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Proud to
Serve Oman

About This Report

The body of this report is organised according

to eight priority areas, which are integrated into
the Company’s business processes. The Company
continues to aim to strike the right balance
between successfully delivering oil and gas to its
shareholders, whilst respecting the welfare of
society and of the natural environment.

This report also integrates the Company’s sustainability

performance, charting its performance to operate safely,
responsibly and efficiently to deliver lasting economic
benefits to the whole of Oman. The report covers
the economic, environmental and social impact of our
performance. It was prepared using the GRI Standards.
This update is testimony to our commitment to
transparency and honesty in our business dealings. We
will be using it as our Communication On Progress to
the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), which
we formally joined in January 2015. We remain firmly
committed to the UNGC’s 10 principles on human
rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption.
This report can also be viewed on our website and on our internal staff intranet.
Most of our technical functions are certified by the
relevant national, regional or international bodies, and
the organisation as a whole is annually audited by the
State Audit Institution of Oman which is financially and
administratively independent of us.
This annual report covers the 2018 calendar year and
follows on from our previous Annual Sustainability
Report for 2017, which was published in April 2018. It
has not been externally assured but has been reviewed
by the Ministry of Oil and Gas. It has also undergone the
GRI Materiality Disclosures Service, where GRI Services
reviewed that the GRI content index is clearly presented
and the references for Disclosures 102-40 to 102-49
align with appropriate sections in the body of the report.
Wherever possible, we endeavour to measure our
practices against national and international benchmarks,
such as the ISO 14001 certification. Going forward, our
intention is to seek full external assurance.
If you have any queries about this report,
please contact us at
[email protected]

Petroleum Development Oman LLC,

P.O. Box 81, Postal Code 100, Muscat,
Sultanate of Oman


Chairman’s Foreword 4

Board of Directors 5

Who We Are 6

Managing Director’s Foreword 12

Our Stakeholders and Priority Areas 18

Exploration and Hydrocarbon Maturation 24

Hydrocarbon Production and Reservoir Management 28

Operations Excellence 32

Project Delivery 38

In-Country Value 42

People and Staff Development 48

General Welfare 52

Environmental Sustainability and New Technology 58

Environmental and Safety Performance 64

GRI Content Index 72

Awards and Certifications in 2018 84


Chairman's Foreword

“mega” projects at Rabab Harweel and Yibal Khuff and a new

chapter has opened with the signing of an agreement for
the landmark 100 megawatt solar photo voltaic Independent
Power Producer (IPP) project in Amin. This represents
another building block in support of Oman’s outstanding
potential in solar energy underpinned by the success of the
Miraah installation at Amal.
Across the full spectrum of its activities, PDO met or surpassed
expectations and targets, bolstering safety, introducing further
improvements to its operational practices – often through
the deployment of new technology such as automation and
artificial intelligence – and adding significant reserve volumes.
I am pleased to say that the Company also maintained
strong momentum on its In-Country Value journey, creating
thousands more employment opportunities for Omanis,
both in the oil and gas sector and beyond, and supporting
new domestic supply chains.
The Company also continued to share its expertise with
In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, Government ministries and a wide range of public, voluntary
and private organisations in areas such as Lean continuous
the Merciful. improvement, training, and project management in the
interest of driving sustainable development. At the same time,
It is an honour to declare the staunch support and unwavering it engaged stakeholders on priority issues such as energy
dedication of all those who work in the Omani oil and gas efficiency and renewable energy through a new thought
sector and who share Your Majesty’s vision for the sustainable leadership PDO Majlis programme while continuing to set
growth and development of our great nation. an example campaigning in priority areas such as road safety,
At a time of significant technological disruption and ongoing environmental stewardship, research and development, and
geopolitical instability, PDO’s strategy has been simple: to stay diversity and inclusion.
the course in the face of oil price uncertainty and production PDO will always strive to be a safe, efficient and responsible
restrictions while preparing the business to face a changing operator and protect the communities and environment
energy reality. in which it works. This report illustrates transparently the
This means more sustainable oil and gas, driving energy successes and challenges of this approach in 2018 and the
efficiency in all aspects of the Company’s operations, and concerted efforts made by all employees to support the
a new PDO strategy, refreshing the business model to nation day in, day out.
add value to Oman beyond operations in the concession I renew my pledge to Your Majesty that I will guide the oil
area. This approach becomes increasingly important as the and gas industry to the best of my ability through these
Company takes significant strides in its transition to become
challenging times to ensure its ongoing contribution to the
a fully fledged energy concern with a greater emphasis on
nation’s success.
renewables, especially solar.
May Allah protect Your Majesty so that Oman may continue
But while this evolutionary change is happening, PDO
to progress on its path of peace, prosperity and stability
remains steadfast in delivering its main mandate of oil and gas
under your visionary guidance and wise leadership.
exploration and production. In 2018, staff and contractors
celebrated the major milestone of 40 years of gas output
without interruption.This gas has helped to power the nation,
fuel the country’s economic progress and provide a valuable
source of export revenue.
Mohammed bin Hamed bin Saif Al Rumhy
The Company continues to deliver projects of strategic Minister of Oil and Gas and Chairman of the Board of Directors
importance to the nation with ever greater efficiency and
consistency. There has been excellent progress on the two

Board of Directors
Representing the Government of Oman

H. E. Dr. Mohammed bin Hamad

bin Saif Al Rumhy
Minister of Oil & Gas, Chairman

H.E. Nasser bin Khamis Al Jashmi ,)7EPMQFMR2EWWIV%P%Y½

Undersecretary of Ministry of Finance, Undersecretary of Ministry of Oil & Gas
Deputy Chairman

Dr. Salman bin Mohammed Al Shidi Mr. Nasser bin Sulaiman Al Harthy Mr. Musaab bin Abdullah
Director General for Petroleum Director General of Investment Al Mahrouqi
Investment Management Ministry of Finance Government Board Director
Ministry of Oil and Gas

Representing the Private Shareholders

Mr. Sami Iskander Mr. Christopher Breeze Mr. Walid Hadi Mr. Stephen Michel Dr. Antonio C Silva
Shell, Netherlands Shell Oman Shell, Netherlands Total, France Partex Corporation

)\IGYXMZI3J½GIV Secretary

Mr. Raoul Restucci 1W,EMJE%P/LEM½

Managing Director Finance Director

Who We Are

The Company is owned by the Government of Oman (which has a 60%

Petroleum Development interest), the Shell Group (34% interest), Total (4% interest) and Partex (2%
Oman (PDO) is the leading interest). Gas fields and processing plants are operated by PDO exclusively
exploration and production on behalf of the Government
company in the Sultanate
PDO is a limited liability company and operates on a no-profit, no-loss basis
of Oman. We deliver the
and is officially revenue-neutral. In 2018, PDO’s capital expenditure (Capex)
majority of the country’s crude
was US$5.5 billion and operating expenditure (Opex) was US$1.9 billion.
oil production and natural gas
supply, but above all we focus On 1 January 1980, PDO was registered by Royal Decree as a limited liability
on delivering excellence, company in the Sultanate.
growth and sustainable value
creation within and well The Company adopted its name in 1951, first struck oil in Yibal in 1962 and
beyond our industry. has been exporting oil produced in its 90,874 km2 concession area known
as Block 6 since 1967. Our headquarters is based at Mina Al Fahal in Muscat.

Our mission is to find, develop and produce oil and gas safely, responsibly and
profitably, in order to contribute to the sustainable development of Oman,
to the benefit of all our stakeholders. We are the custodians of the major
source of national income and one of the largest private sector employers in
Oman. We manage a large and diverse portfolio of oilfields in terms of field
sizes, reservoir and oil types, development methods and maturity. Our aim
is to improve the recovery factor of hydrocarbons through the application
of a combination of world-leading well and reservoir management, the
deployment of the latest innovative technology, and a comprehensive gamut
of recovery mechanisms including:

• Primary, such as fields on natural flow and artificial lift

• Secondary, such as fields under water floods and pressure maintenance
GRI 102-45

I treat everyone fairly

and respectfully


I continuously engage,
listen and coach others

I work proactively I prioritise delivery

across boundaries and and continuous
build improvement, and act
partnerships as a Lean role model


• Tertiary, such as enhanced oil recovery (EOR), where we PDO endeavours to meet its wider responsibility to society
work to modify the physical/chemical properties of in-situ oil. by aiming to secure a social licence by taking economic, social
and environmental considerations into account in all decisions,
The Company has become a global pioneer in EOR due to
specifically in terms of the provision of oil revenues, domestic
its maturing asset base and the complexity and challenging
employment, staff and contractor training, the support and
nature of Oman’s geology and the three main methods we
development of local businesses and community investment.
currently use are thermal, chemical and miscible high pressure
gas injection. Underpinning this approach is our corporate vision which is
The overall aim of our strategy is to maximise production “to be renowned and respected for the excellence of
and minimise the financial costs and environmental and social our people and the value we create for Oman and all
impact of our operations by following best oilfield practices. our stakeholders.” This means the continual development
This means engaging efficiently, responsibly and above all and growth of our people, leading performance across our
safely in the exploration, production, development, storage business and adopting a continuous improvement mindset to
and transportation of hydrocarbons. ensure we protect our reputation, sustain progress, comply

>8,000 EGXMZI
35 LSMWXW 55gas


GRI 102-45

The scope of PDO business from shareholder investment to delivery of oil and gas


Identitify and Create and Design, construct, Operate wells Maintain wells Transport, store
develop oil & evaluate oil & gas modify and and facilities and facilities and deliver
gas development abandon wells products
opportunities opportunities and facilities

with standards and deliver value to all our stakeholders. provides objectives and guidelines to the Managing Director.
The Board consists of thirteen members. There are six
At the end of 2018, PDO had 8,596 staff and over 70,000 Government representatives, including the Chairman, who is
contracting employees, a combined workforce made up of the Minister of Oil & Gas, His Excellency Dr. Mohammed bin
around 70 nationalities. Hamad bin Saif Al Rumhy; and five who represent PDO’s
private shareholders (Royal Dutch Shell, Total and Partex).
To underline our position as champion of workplace diversity
and equality of opportunity, in 2018 the 15-strong Managing
General Business Principles and the PDO
Director’s Committee comprised four women directors - a
beacon for both the industry and region. Code of Conduct
The PDO General Business Principles are the foundation on
Managing Director’s Committee which our business strategies and activities are based. These
The Managing Director’s Committee or MDC shares lay down an expectation of honesty, integrity and fairness
responsibility for the Company’s overall performance and in all aspects of our business, including relationships with
business direction. contractors and suppliers. PDO is required to conduct its
affairs in accordance with those principles. We are judged
It is headed by the Managing Director who is assisted by 14 by how we act and the belief that our reputation will be
other Directors, who are responsible for setting the technical, upheld if each one of us acts in accordance with the law and
operational and financial standards, the allocation of staff and the ethical standards set out in our Statement of General
their development. Business Principles (SGBP).

The MDC is answerable to the Board of Directors which The objective of the Company is to engage safely, efficiently

The Managing Director’s Committee

GRI 102-45

and responsibly in the exploration, production,

development, storage and transportation of
hydrocarbons and gradual transition to renewables
in the Sultanate.The Company seeks a high standard
of performance with the aim of furthering the long-
term benefits of its shareholders, employees and
Omani society at large.

Our contracting-out policy is on the basis of

open and competitive bidding, where possible,
with transparent procedures, providing equal
opportunities to qualified contractors and suppliers.
We will not, directly nor indirectly, offer, solicit,
accept or pay bribes, including facilitation payments,
in any shape or form, and require our employees,
contractors and suppliers and their employees, to
act likewise. Employees are expected to exercise
the utmost care to avoid putting themselves into
a position where they may be called on to repay
favours in a manner detrimental to the Company’s

Staff must not take advantage, for their own or

for the profit of others, of their position in the
Company or of information gained in the course of
their employment. They have a duty to notify PDO
of any outside interest which could, either directly
or indirectly, present them with a conflict of interest,
or involve them in a commercial relationship with

The principles are endorsed by our shareholders and

apply equally to corporate decision making as well
as the individual behaviours expected of employees
when conducting business on behalf of PDO.
standards and behaviours necessary to achieve the core values of the
They are the corporate shield that helps protect Company. It provides requirements and guidance, expressed as clearly,
our reputation and it is the duty of every employee concisely and consistently as is possible, within a single, company-wide
and contractor to ensure that we adhere to these document for all PDO employees on a number of enterprise-wide risk
principles and uphold and protect the reputation areas.
of our Company.
For this purpose, the code is categorised into five distinct sections
Following the core values and SGBP, the Code of addressing compliance in the following areas:
Conduct (COC) instructs and advises on how to 1. People and Safety
avoid situations that may damage the employee or
PDO. It sets standards and shows how to achieve 2. Fighting Corrupt Practices
them and demands honesty, integrity and fairness in 3. Safeguarding Information and Assets
all aspects of business. The code does not exempt 4. Communications Management
anyone, and every PDO employee must operate 5. National and International Trade.
within its boundaries of rules and guidelines.
PDO expects the same in its relationship with its Violation of the provisions of the code, or of any policies, procedures,
contractors and suppliers. laws or regulations governing our operations, may have severe
consequences for the individuals concerned and for PDO.
Our reputation and our future success are critically
dependent on compliance, not just with the law but In January 2015, PDO became the first national
with the highest ethical standards. A reputation for oil company in the Gulf to become a member
integrity is a priceless asset. This code supports PDO of the United Nations Global Compact – the
in safeguarding that asset. It crystallises the basic rules, largest voluntary corporate social responsibility
initiative in the world. Under the terms of the

agreement, the Company is committed to supporting the UNGC’s 10 universal A mandatory online training programme
principles on human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption. We also for all staff is ongoing across all levels of the
produced our first Sustainability Report outlining in detail our commitment to business with 10,751 staff and contractor
ethical business, the community, environment, economy and our own staff, to employees with access to the Company’s
back our application. network having completed the online training
at the time of writing this report.
PDO remains steadfastly committed to further strengthening its already
rigorous internal controls and continuing its membership of the UNGC. We All vendors registering with PDO continue
are also now committed to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development to go through the ABC vendor due diligence
Goals. process implemented in 2014 which asks
questions about their ABC compliance and
Anti-Bribery and Corruption involvement in any fraud, bribery or other
In 2011, PDO embarked on a comprehensive anti-bribery and corruption ABC-related concerns. This is supported
(ABC) strategy aimed at creating a culture of zero tolerance towards bribery by research conducted on the company
and corruption. This strategy has proven to be effective in responding to concerned and its owners.
the multiple challenges faced and PDO continues to be a champion of ABC
compliance in Oman. PDO also manages a mandatory online
Conflict of Interest, Gifts, Hospitality and Travel
ABC policies and procedures are communicated on an ongoing basis to all and Confidentiality confirmation process.
staff. A total of 105 staff attended training sessions for Contract Holders, This process requires all staff to declare their
which included a module on ABC awareness. Furthermore, graduate and potential conflicts of interest as well as any
mature hire induction sessions included a session related to ABC awareness. gifts, hospitality or travel received or paid and
confirm their commitment to confidentiality
annually. The Conflict of Interest and
Confidentiality process for 2018 resulted in a
1.56% non-compliance rate out of a total of
8,504 active staff (those who joined before 1
October 2018), and 26.34% non-compliance
rate of the 3,374 contractor staff with access
to our network that were required to
complete conflict of interest declarations and
confidentiality confirmations. Consequences
for non-compliance have been communicated
to company and contractor staff and will be
applied at the end of 2019.

Although no specific formal awareness or

training sessions were extended to the Board
and MDC in 2018, all members are fully
aware of the ABC policies and procedures
in place and the MDC is regularly appraised
of ethics and compliance incidents and
ongoing investigations. The MD and several
Directors are active members of the
Defalcation committee that reviews alleged
and confirmed incidents of unethical and
non-compliant behaviours. Further, the
Ethics and Behaviours department reports
on a quarterly basis to the Board Audit and
Internal Assurance Committees. They include
providing committee members with statistics
relating to our confidential whistle-blowing
hotline, investigations, conflicts of interest,
ABC vendor due diligence, anonymous ABC
contractor survey and information on any
other ongoing ABC projects or initiatives.

One allegation of corruption involving a


PDO staff member was reported during the

year but was unsubstantiated.

There were no ABC-related legal cases

against PDO during the year. Contracts
with one business partner were terminated
in 2018 due to concerns around a conflict
of interest between the business partner
and a PDO staff member and indications
of irregularities in a tender in which the
business partner had participated.

PDO is in the process of reviewing and

updating its ABC-related policies and
procedures. This exercise is expected to be
completed during 2019.

Five grievances were raised through PDO’s

confidential Blow-The-Whistle hotline
in 2018, one of which was “founded”
with corrective measures being taken to
address the grievance. Two of the matters
were “unfounded” while one matter is
currently under review. In the case of the
identified opportunities for efficiency enhancement and waste elimination.
last grievance, despite repeated attempts,
These identified a potential cost saving of US$60 million over a 3-4 year
the whistleblower has been unresponsive to
period. In addition, a further sum of approximately US$240 million was
requests for further details on the reported
identified through our Low Oil Price Response (LOPR) programme, and
grievance, hence limiting the actions that
other value improvement ideas and cost saving opportunities. Projected
could be taken to review the matter.
savings from both CORs and LOPRs are US$300 million.
Cost Control
Business efficiency is a strategic aim to ensure
During 2018, PDO presented a number of proposals to shareholders that
PDO’s long-term sustainability and deliver
would leverage some of PDO’s assets, but which were put on hold due to
value to stakeholders. The Company further
overall medium-term fiscal policy and debt strategy of divesture.
enhanced its rigorous cost management
regime in the light of the lower oil price The US$4 billion Pre-export Finance facility PDO secured on behalf of the
environment. Government in 2016 was successfully refinanced during 2018 for a further
two years. The repayments are scheduled to start from the third quarter of
Our 2018 capital expenditure (Capex) was
US$5.5 billion and operating expenditure
(Opex) was US$1.9 billion, which includes
more than US$260 million in total cumulative
savings. PDO is a member of the:
• United Nations Global Compact
There were oil Capex savings of US$107 • Regional Clean Sea Organisation
million, which came from a mix of drilling
• Gulf Co-operation Council (GCC) National Oil Company Steering
efficiencies, well optimisation and various
project savings, and gas Capex savings of
• GCC Standardisation Organisation
US$54 million.
• Oman Society for Petroleum Services (OPAL)
For 2019, the current capital budget is • International Association of Oil and Gas Producers (via Shell)
US$5.448 billion, including approximately • International Petroleum Industry Environmental Conservation Association
US$68 million of expected initial savings in (IPIECA)
oil Capex.
PDO is also the first oil company in the Middle East to be ISO 14001-certified
In 2018, the Company held 25 Cost for environmental management, and the first company within the Shell
Optimisation Reviews (CORs), which are network to receive the ISO 55001:2014 certification for the ‘Management of
focused, multi-day workshops where PDO, Assets to Support Production, Treatment, Storage and Transport of Oil and
together with the relevant contractor, Gas’ by the Lloyd's Register Quality Assurance (LRQA).

Managing Director’s Foreword

It is an honour to present to Your Majesty Petroleum compensating for (unplanned) third party production
Development Oman’s Annual Sustainability Report for variations. At the same time, we also had to cope with the
2018, which charts our performance and activities in a impact on our operations of Cyclones Mekunu and Luban.
challenging but banner year, in which we celebrated 40 Despite these demands, we achieved oil production of
years of uninterrupted gas production. 610,170 barrels per day (bpd), the highest since 2005.

