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Occupational lenses help to find a direction with Monthly Pay: the income you get once a month if you
creating a character for GURPS, making the process of pass the job roll.
finding the correct advantages, disadvantages and skills
Wealth Level: the base wealth level your job can
faster and easier. Each occupational package comes
with details that make the job fully playable however,
still leaving a lot of space to customization. Each Advantages: a choice of advantages for your
occupation has an additional lens, you need to have the occupation.
main lens to be able to use the sub lens. In both cases, Disadvantages: a choice of disadvantages tied to your
you need to fit the prerequisites which are attributes occupation.
for the main lens and a skill (or a specific requirement
like gender or race) for the sub lens. Advantage and Primary Skills: the skills that represent your occupation
disadvantage point limits should be adhered to when most, usually tied to the Job Roll as well.
choosing an occupation. The following details are Secondary Skills: skills that are important for your
highlighted with each lens: occupation.
Points Value: it is 25 points for all lenses, to learn the Background Skills: skills that give finishing touches to
sub lens you need to pay first for the main occupation. your occupation.
Prerequisites: either attributes or specific skills that
have to be met to be able to take the lens. Extra Skills: Sub lens skills that add some specific
Job Roll: roll once a month to see if your job manages
to give you the income you are set for.

Primary Skills: [12]
Alchemy (VH) IQ [8];
Points Value: [25] Naturalist (H) IQ-1 [2] and
A specialist in magically Herb Lore (VH) IQ-2 [2]
effective preparations such as
potions and powders, Secondary Skills: [6]
whether made from rare Merchant, Occultism, and
imported ingredients or from Research, all (A) IQ-1 [1];
herbs gleaned in nearby Administration, Politics, or
fields. The biggest market for Streetwise, all (A) IQ-1 [1]
your products is in the city, so
that’s where you have your Background Skills: [7]
shop. As a byproduct of your pick for 7 points:
magical skills, you also know a Chemistry (H) IQ-2 [1];
fair bit about non-magical Hazardous Materials
chemistry and physiology. (Magical) (A) IQ-1 [1];
Prerequisites: IQ 12+; DX 11+ Pharmacy (Herbal) (H) IQ-2
Job Roll: Alchemy skill. On [1]. Professional Skill
critical failure, suffer 2d injury (Glassblowing) (A) DX-1 [1];
and equipment loss for Gardening (E) IQ [1];
1dx$1,000. Explosives (Fireworks),
Monthly Pay: $2,500. Prospecting, Smith (Any), or
Wealth Level: Wealthy. Teaching, all (A) IQ-1 [1];
Supports Status 2. Artist (Pottery), Astronomy,
Cryptography, Expert Skill
Advantages: [25] (Natural Philosophy), Jewelry,
25 points chosen from Metallurgy, Physiology, or
among: Poisons, all (H) IQ-2 [1]; Weird
Acute Taste and Smell Science (VH) IQ-3 [1];
[2/level], Ally (Co-worker or apprentice) [Varies], Claim Scrounging (E) Per [1]; Survival (Any land environment)
to Hospitality (Other guild members) [2], Clerical (A) Per-1 [1]; or Esoteric Medicine (H) Per-2 [1].
Investment [5], Contacts (Scholarly or Street) [Varies],
Gadgeteer [25], Gizmos [5/gizmo], Green Thumb Crystalist (Alchemist lens)
[5/level], Higher Purpose (Any medical or spiritual goal) Points Value: [25]
[5], Longevity [2], The Crystalist imbues his alchemical products with
Reputation (Scholar or Wonder worker) [Varies], crystal powder to enhance their potency and to create
Resistant to Poison or a single type of poison (+3) or new and more powerful recipes. This special approach
(+8) [Varies] or Immunity to Poison [15], Single-Minded was explored by the Order of Creators and is the only
[5], Versatile [5], or Wealth (Comfortable) [10] or guild teaching how to add crystal powder into various
(Wealthy) [20]. alchemical mixtures.

Disadvantages: [-25] Prerequisite: Alchemy 13+

-25 points chosen from among:
Absent-Mindedness [-15], Code of Honor (Professional) Advantages: [15]
[-5], Combat Paralysis [-15], Curious [-5], Distinctive Magery 0 (Grey) [5];
Feature (Burn scar) [-1], Enemies (Rival alchemist) Rank 2: Mage Guild - Order of Creators - Acolyte [10]
[Varies], Greed [-15], Jealousy [-10], Miserliness [-10],
Missing Digit [-2 or -5], No Sense of Humor [-10], Extra Skills: [10]
Obsession [-5 or -10], Overconfidence [-5], Pacifism Expert - Crystaltech (H) IQ [4];
(Reluctant Killer) [-5], Reputation (Fraud) [Varies], Social pick for 6 points:
Stigma (Second-Class Citizen) [-5], Wealth (Struggling) [- Area Knowledge (E) IQ+1 [2]; Guns (any) (E) DX+1 [2];
10], or Workaholic [-5]. Broadsword, Saber, Shortsword, or Whip, all (A) DX [2].

Archer Windwalker (Archer lens)
Points Value: [25] Points Value: [25]
Archers serve in the army as light infantry, specialized in Windwalkers are the bow specialist in the Wardenkeep
bows and crossbows. They can be found as part of the Corps. Their signature magical skill is walking on air
city guard or in smaller mercenary units. The archer is while finding the best spot to snipe the enemy with
usually an auxiliary fighter, keeping the enemy at bay, their incredible archery skills. Many of the Windwalkers
pinning them down with accurate shots and using his end up as caravan guards running the Bay road along
skills to disrupt the movement of the opposition. This the three capital cities.
group also includes other missile weapon specialist as
the sling shooter and the spear thrower. Prerequisite: Bow 13+
Prerequisites: HT 11+; DX 12+
Job Roll: Weapon skill. On critical failure, in peacetime, Advantages: [15]
lose job; in wartime, suffer 3d injury. Magery 0 (Air) [5]
Monthly Pay: $400. Rank 2: Military - Wardenkeep Corps - Specialist [10]
Wealth Level: Struggling. Supports Status 1.
Extra Skills: [10]
Advantages: [19] Zen Archery (VH) IQ-2 [2], Spell (Air): Walk on Air [2]
Acute Vision 2 [4]; Fit [5]; Striking Strength 2 [10]. Pick for 6 points:
Acrobatics (H) DX [4]; Running (A) HT+1 [4]; Light Walk
Disadvantages: [-20] (H) DX [4]; Free Fall (A) DX [2]; Camouflage (E) IQ+1 [2];
-20 points chosen from among: First Aid (E) IQ+1 [2], Jumping (E) DX+1 [2]
Bloodlust [-10]; Chummy [-5/-10]; Code of Honor
(Soldier’s) [-10]; Duty [-2 to -15]; Overconfidence [-5];
Sense of Duty (Comrades) [-5]; Stubbornness [-5];
Wealth (Struggling) [-10].

Primary Skills: [12]

One 12-point package chosen from the following:
Bow (A) DX+2 [8] and Fast-Draw (Arrow) (E) DX+2
[4]; Crossbow (E) DX+2 [4] and Fast-Draw (Bolt) (E)
DX+3 [8]; Sling (H) DX+2 [12]; or Thrown Weapon
(Spear) (E) DX+4 [12].

Secondary Skills: [10]

Hiking (A) HT+1 [4]; Soldier (A) IQ [2].
One of: Camouflage (E) IQ+1 [2] or Stealth (A) DX [2].
One of: Knife (E) DX+1 [2] or Shortsword (A) DX [2]
or Smallsword (A) DX [2]; and Shield (E) DX+1 [2].

Background Skills: [4]

Survival (any) (A) Per [2]
One of: Brawling (E) DX+1 [2]; First Aid or Savoir
Faire (Military), both (E) IQ+1 [2]; Armoury (Missile
Weapons or Small Arms) or Leadership (A) IQ [2]; or
Observation or Tracking, both (A) Per+2 [2].

Points Value: [25]
Artificers are the technology specialists, educated in the
ways of science and engineering combining their
knowledge with crystal energy.
Prerequisites: IQ 13+
Job Roll: Prerequisite skill. On critical failure, gain -1
Reputation for low-quality work.
Monthly Pay: $3,500.
Wealth Level: Wealthy. Supports Status 2.

Advantages: [20]
20 points chosen from among Artificer [10/level];
Flexibility [5 or 15]; High Manual Dexterity [5/level];
Master Builder [5/level]; Military Rank [5/level];
Versatile [5]; or Wealth (Comfortable) [10].

Disadvantages: [-20]
-20 points chosen from among Bad Temper [-10];
Combat Paralysis [-15]; Curious [-5]; Hard of Hearing [-
10]; Lame (Crippled Legs) [-10]; Loner [-5]; Missing Digit
[-2/-5]; or Workaholic [-5].

Primary Skills: [16]

Pick one of the following packages:
Artillery: Armoury (Heavy Weapons) (A) IQ+1 [4]; Mechanist (Artificer lens)
Artillery (Cannon) (A) IQ [2]; Engineer (Artillery) (H) IQ+1 Points Value: [25]
[8]; Gunner (Cannon) (E) DX+1 [2]. As a guild member of the Technocratic league, the
Chemistry: Chemistry (H) IQ+1 [8]; Explosives Mechanist is well versed in combining the technomantic
(Fireworks) (A) IQ+1 [4]; Poisons (H) IQ-1 [2]; powers with mechanical skills. They create engines and
Professional Skill: Glassblowing (A) IQ [2]. contraptions powered by crystal energy, their
Heavy Equipment: Carpentry (E) IQ+2 [4]; Engineer knowledge makes them famous gunsmiths.
(Civil) (H) IQ+1 [8]; Mechanic (Muscle Engines) (A) IQ+1
[4]. Prerequisite: Armoury (any) 14+
Mechanisms: Engineer (Crystaltech) (H) IQ+1 [8];
Mechanic (Clockwork) (A) IQ [4]; Lockpicking (A) IQ-1 Advantages: [15]
[2]; Traps (A) IQ-1 [2]. Rank 2: Guild - Technocratic League - Acolyte [10]
Magery 0 (Technological) [5]
Secondary Skills: [4]
Art (Drawing or Sculpting) (H) IQ-1 [2]; Current Affairs Extra Skills: [10]:
(Science and Technology) (E) IQ [1]. Armoury (Small Arms) (A) IQ [2]
One of: Administration or Leadership (A) IQ-1 [1] pick for 8 points:
Cartography (A) IQ [2]; First Aid (E) IQ+1 [2]; Area
Background Skills: [5] Knowledge (E) IQ+1 [2]; Guns (any) (E) DX+1 [2]; Expert -
One of: Astronomy, Expert Skill (Natural Philosophy), Crystaltech (H) IQ [4]; Explosives (Demolition) (A) IQ [2];
or Mathematics, all (H) IQ-1 [2]. Machinist (A) IQ [2]; Metallurgy (H) IQ [4]
Three of: Brawling or Knot-Tying, both (E) DX [1];
Gesture (E) IQ [1]; Scrounging (E) Per [1]; Carousing (E)
HT [1]; or Freight Handling (A) IQ-1 [1].

Secondary Skills: [18]
Acting (A) IQ+1 [4].
Points Value: [25] One of: Savoir-Faire (High Society or Servant) (E) IQ+2
In urban legends, assassins are specialists who do highly [4] or Streetwise (A) IQ+1 [4].
skilled jobs of removing people and get paid for it – One of: Armoury or Traps, both (A) IQ+2 [8], or
enough to let them turn down jobs that don’t suit them. Poisons (H) IQ+1 [8].
Be it a knife, poison, traps or a One of: Guns (E) DX+1 [2] or
gun, they always make sure to Cloak or Main-Gauche, both (A)
complete their assignment. DX [2].
However, they can’t spend their
wealth openly without making Background Skills: [2]
themselves conspicuous. One of: Scrounging (E) Per+1
Prerequisites: DX 12+; IQ 10+ [2]; Climbing (A) DX [2];
Job Roll: Worse professional Architecture or Disguise, both (A)
skill. On critical failure, wanted IQ [2]; Observation (A) Per [2]; or
by legal Cryptography, Forgery, Hidden
authorities; must flee or be Lore (Conspiracies), or
arrested and interrogated. Intelligence Analysis, all (H) IQ-1
Monthly Pay: $2,500. Adjusted [2].
for margin of success or failure.
Wealth Level: Wealthy.
Supports Status 1 White Mask (Assassin lens)
Points Value: [25]
Advantages: [30] The White Mask is a highly skilled
Single-Minded [5]; Wealth killer who is part of the Senshan
(Comfortable) [10]; criminal organization,
and 15 points chosen from Mohumono. They are famous as
among: faceless ghosts that never leave a
Absolute Direction [5] or 3D witness to their passing, their
Spatial Sense [10], Claim to white masks and flying shuriken
Hospitality (Assassins’ Guild) [5], their trademark. A White Mask
Contact or Contact Group (Go- can’t be paid to kill, they chose
Betweens) [Varies], Fit [5] or their mark based on honor it
Very Fit [15]; Night Vision brings them and to their Kamon
[1/level], Smooth Operator 1 [15], or Striking ST (family).
Prerequisite: Thrown Weapon (Knife or Shuriken) 13+
Disadvantages: [-45]
One of: Callous [-5] or Code of Honor (Professional) [- Advantages: [15]
5]; Magery 0 (Movement) [5]
Secret (Possible Death) [-30]; Rank 2: Mohumono - Blade [10]
and -10 points chosen from among:
Loner [-5]; Overconfidence [-5]; or Trademark [-5 or - Extra Skills: [10]
10]. Pick for 10 points: Acrobatics (H) DX [4]; Blind Fighting
(VH) Per-1 [4]; Karate (H) DX [4]; Escape (H) DX [4];
Primary Skills: [20] Explosives - Fireworks (A) IQ+1 [4]; Running (A) HT+1
Holdout (A) IQ+2 [8]. [4]; Interrogation (A) IQ+1 [4]; Light Walk (H) DX [4];
One of: Shadowing (A) IQ+2 [8], Stealth (A) DX+2 [8]. Lockpicking (A) IQ+1 [4]; Parry Missile Weapons (H) DX
One of: Crossbow, Garrote, Knife, or Thrown Weapon [4]; Pressure Points (H) IQ [4]; Camouflage (E) IQ+1 [2];
(Knife or Shuriken), all (E) DX+2 [4]; Rapier or Fast Draw - Shuriken or Knife (E) DX+1 [2]; Gesture (E)
Smallsword (A) DX+1 [4]; or Blowpipe or Sleight of IQ+1 [2]; First Aid (E) IQ+1 [2], Jumping (E) DX+1 [2];
Hand, both (H) DX [4]. Meditation (H) Will-1 [2]; Shadowing(A) IQ [2]

