Libra Dragon: The World's Leading Game Consensus Platform

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The world's leading game consensus platform


Online games represent a fast growing market with billions of users and a
size of billions of dollars, where blockchain + games are considered the
next engine of explosive growth for blockchain applications. Blockchain
users have reached 30 million worldwide, and games are definitely most
suitable for implementation among the diverse scenarios of blockchain
There are following problems for traditional games: the values of the games
are not transparent and the game makers can change the game rules
arbitrarily; the channels and publishers monopolize most of the earnings in
the industry; unlimited issue of game assets results in depreciation; closing
of game platforms makes it impossible to withdraw the game assets.
Decentralization, transparency, non-tamperability, cross-chain trading,
incentives of tokens and other features of the blockchain can help resolve
the above problems with blockchain technologies and thinking; due to the
strong social attributes within the communities of games, the players have
a strong need for trading the assets in the games.
strong need for trading the assets in the games. A blockchain game will be
most appealing to players if it has a low demand for understanding of the
blockchain, fairer gaming mechanism, freer trading environment, and the
playability comparable to traditional games.
Libra Dragon is committed to becoming a world leading platform for
circulation of digital game assets, which will form a complete closed loop of
ecology based on quality game contents and perfect system of social
interaction, encouraging the users to create value and obtain wealth by
playing games on the platform.
Within the decentralized blockchain network, the economic value and the
rights of management are distributed among all the participants. Within the
ecology of Libra Dragon, as the economic value are distributed among all
the participants, each of them can get their respective due reward. The
new decentralized ecology will bring huge yields for game players,
developers and publishers.


The game market experienced accelerated growth since the emergence of

video games in 1970s, which reached a scale of $ 35 billion in 2007 after
35 years of growth. The rapid growth makes games the most popular form
of entertainment, and the global revenue from games will grow to $ 128.46
billion in 2020. The industry grows so fast because it meets the needs of a
wide range of consumers, including game fans, occasional players and
viewers of game videos.


Despite the rapid growth in the past 20 years, the game industry is now
faced with various problems, particularly those with the players and game
1.2.1 PROBLEMS FACED BY THE GAME PLAYERS Lack of credibility of the developers and non-transparency of the

game mechanisms and data

The players only have right of use rather than ownership of the virtual
assets in current traditional games. While the virtual assets (credits, props,
weapons, roles, etc.) are bought by the players and can be traded, their
ownership belongs to the game makers in essence. This is because in all of
the current games, the digital assets of the players are stored in the
centralized servers of the game makers. These virtual assets are no more
than a string of numbers that can be modified at will for the game makers.
The players cannot dispose of the assets they “have” as they like, and
trading is even not enabled for some games. What’s more, when the game
company stops the operation of the servers or the account of a player is
suspended, the game assets of the player will disappear as a result; the
game assets depend heavily on the existence of the game products and
the centralized management rules that are not always open. The players do not really own the virtual assets in the games
For continued profitability, the game operators keep introducing new virtual
assets with higher value. The so-called magic equipment the players buy
with quite a sum can often be replaced by the subsequent new props, the
value of which cannot be guaranteed. Besides, most games are bound with
the servers, and the assets in a server cannot be transferred to another
server. Difficulties in trading of game assets

For continued profitability, the game operators keep introducing new virtual
assets with higher value. The so-called magic equipment the players buy
with quite a sum can often be replaced by the subsequent new props, the
value of which cannot be guaranteed. Besides, most games are bound with
the servers, and the virtual assets in a server cannot be transferred to
another server. Decline of demographic dividend and sharp rise of user acquisition


The rise of short videos and other forms of entertainment leads to the
decline of demographic dividend and shorter life cycles of games. As e-
commerce and other Internet applications compete with game makers for
users’ attention, the user acquisition cost keeps increasing. Except for the
few top games, there is limited room for increase in paying rate and ARPU.
With the increased cost of traffic, most games with low ARPU have
difficulty in affording the traffic acquisition. This adds to the fact that only
few games with high ARPU such as Legend can acquire traffic at high
costs. This is actually a process of bad money driving out good money,
leading to the fast deterioration of the whole industry environment. Fierce market competition and severe oligopoly

The global game market has long been under the monopoly of several
giants, who take a share of 95.8% of the new market, almost all of the
opportunities for growth of the market. The top games enjoy a much larger
space of revenue than the small and medium game makers. In contrast,
due to the higher cost of user acquisition and shorter life cycles, the small
and medium games need very high ARPU to be profitable. The top game
operators enjoying advantages in traffic have distinctively different
business models from those of the small and medium game makers.
There is a very high threshold of becoming a top game. The large game
makers invest heavily in R&D of top games. The high salaries and bonuses
attract the talents in the game industry to the giants. The small and medium
game makers often lack game talents, especially outstanding talents.
At the same time, top products occupy a huge portion of users’ time and
payment. This results in the serious survival pressure for small and medium
game makers. In the end, the top products realize all-around overwhelming
advantages and monopoly over other game makers in terms of capital, IP,
talents, market, users, etc., leading to increasing difficulty for small and
medium game developers to survive.