The report documents our unremitting efforts to continue The average Government gas supply during 2018 was 64.8
delivering on our vision of excellence and value creation, million m³/d, consistent with customer demand and our
while also ensuring we provide full support to Your Majesty’s role as gas swing producer. During the year, in which we
vision of sustainable growth. celebrated four decades of uninterrupted gas supply, PDO
was able to exceed gas delivery to Oman LNG for export,
It outlines our stakeholder expectations, material areas of
contributing to the shipment of seven additional cargoes.
concern, how we have addressed them and what more needs
to be done going forward. At the same time, it also reflects The Exploration Directorate had a very successful year
our determination to pursue a sustainable business model, with new oil and gas bookings made across Block 6. It
support economic diversification, invest in our communities also achieved an outstanding performance in land seismic
and protect our environment in line with our evolutionary acquisition by achieving a new record of nearly one million
approach to becoming a fully fledged energy company, with a vibrator points in one month. We expect this performance
greater focus on renewables. to improve even further with the completion of the first
Ultra-High Productivity seismic acquisition survey, a massive
Against a backdrop of fluctuating trends in the global market,
operation involving over 700 personnel and the driving
I am pleased to announce that in 2018, PDO exceeded
performance expectations across a wide range of asset and of nearly seven million kilometres without any Lost Time
functional targets including health and safety, production, Injuries (LTIs). This new technology will continue to support
exploration, well engineering and job creation. our exploration efforts to sustain PDO’s growth agenda. The
Geomatics department continued to build on its exceptional
We have successfully migrated to being the country’s safety performance and has now registered a record 37
swing producer as guided by the Ministry of Oil and Gas, years without an LTI, despite working in some of the most
requiring us to operate in a highly dynamic mode, frequently challenging terrain and conditions in the world.

As ever, safety remains our overarching priority and we

achieved a record 0.15 Lost Time Injury Frequency (LTIF)
compared with the improved performance of 0.20 in 2017
– a 25% fall. Another record was the 0.71 Total Recordable
Case Frequency (TRCF) against 0.72 in the previous year.
On the road safety front, we celebrated the achievements
of driving more than 750 million kilometres without a work-
related motor vehicle fatal incident and an official Guinness
World Record for the installation of the highest number of
solar reflective lights ever on a road. There was also a slight
reduction in the Severe Motor Vehicle Incident Rate of 14%
(0.07 to 0.06) compared to 2017.

Furthermore, I am happy to report a 77% fall in the number

of Tier 1 process safety incidents and a 50% drop in Tier 2
incidents – both the lowest since 2010.

These improvements highlight the ongoing concerted effort

across the Company to enhance safety and operational
excellence at the frontline through better supervision,
awareness, training, consequence management and the
continuous implementation of new systems and technologies
with a view to engender an enhanced safety culture.
Regrettably, the impressive results were overshadowed by
the deaths of two contractor employees at Nimr in April and
Yibal in July and 32 LTIs.

This is a stark reminder of the need for constant focus on

achieving Goal Zero, of no harm to our people, assets or
environment. At all times, we need to remain vigilant in
regards to working conditions and make sure we fully comply
with our Golden Rules and Life Saving Rules. Our new in-
house behaviour-based safety programme Ihtimam (I Care)
has already led to improvements in communication, safety
leadership and outcomes, and so it has been expanded to
cover more than 20 facilities. Likewise, more than 1,300
well engineering front line supervisors, including drilling
contractors, have now been trained on our Front Line Safety
programme for supervisors and we envision it will be rolled
out to all PDO staff and contractors in the future.

Another key priority is In-Country Value as we strive to

support Your Government’s efforts to diversify the economy,
provide work for Omani jobseekers and build robust
domestic supply chains. Overall, we awarded contracts worth
US$3.7 billion to nationally registered firms, retaining a value
in country of 44%.

Our National Objectives team generated more than 17,000

employment opportunities, exceeding the very ambitious
target for the year, in both the oil and non-oil sectors. Such
was the success, we have decided to increase the target in
2019 from 19,000 to 21,000.

In the fifth year since the unveiling of the ICV Strategy

Blueprint for the oil and gas industry, we continue to lead 38
of the 53 opportunities to build local capability and capacity
by supporting the opening of plants, workshops and factories
supplying vital goods and services to the sector. One such

was last year’s inauguration of the Gulf Starch Plant in Sohar,

Oman’s first and only manufacturer of drilling starch.

Ensuring the Sultanate has a flourishing SME community, we

began partnering with Phaze Ventures, the first Omani private
venture capital company founded to unlock the untapped
potential of our young entrepreneurs and develop the local
business ecosystem. We are working together to identify and
scale companies offering innovative solutions to upcoming
energy needs with the aim of creating a global centre of
excellence in future energy technologies and efficiencies. So
far, five have been selected and the goal is for the start-ups to
test their propositions within PDO and provide meaningful
ICV proposals to boost the national economy.

This initiative very much reflects our collaborative approach

to work with local and expert partners on research and
development. PDO and Sultan Qaboos University signed the
first four R&D agreements through the Ejaad platform, set up
with the Ministry of Oil and Gas and The Research Council
to ensure closer alignment between academia and industry
and share technical opportunities and challenges.

Some of the areas where we need to develop solutions relate

to environmental sustainability and energy management
where we must try harder in the face of mounting climate
change realities.
We improved environmental performance across many
We have made tangible progress in our deployment of solar aspects, including oil spills and waste management. However,
technologies, such as the ongoing work at Miraah and the there were increases in greenhouse emissions and gas
Mina Al Fahal car park, and the independent power producer flaring, partly due to equipment failures. We have developed
project at Amin, the world’s first utility-scale solar project to comprehensive roadmaps to address both, and intend to
have an oil and gas company as the sole wholesale buyer of reach the target of zero routine flaring well before the World
electricity. Bank’s 2030 deadline.

Our comprehensive Estidama (Sustainability) programme is

being rolled out across the business centralising all our energy
management and ‘green’ campaigns while helping to build
a positive environmental culture across Oman. One such
aspect was the launch of a drive to ban single-use plastics
across our operations.

In this respect, it is important to fully communicate and

engage with our stakeholders in the endeavour to reduce our
environmental footprint and the new PDO Majlis thought
leadership programme has been invaluable. Two of the four projects, totalling around US$15.5 million, which will have
expert sessions were on energy management and renewable tangible impacts on the quality of life of thousands of people
energy, and proposed a number of recommendations as living in our concession area and beyond,
well as raised public awareness of the need for a “greener”
economy. There was an impressive project delivery performance with,
for example, the second phases of the Saih Nihayda and
Protecting and promoting PDO’s reputation remain key. In Kauther depletion compression projects coming on stream
total, 2018 saw the publication of more than 70 PDO press in June, well ahead of the planned date in 2019. The Tayseer
releases, the execution of more than 140 media engagements, Early Development Facility set a new record after being
interviews and activities and almost daily social media updates successfully commissioned in just 23 months, well ahead of
on a wide variety of activities, topics and campaigns across the standard project schedule.
the Company’s five social media platforms.
There was also good progress on PDO’s two mega projects.
As well as communicating with our communities through The Rabab Harweel integrated project (RHIP) represents the
stakeholder engagement programmes, mainstream and new largest reserve addition (more than 500 million barrels of oil
media, we have continued to support them through targeted equivalent) and capital project in PDO history. It integrates
social investment in the areas of learning and research, sour miscible gas injection in multiple oil reservoirs with
community infrastructure development, health, safety and production and pressure maintenance of a government gas
environment (HSE), and youth and female empowerment.The condensate field which also contributes to Oman’s overall
rationale is to create sustainable benefits for Omani society gas demand. The pre-start-up audit of utility systems was
in line with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development completed, and the project is on track to come on stream
Goals. Last year, we committed to 36 new social investment by mid-2019.

We achieved a key milestone at Yibal Khuff with the delivery from across the Company and more than 6,000 have been
of an export compressor to the construction site, and the implemented.
project remains on track to be on stream by 2021. Both
projects are being built with hundreds of highly skilled Omani We continue to encourage all staff to challenge costs and
welders who learnt their trade on our pioneering 6G welding discretionary expenditure, and regularly assess and compare
programme. their levels of productivity and performance against leading
industry benchmarks and continuously improve how they
PDO continued with our endeavour to improve capital work in PDO. It is the responsibility of everybody to adapt
efficiency and deliver competitive projects. An engineering to changing needs and more agile ways of working to create
reorganisation, aimed at centralising the execution of all more value in support of Oman’s near and longer-term
projects, enabling higher productivity, greater consistency and sustainability.
compliance, and faster decision making and project delivery
cycles, was completed achieving its “go-live” target of January This also means continuing to make progress beyond our
2019. This will enable greater value chain integration between concession mandate, specifically in areas where we are
assets, well engineering and project delivery as we work to competitively advantaged because of know-how, opportunity
optimally deploy our resources and tools with a One PDO and resolve.
mindset whilst further enhancing the skills development and
To support our external service delivery efforts, and to
capabilities of Omanis.
better leverage internal capabilities for an expanding and
This restructure presaged a broader organisational restructure more sustainable future, our New Business Development
which was introduced this January along functional and asset team is now exploring how to commercialise our expertise
lines. This will instil greater rigour in defining and setting in areas such as project management, training, Lean, field
standards, processes and tools and deploying new technology, development and enhanced oil recovery.
and see us move from a risk- to rule-based approach, ensuring
There is no doubt that the advent of the Fourth Industrial
stronger implementation compliance.
Revolution paves the way for greater innovation through
This new structure will be underpinned by our ongoing roll- the deployment of new technologies, including Artificial
out of Lean processes, procedures and projects which are Intelligence, Big Data and Automation. We have appointed a
transforming the way we work to enable us to do more for new Chief Information and Digitalisation Officer to oversee
less. In 2018, this supported the delivery of 142 efficiency a reorganisation of the Information Management and
improvement projects, securing US$152 million in cost Technology department so that we are ready to exploit the
savings. So far, more than 15,700 ideas have been generated myriad opportunities.

There are currently more than 220 ongoing digital projects Our people remain our main asset and we have stepped up
across the organisation, including more than 20 regarded as our efforts to attract, retain and develop the best talent, while
key future-centric technologies such as machine learning, extending Omanisation and empowering our female staff.
robotics and predictive analytics. Drone and smart mobility The 2018 People Survey, which had a record 81% response,
technologies are also gaining greater adoption, reducing HSE indicated an ongoing pride among staff about working for
exposure in the field and facilitating faster communication the Company.
between the Coast and Interior.
We are confident that continuing efforts around Diversity
These technologies are already making a substantive impact and Inclusion (D&I) to address gender balance, fairness and
on our business in terms of risk mitigation and production bullying, will enhance our reputation as an employer of choice.
optimisation. For example, our remote working pilot Maktabi was expanded
to encompass more staff, D&I training and promotion were
For example, on well and reservoir management, the stepped up and maternity benefits enhanced. I am pleased to
introduction of automated beam lift technology (known as report a record number of women on staff and we hope to
BLADE) across 80 wells at Amal East has resulted in a 31% increase this percentage from 12% to 20% by 2022.
reduction in breakdowns and millions of dollars of added
value with a 35% increase in oil production. This system can Going forward, we aim to stay true to our strategic imperatives,
be replicated to many beam pump wells across PDO. while consistently seeking greater efficiency, striving to
exceed expectations and leveraging new technology as an
PDO intends to carry on leading by example whether it be enabler to safer, more responsible and productive operations.
pioneering such as new technology or setting new industry Your Majesty can be sure that we remain committed to our
standards or raising public awareness on key issues. We are vision of excellence and value creation in support of Oman’s
proud to retain our membership of the UN Global Compact, sustainable development and future prosperity.
the world’s largest voluntary corporate social responsibility
initiative. We remain committed to its 10 principles on
human rights, the environment, labour and anti-corruption,
and embedding them in our strategy, culture and day-to-day
operations. These principles underpin our core values and Raoul Restucci
ethical approach to business and provide the framework Managing Director
in which our staff and contractors are encouraged and
expected to operate.

Our Stakeholders and Priority Areas

Our determination to be a good corporate citizen, which puts sustainability

PDO is the central engine of at the heart of all it does, necessitates that we regularly engage with our
Oman’s economy and its activities stakeholders to understand their needs, opinions and expectations, and any
and performance directly impact concerns they have about our business and its impacts.
the fortunes and futures of a rich
PDO believes it is important to engage with our key stakeholders and
diversity of stakeholders, including
honestly and clearly report on our achievements and activities, while at the
local communities, Government,
same time receiving feedback from them as this helps us to respond to any
shareholders, customers, suppliers,
concerns and continuously improve our performance.
regulatory bodies, municipal
authorities, academia, non- Our reporting focuses on the economic, environmental and social challenges
governmental organisations, the that matter most to our key stakeholders and their feedback, and information
media, and, of course, employees come from a variety of sources, including formal and informal face-to-face
and contractors. and telephone meetings, visits, workshops, surveys and online communication
(GRI 102-40, GRI 102-42, GRI 102-43 and GRI 102-46).

Stakeholder engagement continues to play a vital part in building and protecting

PDO’s reputation and a wave of new ones were introduced in 2018.

PDO again hosted a series of local and

international VIP delegations in its Mina
Al Fahal head office and Interior locations
aimed at fostering understanding and
There was a
engagement. Highlights included an official significant drive
visit from His Highness Sayyid Shihab bin
Tariq Al Said, Personal Adviser to His
to enhance
Majesty and Chairman of The Research stakeholder
Council (TRC).There were also delegations
from State Council members, the Ministry relations in 2018

of Manpower and TRC who were given presentations on for example, included the need for a national action plan
technological advancements in oil and gas exploration and with clear strategies, policies and projects to boost energy
production and In-Country Value. efficiency in the Sultanate; the establishment and strengthening
of strategic partnerships with the Ejaad research and
Apart from such high-profile engagements, there were
development platform and external associations; and the
also numerous face-to-face and telephone meetings
inclusion of energy efficiency as a pillar in Oman’s energy
with stakeholders including local communities and their
resilience strategy.
representatives, Government, shareholders, regulatory
bodies, non-governmental organisations and academia to The Government Relations team also launched the Khebra
discuss opportunities, concerns and challenges. project, mainly focusing on providing on-the-job training
and knowledge sharing sessions for public and private sector
To strengthen stakeholder partnerships, PDO signed
five Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs) with the stakeholders.The project delivered training to more 190 trainees
National Research Centre for Environment Conservation, mainly from Government bodies and knowledge sharing sessions
the Ministry of Endowment and Religious Affairs, the Public to more than 1,000 staff from around 60 organisations.
Authority for Mining, the Ministry of Tourism and the With a heightened debate around environmental sustainability
University of Oman. and climate change, PDO continued its support for, and
The year saw the launch of the PDO Majlis thought leadership participation in, the Oman Energy Forum, which in 2018 was
programme. Four events on renewable energy, In-Country staged to discuss challenges and opportunities in implementing
Value, social investment and energy efficiency were held the country’s energy transition to enable more sustainable
in Muscat, Salalah and Sohar and attracted more than 500 economic development. PDO also partnered with the EU-
attendees. There was very positive feedback from primary GCC Clean Energy Technology Network to host an Executive
and secondary stakeholders, underlining PDO’s role as a Energy Efficiency Workshop focusing on solutions and
major contributor to Oman’s economy and the country’s methodologies for the industrial and building sectors.
sustainable development, and a number of recommendations
were proposed. PDO was prominently involved in events which attracted
global attention. The Company provided logistical, transport,
Some of those derived from the energy efficiency Majlis, technical, media and stakeholder engagement support to the

The AMADEE-18 team with PDO staff and other stakeholders

“AMADEE-18: Mars Simulation Mission” in Oman. Staff and parties to co-ordinate efforts, address the concerns and
contractors hosted around 20 astronauts from the Austrian work in a constructive manner to settle various issues.
Space Forum in Marmul working closely with a number of
stakeholders such as the Oman Astronomical Society and Six industrial issues were resolved successfully during the year
Ministry of Defence. Additionally, PDO hosted the 9th World including the widening of the Muscat Expressway with a potential
Heavy Oil Congress – the first time the prestigious event risk to a pipeline, a water treatment plant at Zukait and two
had been held in the region – which attracted hundreds of falaj (irrigation channel) problems at Bidbid and Samail. A labour
delegates from across the world. relations matter involving 6G welders and the Consolidated
Contractors Company was also successfully managed.
PDO carries out an external reputation survey every three
years and the next one is planned for 2020. Community Relations
In the last one, in 2016, 1,013 face-to-face interviews were Our Community Relations team is continuously working to
conducted. For 86% of the respondents, PDO has a favourable enhance the relationship with external stakeholders in our
brand rating and the Company also has the highest awareness concession area and with the locals residing in areas close
among oil and gas exploration and production companies in Oman. to PDO operations. The team actively assesses the different
types of impacts on the communities and mitigation plans to
The top challenge which respondents believe that PDO faces
deal with these.
is to create more job opportunities for Omanis (23%) and
we have continued to ramp up our efforts in this regard going Any concerns or questions raised from the community side
beyond our natural boundaries to create more than 17,000 are assessed and then escalated to the concerned PDO
training and work opportunities during the year in both the
departments for further investigation and an action plan is
oil and non-oil sectors of the economy, exceeding our target.
formulated to address them.
Other top challenges include developing renewable energy
The team also continues to conduct screening reports for
(18%) and protecting the environment and safety of people
(16%), two areas in which PDO has seen great improvements new projects to identify potential impacts on the community
in 2018 with the introduction of a raft of new initiatives (see and formulate action plans, such as possible social investment
chapters on General Welfare, Environmental and Safety projects that could improve the quality of residents' lives.
Performance, and Environmental Sustainability and New
For example, local communities around the Standardised
Satellite Fields Development project in Rakid, Shaleem were
On the area of issues management, there have been constant engaged on potential project impacts and key stakeholders
engagements with the various Government and private were involved in the discussions.

In 2018, continuous efforts were made by the Community

Relations department to mark all the graded roads in PDO’s
concession and re-assess their maintenance plan, especially
for the ones most used.

There was ongoing work to build robust communication

channels with villagers and municipal leaders to address any
concerns they might have directly. Formal engagements were
held with locals about the construction of a solar-powered
water well and reverse osmosis plant at Awifiya, Bahla (see
Environmental Sustainability and New Technology chapter).

The Community Relations team, along with colleagues

from different departments, also addressed a number of
concerns raised by communities in the Marmul area about
the distribution of electricity.

Maintaining and enhancing PDO’s public profile and
reputation continue to be one of the Company’s top
priorities. In total, 2018 saw the publication of more than
70 PDO press releases, the execution of more than 140
>200,000 FOLLOWERS media engagements, interviews and activities and almost daily
social media updates on wide variety of activities, topics and
most followed Omani corporate account in the Sultanate
campaigns across the Company’s five social media platforms.
>40,000 >31,000 Social media remains a key focus for PDO to reach a wider
audience and increase digital brand visibility. The Company’s
~13,000 >2,000 LinkedIn account is the most followed Omani corporate account
FOLLOWERS SUBSCRIBERS in the Sultanate with more than 200,000 followers. In addition,
PDO has been able to grow exponentially on other platforms
with more than 40,000 followers on Twitter, more than 31,000
followers on Instagram and 13,000 followers on Facebook. Our
YouTube channel has more than 2,000 subscribers.

From ongoing engagement and inputs, we have drawn up our Materiality Matrix covering our major topics, the current potential
impact on our business and level of concern to our stakeholders (GRI 102-40, GRI 102-42, GRI 102-43, GRI 102-44 and GRI
102-46, GRI 102-47).