Bow (A) DX+2 [8] and Knife (E) DX+2 [4];
Thrown Weapon (any) (E) DX+3 [8] and Axe/Mace (A)
Points Value: [25] DX+1 [4];
The Barbarian is the wild warrior home at hidden Thrown Weapon (Spear) (E) DX+2 [4] and Spear (A)
locations in the roughest places of nature. Hostile DX+2 [8];
deserts, endless plains, rocky highlands and deep Two-Handed Sword/Axe/Mace (A) DX+3 [12].
forests are the preferred environment of their tribes or
clans. Their survival skills are matching their prowess Secondary Skills: [12]
with weapons of all types, Pick one of the following packages:
learning the art of war since Desert: Navigation (Land) (A) IQ+2
childhood. [8]; Riding (A) DX [2]; Stealth (A) DX
Prerequisites: ST 12+; HT 12+ Plains: Navigation (Land) (A) IQ+1
Job Roll: none [4]; Stealth (A) DX [2]; Tracking (A) Per
Monthly Pay: none [2]; and one of Riding (A) DX+1 [4] or
Wealth Level: Struggling. Running (A) HT+1 [4]
Supports Status 1. Seafaring: Meteorology (A) IQ+1
[4]; Navigation (Sea) (A) IQ+1 [4];
Advantages: [25] Seamanship (E) IQ+1 [2]; Swimming
Fit [5]; Hard to Kill 2 [4]; (E) HT+1 [2].
Temperature Tolerance 1 Woodland: Navigation (Land) (A) IQ
(specify Hot or Cold) [1]; [2]; Camouflage (E) IQ+1 [2]; Climbing
and 15 points chosen from (A) DX [2]; Stealth (A) DX [2]; Tracking
among: (A) Per [2]; Traps (A) IQ [2].
Absolute Direction [5], Animal
Empathy [5], Animal Friend Background Skills: [3]
[5/level], Combat Reflexes Brawling (E) DX [1]
[15], Fearlessness [2/level], Two of: Carousing (E) HT [1],
High Pain Threshold [10], Intimidation (A) Will-1 [1]; Sex Appeal
Mariner 1 [10], Outdoorsman (A) HT-1 [1]; First Aid (E) IQ [1]; Animal
1 [10], or improving Fit [5] to Handling (A) IQ-1 [1].
Very Fit [15].
Gaer Highlander (Barbarian lens)
Disadvantages: [-35] Points Value: [25]
Code of Honor (Pirate’s) [-5]; Low TL -1 [-5]; Social The highlands of Gaer are the home to many smaller
Stigma (Uneducated) [-5]; tribes of hunters and warriors. This warrior culture
and -20 points chosen from among: breeds strong people with great skills in survival and
Alcoholism [-15]; Bad Temper [-10]; Berserk [-10]; fearsome powers in battle.
Bloodlust [-10]; Bully [-10]; Compulsive Behavior
(Carousing) [-5]; Greed [-15]; Impulsiveness [-10]; Prerequisite: Woodland package (Secondary Skills),
Innumerate [-5]; Intolerance (Civilized People) [-5]; Climbing 13+
Language (Native Tongue): Spoken (native) /Written
(None) [-3]; Lecherousness [-15]; Mundane Background Advantages: [15]
[-10]; No Sense of Humor [-10]; Overconfidence [-5]; Magery 0 (Earth or Food) [5]
Sense of Duty (Clan or Tribe) [-5]; Stubbornness [-5]; or Rank 2: Gaer Fist - Warrior [10]
additional levels of Low TL [-5/level].
Extra Skills: [10]
Primary Skills: [20] Pick for 10 points: Hiking (A) HT+1 [4]; Running (A) HT+1
Survival (any) (A) Per+2 [8]. [4]; Geology (H) IQ [4]; First Aid (E) IQ+1 [2]; Carousing
one of the following 12-point packages: (E) HT+1 [2]; Cooking (E) IQ+1 [2]; Gardening (E) IQ+1
Axe/Mace, Broadsword, or Spear, all (A) DX+2 [8], [2]; or Gesture (E) IQ+1 [2]; Intimidation (A) Will [2];
and Shield (E) DX+2 [4]; Herb Lore (VH) IQ-2 [2]

Bard Background Skills: [3]
Points Value: [25]
Many bards live on the One of: Savoir Faire (High
road, singing and carrying Society) (E) IQ [1], Carousing (E)
news. They may perform at HT [1], or Public Speaking (A) IQ
taverns or in royal courts, [1.
depending on their skill. In Two of: Area Knowledge,
typical fantasy cultures, Current Affairs, or Games
they have a measure of (Riddles), all (E) IQ [1];
prestige, but little real Connoisseur (Literature, Music,
power. or Wine), Heraldry, or
Prerequisites: IQ 11+, DX Propaganda, all (A) IQ-1 [1];
11+ Observation (A) Per-1 [1]; Sex
Job Roll: Best musical skill. Appeal (A) HT-1 [1]; or
Monthly Pay: $1,200. Diplomacy or Religious Ritual,
Adjusted for margin of both (H) IQ [1].
success or failure.
Wealth Level: Laican minstrel
Comfortable. Supports
Status 1.
(Bard lens)
Points Value: [25]
The Laican society is built on
Advantages: [30]
music and arts, many bards
Charisma 1 [5]; Musical
coming from there are gaining
Ability 2 [10] or Voice [10];
prestige over Cheiva. With the
and 15 points chosen from
additional use of Sound spells
they push their mastery to new
Appearance (Attractive) [4]
levels and are often regarded as a must at any
or (Handsome) [12]; Bard [5/level]; Channeling (the
gatherings of nobility.
Muses or other gods of poetry) [10]; Cultural
Prerequisite: Singing 14+
Adaptability [10]; Eidetic Memory [5] or Photographic
Memory [10]; Language Talent [10]; Legal Immunity
Advantages: [15]
(Bardic Immunity) [10]; Status 1 [5]; or additional levels
Magery 0 (Sound) [5]
of Charisma [5/level].
Rank 2: Sirennai - Operator [10]
Disadvantages: [-20]
Extra Skills: [10]
-20 points chosen from among:
One of: Stealth (A) DX [2]; Disguise (A) IQ [2];
Alcoholism [-15]; Bully [-10]; Chummy [-5/-10];
Observation (A) Per [2]
Compulsive Behavior (Carousing) [-5]; Impulsiveness [-
One of: Guns (E) DX+2 [4] or Bow (A) DX+1 [4] or
10]; Jealousy [-10]; Lecherousness [-15]; or Post Combat
Crossbow (E) DX+2 [4]
Shakes [-5].
One of: Traps (A) IQ [2] or Poisons (H) IQ-1 [2] or
Primary Skills: [8]
Cryptography, Forgery, Hidden Lore (Conspiracies), or
Literature (H) IQ [4]; Poetry (A) IQ [2]; Singing (E) HT+3
Intelligence Analysis, all (H) IQ-1 [2]
One of: Savoir-Faire (Criminals) (E) IQ+1 [2] or
Streetwise (A) IQ [2]
Secondary Skills: [4]
Musical Instrument (H) IQ-1 [2].
One of: Hidden Lore (any) (A) IQ [2], Expert Skill
(Bardic Lore) (H) IQ-1 [2].

Battle Mage Secondary Skills: [7]
Navigation (any) (A) IQ-1 [1].
Points Value: [25]
An army’s traveling spellcaster is a well-paid magical One of: Hiking (A) HT+1 [2] or Riding (A) DX+1 [2].
specialist, but not usually in the chain of command. A One of: Innate Attack (Beam or Projectile) (E) DX+2
Battle Mage has one or [4] or Broadsword,
two attack spells but they Shortsword, or Staff, all (A)
are also great at conjuring DX+1 [4].
elementals or using spells
to bolster the power of Background Skills: [7]
their army. Games (Magical Challenges)
Prerequisites: IQ 12+. (E) IQ [1]; Savoir Faire
Job Roll: Best spell. On (Military) IQ [1].
critical failure, suffers 2d One of: Administration or
of injury. Leadership, both (A) IQ-1 [1];
Monthly Pay: $1,350. or Engineer (Military) or
Wealth Level: Tactics, both (H) IQ-2 [1].
Comfortable. Supports One of: Astronomy
Status 1. (Observational), Hidden Lore
(any), Occultism, or
Advantages: [40] Research, all (A) IQ [2];
Magery 1 [15]; Military Cryptography, Mathematics
Rank 2 [10]; Status 1 [0]; (any),
15 points chosen from: One of: Military Science,
Absolute Direction [5]; 3D Naturalist, or Theology (any),
Spatial Sense [10]; Ally all (H) IQ-1 [2]; Dreaming (H)
(Bodyguard) [Varies]; Will-1 [2];
Charisma [5/level];
Combat Reflexes [15]; Spells: at least 1 Jet spell
Eidetic Memory [5];
Photographic Memory Pyromant
[10]; Fit [5] Very Fit [15];
(Battle Mage lens)
Points Value: [25]
(Accented/Native) [5];
The Pyromants are mages
Single-Minded [5];
specialized in fire spells,
Versatile [5], Wealth (Comfortable) [10]; +1 to Will [5];
burning their enemies to cinder and creating chaos on
or additional Military Rank [5/level].
the battlefield with their powers. Their personality is as
their spells, volatile and unshackled.
Disadvantages: [-30]
Prerequisite: Flame Jet 14+, Member of the Flame
Duty (12 or less) [-10];
and -20 points chosen from among:
Bad Temper [-10], Bloodlust [-10], Callous [-5], Code of
Advantages: [15]
Honor (Soldier’s) [-10], Fanaticism [-15], Greed [-15],
Magery +1 (Red) [10]
Impulsiveness [-10], Overconfidence [-5], Post-Combat
exchange Military Rank 2 for Rank 3: Mage Guild -
Shakes [-5], Pyromania [-5], Selfish [-5], Sense of Duty [-
Flame Eternal - Magus [5]
2 to -10], or Workaholic [-5].
Extra Skills: [10]
Primary Skills: [1]
Pick for 10 points: Explosives - Demolition (A) IQ [2];
Thaumatology (VH) IQ [1]
Traps (A) IQ [2]; Meditation (H) Will-1 [2]; Karate (H) DX
[4]; Interrogation (A) IQ+1 [4]; Alchemy (VH) IQ-1 [4]

Secondary Skills: [10]
Survival (any) (A) Per [2] and Stealth (A) DX [2]; Brawling
Points Value: [25] (E) DX+1 [2] and Wrestling (A) DX [2].
The Beastmaster is not really a mage but they have a One of: Axe/Mace, Broadsword, Spear, or Staff, all (A)
talent for dealing with beasts and using minor tricks. DX [2]; Thrown Weapon (Spear or Stick) (E) DX+1 [2];
They can often convince them not to attack, and Bolas, Spear Thrower, or Throwing, all (A) DX [2]; or
depending on their inclinations, might be able to speak Blowpipe, Net, or Sling, all (H) DX-1 [2]
with them (verbally or mentally), command them,
conjure them, cast spells on them, or even transform Background Skills: [9]
into them. Pick 9 of: Jumping or Knife, both (E) DX [1]; Riding (A)
Prerequisites: IQ 11+, DX 11+ DX+2 [1]; Climbing (A) DX-1 [1]; Camouflage, First Aid,
Job Roll: Animal Handling, or Gesture, all (E)
On critical failure, suffers IQ[1]; Animal
2d of injury. Handling (any
Monthly Pay: $750. other), Packing, or
Wealth Level: Teamster(any), all
Comfortable. Supports (A) IQ-1 [1];
Status 1. Navigation (Land) or
Weather Sense,
Advantages: [20] both (A) IQ-1 [1];
Animal Empathy [5] Mimicry (Animal
Further 15 points chosen Sounds or Bird
from among: Calls) (H) IQ-2 [1];
Absolute Direction [5], Naturalist (H) IQ-2
Acute Senses [1]; Swimming (E)
(any)[2/level], Fit [5] or HT [1]; Hiking or
Very Fit [15], Luck [15]; Running, both (A)
Night Vision 1-9 [1/level], HT-1 [1];
Outdoorsman 1-4 Intimidation (A)
[10/level], Temperature Will-1 [1];
Tolerance1 or 2 [1 or 2] Observation,
Survival(any other),
Disadvantages: [-20] or Tracking (A) Per-1 [1]
-20 points chosen from among:
Intolerance [-5], Odious Personal Habit (“Scruffy” Wild Tamer (Beastmaster lens)
“Unrefined manners,” etc.) [-5], Vow (Vegetarianism)[- Points Value: [25]
5], Vow (Never sleep indoors or Own no more than The Wild Tamer is a specialist of the Cheivan fauna,
what can be carried) [-10], or Wealth (Struggling or attuned to the nature with a deeper connection. They
Poor) [-10 or -15]; Bad Temper [-10], Bloodlust [-10], have a few magical tricks that allow them to understand
Curious [-5], Innumerate [-5], Language: Spoken and control the beasts with great skill.
(Native)/Written (Broken or None) [-2 or -3], Loner [-5], Prerequisite: Animal Handling 14+;
Low TL 1 or 2 [-5 or -10], Overconfidence [-5], Phobia
(Crowds) [-15], Phobia (Fire)[-5], or Stubbornness [-5]; Advantages: [15]
Sense of Duty (Wild Nature) [-15]. Magery 0 (Animal) [5]
Talent (Animal Friend) 2 [10]
Primary Skills: [6]
Pick for 6 points: Animal Handling (any) (A) IQ+2 [1]; Extra Skills: [10]
Disguise(Animals) (A) IQ+2 [1], and Mimicry (Animal Pick for 10 points: First Aid (E) IQ+1 [2]; Herb Lore (VH)
Sounds or Bird Calls) (H) IQ+2 [2]; Veterinary (H) IQ+2 IQ-2 [2]; Observation (A) Per [2]; Cartography (A) IQ [2];
[2] Area Knowledge (Any) (E) IQ+1 [2]; Traps/TL3, both (A)
IQ [2]; Fishing (E) Per+1 [2]; Expert - Xenology (H) IQ-1
[2]; Lasso (A) DX [2]

Warden (Bounty Hunter lens)
Bounty Hunter Points Value: [25]
Points Value: [25] The Guild of Wardens out of Wardenpeak is a group of
Job Description bounty hunters with magical skills that greatly help
For most people, if a criminal leaves town, the problem them in tracking other casters. They are the keepers of
is solved. For some, however, that’s not enough. Bounty the most dangerous mages in the prison of Warden
hunters specialize in tracking down criminals, alleged or island.
actual, and returning them for a fee. Most try to return Prerequisite: Weapon skill 14+
their quarries alive however a dangerous prey
Advantages: [15]
Prerequisites: ST 12+ DX 11+, IQ 10+ Rank 2: Guild - Wardens - Journeyman [10]
Job Roll: Tracking skill. On critical failure, injured by Magery 0 (one college) [5]
take 2d damage. Extra Skills: [10]
Monthly Pay: $800. Adjusted for margin of success or Pick for 10 points: Running (A) HT [2]; First Aid (E) IQ+1
failure. [2]; Intimidation (A) Will [2]; Observation (A) Per [2];
Wealth Level: Average. Supports Status 0. Guns (E) DX+1 [2]; Armoury (A) IQ [2]; Fast-Draw (E)
DX+1 [2]; Persuade (H) Will-1 [2]; Law (H) IQ-1 [2];
Advantages: [20] Hiking (A) HT [2]
20 points chosen from among: Acute Senses [2/level],
Combat Reflexes [15], Contacts [Varies], Cultural
Adaptability [10] or Xeno-Adaptability [20], Danger
Sense [15], Honest Face [1], Languages (Any) [Varies],
Night Vision [1/level], Patron [Varies], Sensitive [5] or
Empathy [15], or Single-Minded [5].

Disadvantages: [-15]
-15 points chosen from among: Bully [-10], Callous [-5],
Code of Honor (Stays Bought) [-5], Enemies (Former
quarry) [Varies], Greed [-15], No Sense of Humor [-10],
Obsession (A particular quarry) [-5], Stubbornness [-5],
or Vow [-5, -10, or -15].

Primary Skills: [16]

Pick for 16 points: Brawling (E) DX+1 [2]; Fast-Talk (A) IQ
[2]; Shadowing (A) IQ [2]; Tracking (A) Per [2]; either
Crossbow (E) DX+2 [4] or Bow (A) DX+1 [4] and 4 points
in any one Melee Weapon skill.

Secondary Skills: [10]

10 points chosen from among: Knot-Tying (E) DX+1 [2];
Stealth (A) DX [2]; Area Knowledge (Any) (E) IQ+1 [2];
Streetwise and Criminology/TL3, both (A) IQ [2];
Intimidation (A) Will [2]; Observation (A) Per [2]; and
Detect Lies (H) Per-1 [2]

Background Skills: [4]

4 points chosen from among: Riding (A) DX-1 [1]; Acting,
Disguise/TL3 (Own race), Holdout, Interrogation,
Research/TL3, and Traps/TL3, all (A) IQ-1 [1]; or
Diplomacy (H) IQ-2 [1].