1.3.1 High proportion of paying/trading users, and half of contribution by

senior paying players

Among the 110,000 users of the Ethereum, 27% have paid in games or
bought props from other players. Nearly 10,000 users have had
transactions of over 1 ETH, accounting for 8.7% of the total.
Among them, nearly 300 paying users have had transactions of over 100
As to overlap rate of the players, only over 400 players have played 10+
blockchain games in Ethereum, and only over 2000 players have played
5+ games. Most of the users have played just 1-3 blockchain games to get
a taste of it. That is, there are only less than 3000 senior players of
blockchain games worldwide.
Among them, the top 30 paying players in terms of transaction volume
have played nearly 20 games on average, who are senior high-paying
players of blockchain games.

1.3.2 Short life cycles with most new games being old ones in new skins
At present, most blockchain games have low playability and short life
cycles. Only 37 games have a life cycle of over two months, and 50% of the
blockchain games have a life cycle of no more than 7 days. The games with
the longest life cycle are CryptoKitties and Etheremon.

1.3.3 Low playability of the current blockchain games

Compared with that of the traditional games, the low playability of the
current blockchain games cannot engage the players. Part of the players
do not come to play games; what appeals to them is the value of the game
tokens. As the bear market comes, many speculators have left, and the
number of game DAPP users and transaction volume in Ethereum is quite
low. Only few applications have
1000+ users, and the market is nearly dead. But the blockchain games are
promising. On one hand, the advances in the public chain technologies
reduce the traffic jam and cost, and enable higher performance and
richness of the games; on the other hand, reasonable setting of the game
tokens raises the liquidity and incentives.

1.4.1 The credibility of the developers guaranteed by the smart contract

The blockchain games may have the rules disclosed, which are guaranteed
by the smart contract. The users need to trust not the developers, but the
codes. Based on the enforceability and open source of the smart contract,
the generation of game assets, the probability of getting them, the quantity
and the other rules are disclosed, which ensure the implementation of the
games in accordance with the rules. Typical applications are guessing,
chess and cards, and Gacha games that depend on probability. What’s
more, based on the enforceability and open source of the smart contract, a
new team without endorse can also quickly win the trust of users in its
products, which can help the growth of small and medium innovative
After the core operating mechanism of a game is written into the
blockchain as a “smart contract”, everyone can view it, thus eliminating the
chance for the game makers to act arbitrarily as in the previous “black box
operation” and the sense of distrust of the players in the game makers. For
instance, in traditional games, the game operator can arbitrarily adjust the
probability that a treasure is found from a box and the rarity of a piece of
equipment; but in the era of the blockchain, these rules can hardly be
tampered once they are written into the smart contract. Everyone will know
it once they are modified.
The emergence of many lottery and probability blockchain games is based
on this characteristic of the smart contract. The users do not need to worry
about the fraud or non-performance of the developers as all the rules and
their implementation are open, transparent and automated.

1.4.2 The players really own the virtual assets in the games

The virtual assets in blockchain games can be divided into fungible vs non-
fungible tokens, which correspond to ERC-20 vs ERC-721 in the Ethereum
protocol. The tokens of both protocols are stored in the users’ wallets, and
the users have full rights to dispose of the assets, which can be traded and
used freely. These assets are not stored in the servers of the developers,
who cannot arbitrarily modify the user data. Even if the developers decide
not to operate the games, the assets still exist in the blockchain, and the
users can still trade them freely and use them in other applications.
Meanwhile, based on the traceability and non-tamperability of the
blockchain, the occurrence of each transaction and the flow of assets can
be recorded, and the tampering of transaction information is prevented,
which can put an end to cheating in the game to a certain degree.
It is said that Vitalik Buterin, founder of the Ethereum, developed it because
the character in his game was arbitrarily deleted by the game maker once
he played World of Warcraft. Different from the traditional games, the
blockchain games are recorded in a distributed manner into the open and
transparent blockchain. Once you own it in the game, it will be your
exclusive asset. No one can copy, modify or destroy it unless you keep it
improperly or problems occur to the exchange to which the blockchain

