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12/9/2020 G.R. No.


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Republic of the Philippines



G.R. No. 75875 December 15, 1989

CRUZ, respondents.

G.R. No. 75951 December 15, 1989



G.R. Nos. 75975-76 December 15, 1989

LUCIANO E. SALAZAR, petitioner,

and the COURT OF APPEALS, respondents.

Belo, Abiera & Associates for petitioners in 75875.

Sycip, Salazar, Hernandez & Gatmaitan for Luciano E. Salazar.


These consolidated petitions seek the review of the amended decision of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. SP Nos.
05604 and 05617 which set aside the earlier decision dated June 5, 1986, of the then Intermediate Appellate Court
and directed that in all subsequent elections for directors of Sanitary Wares Manufacturing Corporation (Saniwares),
American Standard Inc. (ASI) cannot nominate more than three (3) directors; that the Filipino stockholders shall not
interfere in ASI's choice of its three (3) nominees; that, on the other hand, the Filipino stockholders can nominate
only six (6) candidates and in the event they cannot agree on the six (6) nominees, they shall vote only among
themselves to determine who the six (6) nominees will be, with cumulative voting to be allowed but without
interference from ASI.

The antecedent facts can be summarized as follows:

In 1961, Saniwares, a domestic corporation was incorporated for the primary purpose of manufacturing and
marketing sanitary wares. One of the incorporators, Mr. Baldwin Young went abroad to look for foreign partners,
European or American who could help in its expansion plans. On August 15, 1962, ASI, a foreign corporation
domiciled in Delaware, United States entered into an Agreement with Saniwares and some Filipino investors
whereby ASI and the Filipino investors agreed to participate in the ownership of an enterprise which would engage
primarily in the business of manufacturing in the Philippines and selling here and abroad vitreous china and sanitary
wares. The parties agreed that the business operations in the Philippines shall be carried on by an incorporated
enterprise and that the name of the corporation shall initially be "Sanitary Wares Manufacturing Corporation." 1/9
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The Agreement has the following provisions relevant to the issues in these cases on the nomination and election of
the directors of the corporation:

3. Articles of Incorporation

(a) The Articles of Incorporation of the Corporation shall be substantially in the form annexed hereto as
Exhibit A and, insofar as permitted under Philippine law, shall specifically provide for

(1) Cumulative voting for directors:

xxx xxx xxx

5. Management

(a) The management of the Corporation shall be vested in a Board of Directors, which shall consist of
nine individuals. As long as American-Standard shall own at least 30% of the outstanding stock of the
Corporation, three of the nine directors shall be designated by American-Standard, and the other six
shall be designated by the other stockholders of the Corporation. (pp. 51 & 53, Rollo of 75875)

At the request of ASI, the agreement contained provisions designed to protect it as a minority group, including the
grant of veto powers over a number of corporate acts and the right to designate certain officers, such as a member
of the Executive Committee whose vote was required for important corporate transactions.

Later, the 30% capital stock of ASI was increased to 40%. The corporation was also registered with the Board of
Investments for availment of incentives with the condition that at least 60% of the capital stock of the corporation
shall be owned by Philippine nationals.

The joint enterprise thus entered into by the Filipino investors and the American corporation prospered.
Unfortunately, with the business successes, there came a deterioration of the initially harmonious relations between
the two groups. According to the Filipino group, a basic disagreement was due to their desire to expand the export
operations of the company to which ASI objected as it apparently had other subsidiaries of joint joint venture groups
in the countries where Philippine exports were contemplated. On March 8, 1983, the annual stockholders' meeting
was held. The meeting was presided by Baldwin Young. The minutes were taken by the Secretary, Avelino Cruz.
After disposing of the preliminary items in the agenda, the stockholders then proceeded to the election of the
members of the board of directors. The ASI group nominated three persons namely; Wolfgang Aurbach, John Griffin
and David P. Whittingham. The Philippine investors nominated six, namely; Ernesto Lagdameo, Sr., Raul A. Boncan,
Ernesto R. Lagdameo, Jr., George F. Lee, and Baldwin Young. Mr. Eduardo R, Ceniza then nominated Mr. Luciano
E. Salazar, who in turn nominated Mr. Charles Chamsay. The chairman, Baldwin Young ruled the last two
nominations out of order on the basis of section 5 (a) of the Agreement, the consistent practice of the parties during
the past annual stockholders' meetings to nominate only nine persons as nominees for the nine-member board of
directors, and the legal advice of Saniwares' legal counsel. The following events then, transpired:

... There were protests against the action of the Chairman and heated arguments ensued. An appeal
was made by the ASI representative to the body of stockholders present that a vote be taken on the
ruling of the Chairman. The Chairman, Baldwin Young, declared the appeal out of order and no vote on
the ruling was taken. The Chairman then instructed the Corporate Secretary to cast all the votes
present and represented by proxy equally for the 6 nominees of the Philippine Investors and the 3
nominees of ASI, thus effectively excluding the 2 additional persons nominated, namely, Luciano E.
Salazar and Charles Chamsay. The ASI representative, Mr. Jaqua protested the decision of the
Chairman and announced that all votes accruing to ASI shares, a total of 1,329,695 (p. 27, Rollo, AC-
G.R. SP No. 05617) were being cumulatively voted for the three ASI nominees and Charles Chamsay,
and instructed the Secretary to so vote. Luciano E. Salazar and other proxy holders announced that all
the votes owned by and or represented by them 467,197 shares (p. 27, Rollo, AC-G.R. SP No. 05617)
were being voted cumulatively in favor of Luciano E. Salazar. The Chairman, Baldwin Young,
nevertheless instructed the Secretary to cast all votes equally in favor of the three ASI nominees,
namely, Wolfgang Aurbach, John Griffin and David Whittingham and the six originally nominated by
Rogelio Vinluan, namely, Ernesto Lagdameo, Sr., Raul Boncan, Ernesto Lagdameo, Jr., Enrique
Lagdameo, George F. Lee, and Baldwin Young. The Secretary then certified for the election of the
following Wolfgang Aurbach, John Griffin, David Whittingham Ernesto Lagdameo, Sr., Ernesto
Lagdameo, Jr., Enrique Lagdameo, George F. Lee, Raul A. Boncan, Baldwin Young. The
representative of ASI then moved to recess the meeting which was duly seconded. There was also a
motion to adjourn (p. 28, Rollo, AC-G.R. SP No. 05617). This motion to adjourn was accepted by the
Chairman, Baldwin Young, who announced that the motion was carried and declared the meeting
adjourned. Protests against the adjournment were registered and having been ignored, Mr. Jaqua the
ASI representative, stated that the meeting was not adjourned but only recessed and that the meeting
would be reconvened in the next room. The Chairman then threatened to have the stockholders who
did not agree to the decision of the Chairman on the casting of votes bodily thrown out. The ASI Group, 2/9
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Luciano E. Salazar and other stockholders, allegedly representing 53 or 54% of the shares of
Saniwares, decided to continue the meeting at the elevator lobby of the American Standard Building.
The continued meeting was presided by Luciano E. Salazar, while Andres Gatmaitan acted as
Secretary. On the basis of the cumulative votes cast earlier in the meeting, the ASI Group nominated
its four nominees; Wolfgang Aurbach, John Griffin, David Whittingham and Charles Chamsay. Luciano
E. Salazar voted for himself, thus the said five directors were certified as elected directors by the Acting
Secretary, Andres Gatmaitan, with the explanation that there was a tie among the other six (6)
nominees for the four (4) remaining positions of directors and that the body decided not to break the tie.
(pp. 37-39, Rollo of 75975-76)

These incidents triggered off the filing of separate petitions by the parties with the Securities and Exchange
Commission (SEC). The first petition filed was for preliminary injunction by Saniwares, Emesto V. Lagdameo,
Baldwin Young, Raul A. Bonean Ernesto R. Lagdameo, Jr., Enrique Lagdameo and George F. Lee against Luciano
Salazar and Charles Chamsay. The case was denominated as SEC Case No. 2417. The second petition was for
quo warranto and application for receivership by Wolfgang Aurbach, John Griffin, David Whittingham, Luciano E.
Salazar and Charles Chamsay against the group of Young and Lagdameo (petitioners in SEC Case No. 2417) and
Avelino F. Cruz. The case was docketed as SEC Case No. 2718. Both sets of parties except for Avelino Cruz
claimed to be the legitimate directors of the corporation.