Stakeholder Key Issues Raised Our Response

Government, shareholders, State and In-Country Value (jobs, training, See MD's Foreword, and sections
Shura councils (via face-to-face and Omanisation) on Exploration and Hydrocarbon
telephone meetings during the year) Renewable Energy Maturation, Hydrocarbon Production
and Reservoir Management, In-Country
Value Creation
Value, General Welfare, Environmental
Funding/Cost Control/Lean and Safety Performance, Environmental
Personal and Process Safety Sustainability and New Technology
Digital Disruption

Employees (via online People Survey, Core Values See MD's Foreword, and sections on
town hall engagements, face-to-face Diversity and Inclusion Operational Excellence, People and Staff
meetings during the year, PDO Trade Development, and General Welfare
Remote Working
People Development and Training
Operational Excellence
Quality Healthcare

Communities, including municipal Job and Training Opportunities See MD's Foreword, and sections on
authorities, governors, and walis (via Infrastructure Development In-Country Value, General Welfare,
face-to-face and telephone meetings Environmental and Safety Performance,
Social Investment
during the year) and Environmental Sustainability and
Environmental Stewardship New Technology

NGOs (via face-to-face and Need for Ongoing Support (both See MD's Foreword and section on
telephone meetings during the year) Financial and Non-Financial) General Welfare

Business partners and suppliers (via Cost Control See MD's Foreword and sections on
face-to-face and telephone meetings Personal and Process Safety In-Country Value, General Welfare,
during the year) Environmental Sustainability and New
In-Country Value
Contracting and Procurement (incl.
Contract Optimisation Reviews)
Digital Disruption

SMEs (via face-to-face and telephone Working with PDO See MD's Foreword and section on
meetings during the year and new Technical and Financial Support In-Country Value
online Daleeli system)

Academia (via face-to-face and Employment Opportunities for See MD's Foreword and sections on
telephone meetings during the year) Graduates In-Country Value and Environmental
Closer Collaboration on Research and Sustainability and New Technology
Digital Disruption

Customers (via face-to-face and Reliable, Sustainable Delivery See MD's Foreword and sections
telephone meetings during the year) on Exploration and Hydrocarbon
Maturation and Hydrocarbon Production
and Reservoir Management

Media Reliable and Regular Flow of Timely, See this chapter and MD's Foreword
Relevant and Accurate Information

GRI 102-40, GRI 102-42, GRI 102-46, GRI 102-47

Material Topic (including key topics) Topic Boundary (internal and external)

HSE Impact PDO (as a whole), Government, Community,

• Safe Operation Customers, Suppliers, Contractors
• Environmental Sustainability
• Energy Management
• Water Management

Economic Performance PDO (as a whole), Government, Community,

• In-Country Value Customers, Suppliers, Contractors
• Omanisation – Jobs, Training
• Economic Contribution
• Lean

Sustainable Business Model PDO (as a whole), Government, Community,

• Funding/Cost Control Customers, Suppliers, Contractors
• Continuous Business Improvement (Lean)
• Technical Innovation

Operational Performance PDO (as a whole), Government, Community,

• Exploration and Production Customers, Suppliers, Contractors

Employee Satisfaction PDO (as a whole), Government, Community,

• Training and Development Customers, Suppliers, Contractors
• Remuneration
• Employee Engagement
• Recruitment and Retention
• Employee Well-being (including Occupational Health and Safety)
• Diversity and Inclusion
• Remote Working

Community Commitment PDO (as a whole), Government, Community,

• Social Investment Customers, Suppliers, Contractors
• SME Support
• R&D Collaboration With Academia

Corporate Governance PDO (as a whole), Government, Community,

Customers, Suppliers, Contractors

Business Ethics PDO (as a whole), Government, Community,

Customers, Suppliers, Contractors

Supply Chain Management PDO (as a whole), Government, Community,

Customers, Suppliers, Contractors

Customer Satisfaction PDO (as a whole), Government, Customers


Exploration and Hydrocarbon Maturation

2018 Highlights
• Booked 119 million barrels of contingent oil resources
• Booked significant gas volumes (4.5 Tcf) largely in Mabrouk area
• Significant oil discoveries in Rakid South (Gharif) and Ara (Mowaffaq and Shujairat East)
• Completed first Ultra-High Productivity (UHP) 3D Wide Azimuth (WAz) seismic data acquisition
• Zero Lost Time Injuries

The directorate safely drilled 35 wells and acquired over

Exploration and hydrocarbon maturation 8,320 km2 of 3D Wide Azimuth (WAz) seismic data in Block
concentrates on the subsurface aspects of field 6. Production from exploration wells was delivered at a daily
development plans: finding hydrocarbon-bearing average rate of 2,600 barrels, with a forecast of increased
reservoirs; appraising their size, structure and production from new exploration wells coming on stream
properties; accurately simulating the way in which in 2019.
the hydrocarbons flow through them into the
wells; and then deciding – in light of all the data Oil Maturation
and all the uncertainties – how best to extract the The 2018 programme focused on opportunities which can
hydrocarbons from them. The task of discovering support PDO’s production target for the coming 10 years
and appraising new reservoirs is entrusted to the and rejuvenate the oil portfolio using the latest seismic data,
Exploration Directorate. The field simulations to mature future drill-worthy segments for sustainability and
and conceptual planning are done in PDO’s growth.
Field Development Centre. It allows most of the
Company’s reservoir engineers and production Oil bookings for the year were in North Oman in the
geologists to plan properly for the future without Shammar reservoir and within the Gharif, Natih and Ara
being side-tracked by the exigencies of short- reservoirs in South Oman. Bookings in Rakid South alone
term production. exceeded 60 million barrels in 2018, extending the previous
success made in Rakid in 2017. Several frontier opportunities
were tested without success in 2018, but overall UFCs for oil
The Exploration Directorate had a very successful year with were highly competitive at approximately US$1.1/b.
oil and gas bookings made across PDO’s concession area. A
total of 119 million barrels of oil and 4.5 trillion cubic feet (Tcf) Gas Maturation
of non-associated gas (NAG) were booked as Commercial The focus was on extending success in the Mabrouk area
Contingent Resource (cCR) volumes in 2018.The unit finding in central Oman and exploring further in the Al Huwaisah
cost (UFC) of oil was kept at US$1.1 per barrel, with an area in North Oman, fully utilising the Haima North AB 3D
overall UFC of US$0.3/boe – a world-class performance. WAz seismic data acquired and processed by PDO and its
The unit technical cost of these discoveries was also highly contractors.
competitive and field development plans are advancing to
bring production on stream at the earliest opportunity. Contingent resources were booked in the Barik, Miqrat and

Amin reservoirs in Mabrouk North East (NE) and Al

Huwaisah South. Gas bookings of 4.5 Tcf, together with
118 million barrels of condensate, were the highest in
over 30 years and Mabrouk NE was one of the most
globally significant exploration results in 2018. Manal-2
was spudded in December and aims to extend the
Miqrat gas potential further west, following on from the
play-opening Manal-1 well completed in early 2018.

Geo-solutions Activities
Since February 2016, the Exploration Directorate has
operated one ‘mega’ seismic crew acquiring data for
exploration as well as production assets. Extensive 3D
WAz seismic data sets were again acquired during the
year in line with the plan. In 2018, the first Ultra-High
Productivity (UHP) seismic acquisition survey was
completed on time in Greater Nimr, achieving a new
record of 38,500 vibration points (VPs) per day. The
operation involved over 700 personnel and involved
the driving of nearly seven million kilometres without
any Lost Time Injuries (LTIs). This innovative technology,
developed over three years, will continue to support
exploration efforts in the future through better imaging
and increased quantities of new data.

The first UHP data set made 2018 a challenging year for
seismic data processing. By the end of the year, the team
had not only adapted to the UHP technology but has
also managed to deliver the first intermediate volume
a month ahead of plans. The team also delivered a

revised processing workflow that is suited for Amplitude

Variation with Offset (AVO) inversion in central Oman.
This is expected to be a game changer that will enable
more AVO inversion projects and enhanced geological

The Geomatics team maintained its excellent safety

performance registering 37 years without an LTI – a
record for PDO. In addition, PDO Earth, which enables
staff to browse through assets and infrastructure and
distil relevant information, has been further developed
to support the PDO Journey Management System and
to expand spatial data accessibility across the business.

For 2019, the main focus for the Exploration Directorate

will be to utilise the new 3D WAz seismic data to
strengthen the portfolio of oil opportunities, test new
higher risk plays and increase exploration efforts to
sustain PDO’s growth agenda.

Hydrocarbon Production and

Reservoir Management

2018 Highlights
• Combined oil, gas and condensate production of 1.205 million boepd
• Highest oil production since 2005
• Record number of completion and well intervention activities
• Average well costs down by 5% - the lowest in PDO’s history
• Gas demand met for all key customers

Production (kboe/d)
Associated Gas
1,250 Non-Associated Gas
Black Oil



1967 1969 1971 1973 1975 1977 1979 1981 1983 1985 1987 1989 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013 2015 2017 2019 2021 2023

to exceed gas delivery to Oman LNG, contributing to the

Hydrocarbon Production and Reservoir shipment of seven additional cargoes.
Management aims to optimise production from
existing oil and gas fields in such a way that short- PDO has successfully migrated to being the country’s
term output is maximised without jeopardising swing producer, requiring us to operate in a highly dynamic
production sustainability. mode, frequently compensating for (unplanned) third party
production variations.
During 2018, PDO successfully continued on its production
growth path, despite the current cash-constrained Well Engineering
environment. This resulted in a combined daily oil, gas and Continuing on its cost efficiency journey and despite the
condensate output of 1.205 million. PDO also celebrated increased complexity of the 2018 drilling scope, the Well
four decades of uninterrupted gas supply, a key enabler for Engineering Directorate managed to achieve the lowest
national development. ever recorded cost per metre drilled in PDO’s history (4%
lower than 2017). At the same time, it also managed to be
The average oil production was 610,170 bpd – the highest more efficient in terms of drilling time per metre with 5%
since 2005. This was 1,830 bpd lower than planned, mainly improvement compared to the previous year.
due to the impact of Cyclone Mekunu which hit the south of
Oman (a 2,300 bpd direct impact). Mekunu’s inundation of Well delivery was impacted by the Mekunu and Luban
several production facilities caused latent trips and equipment cyclones, as the directorate was forced to suspend operations
failures but the impact was minimised by professional and on the majority of its southern units to ensure the safety of
rapid staff response. people and assets. However, the impact was minimised through
collaborative recovery efforts which enabled a smooth restart
Condensate production (a by-product of gas production) of operations and the delivery of 600 new wells. This was
was 65,300 bpd, around 5,000 bpd below target due supported by a very efficient operational approach with a new
to a number of challenges including recurring trips and drilling Non-Productive Time (NPT) record of 7.5%, compared
variable performance at Kauther, and delays at Ghafeer and to the previous best of 9.5% in 2016.
condensate recovery maximisation (CRM) projects.
By the end of 2018, the directorate had completed 22,400
The average Government daily non-associated gas supply completion and well intervention (CWI) activities – the highest
during 2018 was 64.8 million m³/d, lower than the initially number recorded with the same number of resources. The
targeted level of 67 million m³/d due to lower customer number of hoist activities was maintained despite allocation
demand, and technical challenges at the Yibal Natih/ of some of the resources to abandonment activities. NPT for
Government Gas Plant, variable performance at Kauther, and well and reservoir management was maintained at 7%, and
a Halite scaling issue in Saih Rawl. In 2018, PDO was able fell to 2.4% for CWI, a record.

The directorate also completed 97 days without a Lost Time Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR)
Injury, beating the previous best of 94 days, achieved in 2017. PDO’s journey in growing the future EOR contribution to oil
Moreover, 70% of PDO wells are now top quartile, with 46% production continued in 2018 with the completion of another
being best in class.
critical chemical trial in the Marmul asset. It is anticipated that
Another major milestone was the completion of the “Wells by 2025 more than 23% of PDO’s production will come
in the 20s” strategy with our 2030 aspiration “to safely deliver from EOR projects. PDO is currently operating a range of
our wells at half the current end-to-end delivery time and life- commercial-scale EOR projects including chemical EOR,
cycle cost”, with increased focus on Continuous Improvement, miscible gas injection (MGI) and thermal applications.
agility and digitalisation. New five-year goals were set and
a reference plan was developed for the comprehensive Full Field Developments Under EOR
strategy, which covers the operating philosophy that will see Processes
us through the next decade. The Marmul Polymer phase 1 and phase 2 projects were
commissioned in 2010 and 2015 respectively with a total oil
Key features of the strategy are:
contribution of 17.7 million barrels of oil to date. The average
combined production gain from both phases in 2018 was
Increased automation
in our work units,
6,500 bpd, an increase of 13%. Work is continuing on the
well equipment, third phase to further improve on execution readiness. The
down-hole tools and project will develop 61 million barrels of incremental oil, with
data, information and first oil by Q1 2023.
knowledge transfer
Gas injection in the Birba field has been ongoing for the past
End-to-end Value-based, 24 years, and has yielded an additional 45.7 million barrels
value stream outcome-based of oil with a total field recovery factor of 21%. To-date, 5.95
management fit-for-purpose billion cubic metres of gas have been injected and we are on
and agile project contract and
management target to achieve up to a 50% recovery from infill horizontal
drilling and additional gas injection.
A Centralised
Operations The Harweel 2AB project (Zalzala field) started miscible gas
approach with injection (MGI) in earnest in April 2014 at a constrained rate
fit-for-purpose of up to 1.7 million cubic metres per day and ramped up to
supervision models a full-capacity injection rate of up to 4.5 million m³/d since
January 2015 after separator replacements. To date, 3.81
billion m³ of gas have been injected. A clear response to the
Fully digitalised
processes and based integration MGI process has been established in terms of incremental oil
procedures with of activities rates (incremental oil to date of around 14.1 million barrels
selective autonomous planning, (2.24 million m³), and target pressures above the minimum
implementation collaboration and
miscibility pressure across the field. The expected total
recovery with MGI is about 50%.

EOR contribution to PDO oil production by 2025

23% Primary
37% 34%
2019 2025 Secondary


Injection in Sakhiya field as part of the Sakhiya mini-flood technologies that have the potential to unlock difficult
project has continued since mid-2015 with high injectivity hydrocarbon resources and further reduce the technical
of up to 2.1 million m³/d from three injectors. To date, 1.47 costs of these developments. This is being done through a
billion m³ of gas have been injected and a positive reservoir series of dedicated laboratory and field testing programmes
pressure response has been observed as the depletion rate in collaboration with local and international institutions.
slows down. Considerable focus has been placed on ensuring that PDO
identifies technologies that will unlock the large difficult
The thermal gas-oil-gravity-drainage (T-GOGD) process hydrocarbon resource base within Block 6. As an output
in Qarn-Alam has been underway since late 2011. Up to from these alliances, technologies such as foam and low
2018, 266 million tonnes of steam were injected into the tension gas have been tested in the laboratory and have
Shuaiba oil-bearing formation, producing 83 million barrels shown positive results.
of oil and resulting in a steam-to-oil ratio of approximately
three. Project record levels of steam injection were achieved Other research initiatives target cost optimisation of our
with peak rates exceeding 17,000 tonnes per day. current and future EOR developments. Work is ongoing
to expand surfactant polymer application for more viscous
The Amal steam project continues to improve in all oil that, if successful, will allow for additional volumes to be
areas, and the year-average oil production for 2018 was matured. Currently, a focused effort on cost optimisation of
10,611 bpd. There was a continued strong steam injection the next phase of chemical floods is ongoing – polymer and
performance with 2018 representing the highest annual alkaline surfactant polymer – to allow for robust technical
average injection rate of around 7,854 tonnes per day. and development costs in view of the high price volatility
environment. In addition, 2018 ended with the positive
There was improved availability of heat recovery steam
conclusion of the Haima West trial where polymer was
generators in Amal West and more once-through steam
injected in a lower quality reservoir extending the boundaries
generators in Amal East, and a thermal response has now
of polymer application.
been demonstrated in both fields. Reservoir performance
continues to improve with good cold and thermal
performance. So far, 231 wells have been drilled in the Amal
West 3.3 acre infill project.

Field Trials and EOR Research

Concurrently, PDO is continuing to identify novel EOR

Operations Excellence

2018 Highlights
• A 77% fall in Tier 1 process safety incidents and a 50% drop in Tier 2 incidents – both the lowest since
• Official launch and expansion of Ihtimam in-house, behaviour-based safety system
• US$152 million cost savings through Lean business efficiency
• Over US$700 million cost avoidance identified as part of Knowledge Management Programme

clearly conveyed to the Operations, Engineering, and Wells

Operations excellence (OE) essentially refers to functions and further cascaded to the asset teams. All the
the top-class running, maintenance and upkeep of teams came up with SMART (specific, measurable, attainable,
all PDO’s surface facilities. Keeping the pumps and realistic/relevant and time-bound) strategic action plans in
compressors working, the processing plants running
their areas to address issues related to non-compliance. This
and the oil and gas flowing safely through pipelines
allows the Company to meet its production targets method also laid the ground for achieving a common purpose,
and reduce the cost of its operations. alignment and robust assurance mechanisms between the
Operations, Surface Engineering and Wells work streams.
Process Safety and Asset Integrity To further improve the compliance culture, the chosen theme
We remain committed to making continuous improvements for the fifth annual Process Safety Day – where over 4,000
in Asset Integrity and Process Safety Management (AI-PSM) PDO staff and thousands more contractors participated
via the enhanced knowledge of staff and contractors, latest in more than 100 engagement sessions organised by team
tools, technologies and expertise.
leads both at Coast and Interior locations – was “We comply
In recent years, we embarked on a number of improvement because we care. Violations are not an option.”
initiatives which are already yielding tangible results as is
testified by significant falls in the number of Tier 1 and Tier As a part of the management commitment to raise the profile
2 process safety incidents. In 2018, there were three Tier 1 of AI-PSM, the half-yearly Managing Director’s Committee
incidents (down from 13 last year – a 77% improvement) and (MDC) “Deep Dive” workshops continued, giving MDC
32 Tier 2 incidents (a 50% improvement), both the lowest members an opportunity to directly hear about the issues from
since 2010. front line staff.This was also augmented by the quarterly Gemba
Walks and Letters of Assurance (LOAs) reviewing actions. An
Non-compliance to established rules and procedures has
historically been a major contributing factor to incidents. To AI-PSM steering committee was also formed comprising the
address this issue, a step change programme was initiated three functional directors, relevant managers and focal points
whereby the Technical Director’s Group, using the goal and this meets every month to ensure alignment and identify
deployment approach, ensured that corporate targets were opportunities for collaboration and improvement.

ced O

This year, we also launched the 10 Process Safety developed and populated with learning from 120 Incidents,
Fundamentals with the aim of providing renewed focus on 40 HBAs and 27 Level-2 PSM Audits. A new Community of
existing, good operating practices. These fundamentals are Practice for AI-PSM has also been established, and the online
similar to the “Life Saving Rules”, but with a specific focused collaborative tool went live. The focus in 2019 will be to
on process safety and guide daily actions to prevent incidents. mature the LKB and operationalise its use.
The third version of the Asset Integrity Portal, which brings Simplification was a key focus area in 2018. A complete
together risk indicators from disparate systems to give a review of our AI-PSM and Maintenance Management System
clearer view of any integrity issues, went live with 27 key documentation was performed to unify and simplify our
performance indicators (KPIs). Standard operating procedures procedures and processes, facilitating compliance for our staff
(SOPs) have been developed and plans for the next release and contractors. The permit to work (PTW) process was also
are underway. simplified and is now implemented across all assets with the
exception of the Greater Birba cluster, as it is a high sour facility.
Learning From Incidents
To improve learning from incidents, the AI-PSM Incident In 2019, extensive efforts will be made on asset register
Databook, which catalogues all incidents and near misses, verification with a target to fix piping and relief valve issues
continued to be populated and is now being increasingly used across all assets.
across the organisation, especially by engineering teams, to
incorporate learnings into new projects. Quarterly fishbowl Maintenance Integrity Execution
sessions to discuss common reasons for incidents were held We maintained our efforts to sustain the Maintenance
at all Interior locations. Execution (ME) and Integrity Assurance (AI) programme in
2018. All 13 of our assets have retained their calculative status
Very good progress was achieved on the AI-PSM training
and are now making significant strides towards achieving the
front, with more than 8,000 PDO staff and contractors
“proactive” ME status.
registering for the learning programme through an online
training portal. AI-PSM assurance activities this year included Operations Excellence Dashboard
an internal Level-2 cross-directorate audits at five assets and
hardware barrier assessments (HBAs) at four assets. The Operations Excellence dashboard is a near real-time,
single-point operations data information that enables
With the aim of retaining critical knowledge and providing Operations staff to make faster, more informed decisions.
a platform for knowledge sharing and cross learning within In 2018, a total of 11 elements of the dashboard became
PDO, the AI-PSM Learning Knowledge Base (LKB) system was active. The annual planning and budgeting business processes



were revamped through Lean methods, and the data from and increase the safety leadership skills of front line supervisors
the dashboard is being used to better understand, manage through Front Line Safety (FLS), we also have redefined the
and challenge operational expenditure. strategic objectives and plan of the FLS programme to suit
growing business needs and continuously improve our safety
Operational Reliability culture.
The Integrated Operations Centre project, which centralises
ownership of operational issues and enhances visibility of Phase 1 of the programme was translated into Arabic to cater
optimisation opportunities across the PDO network, is a for staff on in-sourcing hoists, particularly drillers and assistant
step towards achieving our aspiration to become a High drillers. It was also extended to other drilling contractors,
Reliability Organisation (HRO) and to take our equipment such as Midwesco, Al Baraka, BaOmar, Cactus, and small fields
reliability and availability to world-class levels. such as Petrogas and Medco. Along with engaging senior
leadership teams at these contractors, we have also ensured
There was a significant reduction in alarm rates at all assets. a commitment that they will monitor and close their personal
Integrity Operating Windows have been established for action plans. Moreover, Phase 1 was extended to include
critical assets and exception-based surveillance has started the Central Project Delivery organisation for the Yibal Khuff
to review process parameter deviations. project, where over 150 supervisors have been trained and
Notwithstanding the significant improvements made, we 19 certified as FLS Leaders.
remain mindful of how far we are from achieving Goal Zero The third phase of the FLS Academy in Well Engineering,
where all our facilities operate with no leaks or incidents
called The Front Line Management (FLM), was designed
causing undesirable consequences and our focus will
and developed.
continue to persistently close the gaps. Staying the course on
It provides well
this journey and continuing to improve are key to achieving
engineers with a
the Goal Zero target. The AI-PSM improvement action plan
has been communicated to all stakeholders. Eventually, the
risk should become As Low as Reasonably Practical (ALARP)
standard template
and the skills to
Staying the course
when AI-PSM has been fully embedded in PDO by 2020. coach their teams on this journey and
and build their
Operational Safety understanding and continuing to improve
Front Line Safety (FLS) Leadership
compliance with
safety leadership
are key to achieving
As we continue to promote safe behaviour in the workplace responsibilities. the Goal Zero target.