Primary Skills: [10]
Carousing (E) HT+1 [2] Professional Skill (Courtesan) (A)
Points Value: [25] IQ+1 [4]; Sex Appeal (A) HT+2 [4].
Courtesans are one mark of aristocratic societies,
women who find marriage less advantageous than Secondary Skills: [8]
having the favor of wealthy and powerful men without Pick for 8 points: Savoir-Faire (High Society) (E) IQ+1 [2].
formal ties. They Area Knowledge, Current Affairs, or Games, all (E) IQ+1
are favored [2]; Makeup (E) IQ+1 [2];
diplomats that go Singing (E) HT+1 [2];
as intermediaries in Dancing or Erotic Art,
the affairs of both (A) DX [2];
nobility and they Connoisseur, Poetry, or
can sway the Politics, all (A) IQ [2];
outcome of any Public Speaking (A) IQ
issue with their [2]; or Diplomacy,
charms and favors. Literature, or Musical
Instrument, all (H) IQ-1
Prerequisites: HT [2].
12+, IQ 11+
Job Roll: Background Skills: [7]
Professional Skill Pick for 7 points: Knife or
(Courtesan). On Sewing, both (E) DX [1];
critical failure, falls Cooking, Gardening, or
out of favor with Gesture, all (E) IQ- [1];
her patrons; no Acting, Holdout, or
income until she Teaching, all (A) IQ [2];
establishes herself Body Language or
again with another. Observation, both (A) Per
Monthly Pay: [2]; Accounting, Artist
$1,350. Adjusted (Interior Decorating) all
for margin of (H) IQ-1 [2]
success or failure.
Wealth Level: Comfortable. Supports Status 1. Succuba (Courtesan lens)
Points Value: [25]
Advantages: [25] The Succuba are the most beautiful agents of the
Allure 1 [5]; Sirennai with a magical skill to further emphasize their
20 points chosen from among: Alcohol Tolerance [1], powers to control the minds of both men and women
Allure [5/level], Charisma [5/level], Clerical Investment Prerequisite: Appearance (Very Beautiful) – Female
(Initiate of Isis) [5], Cultural Adaptability [10], Empathy only
[15] or Sensitive [5], Fashion Sense [5], Language Talent
[10], Language [1-6], Resistant (Diseases) [3 or 5], Advantages: [15]
Versatile [5], Voice [10], Wealth (Comfortable) [10]; Rank 2: Sirennai - Operator [10]
additional Allure [5/level], Appearance (Attractive) [4], Magery 0 (Comm/Emp) [5]
(Beautiful) [12] or (Very Beautiful) [16].
Extra Skills: [10]
Disadvantages: [-25] Pick for 10 points: Persuade (H) Will-1 [2]; Interrogation
Social Stigma (Minority Group: Unchaste Women) [-10] (A) IQ [2]; Lockpicking (A) IQ [2]; Shadowing(A) IQ [2];
-15 points chosen from among: Bully [-10], Code of Poisons (H) IQ-1 [2]; Detect Lies (H) Per-1 [2]; Guns (E)
Honor Professional) [-5], Compulsive Behavior DX+1 [2]; Enthrallment (H) Will-1 [2]; Cryptography (H)
(Carousing or Spending) [-5], Jealousy [-10], IQ-1 [2]; Forgery (H) IQ-1 [2]
Lecherousness [-15], Overconfidence [-5], or Selfish [-5].

Secondary Skills: [10]
One of: Navigation
Points Value: [25] (Land) (A) IQ [2] or
Job Description Area Knowledge (E)
An outlaw who lives by IQ+1 [2].
plunder; who steals, cheats, One of:
exploits is the most know Intimidation (A)
type of a criminal. They can Will+1 [4] or
be loners, knifing in dark Leadership (A) IQ+1
alleys or a member of a band [4].
of highway marauders. A One of:
criminal’s income depends on Camouflage (E) IQ+1
his ability finding victim’s [2] or Stealth (A) DX
worth robbing; it fluctuates a [2].
great deal and with luck they One of: Brawling
manage to do better than (E) DX+1 [2]; or
just survive. Broadsword, Saber,
Prerequisites: DX 11+ Shortsword, or Whip,
Job Roll: Weapon skill. On all (A) DX [2].
critical failure, suffers 1d of
injury. Background Skills: [2]
Monthly Pay: $600. Adjusted Savoir-Faire (E) IQ [1].
for margin of success or One of: Brawling
failure. (E) DX [1]; Carousing
Wealth Level: Average. (E) HT [1]; or
Supports Status 0. Gambling (A) IQ-1 [1].

Advantages: [20]
20 points chosen from among: Allies [Varies]; Pirate (Criminal lens)
Ambidexterity [5]; Charisma [5/level]; Combat Reflexes Points Value: [25]
[15]; Contacts or Contact Group (Fences) [Varies]; The sea dogs of the Pirate Isles are famous on the seas
Daredevil [15]; Fearlessness [2/level]; or Social Regard of Cheiva, they are ruthless and cunning criminals who
(Feared) [5/level]. prey on ships of any value. They can be found in every
port, sailing under flags of faraway lands masquerading
Disadvantages: [-15] as traders while selling off their loot or searching for the
-15 points chosen from among: Code of Honor next best catch.
(Highwayman’s or Pirate’s) [-5] or (Gentleman’s) [-10]; Prerequisite: Weapon skill 13+
Compulsive Behavior (Carousing) [-5 or -10],
(Generosity) [-5], or (Spendthrift) [-5]; Enemy (Law Advantages: [10]
Enforcement) [Varies]; Impulsiveness [-10]; Rank 2: Pirates - Horned Skulls - Sea Dog [10]
Lecherousness [-15]; Overconfidence [-5]; Pacifism
(Cannot Harm Innocents) [-10]; Secret Identity [Varies]; Extra Skills: [15]:
Sense of Duty (Comrades) [-5] or (Oppressed People) [- Pick for 15 points: Cartography (A) IQ [2]; Navigation (A)
10]; Social Stigma (Disowned) [-10]; or Trademark [-5 to IQ+1 [4]; First Aid (E) IQ [1]; Area Knowledge (E) IQ [1];
-15]. Survival (A) Per [2]; Climbing (A) DX-1 [1]; Meteorology
(A) IQ [2]; Crewman - Seamanship (E) IQ+1 [2];
Primary Skills: [8] Shiphandling (H) IQ-1 [2]; Swimming (E) HT [1]; Gunner
Riding (A) DX+1 [4]. (E) DX [1]; Knot-Tying (E) DX [1]; Gesture (E) IQ+1 [2];
One of: Crossbow or Knife, both (E) DX+2 [4]; or Bow, Guns (Pistol) (E) DX+2 [4]; Thrown Weapon (E) DX+1 [2],
Broadsword, or Saber, all (A) DX+1 [4]. Artillery (Cannon) (A) IQ [2]

Enchanter Primary Skills: [4]
Thaumatology (VH) IQ+1[4]
Points Value: [25]
The enchanter specializes in creating magical objects.
When possible, an Secondary Skills: [5]
enchanter will work to Merchant (A) IQ-1 [1].
order, preparing something Four of: Animal
that has a buyer waiting. Handling, Fortune-
Lacking such a buyer, an Telling, Hidden Lore,
enchanter will usually make Research, or Teaching,
the most marketable device all (A) IQ-1[1]; Jeweler,
he knows how to create. Mathematics (Applied),
Prerequisites: IQ 13+ Religious Ritual, all (H)
Job Roll: Best spell. On IQ-2 [1]; or Alchemy or
critical failure, lose 3x base Herb Lore, both (VH) IQ-
monthly pay. 3 [1].
Monthly Pay: $1,200.
Adjusted for margin of
success or failure. Background Skills: [6]
Wealth Level: Comfortable. Pick for 6 points:
Supports Status 1. Accounting (H) IQ-2 [1];
Hazardous Materials (A)
Advantages: [45] IQ [2]; Occultism (A) IQ-1
Magery 2 (any Guild or [1]; Savoir-Faire (High
Enchantment) [25]; Society or Magical) (E) IQ
and 20 points chosen from [1]. Archaeology (H) IQ
among: Ally (Apprentice or [4], Astronomy (H) IQ [4]
Familiar) [Varies], Contact
(Business Agent) [Varies], Inkbinder
High Manual Dexterity
[5/level], Language
(Enchanter lens)
Points Value: [25]
(Accented/Native) [5],
The Inkbinder is
Lightning Calculator [2] or
specialized in
enchantments that are
Mathematician [5], Patron
tattooed into the skin of
(Wealthy Buyer) [Varies],
the user. Using the
Signature Gear (Enchanted
powdered crystals to
Items) [1/level], Tenure [5],
create colorful art they enchant with special powers.
Versatile [5], Wealth (Comfortable) [10] or (Wealthy)
Prerequisite: Spell: Amulet (Inkbinding - Magical
[20], or Wild Talent (Focused: Spells at IQ+Magery, -
Tattooing) 14+
20%) [16]. Rank 2: Mage Guild - Acolyte[10], Single
Minded [5];
Advantages: [10]
Talent - Gifted Artist - Inkbinding 2 [10]
Disadvantages: [-35]
A total of -35 points chosen from among: Absent
Extra Skills: [15]
Mindedness [-15]; Code of Honor (Professional) [-5];
Artist - Body Art (H) IQ+1 [8]; Symbol Drawing (H) IQ-1
Combat Paralysis [-15]; Curious [-5]; Greed [-15]; Loner
[2] Meditation (H) Will-1 [2]; Alchemy (VH) IQ-2 [2]; First
[-5]; Miserliness [-10]; Wealth (Struggling) [-10];
Aid (E) IQ [1]
Workaholic [-5].

Lion: Broadsword (A)
DX+1; [4]; Shield (E) DX+2
Points Value: [25] [4]; Feint (H)
Job Description Broadsword+1 [2]
As much an entertainer Shark: Net (H) DX-1 [2];
as a warrior, you earn Spear (A) DX [2]; Feint (H)
your living by risking Net+2 [3]; Sweep (H)
death in the arena. Most Spear+2 [3].
gladiators are slaves, Bear: Two-Handed Flail
which limits their options (H) DX [4]; Two-Handed
as adventurers… but free Axe/Mace (A) DX+1; [4];
men sometimes fight in Two-Handed Sword (A)
the arena, for money or DX+1; [4]; Disarming (H)
to show off their courage weapon+2 [3]; Feint (H)
and skill, and slaves may weapon+2 [3]
buy their freedom after Cat: Shortsword (A)
successful careers. DX+2 [4]; Dual-Weapon
Prerequisites: DX 11+, HT Attack (H) Shortsword -2
12+ [3]; Off-Hand Weapon
Job Roll: Performance or Training (H) Shortsword -2
weapon skill - Worse skill. [3]
On critical failure, loses a
fight and 2d injury Secondary Skills: [6]
Monthly Pay: $1,350. Games (Arena) (E) IQ+1
Adjusted for margin of [2]; Performance (A) IQ
success or failure. [2]; Tactics (H) IQ-1 [2]
Wealth Level: Comfortable. Supports Status 1
Background Skills: [9]
Advantages: [30] Pick for 9 points: Intimidation (A) Will+1 [4] and one of
Combat Reflexes [15]; Fit [5]; Brawling (E) DX [1]; Current Affairs (Sports) or First Aid,
and 10 points chosen from among: Appearance both (E) IQ [1]; Carousing (E) HT [1]; Gambling or
(Attractive) [4], Blessed (Heroic Feats) [10], Charisma Streetwise, both (A) IQ [2]; or Sex Appeal (A) HT
[5/level], Contact (From gladiatorial life) [Varies], [2].
Fearlessness [2/level], High Pain Threshold [10], Rapid
Healing [5]; Shtick [1], Social Esteem (Feared) [5/level], Pit Slave (Gladiator lens)
Wealth (Comfortable) [10], or increase Fit [5] to Very Fit Points Value: [25]
[15]. Pit Slaves are fighters in the small arenas of poor slums,
usually indebted to whoever owns their fate to work off
Disadvantages: [-30] their debts by entertaining the crowds. They are chosen
-30 points chosen from among: Bully [-10], Callous [-5], based on their minor skill with magic and weapon
Code of Honor (Arena) [-5], Compulsive Behavior proficiency.
(Carousing or Gambling) [-5], Missing Digit [-2 or -5], Prerequisite: Weapon skill 14+
One Eye [-15], One Hand [-15], Overconfidence [-5],
Status -2 [-10], or Truthfulness [-5]. Advantages: [15]
Magery 0 (any) [5]
Primary Skills: [10] Rank 2: Arena (every) - Fighter [10]
Pick one of the following packages:
Snake: Shield (E) DX+1 [2]; Spear (A) DX [2]; Feint (H) Extra Skills: [10]
Spear+2 [3]; Sweep (H) Spear+2 [3] Pick for 10 points: Persuade (H) Will-1 [2]; First Aid (E)
Wolf: Axe/Mace (A) DX+1 [4] or Flail (H) DX [4]; Shield IQ+1 [2]; Observation (A) Per [2]; Acrobatics (H) DX [4];
(E) DX+2 [4]; Feint (H) weapon+1 [2] Blind Fighting (VH) Per-1 [4]; Armoury/TL3 (A) IQ [2];
Running (A) HT [2]

Guild Mage
Secondary Skills: [8]
Two of: Games (Magical Challenges) (E) IQ [1];
Points Value: [25] Hidden Lore (any), Occultism, or Research, all (A) IQ-1
Job Description [1];
This intermediate-level mage is not as limited as the Three of: Astronomy, Cryptography, Expert Skill (any),
hedge wizard, but lacks the extraordinary gifts of the Mathematics (any), Naturalist, or Theology (any), all (H)
battle wizard or enchanter. IQ-1 [2]; Dreaming or
He has enough combat Meditation, both (H) Will-
skills to give him a chance 1 [2]; or Alchemy (VH) IQ-
of surviving a melee, but his 2 [2].
main specialty is some
category of useful spells. Background Skills: [3]
They are all guild members Savoir-Faire (High Society
who studied a specific color or Magical) (E) IQ [1].
of magic and represent the One of: Knife (E) DX+1
basic template of a magic [2]; or Riding, Shortsword,
user. or Staff, all (A) DX [2].
Prerequisites: IQ 12+
Job Roll: Best spell. On Navigator
critical failure, gain -1
Reputation in your
(Guild Mage lens)
Points Value: [25]
community for endangering
The Navigator is a guild
the public with your spells.
mage that specializes in
Monthly Pay: $1000.
weather and air magic
Adjusted for margin of
augmenting their skills in
success or failure.
navigation, linguistics and
Wealth Level:
survival.. Their special
skillset makes them
Status 1
perfect for guiding ships
all over the seas of Cheiva.
Advantages: [35]
There are a few that keep
Magery 1 (any color) [15];
to the land as caravan
Rank 2: Mage Guild - any -
guides or lead expeditions
Acolyte [10]
into the undiscovered
Two of: Eidetic Memory
parts of the world.
[5], Language
Prerequisite: Rank 2:
(Accented/Native) [5],
Mage Guild - Navigator's
Single Minded [5], Status 1
Guild- Acolyte
[5], Versatile [5], or +1 to
Will [5].
Advantages: [10]
Languages: 2x Accented – 1x Broken [10]
Disadvantages: [-25]
-25 points chosen from among: Absent-Mindedness [-
Extra Skills: [15]:
15], Bad Sight [-25], Bad Temper [-10], Curious [-5],
Pick for 15 points: Geography (H) IQ [4], Cartography (A)
Duty [-2 to -15], Gluttony [-5], Obsession [-5 or -10],
IQ [2]; Navigation (A) IQ+1 [4]; First Aid (E) IQ [1]; Area
Secret [-5 to -25], Sense of Duty [-2 to -15], or Shyness [-
Knowledge (E) IQ [1]; Survival (A) Per [2]; Climbing (A)
5 to -20].
DX-1 [1]; Heraldry (A) IQ-1 [1]; Hiking (A) HT-1 [1];
History (H) IQ [4]; Linguistics (H) IQ-1 [2]; Meteorology
Primary Skills: [4]
(A) IQ [2]; Crewman - Seamanship (E) IQ [1];
Thaumatology (VH) IQ [4]
Shiphandling (H) IQ [4]; Swimming (E) HT [1]

Hedge Mage
Prerequisite: Minor Healing (spell) 13+

Points Value: [25] Advantages: [10]

A Hedge Mage is a magics practitioner of a single Talent - Healer 1 [10]
college without any guild affiliation. They are usually
the talented or empowered individuals that find their Extra Skills: [15]
way to new spells via experimentation and learning pick for 15 points: Alchemy (VH) IQ-2 [2]; First Aid (E) IQ
from other mages. In many places far away from the [1]; Herb Lore (VH) IQ-2 [2], Pharmacy (Herbal) (H) IQ-1
guilds’ reach they are the only wielders of powers of [2]; Physician (H) IQ-1 [2], Physiology (H) IQ-1 [2],
healing or destruction. Surgery (VH) IQ-2 [2], Veterinary (H) IQ-2 [1];
Prerequisites: IQ 11+ Meditation (H) Will-2 [1]
Job Roll: Worst spell. On critical failure, make Fright
Check at -6 or 1d damage
Monthly Pay: $360. Adjusted for margin of success
or failure.
Wealth Level: Struggling. Supports Status -1.

Advantages: [30]
Magery 0 (single college) [5]; Social Regard 1
(Feared) [5];
and 20 points chosen from: Allies (Familiar) [Varies],
Animal Empathy [5], Empathy [15]; Magery 1 [10],
Plant Empathy [5], Spirit Empathy [10], or Unusual
Background [Varies].

Disadvantages: [-20]
-20 points chosen from: Bully [-10], Code of Honor
(Professional) [-5], Loner [-5], Pacifism (Reluctant
Killer) [-5] or (Cannot Harm Innocents) [-10], or
Sense of Duty (Village) [-5], Wealth (Struggling) [-10];

Primary Skills: [4]

Occultism (A) IQ+1 [4].

Secondary Skills: [8]

Teaching (A) IQ [2].
Three of: Gardening (E) IQ+1 [2]; Hidden Lore,
Meteorology, Navigation (any), or Professional Skill
(Midwife), all (A) IQ [2]; or Bardic Lore, Diagnosis,
Naturalist, all (H) IQ-1 [2].

Background Skills: [3]

Area Knowledge (Village or Town) (E) IQ [1];
Hazardous Materials (A) IQ-1 [1]; Staff (A) DX-1 [1].

Healer (Hedge Mage Lens)

Points Value: [25]
The Healer is an important part of every community,
their magic specialized in the arts of healing and
supplementing their medicinal skills. From the village
midwife to the travelling doctor, the healers are always

Investigator Primary Skills: [16]
Interrogation (A) IQ+1 [4];
Points Value: [25]
The Investigator is to Area Knowledge (Local) (E)
search out and examine IQ+2 [4]; Criminology/TL3 (A)
the particulars of any IQ+1 [4]; Detect Lies (H) Per
crime in an attempt to [4];
learn the facts. They
have the power of the Secondary Skills: [10]
local lords or 10 points chosen from
government behind among: Brawling (E) DX+1 [2];
them, giving them rights Streetwise (A) IQ [2];
to arrest and even Diplomacy or Law, both (H)
execute in case their IQ [4]; Search (A) Per [2];
investigation is Shield (E) DX+1 [2]; and
concluded. They usually either Broadsword or
work alone or with a Shortsword, both (A) DX+1
small team, separate of [4].
the usual constabulary,
more as a specialist for Background Skills: [4]
the hard cases. 4 points chosen from among:
Prerequisites: IQ 11+, First Aid/TL3 and Savoir-
DX11+ Faire, both (E) IQ [1];
Job Roll: Interrogation Shadowing (A) IQ-1 [1];
or weapon skill - Worse Forensics/TL3, Psychology,
skill. On critical failure, mess up a case and receive 2d and Theology (Appropriate religion), all (H) IQ-2 [1]; or
injury Intimidation (A) Will-1 [1].
Monthly Pay: $960. Adjusted for margin of success or
failure. Inquisitor (Investigator lens)
Wealth Level: Average. Supports Status 0 Points Value: [25]
The inquisitors of Stariam, are a religious group of
Advantages: [25] investigators connected to finding and rooting out the
Legal Enforcement Powers [10], enemies of Adventism. These are all magic users within
and 15 points chosen from among: Absolute Direction Stariam territories, the adherents of other religions and
[5], Acute Senses [2/level], Administrative Rank Malgam rebels that don’t bow to the superiority of the
[5/level], Charisma [5/level], Clerical Investment [5]; human race.
Combat Reflexes [15], Contacts (Street) [Varies], Danger Prerequisite: Interrogation 14+
Sense [15], Eidetic Memory [5] or Photographic
Memory [10], Advantages: [20]
Fearlessness [2/level], Intuition [15], Night Vision Rank 2: Guild – Inquisition of the Advent - Acolyte [10]
[1/level], or Sensitive [5] or Empathy [15]; Patron (9 or Magic Resistance 5 [10]
less) [15]
Disadvantages: [-5]
Disadvantages: [-30] Callous [-5]
Duty (Quite Often: 12 or less) [-10]; Reputation (Honest
law enforcers; -4 from criminals (large group), +3 from Extra Skills: [10]
everyone but criminals; All the time) [0]; Pick for 10 points: First Aid (E) IQ+1 [2]; Persuade (H)
and -20 points chosen from among: Intolerance Will-1 [2]; Law (H) IQ-1 [2]; Observation (A) Per [2];
(Religious, Racial, or other) [-5 or -10], Overconfidence Meditation (H) Will -1 [2]; Body Language (A) Per [2];
[-5], Secret (Corrupt or other) [Varies], Sense of Duty Poisons (H) IQ-1 [2]; Cryptography, Forgery, Hidden Lore
(honest citizens, or other) [Varies], and Stubbornness [- (Conspiracies), or Intelligence Analysis, all (H) IQ-1 [2];
5], or Vow (Not to abuse position) [-5] Pressure Secrets (VH) IQ-2 [2]

Knight Primary Skills: [8]
Lance (A) DX [2]; Riding (A) DX+1 [4]; Shield (E) DX+1 [2].
Points Value: [25]
A knight is an aristocratic warrior, able to afford the
costliest battle gear and the time to practice its use. Secondary Skills: [4]
This template defines a heroic knight who actually lives Savoir-Faire (E) IQ+1 [2].
by the chivalric standards of honor. He travels about, One of: Axe/Mace or Broadsword, both (A) DX [2];
seeking a war to fight in or a quest to undertake. At
best, he may be a saintly hero; at worst, he may be an Background Skills: [8]
armed robber – but Heraldry (A) IQ [2];
his sense of honor Leadership (A) IQ [2].
won’t let him lower Four of: Brawling or
himself to physical Jumping, both (E) DX [1];
labor. Carousing or Singing, both (E)
Prerequisites: ST 12+, HT [1]; Games (Tournament
DX 11+ Rules) (E) IQ [1]; Dancing (A)
Job Roll: Riding or DX-1 [1]; Falconry (A) IQ-1
weapon skill - Worse [1]; Tracking (A) Per-1 [1]; or
skill. On critical Religious Ritual or Tactics,
failure, lose a duel both (H) IQ-2 [1].
and receive 2d injury
Monthly Pay: $3,000. Puritan Knight
Adjusted for margin
of success or failure.
(Knight lens)
Points Value: [25]
Wealth Level:
Puritan Knights are the
Wealthy. Supports
mailed fist of the Stariam
Status 2.
church, ready to strike at
heretics, rebellious mutants
Advantages: [40]
and magic users. They are
Rank 2: Knightly order
trained to withstand magic
- Knight [10]
and with their martial skills
30 points chosen from
the Puritan Knight is a
among: Fit [5] or Very
formidable opponent to any
Fit [15]; Status 2 [5];
magic user.
Wealth (Very
Prerequisite: Weapon skill
Wealthy) [30] or
Wealth (Wealthy)
[20]; Signature Gear
Advantages: [10]
10 [10]; Charisma [5/level], Combat Reflexes [15],
Magic Resistance 5 [10)
Fearlessness [2/level], Higher Purpose [5], Independent
Income [1/level], Legal Enforcement Powers [Varies],
Extra Skills: [15]
Pick for 15 points: Running (A) HT+1 [4]; First Aid (E) IQ
Disadvantages: [-35]
[1]; Intimidation (A) Will [2]; Observation (A) Per [2];
Code of Honor (Chivalry) [-15];
Guns (E) DX [1]; Bow (A) DX [2] Crossbow (E) DX [1];
-20 points chosen from among: Compulsive Behavior
Interrogation (A) IQ+1 [4]; Tracking (A) Per [2]; Armoury
(Carousing or Generosity) [-5], Debt [-1/level],
(A) IQ+1 [4]; Fast-Draw (E) DX [1]; Theology (H) IQ [4];
Disciplines of Faith (Monasticism) [-10], Duty [-2 to -15],
Detect Lies (H) Per [4]; Persuade (H) Will-1 [2]; Law (H)
Fanaticism [-15], Intolerance (Commoners or
IQ-1 [2]; Leadership (A) IQ [2]; Strategy (H) IQ-1 [2]
Unbelievers) [-5], Overconfidence [-5], Selfish [-5],
Sense of Duty (Vassals) [-5] or (The weak) [-10],
Stubbornness [-5], or Vow [-5 to -15], Wealth
(Struggling) [-10] or Wealth (Poor) [-15]

Marksman Primary Skills: [13]
Guns (Pistol, or Rifle) (E) DX+3 [8].
Points Value: [25]
The marksman is the specialist of shooting with any sort Two of: Fast-Draw (Ammo), Forced Entry, and
of a gun, from primitive projectile weapons to rayguns. Jumping, all (E) DX [1]; and Acrobatics (H) DX-2 [1].
Their precision and training with all types of guns makes Three of: additional Guns (Pistol, Rifle, Shotgun, or
them great at short distance shooting or at long Submachine Gun) (E) DX+1 [1], Crossbow, Fast-Draw
distance sniping. A lone gunman in the vast wilderness, (Long Arm or Pistol), Throwing (A) DX-1 [1].
a triggerman in a busy city street or the military sniper
waiting for days to make a single shot, they all are Secondary Skills: [6]
marksmen to be reckoned with. One of: Boxing (A) DX+1 [4], Brawling (A) DX+1 [4], or
Prerequisites: DX 12+ Karate (H) DX [4]; Either Judo (H) DX [4] or Wrestling (A)
Job Roll: Weapon skill - On critical failure, gun DX+1 [4];
malfunction and receive 1d injury One of: Stealth (A) DX [2]; Armoury (Heavy Weapons
Monthly Pay: $1,000. Adjusted for margin of success or or Small Arms) (A) IQ [2]; Running (A) HT [2]
Wealth Level: Comfortable. Supports Status 1 Background Skills: [6]
Intimidation (A) Will-1
Advantages: [30] [1]; Smuggling (A) IQ [2];;
30 points chosen from Holdout (A) IQ [2]; Area
among: Gunslinger [25]; Knowledge (E) IQ [1]
Luck [15]. Acute Vision
[2/level], Ambidexterity Trigger
[5], Combat Reflexes [15],
Daredevil [15], Enhanced
(Marksman lens)
Points Value: [25]
Dodge 1-2 [15/level],
The Trigger is a vital part
Fearlessness [2/level], Fit
of every crime gang,
[5] or Very Fit [15], Hard to
always there to support
Kill [2/level], Hard to
with a precise shot into
Subdue [2/level], High Pain
melee or a putting a
Threshold [10], Peripheral
bullet into an
Vision [15], Rapid Healing
unsuspecting mark from
[5] or Very Rapid Healing
the shadows. The Red
[15], Signature Gear
Eye makes sure to have
[Varies], Luck [15]
at least one Trigger in
each gang and keeping
Disadvantages: [-30]
their equipment in great
-30 points chosen from
among: Code of Honor
Prerequisite: Gun 15+
(“Stay bought”) [-5] or
(Soldier’s) [-10], Duty
Advantages: [15]
(Agency, mob, service, or
Rank 2: Guild - Red Eye - Trigger [10]
similar; Extremely Hazardous; 9, 12, or 15 or less) [-10, -
Magery 0 (one college) [5]
15, or -20], Fanaticism (Employer, nation, or service) [-
15], Greed [-15], Intolerance (Rival nation or other large
Extra Skills: [10]
group) [-5], Sense of Duty (Team) [-5] or (Nation) [-10],
Pick for 10 points: Climbing (A) DX [2]; Camouflage, First
or Social Stigma (Criminal Record) [-5]. Bad Temper [-
Aid, or Gesture, all (E) IQ+1 [2]; Light Walk (H) DX-1 [2];
10], Berserk [-10], Bloodlust [-10], Bully [-10], Honesty [-
Free Fall (A) DX [2]; Camouflage (E) IQ+1 [2]; First Aid (E)
10]. Callous [-5], Flashbacks [-5 or -10], Impulsiveness [-
IQ+1 [2]; Jumping (E) DX+1 [2]
10], Odious Personal Habits [-5 to -15], On the Edge [-
15], Overconfidence [-5], Paranoia [-10], Stubbornness
[-5], or Wounded [-5].

Martial Artist Secondary Skills: [12]
12 points chosen from among: Acrobatics (H) DX [4] and
Points Value: [25]
Martial artists are practitioners of the traditional forms Jumping (E) DX+1 [2]; Jitte/Sai, Staff, and Tonfa, all (A)
of self-defense or combat that utilize physical skill and DX+1 [4]; Flail (H) DX [4]; Leadership and Teaching, both
coordination with or without weapons. While they are (A) IQ+1 [4]; or Intimidation (A) Will+1 [4]; Savoir Faire
masters of many fighting (Dojo) (E) IQ+1 [2]
techniques applying kicks,
punches, throws and chokes. Background Skills: [4]
They also use their knowledge 4 points chosen from
for physical exercises and among: Knife (E) DX+1 [2];
methods of mental discipline. Stealth (A) DX [2]; Tactics
Prerequisites: DX 12+ (H) IQ-1 [2]; Meditation (H)
Job Roll: Judo or Karate skill - Will -1 [2]; or Body
On critical failure, training Language (A) Per [2]
accident and receive 1d injury
Monthly Pay: $700. Adjusted Brother of the Four
for margin of success or failure.
Wealth Level:
Average.Supports Status 0 (Martial Artist lens)
Points Value: [25]
Advantages: [15] The Four Winds temple is
15 points chosen from among: the home of monks that
Acute Senses [2/level], have a long history in
Ambidexterity [5], Combat training martial arts and
Reflexes [15], Daredevil [15], Fit meditative exercises. They
[5] or Very Fit [15], Flexibility are often seen traveling
[5] or Double-Jointed [15], or the dusty roads and
High Pain Threshold [10]. preaching about the
Equilibrium while helping
Disadvantages: [-20] the poor with their skills of
-20 points chosen from among: combat and magic.
Bad Temper [-10], Bully [-10],
Code of Honor [-5, -10, or -15], Prerequisite: Judo or
Obsession (Become a master) [- Karate 14+
10], Overconfidence [-5],
Pacifism (Any except Total Advantages: [5]
Nonviolence) [-5, -10, or -15], Magery 0 (any) [5]
or Vow (Use no weapons) [-15]. Rank 2: Temple of the Four
Winds - Monk [10]
Primary Skills: [4]
One of: Judo (H) DX+1 [4] or Extra Skills: [10]
Karate (H) DX+1 [4], Pick for 10 points:
Acrobatics (H) DX-1 [2];
Techniques: [10] Blind Fighting (VH) Per-2 [2]; Escape (H) DX-1 [2];
Judo Package: Arm Lock (A) Judo+1 [2], Choke Hold Running (A) HT [2]; Light Walk (H) DX-1 [2]; Parry Missile
(H) Judo-1 [2], Feint (H) Judo-1 [2], Ground Fighting (H) Weapons (H) DX-1 [2]; Pressure Points (H) IQ-1 [2];
Judo [4], Camouflage (E) IQ+1 [2]; Gesture (E) IQ+1 [2]; First Aid
Karate Package: Back Kick (H) Karate-1 [2], Disarming (E) IQ+1 [2], Shadowing(A) IQ [2]; Hiking (A) HT [2]; Fast-
(H) Karate-1 [2], Elbow Strike (A) Karate-1 [1], Jump Kick Draw (E) DX+1 [2]; Thrown Weapon (E) DX+1 [2]
(H) Karate-1 [2], Kicking (H) Karate-1 [2], Knee Strike (A)
Karate-1 [1].

Primary Skills: [4]
Meditation (H) Will [4]
Points Value: [25]
You are a true master of the mind and human senses. Secondary Skills: [12]
Often characterized as a mind reader, psychic, Four of: Fast Talk, Gambling, Hidden Lore,
hypnotists or fortuneteller. who can perform Interrogation, or Occultism, all (A) IQ [2]; Hypnotism,
extraordinary tricks that rely on mental powers. Mathematics or Psychology (any), all (H) IQ-1 [2];
memory feats, deduction, and rapid mathematics. Mental Strength (E) Will+1 [2]; Mind Block (A) Will [2];
Mentalism plays on the senses and a spectator's Detect Lies (H) Per-1 [2]; Hidden Lore (A) IQ [2],
perception without any magic. They are often found as One of: Rapier, Saber, Shortsword, Smallsword, Whip
advisors to people of power or even as traveling or Staff, all (A) DX+1 [4]. or Thrown Weapon(any), all (E)
fraudsters playing the people for their valuables. DX+2 [4]; Throwing, or Wrestling, all (A) DX+1 [4]

Prerequisites: IQ 12+ Background Skills: [9]

Job Roll: Meditation skill - On critical failure receive 1d Pick for 9 points: Fast-Draw(any) (E) DX [1]; Climbing or
injury Stealth, all (A) DX-1 [1]; First Aid or Gesture, both (E) IQ
Monthly Pay: $800. Adjusted for margin of success or [1]; Acting, Public Speaking, Research, or Teaching, all
failure. (A) IQ-1 [1]; Diplomacy or Strategy,
Wealth Level: Average. both (H) IQ-2 [1]; Hiking (A) HT-1 [1];
Supports Status 0 Intimidation (A) Will-1 [1];
Scrounging (E) Per [1]; Body
Advantages: [20] Language, Lip Reading, Observation,
20 points chosen from Search, or Tracking, all (A) Per-1 [1]
among: Animal
Empathy [5], Equilibrist Mage
Charisma1-5 [5/level],
Danger Sense [15],
(Mentalist Lens)
Points Value: [25]
Eidetic Memory [5] or
The Temple of Equilibrium is home to
Photographic Memory
magic practitioners that build their
[10], Luck [15],
arts around the human senses and
Serendipity 1 [15],
the mind. They are famous
Smooth Operator 1
illusionists and mindbenders, capable
[15], Spirit Empathy
of altering the reality, creating inputs
[10], Unfazeable [15],
for senses and influencing minds.
Voice [10], or Wild
Prerequisite: Meditation 14+
Talent 1 [20].
Advantages: [15]
Disadvantages: [-20]
Magery 0 (Yellow) [5];
-20 points chosen from
Rank 2: Mage Guild - Temple of the
among: Curious [-5],
Equilibrium - Acolyte [10]
Combat Paralysis [-15],
Jealousy [-10], Low
Extra Skills: [10]
Pain Threshold [-10],
Pick for 10 points: Occultism (A) IQ [2]; Savoir-Faire
No Sense of Humor [-10], Odious Personal Habits [-5 to-
(Magical) (E) IQ [1]. Herb Lore (VH) IQ-2 [2]; Persuade
15], Overconfidence [-5], Paranoia [-10], Post-Combat
(H) Will-1 [2]; Detect Lies (H) Per-1 [2]; Enthrallment (H)
Shakes [-5], Pyromania [-5], Selfish [-5], Sense of Duty
Will-1 [2]; Religious Ritual (H) IQ-1 [2]. Theology (H) IQ-1
(Adventuring companions) [-5], Stubbornness [-5], Unfit
[2]; Mental Strength (E) Will [1], Sway Emotions (H)
[-5], or Wealth (Struggling, Poor) [-10, -15], Frightens
Will-1 [2]; Poetry, or Writing, all (A) IQ-1 [1]; or Musical
Animals [-10], Intolerance(Stupid people–IQ10 or less) [-
Instrument (H) IQ-2 [1]; Astronomy (H) IQ-2 [1];
5], Obsession (Learn something dangerous) [-5];
Hypnotism (H) IQ-1 [2]
Weirdness Magnet [-15], or Xenophilia [-10]

Mercenary Primary Skills: [14]
Brawling (E) DX+1 [2]; Fast-Draw
Points Value: [25]
Job Description (Primary weapon) (E) DX+2 [2]; Shield
Mercenaries are (E) DX+1 [2]; Soldier/TL3-TL5 (A) IQ
warriors for hire, [2];
some are loners One of: Crossbow (E) DX+1 [2] or
while others belong Bow (A) DX [2]; Guns (Pistol, Rifle,
to organized bands. Shotgun, or Submachine Gun) (E)
A mercenary, DX+1 [2]
sometimes known as One of: Broadsword (A) DX+1 [4],
a soldier of fortune, or 4 points in another Melee Weapon
is an individual who skill.
takes part in military
conflicts or acts as a Secondary Skills: [12]
hired warrior for Armoury/TL3 (Body Armor) (A) IQ [2];
merchants or cities. Armoury/TL3 (Melee Weapons) (A) IQ
Mercenaries fight [2]; Hiking (A) HT [2]; Riding (A) DX
primarily for money [2]; Tactics (H) IQ-1 [2]; and 2 points
or other forms of in another Melee Weapon skill.
payment. They favor
weapon skills; most Background Skills: [4]
have one or two 4 points chosen from among:
preferred forms but Wrestling (A) DX-1 [1]; Gambling,
will often have other Leadership, and Streetwise, all (A) IQ-
specialties. A 1 [1]; Strategy (Land) (H) IQ-2 [1];
mercenary may also be a spy, an assassin, a tracker or a Carousing (E) HT [1]; or Running (A)
healer. HT-1 [1]; First Aid (E) IQ [1]
Prerequisites: ST 11+, DX 11+
Job Roll: Combat skill. On critical failure, 2d damage. Warbrood Warrior (Mercenary lens)
Monthly Pay: $50 per best combat skill point Points Value: [25]
Wealth Level: Average. Supports Status 0. The warriors of the Warbrood signed up as mercenaries
in many conflicts around Cheiva, be it small or large.
Advantages: [15] They are all malgams of different races, often mixed in
15 points chosen from among: Acute Senses [2/level], groups but also some Warbroods are single race only.
Danger Sense [15], Fearlessness [2/level], Fit [5] or Very Trained in combat since birth, they are sought after by
Fit [15], Hard to Kill [2/level], Hard to Subdue [2/level], all factions as shock troops and seen too often as
High Pain Threshold [10], Military Rank [5/level], Night disposable forces given the hardest jobs in the theatre
Vision [1/level], Patron (Current Employer or Guild) of war.
[Varies], Peripheral Vision [15], Rapid Healing [5] or Prerequisite: Weapon skill 14+, Malgam only
Very Rapid Healing [15], or Wealth (Comfortable) [10];
Combat Reflexes [15] Advantages: [15]
Rank 2: Guild - Warbrood - Warrior [10]
Disadvantages: [-20] Magery 0 (one college) [5]
-20 points chosen from among: Berserk [-10], Bloodlust
[-10], Bully [-10], Callous [-5], Code of Honor (Stays Extra Skills: [10]
Bought, Pirate’s, or Soldier’s) [-5 or -10], Duty (To Pick for 10 points: First Aid (E) IQ [1]; Intimidation (A)
current employer) [Varies], Enemy [Varies], Flashbacks Will [2]; Law (H) IQ-1 [2]; Observation (A) Per [2]; Guns
[Varies], Greed [-15], Incurious [-5], Intolerance (E) DX [1]; Persuade (H) Will-1 [2]; Acrobatics (H) DX-1
(Religious, Racial, or any) [-5 or -10], On the Edge [-15], [2]; Blind Fighting (VH) Per-1 [4]; Interrogation (A) IQ
Overconfidence [-5], Sense of Duty (Any) [Varies], [2]; Tracking (A) Per [2]; Survival (A) Per [2]; Climbing (A)
Stubbornness [-5], or Truthfulness [-5]. DX-1 [1]

Merchant Secondary Skills: [4]
Accounting (H) IQ-1 [2].
Points Value: [25]
Merchants come in One of: Hiking (A) HT
many varieties, the [2]; Riding (A) DX [2]; or
fast-talking man at a Shiphandling (Ship) (H)
little stall in the IQ-1 [2].
marketplace and
the merchant prince Background Skills: [10]
whose house is a 10 points chosen from
castle in all but among: Leadership (A) IQ
name. They often [2]; Crossbow, Knife, or
lead their caravans Thrown Spear, all (E) DX
or act as [1]; Current Affairs
intermediaries for (Business), Gesture,
their merchant Savoir-Faire (High Society,
house. This Military, or Servant), or
merchant is rich Seamanship, all (E) IQ [1];
enough to engage in Scrounging (E) Per [1];
long-distance trade, Carousing (E) HT [1]; Bow
but not rich enough or Staff, both (A) DX [2];
to hire other people Administration,
to journey for him – Connoisseur (Art or
the kind most likely Wine), Fast-Talk, Freight
to have adventures, or to create them for other people. Handling, Meteorology, Navigation, Packing, Politics,
Prerequisites: IQ 12+ Public Speaking, Smuggling, or Streetwise, all (A) IQ [2];
Job Roll: Merchant skill. On critical failure lose 3dx$100. Diplomacy, Finance, Law, or Veterinary, all (H) IQ [4];
Monthly Pay: $1200
Wealth Level: Average. Supports Status 0. Salveni Trader (Merchant lens)
Points Value: [25]
Advantages: [35] Being trader for the largest Trading house, the Salveni
Wealth (Wealthy) [20]; are notoriously famous for getting the best deals and
and 15 points chosen from among: Absolute Direction able to acquire anything that a customer wishes for.
[5]; Allies (Caravan Guards, Sailors, or Junior Partner) They are not only proficient at bargaining but also know
[Varies], Business Acumen [10/level]; Charisma a lot about the land, often leading expeditions into the
[5/level]; Contacts (Bankers, Guildmasters, Innkeepers, unknown or discovering long forgotten locations.
or Foreign Merchants) [Varies]; Language Prerequisite: Merchant 14+
(Native/Accented) [5]; Language Talent [10]; Status
[5/level]; or improving Wealth (Wealthy) [20] to (Very Advantages: [15]
Wealthy) [30]; Reputation [Varies] Rank 2: Guild - Salveni Consortium – Acolyte Merchant
Disadvantages: [-30] Magery 0 (Grey) [5]
Code of Honor (Professional) [-5]
and -25 points chosen from among: Bad Temper [-10], Extra Skills: [10]:
Bully [-10], Debt [-1/level], Gluttony [-5], Greed [-15], pick for 10 points: Cartography (A) IQ [2]; First Aid (E)
Jealousy [-10], Lecherousness [-15], Miserliness [-10], IQ+1 [2]; Area Knowledge (E) IQ+1 [2]; Guns (any) (E)
Odious Personal Habit (Ostentatious display of wealth) DX+1 [2]; Expert - Crystaltech (H) IQ [4]; Jeweler (H) IQ
[-5], Selfish [-5], or Workaholic [-5], Reputation [Varies] [4]; Navigation (A) IQ+1 [4]; Detect Lies (H) Per [4];
Broadsword, Saber, Shortsword, or Whip, all (A) DX [2]
Primary Skills: [6]
Area Knowledge (Trade Route) (E) IQ+1 [2]; Merchant
(A) IQ+1 [4].

Necromancer Primary Skills: [10]
Expert Skill (Thanatology) (H) IQ [4]; Hidden Lore
Points Value: [25]
Necromancers are experts on the supernatural (Undead) (A) IQ+1 [4]; Occultism (A) IQ [2]
boundaries between life and death – and they know
how to wield the power that comes with that expertise! Secondary Skills: [8]
They practice magic involving communication with the Three of: Fast-Talk or Research, both (A) IQ [2];
dead – either by summoning their spirits as apparitions, Thaumatology (VH) IQ-2 [2]; Search (A) Per [2]; or
visions or raising them bodily. Many necromancers Exorcism (H) Will-1 [2]
study death and the human body even without magic, One of: Axe/Mace, Broadsword, Shortsword, or
gathering occult information on the afterlife. Spear, all (A) DX [2]; Brawling (E) DX+1 [2]; Knife (E)
Prerequisites: IQ DX+1 [2]
Job Roll: Background Skills: [7]
Thanatology skill. Seven of: Fast-Draw (Knife) (E) DX [1];
On critical failure Climbing (A) DX-1 [1]; Gesture (E) IQ [1];
2d damage. Acting, Hidden Lore (Spirits), Holdout,
Monthly Pay: $900 Teaching, or Writing, all (A) IQ-1 [1];
Wealth Level: Diagnosis, Poisons, or Theology, all (H)
Average. Supports IQ-2 [1]; Intimidation (A) Will-1 [1];
Status 0. Meditation (H) Will-2 [1] or Observation
(A) Per-1 [1].
Advantages: [20]
20 points chosen Ravennar Cabalist
from among: Night
Vision 5 [5]; and
(Necromancer Lens)
Points Value: [25]
Spirit Empathy
The cabalists of the Ravennar cult are the
epitome of evil, scheming necromancers
Ghosts, -50%) [5];
that use their magic to create hordes of
Channeling [10],
undead to subjugate the lands of the
living. To hide, they often pose as healers
[2/level] or
due to their expert knowledge of the
Unfazeable [15],
human body.
High Pain Threshold
Prerequisite: Thanatology 14+
[10], Intuition [15],
Languages (Any) [2-
Advantages: [45]
6/language], Medium [10], Mind Shield [4/level], Night
Magery 2 (Black) [25];
Vision 6-8 [1/level], Resistant to Disease (+3) or (+8) [3
Rank 2: Mage Guild - Black Sun Cabal - Acolyte [10]
or 5], Social Regard 1-2 (Feared or Respected); [5/level]
Talent: Healer [10]
Disadvantages: [-20]
Disadvantage: [-30]
-20 points chosen from among: Appearance
Secret (Necromancer) [-30]
(Unattractive, Ugly, or Hideous) [-4, -8, or -16], Callous
[-5], Frightens Animals [-10], Loner [-5], Obsession [-10],
Extra Skills: [10]
Odious Personal Habit [-5, -10, or -15], Social Stigma
Pick for 10 points: Alchemy (VH) IQ-2 [2]; First Aid (E)
(Second-Class Citizen or Excommunicated) [-5 or -10].
IQ+1 [2]; Herb Lore (VH) IQ-2 [2]; Pharmacy (Herbal) (H)
Bad Smell (Reek of the grave) [-10]; Disciplines of Faith
IQ-1 [2]; Physician (H) IQ-1 [2]; Physiology (H) IQ-1 [2]
(Ritualism or Asceticism) [-5 or -15], Disturbing Voice [-
Surgery (VH) IQ-2 [2]; Stealth(A) DX [2]; Disguise (A) IQ
10], Heliophobia [-15], Low Empathy [-20], No Sense of
[2]; Cryptography, Forgery, or Intelligence Analysis, all
Smell/Taste [-5], Phantom Voices (Annoying) [-5], Slow
(H) IQ-1 [2]; Savoir-Faire (Criminals) (E) IQ+1 [2];
Healing 1 [-5], Stubbornness [-5], Supernatural Features
Streetwise (A) IQ [2]
(Pallor) [-10], or Wealth (Struggling) [-10].

Noble Courtier Primary Skills: [10]
Savoir-Faire (High Society) (E) IQ+2 [2]
Points Value: [25]
A courtier can be almost anyone who serves in a noble 8 points chosen from among: Acting (A) IQ+2 [4];
court, from a diplomat to a herald. The best are keen Diplomacy (H) IQ+1 [4]; Fast-Talk (A) IQ+1 [2]; Politics
observers and careful (A) IQ+2 [4]
when they speak. A few
courtiers are in fact Secondary Skills: [12]
spies, either working 12 points chosen from among:
for a rival power or Crossbow and Knife, both (E) DX+1
keeping an eye on [2]; Broadsword, Cloak, and Saber,
individuals and events all (A) DX [2]; Heraldry (A) IQ [2];
on behalf of some court Leadership and Public Speaking,
faction. Amoral both (A) IQ+1 [2]; Law (Local) (H)
information dealers or IQ-1 [2]; Intimidation (A) Will+1
the deadlier, more [2]; or Detect Lies (H) Per [2].
flamboyant types are
seen in all courts where Background Skills: [3]
the powerful and 3 points chosen from among:
mighty compete for Dancing (A) DX-1 [1]; Area
riches and influence. Knowledge (Local) (E) IQ [1];
Prerequisites: IQ 11+ Writing (A) IQ-1 [1]; History
Job Roll: Savoir-Faire (Local), Strategy (Land or any), and
skill. On critical failure Theology (Any), all (H) IQ-2 [1];
lose 3dx$100 Carousing (E) HT+1 [1]; or Sex
Monthly Pay: $900 Appeal (A) HT [1]
Wealth Level: Average.
Supports Status 0. Sirennai Spy (Noble lens)
Points Value: [25]
Advantages: [20] The most famous information
Status 1 [5], dealers and power players are the
15 points chosen from Sirennai, their skills enhanced by
among: Acute Senses their magic that makes them the
[2/level], Appearance (Attractive) [4], Charisma finest spies. They take many guises to reach their goals,
[5/level], Contacts [Varies], Danger Sense [15], Eidetic be it finding material for blackmail or making a person
Memory [5] or Photographic Memory [10], Fashion disappear without trace.
Sense [5], Favors [Varies], Languages (Any) [Varies,
Patron (A noble) [Varies], Rank (Administrative, Military, Prerequisite: Acting 14+
Religious, or other) [5/level], Reputation [Varies],
Sensitive [5] or Empathy [15], Social Chameleon [5], Advantages: [15]
another level of Smooth Operator [15], more Status Magery 0 (Sound or Comm/Emp) [5]
[5/level], Voice [10], Wealth (Comfortable) [10] Rank 2: Sirennai - Operator [10]

Disadvantages: [-20] Extra Skills: [10]

-20 points chosen from among: Addiction [Varies], Code 10 points chosen from among: Guns (E) DX+1 [2];
of Honor (Gentleman’s, Chivalry, or any similar) [-5, -10, Lockpicking (A) DX [2]; Stealth(A) DX [2]; Disguise (A) IQ
or -15], Duty [Varies], Enemy (Political rival or other) [2]; Observation (A) Per [2]; Traps (A) IQ [2] or Poisons
[Varies], Fanaticism [-15], Greed [-15], Jealousy [-10], (H) IQ-1 [2] or Cryptography, Forgery, Hidden Lore
Lecherousness [-15], Megalomania [-10], Obsession [-5 (Conspiracies), or Intelligence Analysis, all (H) IQ-1 [2];
or -10], Overconfidence [-5], Reputation [Varies], Secret Savoir-Faire (Criminals) (E) IQ+1 [2] or Streetwise (A) IQ
[Varies], Selfish [-5], Sense of Duty [Varies] [2]

Primary Skills: [18]
Naturalist (H) IQ+2 [4]; Stealth (A) DX+1 [4]; Survival
Points Value: [25] (Woodlands or other) (A) Per+3 [4]; and 6 points in
Rangers tend to be wise, hardy, cunning, and perceptive weapon skills.
in addition to being skilled woodsmen. Many are skilled
in woodcraft, stealth, wilderness survival, beast- Secondary Skills: [8]
mastery, herbalism, tracking, and sometimes "nature 8 points chosen from among: Camouflage (E) IQ+3 [2];
magic" or have a resistance to magic. Woodsmen with Weather Sense (A) IQ [2]; Navigation/TL3 (Land) (A)
decent talents might be “foresters” guarding a noble’s IQ+2 [2]; Hiking (A) HT [2]; or Tracking (A) Per+2 [2]
woodlands, elite troops specializing in scouting and
guerrilla warfare, or experienced poachers. Specialized Background Skills: [4]
“rangers” can be found in mountains, swamps, deserts, 4 points chosen from among: Climbing and Throwing,
or any other terrain capable both (A) DX-1 [1]; Area Knowledge (Any) (E) IQ [1];
of supporting wildlife, doing Armoury/TL3 (Melee
many such jobs. Weapons) and Traps/TL3,
Prerequisites: DX 12+, HT both (A) IQ-1 [1]; Mimicry
11+ (Animal Sounds) (H) IQ [1];
Job Roll: Naturalist skill. On Swimming (E) HT [1];
critical failure 2d damage Running (A) HT-1 [1]; Fishing
Monthly Pay: $800 (E) Per+2 [1]; or Survival
Wealth Level: Average. (Other) (A) Per+1 [1]
Supports Status 0.
Advantages: [20]
Talent - Outdoorsman 1
(Ranger lens)
Points Value: [25]
A prospector is well versed in
and 10 points chosen from
finding the best spots to dig
among: Absolute Direction
for crystals and other natural
[5]; Acute Sense [2/level],
resources in any
Animal Empathy [5], Fit [5],
environment. Their magical
High Pain Threshold [10],
skills tied to the ground help
Night Vision [1/level],
them greatly in locating
another level of
hidden raw materials.
Outdoorsman [10], Patron
Prerequisite: Naturalist 14+;
(Liege lord or other) [Varies],
Plant Empathy [5], Resistant to Disease +3 [3], or
Advantages: [15]
Resistant to Poison +3 [5].
Magery 0 (Earth) [5]
Detect (Occasional) - Crystals [10]
Disadvantages: [-25]
-25 points chosen from among: Callous [-5], Code of
Extra Skills: [10]
Honor (Elven or any) [-5, -10, or -15], Curious [-5], Easy
Pick for 10 points: Geology (H) IQ-1 [2]; First Aid (E)
to Read [-10], Impulsiveness [-10], Loner [-5], Low
IQ+1 [2]; Herb Lore (VH) IQ-2 [2]; Guns (E) DX+1 [2];
Empathy [-20], Odious Personal Habit (No social graces,
Prospecting (A) IQ [2]; Observation (A) Per [2];
or other) [-5, -10, or -15], Overconfidence [-5], Sense of
Geography (H) IQ-1 [2], Cartography (A) IQ [2];
Duty (To nature) [-15], Shyness [-5, -10, or -20], or
Meteorology (A) IQ [2]
Wealth (Struggling) [-10] or Wealth (Poor) [-15].

Religious Adherent Disadvantages: [-25]
-25 points chosen from among: Charitable [-15];
Points Value: [25]
Sages, monks, clerics and mendicant friars wandering Disciplines of Faith [-5 to -15]; Fanaticism [-15]; Honesty
from place to place teaching, preaching and meditating, [-10]; Pacifism [-5 to -30]; Selfless [-5]; Sense of Duty [-
with no more 10 to -20]; Social Stigma
possessions than they (Excommunicated) [-5]; or Vow [-
can carry. Ascetics 5 to -15].
that live by begging
and keeping only Primary Skills: [6]
what they need to Public Speaking (A) IQ+2 [2],
survive or even the Religious Ritual (H) IQ [4].
preachers in gold
embroidered robes Secondary Skills: [12]
are all adherent of Theology (H) IQ [4], Teaching (A)
religions, how deep IQ+1 [4],
their beliefs go in Pick for 4 points: Detect Lies (H)
their gods or ideas is Per [4], Hidden Lore (Spirit Lore)
already a different (A) IQ+1 [4], Mental Strength (E)
story. Will+2 [4], Persuade (H) Will-1 [2]
Prerequisites: IQ 12+ and Sway Emotions (H) Will-1 [2]
Job Roll: Public
Speaking or Religious Background Skills: [2]
Ritual - Worse skill. One of: Singing (E) HT [1];
On critical failure, Dancing (A) DX-1 [1];
suffer crisis of faith Administration, Architecture,
and lose divinely Poetry, or Writing, all (A) IQ-1
granted powers; to [1]; or Musical Instrument (H) IQ-
regain them, roll once 2 [1].
per month vs. (Will - One of: Thanatology (H) IQ-2
number of months [1] or Dreaming, Exorcism, or
since crisis). Meditation, all (H) Will-2 [1]
Monthly Pay: $200.
Adjusted for margin of Flame Eternal monk
success or failure.
Wealth Level: Poor.
(Religious Adherent Lens)
Points Value: [25]
Supports Status -2.
Prerequisite: Religious Ritual 14+
Advantages: [30]
Charisma 2 [10];
Advantages: [15]
20 points chosen from among: Allies (Disciples) [Varies],
Magery 0 (Movement) - [5]
Animal Empathy [5], Clerical Investment [5], Devotion
Rank 2: Temple of the Flame Eternal - Monk [10]
[5/level], Empathy [15] or Sensitive [5], Hard to Kill
[2/level], Higher Purpose [5], Language (Scriptural;
Extra Skills: [10]
Native) [6], Plant Empathy [5], Reawakened [10],
Pick for 10 points: Karate (H) DX [4]; First Aid (E) IQ+1
Religious Rank [5/level], Spirit Empathy [10], True Faith
[2]; Meditation (H) Will [4]; Thaumatology (VH) IQ-2 [2],
[15], Voice [10], or additional levels of Charisma
Staff (A) DX [2]; Acrobatics (H) DX [4]; Artist (any) (H) IQ-
[5/level] or Power Investiture [10/level]; Blessed [10],
1 [2]; Astronomy (H) IQ-1 [2]; Herb Lore (VH) IQ-2 [2];
Channeling [10], Medium [10], Wealth (Comfortable)
Hypnotism (H) IQ-1 [2]
[10] or (Wealthy) [20]

Primary Skills: [18]
Research (A) IQ [2].
Points Value: [25] One of: Occultism (A) IQ+4 [16]; Astronomy,
A scholar is a person who pursues academic and Geography, History, Linguistics, Literature,
intellectual activities, particularly those that develop Mathematics, Military Science, Natural Philosophy,
expertise in an area of study. They often chose a single Philosophy, Political Science, or Theology, all (H) IQ+3
science to pursue with almost feverish purpose. While [16]; or Thaumatology (VH) IQ+2 [16].
they are often seen
hidden in libraries and Secondary Skills: [1]
laboratories, nothing One of: Administration, Public
prevents a scholar from Speaking, or Teaching, all (A) IQ-
picking up a few 1 [1]. additional field of
combat skills and going knowledge, from those listed as
out for an adventure to primary skills, at (A) IQ-1 [1], (H)
find his own answers. IQ-2 [1], or (VH) IQ-3 [1];
Prerequisites: IQ 12+
Job Roll: Research skill. Background Skills: [6]
On critical failure lose Three of: Brawling (E) DX+1
1dx$100 [2]; Games or Savoir Faire (High
Monthly Pay: $400. Society), both (E) IQ+1 [2];
Adjusted for margin of Scrounging (E) Per+1 [2]; or
success or failure. Carousing or Singing, both (E)
Wealth Level: HT+1 [2]
Struggling. Supports
Status -1. Loremaster (Scholar Lens)
Points Value: [25]
Advantages: [25] The scholars of the Arken
Language University are mages that are
(Accented/Native) [5] proficient with Knowledge spells,
20 points chosen from their studies greatly enhances by
among: Eidetic their powers. The Loremasters
Memory [5] or are famous for being
Photographic Memory adventurous and looking for lost
[10], Language Talent knowledge or new to be
[10], Less Sleep discovered all over the world.
[2/level], Sage Prerequisite: Flame Jet 14+
[10/level], Single
Minded [5], Status [5/level], or Wealth (Comfortable) Advantages: [15]
[10]. Magery 0 (Orange) [5];
Rank 2: Mage Guild - Arken University - Acolyte [10]
Disadvantages: [-25]
Code of Honor (Professional) [-5] Extra Skills: [10]
-20 points chosen from among: Absent Mindedness [- Pick for 10 points: Meditation (H) Will-1 [2]; Accounting
15], Bad Sight (Nearsighted) [-25], Bad Temper [-10], (H) IQ-2 [1]; Occultism (A) IQ-1 [1]; Savoir-Faire (High
Bully [-10], Combat Paralysis [-15], Curious [-5], Society or Magical) (E) IQ [1]. Archaeology (H) IQ [4];
Disciplines of Faith (Monasticism) [-10], Duty (Teaching; Alchemy (VH) IQ-2 [2]; First Aid (E) IQ [1]; Herb Lore
Nonhazardous) [-5 or -10], Indecisive [-10], Jealousy [- (VH) IQ-2 [2], Architecture (A) IQ-1 [1]; Chemistry (H) IQ
10], Lame (Crippled Legs) [-10], Loner [-5], Odious [4]; Counterfeiting (H) IQ [4]; Cryptography (H) IQ [4];
Personal Habit (Lecturing) [-5], Pacifism [-5 to -30], Gambling (A) IQ-1 [1]; Heraldry (A) IQ [2]
Selfish [-5], Skinny [-5], Truthfulness [-5], Unfit [-5] or
Very Unfit [-15], or Wealth (Struggling) [-10].

Primary Skills: [7]
Exorcism (H) Will-1 [2]; Hidden Lore
Points Value: [25] (Spirits) (A) IQ-1 [1]; Naturalist (H)
Shamanism is a IQ-1 [2]; and Pharmacy (Herbal) (H)
religious practice IQ-1 [2].
that involves a
practitioner, a Secondary Skills: [12]
shaman, who is Two of: First Aid (E) IQ+1 [2];
believed to interact Meditation (H) Will-1 [2]; Stealth (A)
with the spirit world. DX [2]; Survival (Any) (A) Per [2]; and
They are often in Weather Sense (A) IQ [2].
prominent positions One of these skills packages:
with barbaric tribes Either Axe/Mace or Spear, both
as advisors or (A) DX+1 [4], and Shield (E) DX+2 [4].
healers, preferring to Staff (A) DX+2 [8]
stay in the One of: Bow (A) DX+2 [8], Sling
wilderness rather (H) DX+1 [8], or Thrown Weapon
than venturing forth (Spear) (E) DX+3 [8].
into the civilization.
Prerequisites: IQ 11+ Background Skills: [6]
Job Roll: Naturalist Six of: Brawling, Jumping, Knife,
skill. On critical or Knot Tying, all (E) DX [1]; Riding,
failure 1d damage Throwing, or Wrestling, all (A) DX-1
Monthly Pay: $380. Adjusted for margin of success or [1]; Blowpipe or Net, both (H) DX-2 [1]; Area Knowledge
failure. (Home Area) or Camouflage, both (E) IQ [1]; Animal
Wealth Level: Struggling. Supports Status -1. Handling, Cartography, Falconry, Fortune-Telling
(Augury or Dream Interpretation), Navigation (Land),
Advantages: [25] Occultism, Teamster, or Traps, all (A) IQ-1 [1]; Diagnosis
25 points chosen from among: Channeling [10]; or Veterinary, all (H) IQ-2 [1]; Intimidation (A) Will-1 [1];
Medium [10]; Spirit Empathy [10]. Acute Senses Survival (Different specialty), all (A) Per-1 [1]
[2/level], Animal Friend 1-3 [5/level], Charisma 1-3
[5/level], Claim to Hospitality (Local Community) Feral Shaman (Shaman Lens)
[Varies], Empathy [15] or Sensitive [5], Fearlessness Points Value: [25]
[2/level], Fit [5], Talent: Healer [10], Higher Purpose Every Malgam tribe has their Feral Shaman, a
(Serve your people; Protect the spirit realm; etc.) [5], practitioner of the magical arts involving nature, all the
Intuition [15], Languages (Any) [2-6/language], Night aspects of animals and plants. Their close ties with
Vision 1-3 [1/level], Outdoorsman 1 [10], Social Regard nature are a boon for the tribes living in the wilderness,
1-3 (Respected) [5/level], Voice [10] bringing them closer to the real nature of the Malgam,
the feral beast inside.
Disadvantages: [-25] Prerequisite: Naturalist 14+; Malgam only
-25 points chosen from among: Code of Honor [-5],
Sense of Duty [-5 or -10], or Vow (Vegetarianism or Advantages: [15]
Always help a spirit of some specific type who asks for Magery 0 (Green) [5]
aid) [-5 or -10]; Addiction (Weird mushrooms; Cheap; Rank 2: Mage Guild - The Feral Pack - Acolyte [10]
Hallucinogenic; Legal) [-10], Appearance (Unattractive
or Ugly) [-4 or -8], Sense of Duty (Current client; Fellow Extra Skills: [10]
adventurers; or Community/tribe) [-2, -5, or -10], or Pick for 10 points: Occultism (A) IQ [2]; Savoir-Faire
Wealth (Struggling or Poor) [-10 or -15]. Innumerate [- (Magical) (E) IQ [1]. Herb Lore (VH) IQ-2 [2], [2];
5], Language: Spoken (Native)/Written (Broken or Persuade (H) Will-1 [2]; Religious Ritual (H) IQ-1 [2].
None) [-2 or -3], Loner [-5], Low TL 1 or 2 [-5 or -10], Theology (H) IQ-1 [2]; Mental Strength (E) Will [1],
Odious Personal Habit (“Scruffy primitive”; Sarcastic; or Musical Instrument (H) IQ-2 [1]; Astronomy (H) IQ-2 [1];
Willfully enigmatic) [-5], Skinny [-5]

[8]; Biology (Zoology), Thanatology, or Theology, all (H)
IQ+1 [8]; or Weird Science (VH) IQ [8].
Points Value: [25] One of: Architecture, Research, or Streetwise, all (A)
The slayer specializes in defeating foes with IQ+1 [4]; or Tracking (A) Per+1 [4].
extraordinary abilities: gigantic monsters, undead, evil One of: Crossbow, Knife, or Thrown Weapon
sorcerers, mutated animals or the like. They are hired (Harpoon), all (E) DX+2 [4]; Bow or Polearm, both (A)
for their profound DX+1 [4]; or Net (H) DX [4].
knowledge of the
unnatural, to hunt down Secondary Skills: [6]
the creatures that Three of: Camouflage (E) IQ+1 [2];
plague the populace. Stealth (A) DX [2]; or Disguise (Animal)
Prerequisites: DX 11+, IQ or Shadowing, both (A) IQ [2]; Forced
11+ Entry (E) DX [2]; Armoury, Explosives,
Job Roll: Naturalist skill. or Traps, all (A) IQ [2]; or Poisons (H)
On critical failure 1d IQ-1 [2]; Fast-Talk, Leadership, or
damage Teaching, all (A) IQ [2]; or Mind Block
Monthly Pay: $900. (A) Will [2].
Adjusted for margin of
success or failure. Background Skills: [3]
Wealth Level: Three of: Brawling, Fast-Draw
Comfortable. Supports (Arrow or Knife), or Knot-Tying, all (E)
Status 1 DX [1]; First Aid (E) IQ [1]; Disguise (A)
IQ-1 [1]; or Law or Tactics, both (H) IQ-
Advantages: [30] 2 [1]
30 points chosen from
among: Ambidexterity Undead Hunter (Slayer lens)
[5], Blessed (Heroic Points Value: [25]
Feats) [10], Fearlessness There are many monsters that
[2/level], Hard to Kill threaten humanity, the undead
[2/level], Night Vision probably the most vile, parodies of
[1/level], Signature Gear former humans. The Undead Hunter
[1/level], Single Minded can seek out and track undead
[5], True Faith [15], Very creatures, protect themselves from
Fit [15]; Combat Reflexes their blighted touch, and bless their
[15], Danger Sense [15], weapons with the power to kill even
Peripheral Vision [15]; the most powerful undead.
Fit [5]; Higher Purpose Prerequisite: Weapon skill 14+
Advantages: [15]
Disadvantages: [-30] Magery 0 (one college) [5]
Pacifism (Cannot Harm High Pain Threshold (10)
Innocents) [-10]
-20 points chosen from among: Bloodlust [-10], Callous Extra Skills: [10]
[-5], Compulsive Behavior (Generosity) [-5], Enemy Hidden Lore (Undead) (A) IQ+1 [4]
(Specific Monster) [Varies], Fanaticism [-15], Greed [- Pick for 6 points: Running (A) HT-1 [1]; First Aid (E) IQ
15], Loner [-5], Nightmares [-5], No Sense of Humor [- [1]; Intimidation (A) Will [2]; Observation (A) Per [2];
10], Obsession [-10], Overconfidence [-5], Sense of Duty Guns (E) DX [1]; Bow (A) DX [2]; Fast-Draw (E) DX [1];
(Victims of monsters) [-5], Stubbornness [5], or Detect Lies (H) Per [4]; Persuade (H) Will-1 [2];
Weirdness Magnet [-15]. Acrobatics (H) DX-1 [2]; Blind Fighting (VH) Per-1 [4];
Interrogation (A) IQ-1 [1]; Physiology (H) IQ-1 [2]
Primary Skills: [16]
One of: Hidden Lore (any) or Occultism, both (A) IQ+2

Thief Secondary Skills: [12]
Fast-Talk (A) IQ [2];
Points Value: [25]
Thieves live by taking Streetwise (A) IQ [2];
other people’s property, One of: Running (A)
not by force of arms but HT+2 [8] or Stealth (A)
by stealth. If the thief has DX+2 [8].
to fight, the job has
already gone wrong. This Background Skills: [2]
template emphasizes One of: Savoir Faire
stealth and concealment. (High Society or Servant)
Potential victims may IQ [1]; Architecture,
provide safeguards for Connoisseur, Merchant,
their valuables, so thieves or Traps, all (A) IQ-1 [1];
also have some Urban Survival (A) Per-1
knowledge of getting past [1]; or Jeweler (H) IQ-2
walls, locks, and traps. [1].
Prerequisites: DX 11+ One of: Brawling or
Job Roll: Streetwise skill. Knife, both (E) DX [1].
On critical failure,
arrested and tried Red Eye Mover
according to local law;
reaction roll at trial is at -2
(Thief lens)
Points Value: [25]
due to notoriety.
The Mover is a
Monthly Pay: $1,350.
specialized thief that
Wealth Level:
augments his skills with
Comfortable. Supports
small magic, from going
Status 1
through walls to
airwalking up to
Advantages: [20]
unreachable windows.
20 points chosen from
The Red Eye values them
among: Absolute
highly as they bring in a
Direction [5], Acute Hearing [2/level], Contact or
large amount of valuables, they are usually well
Contact Group (Fences) [Varies], Danger Sense [15],
protected by Bruisers and Triggers while out running
High Manual Dexterity [5/level], Night Vision [1/level],
Perfect Balance [15], or Wealth (Comfortable) [10], or
Prerequisite: Lockpicking 13+; Weapon skill 12+
Patron (Thieves’ Guild; 9 or less) [10].
Advantages: [15]
Disadvantages: [-25]
Rank 2: Guild - Red Eye - Mover [10]
-25 points chosen from among: Greed [-15],
Magery 0 (one college) [5]
Overconfidence [-5], Pacifism (Cannot Kill) [-15],
Trademark [-5 to -15], or Wealth (Struggling) [-10];
Extra Skills: [10]
Secret (Imprisonment or Exile) [-20], Kleptomania [-15]
Pick for 10 points: First Aid (E) IQ+1 [2]; Intimidation (A)
Will [2]; Guns (E) DX+1 [2]; Fast-Draw (E) DX+1 [2];
Primary Skills: [16]
Persuade (H) Will-1 [2]; Law (H) IQ-1 [2]; Hiking (A) HT
Observation or Search, both (A) Per+1 [4]
[2]; Jeweler (H) IQ-1 [2]; Smuggling (A) IQ [2]; Gesture
and one of the following skill sets:
(E) IQ+1 [2]; Thrown Weapon (E) DX+1 [2]
Burglar: Climbing (A) DX+2 [8] either Forced Entry (E)
DX+2 [4] or Lockpicking (A) DX+1 [4].
Cutpurse/Pickpocket: Shadowing (A) IQ+1 [4]; either
Pickpocket (A) DX+1 [8] or Knife (E) DX+3 [8].
Shoplifter: Filch (A) DX+2 [8]; Holdout (A) IQ+1 [4]

Urban Rogue Primary Skills: [14]
Area Knowledge (Local) (E) IQ+1 [2]
Points Value: [25]
Urban rogues are usually involved in criminal activities, 12 points chosen from among: Brawling (E) DX+1 [2];
using their skills with the sword and knife to get what Rapier, Saber, Shortsword, Smallsword, all (A) DX [2],
they want. They can be part of an organized group, Stealth (A) DX+1 [4]; Pickpocket (H) DX [4]; Fast-Talk,
acting as muscle or a lonely backstreet thug taking the Lockpicking/TL3, Streetwise or Traps/TL3, all (A) IQ [2].
valuables of a mark at
sword’s point. They Secondary Skills: [10]
prefer bustling cities, 10 points chosen from
where the pickings are among: Knife or Forced
rich and is much easier to Entry, both (E) DX+1 [2];
disappear into the Filch (A) DX [2]; Holdout
faceless crowd. or Shadowing, both (A) IQ
Prerequisites: DX 11+ [2]; Running (A) HT [2]; or
Job Roll: Area Observation (A) Per [2]
Knowledge. On critical
failure, arrested and Background Skills: [6]
tried according to local 6 points chosen from
law; reaction roll at trial among: Climbing (A) DX-1
is at -2 due to notoriety. [1]; Escape (H) DX-2 [1];
Monthly Pay: $800 Acting, Architecture/TL3,
Wealth Level: Average. and Merchant, all (A) IQ-1
Supports Status 0. [1]; Intimidation (A) Will-
1 [1]; Scrounging (E) Per
Advantages: [20] [1]; or Detect Lies (H) Per-
20 points chosen from 2 [1]
among: Absolute
Direction [5], Acute Muhomono Arm
Senses [2/level],
Contacts (Authorities or
(Urban Rogue lens)
Points Value: [25]
street) [Varies], Danger
Mohumono recruits their
Sense [15], Daredevil
tough guys from the
[15], Fearlessness [2/level], Flexibility [5] or Double-
Senshan communities in all major cities around Cheiva.
Jointed [15], High Manual Dexterity [5/level], Honest
With their local knowledge and great weapon skills that
Face [1], Less Sleep [2/level], Night Vision [1/level], or
they get trained from early childhood, the Arm is always
Patron (Thieves’ Guild; 9 or less) [10].
there to support their family in every fight.
Prerequisite: Weapon skill 14+
Disadvantages: [-25]
-25 points chosen from among: Code of Honor (Pirate’s,
Advantages: [15]
Stays Bought, or similar) [-5], Duty (To Thieves’ Guild, 9
Rank 2: Guild - Muhomono - Arm [10]
or less) [-5] or Duty (As above, but also Involuntary) [-
Magery 0 (one college) [5]
10], Enemy (The authorities: Medium Sized Group; 6 or
less) [-10], Loner [-5], Secret (Criminal; Utter Rejection)
Extra Skills: [10]
[-10], Social Stigma (Known Criminal) [-5], Status -1 or -2
Pick for 10 points: First Aid (E) IQ+1 [2]; Guns (E) DX+1
[-5 or -10], Trademark [-5, -10, or -15], or Wealth
[2]; Fast-Draw (E) DX+1 [2]; Persuade (H) Will-1 [2]; Law
(Struggling) [-10] or Wealth (Poor) [-15]; Debt (15% of
(H) IQ-1 [2]; Hiking (A) HT [2]; Jeweler (H) IQ-1 [2];
Starting Wealth/Month) [-15], Greed [-15], or Trickster
Smuggling (A) IQ [2]; Gesture (E) IQ+1 [2]; Thrown
Weapon (E) DX+1 [2]

Watchman Whitehelm (Watchman lens)
Points Value: [25] Points Value: [25]
A watchman patrols a city or town, dealing with The town of Tenspire makes sure that the streets of the
disturbances; their job is to keep the peace, patrol after city are safe by employing a great number of
curfew but they will usually only investigate any crime if professional watchmen, the Whitehelms. They are not
the victim had powerful friends or relatives. However, just street patrolling officers but have many magic using
in some larger cities, the Watch is becoming more like a detectives, interrogators and scientists and among their
genuine crime-solving agency, with multiple specialists rank.
beside the halberd holding gate guard. Prerequisite: Weapon skill 13+

Job Description Advantages: [15]

Prerequisites: ST 11+, DX 11+ Rank 1: City Watch - Constable [5]
Job Roll: Best combat skill. On critical failure, take 2d Patron (City or town government - Tenspire; 9 or less)
damage. [10]
Monthly Pay: $600.
Wealth Level: Average. Supports Status 0 Extra Skills: [10]
Pick for 10 points: Observation (A) Per [2]; Guns (E)
Advantages: [25] DX+1 [2]; Armoury (A) IQ [2]; Fast-Draw (E) DX+1 [2];
Legal Enforcement Powers [10]; Persuade (H) Will [4]; Hiking (A) HT [2]; Shadowing (A)
and 15 points chosen from among: Acute Senses IQ [2]; Forensics/TL3 (H) IQ [4]
[2/level], Combat Reflexes [15], Contacts (Street)
[Varies], Danger Sense [15], Fearlessness [2/level], Hard
to Subdue [2/level], Night Vision
[1/level], Sensitive [5] or Empathy [15]

Disadvantages: [-25]
Duty (To city or town government; 12 or
less) [-10],
-15 points chosen from among: Bully [-
10], Curious [-5], Enemy (Underworld
figure) [Varies], Pacifism (Cannot Harm
Innocents) [-10], Honesty [-10], Laziness
[-10], Sense of Duty (To honest folk or
any) [Varies], Truthfulness [-5]

Primary Skills: [12]

Area Knowledge (Local) (E) IQ+2 [4];
Brawling (A) DX+1 [4]; and any weapon

Secondary Skills: [8]

Detect Lies (H) Per-1 [2]; Intimidation
(A) Will [2]; Law (Local) (H) IQ-1 [2]; and
Streetwise (A) IQ [2]

Background Skills: [5]

5 points chosen from among: First
Aid/TL3 (E) IQ [1]; Criminology/TL3, Fast
Talk, Interrogation, and Public Speaking,
all (A) IQ-1 [1]; Diplomacy (H) IQ-2 [1]; or Running (A)
HT-1 [1]

The Malgam races emerged after the Descent, the original settlers using their technological magic to create crossbreeds
between human and animal, to have a more resistant and flexible workforce that could better adjust to the new
environment. Taking the best characteristics from the animal kingdom they initially created over 100 Malgam types but
only a few races were strong enough to survive the coming thousand years. During those 1000 years the Malgam
became free of the human yoke, with their own lands to rule and religions to follow. The Malgam races are not united
though, the Highborn are squabbling with the Lowborn races for recognition and power, bloodshed is often a way of
settling disputes between various tribes. The followers of the Bloodline Ancestors worship E’lab, the Maker of Life who
is seen as the original ancestor of all Malgams and preaches equality. However, the harsh lands of Malgamy are ripe with
revolution, the voices of Arvadur, the Spirit of Freedom, are loud with the superiority of the Malgam over humans. On
the East the Trueborn Circle is ruled by the Overlord, a mighty Malgam mage, who is awakening the magical potential of
his followers. Their aim is to break down the status the Malgams are born with, making them all Trueborn, and rule
whole Malgamy with their wisdom.

The following details are listed for each Malgam race:

Malgam status: Lowborn are the races that are seen as Attribute Modifiers: Taking the race template gives you
warmongering, volatile with humans and usually these modifiers to your attributes.
hostile. They are living in the harsh environments and Advantages: a choice of advantages for your race that
hidden places. Highborn races are the nobles and make the specific characteristics visible.
intellectual races that are closer to the humans and thus Disadvantages: a choice of disadvantages for your
are seen more often in their lands. template, the negative features that shape the race
Natural Enemy: Each tribe has a natural enemy, Total: Total cost for taking the racial template, every
another tribe of Malgams that are on the opposite with Malgam race costs 45pts.
them in characteristics and mentality, usually a
Highborn race is opposed by a Lowborn.

Crodus (Alligator malgam) Urson (Bear malgam)
Malgam status: Lowborn Malgam status: Highborn
Natural Enemy: Dracon Natural Enemy: Scrog
Attribute Modifiers: Attribute Modifiers:
ST+2 [20]; DX 0 [0]; IQ-2 [-40]; HT +2 [20] ST+3 [27]; DX -1 [-20]; IQ 0 [0]; HT+2 [20].
Advantages: Secondary Characteristic Modifiers:
Striker, crushing - tail [5]; Acute Taste and Smell 2 [4]; Large (Size Modifier +1) [0]
DR 4 [20]; Claws (Sharp) [5]; Teeth (Sharp) [1]; Advantages:
Temperature Tolerance 3 [3]; Peripheral Vision [15]; Acute Hearing 1 [2]; Acute Taste and Smell 3 [6]; Claws
Nictitating Membrane 2 [2]; Amphibious [10] (Sharp) [5]; DR 1 [5]; Teeth (Sharp) [1]; Temperature
Disadvantages: Tolerance 2 [2]; Extra HP 10 [9]; Night Vision 3 [3]
Cold-Blooded [-10]; Bloodlust [-10] Disadvantages:
Total: 45pts Increased Consumption 1 [-10]; Slow Riser [-5]
Total: 45pts

The Crodus are a territorial tribal race, consisting of The massive Urson are one of the large Malgams,
smaller family groups, that are found in warm locations towering over average humans by half their size. They
with rivers and lakes in the area. They usually inhabit are loosely organized, usually living as a family under
the northern parts of Cheiva, mostly in Gaer and the protection of a local tribe. They inhabit the southern
Sensha, but can be found in the great marshlands of regions, preferring colder climate and mountainous
southern Archadan. Keeping usually away from human areas. When it comes to religion, they mostly follow
civilization as they are often in conflict, hunted in some the wisdom of the Bloodline Ancestors however, some
parts and feared in most. The Crodus are followers of see Arvadur as the true path for the race. They are
the Arvadurian creed, seeing themselves as masters famous for their mighty Warbrood warriors and have
over the humans and thus often raiding human powerful Feral Shamans who guide their tribes. It’s rare
settlements and waging a guerilla war from the depth of for an Urson to be part of a criminal organization, due
their jungle. In large cities they are most often seen in to being Highborn, but they are often found as
the arenas or as part of a criminal organization, always bodyguards, watchmen or gladiators in the cities of
as a muscle. Cheiva.

Scrog (Boar malgam) Felir (Cat malgam)
Malgam status: Lowborn Malgam status: Highborn
Natural Enemy: Urson Natural Enemy: Rodan
Attribute Modifiers: Attribute Modifiers:
ST+2 [18]; DX -1 [-20]; IQ -1 [-20]; HT+3 [30]. ST-1 [-10]; DX+1 [20]; IQ+1 [20]; HT 0 [0]
Secondary Characteristic Modifiers: Advantages:
Large (Size Modifier +1) [0] Acute Hearing 2 [4]; Acute Taste and Smell 1 [2]; Catfall
Advantages: [10]; Claws (Sharp) [5]; Teeth (Sharp) [1]; Temperature
Acute Hearing 2 [4]; Acute Taste and Smell 4 [8]; Striker Tolerance 1 [1]; Night Vision 5 [5]; Silence 1 [5]
(tusks) [5]; High Pain Threshold [10]; Extra HP 10 [9]; Disadvantages:
Universal Digestion [5]; Magic Resistance 3 [6] Impulsiveness [-10]; Sleepy (1/2 of the time) [-8]
Disadvantages: Total: 45pts
Bad Temper [-10]
Total: 45pts

As their origin animal, the Scrog are loud, smelly and The Felir are primarily a city dwelling race, they enjoy
always in a bad mood. They can be found nearly in the bustling cities where they can ply their trade be it
every part of Cheiva however, they prefer moderate or legal or illegal. They are most often making their life as
colder weather. Scrogs are organized in large tribes and magic users but many of them are accomplished
have their own lands which they fiercely protect. In thieves, famous cat burglars. They are found rarely in
large cities they are often found as muscle for hire, an mixed Highborn Warbroods as combat mages or
intimidating weapon as “death by Scrog” sometimes healers. The Felir are very loosely organized, having
means that they filled their belly with someone’s body tribal houses where they meet and discuss the matters
parts. Due to their innate magic resistance they have of the city and tribe under the supervision of their
very rarely any magic powers however, their Warbrood, elders. They are the staunch believers in the Bloodline
the Spellstompers are famous shock troops against Ancestors as no other creeds are tolerated from the
magic wielding opposition. Although, they are known as elders. However, some Felir secretly joined the
very undependable and famous for selling to the Trueborn Circle, to further their magical powers and
highest bidder even in the middle of a battle. Scrogs are work towards the domination of mages over the
not very spiritual, they don’t care about the Ancestors mundanes.
or the other Malgam creeds. All they want is riches,
thick fodder and a good brawl.

Corux (Crow malgam) Aquir (Hawk malgam)
Malgam status: Lowborn Magam status: Highborn
Natural Enemy: Aquir Natural Enemy: Corux
Attribute Modifiers: Attribute Modifiers:
ST 0 [0]; DX +1 [20]; IQ +1 [20]; HT 0 [0] ST 0 [0]; DX +2 [40]; IQ 0 [0]; HT 0 [0]
Advantages: Advantages:
Teeth - Beak [1]; Claws (Talons - Feet) [8]; Reduced Teeth - Beak [1]; Claws (Talons - Feet) [8]; Temperature
Consumption 2 - Cast Iron Stomach [2]; Temperature Tolerance 1 [1]; Night Vision 5 [5]
Tolerance 1 [1] Disadvantages:
Disadvantages: Overconfidence [-5]; Light Sleeper [-5]
Callous [-5]; Weak Bite [-2] Total: 45pts
Total: 45pts

The Corux are mischief personified, preferring to live Famous for their Warbrood, the Aquir are known as
the life of a criminal in any urban environment, renowned swordsmen and archers, sought after by
preferring to stay on land rather than take to sailing the many warring factions. They are seen in all parts of
seas. They are most often thieves, rogues, thugs with Cheiva, with no preferred biome or city to dwell. Tribal
quite a few of them having an extra spell or two up their councils are in every larger city that handle tribal
sleeves. Every city has a Corux council and a Tribal disputes and the mercenary work allocation. Aquir also
house where they meet to exchange stories of their take up roles in cities as watchmen or investigators,
exploits. Having no Warbrood, some adventurous Corux while in the countryside they can be prowling knights
try their luck signing up as mages, or even as fighters, protecting the locals from bandits and monsters. The
with some Lowborn mixed units. The spell wielders are Aquir mages prefer colleges that are connected to
usually members of the Trueborn Circle while most of combat and healing spells. They are primarily following
them are followers of the Bloodline Ancestors’ creed. the creed of the Bloodline Ancestors, heeding their
wisdom before each battle.

Vulbin (Fox malgam) Anur (Frog malgam)
Malgam status: Lowborn Malgam status: Lowborn
Natural Enemy: Lupon Natural Enemy: Serban
Attribute Modifiers: Attribute Modifiers:
ST 0 [0]; DX+1 [20]; IQ+1 [20]; HT 0 [0] ST -1 [-10]; DX +1 [20]; IQ 0 [0]; HT 0 [0]
Advantages: Advantages:
Acute Hearing 2 [4]; Acute Taste and Smell 1 [2]; Claws Acute Vision 2 [4]; Nictitating Membrane 1 [1];
(Sharp) [5]; Teeth (Sharp) [1]; Night Vision 3 [3]: Amphibious [10]; Doesn't Breathe - Oxygen absorption
Disadvantages: via skin [15]; Speak Underwater [5]; Hyperspectral
Trickster - weekly [-10] Vision [25]
Total: 45pts Disadvantages:
Cold-Blooded [-5]; Dependency - Water (Very
common/weekly) [-10]; Disturbing Voice [-10]
Total: 45pts

The famous tricksters and entertainers, the Vulbin are The sneaky Anur are inhabiting temperate or warm
found nearly everywhere they can be gawked at by areas near to sweet water lakes and rivers, keeping
spectators. From busy towns to the dirty roads, they away from the human population. They tend to be
play their games on the unsuspecting folks for money fiercely territorial, protecting their lands with all
and fun. They are good with a sword or bow but their available power against any intruder. Their enemies first
natural affinity is towards illusions and mind magic. As hear their loud croaks before the arrows start coming
well-known bards, actors or even jugglers, they are from all directions. However, not many Anur are being
often seen learning the performing arts in Uv’sen and part of a Warbrood, their dependency on sweet water
Laic. Keeping close connections with the criminal makes them suitable only for such areas, bogs and
underworld but they tend to be more like freelancers, marshlands. The Feral Shamans of the tribe are
hired help for special jobs. They sometimes join a mixed powerful not only with green spells but with water
Warbrood as scouts or spies but try to stay away from magic too. The Anur council is always held underwater,
the heat of the battle. The Vulbin council are gathering never in a city or near human presence. Believing in
in the theatres of big cities, they tend to be lightly strong hierarchy and seniority within the tribe they are
organized. Creeds and faiths mean nothing to them, all remembering their Bloodline Ancestors with fervor.
they remember the greatest tricksters and stories about
the most famous performances done.

Hyned (Hyena malgam) Pandor (Lion malgam)
Malgam status: Lowborn Malgam status: Highborn
Natural Enemy: Pandor Natural Enemy: Hyned
Attribute Modifiers: Attribute Modifiers:
ST +2 [20]; DX +1 [20]; IQ-1 [-20]; HT +1 [10] ST +2 [20]; DX 0 [0]; IQ 0 [0]; HT +2 [20]
Advantages: Advantages:
Acute Hearing 2 [4]; Acute Taste and Smell 2 [4]; Claws Acute Hearing 2 [4]; Acute Taste and Smell 3 [6]; Claws
(Sharp) [5]; Teeth (Sharp) [1]; Night Vision 4 [4]: (Sharp) [5]; Teeth (Sharp) [1]; Night Vision 4 [4]:
Reduced Consumption 2 - Cast Iron Stomach [2]; Disadvantages:
Enhanced Dodge +1 [15] Impulsiveness [-10]; Stubbornness [-5]
Disadvantages: Total: 45pts
Bully [-10]; Bad Smell [-10]
Total: 45pts

The rowing hunting packs of the Hyned prefer open The Pandor are famous warriors, fierce and fearless
lands, temperate and warm areas but are also found in with a great heart and loud laugh. They inhabit the
cities serving whatever criminal organization can keep temperate and warmer biomes of Cheiva, their tribes
them in check. The Hyned Warbrood is known for their are territorial and keep a council of elders for each
speed and ferocity, preferring close combat with swift location they have under their protection. Maybe the
maneuvering around their foe. If not in war they tend to most famous Warbrood, the Fearless are always taking
terrorize the less protected lands as bandits, stealing only a right fight against tyranny and oppression,
and pillaging from the weaker but keeping distance against criminals and monsters that threaten the peace.
from any tougher opposition. Their Tribal council is Every Pandor goes for an initiation adventure alone,
ruled by Feral Shamans, it is always on the move due to they leave their tribe for a year to see the world and to
their nomadic lifestyle, only the tribe knows where they learn the ways of survival. The Feral Shamans of the
are located. The Arvadurian creed is followed by all tribes hold a strong position in the Pandor hierarchy,
Hyned, they act always as superior to humans and their wisdom and insight guiding the impulsive race.
looking down at them for their weakness. They all believe in their Bloodline Ancestors, trusting to
the old wisdoms.

Dracon (Lizard malgam) Bovan (Oxen malgam)
Malgam status: Highborn Malgam status: Highborn
Natural Enemy: Crodus Natural Enemy: Rhenn
Attribute Modifiers: Attribute Modifiers:
ST+1 [10]; DX 0 [0]; IQ-1 [-20]; HT +1 [10] ST+1 [9]; DX-1 [-20]; IQ 0 [0]; HT+2 [20].
Advantages: Secondary Characteristic Modifiers:
Striker, crushing - tail [5]; Acute Taste and Smell 5 [10]; Large (Size Modifier +1) [0]
DR 2 [10]; Claws (Sharp) [5]; Teeth (Sharp) [1]; Advantages:
Temperature Tolerance 2 [2]; Peripheral Vision [15]; Peripheral Vision [15]; Acute Hearing 2 [4]; Acute Taste
Nictitating Membrane 2 [2] and Smell 4 [8]; Striker (horn) [5]; Extra HP 10 [9];
Disadvantages: Charisma 1 [5]; Night Vision 2 [2]; Hooves [3]
Cold-Blooded [-5] Disadvantages:
Total: 45pts Increased Consumption 1 [-10]; Chummy [-5]
Total: 45pts

Preferring marshlands but also home on the seas of The Bovan are famous travelers and merchants, they
Cheiva, the Dracon are a versatile race that is primarily are most often leading their caravans through the lands
seen in warmer environments due to being cold- of Cheiva for adventure and trade. Fairly proficient with
blooded. Famous for their warrior culture, their weapons, they are well suited to protect themselves
Warbrood is renowned for their naval experience. while on the road. While not having their own
Commonly seen as sailors on merchant vessels, on the Warbrood, they often join mixed units to bolster them
other hand, they are also plying the trade of smuggling with sword and spell. Their councils are in mercantile
and piracy with great skill. The elder councils of the hubs, cities that have the high road running through
Dracon are always set in a port city, providing council them and ports that connect commerce between
and guidance for the tribes. The Feral Shamans are rare countries. Their mages are mostly part of the Salveni
for this race but they have great skill with weather and Consortium but some are still following the ways of the
water spells. The Bloodline Ancestors are the primary Feral Shamans. The creed of the Bloodline Ancestors is
religion for the Dracon, a very few would openly admit the only they follow, no other religions gained any
following any other creed. recognition with the Bovan.

Rodan (Rat malgam) Rhenn (Rhino malgam)
Malgam status: Lowborn Malgam status: Lowborn
Natural Enemy: Felir Natural Enemy: Bovan
Attribute Modifiers: Attribute Modifiers:
ST -1 [-10]; DX +2 [40]; IQ 0 [0]; HT 0 [0] ST+3 [27]; DX-1 [-20]; IQ -1 [-20]; HT+3 [30].
Advantages: Secondary Characteristic Modifiers:
Acute Hearing 2 [4]; Acute Taste and Smell 2 [4]; Claws Large (Size Modifier +1) [0]
(Sharp) [5]; Teeth (Sharp) [1]; Enhanced Dodge +1 [15]; Advantages:
Temperature Tolerance 1 [1] Acute Hearing 2 [4]; Acute Taste and Smell 2 [4]; Striker
Disadvantages: (horn) [5]; Extra HP 10 [9]; Hooves [3]; DR 3 [15];
Colorblindness [-10]; Callous [-5] Temperature Tolerance 1 [1]
Total: 45pts Disadvantages:
Berserk [-10]
Total: 45pts

The Rodan are present in every large city and Angry slabs of muscle with a very short fuse and a
metropole, mostly under it, occupying the sewer preference in large weapons, the Rhenn are Cheiva’s
systems where they do their shady business. They are most brutal warriors and feared on every battlefield.
primarily thieves and assassins, some of them are They tend to avoid cold places and their tribes always
known to be fences for loot and the magically apt are set their council in a lowland area, away from human
often selling their services to the highest bidder. They settlements. Their Warbrood, the Chargers, are famous
don’t form any Warbrood but often serve in mixed units for their straightforward tactic to every enemy, a
as scouts and infiltrators, especially for sieges and city relentless attack preceded by a rushing charge. The
combat. Each city has a single tribe that is also a Renn are often seen as champions in the arenas, as
criminal organization in itself, the council directs all of bodyguards to the wealthy and dangerous or heavy
the underworld business. Even if they look at the hitters for criminal organizations. Magic abilities are
humans as their marks, to be plucked and used, they very rare for them and so their Feral Shamans are highly
understand that without them there would be no respected. When it comes to religion they believe in
Rodan prosperity. They respect their Bloodline their superiority and power through Arvadur, the ways
Ancestors but don’t put too much effort into any of Malgam that should rule the puny human population.

Kordis (Shark malgam) Serban (Snake malgam)
Malgam status: Lowborn Malgam status: Highborn
Natural Enemy: Tesdon Natural Enemy: Anur
Attribute Modifiers: Attribute Modifiers:
ST +2 [20]; DX 0 [0]; IQ -1 [-20]; HT +2 [20] ST -1 [-10]; DX 0 [0]; IQ +2 [40]; HT 0 [0]
Advantages: Advantages:
Striker, crushing - tail [5]; Acute Vision 3 [6]; Acute Taste Striker, crushing - tail [5]; Acute Taste and Smell 5 [10];
and Smell 5 - Under Water [5]; Teeth (fangs) [2]; Teeth (Sharp) [1]; Temperature Tolerance 2 [2];
Nictitating Membrane 2 [2]; Amphibious [10]; Doesn't Nictitating Membrane 2 [2]
Breathe - Gills [10]; Speak Underwater [5] Disadvantages:
Disadvantages: Cold-Blooded [-5]
Cold-Blooded [-5], Dependency - Water (Very Total: 45pts
common/daily) [-15]
Total: 45pts

Well known as pirates and the founders of the famous, Known as powerful mages and alchemists, the Serban
Malgam-only Silver Sharks buccaneers, the Kordis are are found in every city and are well established with the
best suited for the life around an in the seas of Cheiva. human population. From a humble mage to a devious
Their Warbrood is only naval, their ships always under poison alchemist, they vary in their scholarly
the captaincy of a Kordis but accepting other Malgams professions greatly but often keeping away from the
to be part of the crew. However, as they are cold- sword and shield. Their ancestral home is in the warm
blooded, they never sail the icy waters of the southern environments of northern Cheiva but they prefer the
seas. Their tribal council is to be found in pirate ports urban life with all it’s possibilities. They are often part of
but there are some hidden councils in the largest mixed Warbroods as combat mages or healers but
harbors of Cheiva as well. Their magic users are usually other specialist roles are also well suited for them. The
Navigators, not following the path of shamanism as Serban councils are in large cities, led by the strongest
most of the Malgam mages. They primarily follow a and wisest mages from the tribe. Bloodline Ancestors
mixture of the Arvadurian creed with remembering are their main religion however, with every day more
their Bloodline Ancestors for their wisdom. and more Serban see the creed of the Trueborn Circle
as their own.

Tesdon (Turtle malgam) Lupon (Wolf malgam)
Malgam status: Highborn Malgam status: Highborn
Natural Enemy: Kordis Natural Enemy: Vulbin
Attribute Modifiers: Attribute Modifiers:
ST -2 [-20]; DX -1 [-20]; IQ +2 [40]; HT +1 [10] ST +1 [10]; DX +1 [20]; IQ 0 [0]; HT 0 [0]
Advantages: Advantages:
Nictitating Membrane 2 [2]; Amphibious [10]; Doesn't Acute Hearing 2 [4]; Acute Taste and Smell 3 [6]; Claws
Breathe - Oxygen storage 30 minutes [10]; Speak (Sharp) [5]; Teeth (Sharp) [1]; Night Vision 4 [4]:
Underwater [5]; DR5 - torso only [23] Disadvantages:
Disadvantages: Chummy [-5];
Cold-Blooded [-5], Dependency - Water (Very Total: 45pts
common/weekly) [-10]
Total: 45pts

Inhabiting mainly the temperate and warm seaside The Lupon are native in all environments, found in any
areas, the Tesdon prefer to be close to the sea but are remote wilderness or busy metropolitan areas, snowy
also well suited to live by rivers and lakes. Humans have forests or tropical beaches. They are adventurers,
good relations with them due to the help they provide misfits, rogues and heroes to many, their Warbrood is
and their peaceful nature. They are primarily mages, famous for their tactical approach to any battle and for
monks and scholars but known to pick up weapons in their strong sense of camaraderie. Lupon councils are
the case their cause needs it. In mixed Warbroods, they
found primarily in major cities that serve as controlling
often tend to take the position of healers and spiritual
seats for the tribes in the area. The Feral Shamans of
support but try to eschew any combat. The Elder
council of the Tesdon is always near water and away the race are influential and command respect from all
from human habitation, some councils meet only tribal members. They are also proficient in Movement
underwater to discuss the tribe’s business. They are spells besides Green magic. When it comes to religion,
very spiritual, many of them following the path of the they honor the Bloodline Ancestors but some of the
Equilibrium beside respecting the wisdoms of their wilder and unruly Lupon are part of the Arvadurian
Bloodline Ancestors. uprising.


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