The two petitions were consolidated and tried jointly by a hearing officer who rendered a decision upholding the
election of the Lagdameo Group and dismissing the quo warranto petition of Salazar and Chamsay. The ASI Group
and Salazar appealed the decision to the SEC en banc which affirmed the hearing officer's decision.

The SEC decision led to the filing of two separate appeals with the Intermediate Appellate Court by Wolfgang
Aurbach, John Griffin, David Whittingham and Charles Chamsay (docketed as AC-G.R. SP No. 05604) and by
Luciano E. Salazar (docketed as AC-G.R. SP No. 05617). The petitions were consolidated and the appellate court in
its decision ordered the remand of the case to the Securities and Exchange Commission with the directive that a
new stockholders' meeting of Saniwares be ordered convoked as soon as possible, under the supervision of the

Upon a motion for reconsideration filed by the appellees Lagdameo Group) the appellate court (Court of Appeals)
rendered the questioned amended decision. Petitioners Wolfgang Aurbach, John Griffin, David P. Whittingham and
Charles Chamsay in G.R. No. 75875 assign the following errors:




LEGALLY DO. (p. 17, Rollo-75875)

Petitioner Luciano E. Salazar in G.R. Nos. 75975-76 assails the amended decision on the following grounds:

11.1. ThatAmendedDecisionwouldsanctiontheCA'sdisregard of binding contractual agreements entered

into by stockholders and the replacement of the conditions of such agreements with terms never
contemplated by the stockholders but merely dictated by the CA .

11.2. The Amended decision would likewise sanction the deprivation of the property rights of
stockholders without due process of law in order that a favored group of stockholders may be illegally
benefitted and guaranteed a continuing monopoly of the control of a corporation. (pp. 14-15, Rollo-

On the other hand, the petitioners in G.R. No. 75951 contend that:


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The issues raised in the petitions are interrelated, hence, they are discussed jointly.

The main issue hinges on who were the duly elected directors of Saniwares for the year 1983 during its annual
stockholders' meeting held on March 8, 1983. To answer this question the following factors should be determined:
(1) the nature of the business established by the parties whether it was a joint venture or a corporation and (2)
whether or not the ASI Group may vote their additional 10% equity during elections of Saniwares' board of directors.

The rule is that whether the parties to a particular contract have thereby established among themselves a joint
venture or some other relation depends upon their actual intention which is determined in accordance with the rules
governing the interpretation and construction of contracts. (Terminal Shares, Inc. v. Chicago, B. and Q.R. Co. (DC
MO) 65 F Supp 678; Universal Sales Corp. v. California Press Mfg. Co. 20 Cal. 2nd 751, 128 P 2nd 668)

The ASI Group and petitioner Salazar (G.R. Nos. 75975-76) contend that the actual intention of the parties should
be viewed strictly on the "Agreement" dated August 15,1962 wherein it is clearly stated that the parties' intention
was to form a corporation and not a joint venture.

They specifically mention number 16 under Miscellaneous Provisions which states:

xxx xxx xxx

c) nothing herein contained shall be construed to constitute any of the parties hereto partners or joint
venturers in respect of any transaction hereunder. (At P. 66, Rollo-GR No. 75875)

They object to the admission of other evidence which tends to show that the parties' agreement was to establish a
joint venture presented by the Lagdameo and Young Group on the ground that it contravenes the parol evidence
rule under section 7, Rule 130 of the Revised Rules of Court. According to them, the Lagdameo and Young Group
never pleaded in their pleading that the "Agreement" failed to express the true intent of the parties.

The parol evidence Rule under Rule 130 provides:

Evidence of written agreements-When the terms of an agreement have been reduced to writing, it is to
be considered as containing all such terms, and therefore, there can be, between the parties and their
successors in interest, no evidence of the terms of the agreement other than the contents of the writing,
except in the following cases:

(a) Where a mistake or imperfection of the writing, or its failure to express the true intent and
agreement of the parties or the validity of the agreement is put in issue by the pleadings.

(b) When there is an intrinsic ambiguity in the writing.