More than 1,300 well engineering front line supervisors, Hunt was triggered in 2016 after the inability to correctly
including drilling contractors, have now been trained. In the identify hazards at the workplace was identified as a common
future, we envision FLS to be rolled out to all PDO staff and key finding from incidents, inspections, and audits.
contractors, and we aspire to get it certified by an external
accreditation institution. Through walkabouts, observations and hands-on guidance,
HSE specialists accompany workers who are asked to
Ihtimam participate and spot hazards, identify risks and unsafe acts
Our in-house, behaviour-based safety system Ihtimam (I Care), or conditions in their own workplace. Each of their findings
which is task and risk-specific and allows for a more focused is then photographed and discussed with the relevant
approach to observation and intervention, was expanded to personnel with a focus on potential dangers and the best
cover 23 rigs and hoists in 14 locations in PDO and some of measures to prevent or mitigate them.
our contractors.
Since 2016, Hazard Hunts have been conducted at more
PDO has already trained more than 3,500 PDO and than 50 sites (including yards, workshops, production stations,
contractor employees on the programme during trials projects, on/off plots, etc.) and involved 200 HSE advisers/
and some companies have already recorded dramatic front line supervisors engaging with more than 1,200 staff.
improvements in safety performance.
Due to positive feedback from site personnel and for
Sustainability reviews conducted for over 700 PDO and sustainability purposes, PDO and its contractors are
contractor staff have yielded promising results with 100% of mandated to continue with the Hazard Hunt programme by
the participants stating they prefer Ihtimam to other systems, embedding it in all activities across the business.
as they have noticed an improvement in communication,
safety leadership and their safety culture. Lean Business Efficiency
In 2018, we further expanded our Continuous Improvement
Ihtimam is now our official behaviour-based safety system, with (CI) programme with the aim of reinforcing it to develop
plans to begin implementation at our main office in the Coast PDO into a recognised world-class CI organisation. This was
and expanding to six more contractors by the end of 2019. enabled by building more in-house capabilities.
Hazard Hunting A long-term transformation map has been developed detailing
The Corporate Health, Safety and Environmental (HSE) team the journey for the Company to become a CI leader. As such,
launched a revitalised Hazard Hunt programme at all PDO one of the priorities for 2018 was to take stock of all the best
worksites, as part of a “back to basics” approach. The Hazard practices achieved across the Company and work on identifying a

single standard for the rest. More than 12 strategic standardisation

projects were executed using in-house capabilities to build a
stronger foundation for the next stages of CI transformation,
including a world-class assurance system which helps teams plan
and progress their CI maturity.

Further focus was devoted to the Lean leadership aspect to

respond to anticipated challenges in sustaining improvements.
This resulted in upgrading the training and coaching programme
for Lean to become state-of-the-art, and more than 80 managers
have already undergone the new training. Additionally, and to
further embed CI ways of working, all MDC members subscribed
to an extensive CI coaching programme fully supported by our
in-house coaching capability.

An additional 112 staff completed the extensive Lean Practitioner

(LP) training programme raising the total of certified LPs to 400.
This supported the delivery of 142 efficiency improvement
projects, securing US$152 million in cost savings. So far, more than
15,700 ideas have been generated from across the Company
and more than 6,000 have been implemented.

In Addition to the Lean Practitioner programme, PDO also

initiated a large-scale training programme to build organisation-
wide leadership capability in structured and complex problem
solving, as well as team improvement coaching.

We have continued spreading Lean awareness and knowledge as Some of our key achievements to date include:
part of our commitment to support the sustainable development
of the nation. In 2018, we organised Lean awareness sessions for
over 800 representatives from more than 50 public and private
organisations in Oman. We also hosted more than 138 leaders
from over 12 public bodies including the Ministry of Manpower,
The Research Council, and the Oman Gas Company to learn Over 7,000
more about the programme. learning and best
practices captured
Knowledge Management Launched the
Awareness first KM Oman
Knowledge Management (KM) has grown successfully in training for over Community of
PDO to become recognised as a key business enabler.
200 staff Practice

The PDO Knowledge Management programme began in

2014 to facilitate the better identification, capture, sharing Shared PDO
KM experience
and application of our collective knowledge, learning,
and growing
insights and expertise to help support projects, operational Multiple competencies in
performance, process and health and safety, alongside directorate awards a new global KM
continuous improvement. book

Following stakeholder endorsement, we adopted a best

practice approach to KM and three initial pilots (Lessons
Learned, On-boarding and Communities) were launched in

Projects Delivery. We then expanded into Well Engineering
and AI-PSM where learnings have helped with improvements
in wells assurance and operations and process safety incident
25 PDO staff
internationally Over
management. We are in the process of extending KM to accredited in the
first international
Omani public US$700
another five directorates. and private million cost
Certified organisations avoidance
Knowledge trained in CKM identified from
One of our key success factors is the development of a
Management (CKM) – the first in learning and
strategic KM Framework, which included the key components training in Oman application
of People and Expertise, Collaboration, Learning and Content.

Project Delivery

2018 Highlights
• SNDC-2/KDC-2 came on stream well ahead of schedule
• Tayseer EDF, Ghafeer A2C Field Development, and Mabrouk Deep Phase 3 projects were brought on
• Continued good progress on both Rabab Harweel and Yibal Khuff “mega” projects
• Re-organisation of Engineering and Project Delivery to centralise the execution of all projects, enabling
higher productivity, faster decision making and project delivery cycles

• Share best practices and lessons learnt at scale

Successful project delivery – in its widest sense • Ensure small projects are executed
– is simply constructing and commissioning • Enhance interfaces between Operations and Engineering
facilities on time, within budget and delivering
• Do more with the same as people efficiency improves
the products as promised. In the short term, the
Company is focused on producing oil and gas in The Tayseer Early Development Facility (EDF) which set a
as cost-efficient way as possible from its existing project delivery record after being successfully commissioned
fields, according to existing development plans. in just 23 months, as opposed to standard project delivery
But, in the longer term, good project delivery schedules which are 3-5 times longer, was brought on stream
becomes even more important as the Company in November 2018.
brings on stream more complex sour and
The EDF development will allow for the maturation of 7-8.5
enhanced oil recovery projects, which require
steam or chemicals to produce the oil. million barrels of condensate and sweet gas export of 2.1-3.2
billion m³ (resulting in volumes of 20 – 30 million barrels of
oil equivalent).
PDO continued with its endeavour to improve capital
efficiency and deliver competitive projects. An engineering The second phases of the Saih Nihayda (SNDC-2) and
re-organisation, aimed to centralise the execution of all Kauther (KDC-2) depletion compression projects came on
projects, enabling higher productivity, faster decision making stream safely in June 2018, months ahead of schedule. Their
and project delivery cycles, was completed achieving its “go- scope involved the installation of two gas compressors each
live” target of January 2019.The new central Project Delivery with a capacity of 17 megawatts (MW), and downstream of
organisation will bring greater consistency and efficiency to the existing inlet SNDC-1/KDC-1 separators, with associated
a broad sweep of project delivery activities, and will aim to: inlet coolers, scrubbers and discharge.
• Adopt a standardised approach to engineering projects They aim to enhance gas production from wells at Saih
• Move towards top quartile project delivery (schedule/cost) Nihayda, Kauther and Fakhr fields by reducing the flowing
• Create further development opportunities for technical tubing pressure, while maintaining the required inlet pressure
engineering disciplines to SNDC-1 and KDC-1 compressors.

The projects were finished with minimal pre-start-up audit September 2018, paving the way for the ultimate recovery
(PSUA) findings and no Lost Time Injury (LTI) incidents, with of 6 billion m³ of non-associated gas and production of
around 7.5 million man-hours worked and more than 4.3 approximately 3.9 million m³ of discounted incremental
million kilometres driven without a road traffic accident. condensate from the Ghafeer fields.

At the same time, Amal Steam Phase 1C came on stream The third phase of Mabrouk Deep also began operating in
to cater for the needs of the Amal West and East steam December 2018. The facility is designed to handle 8 million
developments. The scope comprised the expansion of the m³ of gas along with the associated condensate and water,
steam generation capacity by an additional 6,000 tonnes per and has the capacity to handle 20 producers.
day, expansion of the water treatment plant’s capacity by an
Our in-house Front End Engineering Design (FEED) Office
additional 6,850 m³/d and an enhancement of the production
is making strides in its journey to become an Engineering
station to handle 24,000 m³ of oil per day.
Design Centre of Excellence.
There was good progress on PDO’s two mega projects. The Some of its key achievements in 2018 were:
Rabab Harweel integrated project (RHIP) represents the

largest reserve addition (more than 500 million barrels of oil major projects
equivalent) and capital project in PDO history. It integrates completed
sour miscible gas injection (MGI) in multiple oil reservoirs during the year
with production and pressure maintenance of a Government
gas condensate field which also contributes to Oman’s overall
gas demand. The PSUA of utility systems was completed, and
the project is on track to come on stream by mid-2019.
(all-time high)
As part of our efforts to increase Omanisation of high-
demand positions in the oil and gas sector, graduates from
the PDO-funded Omani 6G certified welder programme
were assigned to RHIP on- and off-plot contractors and at

Yibal Khuff (YK), which achieved a key milestone with the
delivery of an export compressor to the construction site
and remains on track to be brought on stream by 2021.
billable man-hours
The Ghafeer A2C project was brought on stream in

Skills continue to be Omanised and more than 200 engineers PSM competencies elements, rolling out trainings for specific
are receiving accelerated training, coaching and development disciplines, enforcing AI-PSM assurance for engineering and
in all engineering disciplines through the Graduate construction deliverables, and improving incident investigation
Development Programme.
and learning from incidents.
PDO’s continuing AI-PSM improvement journey has focused
on engineering and project delivery and, in 2018, dedicated In terms of Lean, the Project Delivery value stream has
teams have been working on asset integrity and process identified more than 30 potential opportunities for
safety in the delivery of engineering projects, addressing AI- improvement in 2019 and beyond.

Further reducing Establishing and

the average developing a
charge rate to procurement department

– a 2% reduction
specifically to support
PDO projects delivered
in the FEED Office
compared to
Developing a number
of IT systems to
improve productivity
and reduce man-hour

In-Country Value

2018 Highlights
• Created more than 17,000 employment-related opportunities in the oil and gas sector and beyond
• Contracts worth US$3.7 billion awarded to nationally registered firms
• Sponsored a technical support programme for 300 entrepreneurs in co-operation with Riyada
• Total value of SLCC and LCC turnover: US$393 million
• Total spend on SMEs: US$329 million – a 41.2% increase on 2017

supporting the training of 450 young women to work in the

PDO’s In-Country Value (ICV) strategy aims at clothing industry.
supporting local community companies and small
and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), increasing PDO celebrated the graduation of 2,457 young Omanis
the procurement of local goods and services, and from its training-for-employment programmes including
improving the capacity and capability of Omani 360 trainees to work in the aviation sector, 600 female
people and companies in order to secure long-term kindergarten teachers.
sustainable commercial benefits for the Sultanate.
The graduates underwent training lasting 6-18 months at a
variety of training institutes and will now take up employment
Jobs and Training with more than 150 different employers.
PDO continued to support His Majesty’s Government call to
A total of 150 more Omanis are undergoing training to work
create jobs for young Omanis. In order to help boost Omani
as key commissioning staff in the oil and gas sector. Upon
employment and economic diversification, we delivered
passing the course, the recruits will gain an internationally
a record 17,027 job, training, re-deployment, transfer and
recognised oil and gas Offshore Petroleum Industry Training
scholarship opportunities with our contracting community,
Organisation (OPITO) or Edexcel certificate, and take up full-
exceeding our target. This included more than 9,000 direct
time employment with Kentz (or other oil and gas companies
hires and almost 3,600 students in training-for-employment
in or outside Oman), which is a wholly owned subsidiary
schemes, and brings the total of opportunities which have
of SNC-Lavalin, one of the world’s leading engineering and
been created since 2011 when the National Objectives
construction groups.
programme was launched to more than 55,000.

These opportunities are aimed at young Omani jobseekers so Goods and Services
they can take up skilled employment in a range of jobs such as PDO has stayed on course with its commitment to retain
electricians, mechanics, pipe fitters, scaffolders, maintenance more of the wealth of the oil and gas industry in Oman and
men, steel fixers, sheet metal workers, fabricators, lifting has managed to retain a In-Country Value of 44% in 2018.
operators, warehouse staff, cooks, receptionists, waiters, We awarded contracts worth US$3.7 billion to nationally
kindergarten teachers, cabin crew and cashiers. We are also registered firms. These agreements included:

• The provision of liner hanger equipment and scope including all development wells in the North region
associated installation services except foam cementation in Fahud, Qarn Alam steam and
The seven-year agreement was signed with Schlumberger some Qarn Alam fields.
Oman & Co. to supply equipment and associated installation
services through its facility in Nizwa, which will reduce both As part of our efforts to maximise ICV, all cementing services
costs and delivery times. have been restricted to local companies.

PDO has traditionally imported liner hanger equipment but • Supply of oil-based and water-based mud
wanted to boost ICV by increasing the use of local products PDO struck a deal with Halliburton Worldwide LLC for the
and services as well as by improving the capability of Omani supply of oil-based and water-based mud for the North for
nationals and companies to manufacture and supply key a period of 10 years. The contract includes the construction
items. The first made-in-Oman thermal hanger has already of mud plants in Qarn Alam on a plot of PDO land and
been run successfully. all construction materials will be sourced locally. The plants
will create about 50 Omani jobs and provide a number of
• A DBOOM contract training and internship opportunities to young Omanis.
A 10-year Design-Build-Operate-Own-Maintain (DBOOM)
contract has been awarded to M/s Enerflex Middle East LLC Supporting Omani Businesses
for the Sadad North Early Development Facility (EDF). PDO has played a critical role in the establishment of Omani
factories, workshops and repair facilities offering in-country
The leased facility will be designed for 24-hour manned
operation, and a control room will be provided locally to engineering services, equipment and materials to the oil and
facilitate the operation and control of the facility.The contract gas sector.
aims to reach an Omanisation rate of 80% for the Operate PDO continues to lead 38 of the 53 opportunities outlined
and Maintain phase, to be achieved within two years of the in the ICV Strategy Blueprint on behalf of the oil and gas
on stream date which is set for November 2019. sector, two of which were delivered in 2018. We have
• A cementing services contract also stepped up our efforts to develop Omani skills and
This was awarded to Abraj Energy Services to perform capabilities with the Omanisation of our entire hoist fleet for
cementing services that include the provision of cement and the first time in our history, after signing 10-year deals with
additive materials in addition to equipment. five local companies worth more than US$800 million. The
agreements mean that PDO has now completed 24 of the
The agreement addresses 27% of the pan-PDO cementing 53 ICV opportunities.

The Gulf Starch Plant, Oman’s first and only manufacturer In addition, we have endeavoured to share our ICV experience
of drilling starch, was opened in 2018. The US$13.5 million and are currently collaborating with different ministries to
facility, which also has a quality-controlled on-site laboratory, share our best practices and assess the feasibility of replicating
will provide the vital chemical for PDO’s drilling operations. our ICV model across Omani industries. These include the
Ministry of Commerce and Industry, the Ministry of Tourism,
It currently employs 20 Omani production technicians
who graduated from our National Objectives programme. the Ministry of Defence and the Ministry of Health.
A further 20 are also expected to join and the long-term
plan is to be eventually 100% Omanised. The fully automated
Small and Medium Enterprises
complex can manufacture 10,000 tonnes of starch a year and PDO increased its spend on small and medium enterprises
has the potential to serve all operating and drilling companies (SMEs) in 2018 to US$329 million – a 41.2% increase on 2017.
in Oman and the region.
In support of the Government’s quest to encourage SMEs,
Ahead of the fifth anniversary of the ICV Strategy Blueprint, PDO also supported the allocation of work opportunities for
the country’s second artificial lift systems assembly and repair 16 SMEs in areas including HSE, ICV assurance and auditing,
plant (by Baker Hughes GE) was opened in Nizwa.The facility the RAHDP, and waste management.
will support PDO’s operations and other customers in the
region, with the aim of optimising production and saving costs. In partnership with SparkLabs and Phaze Ventures, the New
Business Development team incubated the first cohort of
We also supported the establishment of a number of Omani entrepreneurs working in disruptive technologies at
workshops which provide and deliver new services in the the Knowledge Oasis in Muscat. The programme offers start-
country including the repair of rotating equipment, valve ups funding, co-working space and mentorship to help grow
automation and rigs and hoist maintenance. their businesses, and develop cutting-edge products and
Another project where maximising ICV is a priority is the services for the energy sector.
Ras Al Hamra Development Project (RAHDP) which has
seen all contracts being awarded to local contractors and In addition, to further nurture entrepreneurial performance
consultants, including SMEs for all minor services. Moreover, in the Sultanate, PDO launched the second wave of its Ta’zeez
the majority of the raw materials used in the project are (Enhance) training to boost the capabilities of Omani SMEs in
procured locally and continuous efforts are made to involve key business areas such as HSE, financial management, business
more SMEs. In 2018, a contract for the construction of 212 ethics, PDO’s tendering process and vendor registration. In
residential units as part of the third phase of the project was 2018, it focused on around 20 SMEs specialising in oil and gas
awarded to Al Tasnim Enterprises LLC. engineering, an area where PDO is looking to localise more
of its contracts. It also organised workshops for 44 SMEs
The project, which will be completed by 2022, features in well services aimed at empowering and enhancing their
stunning residential and leisure facilities for employees and capabilities in doing business with PDO and improving their
their families. entrepreneurship skills.
RAHDP In Numbers
PDO sponsored a technical support programme for 300
entrepreneurs in co-operation with Riyada (the Public
Phase 1: Phase 2A & 2B: Authority for Small and Medium Enterprises Development).

new residential
units under
The programme aims to enhance the competitiveness of
existing businesses and the capabilities of entrepreneurs to
develop their projects on a sustainable basis.
units constructed construction Community Development
Local Community Contractors (LCCs)
Phase 2C: Phase 3: PDO continued to support LCCs in 2018, a year marking

80 212
the 20th anniversary of our LCC initiative. This support is
provided through a ring-fenced scope in our main contracts,
which is offered to them via an inter-bidding process. A total
units under units to be of 410 LCCs had registered in the Joint Supplier Registration
construction constructed System (JSRS) up to the end of 2018, with 128 new LCCs
registering last year alone.

These LCCs are providing various services in oil and gas

operations, such as civil engineering, equipment hiring,
mechanical, electrical, manpower supply and logistics. There
are also 14 LCCs which have direct contracts with PDO and
are considered as matured LCCs.

PDO conducted two LCC business awareness workshops in their business growth, PDO organised the annual SLCCs
the concession area, focusing on different topics essential for Board Members Sustainability Workshop which shed light
their business such as HSE, lifting awareness, the inter-bidding on corporate governance and investment opportunities in
process, contract management and the benefits of registering different sectors including oil and gas, tourism, manufacturing,
on the JSRS. mining and logistics. These opportunities were presented
by officials from the National Programme for Enhancing
Super Local Community Contractors (SLCCs) Economic Diversification (Tanfeedh) and other private and
PDO has continued to support the development of Super governmental organisations.
Local Community Contractors (SLCCs). These companies
are registered as closed Omani shareholding companies, and Moreover, PDO organised an awareness workshop for
are owned by more than 9,700 shareholders who reside in SLCCs shareholders in Nimr and Nizwa with the objective
our concession area. SLCCs provide a range of core oil and of educating shareholders on their roles, responsibilities and
gas activities, including hoist operations, well intervention, rights, including how to elect suitable Board of Directors’
pipeline maintenance, drill water services and flowline members. New board members were then elected in March
replacement. 2018 to support the growth of their respective SLCCs..

2018 Full Year SLCCs/LCCs Spend (Revenues)

Throughout 2018, SLCCs delivered shareholder benefits and
generated employment and entrepreneurship opportunities The cumulative total contract value awarded for work to all
for locals. All four SLCCs working under PDO – Al Baraka four SLCCs has exceeded US$1.1 billion. In 2018, the total
Oilfield Services, Al Haditha Petroleum Services, Al Sahari Oil cumulative revenue from PDO contracts for SLCCs was
Services and Al Shawamikh Oil Services – are progressing well more than US$131 million, the LCC spend (revenues) was
around US$186 million and matured LCC spend was about
with a strong focus on business growth, diversity and efficiency.
US$176 million. The total SLCC/LCC turnover for the year
With the aim of encouraging these companies to sustain was US$494 million - a 25% increase on 2017.

The following chart illustrates the SLCCs/LCCs revenue growth over the last five years:
500 494

400 395

350 336
300 273 279 276
US$ (Mln)

250 235 234

200 165 177
150 131
96 102
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
SLCCs LCCs Total
The following chart illustrates the SLCCs, Matured LCCs and LCCs revenues in 2018:
500 494
US$ (Mln)

200 186
150 131
LCCs Matured LCCs SLCCs Total (US$)

More than 4,400 Omanis are currently working with SLCCs and LCCs in different disciplines.

Community Services As income from oil revenues has not been stabilised due
To meet the essential needs of stakeholders in rural areas, to the prevailing low oil prices, PDO is still pursuing all
PDO continues to deliver water to houses and camel possible opportunities to work efficiently and to identify and
troughs (Izbas) of local communities. The Company delivers implement cost savings across all our activities.
more than 400,000 m³ of water annually to more than 1,785 At the same time, there has been an onus on maximising
beneficiaries in various locations. production and ensuring timely project delivery so as to
accelerate monetisation of our investments whilst staying the
It has also successfully trialled the use of solar energy to
course on our ICV journey. With this in mind, our priorities in
operate a community water well at Awifiya, Bahla (see
2018 remained on improving the sourcing cycle time to ensure
Environmental Sustainability and New Technology chapter)
faster contract awards, enhancing material management and
with the intention of expanding the project to include other
vendor delivery performance, and working closer with our
water wells in the future.
suppliers to identify and implement cost efficiencies.
Road safety remains a top priority. As such, the Company grades
Additionally, we embarked on a transformation journey to
and re-sheets around 4,000 km of roads annually for safer
become a valued business partner and deliver the most
commuting for contractors and citizens within its concession area.
competitive supply chain to PDO by 2020. The transformation
On the education front, PDO has built upon the existing journey has defined five key outcomes:
Community Scholarship Programme to sponsor 165 general 1. Increasing the value delivered
diploma graduates annually from the concession area to 2. Reducing sourcing cycle times
continue their higher education. In addition, the Company is 3. Improving business partnerships
sponsoring 50 students annually for the Tawteen programme, 4. Improving the timely delivery of materials
run in collaboration with the Ministry of Education and 5. Reducing inventories
Ministry of Higher Education, so they can work as teachers in
their own communities. The programme has identified several projects/initiatives
and a roadmap to drive these key outcomes, which have
Contracting and Procurement been defined with measures and targets as strategic key
PDO’s contracting and procurement vision is to become the performance indicators for contracting and procurement.
partner of choice for delivering our business targets. Our
2019 programme build indicates an annual spend on oil and
gas in excess of US$6 billion, of which more than 80% is
through third parties.

People and Staff Development

2018 Highlights
• Record number of women on staff
• Signing of a landmark Terms of Reference (ToR) agreement with the PDO Trade Union
• Expansion of the Maktabi (My Office) remote working pilot
• Increase of maternity leave to 112 calendar days

Employee Engagement
PDO’s people are the Company’s greatest asset. There was a record response to our annual People Survey,
They are skilled and they are knowledgeable and with a participation rate of 81%, up from 75% in 2017. The
the great majority of them are Omanis. It will be survey is an invaluable tool for gauging employee sentiment,
the collective commitment, skills and expertise identifying areas for improvement and highlighting best
of all PDO’s people that helps to sustain the practice. From the 6,572 surveys completed, there were
development of the nation. improvements on the majority of areas covered where year-
on-year comparisons could be made. There was an increase
of favourable ratings in six out of the 11 survey dimensions
At the end of 2018, PDO had 8,596 staff, of which 6,993
including Collaboration (81%), Diversity and Inclusion (81%)
were Omanis. The Omanisation rate increased from 79% and Responsible Business (80%).The results for Organisational
to 81%, and we are expecting this to reach 90% by 2020. Leadership, Reputation and Speed of Decision Making were
There were 1,032 women on staff, including 946 Omanis, the rated top quartile.
highest number in our history. A total of 485 Omanis were
hired in the year and the total number of Omani graduates PDO employees and contractors again participated in
was 720. There were 1,537 Omani promotions with 310 their team’s face-to-face follow-up sessions in response to
Omanis in senior positions. the People Survey. This allows the Company to hear and
understand the stories behind the numbers and to initiate
solutions and measures that yield positive change and
effective improvements.

PDO recognises an independent company trade union

8,596 affiliated to the Omani General Federation of Trade Unions
staff at the 6,993 in line with the Omani Labour Law. Arrangements with the
end of 2018 Omani staff PDO Trade Union extend to “consultative rights.” A landmark
Terms of Reference (ToR) agreement was signed between

Omanis hired
PDO and our Trade Union, documenting the rights and
obligations of both, with the objective of fostering a positive
and constructive relationship between the two parties in
this year their mutual pursuance of a harmonious and constructive
employee relations climate.

Omani women
This recognition covers all directly operated PDO activities
but does not extend to contractors and sub-contractors.The
right to exercise freedom of association and the consultative

arrangement with the PDO Trade Union are not considered to be at risk of
either restriction or withdrawal.

Diversity and Inclusion With a workforce

We continued to raise the bar on diversity and inclusion (D&I) with new drawn from around 70
initiatives to tackle the three main pillars of fairness, gender balance and bullying.
With a workforce drawn from around 70 countries, PDO is firmly committed
countries, PDO is firmly
to D&I and providing opportunity for all in a supportive working environment. committed to D&I and
Each pillar is sponsored by a member of the Managing Director’s Committee providing opportunity
(MDC), who also sits on the MDC Diversity and Inclusion sub-committee.
for all in a supportive
PDO defines a fair workplace as one where people are treated equally without
bias, favouritism or discrimination, and where the people processes are merit-
working environment.
based and provide opportunities based on ability and skills.
Progress on gender diversity and work-life
Around 1,500 staff attended the 67 sessions of the new mandatory D&I
balance is another important area. We have
awareness course that was first introduced in 2017 to boost understanding of
provided mentoring, training and facilities to
D&I concepts and of how to handle issues professionally. This was in addition to
department-specific D&I engagement sessions that teams continue to arrange. enable women to be based in the Interior
in operational roles, providing them with a
More staff in both Coastal and Interior locations volunteered for D&I advisory greater opportunity to develop their skills and
roles to guide those who need direction on how to handle issues, and HR realise their full potential.
Business Partners fully participate in all people-related processes, including
ranking and progression, to ensure fair opportunities for all. We have scrapped gender-specific
recruitment requirements for all jobs. In
A dedicated full-time Diversity and Inclusion Officer raises awareness around the past, PDO’s field positions were open
the issue and investigate complaints and a confidential reporting hotline has to men only but the decision was taken by
established for staff to report concerns. A total of 79 issues relating to D&I were the Gender Balance team to increase female
logged, 91% of which were closed by the end of the year..
representation across PDO and specifically
Communications continue to play an important part in building understanding in the directorates with the lowest gender
around D&I. This has included producing videos, enhancing the Company balance: Operations and Well Engineering.
website and intranet pages as well as staff magazine and newsletter articles. Currently, women comprise 12% of staff in
D&I branding is prominently displayed around the offices in our headquarters PDO overall, but the aspiration is to make
building in Muscat to raise the D&I profile across the organisation. that one in five people by 2022.

Training Remote Working

The scope of the remote working Maktabi (My Office) pilot, was
More than 1,620 staff have enrolled in our Graduate
expanded and now covers more than 250 staff. The scheme was
Development Programme (GDP), which was launched in
launched in 2017 to help assess how best to execute a major
2013 to provide structured, on-the-job training, monitoring
change in our work arrangements and offer employees the
and assessment for Omanis who join the Company after
flexibility to either work from home and/or a hub located in Seeb.
graduating from universities or colleges with Bachelor
degrees or above. It now covers more than 50 technical and It now includes more participants from all functions at the
non-technical disciplines, such as mechanical engineering, coastal area and there is a plan to increase the hub capacity
production operations, petrophysics, geosciences, real estate to cater for a growing number of participants.
commercial services, and finance in business. Last year, the
second batch of 275 employees successfully exited the GDP. The pilot measures the effect of remote working on employee
performance and productivity, development, work-life
PDO currently has 161 scholars and development staff balance, hub utilisation, and cost saving and effectiveness. Initial
studying at different degree levels in the UK, Australia, results have been largely positive with slight improvements in
Canada, USA, Germany, Oman and the Netherlands, and 93 the areas of work-life balance and productivity.
celebrated their graduation last year – the 30th sponsored
batch to successfully qualify from courses in a range of We will continue to closely monitor these measures to
disciplines since we launched our flagship Scholarship Scheme ascertain the success of the pilot and to explore innovative
in the 1980s. approaches to support greater flexibility in work locations
and opportunities, and part-time working patterns to
The successful scholars studied subjects including exploration underpin the Company’s D&I strategy and employee welfare.
geophysics, oil and gas pipeline engineering, petroleum
engineering, project management, information technology, Pay and Conditions
and translation. PDO’s workforce is predominantly comprised of Omani
nationals, with direct hire expatriates and secondees from
In 2018, PDO continued supporting its staff development Shell. The benefits provided to these groups reflect the
by offering six undergraduate scholarships in chemical policies and terms of employment guided by the Omani
engineering and electrical engineering. The Distance Learning Labour Law and the established standards in the national and
Scheme annually supports 40 PDO staff to complete their expatriate employment market. Benefits provided to Shell
BScs and MScs, allowing staff to continue their academic secondees are largely aligned to Shell international mobility
development while continuing their current work duties. policies, with direct hire expatriate packages including benefits
Currently, we have 141 active staff on this scheme. and allowances typical of expatriate contracts, such as home
travel and educational support for children.
The PDO Learning and Development Centre continued to
maximise in-house delivery of courses as part of the cost PDO applies a basic 3% minimum annual pay increase subject
efficiency strategy. We delivered more than 464 technical, to “good performance” for all nationals, in line with the Omani
non-technical, HSE and process safety courses, covering Labour Law. Whilst not required by law to non-nationals, PDO
45,471 mandays. implements this standard across the board. All increases above
the threshold are linked to performance and the employee’s
As part of our efforts to extend training beyond our salary relative to the maximum limit on their salary scale. All
borders, we delivered 152 learning events with a focus on full-time Omani employees are eligible for the PDO Pension
process safety to 953 candidates from both PDO and local Fund that provides a defined benefit, the final salary pension.
operators, contractors at our state-of-the-art Wells Learning This is not available to national locals employed on temporary
Centre, which is accredited by the International Well Control contracts or non-national staff. A minimum notice period of a
Forum (IWCF). This has resulted in overall savings of more month is given for operational changes (GRI 102-41).
than US$1 million.
Parental Leave
We enhanced our Maternity Leave and Benefits policy in
October 2018 in line with our D&I strategy and our desire
to be the employer of choice for females in the country. The
(My Office) pilot
maternity leave was increased from 70 to 112 calendar days.
The Company also extended the provision of one nursing
hour per working day granted to mothers with children up
project for remote to the age of one year.
working, now covers
more than 250 staff A total of 111 female employees embarked on maternity
leave in 2018, 44 of whom benefited from the policy update.

General Welfare

2018 Highlights
• Delivered a record road safety performance
• More than 750 million km driven without a work-related motor vehicle fatality
• Committed to 36 new social investment projects totaling US$15.5 million
• Completed work on five majlises and a fish market

Road Safety
The welfare of people and the natural environment PDO is committed to improving road safety both within our
are enshrined in PDO’s Business Principles
own boundaries and beyond.
– the document at the top of its Corporate
Management Framework. The Company will Our dedicated Journey Management Control Centre
never be satisfied with the way it carries out its (JMCC) is helping to manage road exposure to an even
ambitious plans unless it does so in a way that greater degree in the future, along with greater compliance,
respect’s people’s health and safety, that benefits consequence management and coaching across both our
neighbouring communities and that maintains the staff and contractor vehicle fleet.
environmental richness of the country.
The JMCC, which was established in 2016, to track vehicles
Safety remains PDO’s overarching priority with an unrelenting and driver behaviour on the road, has led to a 97% drop
focus on Goal Zero – no harm to people, environment and assets. in the average number of violations per vehicle per month
(such as speeding nor not wearing seat belts) to less than 1
PDO concluded 2018 with a record safety performance. and is now monitoring more than 8,250 vehicles in the PDO
The Lost Time Injury Frequency (LTIF) per million manhours and contractor fleet across 224 contracts.
worked dropped from 0.20 to 0.15, a 25% fall, while the
Total Recordable Case Frequency (TRCF) per million man- The centre’s functionalities have been expanded to include
hours worked also fell from 0.72 to 0.71. Unfortunately, the e-journey management for PDO with a view to including
performance was marred by two work-related fatal incidents contractors soon. We are also in the process of expanding
involving contractors. these functionalities further to include fatigue management
by piloting in-cab cameras, as well as mandating contractors
The annual exposure was 214.8 million man-hours worked and to introduce online monitoring and daily violation reporting.
314.4 million kilometres driven. There was a slight reduction
in the Severe Motor Vehicle Incident Rate of 14% (0.07 to PDO launched a commuter bus scheme in the summer of
0.06) compared to 2017. In the process, PDO also celebrated 2013 to reduce the rate of road accidents by cutting the
the achievement of driving more than 750 million kilometres number of staff and contractors using private vehicles to get
without a work-related motor vehicle fatal incident. to and from work.

The service has expanded steadily and now covers 28 2018 SOCIAL INVESTMENT SPEND
hubs and 65 villages. Since it started, it has carried 436,110
passengers, including 152,556 PDO staff, and an average of 4.60%
10,539 passengers a month now use it. According to the
latest study, 80% of PDO staff are using one of the commuting
modes provided by the Company. 54.50%
PDO’s nationwide “Tell A Friend” campaign, which was
launched in 2013, continued to spread a culture of road
safety targeting areas such as responsible driving, speed
management, vehicle maintenance, proper seat belt usage 20.40%
and driving whilst fatigued.

The “Tell A Friend” roadshow, featuring exhibitions, lessons,

competitions and plays, visited locations in Saham, Salalah
and Sur, and a four-day event was organised in Nizwa. It also Learning & Research
held the inaugural road safety student conference in Salalah Community Infrastructure Development
offering a course on road safety and a workshop on critical Health, Safety & Environment
thinking and problem solving.
Youth, Women Empowerment & Civil Society Support
An analysis of the social return on investment for the
campaign revealed that: Learning and Research
In an endeavour to improve access to education
for rural populations and support learning
for girls, PDO pledged to expand 12 schools
in the concession area by adding wings for
female students and building five classrooms
in Al Khairan School in Muscat to replace the
existing damaged caravans.
Every OMR 1 OMR 3
In addition to constructing a new school in Dhahboon,
we inaugurated the Oman Innovation Hall in Sinaw,
invested in 2017 now equipped with state-of-the-art equipment. We also
in social change completed renovation of three school science laboratories
to raise the interest of students and the public in the fields of
Social Investment robotics, nanotechnology, 3D printing and virtual reality, and
As a responsible corporate citizen, give them hands-on experience in STEM [science, technology,
PDO is committed to delivering engineering and maths] subjects.
meaningful social investment
Community Infrastructure
programmes that create sustainable
benefits for Omani society in line Work on five public majlises in Thumrait and
with the United Nations’ Sustainable Izki – offering safe spaces for gathering for local
Development Goals (SDGs). community celebrations – was completed in
2018. We further pledged to build five more
Our focus throughout the year was on four social investment majlises in Shaleem and Samayel and a camel
themes: learning and research, community infrastructure racetrack in Haima.
development, health, safety and environment (HSE), and
youth and female empowerment (the latter supporting The Company also committed to building infrastructure
grassroots organisations in local initiatives). to access safe potable water and food supplies with the
renovation of a falaj in Samael, the construction of the Food
We committed to 36 new social investment projects, and Water Control Laboratory in Haima to cater to Al
totalling around US$15.5 million1, which will have tangible Wusta Governorate, and the maintenance and expansion of
impacts on the quality of life of thousands of people living a falaj in Izki.
in our concession area and beyond, including infrastructure
development, training, and the provision of technology and The year also saw the completion of public parks in Manah
equipment. A further US$1.2 million was distributed in and Samayel, and a multi-purpose hall and a fish market in
sponsorships, grants and donations to support impactful Ibri to provide a safe and hygienic environment for the sale
initiatives from local organisations. of perishable seafood products in remote areas.
1 This year, the total amount invested includes contributions from capital expenditure (Capex) and operational expenditure (Opex), whereas last year, the total reported amount
included the Opex contribution only.

Youth and Female Empowerment 300 teachers and nurses to deliver the training and the
As part of our efforts to empower youth, distribution of medical kits to schools.
women and the larger civil society by
Road safety was also enhanced with the installation of the
supporting grassroots organisations in local
highest number of solar reflective lights ever on a road,
initiatives, PDO renewed its commitment to
achieving an official Guinness World Record. The 43,550
its Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs)
“cat’s eye” units were fitted on a 650 kilometre stretch of
development programme for the third time
highway in the south of our concession area. In an effort to
with funding and knowledge-sharing provided
reduce child road fatalities and support the Government’s
to 10 new NGOs for a period of two years.
mandatory child seat law, PDO teamed up with Shell and the
In collaboration with the Omani Women’s Association in Oman Liquefied Natural Gas Foundation to launch a joint
Salalah, our flagship social enterprise Banat Oman introduced road safety campaign targeting children and parents on the
new training for 25 women in bakhour and perfume making need for proper child seating in vehicles.
to generate a new stream of income.
In an initiative to boost both the rural economy and animal
We further committed to train 30 jobseekers in Bahla to welfare, PDO financed the provision of nine mobile veterinary
equip them with the necessary skills to enter the job market clinics for rural areas within our concession.
as part of an employability skills programme.
Contractor Welfare
HSE Accommodation Facilities
PDO pledged to fund the construction a PDO has continued to improve the standards of its
21-bed in-patient ward for the Neurology permanent accommodation camps (PACs) and temporary
Department at Khoula Hospital. It also supplied accommodation camps (TACs) in the Interior through
a range of medical equipment to local hospitals internal specifications and inspections.
including CT scan equipment for Masirah
Hospital to help with the accuracy of diagnosis and speed of These inspections are done annually by trained occupational
treatment; 51 physiotherapy beds for the treatment of elderly health specialists who visit the camps and verify that our
and disabled people in 50 clinics; and an ambulance for Al stringent stipulations are effectively implemented. In 2018,
Mashas Health Centre in Maqshan to improve emergency PDO adopted the OPAL Camp Standard, further improving
response times. In addition, the Company funded a walking the accommodation standards and benchmarks.
trail with outdoor exercise equipment in Dhank’s public park
to promote a healthy lifestyle. Accommodation camps consist of sleeping, kitchen, ablution
and recreational facilities. Compliance levels have improved
The first aid training programme for school students, school significantly since the initial inspections were done in 2014
nurses and teachers to become certified first aiders, which when only 23% of TACs were found compliant with the
was launched in 2017, was kicked off with the selection of formal public health requirements.


