Case Concerning Delimitation of Maritime Areas Between Canada

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Case Concerning Delimitation of Maritime Areas between Canada & France, St.


Facts: During the 1980s, a dispute developed between Canada and France over the
precise definition of the maritime boundary between their respective territories in the
region. This dispute was generated in part by overlapping claims to the sea bottom and
the mineral resources, such as oil, thought to found on or under the sea-floor.
Beginning in 1966, both countries began issuing permits to explore for oil and gas on
and around the St. Pierre Bank. In 1967 France and Canada agreed to a moratorium on
exploration until ownership of the resources was resolved, but continuing arguments
were generated by Canadian and French efforts to claim ever-expanding exclusive
fishing zones. Canada declared a 12 nautical mile (n mi) territorial limit late in 1970, and
France followed suit in 1971.

Saint Pierre & Miquelon are two French islands close to the Canadian coast. The trigger
of this case is the issuing by the two parties of hydrocarbon exploration permits in the
area, with both contending that the other did not have the right to do so. Its territorial
maritime boundary with Canada was first delimited by virtue of a 1972 treaty signed by
both Canada and France. Towards the 20th century, each country began to extend their
claimed territorial limit, first to 12 nautical miles, then to 200 nautical miles; to the end
that the parties’ claims began to overlap. Also, the maritime boundaries beyond the
territorial sea – the extent of the EEZ (which is determinative of the Parties’ exclusive
right to fish) – remained in dispute.

Consequently, in 1972 an agreement was reached between the two countries to settle
these claims and to restructure their treaty arrangements over fishing. The agreement
not only defined the boundary between the French islands and the Newfoundland coast
but also made a distinction between the access rights of the metropolitan French fishing
fleet and those of the fishermen of St. Pierre and Miquelon. However, in 1977 Canada
claimed a 200 n mi Exclusive Fishing Zone (EFZ), while France declared a 200 n mi
Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), the difference in the two being that the EEZ also
encompassed the mineral resources issue. Although Canada's position was that St.
Pierre and Miquelon should only be entitled to a 12 n mi offshore zone, the 1972
agreement was automatically extended to cover French access to the much-expanded
Canadian jurisdictional zone, subject to certain conditions, until a maritime boundary
agreement could be reached.
The principal overlap was in the area south of the French islands, extending to the St.
Pierre Bank, rich in fish and with a potential as well for oil. Then, in the 1980s, the
French catch began to increase despite Canadian efforts to assign smaller quotas to
France in the face of dwindling stocks. After much friction and wrangling between the
two countries, which included seizures of fishing vessels, recalled ambassadors, and
violations of existing agreements, Canada and France reached agreement in 1988 to
adjudicate the boundary. The quarter-century dispute was resolved in 1992 by an
international court of arbitration. According to the board's decision, France received an
economic zone within a 24-mile limit off St. Pierre and Miquelon, as well as a 10-.5 mile-
wide corridor running south 200 miles towards international waters. The resulting
economic zone, measuring only 3,607 square nautical miles, was much smaller than
France had claimed, and providing accordingly access to much less fish. According to
the arbitration decision, France would have to negotiate with Canada for access to fish
outside its zone.
These were years of severe crisis in the Newfoundland fisheries, caused by over-
exploitation of fish stocks by both Canadian and foreign fishermen, and the arbitration
decision precipitated a short period of considerable tension between fishermen from
Canada and those of St. Pierre and Miquelon. In 1994, however, Canada and France
reached a new agreement regulating the fisheries which has established a
satisfactory modus vivendi.
ISSUE: What method should be used in delimiting the boundaries that is in dispute
between Canada and France regarding St.Pierre and Miquelon?
RULING: According to the court, the question on which method of delimitation shall be
applied is determined primarily by the geographical circumstances – but rules on
international law as well as equitable principles must also be taken in consideration in
order to add relevance and weight to the geographical circumstances. The Court, with
this issue, found that it is the adjacency relationship which is to prevail based on two
factors: the geographical feature of the
coast in dispute and historical evidence. St. Pierre and Miquelon are laterally aligned
with the south coast of Newfoundland (in favour of Canada). Also, historically, as proven
by the 1713 Treaty of Utrecht, St. Pierre and Miquelon are described as adjacent
islands of Newfoundland. France was awarded with a zone which is divided in two
parts: the first sector has a boundary set by an equidistant line between the French and
Canadian islands, then an additional 24 nautical mile drawn from the west of the
islands. The second sector is a long north-south 188- nautical mile corridor south of the
islands, which allows France to access its EEZ from international waters without
passing through Canadian EEZ.

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