Contrary to ASI Group's stand, the Lagdameo and Young Group pleaded in their Reply and Answer to Counterclaim
in SEC Case No. 2417 that the Agreement failed to express the true intent of the parties, to wit:

xxx xxx xxx

4. While certain provisions of the Agreement would make it appear that the parties thereto disclaim
being partners or joint venturers such disclaimer is directed at third parties and is not inconsistent with,
and does not preclude, the existence of two distinct groups of stockholders in Saniwares one of which
(the Philippine Investors) shall constitute the majority, and the other ASI shall constitute the minority
stockholder. In any event, the evident intention of the Philippine Investors and ASI in entering into the
Agreement is to enter into ajoint venture enterprise, and if some words in the Agreement appear to be
contrary to the evident intention of the parties, the latter shall prevail over the former (Art. 1370, New
Civil Code). The various stipulations of a contract shall be interpreted together attributing to the
doubtful ones that sense which may result from all of them taken jointly (Art. 1374, New Civil Code).
Moreover, in order to judge the intention of the contracting parties, their contemporaneous and
subsequent acts shall be principally considered. (Art. 1371, New Civil Code). (Part I, Original Records,
SEC Case No. 2417)

It has been ruled:

In an action at law, where there is evidence tending to prove that the parties joined their efforts in
furtherance of an enterprise for their joint profit, the question whether they intended by their agreement
to create a joint adventure, or to assume some other relation is a question of fact for the jury. (Binder v. 4/9
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Kessler v 200 App. Div. 40,192 N Y S 653; Pyroa v. Brownfield (Tex. Civ. A.) 238 SW 725; Hoge v.
George, 27 Wyo, 423, 200 P 96 33 C.J. p. 871)

In the instant cases, our examination of important provisions of the Agreement as well as the testimonial evidence
presented by the Lagdameo and Young Group shows that the parties agreed to establish a joint venture and not a
corporation. The history of the organization of Saniwares and the unusual arrangements which govern its policy
making body are all consistent with a joint venture and not with an ordinary corporation. As stated by the SEC:

According to the unrebutted testimony of Mr. Baldwin Young, he negotiated the Agreement with ASI in
behalf of the Philippine nationals. He testified that ASI agreed to accept the role of minority vis-a-vis the
Philippine National group of investors, on the condition that the Agreement should contain provisions to
protect ASI as the minority.

An examination of the Agreement shows that certain provisions were included to protect the interests of
ASI as the minority. For example, the vote of 7 out of 9 directors is required in certain enumerated
corporate acts [Sec. 3 (b) (ii) (a) of the Agreement]. ASI is contractually entitled to designate a member
of the Executive Committee and the vote of this member is required for certain transactions [Sec. 3 (b)

The Agreement also requires a 75% super-majority vote for the amendment of the articles and by-laws
of Saniwares [Sec. 3 (a) (iv) and (b) (iii)]. ASI is also given the right to designate the president and plant
manager [Sec. 5 (6)]. The Agreement further provides that the sales policy of Saniwares shall be that
which is normally followed by ASI [Sec. 13 (a)] and that Saniwares should not export "Standard"
products otherwise than through ASI's Export Marketing Services [Sec. 13 (6)]. Under the Agreement,
ASI agreed to provide technology and know-how to Saniwares and the latter paid royalties for the
same. (At p. 2).

xxx xxx xxx

It is pertinent to note that the provisions of the Agreement requiring a 7 out of 9 votes of the board of
directors for certain actions, in effect gave ASI (which designates 3 directors under the Agreement) an
effective veto power. Furthermore, the grant to ASI of the right to designate certain officers of the
corporation; the super-majority voting requirements for amendments of the articles and by-laws; and
most significantly to the issues of tms case, the provision that ASI shall designate 3 out of the 9
directors and the other stockholders shall designate the other 6, clearly indicate that there are two
distinct groups in Saniwares, namely ASI, which owns 40% of the capital stock and the Philippine
National stockholders who own the balance of 60%, and that 2) ASI is given certain protections as the
minority stockholder.

Premises considered, we believe that under the Agreement there are two groups of stockholders who
established a corporation with provisions for a special contractual relationship between the parties, i.e.,
ASI and the other stockholders. (pp. 4-5)

Section 5 (a) of the agreement uses the word "designated" and not "nominated" or "elected" in the selection of the
nine directors on a six to three ratio. Each group is assured of a fixed number of directors in the board.

Moreover, ASI in its communications referred to the enterprise as joint venture. Baldwin Young also testified that
Section 16(c) of the Agreement that "Nothing herein contained shall be construed to constitute any of the parties
hereto partners or joint venturers in respect of any transaction hereunder" was merely to obviate the possibility of
the enterprise being treated as partnership for tax purposes and liabilities to third parties.

Quite often, Filipino entrepreneurs in their desire to develop the industrial and manufacturing capacities of a local
firm are constrained to seek the technology and marketing assistance of huge multinational corporations of the
developed world. Arrangements are formalized where a foreign group becomes a minority owner of a firm in
exchange for its manufacturing expertise, use of its brand names, and other such assistance. However, there is
always a danger from such arrangements. The foreign group may, from the start, intend to establish its own sole or
monopolistic operations and merely uses the joint venture arrangement to gain a foothold or test the Philippine
waters, so to speak. Or the covetousness may come later. As the Philippine firm enlarges its operations and
becomes profitable, the foreign group undermines the local majority ownership and actively tries to completely or
predominantly take over the entire company. This undermining of joint ventures is not consistent with fair dealing to
say the least. To the extent that such subversive actions can be lawfully prevented, the courts should extend
protection especially in industries where constitutional and legal requirements reserve controlling ownership to
Filipino citizens.

The Lagdameo Group stated in their appellees' brief in the Court of Appeal 5/9
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In fact, the Philippine Corporation Code itself recognizes the right of stockholders to enter into
agreements regarding the exercise of their voting rights.

Sec. 100. Agreements by stockholders.-

xxx xxx xxx

2. An agreement between two or more stockholders, if in writing and signed by the parties thereto, may
provide that in exercising any voting rights, the shares held by them shall be voted as therein provided,
or as they may agree, or as determined in accordance with a procedure agreed upon by them.

Appellants contend that the above provision is included in the Corporation Code's chapter on close
corporations and Saniwares cannot be a close corporation because it has 95 stockholders. Firstly,
although Saniwares had 95 stockholders at the time of the disputed stockholders meeting, these 95
stockholders are not separate from each other but are divisible into groups representing a single
Identifiable interest. For example, ASI, its nominees and lawyers count for 13 of the 95 stockholders.
The YoungYutivo family count for another 13 stockholders, the Chamsay family for 8 stockholders, the
Santos family for 9 stockholders, the Dy family for 7 stockholders, etc. If the members of one family
and/or business or interest group are considered as one (which, it is respectfully submitted, they should
be for purposes of determining how closely held Saniwares is there were as of 8 March 1983,
practically only 17 stockholders of Saniwares. (Please refer to discussion in pp. 5 to 6 of appellees'
Rejoinder Memorandum dated 11 December 1984 and Annex "A" thereof).

Secondly, even assuming that Saniwares is technically not a close corporation because it has more
than 20 stockholders, the undeniable fact is that it is a close-held corporation. Surely, appellants cannot
honestly claim that Saniwares is a public issue or a widely held corporation.

In the United States, many courts have taken a realistic approach to joint venture corporations and
have not rigidly applied principles of corporation law designed primarily for public issue corporations.
These courts have indicated that express arrangements between corporate joint ventures should be
construed with less emphasis on the ordinary rules of law usually applied to corporate entities and with
more consideration given to the nature of the agreement between the joint venturers (Please see
Wabash Ry v. American Refrigerator Transit Co., 7 F 2d 335; Chicago, M & St. P. Ry v. Des Moines
Union Ry; 254 Ass'n. 247 US. 490'; Seaboard Airline Ry v. Atlantic Coast Line Ry; 240 N.C. 495,.82
S.E. 2d 771; Deboy v. Harris, 207 Md., 212,113 A 2d 903; Hathway v. Porter Royalty Pool, Inc., 296
Mich. 90, 90, 295 N.W. 571; Beardsley v. Beardsley, 138 U.S. 262; "The Legal Status of Joint Venture
Corporations", 11 Vand Law Rev. p. 680,1958). These American cases dealt with legal questions as to
the extent to which the requirements arising from the corporate form of joint venture corporations
should control, and the courts ruled that substantial justice lay with those litigants who relied on the
joint venture agreement rather than the litigants who relied on the orthodox principles of corporation

As correctly held by the SEC Hearing Officer:

It is said that participants in a joint venture, in organizing the joint venture deviate from the traditional
pattern of corporation management. A noted authority has pointed out that just as in close corporations,
shareholders' agreements in joint venture corporations often contain provisions which do one or more
of the following: (1) require greater than majority vote for shareholder and director action; (2) give
certain shareholders or groups of shareholders power to select a specified number of directors; (3) give
to the shareholders control over the selection and retention of employees; and (4) set up a procedure
for the settlement of disputes by arbitration (See I O' Neal, Close Corporations, 1971 ed., Section
1.06a, pp. 15-16) (Decision of SEC Hearing Officer, P. 16)

Thirdly paragraph 2 of Sec. 100 of the Corporation Code does not necessarily imply that agreements
regarding the exercise of voting rights are allowed only in close corporations. As Campos and Lopez-
Campos explain:

Paragraph 2 refers to pooling and voting agreements in particular. Does this provision necessarily imply
that these agreements can be valid only in close corporations as defined by the Code? Suppose that a
corporation has twenty five stockholders, and therefore cannot qualify as a close corporation under
section 96, can some of them enter into an agreement to vote as a unit in the election of directors? It is
submitted that there is no reason for denying stockholders of corporations other than close ones the
right to enter into not voting or pooling agreements to protect their interests, as long as they do not
intend to commit any wrong, or fraud on the other stockholders not parties to the agreement. Of course,
voting or pooling agreements are perhaps more useful and more often resorted to in close
corporations. But they may also be found necessary even in widely held corporations. Moreover, since
the Code limits the legal meaning of close corporations to those which comply with the requisites laid 6/9
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down by section 96, it is entirely possible that a corporation which is in fact a close corporation will not
come within the definition. In such case, its stockholders should not be precluded from entering into
contracts like voting agreements if these are otherwise valid. (Campos & Lopez-Campos, op cit, p. 405)

In short, even assuming that sec. 5(a) of the Agreement relating to the designation or nomination of
directors restricts the right of the Agreement's signatories to vote for directors, such contractual
provision, as correctly held by the SEC, is valid and binding upon the signatories thereto, which include
appellants. (Rollo No. 75951, pp. 90-94)

In regard to the question as to whether or not the ASI group may vote their additional equity during elections of
Saniwares' board of directors, the Court of Appeals correctly stated:

As in other joint venture companies, the extent of ASI's participation in the management of the
corporation is spelled out in the Agreement. Section 5(a) hereof says that three of the nine directors
shall be designated by ASI and the remaining six by the other stockholders, i.e., the Filipino
stockholders. This allocation of board seats is obviously in consonance with the minority position of

Having entered into a well-defined contractual relationship, it is imperative that the parties should honor
and adhere to their respective rights and obligations thereunder. Appellants seem to contend that any
allocation of board seats, even in joint venture corporations, are null and void to the extent that such
may interfere with the stockholder's rights to cumulative voting as provided in Section 24 of the
Corporation Code. This Court should not be prepared to hold that any agreement which curtails in any
way cumulative voting should be struck down, even if such agreement has been freely entered into by
experienced businessmen and do not prejudice those who are not parties thereto. It may well be that it
would be more cogent to hold, as the Securities and Exchange Commission has held in the decision
appealed from, that cumulative voting rights may be voluntarily waived by stockholders who enter into
special relationships with each other to pursue and implement specific purposes, as in joint venture
relationships between foreign and local stockholders, so long as such agreements do not adversely
affect third parties.

In any event, it is believed that we are not here called upon to make a general rule on this question.
Rather, all that needs to be done is to give life and effect to the particular contractual rights and
obligations which the parties have assumed for themselves.

On the one hand, the clearly established minority position of ASI and the contractual allocation of board
seats Cannot be disregarded. On the other hand, the rights of the stockholders to cumulative voting
should also be protected.

In our decision sought to be reconsidered, we opted to uphold the second over the first. Upon further
reflection, we feel that the proper and just solution to give due consideration to both factors suggests
itself quite clearly. This Court should recognize and uphold the division of the stockholders into two
groups, and at the same time uphold the right of the stockholders within each group to cumulative
voting in the process of determining who the group's nominees would be. In practical terms, as
suggested by appellant Luciano E. Salazar himself, this means that if the Filipino stockholders cannot
agree who their six nominees will be, a vote would have to be taken among the Filipino stockholders
only. During this voting, each Filipino stockholder can cumulate his votes. ASI, however, should not be
allowed to interfere in the voting within the Filipino group. Otherwise, ASI would be able to designate
more than the three directors it is allowed to designate under the Agreement, and may even be able to
get a majority of the board seats, a result which is clearly contrary to the contractual intent of the

Such a ruling will give effect to both the allocation of the board seats and the stockholder's right to
cumulative voting. Moreover, this ruling will also give due consideration to the issue raised by the
appellees on possible violation or circumvention of the Anti-Dummy Law (Com. Act No. 108, as
amended) and the nationalization requirements of the Constitution and the laws if ASI is allowed to
nominate more than three directors. (Rollo-75875, pp. 38-39)

The ASI Group and petitioner Salazar, now reiterate their theory that the ASI Group has the right to vote their
additional equity pursuant to Section 24 of the Corporation Code which gives the stockholders of a corporation the
right to cumulate their votes in electing directors. Petitioner Salazar adds that this right if granted to the ASI Group
would not necessarily mean a violation of the Anti-Dummy Act (Commonwealth Act 108, as amended). He cites
section 2-a thereof which provides:

And provided finally that the election of aliens as members of the board of directors or governing body
of corporations or associations engaging in partially nationalized activities shall be allowed in proportion 7/9
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to their allowable participation or share in the capital of such entities. (amendments introduced by
Presidential Decree 715, section 1, promulgated May 28, 1975)

The ASI Group's argument is correct within the context of Section 24 of the Corporation Code. The point of query,
however, is whether or not that provision is applicable to a joint venture with clearly defined agreements:

The legal concept of ajoint venture is of common law origin. It has no precise legal definition but it has
been generally understood to mean an organization formed for some temporary purpose. (Gates v.
Megargel, 266 Fed. 811 [1920]) It is in fact hardly distinguishable from the partnership, since their
elements are similar community of interest in the business, sharing of profits and losses, and a mutual
right of control. Blackner v. Mc Dermott, 176 F. 2d. 498, [1949]; Carboneau v. Peterson, 95 P. 2d., 1043
[1939]; Buckley v. Chadwick, 45 Cal. 2d. 183, 288 P. 2d. 12 289 P. 2d. 242 [1955]). The main distinction
cited by most opinions in common law jurisdictions is that the partnership contemplates a general
business with some degree of continuity, while the joint venture is formed for the execution of a single
transaction, and is thus of a temporary nature. (Tufts v. Mann 116 Cal. App. 170, 2 P. 2d. 500 [1931];
Harmon v. Martin, 395 111. 595, 71 NE 2d. 74 [1947]; Gates v. Megargel 266 Fed. 811 [1920]). This
observation is not entirely accurate in this jurisdiction, since under the Civil Code, a partnership may be
particular or universal, and a particular partnership may have for its object a specific undertaking. (Art.
1783, Civil Code). It would seem therefore that under Philippine law, a joint venture is a form of
partnership and should thus be governed by the law of partnerships. The Supreme Court has however
recognized a distinction between these two business forms, and has held that although a corporation
cannot enter into a partnership contract, it may however engage in a joint venture with others. (At p. 12,
Tuazon v. Bolanos, 95 Phil. 906 [1954]) (Campos and Lopez-Campos Comments, Notes and Selected
Cases, Corporation Code 1981)

Moreover, the usual rules as regards the construction and operations of contracts generally apply to a contract of
joint venture. (O' Hara v. Harman 14 App. Dev. (167) 43 NYS 556).

Bearing these principles in mind, the correct view would be that the resolution of the question of whether or not the
ASI Group may vote their additional equity lies in the agreement of the parties.

Necessarily, the appellate court was correct in upholding the agreement of the parties as regards the allocation of
director seats under Section 5 (a) of the "Agreement," and the right of each group of stockholders to cumulative
voting in the process of determining who the group's nominees would be under Section 3 (a) (1) of the "Agreement."
As pointed out by SEC, Section 5 (a) of the Agreement relates to the manner of nominating the members of the
board of directors while Section 3 (a) (1) relates to the manner of voting for these nominees.

This is the proper interpretation of the Agreement of the parties as regards the election of members of the board of

To allow the ASI Group to vote their additional equity to help elect even a Filipino director who would be beholden to
them would obliterate their minority status as agreed upon by the parties. As aptly stated by the appellate court:

... ASI, however, should not be allowed to interfere in the voting within the Filipino group. Otherwise,
ASI would be able to designate more than the three directors it is allowed to designate under the
Agreement, and may even be able to get a majority of the board seats, a result which is clearly contrary
to the contractual intent of the parties.

Such a ruling will give effect to both the allocation of the board seats and the stockholder's right to
cumulative voting. Moreover, this ruling will also give due consideration to the issue raised by the
appellees on possible violation or circumvention of the Anti-Dummy Law (Com. Act No. 108, as
amended) and the nationalization requirements of the Constitution and the laws if ASI is allowed to
nominate more than three directors. (At p. 39, Rollo, 75875)

Equally important as the consideration of the contractual intent of the parties is the consideration as regards the
possible domination by the foreign investors of the enterprise in violation of the nationalization requirements
enshrined in the Constitution and circumvention of the Anti-Dummy Act. In this regard, petitioner Salazar's position
is that the Anti-Dummy Act allows the ASI group to elect board directors in proportion to their share in the capital of
the entity. It is to be noted, however, that the same law also limits the election of aliens as members of the board of
directors in proportion to their allowance participation of said entity. In the instant case, the foreign Group ASI was
limited to designate three directors. This is the allowable participation of the ASI Group. Hence, in future dealings,
this limitation of six to three board seats should always be maintained as long as the joint venture agreement exists
considering that in limiting 3 board seats in the 9-man board of directors there are provisions already agreed upon
and embodied in the parties' Agreement to protect the interests arising from the minority status of the foreign
investors. 8/9
12/9/2020 G.R. No. 75875

With these findings, we the decisions of the SEC Hearing Officer and SEC which were impliedly affirmed by the
appellate court declaring Messrs. Wolfgang Aurbach, John Griffin, David P Whittingham, Emesto V. Lagdameo,
Baldwin young, Raul A. Boncan, Emesto V. Lagdameo, Jr., Enrique Lagdameo, and George F. Lee as the duly
elected directors of Saniwares at the March 8,1983 annual stockholders' meeting.

On the other hand, the Lagdameo and Young Group (petitioners in G.R. No. 75951) object to a cumulative voting
during the election of the board of directors of the enterprise as ruled by the appellate court and submits that the six
(6) directors allotted the Filipino stockholders should be selected by consensus pursuant to section 5 (a) of the
Agreement which uses the word "designate" meaning "nominate, delegate or appoint."

They also stress the possibility that the ASI Group might take control of the enterprise if the Filipino stockholders are
allowed to select their nominees separately and not as a common slot determined by the majority of their group.

Section 5 (a) of the Agreement which uses the word designates in the allocation of board directors should not be
interpreted in isolation. This should be construed in relation to section 3 (a) (1) of the Agreement. As we stated
earlier, section 3(a) (1) relates to the manner of voting for these nominees which is cumulative voting while section
5(a) relates to the manner of nominating the members of the board of directors. The petitioners in G.R. No. 75951
agreed to this procedure, hence, they cannot now impugn its legality.

The insinuation that the ASI Group may be able to control the enterprise under the cumulative voting procedure
cannot, however, be ignored. The validity of the cumulative voting procedure is dependent on the directors thus
elected being genuine members of the Filipino group, not voters whose interest is to increase the ASI share in the
management of Saniwares. The joint venture character of the enterprise must always be taken into account, so long
as the company exists under its original agreement. Cumulative voting may not be used as a device to enable ASI
to achieve stealthily or indirectly what they cannot accomplish openly. There are substantial safeguards in the
Agreement which are intended to preserve the majority status of the Filipino investors as well as to maintain the
minority status of the foreign investors group as earlier discussed. They should be maintained.

WHEREFORE, the petitions in G.R. Nos. 75975-76 and G.R. No. 75875 are DISMISSED and the petition in G.R.
No. 75951 is partly GRANTED. The amended decision of the Court of Appeals is MODIFIED in that Messrs.
Wolfgang Aurbach John Griffin, David Whittingham Emesto V. Lagdameo, Baldwin Young, Raul A. Boncan, Ernesto
R. Lagdameo, Jr., Enrique Lagdameo, and George F. Lee are declared as the duly elected directors of Saniwares at
the March 8,1983 annual stockholders' meeting. In all other respects, the questioned decision is AFFIRMED. Costs
against the petitioners in G.R. Nos. 75975-76 and G.R. No. 75875.


Fernan, C.J., (Chairman), Bidin and Cortes, JJ., concur.

Feliciano, J., took no part.

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