1.4.3 Enhanced value of virtual assets from limited quantity

Based on the openness and non-tamperability of the account books of the

on-chain transactions, all the data of the blockchain games can be entered
into the chain for the players to look up. On the blockchain, these assets
can be put under the blockchain address of the player, which can exist
perpetually in theory and cannot be easily tampered. The value of these
assets can be maintained as long as there are others who recognize it,
which will not change with the behavior of a certain company. The issuance
of virtual assets is realized via the smart contract; the number of all types of
tokens issued can be really limited, thus the real limited quantity of the
virtual asset
1.4.4 A market of fairer opportunities

The blockchain game developers are having a new market opportunity of a

high value: a quality user base + a global market + a fair starting point. The
blockchain has created a user base distributed around the world with a
high level of willingness to pay, which provides a space for growth of ARPU
in games. The development of the blockchain is in its early stage. While
there are top projects such as ETH and EOS, the final state of the ecology
is far from being set, and the new comers are in a market with fairer
The blockchain users have reached 30 million worldwide; after the
emergence in the end of 2017, blockchain games sprang up like
mushrooms after a rain in early 2018. This will be a new global market with
quality users, providing a fair opportunity for a new start of the game

1.4.5 Increased liquidity of the blockchain game assets

The most outstanding feature of the blockchain games is their

ability to increase the liquidity of the virtual game assets. The
traceability and non-tamperability of the blockchain technologies
makes it impossible for anyone to tamper, steal or destroy the
virtual assets in the game. Given the open and fair issuance of the game
assets and the transparent data, the users can participate in the fair
transactions in the game at ease. That will bring the high liquidity of the
virtual assets in the blockchain games, and the users can transfer and trade
their assets on the platform for blockchain games. The high liquidity of the
assets in blockchain games can effectively engage the users and enhance
the paying rate.
In addition, by putting the assets onto the chain, the game assets can be
traded more safely and easily. The players will be able to trade their game
assets cross games and/or cross platforms in future via the cross-chain
technologies. In traditional games, the assets can only circulate within the
same game, which will be worthless out of the game and can hardly be
reused from the perspective of technology. The “on-chain props + mobile
wallet” of the blockchain games enable the cross-game and cross-
platform transaction of game props anytime and anywhere.

1.4.6 More rights for game players

The blockchain games will also bring drastic changes to the

relationship between the game makers and players. For the most
part in the past, the 2 parties are opposite: one party would keep
extracting value from the users by constantly changing the game
mechanism and adjusting the parameters while the other wants to win
fame and gain pleasure from the games. As the traditional games operate
on the centralized servers, the game makers naturally enjoy monopolistic
In contrast, blockchain games operate on multiple nodes, part of which are
operated by the players, so the game makers and players might form a
community and reach certain consensus. When part of the nodes are
handed to the thought leaders in a game, the interests of the game
community will be partly in line with those of the game maker, and the loyal
players will voluntarily maintain the balance of the game and help the game
maker acquire new users, extend the life cycle of the game and build the
Even if the game maker takes its own course and refuses to modify the
game based on the will of most players, the players in the community can
vote with feet to create a branch from the original game and lead the game
to a new direction based on the will of the community, which is like
operation of a non-official server by the nodes of the community. From the
perspective of this theory, the blockchain will bring unprecedented rights
for game players.
1.4.7 Overthrow of the existing game models

In contrast to the issuance of currencies by central banks in real world,

tokens in traditional game world are acquired by players by means of
fighting monsters, doing prize-winning tasks, upgrading, etc., which are
similar to the proof-of-work (PoW) ystem in the blockchain. Both the token
economy in the blockchain and the virtual economy in games are Internet
economy; Internet contents and Internet assets are suitable to go onto the
blockchain by their nature. It will be a disruptive innovation to introduce
blockchain technologies and the token system into games.
Blockchain-based games provide the players and owners with the
possibility to make money; this new trend in games is changing the way
people interact with games. In near future, it will provide the players with
unique game experience, constantly changing characters and convenient
cross-game trading.


Libra Dragon aims to become the largest consensus platform for

blockchain-based games worldwide. To provide the developers and users
with the dividend of the blockchain, we will connect the quality game
contents and sound social interaction system with an exchange system
with financial compliance to form a complete closed loop ecology.
In addition, the tokens issued by Libra Dragon can be actually consumed in
games, which solves the problem that there are no scenarios for
consumption of many non-use tokens and that their value cannot be
maintained. Furthermore, we encourage the users to gain wealth in Libra
Dragon by playing games, participating in game development, and creating
value with the tokens they hold.