160 151 147

140 124

120 110
107 107
No. of Camps

100 91 92
83 82
80 70 71


23 26
20 11 13 12
8 10
7 8
3 3
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
<40% 40-69% 70%+ Full Compliance No. of Inspections


The graph (see page 55) indicates the number of inspections The project team is also exploring collaboration opportunities
and improvements that have occurred since then. with the Shell Welfare team in the area of data analytics to
establish productivity/performance indicators from the Prism
A total of 110 inspections were carried out in 2018 and 91% data.
of the accommodation facilities were compliant by Q4 in
2018. All deviations are immediately reported and corrective Disaster Relief
actions are closely monitored. Penalties are imposed if actions
PDO donated RO 5 million to ease the suffering of those
are not carried out.
affected by the Cyclone Mekunu storms that hit southern
This has impacted positively on the wellbeing of employees Oman and support recovery efforts. A separate staff appeal
and contractors in the Interior, with improvements noted raised a further RO 166,000 for the cause.
in food quality, laundry, accommodation, ablution and
More than 1,400 employees contributed from their salaries to
recreational facilities.
help repair houses damaged in the storms with the money being
Prism divided between the southern wilayats in Dhofar and residents’
property that has been damaged in the concession area.
Project Prism, a industry-first three-year initiative to improve
contractor welfare standards for those working in the Interior Additionally, a further RO 50,000 was donated to help victims
by embedding a duty of care mindset across the wider of the devastating floods in Kerala, India which displaced
PDO contractor community, was successfully completed in more than a million people.
2018. A total of 90,000 interviews involving personnel from
200 Interior-based contractors and sub-contractors were Medical Care
conducted, with more than 600 coaching sessions delivered PDO’s Medical Centre in Mina Al Fahal, along with eight
to drive worker welfare improvements. Interior clinics, has established its commitment to delivering
The next phase of Prism will continue in 2019 with the aim high quality, integrated health care to PDO employees, their
of improving PDO’s processes on worker welfare and making dependents and PDO pensioners.
them the best in class before launching the standards to the It provides patients with state-of-the-art facilities as well as
rest of the oil and gas industry. a comprehensive range of services to address the needs

of every patient. It also ensures support for secondary and We arranged a number of external training sessions covering
tertiary care levels, mostly through external providers. The various medical topics and attracting hundreds of medical
team includes 15 doctors and 44 well-trained nurses. professionals from different specialties. We also presented our
experience at the 7th GCC Conference and Exhibition on
Provision includes an occupational health department, a high- Wellbeing and Occupational Health held in Oman last year.
tech multi-disciplinary lab, a pharmacy, specialist clinics, and
vaccination, dietician and ante-natal services. There is also a The Medical department has continued to support Ministry
medical emergency response with a fleet of 15 ambulances of Health blood donation campaigns in its efforts to maintain
which not only serve PDO but also the community at a good stock of blood reserves. In 2018, more than 1,200
large. A wellness services and exercise facility for both men staff participated in these events maintaining PDO’s ranking
and women is run under medical management. The total as the largest corporate blood donor in Oman.
number of patient visits to PDO clinics in 2018 was 73,355.
The Medical department also referred over 17,000 visits to Child Labour, Forced Working and
private medical care facilities. Indigenous Rights
We are also working on the centralisation of medical facilities As a responsible employer, PDO does not employ staff
in the Interior with a new central medical complex in Fahud. below the age of 18 and, to the best of our knowledge,
The facility, which is expected to be operational in 2020, neither do our contractors. We also do not force or make
will serve as a reference clinic providing better health and compulsory any employment relationships within our
medical emergency services to PDO staff and contractors. organisation. In all cases, PDO applies, and enforces on its
contractors, the complete application of the Omani Labour
Health promotion and education remain an integral part Law. There has not been any registered case against PDO or
of the department’s medical responsibilities. PDO’s medics any of its contractors related to child labour or the exposure
were involved in a wide range of training and awareness of young workers to hazardous work, neither through the
programmes and activities which attracted hundreds of Labour Inspection Department of the Ministry of Manpower,
staff and contractors. Support in 2018 included advice and nor from our Corporate Occupational Health department,
sessions on stress management, the importance of physical which conducts frequent visits to the sites of the Company’s
activity, Ramadhan health tips, first aid and CPR, dietary projects. There have been no incidents of violations involving
management in chronic diseases. the rights of indigenous peoples.

Environmental Sustainability and New Technology

2018 Highlights
• Contract agreed for world-first solar power site

• Significant improvement in power generation efficiency

• Over 75 new technologies matured

• Greater collaboration between academia and business through Ejaad


In 2018, PDO awarded the contract to the Japanese-Omani

While oil and gas will continue to be fundamental Marubeni consortium to build and operate the country’s first
to our energy mix, we are developing innovative solar photovoltaic (PV) independent power producer (IPP)
renewable solutions to create new growth at Amin field. It will also be the world’s first utility-scale solar
opportunities for the Company as well as for the project to have an oil and gas company as the sole wholesale
nation. This gradual transition to a fully fledged buyer of electricity.
energy company also means leveraging new
technology and greater collaboration as well as The desert facility will consist of more than 335,000 solar PV
improving our overall energy efficiency and water panels, producing enough energy to power 15,000 homes,
management. and span an area equivalent to 480 football pitches. The
project will be structured as an IPP under the terms of the
power purchase agreement for a period of 23 years from the
Renewable Energy scheduled commercial operation date, which is planned for
The transition to renewables will help address growing May 2020. The consortium will build, own and operate the
climate change realities, free up huge quantities of natural gas facility and then transfer it back to PDO.
that can be used for Omani industry or for export and to
establish the Sultanate as a hub of “green” energy expertise, The plant is expected to introduce an equivalent fuel saving
creating new jobs and localised supply chains. of 70.5 million cubic metres of gas annually, resulting in a total
saving of US$17 million a year through the use of solar power
We have conducted detailed studies which have identified as an alternative to natural gas. It will also reduce overall
great business potential in three areas: carbon dioxide emissions by around 137,121 tonnes annually,
the equivalent of taking 23,000 large cars off the road. The
• Electricity to replace gas-fired power plants
project includes the design, procurement, construction,
• Power-to-x to supply areas that have so far been covered
commissioning, financing, operation and maintenance of
by burning of gas or liquids such as steam, heat or hydrogen
the solar photovoltaic plant with a 100MW capacity and
associated infrastructure.
• Industrial growth that focuses on attracting new demand
based on low cost energy With partners GlassPoint Solar, we also launched the new

SolaRISE technology centre near the giant Miraah project in Ministry of Oil and Gas Car Park
Amal which it is building and operating to generate solar steam PDO is managing a similar installation for solar parking at the
for use in thermal enhanced oil recovery as an alternative to Ministry of Oil and Gas to further showcase the ministry’s
burning gas. The first 100 MWt of Miraah came on stream in commitment to renewable energy and energy efficiency
2017 and the installation is meeting all performance targets. initiatives. The project consists of converting around 500 car
SolaRISE (standing for Solar Research, Innovation and parking lots to generate power and involves a number of
Sustainability in Energy) is a joint initiative formed to Omani SMEs specialising in renewable energy.
develop and test next-generation solar technologies in an
oilfield environment. The centre will focus on continuous
cost reduction, including new concepts and designs to
reduce material costs, ease oilfield integration and automate
operations. It will also pilot and evaluate solutions for using
solar energy for other industrial processes in Oman and
around the world.

Other solar ventures include:

Mina Al Fahal Car Park
PDO has embarked on the second phase of the Mina Al Fahal
solar project to cover a wider area and increase renewable
energy penetration in the grid. A further 12,500 solar PV
modules are being fitted and, once completed, the car park
will have a total capacity of 10.3 MWp (megawatt installed
peak) and be one of the largest in the world. The generated
power will be fed into the local grid, meeting most of PDO’s
power demand at the Coast.
Awifiya Water Well
The second phase is being directly managed by PDO through PDO installed a solar system to power a water well serving a
its established contractors and it is expected that up to half rural community of 200 people. The work on the 10 kilowatt
of the project’s total contract value for goods and services (kW) scheme was carried out by an Omani company Nafath
will be retained in country. Renewable Energy LLC in Awifiya, Bahla.

A total of 42 PV panels were installed and the system has Additionally, an Energy Efficiency Surveillance Tool has been
been connected to the grid, meaning the green electricity can deployed in six assets after a successful trial in Marmul and
be fed into the network or the well can draw on additional Lekhwair. The tool indicates any inefficient use of power or
power if required. fuel gas, which helps operators to take corrective action.
PDO has also started energy assessments at Fahud Station,
The project marked another step on our renewable energy one of the high-energy consumers, to identify improvement
journey to extend the concept of eco-friendly power into opportunities.
the community. PDO is now considering whether to expand
the scheme to power a reverse osmosis plant. Water
Ras Al Hamra PDO currently produces close to 910,000 m³/d of water
which is set to exceed 1,000,000 m³/d from this year onwards.
PDO also installed a 10 kW capacity for 10 villas in Ras Al
Around 55% of this is used for pressure maintenance and
Hamra to showcase the residential contribution that can be
some 300,000 m³/d of the excess is disposed of into deep
made to renewable energy.
formations known as deep well disposal (DWD). PDO
continues to seek alternative methodologies for the cleaning
Energy Efficiency
and reuse, or disposal of, produced water in a manner that
Improving energy efficiency is a key focus of PDO’s Gas consumes less energy and with minimum impact on the
Conservation Strategy. environment.
In addition to flare reduction (see Environmental and Safety The award-winning Nimr Reed Beds, operated by Bauer
Performance chapter) a number of initiatives have been Nimr on behalf of PDO, are currently treating approximately
implemented, including the use of energy-efficient power 115,000 m³/d of produced water at a fraction of the cost and
generation turbines, the deployment of electric submersible energy intensity of gas-hungry conventional DWD. In total,
pumps to replace gas lift technology and power station waste by the end of November 2018, the Reed Beds had processed
heat (co-generation). approximately 258 million m³ of produced water and
Power generation efficiency has improved significantly. In recovered around 2.1 million barrels of oil since operations
2010, 320 m³ of gas was required to generate 1 MWh, but began in October 2010. This pioneering enterprise has also
this has been reduced to 301 m³/MWh, with the further aim led to a greening of 10.5 km² of desert and a projected saving
of cutting it to 275 m³/MWh by 2021, once all the planned of more than 64.5 gigawatts of energy which is equivalent to
combined cycle gas turbine units are commissioned. saving 680 million m³ of gas over 10 years - a 98% reduction
in energy requirements.
Energy benchmarking of all PDO facilities has now been
completed to improve understanding of their performance As part of PDO’s effort to further reduce the energy-
intensive DWD operation, an additional volume of 60,000
and identify gaps in terms of power and fuel gas consumption.

320m³ 301m³ 275m³

of gas was required
of gas was required
to generate of gas to generate
to generate
1 MWh 1 MWh
1 MWh

2010 2017 2021








0.50 quartile


m³/d of produced water is planned to be exported to the that resulted in a 4,500 m³/d increase in WTP production
scheme with its expansion in 2019.This will save an additional capacity by without any capital investment
15 MW of energy which is equivalent to saving 40 million m³/ • The WM team carried out another optimisation study
year of gas. The wetland plant will contribute to a reduction for 31 potable water reverse osmosis (RO) plants across
of more than 200,000 tonnes of CO2 per annum as a result PDO assets with the aim of increasing the permeate
of the removal of DWD pumps.
recovery and reduce disposal load. This effort culminated
As part of PDO’s commitment to ensuring that all of our in converting 7,000 m³/d of RO reject water into permeate
water management efforts are in accordance with Omani water and reducing additional aquifer abstraction by 14,000
laws and regulations, we continue to seek alternative m³/d without incurring a capital cost or deteriorating water
strategies to reduce, reuse and relocate produced water. quality
• At the Qarn Alam Steam (QAS) WTP, the WM team
There were a number of key milestones on PDO’s water
successfully demonstrated the beneficial use of low
management sustainability journey in 2018:
pressure steam condensate (that was being disposed of),
• The Water Management (WM) team carried out an as an additional source for boiler feed water (BFW). This
optimisation study for Amal Water Treatment Plant (WTP) resulted in an additional 4,000 m³/d of BFW for the asset.

• Water Injection
• SWD Before
• Developing detailed
Reed bed (NWTP) strategies for water
• SWD=0
• Reject water re-use
2010 • Reject re-use Project
• 2 RO plants optimised in SR with FO
to save aquifer water technology
Fahud Salt Project
2014 • Reed beds expansion • Save Fars Water and
awarded / Bio-saline
• Reduction of PW from re-use PW in
subsurface by applying Lekhwair
R&D activities started technologies & best • Successful R&D for
for re-use of PW practices PW re-use to make
2015 bricks

• 3 RO plants optimised
to save aquifers water
• Joined Oman Strategic
Research Committee
• Reuse of PW in drilling,
construction and dust control

The above green initiatives resulted in a substantial capital expenditure saving, a and last year we officially opened up
reduction of 12,000 m³/d of disposal volume and savings of 23,000 m³/d in aquifer our Gas Network Operations Centre
water abstraction. (at Saih Rawl) which has centralised the
Company’s gas operations remotely to
The three-year bio-saline agriculture trial at Nimr (which commenced with more efficient communication channels
contractor Bauer in 2015) is coming to its final phase with a number of crops and enhanced efficiency. All other
identified as having promise for possible commercial application, and the possibility operations will be rolled into a new
of producing biomass and oil seeds. Integrated Operations Centre which
will be built at Mina Al Fahal.
There is ongoing collaboration work with Sultan Qaboos University to use local
soil and low-salinity treated produced water to manufacture compressed stabilised In 2018, PDO appointed a Chief
soil blocks to reduce building costs. The study is also coming to an end and bricks Information and Digitalisation Officer,
have been used to build a small room to test the strength and thermal conductivity becoming the first government
of the walls. PDO and SQU are collaborating in identifying further work and majority-owned entity in the Sultanate
deployment for this opportunity. to have a coherent data strategy. Each
directorate also now has an analytics
New Technology focal point who is responsible to track
PDO continues to innovate and invest in technologies to address the challenges ideas that unlock value from data and
from complex reservoirs, ageing facilities, the need to optimise production and articulate them at the corporate level.
minimise cost, and the imperative of enhancing personal and process safety.
In 2018, over 75 new technologies were matured by the New Technology team
with a trial success rate of over 94%. Progressing technologies from the pilot phase
to full implementation is now taking place seamlessly with the introduction of an
interim deployment strategy which has helped realise over US$12 million to date.
Over 75 new
With the advent of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, we are increasingly leveraging
technologies were
digital systems, automation, artificial intelligence and data analytics. matured by the New
Analytical tools and systems have a vast range of surface and subsurface applications,
helping to identify anomalies in the functioning of artificial lift pumps, enabling
Technology team
predictive maintenance of equipment, generating automatic interpretations of with a trial success
seismic volumes and offering real-time optimisation of drilling parameters.
rate of over 94%.
PDO collects over 1.2 billion pieces of data per day from its wells and various
assets and that number is set to grow. Our systems enable us to spend less time in More than 220 digital projects are
identifying operational or tactical issues and more on fixing problems. ongoing across the organisation, with
The deployment of in-house designed automated technology (known as BLADE) over 20 of them regarded as key future-
across 80 wells at Amal East has seen the development of algorithms which centric technologies such as machine
automatically control the variable speed drives on beam pump wells.This has added learning, software robotic automation
1,250 barrels a day, freed up production technologists, reduced breakdowns by and predictive analytics.
31%, lowered operational expenditure and eliminated HSE exposure. The system
can be replicated to many beam pump wells across PDO. We continue to work beyond our
boundaries to share knowledge and
Other systems include Nibras which employs an exception-based surveillance learn from best practice. Through our
approach programmed to automatically flag out-of-sync data variables from the New Technology team, we are also
millions of data values it collates every two minutes. Another is Al Fikr, a web- leading the way for integrated industry–
based system which significantly improves the management of projects, decreasing academia research and development
project duration time.This automated system liberates the equivalent of up to four projects. The first four agreements, all
full-time staff a year to take on additional work. for PDO work, were awarded through
the online Ejaad platform, which has
However, far from being an engineering-only tool, numerical techniques to interpret helped foster collaboration, transfer
the flood of data are being used in many functions all the way up to Management
knowledge and build a new R&D
to support business decisions.
ecosystem in Oman.
We are also using drone, smart mobility and video collaboration technologies to
PDO also continues to collaborate
boost field staff productivity (with a 25% time saving). These systems also increase
assurance compliance, real-time monitoring and data quality while reducing HSE with international bodies such as the
exposure. Our Smart Worker Mobile solution gathered momentum in 2018, with European Union, United Nations,
more than 300 staff using HSE-approved mobile or tablet devices to increase International Energy Agency, The
efficiency in the field. World Bank, International Renewable
Energy Agency and others to leverage
The new tools ushered in by the age of the digital oilfield have facilitated collaboration, their expertise.

Environmental and Safety Performance

2018 Highlights
• Substantial reduction in oil spills
• Significant improvement in waste management
• Launch of campaign to curb single-use plastic
• Adoption of global HSE management system ISO-45001

Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions

PDO is constantly striving to protect Oman’s Due to the increase in gas flaring and emissions from
environment and prevent pollution. In 2018, we combustion sources in 2018 and a change in the calculation
improved environmental performance across
methodology, PDO’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions
many aspects, including oil spills and waste
increased by 25%, reaching 0.20 tonnes (CO2 equivalent)
management and broke new ground in the field
per tonne of production compared to 0.16 tonnes of CO2
of renewable energy. The achievements are
equivalent in 2017.
summarised below.
GHG emissions remained a focus area in 2018 and a detailed
Spills GHG roadmap was developed to support PDO’s corporate
In continuance of our efforts to improve integrity and reduce Energy Management Strategy which addresses GHG
the number of spills, PDO completed the replacement of reduction by the implementation of three main approaches -
more than 3,300 kilometres of flowlines and pipelines in reduce, replace and renew.
2018. Many on-plot lines were also replaced and the work • The “reduce” element focuses on flaring and the
will continue. consumption of power and fuel gas by improving the
There was a significant decrease of 85.6% in the quantity of efficiency of the facility, identifying improvement projects
oil lost per million tonnes of production, from 3.46 tonnes through the energy assessments and use of an Energy
in 2017 to 0.46 tonnes in 2018. The number of oil spills per Efficiency Surveillance Tool (EEST)
million tonnes of oil production also showed a 58.6% fall • The “replace” element aims at replacing non-efficient
down to 0.65 in 2018 compared with 1.57 in 2017. No major equipment such as the replacement of old open-cycle
oil spills were recorded in 2018 which helped in achieving power generation plants to more efficient closed-cycle
this milestone. ones and using light emitting diode (LED) bulbs instead of
conventional lights
OIL SPILLS PERFORMANCE POTENTIAL • And the “renew” element continuously looks into possible
renewable energy sources such as solar (see Environmental
35.0 7.0 Sustainability and New Technology chapter). Energy such as
30.0 6.0 solar lights, the “Miraah” solar steam project, the Mina Al
25.0 5.0
Fahal solar car park and the recently announced Amin 100
MW solar IPP project


20.0 4.0

15.0 3.0 Gas Flaring

10.0 2.0 PDO is a signatory of The World Bank initiative to end
5.0 1.0
routine flaring by 2030, and we are working hard to meet
the target well before the deadline.
0.0 0.0
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Quantity of Oil spilled > 1 Barrel (0.16m3) per Million ton of Production [t/Mt Production] We focus on both routine and non-routine flaring (the latter
# of Oil Spills > 1 Barrel (0.16m3) per Million ton of Production [#/Mt Production] comprises more than 70% of the overall total) to ensure the




0.25 0.26 0.25
0.1 0.20
0.14 0.16
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

*2012 - 2015: Oil assets only

2016 onwards: All assets

achievement of flare reduction in line with our aspiration.

As a result, on an annual basis, all PDO assets identify flare
reduction projects to reduce flaring.

Last year, PDO developed and implemented a detailed

gas flaring roadmap to address flaring challenges within the
organisation. This roadmap focuses on reduction of non-
routine flaring, implementation of flaring reduction projects and
deployment of technological solutions. A number of activities
have been accomplished as part of its implementation.

These include the establishment of Enhanced Problem Solving

teams to study “big hit” flaring events using causal learning
methodology, a rotating equipment reliability improvement
initiative, proactive technical monitoring and preventive
maintenance optimisation studies on “bad actor” equipment.
We are currently engaging with third party contractors to
propose and implement gas-to-power new technology
solutions to reduce or mitigate some or all of the flares.

In PDO, all non-routine flaring activities are now managed

by a Flaring ALARP (as low as reasonably practicable) and
Waiver Tool to evaluate each flaring scenario on an economic
and environmental basis.

The successful trial of micro-turbine technology at Anzauz to

convert gas into electricity to power facilities could pave the
way for the recovery of some 500,000 cubic metres of flare
gas a day if fully deployed across Block 6.

Additionally, we are working on a flare monetisation project

for all PDO routine flares. In terms of non-routine flare
reduction, and as part of operational excellence, the Company
has added flare elements in the EEST for eight operational
facilities, ensuring appropriate and timely operator action in
the case of excessive flaring.

In 2018, PDO flared 17.91 tonnes of gas for every 1,000

tonnes of hydrocarbon produced. This 22% increase on
2017 was mainly due to equipment failures in some fields.


Flaring Intensity (tonne per 1000 tonne HC production)


Flared Gas, million tonnes





0.00 0.00
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Flaring (upstream) (million tonne flared)
Flaring intensity (tonne/1000 tonne of HC)

*2012 - 2015: Oil assets only

2016 onwards: All assets


Waste to the waste yard. In total, 21,603 m³ (136,000 barrels) of

We have made a determined effort to reduce our crude oil (excluding Nimr) was recovered from oily sludge.
environmental footprint while boosting In-Country Value. With respect to the reuse and recycling of hazardous waste,
Our local contractor Tradebe began its work in 2016 to deal around 65,200 tonnes have been recycled by Omani SMEs,
such as Arab Lead, which recycles lead batteries.
with five main waste streams: naturally occurring radioactive
material (NORM); contaminated soil; oil-based mud (OBM) Collaboration continued with a number of external parties
cuttings; oily sludge and chemical waste. to further improve waste management in PDO including:
The firm, which has Omanised all field-operating and semi- • A waste-to-energy feasibility study in co-ordination with
skilled jobs, has made great progress. For example, it has Oman Environmental Services Holding Company, Be’ah
exceeded its target for decontaminating NORM, so far • The signing of a Memorandum of Understanding with the
managing to treat more than 50,000 tubular items, such as United Nations Environment Programme to co-operate
pipes, and around 4,500 well accessories. on environmental issues
• A waste disposal workshop on NORM in co-ordination
There was a significant improvement in waste management with the Ministry of Environment and Climate Affairs
in comparison to 2017. In terms of non-hazardous waste, (MECA), the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Be’ah and other oil
around 1,600 tonnes were recycled this year, including wood, and gas operators
plastic, metal, and cartons.
• A research project with Sultan Qaboos University on
The handling of hazardous waste was also substantially waste reuse opportunities
expanded. For instance, average monthly OBM cuttings
treatment increased 136% to 4,341 m³ from 1,837 m³ in 2017 Environmental Projects in 2018
and the volume of treated hydrocarbon-contaminated soil As part of our five-year Environmental Strategy and Action
increased 204% from 51,721 m³ in 2017 to 157,315 m³ in 2018. Plan developed in 2015 (a key enabler to achieve the overall
corporate objectives of sustainable growth, operational
Furthermore, the successful effort to reduce the overall excellence and meeting sustainability commitments) a
volume of oily sludge through better oil/water separation at number of key projects were launched or accomplished last
source resulted in an overall oily sludge reduction delivered year.

Single-Use Plastic Campaign

PDO joined the global initiative to eliminate the
consumption of single-use plastic as part of our
environmental campaign, “Estidama”, which aims to:

• Promote sustainable thinking about natural

• Increase environmental awareness at all levels
• Encourage waste reduction at source

A taskforce was established, and MECA and the

Environment Society of Oman were engaged to
identify relevant best practice and options.

Plastic Type* Plastic Plastic Plastic Single-use Cutlery

Cups (PS) Bottles (PET) Bags (LDPE) (HDPE)
Recommended option Eliminate Recycle Reduce/Reuse Eliminate
to manage plastic
waste at PDO
Main reasons for the Non-reusable due to PDO stopped ordering Reusable bags are The use of
selection health impacts and it is and bottles brought in encouraged reusable cutlery is
economically feasible from outside will be recommended
to be recycled recycled
*PS= Polystyrene, PET= Polyethylene Terephthalate, LDPE= Low-Density Polyethylene, HDPE= High-Density Polyethylene

To ensure an effective and sustainable transition, the team agreed on the following:
• Provide reusable water bottles to PDO staff
• Introduce water-filling stations across Interior camps
• Establish PET water bottle recycling plants in co-ordination with an Omani SME
• Conduct single-use plastic awareness sessions across PDO

Flaring Waiver and ALARP

Evaluation of the flaring scenarios on an Demonstration Tool
economic and environmental basis To help combat operational
flaring, PDO has developed
an electronic system which
Environmental enables management to make
Cost of CO2 Cost of
informed, value-led decisions on
of Oil whether it is economically and/
or environmentally preferable to
flare during non-routine events,
Cost of Gas
lost due to such as when plant operating
¾EVMRK conditions are upset or if
equipment (e.g. compressors)
are temporarily unavailable.
The Flaring Waiver and ALARP
Demonstration Tool evaluates
each flaring scenario on a case-
Cost of Total cost of Cost of by-case basis to help determine
Flaring Decision to Flare Avoiding Flaring when flaring should be reduced.

HSE in Contracts critical staff positions, a focus on coaching and mentoring for
HSE remains an integral part of the day-to-day business and such roles, and a formal assessment programme to support
PDO continues to promote it through the distinct and simple the individuals.
requirements of different contract phases. We recently
adopted the global HSE management system ISO-45001 and
Environmental Requirements Guide
have further simplified our HSE documentation to assist the In line with our strategy of simplifying and streamlining
contracting community. procedures, PDO, in co-operation with MECA, has
developed a guide on environmental compliance conditions
To embed and sustain this HSE front line discipline in the future, for our projects and facilities. The booklet contains clear,
PDO began a more exacting HSE competence framework facility-specific, one-page requirements enabling operators
for critical positions, such as Contract Holders, in 2018. This and contractors to fully understand and comply with the
includes a review of the roles and responsibilities for HSE- environmental rules, regulations and laws for each installation.

2012 2013 2014 2015 2016* 2017 2018**
Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions
Direct total GHGs (million tonnes CO2
equivalent) 7.7 8.4 8.8 8.6 9.7 10.6 13.0
GHG intensity ratio (tonne of CO2 equivalent
/tonne of hydrocarbon) 0.23 0.25 0.26 0.25 0.14 0.16 0.20
Flaring (upstream) (million tonnes flared) 0.80 0.84 0.84 0.72 0.88 0.95 1.15
Flaring intensity (tonne/1,000 tonne of
hydrocarbon) 22.50 25.10 25.10 20.85 12.86 14.62 17.91
Energy Intensity
Upstream (gigajoules per tonne production) 1.99 2.22 2.47 2.27 1.46 1.77 1.92
Acid Gas and VOC Emissions per Unit of HC
Sulphur Oxides (SOx) (tonnes per thousand
tonnes) 2.70 2.97 3.07 2.39 1.03 1.58 1.92
Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) (tonnes per thousand
tonnes) 0.63 0.63 0.64 0.60 0.31 0.34 0.96
Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) (tonnes
per thousand tonnes) 0.39 0.42 0.42 0.40 0.21 0.22 0.37
Spills and Discharges
# of oil spills > 1 barrel (0.16m³) per million
tonnes of production [No/Mt production] .. 2.22 6.04 2.53 1.97 1.57 0.65
Quantity of oil spilled >1 barrel (0.16m³) per
million tonnes of production [t/Mt production] .. 6.11 15.82 9.54 32.00 3.46 0.46
Oil in effluents to surface environment (OIW
to sea) (thousand tonnes) 0.003 0.017 0.007 0.009 0.010 0.008 0.022
Water consumed from desalination units
(million cubic metres) 5.10 5.30 6.55 7.37 6.88 7.03 7.06
Produced water (1,000 m³/day) 619.80 665.30 714.99 769.62 803.97 855.52 908.95
Produced water used for injection activities
(1,000 m³/day) 313.28 301.62 323.21 359.06 412.84 449.50 484.21
Produced water used for disposal activities
(1,000 m³/day) 306.47 307.69 348.96 334.33 348.81 336.96 329.22
Waste Generation
Hazardous (thousand tonnes) 142.4 184.7 230.4 209.7 225.9 222.00 383.69
Non-hazardous (thousand tonnes) 29.0 25.0 27.5 34.6 41.5 62.15 76.47
Total waste (thousand tonnes) 171.4 209.7 257.9 244.3 267.4 284.15 460.15
*From 2016, data includes gas asset performance, while earlier years only presented data from oil assets.
** In 2018, one of the reasons for an increase in GHG emissions was a change in the calculation methodology of fugitive emissions.

2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Total number 2 2 4 2 3 1 2
Employees 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Contractors 2 2 4 2 3 1 2
Fatal accident rate (fatalities per 100
million working hours, both employees and
contractors) 1.25 1.17 2.17 1.08 1.56 0.44 0.93
Total recordable case frequency (TRCF)
(All injuries per million working hours, both
employees and contractors) 1.17 0.98 0.97 0.98 0.98 0.72 0.71
Lost Time Injury Frequency (LTIF) (Lost
time Injuries per million working hours, both
employees and contractors) 0.29 0.26 0.32 0.28 0.22 0.20 0.15
Motor Vehicle Incidents (MVIs)
Serious MVI Frequency (LTI, MTC, RWC and
roll-over MVI incidents per million km driven) 0.16 0.15 0.16 0.11 0.12 0.07 0.06
Process Safety
Tier-1 incidents 11 13 22 11 8 13 3
Million manhours worked 160 170.5 184.0 184.9 196.3 224.9 215.8
Million kilometres driven 252 251.1 262.2 278.2 300.5 314.1 314.4
Total Recordable Occupational Illness
Frequency (TROIF) (Illnesses per million
working hours, employees only) 1.7 0.17 0.07 0.13 0.13 0.06 0.57

GRI Content Index

This report has been prepared in accordance with the GRI Standards: Core Option.
For the Materiality Disclosures Service, GRI Services reviewed that the GRI content index is clearly presented
and the references for Disclosures 102-40 to 102-49 align with appropriate sections in the body of the report.
GRI Standard Disclosure UNGC Principle Page External Assurance
GRI 101: Foundation 2016

General Disclosures

GRI 102: 102-1 Name of the organisation No specific COP 6 Ministry of Oil and Gas
General requirement
2016 102-2 Activities, brands, products and ” 6-8 Ministry of Oil and Gas
102-3 Location of headquarters ” About This Report Ministry of Oil and Gas
102-4 Location of operations ” 6-8 Ministry of Oil and Gas
102-5 Ownership and legal form ” 6-8 Ministry of Oil and Gas,
Ministry of Finance
102-6 Markets served ” 29 Ministry of Oil and Gas,
Ministry of Finance
102-7 Scale of the organisation ” 6-8 Ministry of Finance,
Ministry of Oil and Gas
102-8 Information on employees and ” 9 Ministry of Manpower
other workers
102-9 Supply chain ” -
102-10 Significant changes to the ” 4, 12-17 -
organisation and its supply chain
102-11 Precautionary Principle or Principle 7 53, 55, 65 Ministry of Environment
approach and Climate Affairs
102-12 External initiatives Principles 1-10 About This Report, 11, ISO 14001:2004
65 ISO 55001:2014
102-13 External initiatives No specific COP 13 -

Strategy 102-14 Statement from senior decision- Statement of 4, 12 -

maker continuing support
102-15 Key impacts, risk and opportunities 22, 23 -

Ethics and 102-16 Values, principles, standards, and Principle 10 8-11 -

Integrity norms of behaviour

Governance 102-18 Governance structure Principle 10 8 -

Stakeholder 102-40 List of stakeholder groups ” 18, 22-23 -

102-41 Collective bargaining agreements ” 51 Ministry of Manpower
102-42 Identifying and selecting ” 18, 22-23 -
102-43 Approach to stakeholder ” 18, 22 -
102-44 Key topics/concerns raised ” 22 -

GRI Standard Disclosure UNGC Principle Page External Assurance

Reporting 102-45 Entries included in the - 6-8 State Audit Institution,
Practice consolidated financial statements Ministry of Finance
102-46 Defining report content and No specific COP 18, 22-23, 83 -
topic Boundaries requirement
102-47 List of material topics ” 22-23 -
102-48 Restatements of information ” There have been no -
specific restatements
102-49 Changes in reporting ” There are no specific -
102-50 Reporting period Sphere of influence About This Report -
102-51 Date of most recent previous ” About This Report -
102-52 Reporting cycle ” About This Report -
102-53 Contact point for questions ” About This Report -
regarding the report
102-54 Claims of reporting in accordance ” About This Report, 72 -
with GRI standards
102-55 GRI content index ” 72 -
102-56 External assurance ” About This Report -
Material Topics
Economic Performance
GRI 103: 103-1 Explanation of the material topic Principle 7 14-15 -
Management and its boundaries
103-2 The management approach and its Principle 7 14-15 -
103-3 Evaluation of the management Principle 7 14-15 -
GRI 201: 201-1 Direct economic value generated No specific COP 43-47 Ministry of Finance
Economic and distributed requirement
201-2 Financial implications and other Principle 7 59-63, 65-69 Ministry of Finance
risks and opportunities due to climate
201-3 Defined benefit plan obligations No specific COP 51 Ministry of Finance
and other retirement plans requirement
201-4 Financial assistance received from No specific COP 11 Ministry of Finance
the government requirement
Market Presence
GRI 103: 103-1 Explanation of the material topic Principle 7 50 -
Management and its boundaries
103-2 The management approach and its Principle 7 50 -
103-3 Evaluation of the management Principle 7 17, 50 -
GRI 202: 202-2 Proportion of senior management No specific COP 8, 49 Ministry of Manpower
Market hired from the local community requirement
Presence 2016

GRI Standard Disclosure UNGC Principle Page External Assurance

Indirect Economic Impacts

GRI 103: 103-1 Explanation of the material topic Principle 7 20 -

Management and its boundaries
2016 103-2 The management approach and its Principle 7 20, 43, 54 -

103-3 Evaluation of the management Principle 7 20, 43, 54 -


GRI 203: 203-1 Infrastructure investments and No specific COP 17, 20, 43-44, 54 Ministry of Social
Indirect services supported requirement Development
Impacts 2016 203-2 Significant indirect economic No specific COP 54-55 Ministry of Social
impacts requirement Development

Procurement Practices

GRI 103: 103-1 Explanation of the material topic Principle 7 9, 43-47 -

Management and its boundaries
2016 103-2 The management approach and its Principle 7 9, 43-47 -

103-3 Evaluation of the management Principle 7 9, 43-47 -


GRI 204: 204-1 Proportion of spending on local No specific COP 43-47 Ministry of Oil and Gas,
Procurement suppliers requirement Ministry of Manpower,
Practices 2016 Ministry of Finance


GRI 103: 103-1 Explanation of the material topic Principle 7 10, 11 -

Management and its boundaries
2016 103-2 The management approach and its Principle 7 10, 11 -

103-3 Evaluation of the management Principle 7 10, 11 -


GRI 205: Anti- 205-1 Operations assessed for risks Principle 10 10, 11 -
Corruption related to corruption
205-2 Communication and training on Principle 10 10 -
anti-corruption policies and procedures

205-3 Confirmed incidents of corruption Principle 10 10, 11 State Audit Institution

and actions taken

Anti-Competitive Behaviour

GRI 103: 103-1 Explanation of the material topic Principle 7 10, 11 -

Management and its boundaries
2016 103-2 The management approach and its Principle 7 10, 11 -

103-3 Evaluation of the management Principle 7 10, 11 -


GRI 206: Anti- 206-1 Legal actions for anti-competitive Principle 10 Not applicable. PDO is -
Competitive behaviour, anti-trust, and monopoly not engaged in anti-
Behaviour practices competitive behaviour,
2016 anti-trust or monopoly

GRI Standard Disclosure UNGC Principle Page External Assurance

GRI 103: 103-1 Explanation of the material topic Principle 7 61 -
Management and its boundaries
Approach 103-2 The management approach and its Principle 7 61 -
2016 components
103-3 Evaluation of the management Principle 7 61 -
GRI 301: 301-1 Materials used by weight or Principles 7,8,9 60-61, 65, 70 Ministry of Environment
Materials volume and Climate Affairs
2016 301-3 Reclaimed products and their No specific COP Not applicable -
packaging materials requirement
GRI 103: 103-1 Explanation of the material topic Principle 7 14-15, 61 -
Management and its boundaries
Approach 103-2 The management approach and its Principle 7 14-15, 61 -
2016 components
103-3 Evaluation of the management Principle 7 14-15, 61 -
GRI 302: 302-1 Energy consumption within the Principles 8,9 59, 65, 70 -
Energy 2016 organisation
302-3 Energy intensity Principles 8,9 59, 65, 70 -
302-4 Reduction of energy consumption Principles 8,9 14-15, 59-62, 65-66 Ministry of Environment
and Climate Affairs
GRI 103: 103-1 Explanation of the material topic Principle 7 61 -
Management and its boundaries
Approach 103-2 The management approach and its Principle 7 61 -
2016 components
103-3 Evaluation of the management Principle 7 61 -
GRI 303: 303-1 Water withdrawal by source Principles 8, 9 61, 70 Ministry of Environment
Water 2016 and Climate Affairs
303-2 Water sources significantly affected Principles 7, 8,9 61, 70 -
by withdrawal of water
303-3 Water recycled and reused Principles 7, 8, 9 Not available -
GRI 103: 103-1 Explanation of the material topic Principle 7 20, 61 -
Management and its boundaries
Approach 103-2 The management approach and its Principle 7 20, 61 -
2016 components
103-3 Evaluation of the management Principle 7 20, 61 -
GRI 304: Bio- 304-3 Habitats protected or restored Principles 7, 8, 9 20, 61, 63 Ministry of Environment
diversity 2016 and Climate Affairs
GRI 103: 103-1 Explanation of the material topic Principle 7 14, 65 -
Management and its boundaries
Approach 103-2 The management approach and its Principle 7 14, 65 -
2016 components
103-3 Evaluation of the management Principle 7 14, 65 -

GRI Standard Disclosure UNGC Principle Page External Assurance

GRI 305: 305-1 Direct greenhouse gas (GHG) Principles 7, 8, 9 65, 70 Ministry of Environment
Emissions emissions (Scope 1) and Climate Affairs
2016 305-2 Energy indirect GHG emissions Principles 7, 8, 9 65, 70 -
(Scope 2)
305-3 Other indirect GHG emissions Principles 7, 8, 9 65, 70 -
(Scope 3)
305-4 GHG emissions intensity Principles 7, 8, 9 65, 70 -
305-5 Reduction of GHG emissions Principles 7, 8, 9 65, 70 -
305-6 Emissions of ozone-depleting Principles 7, 8, 9 70 -
substances (ODS)
305-7 NOx, SOx and other significant Principles 7, 8, 9 70 -
area emissions
Effluents and waste
GRI 103: 103-1 Explanation of the material topic Principle 7 14, 65 -
Management and its boundaries
Approach 103-2 The management approach and its Principle 7 14, 65 -
2016 components
103-3 Evaluation of the management Principle 7 14, 65 -
GRI 306: 306-1 Water discharge by quality and Principles 7, 8, 9 70 -
Effluents and destination
waste 2016 306-3 Significant spills Principles 7, 8, 9 65, 70 -
Environmental Compliance
GRI 103: 103-1 Explanation of the material topic Principle 7 8, 9 -
Management and its boundaries
Approach 103-2 The management approach and its Principle 7 8, 9 -
2016 components
103-3 Evaluation of the management Principle 7 8, 9 -
GRI 307: 307-1 Non-compliance with Principles 7, 8, 9 Not applicable -
Environmental environmental laws and regulations
Supplier Environmental Assessment
GRI 103: 103-1 Explanation of the material topic Principle 7 47 -
Management and its boundaries
Approach 103-2 The management approach and its Principle 7 47 -
2016 components
103-3 Evaluation of the management Principle 7 47 -
GRI 308: 308-1 New suppliers that were screened Principles 7, 8, 9 47 -
Supplier using environmental criteria
GRI 103: 103-1 Explanation of the material topic Principle 7 49, 50 -
Management and its boundaries
Approach 103-2 The management approach and its Principle 7 49, 50 -
2016 components
103-3 Evaluation of the management Principle 7 49, 50 -

GRI Standard Disclosure UNGC Principle Page External Assurance

GRI 401: 401-1 New employee hires and No specific COP 49 Ministry of Manpower
Employment employee turnover requirement
401-2 Benefits provided to full-time ” 51 Ministry of Manpower,
employees that are not provided to Ministry of Finance,
temporary or part-time employees Ministry of Oil and Gas

401-3 Parental leave ” 51 -

Labour / Management Relations

GRI 103: 103-1 Explanation of the material topic Principle 7 51 -

Management and its boundaries
2016 103-2 The management approach and its Principle 7 51 -

103-3 Evaluation of the management Principle 7 51 -


GRI 402: 402-1 Minimum notice periods regarding ” 51 Ministry of Manpower

Labour / operational changes
Relations 2016

Occupational Health and Safety

GRI 103: 103-1 Explanation of the material topic Principle 7 13 -

Management and its boundaries
2016 103-2 The management approach and its Principle 7 13 -

103-3 Evaluation of the management Principle 7 13 -


GRI 403: 403-2 Type of injury and rates of injury, ” 13, 71 -

Occupational occupational diseases, lost days, and
Health and absenteeism, and total number of work-
Safety 2016 related fatalities

403-3 Workers with high incidence or ” 49 -

high risk of diseases related to their

Training and Education

GRI 103: 103-1 Explanation of the material topic Principle 7 51 -

Management and its boundaries
2016 103-2 The management approach and its Principle 7 51 -

103-3 Evaluation of the management Principle 7 51 -


GRI 404: 404-1 Average hours of training per year ” 51 -

Training and per employee
2016 404-2 Programmes for upgrading ” 51 -
employee skills and transition assistance

404-3 Percentage of employees receiving ” 51 -

regular performance and career
development reviews

GRI Standard Disclosure UNGC Principle Page External Assurance

Diversity and Equal Opportunity
GRI 103: 103-1 Explanation of the material topic Principle 7 50 -
Management and its boundaries
Approach 103-2 The management approach and its Principle 7 50 -
2016 components
103-3 Evaluation of the management Principle 7 50 -
GRI 405: 405-1 Diversity of governance bodies and No specific COP 49, 50 -
Diversity employees requirement
and Equal 405-2 Ratio of basic salary and Principle 6 51 -
Opportunity remuneration of women to men
GRI 103: 103-1 Explanation of the material topic Principle 7 8-9, 50 -
Management and its boundaries
Approach 103-2 The management approach and its Principle 7 8-9, 50 -
2016 components
103-3 Evaluation of the management Principle 7 8-9, 50 -
GRI 406: Non- 406-1 Incidents of discrimination and Principle 6 50 -
Discrimination corrective actions taken
Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining
GRI 103: 103-1 Explanation of the material topic Principle 7 55 -
Management and its boundaries
Approach 103-2 The management approach and its Principle 7 55 -
2016 components
103-3 Evaluation of the management Principle 7 55 -
GRI 407: 407-1 Operations and suppliers identified Principles 3,4,5,6 56 -
Freedom of in which the right to exercise freedom of
Association association and collective bargaining may
and Collective be at risk
Child Labour
GRI 103: 103-1 Explanation of the material topic Principle 7 57 -
Management and its boundaries
Approach 103-2 The management approach and its Principle 7 57 -
2016 components
103-3 Evaluation of the management Principle 7 57 -
GRI 408: 408-1 Operations and suppliers at Principles 3,4,5,6 57 Royal Oman Police,
Child Labour significant risk for incidents of child labour Ministry of Manpower
Forced or Compulsory Labour
GRI 103: 103-1 Explanation of the material topic Principle 7 57 -
Management and its boundaries
Approach 103-2 The management approach and its Principle 7 57 -
2016 components
103-3 Evaluation of the management Principle 7 57 -

GRI Standard Disclosure UNGC Principle Page External Assurance

GRI 409: 409-1 Operations and suppliers at Principles 3,4,5,6 57 Royal Oman Police,
Forced or significant risk for incidents of forced or Ministry of Manpower
Compulsory compulsory labour
Labour 2016
Security Practices
GRI 103: 103-1 Explanation of the material topic Principle 7 57 -
Management and its boundaries
Approach 103-2 The management approach and its Principle 7 57 -
2016 components
103-3 Evaluation of the management Principle 7 57 -
GRI 410: 410-1 Security personnel trained in Principles 3, 4, 5, 6 Not available will -
Security human rights policies or procedures endeavour to include in
Practices 2016 future reporting cycles
as the next phase of
Project Prism (p. 56)
Rights of Indigenous People
GRI 103: 103-1 Explanation of the material topic Principle 7 57 -
Management and its boundaries
Approach 103-2 The management approach and its Principle 7 57 -
2016 components
103-3 Evaluation of the management Principle 7 57 -
GRI 411: 411-1 Incidents of violations involving Principles 1-2 Not applicable. There Royal Oman Police
Rights of rights of indigenous peoples were no such incidents
People 2016
Human Rights Assessment
GRI 103: 103-1 Explanation of the material topic Principle 7 56 -
Management and its boundaries
Approach 103-2 The management approach and its Principle 7 56 -
2016 components
103-3 Evaluation of the management Principle 7 56 -
GRI 412: 412-1 Operations that have been subject Principles 1-2 56 -
Human Rights to human rights reviews or impact
Assessment assessments
2016 412-2 Employee training on human rights No specific COP 50 -
policies and procedures requirement
Local Communities
GRI 103: 103-1 Explanation of the material topic Principle 7 20 -
Management and its boundaries
Approach 103-2 The management approach and its Principle 7 20 -
2016 components
103-3 Evaluation of the management Principle 7 20 -
GRI 413: Local 413-1 Operations with local community Principle 1 20 -
Communities engagement, impact assessments and
2016 development programmes
413-2 Operations with significant actual Principle 1 Not applicable. There -
and potential negative impacts on local were no such instances

GRI Standard Disclosure UNGC Principle Page External Assurance

Supplier Social Assessment
GRI 103: 103-1 Explanation of the material topic Principle 7 47 -
Management and its boundaries
Approach 103-2 The management approach and its Principle 7 47 -
2016 components
103-3 Evaluation of the management Principle 7 47 -
GRI 414: 414-1 New suppliers that were screened Principles 1, 2 Not available. Will -
Supplier using social criteria endeavour to include in
Social future reporting cycles
Assessment as the next phase of
2016 Project Prism (p. 56)
Public Policy
GRI 103: 103-1 Explanation of the material topic Principle 7 8, 9 -
Management and its boundaries
Approach 103-2 The management approach and its Principle 7 8, 9 -
2016 components
103-3 Evaluation of the management Principle 7 8, 9 -
GRI 415: 415-1 Political contributions No specific COP Not applicable. PDO -
Public Policy requirement does not make political
2016 donations
Marketing Communications
GRI 103: 103-1 Explanation of the material topic Principle 7 8, 9 -
Management and its boundaries
Approach 103-2 The management approach and its Principle 7 8, 9 -
2016 components
103-3 Evaluation of the management Principle 7 8, 9 -
GRI 417: 417-1 Requirement for product and No specific COP Not available. Will PDO is subject to Omani
Marketing and service information and labelling requirement endeavour to have this law
Labelling 2016 information by next
reporting cycle
417-3 Incidents of non-compliance ” Not applicable. There -
concerning product and service were no such incidents
information and labelling of non-compliance
with regulations and
voluntary codes
concerning marketing
Customer Privacy
GRI 103: 103-1 Explanation of the material topic Principle 7 8, 9 -
Management and its boundaries
Approach 103-2 The management approach and its Principle 7 8, 9 -
2016 components
103-3 Evaluation of the management Principle 7 8, 9 -
GRI 418: 418-1 Substantiated complaints ” Not applicable. There PDO is subject to Omani
Customer concerning breaches of customer privacy were no substantiated law
Privacy 2016 and losses of customer data complaints regarding
breaches of customer
privacy and losses of
customer data

GRI Standard Disclosure UNGC Principle Page External Assurance

Socioeconomic Compliance

GRI 103: 103-1 Explanation of the material topic Principle 7 8, 9 -

Management and its boundaries
2016 103-2 The management approach and its Principle 7 8, 9 -

103-3 Evaluation of the management Principle 7 8, 9 -


GRI 419: 419-1 Non-compliance with laws and Principle 10 Not applicable. There State Audit Institution
Socioeconom- regulations in the social and economic were no such instances
ic Compliance area


GRI 103: 103-1 Explanation of the material topic Principle 7 12 -

Management and its boundaries
2016 103-2 The management approach and its Principle 7 12 -

103-3 Evaluation of the management Principle 7 12 -


OG1 Volume and type of estimated proved Principles 7, 8, 9 12, 25, 29 Ministry of Oil and Gas
reserves and production


GRI 103: 103-1 Explanation of the material topic Principle 7 59 -

Management and its boundaries
2016 103-2 The management approach and its Principle 7 59 -

103-3 Evaluation of the management Principle 7 59 -


OG3 Total amount of renewable energy Principles 7, 8, 9 59 -

generated by source

Ecosystem Services Including Biodiversity

GRI 103: 103-1 Explanation of the material topic Principle 7 69 -

Management and its boundaries
2016 103-2 The management approach and its Principle 7 69 -

103-3 Evaluation of the management Principle 7 69 -


OG4 Number and percentage of significant Principles 7, 8, 9 All significant operating PDO fully co-operates
operating sites in which biodiversity risk sites have been with the Ministry of
has been assessed and monitored subjected to rigorous Environment and Climate
environmental impact Affairs

GRI Standard Disclosure UNGC Principle Page External Assurance

Effluents and Waste

GRI 103: 103-1 Explanation of the material topic Principle 7 67 -

Management and its boundaries
2016 103-2 The management approach and its Principle 7 67 -

103-3 Evaluation of the management Principle 7 67 -


OG5 Volume and disposal of formation or Principles 7, 8, 9 61, 70 ISO 14001: 2004
produced water

OG6 Volume of flared and vented Principles 7, 8, 9 65, 70 ISO 14001: 2004

OG7 Amount of drilling waste (drill mud and Principles 7,8,9 67, 70 ISO 14001: 2004
cuttings) and strategies for treatment and

Indigenous Rights

GRI 103: 103-1 Explanation of the material topic Principle 7 20 -

Management and its boundaries
2016 103-2 The management approach and its Principle 7 20 -

103-3 Evaluation of the management Principle 7 20 -


OG9 Operations where indigenous Principle 1 20 Royal Oman Police

communities are present or affected by
activities and where specific engagement
strategies are in place

Local Communities

GRI 103: 103-1 Explanation of the material topic Principle 7 8, 20 -

Management and its boundaries
2016 103-2 The management approach and its Principle 7 8, 20 -

103-3 Evaluation of the management Principle 7 8, 20 -


OG10 Number and description of significant Principle 1 Not applicable. There -

disputes with local communities and were no such instances
indigenous peoples

Involuntary Resettlement

GRI 103: 103-1 Explanation of the material topic Principle 7 8 -

Management and its boundaries
2016 103-2 The management approach and its Principle 7 8 -

103-3 Evaluation of the management Principle 7 8 -


OG12 Operations where involuntary Principle 7 Not applicable. There -

resettlement took place, the number of were no such instances
households resettled in each and how
their livelihoods were affected in the

GRI Standard Disclosure UNGC Principle Page External Assurance

Asset Integrity and Process Safety

GRI 103: 103-1 Explanation of the material topic Principle 7 33, 70 -

Management and its boundaries
2016 103-2 The management approach and its Principle 7 33, 70 -

103-3 Evaluation of the management Principle 7 33, 70 -


OG13 Number of process safety events, by Principle 7 33, 70 Ministry of Environment

business activity and Climate Affairs

Fossil Fuel Substitutes

GRI 103: 103-1 Explanation of the material topic Principle 7 61 -

Management and its boundaries
2016 103-2 The management approach and its Principle 7 61 -

103-3 Evaluation of the management Principle 7 61 -


OG14 Volume of biofuels produced and Principle 7 Not applicable. PDO ISO 14001-2004
purchased meeting sustainability criteria does not produce
biofuels for use in its
operations or for third

HSE impact
Infrastructure development Economic performance
Very High

Sustainable business model

Operational performance
Corporate governance
Community commitment
Customer satisfaction
Level of concern to stakeholders

Business ethics
In-Country Value
Supply chain Employee satisfaction
Supply chain management

Media Diversity and Inclusion

R and D

Low Medium High Very High

Current potential impact on our business

Visual representation of prioritisation of topics (GRI 102-46)


Awards and Certifications in 2018


Award Organiser Award Category Award Title

Shell Upstream International Impact Safety Leadership and the Pit-Less Drilling System
Awards Environment Category

Shell Upstream International Impact Effective People Category PDO Insourcing Project

Shell Upstream International Impact Safety Leadership and the Ras Al Hamra Development Project
Awards Environment Category HSE Training Centre

Shell Upstream International Impact Competitive Portfolio Category Contract Optimisation Reviews

Shell Upstream International Impact Effective People Category Diversity and Inclusion Mission in
Awards PDO

Shell Upstream International Impact Fit for the Future Category Seismic Acquisition: Ultra High
Awards Productivity and PreSDM Delivery

Oman Society for Petroleum Services Best Practice in Health, Safety and 6 MWp Solar Power Car Park Project
(OPAL) Awards Environment Category

Oman Society for Petroleum Services Best Practice in the Small Business Banat Oman Programme
(OPAL) Awards Development Category

Oman Society for Petroleum Services Best Practice in Health, Safety and Ihtimam Behaviour-based Safety
(OPAL) Awards Environment Category (BBS) System

Al Roya Economic Awards Best Private Sector Project Award Miraah Solar Steam Project

Oil and Gas Review’s Excellence in Best Sustainable Energy Project Miraah Solar Steam Project
Energy Awards Award

Gas and LNG Middle East Summit Gas Executive of the Year Award Raoul Restucci

Oil and Gas Review’s Excellence in Energy Person of the Year Award Amran Al Marhubi
Energy Awards

Alam al-Iktisaad Wal A’mal (AIWA) Inspiring Leadership in In-Country Abdul Amir Al Ajmi
Awards Value (ICV) Award

American Association of Petroleum Women in Geoscience Award Intisaar Al Kindy

Geologists (AAPG)
83 Ω 2018 ΩÉ©d áeGóà°S’G ôjô≤J

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2018 ‘ äGOÉ¡°ûdGh õFGƒ÷G 82

2018 »a äGOÉ¡°ûdGh õFGƒédG

81 Ω 2018 ΩÉ©d áeGóà°S’G ôjô≤J

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IóëàŸG ôjQÉ≤àdG OGóYE’
∂∏J πãe óLƒJ ’ .≥Ñ£æj ’ 1 CGóÑŸG äÉ©ªàéŸG ™e IÒÑμdG äÉYGõædG ∞°Uhh OóY OG10
ä’É◊G Ú«∏°UC’G ¿Éμq °ùdGh á«∏q ëŸG
- 8 7 CGóÑŸG ÉgOhóMh IOóëŸG ájOÉŸG ÖfGƒ÷G ìô°T 1-103 è¡ædG :GRI 103
- 8 7 CGóÑŸG √ô°UÉæYh IQGOE’ÉH ¢UÉÿG è¡ædG 2-103 IQGO’E ÉH ¢UÉÿG
- 8 7 CGóÑŸG IQGOE’ÉH ¢UÉÿG è¡ædG º««≤J 3-103 2016
- ∂∏J πãe óLƒJ ’ .≥Ñ£æj ’ 7 CGóÑŸG ÒZ ÚWƒàdG IOÉYEG â“ å«M äÉ«∏ª©dG OG12
ä’É◊G É¡æ«WƒJ É¡JOÉYEG â“ »àdG ô°SC’G OóY ,á«Yƒ£dG
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äÉ«∏ª©dG áeÓ°Sh äGOƒLƒŸG ájõgÉL
- 70 ,33 7 GC óÑŸG ÉgOhóMh IOóëŸG ájOÉŸG ÖfGƒ÷G ìô°T 1-103 è¡ædG :GRI 103
- 70 ,33 7 CGóÑŸG √ô°UÉæYh IQGOE’ÉH ¢UÉÿG è¡ædG 2-103 IQGOE’ÉH ¢UÉÿG
- 70 ,33 7 GC óÑŸG IQGO’E ÉH ¢UÉÿG è¡ædG º««≤J 3-103 2016
á«NÉæŸG ¿hDƒ°ûdGh áÄ«ÑdG IQGRh 70 ,33 7 CGóÑŸG ´ƒf Ö°ùM äÉ«∏ª©dG áeÓ°S çOGƒM OóY OG13
…QƒØMC’G OƒbƒdG πFGóH
- 61 7 CGóÑŸG ÉgOhóMh IOóëŸG ájOÉŸG ÖfGƒ÷G ìô°T 1-103 è¡ædG :GRI 103
- 61 7 CGóÑŸG √ô°UÉæYh IQGOE’ÉH ¢UÉÿG è¡ædG 2-103 IQGOE’ÉH ¢UÉÿG
- 61 7 CGóÑŸG IQGOE’ÉH ¢UÉÿG è¡ædG º««≤J 3-103 2016
2004-14001 hõjBG èàæJ ’ ácô°ûdG .≥Ñ£æj ’ 7 CGóÑŸG É«k aƒà°ùe ,iΰûŸG èàæŸG …ƒ«◊G OƒbƒdG ºéM OG14
¬eGóîà°S’ …ƒ«M Oƒbh áeGóà°S’G ÒjÉ©e
ΩGóîà°S’ hCG É¡JÉ«∏ªY ‘
iôNCG äÉ¡L

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…OÉ°üàb’G AGOC’G á«°SÉ°SC’G á«æÑdG ôjƒ£J
GóL ™ØJôe

áeGóà°ùŸG ∫ɪYC’G êPƒ‰

äÉ«∏ª©dG ∫É› ‘ AGO’G
ácô°ûdG ‘ áªcƒ◊G
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- 12 7 CGóÑŸG ÉgOhóMh IOóëŸG ájOÉŸG ÖfGƒ÷G ìô°T 1-103 è¡ædG :GRI 103
- 12 7 CGóÑŸG √ô°UÉæYh IQGOE’ÉH ¢UÉÿG è¡ædG 2-103 IQGOE’ÉH ¢UÉÿG
- 12 7 GC óÑŸG IQGO’E ÉH ¢UÉÿG è¡ædG º««≤J 3-103
RɨdGh §ØædG IQGRh 29 ,25 ,12 9 ,8 ,7 ÇOÉÑŸG êÉàfE’Gh IQóq ≤ŸG IóqcDƒŸG äÉWÉ«àM’G ´ƒfh ºéM OG1

- 59 7 CGóÑŸG ÉgOhóMh IOóëŸG ájOÉŸG ÖfGƒ÷G ìô°T 1-103 è¡ædG :GRI 103
- 59 7 GC óÑŸG √ô°UÉæYh IQGO’E ÉH ¢UÉÿG è¡ædG 2-103 IQGOE’ÉH ¢UÉÿG
- 59 7 CGóÑŸG IQGOE’ÉH ¢UÉÿG è¡ædG º««≤J 3-103
- 59 9 ,8 ,7 ÇOÉÑŸG Ö°ùM IóqdƒŸG IOóq éàŸG ábÉ£dG ᫪q c ‹ÉªLEG OG3
»FÉ«MC’G ´ƒq æàdG á∏eÉ°T »Ä«ÑdG ΩɶædG äÉeóN
- 69 7 GC óÑŸG ÉgOhóMh IOóëŸG ájOÉŸG ÖfGƒ÷G ìô°T 1-103 è¡ædG :GRI 103
- 69 7 CGóÑŸG √ô°UÉæYh IQGOE’ÉH ¢UÉÿG è¡ædG 2-103 IQGOE’ÉH ¢UÉÿG
- 69 7 CGóÑŸG IQGOE’ÉH ¢UