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19. A man quitted smoking for a year now. One day he attended a party.

During the
party all of his friends are smoking. One of them offered him a cigarette, despite his
refusal that he is no longer smoking, but later on accepted the cigarette. This condition
is an example of; *
A. Systemic Desensitization
B. Spontaneous Recovery
C. Stimulus Generalization
D. Avoidance Conditioning

66. What is the best definition for the term motivation? *
A. the premise on which an understanding of a phenomenon is based
B. a submission or yielding to a predetermined goal
C. a psychological force that moves a person toward some kind of action
D. an observable behavior that can be directly measured

Correct answer
B. a submission or yielding to a predetermined goal

67. How is functional illiteracy best defined? *
A. difficulty reading and comprehending materials written at the fifth- to eighth-grade level
B. inability to comprehend and interpret written information and put it into action
C. difficulty reading or writing below the fifth-grade level
D. inability to speak and write with fluency, clarity, and correct grammar

Correct answer
B. inability to comprehend and interpret written information and put it into action

10.Nurses can be charged of malpractice if she /he tries to omit or commit a
procedure that should be done or not to be done *
A. True
B. False
C. Either A or B
D. I do not know

Correct answer
A. True

30. Learning needs can best be defined as *
A. the gap in knowledge that exists between a desired level of performance and the actual level
of performance.
B. the manner by which an individual perceives and processes information.
C. an outcome by which learners demonstrate more confidence in what they are expected to do
D. an interest and an ability in learning the type and degree of information or skills necessary to
maintain optimal health.
Correct answer
A. the gap in knowledge that exists between a desired level of performance and the actual level
of performance.

49. Which is the best predictor of a person’s learning abilities based on cognitive,
physical, and psychosocial attributes? *
A. chronological age
B. level of education
C. developmental stage
D. motivational level

17. A food is gradually introduced to a patient to produce “ an immunity” to a said food
is called; *
A. Allergic Desensitization
B. Systemic Desensitization
C. Stimulus Generalization
D. Fear Generalization

51. Who is the noted expert in defining the key milestones of psychosocial
development? *
A. Erikson
B. Havighurst
C. Knowles
D. Piaget
Correct answer
A. Erikson

31 . A nurse educator is conducting a learning needs assessment prior to teaching a
group. To collect information easy and quickly while safeguarding individual privacy
and yield easy to tabulate data, the nurse educator should use which method? *
A. Structured interviews
B. Focus groups
C. Questionnaires
D. Observation

15. Process of influencing the behavior of nurses by producing changes in their
knowledge,attitude and skills to help maintain and improve their competence; *
A. Staff Education
B. Staff Quality Assurance
C. Gap Analysis
D. Job Description

Correct answer
A. Staff Education

36 . How does anxiety affect emotional readiness to learn? *
A. As the level of anxiety increases, emotional readiness peaks and then begins to decrease.
B. The optimal time for learning is when a person experiences a low level of anxiety.
C. A person is most ready to learn when his or her anxiety is on either end of the continuum,
either mild or severe.
D. Moderate anxiety interferes with a person’s readiness to learn.
Correct answer
C. A person is most ready to learn when his or her anxiety is on either end of the continuum,
either mild or severe.

2. In Nursing Health Education one of the benefits involves nursing activities that; *
C. Help people develop abilities to keep healthy
A. Disseminate health knowledge, values and healthy life style
D. Enhance people’s quality of life
B. Encourage nurse – community partnership in health.

Correct answer
A. Disseminate health knowledge, values and healthy life style

55. Which statement is true about crystallized intelligence? Crystallized intelligence *
A. is the kind of intelligence that increases with experience as people age.
B. is the kind of intelligence that declines as degenerative changes occur.
C. results in slower processing time, altered time perception, and decreased short-term memory.
D. changes significantly in the younger years of development but then remains static after the
stage of middle adulthood.

43. The left hemisphere of the brain was found to be responsible for the ; *
A. Vocal, analytical and logical function
B. Emotional, visual – spatial non verbal function
C. Neuromuscular function like eating, dancing
D. Physiological functioning like digestion, elimination

Correct answer
A. Vocal, analytical and logical function

16. Someone without much experience about the hospital visited a sick relative, while
inside the relative’s room, the visitor smells different odor and feels dizzy and become
lightheaded. With several succeeding visits produces conditioned stimulus and
responses.What kind of condition is this? *
A. Classical conditioning
B. Operant conditioning
C. Escape Conditioning
D. Avoidance Conditioning

59. Which is the best statement for describing a procedure to a preschooler? *
A. “The doctor will open your belly.”
B. “We’ll cover your sore with a dressing.”
C. “A Band-Aid will cover the spot we fixed.”
D. “An X-ray is like having your picture taken.”
Correct answer
C. “A Band-Aid will cover the spot we fixed.”

23. A patient who is sick may feel helpless and dependent and regress to an earlier
stage of life. Their parents help and support. The feeling and relationship maybe
transferred to a nurse or doctor who is taking care of them. This is an example of *
A. Depression
B. Regression
C. Projection
D. Transference

Correct answer
D. Transference

45.According to him a learner is not a blank slate but he/she can approaches topic to
be learned . With preconceived ideas; *
A. John B Watson
B. Sigmund Freud
C. David Kolb
D. Carl G. Jung

Correct answer
C. David Kolb

64. A nurse assess that a patient is emotionally ready to learn when; *
A. accepted the therapeutic regimen
B. ask about the treatment and his condition
C. recognizes the need to learn
D. demonstrates all of the above
63. As a nurse educator, who will be assigned to teach patients aging from 65 and
above. The following are your considerations except one; *
A. Promote health and teachings about diet,hypertension,obesity and smoking
B. Decreased cognitive and other physiological functioning, thus reminiscing and reminding is
very helpful.
C. Visual aids should include large print, well-spaced letters and primary colors.
D. Speak in a low pitch voice and word speed of not more 140 words per minute
Correct answer
A. Promote health and teachings about diet,hypertension,obesity and smoking

9. Patient education is one of very important aspect of being a nurse to make sure that
proper information is given to our patient at any level. *
A. False
B. True
C. I do not care
D. I do not know

46. To identify multiple readiness to learn factors; *
B. Gardner’s
D. Maslow’s Hierarchy

Correct answer

24. He states that a child who is a blank slate, can be molded into a character that you
want, a carpenter, a doctor, a beggar. He often referred as the “ Father of
Behaviorism” *
A. Jean Piaget
B. John B. Watson
C. David Kolb
D. Eric Erickson

25. According to this man learning has five categories and learning has nine events of
instruction. *
A. Jerome Bruner
B. Lev Vygotsky
C. Robert Gagne
D. Carl G. Jung

11. A permanent change in mental processing, emotional functioning and behavior as
a result of experience is called; *
A. Learning Theory
B. Learning
C. Education process
D. Teaching

62. Which is a common teaching strategy that should be used for groups of learners of
all ages and maturation levels? *
A. Establish trust and rapport
B. Involve family or significant other(s)
C. Provide concrete “nice to know” information
D. Allow learners to set their own pace

Correct answer
B. Involve family or significant other(s)

32. When the nurse educator is using direct and predetermined questions to gather
information and maintain a trusting environment she is using a method called; *
A. Informal conversation
B. Tests
C. Observation
D. Structured interviews
28. This is mapped out a perspective on learning that includes role modeling, vicarious
reinforcement *
A. Albert Bandura’s Learning Theory
B. Gestalt Perspective Theory
C. Jean Piaget’s Developmental Theory
D. B. F. Skinner’s Theory

70. Which is not a factor that correlates significantly with levels of illiteracy and low
literacy? *
A. a rise in the number of illegal immigrants
B. an increase in the number of older adults over 65 years of age
C. advances in technology and the complexity of information
D. the growing number of students in public schools.

Correct answer
D. the growing number of students in public schools.

12. A coherent framework of integrated constructs and principles that describes,
explains predicts how people learn; *
A. Teaching Principle
B. Teaching Theory
C. Patient Principle
D. Learning Theory
38. According to Witkin’s cognitive domain style of learning, how does a field-
independent learner structure and process information from the environment? A field-
independent learner *
A. learns best when materials are organized , they are passive and spectator role
B. they have internalized frames of mind, less sensitive to social cues and not affected by
C. they are externally focused, socially oriented and independent to others for reinforcement
D. relies on facts and is affected by criticism from others.
Correct answer
B. they have internalized frames of mind, less sensitive to social cues and not affected by

27. Learning is an active process in which learners construct new ideas or concepts
based upon their current / past knowledge. This is based on ; *
A. Bruner’s Theory
B. Gestalt Perspective Theory
C. Robert Gagne’s Theory
D. Psychosocial Development Theory

5.Founder of the modern nursing and the ultimate educator. *
A. Hildegard Peplau
B. Madeline Lininger
C. Florence Nightigale
D. Jean Watson
26. According to this man that learning is influenced by adult and consists of the zone
of proximal development and the scaffolding; *
A. Jerome Bruner
B. Lev Vygotsky
C. Robert Gagne
D. Carl G. Jung

20. A staff nurse came in late cracked a joke, during a unit meeting to divert the
attention of his colleagues. This is an example of *
A. Escape conditioning
B. Avoidance conditioning
C. Spontaneous Recovery
D. Systemic Recovery

6. First people who took care of the sick *
A. alipin sa gigilid
B. manggagaway
C. katipuneros
D. religious people
50. The art and science of helping the children to learn is termed *
A. Pedagogy
B. Pediatrics
C. Podiatrics
D. Pudendal

56. At which developmental stage can the learner begin to understand that illness is
related to cause and effect? *
A. preschooler
B. school-aged child
C. adolescent
D. young adult

Correct answer
B. school-aged child

37. Which type of learner exhibits preferences for logical thinking, critical analysis,
verbal instructions, adherence to rules, neatness and organization, set schedules, and
sequential problem solving? A learner who has *
A. right hemisphere of the brain
B. left hemisphere of the brain
C. field independent learners
D. field dependent learners

35. A 47-year-old Cebuano patient has colitis. The nurse educator has to teach him
nutrition and dietary regimen. The patient speaks very little Tagalog and relies on his
daughter, whois fluent in Tagalog, to attend the teaching sessions to translate
information between the nurse and the patient. Which type of readiness to learn is
reflected in this situation? *
A. emotional
B. experiential
C. motivational
D. physical

Correct answer
A. emotional

8. It is a means of communication that provides critical information to other health care
team *
A. Documentation
B. Doctors order
C. Laboratory sheets
D. Demographic profile

53. It is most appropriate for the nurse educator to focus on active participation in
health promotion for clients at which developmental stage? *
A. adolescence
B. young adulthood
C. Middle aged adulthood
D. Older Adulthood

Correct answer
B. young adulthood

47. To prioritize human needs for learning ; *
A. chronological age
B. level of education
C. developmental stage
D. motivational level

44. The right hemisphere of the brain was found to be responsible for the ; *
A. Vocal, analytical and logical function
B. Emotional, visual – spatial non verbal function
C. Neuromuscular function like eating, dancing
D. Physiological functioning like digestion, elimination

52. Which are developmental characteristics of school-aged children? *
A. Their thinking is egocentric, ritualistic, and animistic.
B. They understand causation and reason syllogistically.
C. They have active imaginations and are prone to fears.
D. They are internally motivated and preoccupied with themselves.

Correct answer
B. They understand causation and reason syllogistically.

58. The nurse educator is preparing a class for a group of middle-aged adults. Based
on the developmental stage of this group, which topic should the nurse select for this
class to meet the immediate needs of these learners? *
A. accident prevention and vices reduction
B. stress reduction and chronic illness management
C. physiological changes and their forgetfulness
D. treatment of acute illness
Correct answer
B. stress reduction and chronic illness management

33. Reports indicating safety violations or errors in procedures are source of
information in establishing learning needs for staff, this term is ; *
A. Rules and Regulations
B. Quality Assurance Reports
C. Chart Audit
D. Job Descriptions

65. Normal aging process affects changes in the cognition. Therefore, when teaching
an elderly patient on how to Inject insulin, the nurse should ; *
A. Repeat the information frequently for reinforcement
B. Present all information at one time so that the patient is not confused
C. Speed up the demonstration because the patient may tire easily
D. All of the above
54. Which of the following best describes the “personal fable” that is typical of
adolescent thinking? Adolescents believe that *
A. they are part of a fairy tale.
B. everyone is watching them.
C. others know what they are thinking and feeling.
D. they are invincible despite the risks they take.
3. Patient health education is, all are correct except one; *
A. One of nursing responsibilities
B. An essential components of nursing care
C. An interdependent nursing function
D. Sole responsibility of the client

Correct answer
D. Sole responsibility of the client

60. Which is not a characteristic of the school-aged child? *
A. reasons deductively and inductively
B. grows physically at variable rates
C. understand consequences of actions
D. blames self for illness

Correct answer
A. reasons deductively and inductively

4. Nursing responsibilities associated with health teaching include; *
A. Determining individual needs for teaching
B . Motivating each person to learn
C.Presenting information at the level of the learner
D. All of the above

Correct answer
D. All of the above

41. It is composed of 4 types of learners namely imaginative ,analytic, common sense
and dynamic. It is called *
A. Kolb Learning Style
B. Jung and Myers Briggs Typology
C. Field Independent / Field Dependent
D. 4 MAT system
14. Process of assisting people to learn related behavior that can be incorporated to
everyday’s life with the goal of optional health and independence. *
A. Self care instruction
B. Discharge Planning
C. Patient Education
D. Health Teaching

21. A patient listening to a complex detailed explanation about their disease want a
simple and clear explanation is an example of; *
A. Gestalt perspective
B. Information Processing
C. Social Learning
D. Role Modeling

Correct answer
A. Gestalt perspective

48. The term andragogy corresponds to which assumption about the learner,
according to stage-specific characteristics? The learner *
A. desires information for immediate application to life circumstances.
B. focuses on information that is subject-centered.
C. is motivated to learn by the desire for social acceptance.
D. bases learning on precausal, concrete, and literal thinking.

39. According to the VARK categories, which type of learner would prefer lectures,
small group discussion and study groups? *
A. aural learners
B. kinesthetic learners
C. visual learners
D. read write learners

13. A systematic, sequential ,logical and scientifically based planned courses of
action,consistent of two major interdependent operation *
A. Education Process
B. Instructional Process
C. Nursing Process
D. Learning Process

7. Local doctors tending to the health needs of the community. *
A. arbularyo
B. haciendero
D. hilot

Correct answer
A. arbularyo

68. Illiteracy is generally interpreted as having reading skills below which grade
level? *
A. fourth
B. fifth
C. seventh
D. eighth

Correct answer
A. fourth

1. One of the basic goal of health education is the promotion of health, one of this is ;  *
A. absence of disease
B. wellness / well being
C. No illness
D. Be healthy

29. The scientific study of psychological behavior based on neurological assessment
of the brain and central nervous system. *
A. Psychodynamic
B. Constructivism
C. Neuropsychology
D. Humanistic

57. Which of the following is mandated by JCAHO? *
A. Teaching plans must address stage-specific competencies of the learner.
B. Families must decide whether to participate in patient education prior to patient discharge.
C. The client is required to initiate education about his or her diagnosis.
D. The nurse must provide patient education in written form.

Correct answer
D. The nurse must provide patient education in written form.

42. It uses five basic stimuli to affect the person’s ability to learn, this is according
to ; *
A. Dunn and Dunn Learning Style
B. Kolb’Experiential Learning
C. Gardner’s Intelligence Theory
D. Vark Learning Style

61. Which are the most appropriate teaching strategies for adolescents? *
A. Promote self-study, use a problem-centered focus, provide organized material, promote active
B. Use negative reinforcement, build trust, stimulate senses, promote an imaginary audience.
C. Negotiate, use contracts, arrange group sessions, employ experimentation.
D. Set an agenda, use analogies, use authority pressure, provide repetition.

Correct answer
C. Negotiate, use contracts, arrange group sessions, employ experimentation.

69. Which is a false assumption about individuals who are illiterate or low literate? *
A. Many have been found to have a normal or above normal IQ.
B. They come from very diverse backgrounds.
C. They react to complex learning situations by withdrawal or avoidance.
D. Many have reading abilities that correlate with the number of years of schooling completed.
Correct answer
A. Many have been found to have a normal or above normal IQ.

22. Your clinical instructor demonstrated the nursing skills in the laboratory in a very
systemic ideal way. During the return demonstration you want to do the nursing skills
as similar and as perfect as your CI. This is an example of; *
A. Imitative Processing
B. Role Modeling
C. Identification Process
D. Information Process

18. A child when inside the hospital closes his eyes and immediately cling to his
mother when he sees a person in a white uniform. This is an example of *
A. Systemic Desensitization
B. Spontaneous Recovery
C. Stimulus Generalization
D. Fear Generalization
Correct answer
C. Stimulus Generalization
40. Which teaching strategies would best meet the needs of Kolb’s assimilator style
type of learner? *
A. demonstration and return demonstration supplemented with handouts and diagrams
B. role playing and gaming supplemented with computer simulations
C. lecture and one-to-one instruction supplemented with reading materials
D. self-instruction and distance learning supplemented with games and models

Correct answer
C. lecture and one-to-one instruction supplemented with reading materials

34. Learning needs of staff nurses or other health care workers are checked and
evaluate during reflection on action, as well as through diaries,journals and
logbooks. *
A. written job description
B. Chart Audits
C. Self –assessment
D. Quality Assurance Reports

Bonus Question
1 of 2 points
Which statement about most illiterate adults in the United States is false? *
A. They are native born and English speaking.
B. They are high-school dropouts and unemployed.
C. They include older adults and prisoners.
D. They are racial minorities and economically disadvantaged.

In order to detect that a patient is illiterate and needs help ,the following will be the
assessment clues. All the following are true statements, except one; *
A. The patient is always non –compliant and giving a lot of excuses.
B. The patient is insisting to take the information at home.
C. Camouflaging their problems by surrounding themselves with books and other reading
D. The patient is always asking question and request for demonstrations.

Correct answer
D. The patient is always asking question and request for demonstrations.

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