

• The condensed version of the actual certificate chain content can be:

5-6 Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps Administrator's Guide

Certificate chain
0 s:/C=US/ST=California/L=Redwood City/O=Oracle
i:/C=US/O=Oracle Corporation/OU=VeriSign Trust
Network/OU=Class 3 MPKI Secure Server CA/CN=Oracle SSL CA

1 s:/C=US/O=Oracle Corporation/OU=VeriSign Trust

Network/OU=Class 3 MPKI Secure Server CA/CN=Oracle SSL CA
i:/C=US/O=VeriSign, Inc./OU=VeriSign Trust Network/OU=(c)
1999 VeriSign, Inc. - For authorized use only/CN=VeriSign
Class 3 Public Primary Certification Authority - G3

In this example certificate chain:

• 0 is the server certificate, issued to by the
intermediate CA, CN=Oracle SSL CA.

• 1 is the intermediate CA certificate, issued to CN=Oracle SSL CA by

the root CA certificate, CN=VeriSign Class 3 Public Primary
Certification Authority - G3.

• The intermediate CA certificate is signed by a VeriSign root CA

certificate that is in the client's truststore.

2. Ensure that the displayed certificate chain refers to a root CA whose certificate
exists in the mobile client's truststore. In addition, ensure that the last certificate
states that this root CA is its issuer.
For a list of root CAs trusted by the mobile client, see Migrating to New cacerts
File for SSL in MAF 2.x.x, Oracle Mobile Application Framework Installing Oracle
Mobile Application Framework.

3. Ensure that you not only configure the server certificate, but also provide the
certificates of any intermediate CAs.

Single Sign-On (SSO)

Single sign-on across Oracle E-Business Suite mobile apps when authenticating from a
mobile device is not currently supported even if you have integrated Oracle E-Business
Suite with Oracle Access Manager for single sign-on. If the mobile device has multiple
Oracle E-Business Suite mobile apps, then it is required to re-authenticate the user by
providing user login credentials when the user navigates from one Oracle E-Business
Suite mobile app to another on the same mobile device.
If your Oracle E-Business Suite is integrated with Oracle Access Manager, then you can
choose either one of the following authentication scenarios to configure your mobile
• Authenticating users remotely with the "Apps SSO Login" (previously known as
"Web SSO") authentication type (recommended) (Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile

Advanced Configurations 5-7

Foundation Release 4.0 and onwards only)

Note: The "Apps SSO Login" type corresponds to the "Web SSO"
authentication server type used in Oracle Mobile Application

• Oracle E-Business Suite mobile apps delegate user authentication to Oracle

Access Manager in the same way as supported for Oracle E-Business Suite
browser-based applications. In this situation, mobile users are authenticated
remotely against an external Oracle Access Manager (OAM) server. Refer to My
Oracle Support Knowledge Document 1388152.1, Overview of Single Sign-On
Integration Options for Oracle E-Business Suite.

• For both browser-based applications and mobile apps, Oracle E-Business Suite
certifies the form-based challenge method only.

• In addition to the form-based challenge method, Oracle Access Manager

supports several alternative authentication methods, including Oracle Identity
Federation, integration with Oracle Adaptive Access Manager (OAAM) for
multi-factor authentication, or integration with other third-party access
management systems. You may leverage Oracle Access Manager to further
integrate with any of the alternative authentication mechanisms supported by
Oracle Access Manager. Integration with Oracle E-Business Suite is expected to
work, regardless of how Oracle Access Manager authenticates the user,
provided that Oracle Access Manager protects the resources, enforces
authentication, and returns the configured response headers.
Note that Oracle E-Business Suite does not certify these alternative
authentication methods. You may be asked to revert Oracle Access Manager to
the certified form-based authentication before further investigation on any
issues in Oracle E-Business Suite can take place.

• If you encounter issues during the configuration of Oracle Access Manager with
alternative authentication mechanisms, you may contact Oracle Support for
diagnosing issues related to Oracle Access Manager.

To support "Apps SSO Login" (previously known as "Web SSO") authentication

security from Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation Release 4.0, you must
perform additional setup tasks to enable this feature on TLS-based Oracle E-
Business Suite environments. See: Additional Setup Tasks to Enable Apps SSO
Login Authentication Security, page 2-33.

• Authenticating users locally with the "Apps Local Login" (previously known as
"HTTP Basic") authentication type

Note: The "Apps Local Login" type corresponds to the "HTTP

5-8 Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps Administrator's Guide

Basic" authentication server type used in Oracle Mobile Application

For mobile apps that are configured with the default "Apps Local Login"
authentication type for authenticating users locally against the Oracle E-Business
Suite server, passwords must be stored in Oracle E-Business Suite.
If user passwords are externally stored and are not accessible which indicates that
your instance is single sign-on enabled, configure your app with the "Apps SSO
Login" authentication type instead.

For more information about configuring your apps with these authentication scenarios,
see Enabling and Configuring a Mobile App Individually, page 2-19.

Advanced Configurations 5-9

Diagnostics and Troubleshooting

This chapter describes how to enable logging and diagnostics features as well as how to
troubleshoot possible issues from the mobile client and the server. It includes the
following sections:
• Enabling the Logging and Diagnostics Features, page 6-1

• Troubleshooting Tips, page 6-6

Enabling the Logging and Diagnostics Features

Troubleshooting Oracle E-Business Suite mobile apps involves the following high level
• Server logging

• Client logging

• REST service auditing

To better understand these logging and auditing features, this section includes the
following topics:
• Enabling Server Logging, page 6-2

• Enabling Client Logging, page 6-2

• Enabling REST Service Auditing, page 6-5

Diagnostics and Troubleshooting 6-1

Enabling Server Logging
Oracle E-Business Suite mobile apps use the common logging and diagnostics features
in Oracle E-Business Suite to enable the logging for REST services used by mobile apps.
Once these features are enabled for Oracle E-Business Suite applications, administrators
can use the log messages to diagnose and troubleshoot potential issues on the Oracle E-
Business Suite server.
If a mobile app user reports a problem, an administrator can set the following Oracle
Application Object Library (FND) profile options for that user to enable logging, control
the logging level, and set the module for which logs are recorded. These profile options
are also used if app users need to upload their client log files to the server.
• FND: Debug Log Enabled (AFLOG_ENABLED)

• FND: Debug Log Module (AFLOG_MODULE)

• FND: Debug Log Level (AFLOG_LEVEL)

Note: Use the app-specific REST service module names to set the FND:
Debug Log Module profile option. These module names are listed in
Appendix B: Mobile App Module Names, page D-1.

For information on enabling the logging and diagnostics features, refer to the Oracle E-
Business Suite Maintenance Guide.
Retrieving Server Logs
To retrieve the server logs recorded for your mobile app, perform the following steps:
1. Log in to Oracle E-Business Suite as the SYSADMIN user. Select the System
Administrator (or System Administration) responsibility and choose the Oracle
Applications Manager link and then the Logs link from the navigation menu.

2. In the Search System Logs page, click the Advanced Search button.

3. Enter the following information in the Advanced Search region:

• User: Enter the mobile app user name.

• Module: Enter the REST service module name of the mobile app.

4. Execute the search to retrieve and download the desired server logs.

Enabling Client Logging

If a user of Oracle E-Business Suite mobile apps reports a problem when using the app,
and Oracle Support requests client logs, the following profile options set on the server

6-2 Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps Administrator's Guide

for the server logging are also required for the client logging. These profile options
enable the log upload service invoked by the mobile app to provide the upload feature.
• FND: Debug Log Enabled (AFLOG_ENABLED)
Set this profile option to Yes to enable the debug logging.

• FND: Debug Log Module (AFLOG_MODULE)

• For Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation Release 2.1 and onwards, set
this profile option to your Application Bundle Id.
For information on Application Bundle Id for each mobile app, see Appendix C:
Application Definition Metadata, page E-1.

• For Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation Release 2.0, set this profile
option to "MOBILE".

• FND: Debug Log Level (AFLOG_LEVEL)

Set this profile option to the level of detail you want to record, such as

Note that the same logging profile options are used to enable the server and client
logging, as well as the REST service auditing. It is recommended that you use the
following sequence when troubleshooting both server and client code at the same time.
1. Turn on the server logging to obtain log statements written by REST services. For
information on setting profile options for server logging, see Enabling Server
Logging, page 6-2.

2. Direct the app user to turn on diagnostics logging on the mobile client.

3. Direct the app user to reproduce the issue that invokes the REST services.
Log statements from the REST services should be recorded. However, the server
cannot receive the client log file at this point.

4. Set the profile options as described in this section for the user to receive the client
log file.
The client and server logging can happen at the same time when an issue is being
reproduced. However, to upload the log file, the profile options should be changed
to receive the log file after the issue is reproduced.

5. Request the mobile app user to upload the log file from the mobile client to the

6. Retrieve the REST service log statements based on the profile options set in step 1.

7. Retrieve the mobile client log file uploaded based on profile options set in step 4.

Diagnostics and Troubleshooting 6-3

Uploading Client Logs to the Oracle E-Business Suite Server
If mobile app users can access to the app, direct the users to perform the following steps
to collect the logs from the mobile client:
1. In the navigation menu of the mobile app, tap Settings and then the Diagnostics.
In the Diagnostics screen, enable the client logging feature by turning on the
Logging option.

2. Return to the navigation menu and reproduce the reported issue.

3. In the menu, tap Settings and then the Diagnostics again.

4. In the Diagnostics screen, tap the Upload icon on the top right corner. This displays
the upload screen where app users can upload the log files recorded for the app to
the Oracle E-Business Suite server.

Uploading the Logs from the Diagnostics Screen

5. You can then download the uploaded log files from the Oracle E-Business Suite
To retrieve client logs, follow the steps described in Enabling Server Logging, page
6-2. However, use the following search criteria to locate the client logs:
• User: Enter the mobile app user name.

• Module: Enter appropriate information based on the Oracle E-Business Suite

Mobile Foundation release:
• For Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation Release 2.0, enter
"MOBILE" as the Module name.

• For Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation Release 2.1 and onwards,
enter your Application Bundle Id as the Module name.
For information on Application Bundle Id for each mobile app, see
Appendix C: Application Definition Metadata, page E-1.

Please note that if the FND: Diagnostics profile option is enabled for a user, the
complete error stack from the service invocation failure appears. Otherwise, only a
simple error message is shown instead.

6-4 Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps Administrator's Guide

Retrieving Client Logs Directly From Android Mobile Devices
If mobile app users are unable to access or log in to the app, the users will not be able to
upload the logs to the server from the mobile client. In this situation, direct the Android
users to retrieve client logs directly from their mobile devices instead.

Note: The option of retrieving client logs directly from iOS devices is
not available.

1. Use a file browser app on Android. For example, My Files, ES File Explorer.

2. Look for files that start with the app name. For example, Approvals.txt,

3. Attach these files to an email through your preferred email app and upload to
Oracle Support.

Enabling REST Service Auditing

Perform the following steps to enable auditing for REST service request and response
payloads during the service invocation for Oracle E-Business Suite mobile apps:

Note: The REST service payloads can be logged for auditing only when
the server logging is also enabled.
If the REST service auditing feature is not required, you can choose to
enable the server logging only. See Enabling Server Logging, page 6-2.

1. Set the FND: OA Framework REST Service Audit Enabled

(FND_OAF_REST_LOG_ENABLED) profile option to Yes.
This enables the REST service auditing feature. The default value is No.

2. Set the following server logging profile options for the app users:
• FND: Debug Log Enabled (AFLOG_ENABLED)
Set this profile option to Yes to enable the debug logging.

• FND: Debug Log Module (AFLOG_MODULE)

Set this profile option to, <other REST
service modules as applicable>
For example, to obtain logs for the Oracle Mobile Approvals for Oracle E-
Business Suite app, set the profile option to the following: fnd.framework.
To retrieve logs for auditing, follow the steps described earlier in Enabling

Diagnostics and Troubleshooting 6-5

Server Logging, page 6-2. However, use as
the Module name instead of the module name of the app, along with the app
user name as the search criteria to locate the logs.

• FND: Debug Log Level (AFLOG_LEVEL)

Set this profile option to at least the EVENT level in order for the auditing
feature to work.

If you want to use both logs and auditing to troubleshoot an issue with the
underlying REST services, set the FND: Debug Log Level profile option to
STATEMENT and set the FND: Debug Log Module profile option as described in
this section.

Troubleshooting Tips
This section includes the following troubleshooting information on potential problem
symptoms and corresponding solutions.
• Troubleshooting Tips on the Mobile Client, page 6-6

• Troubleshooting Tips on the Oracle E-Business Suite Server, page 6-19

For information about each app's definition metadata that may help identify the app in
various troubleshooting processes, see Appendix C: Application Definition Metadata,
page E-1.
If you contact Oracle Support about an app, specify the associated product name for
that app. See Appendix E: Associated Products in My Oracle Support, page G-1.

Troubleshooting Tips on the Mobile Client

This section describes the troubleshooting tips on the mobile client. It includes the
following topics:
• Directing Users to Obtain Connection Details and Download Updates from the
Server, page 6-6

• Troubleshooting Tips for Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps, page 6-9

Directing Users to Obtain Connection Details and Download Updates from the Server
In Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation Release 2.1 or later releases, while trying
to diagnose and troubleshoot issues encountered on the mobile client, you can direct
users to obtain the server connection details from their mobile devices and check if any
new updates from the server are required.
Perform the following steps to obtain the connection details and initiate server updates:

6-6 Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps Administrator's Guide

1. In the navigation menu of the mobile app, tap Settings and then Connection
Details. The Connection Details screen appears.

2. The Connection Details screen displays the server URL field and the Server
Configuration region.
• Server URL field: This is the URL value entered by the mobile user during the
initial launch of the app. This value is retrieved from the local database in the
Please note that if the mobile user wants to reconfigure the app to a different
Oracle E-Business Suite instance after the initial setup is complete, the user can
change the server URL value by tapping the Change URL button. The app
displays the device's Settings screen where the user can update the server URL

Note: When a user reconfigures an app from one Oracle E-

Business Suite instance to another, the local preferences are
completely removed. After the configuration, the user is
required to set the preferences again.

Note: The Change URL button is available in Oracle E-Business

Suite Mobile Foundation Release 3.0 and onwards.
To initiate the reconfiguration process in Oracle E-Business
Suite Mobile Foundation Release 2.1, mobile users must
manually navigate to the iOS device's Settings screen to update
the URL value.

Diagnostics and Troubleshooting 6-7

Tapping "Change URL" to Update the Server URL

Additionally, the user can navigate to the device's Settings screen to change the
server URL if desired:
• From the iOS device's Settings screen, tap Settings, then App Name, and
then Server URL.

• From the Android devices with the app open, tap Settings, then Settings or
Preferences, and then Server URL.

• Server Configuration region: This region displays the parameter values in the
configuration file downloaded from the server.
• Last Updated: The date and time when the app was last updated.

• Session Timeout: The number of seconds that a user can remain logged in
to the app.

• Idle Timeout: The number of seconds that the app can remain idle.
This field appears only when the "Apps Local Login" (previously known as
"HTTP Basic") authentication type is selected for your app.

6-8 Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps Administrator's Guide

• Service Endpoint: The value used to invoke Oracle E-Business Suite
services. This value can either be the same as the server URL entered by the
user, or a dedicated web entry point for this app.

• Service Version: The internal version of the mobile services used by the
app, obtained from the app's definition metadata. For example, 1.0.0.

3. Direct users to check if any new updates from the server are required for the app.
Starting from Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation Release 7.0, Oracle E-
Business Suite mobile apps automatically download the mobile app configuration
updates from the Oracle E-Business Suite server. Users no longer need to initiate a
download manually within an app. Instead, each app periodically checks for
updates (once every five times the app is restarted) and downloads them to
synchronize with the configuration details defined on the Oracle E-Business Suite
server. However, if required, users can still initiate the manual update by tapping
the Sync icon as in the previous releases.

Note: For releases earlier than Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile

Foundation 7.0, users need to manually tap the Sync icon next to
the Server Configuration region to check if any new updates from
the server are required for the app.

Direct users to follow the instructions on the mobile device to continue the updates
from the server. For example, a user must restart the app to apply the updates if
either one of the following attributes from the server is different from the value in
the device:
• service endpoint

• authentication type (Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation Release 4.0 and
onwards only)

If only the timeout values need to be updated, the user can choose to continue using
the app without restarting it immediately. In this case the updates will be applied
the next time the app is launched.

Troubleshooting Tips for Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps

The following table lists common issues that might occur while using Oracle E-Business
Suite mobile apps as well as the corresponding solutions.

Diagnostics and Troubleshooting 6-9

Troubleshooting Tips on the Mobile Client

Issue Tip

For a mobile app built with Oracle E-Business Ensure that your mobile app can perform a
Suite Mobile Foundation 7.0, when a user successful TLS handshake with the Oracle E-
enters a server URL in a mobile device using Business Suite TLS endpoint.
HTTPS, if the TLS certificate is untrusted and
1. Validate that the JDK 8 client can connect
cannot be recognized by the mobile app, the
following error message may appear: to the Oracle E-Business Suite TLS
"Unable to make a secure
connection to the Oracle E- 2.
Business Suite server. Please Check the list of root CAs trusted by the
verify the TLS setup for the app mobile client. Refer to Migrating to New
and the server." cacerts File for SSL in MAF 2.4.0, Oracle
Mobile Application Framework Installing
Oracle Mobile Application Framework.

If the root CA that issued the certificate for

Oracle E-Business Suite is not part of the
mobile app, or if your Oracle E-Business Suite
environment is TLS-enabled using a self-
signed or certificate issued by a custom CA,
make sure to import the CA's root certificate
to the mobile app. For instructions on
importing the CA's root certificate to Oracle E-
Business Suite mobile apps, see Secure
Communication with HTTPS, page 5-2.

6-10 Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps Administrator's Guide

Issue Tip

For a mobile app built with Oracle E-Business Ensure that your mobile app can perform a
Suite Mobile Foundation releases earlier than successful TLS handshake with the Oracle E-
7.0, when a user enters a server URL in a Business Suite TLS endpoint.
mobile device using HTTPS, if the TLS
1. Validate that the JDK 8 client can connect
certificate is untrusted and cannot be
recognized by the mobile app, the following to the Oracle E-Business Suite TLS
error message may appear: endpoint.

"Unable to connect to the Oracle 2. Validate that the Oracle E-Business Suite
E-Business Suite server. Please
enter a valid server URL." TLS endpoint presents the complete
certificate chain.

For validation instructions, see the detailed

steps as described in Secure Communication
with HTTPS, page 5-2.

For a list of root CAs trusted by the mobile

client, see Migrating to New cacerts File for
SSL in MAF 2.x.x, Oracle Mobile Application
Framework Installing Oracle Mobile Application

For information on the Oracle MAF version

required for your app, see Section 1: Oracle E-
Business Suite Mobile Foundation Release
Update History, Oracle E-Business Suite
Mobile Foundation Release Notes, Oracle
Support Knowledge Document 1642431.1.

After a user enters valid user credentials in the Ensure that the Server URL used by the user
standard login screen, the app displays the to configure the app matches the Oracle E-
loading indicator for a few seconds and then Business Suite web entry URL. Otherwise,
redirects the user back to the login screen. Oracle E-Business Suite server might reject the
REST requests from the mobile app which will
result in redirecting the user to the login

Diagnostics and Troubleshooting 6-11

Issue Tip

When a user initiates the check for updates To resolve the issue, apply the following patch
process by tapping Settings from the mobile for your release:
app navigation menu, then tapping
• For Oracle E-Business Suite 12.1.3, apply
Connection Details, and then tapping the
Sync icon in the Connection Details screen, patch 21643419:R12.FND.B
the user is redirected to the login screen. After
logging in to the app, the user is taken to the • For Oracle E-Business Suite 12.2, apply
default landing screen. patch 22046560:R12.FND.C

The same issue also occurs if a user tries to It is recommended that you apply this patch
navigate to a different feature after the app after the corresponding consolidated product
has idle timed out, the user is redirected to the family patch for your app to avoid the issue.
login screen. After the user logs in to the app,
instead of taking the user to the desired screen
before the timeout, the app redirects the user
to the default landing screen.

The configuration server URL is not accessible Verify that AutoConfig was run after you
when tested from a web browser. An HTTP applied the appropriate consolidated patch for
404 error appears. your Oracle E-Business Suite release.

(For Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile

Foundation Release 3.0 and earlier)

6-12 Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps Administrator's Guide

Issue Tip

After a user enters valid user credentials in the The cause of the issue could be either that the
standard login screen after the configuration HTTP server is down or the login server was
screen, the following error occurs: not installed and set up during installation of
the appropriate patch on your Oracle E-
The login server is not reachable.
Business Suite server.

The URL for the login server used by mobile

apps is in the following format: http(s):

Please note that this is not a URL that the app

users would enter or edit. It is constructed
during the app setup and loaded to the mobile
app through the configuration file. If this URL
value is invalid in the configuration file, the
users will not be able to log in to Oracle E-
Business Suite.

Before allowing users to connect to Oracle E-

Business Suite from mobile apps, ensure the
right login server URL is set up in the
configuration file described in Validating the
Configuration, page 2-42.

Additionally, you can test the login server

URL by copying the URL and pasting it in a
web browser. A pop-up window should
appear for user name and password. After
you successfully enter valid user credentials,
an XML response should appear with the
following elements: accessToken,
accessTokenName, ebsVersion, and

Diagnostics and Troubleshooting 6-13

Issue Tip

A mobile user fails to log in to an app. When Perform the following steps to resolve the
an administrator tests the standalone mLogin issue:
REST service by entering the URL http(s):
1. Verify if AOLJRestServlet exists in the
function_id=mLogin or tests the following file:
configuration service URL http(s):
• For Oracle E-Business Suite Release
function_id=mConfig&bundleId=<appl 12.2.x, locate the servlet in the
ication bundle id>&file=ebs- $OA_HTML/WEB-INF/web.xml file.
mobile-config.xml, one of the following
errors occurs: • For Oracle E-Business Suite Release
Resource/rest NOT found 12.1.3, locate the servlet in the
or /j2ee/oacore/application-
HTTP 500 Internal server error on-web.xml file.

2. If AOLJRestServlet does not exist,

then verify if the app uses a custom

• If a custom template is used, the

custom template must be
synchronized with the seeded
templates. See Section 4.2:
Implementing AutoConfig
Customizations, My Oracle Support
Knowledge Document 387859.1.

• If a custom template is not used,

continue to the next step.

3. Run AutoConfig and ensure there is no


4. Stop and restart the application tier server

and then verify the issue.

After a user enters user credentials in the To resolve the issue, ensure that the user
standard login screen after the configuration enters a valid user name and password. Verify
screen, the following error occurs: the user name is still valid in the system and
reset the password if required.
Invalid username/password. If the
problem persists, please contact
your system administrator

6-14 Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps Administrator's Guide

Issue Tip

After a user enters valid user credentials in the This is due to invalid configuration data, such
standard login screen after the configuration as invalid service endpoint, in the
screen, the following error occurs: downloaded configuration file.

One or more parameters downloaded To resolve the issue, ensure that a valid
from the server are invalid.
service endpoint is specified in the Configure
The same error can also occur after the user Mobile Applications page while setting up the
initiates the check for updates process by mobile app.
tapping Settings from the mobile app
navigation menu, then tapping Connection
Details and then tapping the Sync icon in the
Connection Details screen.

After a user enters valid user credentials in the To resolve the issue, ensure that there is no
standard login screen after the configuration server or network connection issue.
screen, the following error occurs:

An error occurred when downloading

updates from the server.

The same error can also occur after the user

initiates the check for updates process as
described above.

After a user logs in to an app, while on the This issue is a known limitation in Oracle
landing page of the app, the user leaves the MAF, where after the idle period exceeds the
device idle for a period of time beyond the value set in the Idle Timeout parameter, when
value set in the Idle Timeout parameter the user accesses the Springboard, the app
(default value is 7200 seconds). When the user does not automatically display the login
attempts to open the Springboard from the screen.
landing page, a blank page appears with a
lock. To resolve the issue, close the Springboard
and access other links in the landing page. The
user should be redirected to the login screen.

A mobile user may find that the date and time This difference occurs because the mobile app
information in the mobile device is different displays the time zone and date and time
from that in the desktop pages. information based on the settings specified in
the mobile client's Settings screen. Tap
Settings, then General, and then Date & Time
in the iOS mobile Settings screen or tap
Settings and then Date & Time in the
Android Settings screen to set your

Diagnostics and Troubleshooting 6-15

Issue Tip

After modifying the Server URL through the If the user removed the previous URL in the
iOS mobile Settings screen (tap Settings, then device settings but did not enter a new URL,
App Name, and then Server URL) or the then no value is shown for the Server URL
Android device's Settings screen (tap Settings, field.
then Settings or Preferences, and then Server
URL), the user closes and restarts the app. The
app displays the page with the message "The
server URL has changed.", but the Server URL
field is blank.

During the initial configuration of an app, Ensure the server URL is valid by performing
after a mobile user enters a server URL and the following steps:
taps Get Started, the following error message
1. Check if the user has entered http:// or
https:// as appropriate for accessing
Please enter a valid URL. your Oracle E-Business Suite server.

2. Make sure that the user has entered the

correct host name and domain.

3. Make sure that the port number if used is


During the initial configuration of an app, This message appears because the required
after a mobile user enters a server URL and Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation
taps Get Started, the following error message patches have not been applied on the Oracle
appears: E-Business Suite server to which the app is
This mobile application is not
currently configured on this
Apply the patches described in Applying
Prerequisite Patches, page 2-2 in order for the
user to proceed through the page where the
server URL value is entered.

After a user enters valid user credentials in the The app may be already configured but the
standard login screen after the configuration status is set to "Disabled".
screen, the following error occurs:
In order for the apps to successfully access the
Configuration Error - This mobile configuration files, set the status of the app to
application is not currently
"Enabled". For information on configuring
enabled on this server. Please
close the application. Oracle E-Business Suite mobile apps, see
Configuring the Mobile Apps on the Oracle E-
Business Suite Server, page 2-15.

6-16 Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps Administrator's Guide

Issue Tip

After entering a new Server URL through the After changing the server URL, the user must
Connection Details page in Oracle E-Business restart the app to initiate the reconfiguration
Suite Mobile Foundation Release 3.0 or later flow.
releases, or through the mobile Settings screen
(tap Settings, then App Name, and then
Server URL from the iOS Settings screen or
tap Settings, then Settings or Preferences,
and then Server URL from the Android
Settings screen), the user returns to the app.
The app still connects to the previous Oracle
E-Business Suite instance.

A user taps Settings from the mobile app If the app is connected to Oracle E-Business
navigation menu, then taps Connection Suite Mobile Foundation releases earlier than
Details to display the Connection Details Release 2.1, the Sync icon is automatically
screen. However, the Sync icon is not shown. hidden. This Sync icon is shown only if the
server is configured for Oracle E-Business
Suite Mobile Foundation Release 2.1 or later

After a user enters valid user credentials in the This error indicates that the app's status is
standard login screen after the configuration "Not Configured". This means the
screen, the following error occurs: administrator has not yet configured the app
with appropriate configuration parameters or
Configuration Error - This mobile
application is not currently has not completed a mandatory setup
configured on this server. Please required to use the mobile app.
close the application.
For information on setting the configuration
(For Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile parameters for your mobile app, see
Foundation Release 2.1 or later) Configuring the Mobile Apps on the Oracle E-
Business Suite Server, page 2-15.

Diagnostics and Troubleshooting 6-17

Issue Tip

After a mobile user enters a valid server URL This message indicates that the app is unable
in the Server URL screen, and then enters his to access the configuration service URL.
or her user name and password in the login Perform the following steps to resolve the
screen, the following message appears: issue:

Configuration Error - This mobile 1. Verify if the configuration service URL is

application is not currently
accessible through a web browser by
configured on this server. Please
close the application. performing the following steps:

(For Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile 1. Construct the configuration service

Foundation Release 2.0 only) URL in the following format: http
ication bundle

For the Application Bundle Id

information for each mobile app, see
Appendix C: Application Definition
Metadata, page E-1.

2. Copy the configuration service URL

you just constructed and paste it into
a browser window. When prompted,
enter the Oracle E-Business Suite
user name and password. The
browser loads the configuration file
connections.xml. The file is
loaded only if the app is configured
and enabled on the server.

3. Verify the content to ensure that the

configuration file for your mobile
app is valid, well-formed XML, and
validate that the configuration
parameter values are the same values
as configured from the Mobile
Applications Manager UI pages.

2. Verify if the app is enabled by performing

the following steps:
1. Log in to Oracle E-Business Suite as
SYSADMIN user. Select the Mobile
Applications Manager responsibility
and choose the Applications link.

6-18 Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps Administrator's Guide

Issue Tip

2. Search and locate your mobile app.

3. Ensure the status of your app is set to


Troubleshooting Tips on the Oracle E-Business Suite Server

This section describes the troubleshooting tips on the Oracle E-Business Suite server. It
includes the following topics:
• Troubleshooting Tips on the Oracle E-Business Suite Server, page 6-19

• Troubleshooting Tips on Configuring Apps With the Apps SSO Login

Authentication Type, page 6-21

• Troubleshooting Tips for Push Notifications, page 6-23

Troubleshooting Tips on the Oracle E-Business Suite Server

The following table describes common issues that might occur on the Oracle E-Business
Suite server as well as the corresponding solutions.

Diagnostics and Troubleshooting 6-19

Troubleshooting Tips on the Oracle E-Business Suite Server

Issue Tip

After applying the appropriate patch for your Perform the following steps to resolve the
Oracle E-Business Suite release, the Mobile issue:
Applications Manager responsibility is still
1. Make sure the concurrent manager is
not visible for SYSADMIN user by default.

2. Submit a concurrent request for the

"Workflow Directory Services User/Role
Validation" concurrent program

Ensure that you set the "Add missing

user/role assignments" parameter to Yes.
You can leave the other parameters set to
the default values.

3. Submit a concurrent request for the

"Compile Security" concurrent program.

Users need to access the Mobile Applications The SYSADMIN user is granted the Mobile
Manager responsibility. Applications Manager responsibility by

The SYSADMIN user can assign the

responsibility to other users through the
"Mobile Application Administrator" user role
in User Management.

After you select the Mobile Applications Ensure all the prerequisite patches required
Manager responsibility and the Applications for your mobile apps are applied. If the
link from the navigation menu and perform a desired applications still do not appear in the
search in the Search Mobile Applications search result table, contact Oracle Support.
page, no mobile applications are listed in the
search result table.

6-20 Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps Administrator's Guide

Issue Tip

A configuration parameter such as Timeout In Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation

was modified on the server and the releases earlier than Release 2.1, the
configuration file is regenerated. The current configuration file is not updated to the client
app users do not have the parameters automatically when it is changed. To obtain
updated. the updated configuration file, users must
uninstall the mobile app and then install it

In Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation

Release 2.1 and onwards, a mobile user can
initiate the server updates from the mobile
device. See Directing Users to Obtain
Connection Details and Download Updates
from the Server, page 6-6.

Troubleshooting Tips on Configuring Apps With the Apps SSO Login Authentication Type
This section describes the troubleshooting tips that are particularly related to configure
mobile apps with the Apps SSO Login (previously known as "Web SSO") authentication
For information about configuring apps with the Apps SSO Login authentication type,
• Configuring Parameters for the Apps SSO Login Authentication Type, page 2-26

• Additional Setup Tasks to Enable Apps SSO Login Authentication Security, page 2-

• Single Sign-On (SSO), page 5-7

Troubleshooting Tips
Perform the following tasks to validate and troubleshoot potential issues for
configuring mobile apps with the Apps SSO Login type:
1. Verify prerequisite configuration for Oracle E-Business Suite, Oracle Access
Manager (OAM), and Oracle Directory Services integration
1. Navigate to the application login page through a web browser. Verify the login
redirects to Oracle Access Manager as configured during the Oracle E-Business
Suite integration with Oracle Access Manager, and the same LDAP user that
will be using a mobile app can log in successfully to Oracle E-Business Suite
framework based applications.

2. Verify after successful login and rendering of the Oracle E-Business Suite Home

Diagnostics and Troubleshooting 6-21

page, the user has Oracle E-Business Suite responsibilities assigned.

3. Ensure the administrator has configured the specific configuration tasks, as

described in Additional Setup Tasks to Enable Apps SSO Login Authentication
Security, page 2-33.

2. Test the configured "SSO Login URL", "SSO Login Success URL", and "SSO
Logout URL" parameters
1. Navigate to the configured SSO Login URL through a web browser. After the
login, the browser should return a protected page successfully (Status 200
OK). The URL for this page must be the same as the configured SSO Login
Success URL.

Note: The "SSO Login URL" and "SSO Login Success URL"
parameters relate to each other. The values of these two
parameters can be the same.

Do not configure a URL, such as http://<hostname>:

<port>/OA_HTML/AppsLogin, as the SSO Login URL because this page
would unnecessarily redirect to the Oracle E-Business Suite Home page after
the login. Use the default SSO Login URL http://<hostname>:
<port>/accessgate/login/sso instead.

2. Navigate to the configured SSO Login URL through a web browser. For
example, http://<hostname>:<port>/accessgate/login/sso.
Expected result: Redirect to the OAM login page. Login successful after
specifying the LDAP user name and password.
After the login, the resource http://<hostname>:
<port>/accessgate/login/sso shows with no error message. This
resource must be the configured "SSO Login Success URL" parameter value.

Note: The "SSO Login URL" and "SSO Login Success URL"
parameter values can be the same.

The browser shows a blank page successfully.

3. Navigate to the configured SSO Logout URL. For example, http:

Expected result: User logged out successfully.

4. Perform the same tests using your mobile device browser.

3. Test the configured "EBS Session Service" parameter

6-22 Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps Administrator's Guide

1. Navigate to the configured EBS Session Service through a web browser. For
example, http://<hostname>:<port>/accessgate/login/apps.
Expected result: Redirect to the OAM login page. Login successful after
specifying the LDAP user name and password.
After the login, the browser returns an xml file containing an access token and
the user name for the user that just logged in. For example:

2. Perform the same test using your mobile device browser.

4. Collect HTTP header traces and logs

1. Collect HTTP Header traces during the execution of the above test points.

2. Collect log files for Oracle E-Business Suite AccessGate, Oracle E-Business Suite
oacore, and the OAM server.
Refer to My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 1077460.1, Troubleshooting
Oracle Access Manager and Oracle E-Business Suite AccessGate, on how to generate
Oracle E-Business Suite AccessGate logs.

Troubleshooting Tips for Push Notifications

If you have enabled push notifications for the supported mobile apps, you would want
to troubleshoot setup and processing of push notifications if users report that they are
not receiving push notifications. This section includes the following topics:
• Troubleshooting Tips for Enabling Push Notifications on the Mobile Client, page 6-

• Troubleshooting Tips for Common Setup Issues on the Oracle E-Business Suite
Server, page 6-24

• Steps to Troubleshoot Push Notification Issues, page 6-38

For more information about push notifications, see Setting Up Push Notifications for
Mobile Apps, page 3-1.

Troubleshooting Tips for Enabling Push Notifications on the Mobile Client

The following table lists the troubleshooting tips for enabling push notifications on the
mobile client:

Diagnostics and Troubleshooting 6-23

Troubleshooting Tips for Enabling Push Notifications on the Mobile Client

Issue Tip

A mobile app user is not able to receive push Provide the following instructions to the
notifications in the mobile device, while other mobile user to change the device settings:
users of the same app do not have this issue.
• For the iOS devices
1. Tap Settings.

2. Open the mobile app enabled with

push notifications.

3. Enable the Allow Notifications


• For the Android devices

1. Tap Settings.

2. Navigate to Application Manager.

3. Open the mobile app enabled with

push notifications.

4. Tap Notifications, and then enable

the Allow Notifications option.

Troubleshooting Tips for Common Setup Issues on the Oracle E-Business Suite Server
The following table describes the common setup issues, possible causes, and
corresponding solutions in the Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation Push
Notification System:

6-24 Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps Administrator's Guide

Troubleshooting Tips for Common Setup Issues in the Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile
Foundation Push Notifications System

Issue Root Cause Resolution

A mobile user has installed Possible Cause 1: For the Before deploying the mobile
the mobile app that supports mobile app developed using app, a developer needs to
push notifications. When the Oracle Mobile Application enable the push plugin by
user signs in to the app, no Framework and Oracle E- selecting the PushPlugin
record is created in the Business Suite Mobile check box in the associated
FND_MBL_NOTIF_REGISTRA Foundation Login maf-application.xml file.
TIONS table for the user's app Component, the push plugin See: Enabling the Push
is not enabled. Plugin, Oracle E-Business Suite
For a mobile app to receive
Mobile Apps Developer's Guide,
push notifications, the push
Release 12.1 and 12.2.
token (iOS) or registration ID
(Android) should be stored in Once the push plugin is
Oracle E-Business Suite. enabled, deploy the app and
test it again.

Same issue as the described Possible Cause 2: When the If the device is not connected
above mobile device is launched, the to the Internet, the mobile
device is not connected to the device cannot connect to its
Internet. corresponding push
notification service. For
example, an iOS device
connects to APNs to receive
push token and an Android
device connects to FCM to
receive registration ID.

To resolve this issue, perform

the following tasks:
1. Make sure the device is
connected to the Internet.

2. Restart the app.

3. Sign in to Oracle E-
Business Suite and check

Diagnostics and Troubleshooting 6-25

Issue Root Cause Resolution

Same issue as the described Possible Cause 3: When the You can invoke the Oracle E-
above mobile app invokes the Business Suite REST API
Oracle E-Business Suite REST mPushRegister from a
API mPushRegister after REST client, such as
the user signs in, it fails. Advanced REST Client, to
verify if it can successfully
create a record in the
TIONS table.

For instructions on invoking

this API, see Checking the
mPushRegister REST API,
page 6-39.

6-26 Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps Administrator's Guide

Issue Root Cause Resolution

Same issue as the described Possible Cause 4: The Push You need to ensure the Push
above Notification System is not Notification System is
enabled and configured with configured properly.
valid Oracle Mobile Cloud
1. Log in to Oracle E-
Service (MCS) credentials. If
this configuration is not Business Suite as a user
completed, push notification who has the Mobile
registrations are not Applications Manager
synchronized with MCS. As a responsibility. Click the
result, push notifications are Push Configuration
not sent to users. button to open the
Mobile Push Notification
Configuration page.

2. Verify if the Push

Notification System field
is set to "ENABLED" in
the Mobile Push
Configuration page.

3. Verify if the setup for

Oracle Mobile Cloud
Service is completed with
valid MCS credentials.

4. To support Android push

notifications, make sure
you enter a valid
Android Sender ID value.

For information on
configuring global push
notifications, see Configuring
Oracle E-Business Suite
Mobile Foundation Push
Notification System, page 3-

Diagnostics and Troubleshooting 6-27

Issue Root Cause Resolution

A mobile user has installed Android Sender ID and To resolve the issue, perform
the mobile app that supports Server Key are not set up the following tasks:
push notifications. When the correctly.
1. Go to the Firebase
user signs in to the app, no
record is created in the console (https:
FND_MBL_NOTIF_REGISTRA //console.firebase.
TIONS table for the user's Open the
Android app project created for the
Android push
notifications and record
the Sender ID and Server
Key values.

2. Make sure these values

are entered correctly in
the following setup tasks:

• Android Sender ID
in the Mobile Push
Configuration page

See: Configuring
Oracle E-Business
Suite Mobile
Foundation Push
Notification System,
page 3-10.

• Android profile for

the Android client
registration in Oracle
Mobile Cloud

• API Key: Ensure

the "Server Key"
value is entered
in this field.

• Sender ID:
Ensure the
correct "Sender
ID" value is

6-28 Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps Administrator's Guide

Issue Root Cause Resolution

See: Creating Mobile

Clients, page 3-7.

When you submit the Mobile This issue may occur due to Use the following steps to
Push Notification either one of the following: resolve this issue:
Configuration page with MCS
• The MCS user name, 1. Check the OACORE logs
credentials, an error occurs
indicating that the credentials password, backend ID, or to see if the REST service
are invalid. URL is invalid. invocation failed with
TLS handshake when
• The MCS user does not Oracle E-Business Suite
have the "Default" and invoked the MCS URL
"Mobile Notifications" for validation.
roles assigned in the
Oracle Cloud My 2. If yes, download MCS
Services portal. URL's CA certificate and
import the certificate to
• Oracle E-Business Suite the truststore in Oracle E-
to MCS REST service Business Suite.
invocation failed due to
For instructions on
TLS handshake.
importing the certificates
to the truststore in Oracle
E-Business Suite, see
Fixing the SSL
Handshake Error, page 6-

Diagnostics and Troubleshooting 6-29

Issue Root Cause Resolution

Push notification registration Possible Cause 1: This issue To resolve this issue, ensure
STATUS for a user in the may occur due to either one the following tasks are in
FND_MBL_NOTIF_REGISTRA of the following: place:
TIONS table is "READY".
However, it is not changing to • The Push Notification • The Push Notification
"REGISTERED". System is not enabled System is configured
and configured with properly.
valid MCS credentials.
1. Log in to Oracle E-
• Business Suite as a
Oracle E-Business Suite
user who has the
to MCS REST service
invocation failed due to
TLS handshake.
responsibility. Click
the Push

2. Verify if the Push

Notification System
field is set to
"ENABLED" in the
Mobile Push
Configuration page.

3. Verify if the setup

for Oracle Mobile
Cloud Service is
completed with
valid MCS

4. To support Android
push notifications,
make sure you enter
a valid Android
Sender ID value.

• Oracle E-Business Suite

can successfully invoke
the MCS REST service.

Download the MCS

URL's CA certificate and

6-30 Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps Administrator's Guide

Issue Root Cause Resolution

import the certificate to

the truststore in Oracle E-
Business Suite. See Fixing
the SSL Handshake
Error, page 6-45.

Same issue as described Possible Cause 2: This issue Although the business event
above. could also be caused by either
of the following: foundation.push.synch
for synchronization is enabled
• The business event used by default, ensure that the
to synchronize the event and the subscription are
registration from Oracle enabled using the Oracle
E-Business Suite to Workflow Business Event
Oracle Mobile Cloud user interface through the
Service is not enabled. Workflow Administrator
Web Applications
• The Workflow Java responsibility.
Deferred Agent Listener
Additionally, the business
is not running.
event is processed through
queue. You need to log in to
Oracle E-Business Suite, select
the Oracle Applications
Manager link, and then
Workflow Manager to ensure
the Workflow Java Deferred
Agent Listener is running.

Diagnostics and Troubleshooting 6-31

Issue Root Cause Resolution

Same issue as described Possible Cause 3: The Use the following steps to
above. invocation of MCS REST ensure the correct distribution
service from Oracle E- is selected for the mobile app:
Business Suite to register the
1. Log in to Oracle E-
mobile device failed because
there is no client registered on Business Suite as a user
MCS corresponding to the who has the Mobile
Oracle E-Business Suite Applications Manager
mobile app distribution. responsibility.

2. Locate the mobile app

and click Configure.

3. Under the "Push

configuration category,
make sure the following
parameters are valid:

• Android
Deployment Bundle
ID: Enter the same
Package Name used
to package the
Android app. Make
sure in MCS, an
Android client is
created with the
same Package Name.

• iOS Deployment
Bundle Id: Enter the
same Application
Bundle ID used to
package the iOS app.
Make sure in MCS,
an iOS client is
created with the
same Application
Bundle ID.

6-32 Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps Administrator's Guide

Issue Root Cause Resolution

A push registration with Possible Cause 1: The You can check the notification
status REGISTERED is found possible root causes can be: status:
for a user, but the push
• On Oracle E-Business • If the notification status is
notifications are not delivered
to the mobile device. Suite, the MCS Push "QUEUED" in the
Notification Agent FND_MBL_NOTIFICATIO
service component is not NS table, verify and
running. ensure that the service
component MCS Push
• Notification Agent is
On MCS, the notification
could not be delivered to
APNs or FCM for
• If the status is "SENT"
delivery to the mobile
device. indicating that Oracle E-
Business Suite has sent
the notification to MCS,
log in to MCS to check
the API log and confirm
MCS has delivered the
notification to APNs for
an iOS device, and FCM
for an Android device.

Please note that after the

MCS Push Notification
Agent successfully sent
the notification to MCS
and changed the status to
"SENT", it is the
responsibility of MCS to
deliver the notifications
to the user's devices.

Diagnostics and Troubleshooting 6-33

Issue Root Cause Resolution

Same issue as the described Possible Cause 2: The To resolve the issue, you need
above possible causes can be: to log in to the Oracle
Workflow Business Event
• The push notification user interface through the
business event associated Workflow Administrator
with the mobile app is Web Applications
not enabled. responsibility.
Each app has its own • Verify the push
business event. For notification business
example, the Approvals event for the mobile app
app with enterprise is Enabled.
distribution uses
business event oracle. • Verify the business event
approvals.push. is added to the business
event. event group.

For information on • Verify the subscription to

creating an event for
the business event group
your app, see Creating
is Enabled. The
Push Notification
subscription processes
Business Events, Oracle
the push notifications
E-Business Suite Mobile
and enqueues them to the
Apps Developer's Guide,
Release 12.1 and 12.2.
ON_OUT queue.
• The push notification
business event is not
added to the Push
Notification System's
business event group

For information on
adding an event to the
event group, see Adding
the Push Notification
Business Events to the
Push Notification
System's Event Group,
Oracle E-Business Suite
Mobile Apps Developer's
Guide, Release 12.1 and

6-34 Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps Administrator's Guide

Issue Root Cause Resolution

Same issue as the described Possible Cause 3: The user Although a valid registration
above uninstalled the app and then appears in the
reinstalled it again. However, FND_MBL_NOTIF_REGISTRA
for the new installation, the TIONS table, if the user
registration is not yet created uninstalled the app that
in Oracle E-Business Suite. created this registration,
Oracle E-Business Suite does
not know the app has been
uninstalled, so the
registration remains in the

If the user reinstalled the app,

then a new push token for iOS
or registration ID for Android
is issued to the app which is
stored in Oracle E-Business
Suite again and synchronized
with MCS.

Diagnostics and Troubleshooting 6-35

Issue Root Cause Resolution

Same issue as the described Possible Cause 4: MCS is For each valid record in the
above unable to deliver the push FND_MBL_NOTIF_REGISTRA
notifications. TIONS table with status
corresponding registration
should be found in MCS. Use
the following steps to
1. Log in to your Oracle
Mobile Cloud Service

2. Click the menu icon to

open the side menu.
Select Applications, and
then Mobile Backends.

3. Select your mobile

backend and click Open.

4. Select Notifications, then

Test, and then Manage

5. Check if you can find a

valid MCS registration
for the corresponding
record in the

Please note that push

registrations are stored in
the following format:

• Service: iOS or

• Username: <EBS
system guid>.

• Application Id: iOS

Application Bundle

6-36 Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps Administrator's Guide

Issue Root Cause Resolution

Id or Android
Package Name used
to create the mobile

A push registration with MCS removed the entry from A push notification will not
status REGISTERED is found its registration because it was be delivered to the device if
for a user, but it is not found unable to deliver notifications the user uninstalled the app
in the MCS's Manage Devices to the device. after the registration was
page. created earlier.

In this situation, there is an

entry in the
TIONS table, but the
corresponding entry is
removed by MCS in its
registry. This is expected. The
old record in the table is
obsolete if MCS removed the
corresponding registration
from its registry.

To resolve this issue, the user

can reinstall the app. The new
registration will be created for
that user and push
notifications can be sent to the

Note: Currently Oracle E-

Business Suite does not
remove the registration
automatically from the
table after MCS removes it
from its registry.

Diagnostics and Troubleshooting 6-37

Issue Root Cause Resolution

Push notification is delivered Possible causes for this issue When a registration is created
to the device, but it is not can be: in the
translated to the preferred FND_MBL_NOTIF_REGISTRA
• The user's mobile device TIONS table, the user's device
language set in the user's
mobile device. language preference is locale is captured in the
not installed or DEVICE_LANG column in ISO
supported by Oracle E- format, such as en-US, ko-
Business Suite mobile KR, etc. It can be translated to
apps. the languages supported by
Oracle E-Business Suite
• The user has installed the mobile apps and the
same app in multiple notification messages can be
devices and each device translated by the server code
has a different language that triggers the push
setting. notification messages.

If the user has multiple

devices registered for the
same app, the language from
the last registration is used to
translate the messages. To
resolve this issue, set the same
language preference in
multiple mobile devices.

Steps to Troubleshoot Push Notification Issues

In addition to the troubleshooting tips described earlier, this section provides detailed
steps to troubleshoot push notifications on the mobile app and the Oracle E-Business
Suite server.
1. Checking the Mobile Application Log, page 6-38

2. Checking the Oracle E-Business Suite REST API, page 6-39

3. Checking the Oracle Mobile Cloud Service Setup, page 6-43

Step 1: Checking the Mobile Application Log

If a mobile app does not register for push notifications, you should first review the
mobile application log. The mobile app log provides the following details:
• Configuration service XML downloaded from the server

• The push token received during the launch of the app

6-38 Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps Administrator's Guide

• Any errors when registering the push token with Oracle E-Business Suite

Step 2: Checking the Oracle E-Business Suite REST API

When a user signs in to an app, as the first step to receive push notifications, the app
registers with Oracle E-Business Suite using a REST API. Perform the following tasks to
validate the Oracle E-Business Suite REST API:
1. Authenticating and Obtaining Required Authentication Token for Oracle E-
Business Suite, page 6-39

2. Checking the mPushRegister REST API, page 6-39

3. Removing the Registration Using the mPushRegister REST API, page 6-41

Step 1: Authenticating and Obtaining Required Authentication Token for Oracle E-

Business Suite
Use the following steps to authenticate and obtain required token for Oracle E-Business
1. Enter the following URL in a web browser and log in with local user name and
password to obtain the authentication token.

2. In the response XML, note the following values:

• <accessTokenName>ebstest</accessTokenName>

• <accessToken>yOs211ukBqP9eHxt0Tys9NEMjz</accessToken>

3. Use these values to form the Cookie header to be used in subsequent REST
requests. For example,
Cookie: ebstest=yOs211ukBqP9eHxt0Tys9NEMjz

Step 2: Checking the mPushRegister REST API

Use this step to check if the mPushRegister REST API works and stores data in the

Note: To invoke the REST API directly, install a browser extension,

such as Advanced REST Client (ARC) or Postman. You can use any
GUI-based REST client to test the REST service.

REST API Details and Payload

• HTTP Operation: POST

• REST Endpoint: http://<hostname>:<port>/OA_HTML/RF.jsp?


Diagnostics and Troubleshooting 6-39

• HTTP Headers:
• Content-Type: application/xml

• Cookie: ebstest=yOs211ukBqP9eHxt0Tys9NEMjz

• HTTP Payload:
<param name="Action">REGISTER</param>
<param name="Platform">ANDROID</param>
<param name="App Bundle Id">
<param name="Push Token">xlokcgsflkgjfslkgjlksfgjlfk-dummy</param>
<param name="Device Lang">en-US</param>

Note: The "App Bundle Id" parameter should be the same as the
one used to register the mobile app in the Mobile Applications
Manager UI page. This is the same value used in the Id field of
maf-application.xml in the MAF application.

Invoking the REST API to REGISTER

The following steps describe an example of invoking the REST service directly from the
REST client:
1. Invoke the REST service using the REST Client.

6-40 Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps Administrator's Guide

Invoking the REST API to Register an App

2. In the HTTP response of REGISTER action, note the JSESSIONID cookie in the
Set-Cookie header.
This will be passed later in the REST request to remove the registration to make
sure the HTTP session is reclaimed on the server.

3. Check in the FND_MBL_NOTIF_REGISTRATIONS table for the registration entry for

the user entered in the Step 1: Authenticating and Obtaining Required
Authentication Token for Oracle E-Business Suite, page 6-39.
Note that the initial status of the registration is "READY". After this registration is
synchronized with Oracle Mobile Cloud Service, the status is changed to

Step 3: Removing the Registration Using the mPushRegister REST API

This step checks if the same mPushRegister REST API will remove the registration for
the app you registered earlier.
REST API Details and Payload
• HTTP Operation: POST

• REST Endpoint: http://<hostname>:<port>/OA_HTML/RF.jsp?


Diagnostics and Troubleshooting 6-41

• HTTP Headers:
• Content-Type: application/xml

• Cookie: ebstest=yOs211ukBqP9eHxt0Tys9NEMjz;

• JSESSIONID=7241d58abb3b22da97dc6f5f501e51d8dfeea83f726fa590

• HTTP Payload:
<param name="Action">DEREGISTER</param>
<param name="Platform">ANDROID</param>
<param name="App Bundle Id">
<param name="Push Token">xlokcgsflkgjfslkgjlksfgjlfk-dummy</param>
<param name="Device Lang">en-US</param>

Invoking the REST API to Remove the Registration

The following steps describe an example of invoking the REST service directly from the
REST client:
1. Invoke the REST service using the Advanced REST Client.

6-42 Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps Administrator's Guide

Invoking the REST API

2. Note that the JSESSIONID cookie from the REGISTER action is used here.

3. Validate the FND_MBL_NOTIF_REGISTRATIONS table that the registration is


If this mPushRegister API works, the mobile app with the given App Bundle Id
should be able to register successfully.

Step 3: Checking the Oracle Mobile Cloud Service Setup

Perform the following tasks to validate the setup in Oracle Mobile Cloud Service:
1. Examining Any Synchronization Issues from Oracle E-Business Suite to Oracle
Mobile Cloud Service, page 6-43

2. Fixing the SSL Handshake Error, page 6-45

3. Checking the Oracle Mobile Cloud Service REST API, page 6-46

Step 1: Examining Any Synchronization Issues from Oracle E-Business Suite to Oracle
Mobile Cloud Service
After a mobile app registers with Oracle E-Business Suite, if the setup tasks performed
in Oracle Mobile Cloud Service are successful, the status of the registration should be
changed from "READY" to "REGISTERED". If it is not changed to "REGISTERED", you

Diagnostics and Troubleshooting 6-43

need to check if there is any issue when Oracle E-Business Suite attempts to synchronize
with Oracle Mobile Cloud Service. See: Troubleshooting Tips for Common Setup Issues
on the Oracle E-Business Suite Server, page 6-24.
1. Enable the STATEMENT level logging for the Workflow Java Deferred Agent
Listener and verify that the business event
push.synch is processed successfully.

Note: The business event to synchronize the registration from

Oracle E-Business Suite to Oracle Mobile Cloud Service carries
information about the user, app's bundle Id, and mobile platform
that you can check for issues with the specific user.

2. Following are possible errors reported by Oracle Mobile Cloud Service when the
registration is synchronized from Oracle E-Business Suite to Oracle Mobile Cloud
• HTTP 401
• Check the MCS user name and password registered in Oracle E-Business
The MCS credentials are validated at the time of configuration. Most likely
the credentials are still valid.

• Check if the MCS user has the "Mobile Notifications" and "Default – (MCS
backend realm)" roles assigned.

• HTTP 400
• Check if the mobile client is registered on Oracle Mobile Cloud Service with
appropriate deployment bundle Id.

• HTTP 500
• Check if the Oracle Mobile Cloud Service instance is accessible.

• SSL handshake error with the following exception: PKIX path
building failed:
SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid
certification path to requested target
• Make sure to import the MCS REST endpoint certificates into the truststore
in Oracle E-Business Suite.
See: Fixing the SSL Handshake Error, page 6-45.

6-44 Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps Administrator's Guide

Step 2: Fixing the SSL Handshake Error
Perform the following steps to download the MCS REST endpoint's CA certificate and
import to the truststore in Oracle E-Business Suite:
1. Access the Oracle Mobile Cloud Service endpoint URL in a web browser. For

Note: This is the same value entered in the MCS Backend URL field
when configuring the Push Notification System. See: Configuring
Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation Push Notification
System, page 3-10.

2. Click the Padlock icon next to the URL in a web browser (such as in Firefox) or use
browser-specific steps to export the CA certificate for the MCS endpoint to a local
certificate file.

3. Export the CA certificate from the browser.

Diagnostics and Troubleshooting 6-45

Export the Certificate

4. Import the certificate to the truststore in Oracle E-Business Suite.

keytool -import -trustcacerts -keystore
$AF_JRE_TOP/lib/security/cacerts -storepass password -alias
verisignclass3g5ca -file verisign.crt

Step 3: Checking the Oracle Mobile Cloud Service REST API

Every device registered in Oracle E-Business Suite is synchronized with Oracle Mobile
Cloud Service using the following REST API. It is important that you run this API
standalone to make sure the Oracle Mobile Cloud Service REST API works fine.
REST API Details and Payload
• HTTP Operation: POST

6-46 Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps Administrator's Guide

• REST Endpoint: http://<hostname>:

• HTTP Headers:
• Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8

• Oracle-Mobile-Backend-ID: 74c474c4-7b46-4n9d-bb43-

• Authorization: Basic <MCS credentials>

• HTTP Payload:
"user":"[email protected]",

Note: The "user" attribute could be any string value when testing
this API directly. Oracle Mobile Cloud Service does not validate the
"user" attribute against any user repository.
The "mobileClient" and "id" attributes should be the same
values used to create the mobile client in Oracle Mobile Cloud

The following steps describe an example of invoking the REST service directly using
Advanced REST Client:
1. Invoke the Oracle Mobile Cloud Service REST API from the REST client.

2. Use the same MCS username and password registered with Oracle E-Business

3. Enter the payload information. Make sure to use the correct Oracle Mobile Cloud
Service Backend ID (Oracle-Mobile-Backend-ID) that is used to configure the
Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation Push Notification System.
See: Configuring Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation Push Notification
System, page 3-10.

Diagnostics and Troubleshooting 6-47

Oracle Mobile Cloud Service REST Service Invocation

4. In the Advanced REST Client, you can click the Edit icon for the Authorization
header to enter the Basic Auth user name and password. The tool automatically
encodes it to Base64.

6-48 Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps Administrator's Guide

Entering Basic Auth User Name and Password Directly to the Advanced REST Client

5. This should return HTTP 201 Created to indicate the device registration with
Oracle Mobile Cloud Service was successful.
Note if you used a dummy value, you could clear it from Oracle Mobile Cloud
Service or leave it as is.

Diagnostics and Troubleshooting 6-49

Integrating Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile
Apps with Enterprise Mobility Management
(EMM) Solutions

Oracle is an Independent Software Vendor (ISV) member of the AppConfig
Community. The AppConfig Community provides tools and best practices to secure,
configure, deploy, and manage mobile enterprise apps. Oracle E-Business Suite mobile
apps are built using Oracle Mobile Application Framework (MAF). Oracle MAF
applications are compatible with AppConfig-based Enterprise Mobility Management
(EMM) integration, using native frameworks that are made available through operating
systems (iOS and Android).
This appendix provides guidance on integrating Oracle E-Business Suite mobile apps
with EMM solutions based on AppConfig standards.

About the MAF Approach to Enterprise Mobile Apps

Oracle E-Business Suite mobile apps are built using Oracle Mobile Application
Framework (MAF). Mobile apps built with MAF now work with AppConfig Enterprise
Mobile Management solutions. The MAF integration with EMM following AppConfig
standards helps building EMM-compatible applications. MAF applications support
AppConfig capabilities such as Per-App VPN app tunnelling, application configuration,
and implementations of security policies and access control.
For more information, refer to Integrating MAF Applications with EMM Solutions,
Oracle Mobile Application Framework Developing Mobile Applications with Oracle Mobile
Application Framework.

Integrating Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps with Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM) Solutions A-1
Compatibility of Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps with AppConfig EMM Providers
Oracle E-Business Suite mobile apps are expected to work with any EMM provider that
supports common AppConfig standards provided by operating system vendors. Oracle
does not explicitly certify permutations of Oracle E-Business Suite mobile app releases
with given EMM providers and their releases. Oracle may test selected Oracle E-
Business Suite mobile apps with selected AppConfig-compliant products, including
VMware AirWatch. Oracle does not conduct comprehensive tests between all available
Oracle E-Business Suite mobile app releases and all AppConfig-compliant products.

Oracle Support does not have access to third-party EMM AppConfig products and is
unable to reproduce or investigate AppConfig compatibility issues directly. Oracle
Support will ask customers to validate if the reported issue reproduces without third-
party EMM integration in order to determine if the issue is specific to the third-party
EMM solution. Issues with AppConfig-based configurations should be first reported to
the affected EMM provider. The EMM provider may engage Oracle for interoperability
issues between Oracle MAF and the third-party EMM solution as needed.

A-2 Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps Administrator's Guide

Product Family Patches for Earlier Oracle E-
Business Suite Mobile Foundation Releases

This chapter lists the server-side patches required for Oracle E-Business Suite mobile
apps in the releases earlier than Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation Release 7.0.
These patches include consolidated product family patches and conditionally required
patches if needed.
The prerequisite patches for Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation releases are
described as follows:
• REST API Patches for Custom App Development in Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile
Foundation Release 6.1, page B-2

• Product Family Patches for Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation Release 6.0,
page B-4

• Product Family Patches for Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation Release 5.0,
page B-14

• Product Family Patches for Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation Release 4.0,
page B-23

• Product Family Patches for Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation Release 3.0,
page B-31

For more information on applying server-side prerequisite patches, refer to Applying

Prerequisite Patches on the Oracle E-Business Suite Server, page 2-2.

Product Family Patches for Earlier Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation Releases B-1
REST API Patches for Custom App Development in Oracle E-Business
Suite Mobile Foundation Release 6.1
Starting from Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation Release 6.1, Oracle provides
APIs corresponding to portions of the Oracle E-Business Suite mobile apps'
functionality. These APIs are available in the Oracle Integration Repository where you
can search, view, and deploy them as REST services for your custom app development.
See: Implementing Oracle E-Business Suite REST Services, Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile
Apps Developer's Guide, Release 12.1 and 12.2.
The following table lists the apps that provide APIs corresponding to their functionality
and the patches to apply to make those APIs available in your Oracle E-Business Suite

Note: These patches are required to be applied only if you want to

access the APIs used by Oracle E-Business Suite mobile apps in the
Oracle Integration Repository. If you plan to use only the standard
Oracle E-Business Suite mobile apps from public app stores or use the
enterprise-distributed apps from an enterprise's own site, these patches
are not required.

Patches for Oracle Seeded Mobile APIs for Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation
Release 6.1

Mobile App Name Associated Patch for Oracle Associated Patch for Oracle
E-Business Suite 12.1.3 E-Business Suite 12.2

Oracle Mobile Approvals for Patch 25034687:R12.OWF.B Patch 25034687:R12.OWF.C

Oracle E-Business Suite

Oracle Mobile Discrete Patch 25268728:R12.WIP.B Patch 25268728:R12.WIP.C

Production Supervisor for
Oracle E-Business Suite

Oracle Mobile Discrete Patch 25306163:R12.QA.B Patch 25306163:R12.QA.C

Quality Manager for Oracle E-
Business Suite

Oracle Mobile Inventory for Patch 25161018:R12.INV.B Patch 25161018:R12.INV.C

Oracle E-Business Suite

Oracle Mobile Learning for Patch 25405877:R12.OTA.B Patch 25405877:R12.OTA.C

Oracle E-Business Suite

B-2 Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps Administrator's Guide

Mobile App Name Associated Patch for Oracle Associated Patch for Oracle
E-Business Suite 12.1.3 E-Business Suite 12.2

Oracle Mobile Person Patch 25434334:R12.PER.B Patch 25434334:R12.PER.C

Directory for Oracle E-
Business Suite

Oracle Mobile Process Patch 25219965:R12.GME.B Patch 25219965:R12.GME.C

Production Supervisor for
Oracle E-Business Suite

Oracle Mobile Process Quality Patch 25238161:R12.GMD.B Patch 25238161:R12.GMD.C

Manager for Oracle E-
Business Suite

Oracle Mobile iProcurement Patch 25412727:R12.ICX.B Patch 25412727:R12.ICX.D

for Oracle E-Business Suite

Oracle Mobile Procurement Patch 25412746:R12.PO.B Patch 25412746:R12.PO.D

for Oracle E-Business Suite

Oracle Mobile Product Patch 25228693:R12.EGO.C Patch 25228693:R12.EGO.D

Information for Oracle E-
Business Suite

Oracle Mobile Project Patch 25418615:R12.PA.B Patch 25418615:R12.PA.C

Manager for Oracle E-
Business Suite

Oracle Mobile Project Patch 25212186:R12.PJM.B Patch 25212186:R12.PJM.C

Manufacturing for Oracle E-
Business Suite

Oracle Mobile Sales Orders Patch 25126864:R12.ONT.B Patch 25126864:R12.ONT.C

for Oracle E-Business Suite

Oracle Mobile Self-Service Patch 25343048:R12.PER.B Patch 25343048:R12.PER.C

Human Resources for Oracle
E-Business Suite

*See Footnote 1

Oracle Mobile Timecards for Patch 25407442:R12.HXT.B Patch 25407442:R12.HXT.C

Oracle E-Business Suite

Product Family Patches for Earlier Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation Releases B-3
Mobile App Name Associated Patch for Oracle Associated Patch for Oracle
E-Business Suite 12.1.3 E-Business Suite 12.2

Oracle Mobile Yard for Oracle N/A Patch 25209361:R12.YMS.C

E-Business Suite

Footnote 1: The following patches are available in Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile
Foundation Release 7.1 for additional APIs associated with Oracle Mobile Self-Service
Human Resources for Oracle E-Business Suite:
• For Oracle E-Business Suite 12.1.3: patch 26831849:R12.PER.B

• For Oracle E-Business Suite 12.2: patch 26831849:R12.PER.C

For more information about these APIs, see My Oracle Support Knowledge Document
2312158.1, FAQ for Accessing the Payslip and Pay Simulator REST APIs.

Conditional Post-Install Patches

Apply any additional conditionally required post-install patches from the following list
for your apps that have the Oracle seeded API patches applied for custom app

Conditional Post-Install Patches for Oracle Seeded Mobile APIs in Oracle E-Business Suite
Mobile Foundation Release 6.1

Oracle E-Business Suite Requirement Patch Information


Oracle E-Business Suite for Required for all the Oracle E- • Release 12.2: Patch
Release 12.2 and 12.1.3 Business Suite mobile apps 25488435:R12.OWF.C
that have the associated APIs
available for use in custom • Release 12.1.3: Patch
app development for Oracle 25488435:R12.OWF.B
E-Business Suite

Product Family Patches for Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation

Release 6.0
The following table lists the product family and the corresponding product family
consolidated patches for each app:

B-4 Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps Administrator's Guide

Important: If you use or upgrade your apps to the version with Oracle
E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation Release 6.0, you must apply the
Release 6.0 product family patches for all the relevant product entities
(matadata or services) that you are using from your mobile apps.
For example, if the Supplier Invoices and Timecards approval types are
used in your Approvals app, when upgrading the Approvals app
version with Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation 6.0, you must
apply the appropriate Oracle Financial product family patch for
Supplier Invoices approvals and Oracle Human Resources product
family patch for Timecard approvals for your Oracle E-Business Suite

Important: The Oracle E-Business Suite 12.2 server-side patches listed

in the following table for Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation
Release 6.0 are already included in the respective product family
patches in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2.6. If you have installed
Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2.6, simply apply the Oracle E-
Business Suite Mobile Foundation Release 6.0 post-install patches, as
described in Conditional Post-Install Patches, page B-12.

Additional Information: If you would like to develop custom mobile

apps for Oracle E-Business Suite by deploying desired APIs as REST
services, refer to REST API Patches for Custom App Development in
Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation Release 6.1, page B-2.

Product Family Patches for Earlier Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation Releases B-5
Oracle E-Business Suite Server-Side Product Family Patches for Oracle E-Business Suite
Mobile Foundation Release 6.0

Product Family Mobile App Name Patch for Oracle E- Patch for Oracle E-
Business Suite Business Suite 12.2

Oracle E-Business • Oracle Mobile Patch 22465404:R12. Patch 22465795:R12.

Suite Applications Approvals for ATG_PF.B: ATG -12.1 ATG_PF.C: ATG - 12.2
Technology (atg_pf) Oracle E- Consolidated Patch Consolidated Patch
Business Suite For Mobile For Mobile
(for developing Applications Applications
custom Foundation V6 Foundation V6
approval types)
Apply the product Apply the product
• family patches for the family patches for the
Custom mobile
seeded approval types seeded approval types
apps for Oracle
you want to use, as you want to use, as
E-Business Suite
shown in subsequent shown in subsequent
See: Oracle E- rows in this table. rows in this table.
Business Suite
Mobile Apps
Guide, Release
12.1 and 12.2.

Oracle Financials • Oracle Mobile Patch 22465463:R12. Patch 22466249:R12.

(fin_pf) Approvals for FIN_PF.B: FIN - 12.1 FIN_PF.C: FIN - 12.2
Oracle E- Consolidated Patch Consolidated Patch
Business Suite For Mobile For Mobile
(for Expense Applications Applications
approvals) Foundation V6 Foundation V6

• Oracle Mobile
Approvals for
Oracle E-
Business Suite
(for Supplier

B-6 Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps Administrator's Guide

Product Family Mobile App Name Patch for Oracle E- Patch for Oracle E-
Business Suite Business Suite 12.2

Oracle Human • Oracle Mobile Patch 22465468:R12. Patch 22466221:R12.

Resources (hr_pf) Approvals for HR_PF.B: HRMS - HR_PF.C: HRMS -
Oracle E- 12.1 Consolidated 12.2 Consolidated
Business Suite Patch For Mobile Patch For Mobile
(for Human Applications Applications
Resources Foundation V6 Foundation V6

• Oracle Mobile
Approvals for
Oracle E-
Business Suite
(for Timecard

• Oracle Mobile
Timecards for
Oracle E-
Business Suite

• Oracle Mobile
Learning for
Oracle E-
Business Suite

• Oracle Mobile
Directory for
Oracle E-
Business Suite

• Oracle Mobile
Resources for
Oracle E-
Business Suite

Product Family Patches for Earlier Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation Releases B-7
Product Family Mobile App Name Patch for Oracle E- Patch for Oracle E-
Business Suite Business Suite 12.2

Oracle Interaction • Oracle Mobile Patch 22465779:R12. Patch 22466256:R12.

Center Family (cc_pf) Approvals for CC_PF.B: CRM- 12.1 CC_PF.C: CRM- 12.2
Oracle E- Consolidated Patch Consolidated Patch
Business Suite For Mobile For Mobile
(for Channel Applications Applications
Revenue Foundation V6 Foundation V6

• Oracle Mobile
Approvals for
Oracle E-
Business Suite
(for Quoting

Oracle Procurement • Oracle Mobile Patch 22465475:R12. Patch 22466239:R12.

(prc_pf) Approvals for PRC_PF.B: PRC - 12.1 PRC_PF.C: PRC - 12.2
Oracle E- Consolidated Patch Consolidated Patch
Business Suite For Mobile For Mobile
(for Purchase Applications Applications
Order Foundation V6 Foundation V6

• Oracle Mobile
Approvals for
Oracle E-
Business Suite
(for Requisition

• Oracle Mobile
for Oracle E-
Business Suite

• Oracle Mobile
Procurement for
Oracle E-
Business Suite

B-8 Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps Administrator's Guide

Product Family Mobile App Name Patch for Oracle E- Patch for Oracle E-
Business Suite Business Suite 12.2

Oracle Projects (pj_pf) • Oracle Mobile Patch 22465456:R12. Patch 22466199:R12.

Approvals for PJ_PF.B: PROJ - 12.1 PJ_PF.C: PROJ - 12.2
Oracle E- Consolidated Patch Consolidated Patch
Business Suite For Mobile For Mobile
(for Projects Applications Applications
approvals) Foundation V6 Foundation V6

• Oracle Mobile
Project Manager
for Oracle E-
Business Suite

Product Family Patches for Earlier Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation Releases B-9
Product Family Mobile App Name Patch for Oracle E- Patch for Oracle E-
Business Suite Business Suite 12.2

Oracle Supply Chain • Oracle Mobile Patch 22465418:R12. Patch 22466185:R12.

Management Approvals for SCM_PF.B: SCM -12.1 SCM_PF.C: SCM -12.2
(scm_pf) Oracle E- Consolidated Patch Consolidated Patch
Business Suite For Mobile For Mobile
(for Inventory Applications Applications
approvals) Foundation V6 Foundation V6

• Oracle Mobile
Approvals for
Oracle E-
Business Suite
(for Product

• Oracle Mobile
Approvals for
Oracle E-
Business Suite
(for Order

• Oracle Mobile
Approvals for
Oracle E-
Business Suite

• Oracle Mobile
Approvals for
Oracle E-
Business Suite
(for Service

• Oracle Mobile
Supervisor for

B-10 Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps Administrator's Guide

Product Family Mobile App Name Patch for Oracle E- Patch for Oracle E-
Business Suite Business Suite 12.2

Oracle E-
Business Suite

• Oracle Mobile
Discrete Quality
Manager for
Oracle E-
Business Suite

• Oracle Mobile
Inventory for
Oracle E-
Business Suite

• Oracle Mobile
Maintenance for
Oracle E-
Business Suite

• Oracle Mobile
Supervisor for
Oracle E-
Business Suite

• Oracle Mobile
Process Quality
Manager for
Oracle E-
Business Suite

• Oracle Mobile
Information for
Oracle E-
Business Suite

• Oracle Mobile
for Oracle E-
Business Suite

Product Family Patches for Earlier Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation Releases B-11
Product Family Mobile App Name Patch for Oracle E- Patch for Oracle E-
Business Suite Business Suite 12.2

• Oracle Mobile
Sales Orders for
Oracle E-
Business Suite

Oracle Yard • Oracle Mobile N/A Patch 23052635:R12.

Management (yms) Yard for Oracle YMS.C: YMS - 12.2
E-Business Suite Consolidated Patch
For Mobile
Foundation V6


Oracle E-Business
Suite Release 12.2.3
and R12.SCM_PF.C.

Conditional Post-Install Patches

For Mobile Apps with Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation Release 6.0
Apply any additional conditionally required post-install patches from the following list
for your apps, with Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation Release 6.0:

Conditional Post-Install Patches for Mobile Apps with Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile
Foundation Release 6.0

Oracle E-Business Suite Requirement Patch Information

Release or Mobile App

Oracle E-Business Suite Required for all Oracle E- • Release 12.2 and 12.1.3:
Release 12.2 and 12.1.3 Business Suite mobile apps, Patch 23634170
with Oracle E-Business Suite
• Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation Release
Mobile Foundation 6.0, connected to Oracle E-
Release 6.0 Online Help Business Suite Release 12.1.3
or Release 12.2

B-12 Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps Administrator's Guide

Oracle E-Business Suite Requirement Patch Information
Release or Mobile App

Oracle E-Business Suite Required for all Oracle E- • Release 12.2: Patch
Release 12.2 and 12.1.3 Business Suite mobile apps, 24432372:R12.FND.C
with Oracle E-Business Suite
Mobile Foundation Release • Release 12.1.3: Patch
6.0, connected to Oracle E- 24432372:R12.FND.B
Business Suite Release 12.1.3
or Release 12.2

Oracle E-Business Suite Required only for developing • Release 12.2: Apply the
Release 12.2 and 12.1.3 custom mobile apps for Oracle patches for REST services
E-Business Suite listed in Section B:
• Develop custom mobile Configuring Oracle E-
apps for Oracle E- Business Suite REST
Business Suite Services, My Oracle
Include Oracle E- Support Knowledge
Business Suite REST Document 1311068.1
services provided
• Release 12.1.3: Apply the
through Oracle E-
Business Suite Integrated patches for REST services
SOA Gateway (ISG) listed in My Oracle
Support Knowledge
Document 1998019.1

Oracle E-Business Suite Required only if you want to • Release 12.2: Patch
Release 12.2 and 12.1.3 develop custom mobile apps 21316087:R12.FND.C
and run the sample app
• Develop custom mobile against Oracle E-Business • Release 12.1.3: Patch
apps for Oracle E- Suite 21316087:R12.FND.B
Business Suite

Include the REST services

that the sample app uses
to provide real app flows

Note: To use the sample

app, the REST services
used by the sample app
must be deployed, in
addition to the required
patch for custom app
development listed in the

Product Family Patches for Earlier Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation Releases B-13
Additional Information: To develop custom apps for Oracle E-Business
Suite, you need to download the following client-side patch for Oracle
E-Business Suite Release 12.1.3 and Release 12.2:
• Patch 23737987 - Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation (Login
component) Release 6.0

This patch enables the Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation

client libraries, application template, and sample app; therefore, apply
this patch on the mobile client, not on the Oracle E-Business Suite
For information on developing custom apps for Oracle E-Business Suite
and using the sample app. See: Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps
Developer's Guide, Release 12.1 and 12.2.

Product Family Patches for Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation

Release 5.0
If your app is built with Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation Release 5.0, here is
the reference of the server-side product family patches that you might have applied:

Note: Mobile apps with Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation

Release 5.0 include app version 1.4.x, version 1.1.x for Person Directory
and Learning apps, or version 1.0.x for Discrete Quality Manager,
Process Quality Manager, and Self-Service Human Resources apps.

B-14 Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps Administrator's Guide

Oracle E-Business Suite Server-Side Product Family Patches for Oracle E-Business Suite
Mobile Foundation Release 5.0

Product Family Mobile App Name Patch for Oracle E- Patch for Oracle E-
Business Suite Business Suite 12.2

Oracle E-Business • Oracle Mobile Patch 21270998:R12. Patch 21270466:R12.

Suite Applications Approvals for ATG_PF.B: ATG - 12.1 ATG_PF.C: ATG - 12.2
Technology (atg_pf) Oracle E- Consolidated Patch Consolidated Patch
Business Suite For Mobile For Mobile
(for developing Applications Applications
custom Foundation V5 Foundation V5
approval types)
Apply the product Apply the product
• family patches for the family patches for the
Custom mobile
seeded approval types seeded approval types
apps for Oracle
you want to use, as you want to use, as
E-Business Suite
shown in subsequent shown in subsequent
See: Oracle E- rows in this table. rows in this table.
Business Suite
Mobile Apps
Guide, Release
12.1 and 12.2.

Oracle Financials • Oracle Mobile Patch 21271141:R12. Patch 21270866:R12.

(fin_pf) Approvals for FIN_PF.B: FIN - 12.1 FIN_PF.C: FIN - 12.2
Oracle E- Consolidated Patch Consolidated Patch
Business Suite For Mobile For Mobile
(for Expense Applications Applications
approvals) Foundation V5 Foundation V5

• Oracle Mobile
Approvals for
Oracle E-
Business Suite
(for Supplier

Product Family Patches for Earlier Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation Releases B-15
Product Family Mobile App Name Patch for Oracle E- Patch for Oracle E-
Business Suite Business Suite 12.2

Oracle Human • Oracle Mobile Patch 21271187:R12. Patch 21270749:R12.

Resources (hr_pf) Approvals for HR_PF.B: HRMS - HR_PF.C: HRMS -
Oracle E- 12.1 Consolidated 12.2 Consolidated
Business Suite Patch For Mobile Patch For Mobile
(for Human Applications Applications
Resources Foundation V5 Foundation V5

• Oracle Mobile
Approvals for
Oracle E-
Business Suite
(for Timecard

• Oracle Mobile
Timecards for
Oracle E-
Business Suite

• Oracle Mobile
Learning for
Oracle E-
Business Suite

• Oracle Mobile
Directory for
Oracle E-
Business Suite

• Oracle Mobile
Resources for
Oracle E-
Business Suite

B-16 Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps Administrator's Guide

Product Family Mobile App Name Patch for Oracle E- Patch for Oracle E-
Business Suite Business Suite 12.2

Oracle Interaction • Oracle Mobile Patch 22447423:R12. Patch 22447429:R12.

Center Family (cc_pf) Approvals for CC_PF.B: CRM- 12.1 CC_PF.C: CRM- 12.2
Oracle E- Consolidated Patch Consolidated Patch
Business Suite For Mobile For Mobile
(for Channel Applications Applications
Revenue Foundation V5 Foundation V5

• Oracle Mobile
Approvals for
Oracle E-
Business Suite
(for Quoting

Oracle Procurement • Oracle Mobile Patch 21271226:R12. Patch 21270824:R12.

(prc_pf) Approvals for PRC_PF.B: PRC - 12.1 PRC_PF.C: PRC - 12.2
Oracle E- Consolidated Patch Consolidated Patch
Business Suite For Mobile For Mobile
(for Purchase Applications Applications
Order Foundation V5 Foundation V5

• Oracle Mobile
Approvals for
Oracle E-
Business Suite
(for Requisition

• Oracle Mobile
for Oracle E-
Business Suite

• Oracle Mobile
Procurement for
Oracle E-
Business Suite

Product Family Patches for Earlier Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation Releases B-17
Product Family Mobile App Name Patch for Oracle E- Patch for Oracle E-
Business Suite Business Suite 12.2

Oracle Projects (pj_pf) • Oracle Mobile Patch 21271097:R12. Patch 21270688:R12.

Project Manager PJ_PF.B: PROJ - 12.1 PJ_PF.C PROJ - 12.2
for Oracle E- Consolidated Patch Consolidated Patch
Business Suite For Mobile For Mobile
Applications Applications
Foundation V5 Foundation V5

B-18 Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps Administrator's Guide

Product Family Mobile App Name Patch for Oracle E- Patch for Oracle E-
Business Suite Business Suite 12.2

Oracle Supply Chain • Oracle Mobile Patch 21271072:R12. Patch 21270594:R12.

Management Approvals for SCM_PF.B: SCM -12.1 SCM_PF.C: SCM -12.2
(scm_pf) Oracle E- Consolidated Patch Consolidated Patch
Business Suite For Mobile For Mobile
(for Inventory Applications Applications
approvals) Foundation V5 Foundation V5

• Oracle Mobile
Approvals for
Oracle E-
Business Suite
(for Product

Note: The
known as
approvals in
Oracle E-
Suite Mobile
Release 4.0.

• Oracle Mobile
Approvals for
Oracle E-
Business Suite
(for Order

• Oracle Mobile
Approvals for
Oracle E-

Product Family Patches for Earlier Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation Releases B-19
Product Family Mobile App Name Patch for Oracle E- Patch for Oracle E-
Business Suite Business Suite 12.2

Business Suite

• Oracle Mobile
Supervisor for
Oracle E-
Business Suite

• Oracle Mobile
Discrete Quality
Manager for
Oracle E-
Business Suite

• Oracle Mobile
Inventory for
Oracle E-
Business Suite

• Oracle Mobile
Maintenance for
Oracle E-
Business Suite

• Oracle Mobile
Supervisor for
Oracle E-
Business Suite

• Oracle Mobile
Process Quality
Manager for
Oracle E-
Business Suite

• Oracle Mobile

B-20 Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps Administrator's Guide

Product Family Mobile App Name Patch for Oracle E- Patch for Oracle E-
Business Suite Business Suite 12.2

Information for
Oracle E-
Business Suite

• Oracle Mobile
for Oracle E-
Business Suite

• Oracle Mobile
Sales Orders for
Oracle E-
Business Suite

Apply any additional conditionally required post-install patches from the following list
for your apps, with Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation Release 5.0:

Conditional Post-Install Patches for Mobile Apps with Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile
Foundation Release 5.0

Oracle E-Business Suite Requirement Patch Information

Release or Mobile App

Oracle E-Business Suite Required for all Oracle E- • Release 12.2 and 12.1.3:
Release 12.2 and 12.1.3 Business Suite mobile apps, Patch 22659481
with Oracle E-Business Suite
• Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation Release
Mobile Foundation 5.0, connected to Oracle E-
Release 5.0 Online Help Business Suite Release 12.1.3
or Release 12.2

Product Family Patches for Earlier Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation Releases B-21
Oracle E-Business Suite Requirement Patch Information
Release or Mobile App

Oracle E-Business Suite Required if you connect to an • Release 12.2.3: Patch

Release 12.2 Oracle E-Business Suite 12.2 22745036:R12.EAM.C
instance with Oracle Mobile
• Oracle Mobile Approvals Approvals for Oracle E- • Release 12.2.4: Patch
for Oracle E-Business Business Suite (Maintenance 22835263:R12.EAM.C
Suite (Maintenance approvals only)
approvals only)
• Release 12.2.5: Patch

Oracle E-Business Suite Required for Oracle Mobile • Release 12.2: Patch
Release 12.2 and 12.1.3 Sales Orders for Oracle E- 22861368:R12.ONT.C
Business Suite if the base
• Oracle Mobile Sales language is not English (US) • Release 12.1.3: Patch
Orders for Oracle E-
Business Suite

Oracle E-Business Suite Required only for developing • Release 12.2: Apply the
Release 12.2 and 12.1.3 custom mobile apps for Oracle patches for REST services
E-Business Suite listed in Section B:
• Develop custom mobile Configuring Oracle E-
apps for Oracle E- Business Suite REST
Business Suite Services, My Oracle
Include Oracle E- Support Knowledge
Business Suite REST Document 1311068.1
services provided
• Release 12.1.3: Apply the
through Oracle E-
Business Suite Integrated patches for REST services
SOA Gateway (ISG) listed in My Oracle
Support Knowledge
Document 1998019.1

B-22 Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps Administrator's Guide

Oracle E-Business Suite Requirement Patch Information
Release or Mobile App

Oracle E-Business Suite Required only if you want to • Release 12.2: Patch
Release 12.2 and 12.1.3 develop custom mobile apps 21316087:R12.FND.C
and run the sample app
• Develop custom mobile against Oracle E-Business • Release 12.1.3: Patch
apps for Oracle E- Suite 21316087:R12.FND.B
Business Suite

Include the REST services

that the sample app uses
to provide real app flows

Note: To use the sample

app, the REST services
used by the sample app
must be deployed, in
addition to the required
patch for custom app
development listed in the

Additional Information: To develop custom apps for Oracle E-Business

Suite, you need to download the Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile
Foundation Release 5.0 Login component through the client-side patch
22666036 for Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1.3 and Release 12.2.

Product Family Patches for Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation

Release 4.0
If your app version is 1.3.x or version 1.0.x for Person Directory and Learning apps,
with Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation Release 4.0, here is the reference of the
server-side product family patches that you might have applied:

Important: The Oracle E-Business Suite 12.2 server-side patches listed

in this table are already included in the respective product family
patches in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2.5. If you have installed
Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2.5, simply apply the Oracle E-
Business Suite Mobile Foundation Release 4.0 post-install patches
described later.

Product Family Patches for Earlier Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation Releases B-23
Oracle E-Business Suite Server-Side Product Family Patches for Oracle E-Business Suite
Mobile Foundation Release 4.0

Product Family Mobile App Name Patch for Oracle E- Patch for Oracle E-
Business Suite Business Suite 12.2

Oracle E-Business • Oracle Mobile Apply the product Apply the product
Suite Applications Approvals for family patches for the family patches for the
Technology (atg_pf) Oracle E- approval types you approval types you
Business Suite want to use, as shown want to use, as shown
in subsequent rows in in subsequent rows in
this table. this table.

Oracle Financials • Oracle Mobile Patch 20518386:R12. Merge and apply the
(fin_pf) Approvals for FIN_PF.B: FIN - 12.1 following patches
Oracle E- Consolidated Patch using the command:
Business Suite For Mobile
• Patch 20843806:
(for Expense Applications
approvals) Foundation V4 R12.FND.C

• • 20518468:R12.
Oracle Mobile
Approvals for FIN_PF.C: FIN -
Oracle E- 12.2
Business Suite Consolidated
(for Supplier Patch For Mobile
Invoices Applications
approvals) Foundation V4

adop phase=apply

B-24 Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps Administrator's Guide

Product Family Mobile App Name Patch for Oracle E- Patch for Oracle E-
Business Suite Business Suite 12.2

Oracle Human • Oracle Mobile Patch 20518387:R12. Merge and apply the
Resources (hr_pf) Approvals for HR_PF.B: HR - 12.1 following patches
Oracle E- Consolidated Patch using the command:
Business Suite For Mobile
• Patch 20843806:
(for Recruitment Applications
approvals) Foundation V4 R12.FND.C

• • 20518464:R12.
Oracle Mobile
Approvals for HR_PF.C: HR -
Oracle E- 12.2
Business Suite Consolidated
(for Timecard Patch For Mobile
approvals) Applications
Foundation V4
• Oracle Mobile
adop phase=apply
Timecards for patches=20843806
Oracle E- ,20518464
Business Suite merge=yes

• Oracle Mobile
Learning for
Oracle E-
Business Suite

• Oracle Mobile
Person Directory
for Oracle E-
Business Suite

Product Family Patches for Earlier Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation Releases B-25
Product Family Mobile App Name Patch for Oracle E- Patch for Oracle E-
Business Suite Business Suite 12.2

Oracle Procurement • Oracle Mobile Patch 20518405:R12. Merge and apply the
(prc_pf) Approvals for PRC_PF.B: PRC - 12.1 following patches
Oracle E- Consolidated Patch using the command:
Business Suite For Mobile
• Patch 20843806:
(for Purchase Applications
Order approvals) Foundation V4 R12.FND.C

• • 20518485:R12.
Oracle Mobile
Approvals for PRC_PF.C: PRC -
Oracle E- 12.2
Business Suite Consolidated
(for Requisition Patch For Mobile
approvals) Applications
Foundation V4
• Oracle Mobile
adop phase=apply
iProcurement for patches=20843806
Oracle E- ,20518485
Business Suite merge=yes

• Oracle Mobile
Procurement for
Oracle E-
Business Suite

Oracle Projects (pj_pf) • Oracle Mobile Patch 20518354:R12. Merge and apply the
Project Manager PJ_PF.B: PJ - 12.1 following patches
for Oracle E- Consolidated Patch using the command:
Business Suite For Mobile
• Patch 20843806:
Foundation V4 R12.FND.C

• 20518456:R12.
PJ_PF.C: PJ - 12.2
Patch For Mobile
Foundation V4

adop phase=apply

B-26 Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps Administrator's Guide

Product Family Mobile App Name Patch for Oracle E- Patch for Oracle E-
Business Suite Business Suite 12.2

Oracle Supply Chain • Oracle Mobile Patch 20518353:R12. Merge and apply the
Management Approvals for SCM_PF.B: SCM -12.1 following patches
(scm_pf) Oracle E- Consolidated Patch using the command:
Business Suite For Mobile
• Patch 20843806:
(for Item Applications
Changes Foundation V4 R12.FND.C
• 20518445:R12.
• Oracle Mobile SCM_PF.C: SCM
Discrete -12.2
Production Consolidated
Supervisor for Patch For Mobile
Oracle E- Applications
Business Suite Foundation V4

• adop phase=apply
Oracle Mobile patches=20843806
Inventory for ,20518445
Oracle E- merge=yes
Business Suite

• Oracle Mobile
Maintenance for
Oracle E-
Business Suite

• Oracle Mobile
Supervisor for
Oracle E-
Business Suite

• Oracle Mobile
Information for
Oracle E-
Business Suite

• Oracle Mobile
for Oracle E-
Business Suite

Product Family Patches for Earlier Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation Releases B-27
Product Family Mobile App Name Patch for Oracle E- Patch for Oracle E-
Business Suite Business Suite 12.2

• Oracle Mobile
Sales Orders for
Oracle E-
Business Suite

Apply any additional conditionally required post-install patches from the following list
for your apps, with Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation Release 4.0:

Note: Apply the following patches for creating custom apps with
Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation Release 4.1:
Please note that if you have already applied the patches for Oracle E-
Business Suite Mobile Foundation Release 4.0 on the server to deploy
Oracle E-Business Suite mobile apps from a public app store, such as
Apple App Store or Google Play, it is perfectly safe to upgrade the
server to the Mobile Foundation Release 4.1. The mobile apps
corresponding to the apps with Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile
Foundation Release 4.0 will continue to work as expected.
If you would like to develop custom mobile apps on Oracle E-Business
Suite Mobile Foundation Release 4.1, refer to Setting Up Development
Environment, Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps Developer's Guide,
Release 12.1 and 12.2.

Oracle E-Business Suite Conditional Post-Install Patches for Developing

Custom Apps Built with Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation
Release 4.1

Requirement Oracle E-Business Oracle E-Business

Suite Release 12.1.3 Suite Release 12.2

Oracle E-Business Suite Patch 21520630:R12. Patch 21520765:R12.

Mobile Foundation ATG_PF.B ATG_PF.C
Release 4.1

B-28 Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps Administrator's Guide

Requirement Oracle E-Business Oracle E-Business
Suite Release 12.1.3 Suite Release 12.2

Oracle E-Business Suite Patches for REST Patches for REST

REST services provided services listed in My services listed in Section
through Oracle E- Oracle Support B: Configuring Oracle
Business Suite Knowledge Document E-Business Suite REST
Integrated SOA 1998019.1 Services, My Oracle
Gateway (ISG) Support Knowledge
Document 1311068.1

REST services that the Patch 21316087:R12. Patch 21316087:R12.

sample app uses to FND.B FND.C
provide real app flows

Required only if you

want to run the sample
app against Oracle E-
Business Suite

To develop custom apps for Oracle E-Business Suite, you need to

download the Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation Release 4.1
Login component through the client-side patch 22240776 for Oracle E-
Business Suite Release 12.1.3 and Release 12.2.

Conditional Post-Install Patches for Mobile Apps with Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile
Foundation Release 4.0

Oracle E-Business Suite Requirement Patch Information

Release or Mobile App

Oracle E-Business Suite Required for all Oracle E- Patch 21275035

Release 12.2 and 12.1.3 Business Suite mobile apps,
with Oracle E-Business Suite
• Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation Release
Mobile Foundation 4.0, connected to Oracle E-
Release 4.0 Online Help Business Suite 12.1.3 or 12.2

Oracle E-Business Suite 12.1.3 Required if your app connects Patch 21881376:R12.FND.B
to Oracle E-Business Suite

Product Family Patches for Earlier Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation Releases B-29
Oracle E-Business Suite Requirement Patch Information
Release or Mobile App

Oracle E-Business Suite 12.1.3 Required if you use Oracle Patch 21671565:R12.AP.B
Mobile Approvals for Oracle
• Oracle Mobile Approvals E-Business Suite (Supplier
for Oracle E-Business Invoices approvals only) for
Suite (Supplier Invoices Oracle E-Business Suite 12.1.3
approvals only)

Oracle E-Business Suite 12.2 Required if your app connects Patch 21881376:R12.FND.C
to Oracle E-Business Suite

Oracle E-Business Suite 12.2 Required if you use Oracle Patch 21566332:R12.ENG.D
Mobile Approvals for Oracle
• Oracle Mobile Approvals E-Business Suite (Item
for Oracle E-Business Changes approvals only) for
Suite (Item Changes Oracle E-Business Suite 12.2
approvals only)

Oracle E-Business Suite 12.2 Required if you use Oracle Patch 21671565:R12.AP.C
Mobile Approvals for Oracle
• Oracle Mobile Approvals E-Business Suite (Supplier
for Oracle E-Business Invoices approvals only) for
Suite (Supplier Invoices Oracle E-Business Suite 12.2
approvals only)

• If you have installed Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2.5, then

you have implicitly applied the product family patches for Oracle
E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation Release 4.0. In this situation,
apply the post-install patches listed earlier for Oracle E-Business
Suite Mobile Foundation Release 4.0 instead for the completeness
of patch installation.
Please note that the post-install patches for Oracle E-Business Suite
Mobile Foundation Release 3.0 are a subset of the post-install
patches for Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation Release 4.0.
Once you have applied the post-install patches for Oracle E-
Business Suite Mobile Foundation Release 4.0, you have implicitly
applied the patches for Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation
Release 3.0.

B-30 Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps Administrator's Guide

• If your app version is 1.2.x, with Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile
Foundation Release 3.0, here is the reference of the server-side
product family patches that you might have applied:

Product Family Patches for Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation

Release 3.0
If your app version is 1.2.x, with Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation Release 3.0,
here is the reference of the server-side product family patches that you might have

Oracle E-Business Suite Server-Side Product Family Patches for Oracle E-Business Suite
Mobile Foundation Release 3.0

Product Family Oracle E-Business Suite Oracle E-Business Suite

12.1.3 12.2

Oracle Financials (fin_pf) Patch 20049351:R12.FIN_PF. Patch 20049474:R12.FIN_PF.C:

B: FIN - 12.1 Consolidated FIN - 12.2 Consolidated Patch
Patch For Mobile For Mobile Applications
Applications Foundation V3 Foundation V3

Oracle Human Resources • Release 12.1 HRMS RUP6 Patch 20049475:R12.HR_PF.C:

(hr_pf) (R12.HR_PF.B.Delta.6) HR - 12.2 Consolidated Patch
For Mobile Applications
For detailed instructions, Foundation V3
see the Oracle Human
Resources Management
Systems Readme, HRMS
Release Update Pack 6
for Release 12.1, My
Oracle Support
Knowledge Document

• Patch 20049349:R12.
HR_PF.B: HR - 12.1.3
Consolidated Patch For
Mobile Applications
Foundation V3

Product Family Patches for Earlier Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation Releases B-31
Product Family Oracle E-Business Suite Oracle E-Business Suite
12.1.3 12.2

Oracle Procurement (prc_pf) Patch 20049346:R12.PRC_PF. Patch 20049473:R12.PRC_PF.

B: PRC - 12.1 Consolidated C: PRC - 12.2 Consolidated
Patch For Mobile Patch For Mobile Applications
Applications Foundation V3 Foundation V3

Oracle Projects (pj_pf) Patch 20049352:R12.PJ_PF.B: Patch 20049476:R12.PJ_PF.C:

PJ - 12.1 Consolidated Patch PJ - 12.2 Consolidated Patch
For Mobile Applications For Mobile Applications
Foundation V3 Foundation V3

Oracle Supply Chain Patch 20049353:R12.SCM_PF. Patch 20049477:R12.SCM_PF.

Management (scm_pf) B: SCM -12.1 Consolidated C: SCM -12.2 Consolidated
Patch For Mobile Patch For Mobile Applications
Applications Foundation V3 Foundation V3

Apply the additional conditionally required post-install patches from the following list
for your apps:

Conditional Post-Install Patches for Mobile Apps with Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile
Foundation Release 3.0

Oracle E-Business Suite Requirement Patch Information


Oracle E-Business Suite 12.1.3 Required if your app connects Patch 21643419:R12.FND.B
to Oracle E-Business Suite

Oracle E-Business Suite 12.2 Required if your app connects Patch 22046560:R12.FND.C
to Oracle E-Business Suite

B-32 Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps Administrator's Guide

Mobile App Access Roles

Oracle E-Business Suite mobile apps use access roles to protect mobile app data from
unauthorized access. The appendix describes the information about the seeded mobile
app access roles and the REST services permission sets.
• Mobile App Access Roles, page C-1

• Mobile App REST Services Permission Sets, page C-3

Mobile App Access Roles

The following table lists the role name and internal role code for each Oracle E-Business
Suite mobile app.
For information on how to assign these roles to responsibilities, see Setting Up Mobile
App Access to Responsibilities, page 2-45.

Mobile App Access Roles

Mobile App Name Role Name Role Code

Oracle Mobile Approvals for N/A N/A

Oracle E-Business Suite

Oracle Mobile Timecards for Mobile Time Entry UMX|HXC_MBL_TIME_ENT

Oracle E-Business Suite RY

Mobile App Access Roles C-1

Mobile App Name Role Name Role Code

Oracle Mobile Learning for OLM Learner Mobile UMX|MBL|OTA_LRNR_MO

Oracle E-Business Suite Application Role B_ACC

Oracle Mobile Person Access Role for Person UMX|MBL|PERSON_DIREC

Directory for Oracle E- Directory Mobile App TORY_APP_ACCES
Business Suite

Oracle Mobile iProcurement iProcurement Mobile App UMX|ICX_MBL_REQ_ENQU

for Oracle E-Business Suite Enquiry Role IRY

Oracle Mobile Procurement Purchasing Mobile App Role UMX|PO_MOBILE_APP_RO

for Oracle E-Business Suite LE

Oracle Mobile Project PA Mobile Project Manager UMX|MBL|PA_MBL_PRJ_M

Manager for Oracle E- App Access GR_APP_ACCESS
Business Suite

Oracle Mobile Discrete Mobile Discrete UMX|WIP_MOBILE_SUPER

Production Supervisor for Manufacturing Supervisor VISOR_ROLE
Oracle E-Business Suite

Oracle Mobile Discrete Mobile Discrete Quality UMX|MOBILE DISCRETE

Quality Manager for Oracle E- Manager QUALITY MANAGER
Business Suite

Oracle Mobile Inventory for INV Mobile Inventory App UMX|MBL|INV_MBL_INV_

Oracle E-Business Suite Access APP_ACCESS

Oracle Mobile Maintenance EAM Mobile Maintenance UMX|MBL|EAM_MBL_MAI

for Oracle E-Business Suite App Access NT_APP_ACCESS

Oracle Mobile Process Mobile Supervisor UMX|GME_MOBILE_SUPER

Production Supervisor for VISOR
Oracle E-Business Suite

Oracle Mobile Process Quality Mobile Process Quality UMX|GMD_MOBILE_QUAL

Manager for Oracle E- Manager ITY_MANAGER
Business Suite

Oracle Mobile Product PIM Restful Services Role UMX|PIM_RESTFUL_SERVI

Information for Oracle E- CES_ROLE
Business Suite

C-2 Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps Administrator's Guide

Mobile App Name Role Name Role Code

Oracle Mobile Project PJM Mobile Project UMX|MBL|PJM_MBL_PROJ

Manufacturing for Oracle E- Manufacturing App Access MFG_APP_ACCESS
Business Suite

Oracle Mobile Sales Orders OM Mobile Sales Order UMX|MBL|ONT_MBL_INQ_

for Oracle E-Business Suite Inquiry App Access APP_ACCESS

Oracle Mobile Self-Service App Access Role for Self- UMX|MBL|SELFSERVICE_H

Human Resources for Oracle Service HR R_APP_ACCES_ROLE
E-Business Suite

Oracle Mobile Yard for Oracle YMS ADF Mobile App Access UMX|UNMX|MBL|YMS_M
E-Business Suite BL_ADF_APP_ACCESS

Mobile App REST Services Permission Sets

If you create a new mobile app access role for an enterprise app built from the
associated mobile application archive file for enterprise distribution, make sure that the
corresponding REST services permission set of the seeded app is granted to the new
access role.
For information on creating enterprise-distributed mobile apps from mobile application
archives, see Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps Developer's Guide, Release 12.1 and 12.2.
The following table lists the REST services permission set information for each Oracle E-
Business Suite mobile app:

Mobile App REST Services Permission Sets

Mobile App Name Permission Set Name Permission Set Code

Oracle Mobile Approvals for N/A N/A

Oracle E-Business Suite

Oracle Mobile Timecards for Mobile Time Entry HXC_MOB_TIME_ENTRY

Oracle E-Business Suite

Oracle Mobile Learning for OLM Learner Mobile OTA_LRNR_MOB_APP_ME

Oracle E-Business Suite Application Menu NU

Mobile App Access Roles C-3

Mobile App Name Permission Set Name Permission Set Code

Oracle Mobile Person Person Directory Mobile App PER_MOB_PERSON_DIREC

Directory for Oracle E- Menu TORY_MENU
Business Suite

Oracle Mobile iProcurement ICX Mobile iProcurement ICX_MBL_INQ_REST_SERVI

for Oracle E-Business Suite Inquiry App REST Services CES

Oracle Mobile Procurement PO Mobile Purchasing App PO_MBL_REST_SERVICES

for Oracle E-Business Suite REST Services

Oracle Mobile Project PA Mobile Project Manager PA_MBL_PRJ_MGR_REST_S

Manager for Oracle E- App REST Services ERVICES
Business Suite

Oracle Mobile Discrete WIP Rest Service WIP_REST_SERVICE

Production Supervisor for
Oracle E-Business Suite

Oracle Mobile Discrete Quality REST Access QA_REST_MENU

Quality Manager for Oracle E- Permission Set
Business Suite

Oracle Mobile Inventory for INV Mobile Inventory App INV_MBL_INV_REST_SERVI

Oracle E-Business Suite REST Services CES

Oracle Mobile Maintenance EAM Menu for Rest functions EAM_REST_MENU

for Oracle E-Business Suite

Oracle Mobile Process GME Mobile Supervisor PS_GME_MOBILE_SUPERVI

Production Supervisor for Permission Set SOR
Oracle E-Business Suite

Oracle Mobile Process Quality GMD Mobile Quality PS_GMD_MOBILE_QUALIT

Manager for Oracle E- Manager Permission Set Y_MANAGER
Business Suite

Oracle Mobile Product PIM Restful Services PIM_REST_SERVICES

Information for Oracle E-
Business Suite

Oracle Mobile Project PJM Mobile Project PJM_MBL_PROJMFG_REST_

Manufacturing for Oracle E- Manufacturing App REST SERVICES
Business Suite Services

C-4 Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps Administrator's Guide

Mobile App Name Permission Set Name Permission Set Code

Oracle Mobile Sales Orders PJM Mobile Project PJM_MBL_PROJMFG_REST_

for Oracle E-Business Suite Manufacturing App REST SERVICES

Oracle Mobile Self-Service App Access Permission Set PER_SSHR_MOB_APP_ACC

Human Resources for Oracle for Self-Service HR Mobile ESS_PS
E-Business Suite

Oracle Mobile Yard for Oracle YMS Mobile ADF App REST YMS_MBL_ADF_REST_SERV
E-Business Suite Services ICES

Mobile App Access Roles C-5

Mobile App Module Names

Mobile App Module Names

This section lists the REST service module name for each mobile app. Use this module
name to set the FND: Debug Log Module (AFLOG_MODULE) profile option for
enabling server logging. See: Enabling Server Logging, page 6-2.

Mobile App Module Names

Mobile App Name Module Name

Oracle Mobile Approvals for Oracle E-

Business Suite

Oracle Mobile Timecards for Oracle E-

Business Suite

Oracle Mobile Learning for Oracle E-Business


Oracle Mobile Person Directory for Oracle E-

Business Suite

Oracle Mobile iProcurement for Oracle E-

Business Suite

Oracle Mobile Procurement for Oracle E-

Business Suite

Mobile App Module Names D-1

Mobile App Name Module Name

Oracle Mobile Project Manager for Oracle E- PA

Business Suite

Oracle Mobile Discrete Production Supervisor WIP%

for Oracle E-Business Suite

Oracle Mobile Discrete Quality Manager for qa.maf.quality%

Oracle E-Business Suite

Oracle Mobile Inventory for Oracle E-Business MobileInventory


Oracle Mobile Maintenance for Oracle E- eam%

Business Suite

Oracle Mobile Process Production Supervisor gme.maf.supervisor%

for Oracle E-Business Suite

Oracle Mobile Process Quality Manager for gmd.maf.quality%

Oracle E-Business Suite

Oracle Mobile Product Information for Oracle

E-Business Suite

Oracle Mobile Project Manufacturing for

Oracle E-Business Suite

Oracle Mobile Sales Orders for Oracle E-

Business Suite

Oracle Mobile Self-Service Human Resources

for Oracle E-Business Suite

Oracle Mobile Yard for Oracle E-Business yms.mobapp%


D-2 Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps Administrator's Guide

Application Definition Metadata

Application Definition Metadata

This section describes the application definition metadata for each mobile app. You can
use this information to search for an app through the Mobile Applications Manager UI
pages, to construct and validate the configuration service URL with the Application
Bundle Id, and to identify the app in some troubleshooting processes.
For more information on how the application definition metadata is used, see:
• Enabling a Mobile App Individually and Specifying the Configuration Through the
UI Pages, page 2-16

• Validating the Configuration, page 2-42

• Troubleshooting Tips on the Mobile Client, page 6-6

The following table lists the application definition metadata for each mobile app:

Application Definition Metadata

Mobile App Application Application Application Parent

Name Name Short Name Bundle Id Application

Oracle Mobile EBS Approvals WF_APPROVAL Application

Approvals for S atg.owf. Object Library
Oracle E- Approvals
Business Suite

Application Definition Metadata E-1

Mobile App Application Application Application Parent
Name Name Short Name Bundle Id Application

Oracle Mobile EBS Timecards HXC_TMECAR Time and Labor

Timecards for DS hr.hxc.timecards Engine
Oracle E-
Business Suite

Oracle Mobile Learning OTA_ML Learning

Learning for hr.ota. Management
Oracle E- MobileLearning
Business Suite

Oracle Mobile Directory PER Human

Person Directory per. Resources
for Oracle E- ebspersondirecto
Business Suite ry

Oracle Mobile iProcurement ICX_IPROCURE iProcurement

iProcurement for MENT prc.icx.
Oracle E- iProcurement
Business Suite

Oracle Mobile Procurement PO_PROCUREM Purchasing

Procurement for ENT prc.po.
Oracle E- procurement
Business Suite

Oracle Mobile Project Manager Project Mgr Projects

Project Manager
for Oracle E-
Business Suite

Oracle Mobile Discrete WIP_MBL_SUPE Work in Process

Discrete Production RVISOR scm.wip.
Production Supervisor Supervisor
Supervisor for
Oracle E-
Business Suite

Oracle Mobile Discrete Quality QA_QUALITY_ Quality

Discrete Quality Manager MANAGER
Manager for QualityMgr
Oracle E-
Business Suite

E-2 Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps Administrator's Guide

Mobile App Application Application Application Parent
Name Name Short Name Bundle Id Application

Oracle Mobile Inventory INV_INVENTO Inventory

Inventory for RY scm.inv.
Oracle E- Inventory
Business Suite

Oracle Mobile Maintenance EAM_MAINTE Enterprise Asset

Maintenance for NANCE scm.eam. Management
Oracle E- Maintenance
Business Suite

Oracle Mobile Process GME_MBL_SUP Process

Process Production ERVISOR scm.gme. Manufacturing
Production Supervisor Supervisor Process
Supervisor for Execution
Oracle E-
Business Suite

Oracle Mobile Product EGO_PRODUCT Oracle Product

Product Information S scm.ego. Hub (formerly
Information for products known as Oracle
Oracle E- Product
Business Suite Information

Oracle Mobile Process Quality GMD_MBL_QU Process

Process Quality Manager ALITY_MANAG scm.gmd. Manufacturing
Manager for ER QualityManager Product
Oracle E- Development
Business Suite

Oracle Mobile Project PJM_PROJMFG Project

Project Manufacturing scm.pjm. Manufacturing
Manufacturing ProjectManufact
for Oracle E- uring
Business Suite

Oracle Mobile Sales Orders ONT_SALES_O Order

Sales Orders for RDERS scm.ont. Management
Oracle E- SalesOrders
Business Suite

Application Definition Metadata E-3

Mobile App Application Application Application Parent
Name Name Short Name Bundle Id Application

Oracle Mobile Self-Service HR MOBILE_SELF_ Human

Self-Service SERVICE_HR hr.per.Selfservice Resources
Resources for
Oracle E-
Business Suite

Oracle Mobile Yard YMS Yard

Yard for Oracle scm.yms. Management
E-Business Suite YardManager

E-4 Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps Administrator's Guide

Setting Up and Using the Supported

Supported Languages
From Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation Release 4.0, Oracle E-Business Suite
mobile apps are available in the following languages only, although other languages are
listed in the app stores, such as Apple App Store:

Note: These mobile apps include:

• Version 1.3.x or version 1.0.x for Person Directory and Learning

apps, with Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Foundation Release 4.0

• Version 1.4.x, version 1.1.x for Person Directory and Learning apps,
or version 1.0.x for Discrete Quality Manager, Process Quality
Manager, and Self-Service Human Resources, with Oracle E-
Business Suite Mobile Foundation Release 5.0

• Version 1.5.0, version 1.2.0 for Person Directory and Learning apps,
version 1.1.0 for Discrete Quality Manager, Process Quality
Manager, and Self-Service Human Resources apps, or version 1.0.0
for mobile Yard app with Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile
Foundation Release 6.0

• Version 1.6.0, version 1.3.0 for Person Directory and Learning apps,
version 1.2.0 for Discrete Quality Manager, Process Quality
Manager, and Self-Service Human Resources apps, or version 1.1.0
for mobile Yard app with Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile
Foundation Release 7.0

Setting Up and Using the Supported Languages F-1

• Brazilian Portuguese

• Canadian French

• Dutch

• English

• French

• German

• Italian

• Japanese

• Latin American Spanish

• Simplified Chinese

• Spanish

Note that the initial releases of our mobile apps were distributed in English only.

Mobile Device Locale Settings

To use these languages, set your mobile device locale to a desired language setting.
The following table lists the iOS mobile device locale settings:

Note: For iOS mobile devices, set the same language for the iOS
language and the preferred language. Using different languages for the
iOS language and the preferred language could result in mixture of
these languages in the UI pages where UI labels are shown in the
language set for the iOS language, but the language data from Oracle E-
Business Suite is shown in the preferred language.

iOS Mobile Device Locale Settings

Language iOS Language iOS Region

Brazilian Portuguese Portuguese (Brazil) Brazil

Canadian French French (Canada) Canada

F-2 Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps Administrator's Guide

Language iOS Language iOS Region

Dutch Dutch *

English English *

French French *

German German *

Italian Italian *

Japanese Japanese *

Latin American Spanish Spanish (Mexico) *

Simplified Chinese Chinese, Simplified China

Spanish Spanish Spain

Note: * indicates you can set the language for any country or region
except for the region or country used by its variant language. For
example, you can set the language French for France or Swiss except
Canada because Canada uses Canadian French.

The following table lists the Android mobile device locale settings:

Android Mobile Device Locale Settings

Language Android Language Android Region

Brazilian Portuguese Portuguese (Brazil) N/A

Canadian French French (Canada) N/A

Dutch Dutch (*) N/A

English English (*) N/A

French French (*) N/A

Setting Up and Using the Supported Languages F-3

Language Android Language Android Region

German German (*) N/A

Italian Italian (*) N/A

Japanese Japanese N/A

Latin American Spanish Spanish (United States) N/A

Simplified Chinese Chinese (Simplified) N/A

Spanish Spanish (Spain) N/A

If your Oracle E-Business Suite environment supports multiple languages and you set
your mobile device language to a language that is supported by Oracle E-Business
Suite, but not by Oracle E-Business Suite mobile apps, then the data retrieved from the
Oracle E-Business Suite server will be displayed in the mobile device specified
language. However, the user interface labels within the app will appear in English.
If you set your mobile device language to a language that is neither supported by
Oracle E-Business Suite nor enabled in your Oracle E-Business Suite environment, then
the data coming from the Oracle E-Business Suite server will be displayed in the Oracle
E-Business Suite base language.

Oracle Access Manager Language Configuration

If you want your Oracle Access Manager (OAM) login page to be displayed in one of
the supported languages for the mobile apps, perform the following tasks to configure
OAM for the supported languages:

Note: Before you begin the configuration, ensure that you understand
how OAM handles the languages in the login page, and then properly
configure the default language which is used, if OAM cannot determine
the device language. See: Selecting a Language for Oracle Access
Management Login, Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for
Oracle Access Management.

• Log on to the OAM server.

• Navigate to the OAM domain, such as


• Back up the original oam-config.xml file.

F-4 Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps Administrator's Guide

• Edit the oam-config.xml file.
1. Search for "LoginPageLocales". Navigate to the end of setting definition to find
the last language code entry.

2. Copy the last language code entry.

Change the languages to the corresponding language codes listed in the
following table and increase the number by 1.

Language Language Code

Brazilian Portuguese pt-BR

Canadian French fr-CA

Dutch nl-NL, nl-BE

English en-US, en-AU, en-CA, en-IN, en-IE, en-

NZ, en-SG, en-ZA, en-GB

French fr-FR, fr-BE, fr-CH

German de-DE, de-LI, de-AT, de-CH

Italian it-IT, it-CH

Japanese ja-JP

Latin American Spanish es-US, es-XL

Simplified Chinese zh-CN

Spanish es-ES

3. Repeat the previous step 2 for the all languages you plan to use. For example,

Setting Up and Using the Supported Languages F-5

<Setting Name="27" Type="xsd:string">fr-CA</Setting>
<Setting Name="28" Type="xsd:string">fr-FR</Setting>
<Setting Name="29" Type="xsd:string">fr-BE</Setting>
<Setting Name="30" Type="xsd:string">fr-CH</Setting>
<Setting Name="31" Type="xsd:string">nl-NL</Setting>
<Setting Name="32" Type="xsd:string">nl-BE</Setting>
<Setting Name="33" Type="xsd:string">de-DE</Setting>
<Setting Name="34" Type="xsd:string">de-LI</Setting>
<Setting Name="35" Type="xsd:string">de-AT</Setting>
<Setting Name="36" Type="xsd:string">de-CH</Setting>
<Setting Name="37" Type="xsd:string">en-AU</Setting>
<Setting Name="38" Type="xsd:string">en-CA</Setting>
<Setting Name="39" Type="xsd:string">en-IN</Setting>
<Setting Name="40" Type="xsd:string">en-IE</Setting>
<Setting Name="41" Type="xsd:string">en-NZ</Setting>
<Setting Name="42" Type="xsd:string">en-SG</Setting>
<Setting Name="43" Type="xsd:string">en-ZA</Setting>
<Setting Name="44" Type="xsd:string">en-GB</Setting>
<Setting Name="45" Type="xsd:string">en-US</Setting>
<Setting Name="46" Type="xsd:string">ja-JP</Setting>
<Setting Name="47" Type="xsd:string">it-IT</Setting>
<Setting Name="48" Type="xsd:string">it-CH</Setting>
<Setting Name="49" Type="xsd:string">es-US</Setting>
<Setting Name="50" Type="xsd:string">es-XL</Setting>
<Setting Name="51" Type="xsd:string">es-ES</Setting>

• Stop and restart the OAM server.

F-6 Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps Administrator's Guide

Associated Products in My Oracle Support

Associated Products in My Oracle Support

The following table lists the associated product for each Oracle E-Business Suite mobile
app in My Oracle Support. If you contact Oracle Support about an app, specify the
associated product name for that app as shown here so that Oracle Support can direct
your query appropriately.

Associated Products in My Oracle Support

Mobile App Name Module Name

Oracle Fusion Expenses Oracle Internet Expenses

Oracle Mobile Approvals for Oracle E- Oracle Workflow

Business Suite

Oracle Mobile Timecards for Oracle E- Oracle Time and Labor

Business Suite

Oracle Mobile Learning for Oracle E-Business Oracle Learning Management


Oracle Mobile Person Directory for Oracle E- Oracle Human Resources

Business Suite

Oracle Mobile iProcurement for Oracle E- Oracle iProcurement

Business Suite

Associated Products in My Oracle Support G-1

Mobile App Name Module Name

Oracle Mobile Procurement for Oracle E- Oracle Purchasing

Business Suite

Oracle Mobile Project Manager for Oracle E- • Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1.3:
Business Suite Oracle Project Management

• Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2:

Oracle Project Planning and Control

Oracle Mobile Discrete Production Supervisor Oracle Work in Process

for Oracle E-Business Suite
Oracle MES for Discrete Manufacturing

Oracle Mobile Discrete Quality Manager for Oracle Quality

Oracle E-Business Suite

Oracle Mobile Inventory for Oracle E-Business Oracle Inventory Management


Oracle Mobile Maintenance for Oracle E- Oracle Enterprise Asset Management

Business Suite

Oracle Mobile Process Production Supervisor Oracle Process Manufacturing Process

for Oracle E-Business Suite Execution

Oracle Mobile Process Quality Manager for Oracle Process Manufacturing Product
Oracle E-Business Suite Development

Oracle Mobile Product Information for Oracle Oracle Item Master

E-Business Suite
Oracle Product Hub

Oracle Mobile Project Manufacturing for Oracle Project Manufacturing

Oracle E-Business Suite

Oracle Mobile Sales Orders for Oracle E- Oracle Order Management

Business Suite

Oracle Mobile Self-Service Human Resources • For Self-Service Human Resources: Oracle
for Oracle E-Business Suite Self-Service Human Resources

• For Payslip: Oracle HRMS (US)

G-2 Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Apps Administrator's Guide

Mobile App Name Module Name

Oracle Mobile Supply Chain Applications for Oracle Mobile Application Server
Oracle E-Business Suite

Oracle Mobile Yard for Oracle E-Business Oracle Yard Management


Associated Products in My Oracle Support G-3

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