Based on research in technologies of underlying public blockchain, the

platform will focus on building an open game platform with social attributes.
On our platform, the underlying public blockchain will ensure the security of
the game rights technically, and the open game platform will attract more
quality games and bring more active players to the platform. Based on the
traffic acquired in the earlier stage, the platform will introduce game
scenarios with social attributes via iteration, and keep enriching and
improving the ecology architecture.

To ensure the security and fairness of the games on the platform, all core
information and functions involving probability games and users’ assets will
be deployed via smart contracts. Algorithms related to smart contracts are
open source, enabling review and verification by third party security
organizations. Decentralized wallet

The platform has in-built wallets, which not only enable easy transfer,
payment collection, trading record inquiry and other operations, but also
support direct use of tokens in games for experience. Blockchain browser

If the blockchain is deemed a decentralized account book, the blockchain

browser is a tool used to inquire the records in the account book.
Generation of blocks in the public chain, distribution of the tokens and the
record of each transaction can be looked up in the blockchain browser. The game advertising system

The current advertising system in the games is a basic presentation

system. We plan to provide more data models and technical support for
blockchain-based game advertising system in future. It will not be used to
make profit or disturb the users. We hope to achieve a balance between
the game and advertising via testing, in order to support our future
businesses. Anti-cheat system

The anti-cheat system is actually an essential part in any game. It even

determines the life and death of a game. One of our technical teams has
been developing anti-cheat algorithms with AI technologies from the very
beginning. It is being tested and used for the first time now, and we are glad
to see its perfect functioning.
With the increasing number of the cases, the anti-cheat AI will become
smarter and smarter, which can determine the authenticity of the game
players based on rigorous logic. We will provide this system for free in
future for all teams that develop games on the public chain, to help them
them solve the cheating of the players.


beginning. It is being tested and used for the first time now, and we are glad
to see its perfect functioning.
With the increasing number of the cases, the anti-cheat AI will become
smarter and smarter, which can determine the authenticity of the game
players based on rigorous logic. We will provide this system for free in
future for all teams that develop games on the public chain, to help them
solve the cheating of the players. Game development teams

Content consumers: as core users of various games on the platform, they

are core experiencers of the games. With entertainment as their main
purpose of playing games, they tend to consume tokens on the platform.
Just like the high-paying users in traditional games, they are willing to pay
for the pleasure in the games and consume the contents created for them
by the developers and other players. Asset diggers: they gain earnings
through labor. On one hand, they experience various games for free and
earn tokens of the platform; on the other hand, they are consumed as game
contents by the core players and other roles. They constitute the
underlying ecology in the community of this project. Game development teams

Game providers: they provide game for the community of this project and
build connection with the players via the games. On one hand, they earn
tokens of the platform via the paying items; on the other hand, they can
issue their own tokens via the platform. Token traders

Facilitators of value circulation: they are barometers in the market who have
sharp acumen for opportunities of earning money and are very active in the
community. They are core force of online token trading, who profit on the
price spread and actively maintain the circulation of various tokens.

After the platform introduce various games, a group of KOLs will emerge on
the platform. These players will promote the interaction in the community,
support the activity of the social interaction section in the game platform,
and at the same time increase the scenarios for using the tokens of the
platform. Community

The platform will successively open communities of games and

interaction, so that users in the same game can build social
connections to enhance user experience. The platform also plans
to build in exclusive telegram groups for the users, so that the
players can easily join the exclusive discussion groups of DAPP to
communicate with other players. Digital assets

Digital assets are objects of the value on the platform. As the link between
users among the communities on the platform and between users in and
outside the communities, they can easily realize good gift-giving social
interaction based on the Libra Dragon Token (LDT). The digital envelope
function will be provided in future, which will be widely used in community
interaction on the platform, events on the platform, incentives for new
users, etc.

The technical architecture of Libra Dragon is divided into 5 layers: the

application layer, tool layer, contract layer, consensus layer, and data layer.


Libra Dragon aims to become the world’s largest platform for circulation of
value in blockchain games, which will form a complete closed loop of
ecology based on quality game contents and perfect system of social
interaction, encouraging the users to create value and obtain wealth by
playing games on Libra Dragon.
Libra Dragon’s application layer consists mainly of various quality games.
The composition of the application layer combines self-developed games
with cooperation with successful games of the traditional quality game
developers to put the classic games onto the blockchain, which, while
ensuring the quality of the games, aims to attract users of traditional games
to expand the user base. At the same time, Libra Dragon will also provide
the game crowdfunding function to build a strong connection between the
developers and users form the very early stage of the game.


3.2.1 Blockchain browser

Blockchain browser can be deemed a main window to view the blockchain

information, from which the contents written on every block can be looked
up. The users usually use the blockchain browser to inquire the transaction
information written on the blocks. It can record in detail the confirmation of
every block as well as the generation and distribution of the tokens, provide
a complete record of the circulation of the tokens between blocks, and thus
make a complete and open disclosure of the stock, increment, exchange
and other information of the tokens. The only thing unknown is who is the
person behind every address, which is a characteristic of anonymity.

3.2.2 Blockchain account system

The blockchain account system is based on the key pair, which, while
enhancing the security and anonymity, means a high threshold for ordinary
users. Libra Dragon uses Facebook (which is familiar to the users) as the
main account number, and the user may choose to build a connection with
the wallet address to realize the mapping between the account number and
the wallet. The third party application may choose to use the user’s
account number or wallet address as the main account number.
When the user’s account number is chosen, the port provided by the
platform can be used to inquire the user related information via the token,
such as the mapped wallet address and the user’s profile picture. The
assets to be received to the wallet address can also be temporarily
deposited in the account number, which reduce the threshold of DAPP
development, without affecting its functions in the non-wallet environment.
The user’s wallet address can also be used directly for direct interaction
with the user without Libra Dragon, which enhances the freedom greatly.


The positioning of Libra Dragon is a public blockchain for game

applications, so the blockchain of Libra Dragon uses the method
different from other smart contract platforms to realize public
blockchain ecology integration and promote its formation. Libra
Dragon will recruit more professional game development teams to
build more quality game projects based on Libra Dragon

3.3.1 Parallel smart contract

In a secure execution environment where turing complete virtual machines

are completely isolated from the functioning chain operating system, and
C, C++, or Rust can be used in compiling of the contract. The contract
system perfectly support partitioned networks, and the way the contract is
dispatched on the partition as well as the cross-partition invoking and
output of the contract is hidden to the contract compiler via the partitioned
consensus processing. For smart contract developers that need
development and execution of the contract and other advanced features,
the public chain will provide more underlying port to access detailed
information on subchains and partitions; in the longer-term plan, the public
chain will support consensus hot update, multi-party computation and
homomorphic encryption for contract control.

3.3.2 Ultralow network delay

The underlying IO of chain service on single partitions adopts EPOLL and

object buffer pool technology, avoiding memory fragmentation resulting
from frequent applications for resource release. The network access
adapts to complex network environment. NAT, VxLan, and VPN can
choose optimal access to the network in a self-adapting manner, and a
single transaction (including cross-partition transaction) can be confirmed
within a time limit at millisecond level.

3.3.3 Private transactions

Most current options for private transactions are alike, which use smart
contracts, SNARKs keys, or contract verification SNARKs keys for cash
withdrawal. These means of “private transactions” have an innate defect.
As the SNARKs lock is open on the chain and every node contains the full
data, a tracer need to trace only the invoking and output transactions of a
contract account number to crack this simple privacy protection. The
private transaction on the main chain that Libra Dragon plans to develop
will be built on partitioned network and multi-level smart contract, and the
privacy protection will be realized via the contracts running on different
partitions. It is very difficult to predict the partition of the next level
transaction through the contract transaction of the current level. When the
privacy protection levels reach 3 or more, it is difficult for the tracer to trace
the specific address of the transaction destination.


Libra Dragon uses efficient partitioned consensus engine to realize the

blockchain network with horizontal performance scalability, low
computation overhead and low delay, and the consensus is reached
through the combination of verifiable partitioned routing module with BFT.

Libra Dragon’s big data layer is a decentralized file storage and reading
system. In this system, we use the technology similar to the InterPlanetary
File System (IPFS) to realize decentralized file access. For each data stored
and read, the Libra Dragon public chain uses the SHA256 function to
generate hash of the data, the ECC asymmetric cryptographic algorithm for
authentication, AES cryptographic algorithm to encrypt the private key, and
Merkle Tree to verify and store the transaction, thus ensuring the data


The economic model of this project aims to meet the needs of all the
current and future users in the ecology of the project. This model breaks
the barrier that restrict the high frequency and large scale applications of
the blockchain game platform, and grants the right to use the platform to all
the participants in the ecology of this project. It not only provides higher
flexibility of project operation, but also provides suitable means to manage
and save costs of public chain protocol while creating tokens for store of
value and smart payment.
With this vision and consideration, LDT was designed in the early stage of
this project. As implied by its name, LDT is the representation of the value
of the platform ecology, whose price will be affected by the supply and
demand in the market and the profitability of the platform. The issuance of
LDT provides asset liquidity for operation of games and security for the
game assets of the players. With the introduction of the third party game
development teams, the platform will customize exclusive game credits for
each game. It will avoid the direct effect of the LDT price fluctuation during
the payment and consumption of the game players, and maintain more
stable value of the game assets on the platform.


It is planned that 2.1 billion LDTs will be issued in total, with no additional
issuance forever, the price of which will be affected by the fluctuation in the
· 51% for community building
· 21% for ecology partners
· 15% for development teams
· 8% for marketing
· 5% for the Foundation

Lock-up plan: there is a lock-up period of 36 months for the tokens for the
development team, 1/12 of which can be unlocked every 3 months.


At present, the main part of Libra Dragon is operating on the Ethereum, and
has created the tokens in the ecology based on its standards. Earnings
from holding the tokens derive from the appreciation of the tokens from
trading and circulation. After the Libra Dragon public chain goes online,
LDTs can be traded directly, and trading of LDTs on various complying
encrypted platforms of asset trading will be actively promoted.
Holding the LDTs may be entitled to dividend from the platform, and may
obtain discount for game top-up based on the volume of holding. In
addition, the following features of LDTs allow an expectation for continuous
appreciation of the tokens in future:
· For each quarter, the platform will spend 20% of the revenue repurchasing
LDTs in the secondary market. The repurchased tokens will be managed
by Game Ecosystem Foundation, and will be used in the community
promotion and ecology building under the supervision of the Council.
· After the public chain goes online, the platform will exchange for a certain
proportion of tokens on the public chain and grant them more rights and
interests, which will have much more application scenarios as underlying
tokens on the public chain.
· With the growth of the ecology resources on the platform, the use
frequency and scale of LDTs will increase, and the repurchase based on
the earnings from the main contract will increase demands in the
secondary market, which brings a positive outlook for appreciation.

The circulation of platform-related tokens is shown above. LDTs are the

platform tokens at the initial stage, and the trading media between the
platform, developers and various users for experience of the games and
basic services of the platform.
· Mining as a game: a certain number of LDTs will be airdropped to the
community based on the computing power (in dimensions such as users’
check-in, sharing, inviting new users, online time and ranking in games) of
the active users.
· Issuance in games: game developers may pledge their LDTs to issue new
games and tokens.
· Discount for transfer: discount may be offered on the platform based on
the level of the users for the transfer of LDTs by the players.
· Platform events: the platform will organize various events based on LDTs,
which the users will participate in using their LDTs and game tokens.


· 2019 Q3 Start of project research

· 2020 Q1 Establishment of the blockchain project team
· 2020 Q2 Launch of the new blockchain-based game, and completion
of development of blockchain account system for users
· 2020 Q3 Recruitment of third party game development teams, and
establishment of the payment system
· 2020 Q4 Start of development of self-owned underlying public
blockchain architecture of the game platform
· 2021 Q1 Launch of the game community function
· 2021 Q2 Launch of the testing network for the underlying public
blockchain of the platform, and start of recruitment of nodes

· 2021 Q3 Official launch of the main network of the public chain, and
completion of the mapped conversion of the game platform tokens

Stage 1 10-100 thousand

· Seed users: attraction and conversion of core game users at the early
· Fission: attraction of new users via operation of LDT incentive events in
combination with game products
Stage 2 100 thousand-1 million
· Community expansion: friend inviting mechanism set up by the platform,
and attraction and activation of users via online community airdrops, etc.
· Circulation: wide recognition of the value of LDTs andnew users brought
by active circulation
Stage 3 1-10+ million
· Cooperation: cooperation with more platforms for traffic sharing
· New users: quality fans from quality third party games
· Globalization: forthcoming launch of versions in multiple languages

Global community building plan

The platform will officially start the global roadshow of Libra Dragon
community in the second half of 2020, and will build super nodes centered
on core community players in San Francisco, New York, Tokyo, Seoul,
Singapore and other cities to promote LDT globalization and community
Libra Dragon has completed Stage 1 and is entering a new stage of ecology
development. The objectives for the next stage will be achieved in the
following ways.
Cooperation: import of quality users via cooperation with various traffic
ports and quality traffic platforms. Libra Dragon has started advertising
promotion via cooperation with some traffic platforms and communities,
and will aunch more advertising in future.
New users: attracting developers to import players of traditional games to
the Libra Dragon platform by cooperating with quality game developers
with large player bases (such as those of gambling games), blockchain
transformation of traditional games, putting the assets onto the blockchain,
and blockchain transformation of games in quality ecology, etc.
Globalization: Libra Dragon will carry out translation of the global versions
in 20+ languages, which will soon support login from multiple social
platforms. A key task in future is the global marketing.

Game Ecosystem Foundation, registered in Singapore in 2020, is a

standing management body set up by the founding team of the Libra
Dragon project. As an independent non-profit entity, Game Ecosystem
Foundation is responsible to the Libra Dragon community, with promotion
and development of Libra Dragon ecology as its primary goal.
The project has now over 10 core managers. All the managers have 10+
years of experience in the Internet industry, who are working in the
operations, R&D, planning, design and other departments of the company.
They will take advantage of the cutting-edge technologies and innovative
ideas to build and present a first-class blockchain game platform, fueling
the vigorous development of the project.
An early investor of the blockchain and a token geek with a rich body of
marketing knowledge, Edward has a sound understanding of the frontier
and trends of marketing and is good at analyzing and drawing on various
experiences. He is very familiar with online marketing and has unique
insight into and experience of social media marketing in particular.
With 10+ years of experience in system and product software
development, Vinkine was a senior engineer at Google. He has rich
experience in blockchain technologies and Ethereum smart contracts, and
has provided consulting for blockchain-based projects for years.
Once working at Facebook and with over 10 years of experience, Caro is an
expert in operations of various large websites and industry-specific
promotion. Based on the main products of the company, he connects with
the system provider in terms of the overall planning of the platform and
building of the mall system.
An early market explorer of the blockchain industry with 10+ years of
experience in Internet marketing and promotion, Abby once worked at
Facebook when he led his team to set several records in marketing.
This disclaimer does not involve bidding for securities offering or
operational risks related to Libra Dragon, nor does it involve any regulated
products in any jurisdiction. This is a conceptual document [white paper] of
the project, and is not to sell or call for bids for Libra Dragon products or the
shares, securities or other regulated products of its related companies. This
document is not a prospectus or a standard contract document in any other
form, nor does it constitute a solicitation of or investment proposal for
securities or other regulated products in any jurisdiction.
This document does not constitute any sales of or subscription to nor any
invitation for sales of or subscription to any securities, nor any contact,
contract or commitment formed on that basis. This whitepaper has not
been reviewed by the judicial or regulatory body in any country or region. It
is not any advice on investment: no information or analysis presented in this
document constitutes any advice on decision to participate in any
investment in tokens, or provides any specific recommendation with a
preference. You need to seek any necessary professional advice on tax or
accounting (for example) to deal with the related matters.
It is not any representation or warranty: while this document gives an
account of Libra Dragon games and the LDT we launched, Game
Ecosystem Foundation Ltd. makes it clear that:

8.1 It makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy or

completeness of any contents set forth in this document or the project-
related contents released otherwise;

8.2 It makes no representation or warranty as to the outcome or rationality

of any forward-looking or conceptual statement without preconditions;

8.3 No content in this document shall constitute any basis for any future
commitment or representation;

8.4 It shall not be responsible for any loss resulting from the related staff of
the whitepaper or other factors.

8.5 Its legal liability is limited to the extent that it cannot be exempted from
under the applicable laws.
The project is not open for anyone: Libra Dragon games are not open for
anyone, and the participant may be required to complete a series of steps,
which may include provision of the information or document to prove his/
her identity. The unauthorized companies have no nothing to do with the
project: except for Game Ecosystem Foundation Ltd. and Libra Dragon, the
use of the names and trademarks of any other company or organization
does not mean any relation with or recognition of the same, which is only to
provide information on related contents. Notes on LDTs: LDTs are the
cryptographic tokens for Libra Dragon games.
LDTs are not a virtual currency: before this document is completed, LDTs
cannot be exchanged for goods or services in the exchange, nor be used
outside the Libra Dragon games.
LDTs are not an investment product: there is no assurance from anyone or
any basis to believe that the LDTs you hold will certainly appreciate; there is
the risk that they will even depreciate.
LDTs are not an evidence of ownership or control: holding the LDTs does
not grant the holder any ownership or equity of Game Ecosystem
Foundation Ltd. and Libra Dragon games, nor does it grant the holder the
rights to directly control or make decisions for Game Ecosystem
Foundation Ltd. and Libra Dragon games.
LDT-related risk warning

Risks arising from improper personal behaviors of the users

1 Risks from loss of the private key: Before the LDTs are allocated to the
participant, he/she will get a public key account linked to the LDTs, which
can be accessed with a private key randomly allocated to the participant.
Loss of the private key may result in loss of LDTs linked to the public key
account. We suggest that the participant take much practice on the
operation to backup the private key securely in several local devices, ideally
in a non-network environment
2) Risks from leakage of the private key to third parties: any third party
individual or organization may dispose of the LDTs in the account after
obtaining the private key of the participant’s public key account. We
suggest that the participant protect the related device properly to prevent
unauthorized login and reduce the risks.
3) Risks from participation in voting: during the voting of the LDT holder,
the vicious or irresponsible act of voting is very likely to result in loss of the
Network security-related risks during the use of Libra Dragon:

1) Related risks from the network protocol of Ethereum: in its early stage,
Game Ecosystem Foundation Ltd. will issue ERC20 tokens developed
based on the Ethereum protocol, any failure or unknown function of which
may result in unknown undesirable outcome at Libra Dragon. Ethereum and
the local unit accounts based on the Ethereum protocol, just like the Libra
Dragon, may lose all of the value. For more information on Ethereum,
please visit
2) Risks from illegal invasion by vicious third parties: Vicious third parties
such as hackers and other teams or organizations may attempt to intervene
the development of Libra Dragon in ways including but not limited to
DDOS, Sybil, spoofing, smurfing or attacks based on the consensus
3) Risks from the security holes in the infrastructure software of Libra
Dragon: This network system is an open source system, and Dragon
Foundation Ltd. or third party organizations may intentionally or
unintentionally introduce bugs to the core system of the network, leading to
risks and losses in using Libra Dragon.
4) Major technical breakthroughs in cryptology may lead to the risk that
hidden vulnerabilities are mined and exploited. Cryptologic technologies
are an essential part of the blockchain technologies. Advances in
cryptology and development of other high-tech might bring risks of theft or
loss for Libra Dragon and LDTs.
5) Risks from failure of Libra Dragon: As a high-tech system, Libra Dragon
may experience unacceptable or unexpected network failures, which may
lead to the risk of the disappearance of Libra Dragon or other risks resulting
in fluctuation of the market.
6) Risk of being attacked due to the high value of LDTs: Compared with
many decentralized cryptologic tokens, Libra Dragon’s LDTs generated
based on blockchain technologies face possible attacks, including but not
limited to double attack and large mining pool attack. New unknown mining
attacks may appear that bring huge risks to the operation of Libra Dragon.

Risks from uncertainty of the market:

1) Risks from the small number of LDT users: the value of LDTs will emerge
over time. If LDTs are not used by more businesses, individuals and
organizations, the insufficient public attention may result in a small number
of users, which may restrict or reduce their uses and value.
2) Risks from lack of liquidity in the exchange: LDTs are not traded in the
exchange now. If the trading is opened in the exchange, compared with
those in the established exchange, the problems of the new trading in the
new exchange may lead to lower value and liquidity of LDTs.
3) The risk that the loss of the participants cannot be insured: the public
key accounts of Libra Dragon tokens are different from bank accounts,
accounts at other financial institutions or accounts of other social services,
and Game Ecosystem Foundation Ltd. usually does not buy insurance for
the network system. When LDTs or their value are lost, no insurer will
provide compensation for the holders of LDTs.
4) The risk of dissolution of the Libra Dragon project: there are multiple
factors (such as sharp decrease of the value of the bitcoins and Ethereum,
failure in business operation or intellectual property claims) that may make
the Libra Dragon project unable to continue its operation so that the
product cannot be successfully released or the team is dissolved.

5) Risks from regulatory policies of the judicial or administrative organs in

related countries and regions: while blockchain technologies are supported
and recognized worldwide, they are under careful examination of various
regulators. Some regulatory policies may have effects on the functions of
Libra Dragon and LDTs, including but not limited to restrictions on uses or
holding of LDTs, which may impede or restrain the development of LDTs.
6) Other unknown risks: blockchain technologies and the
corresponding token technologies are relatively new and have not
been fully validated. More unpredictable risks may emerge in
more new forms. This document may be revised or replaced from
time to time. However, we are not liable to update this version of
whitepaper or provide the readers with channels for further

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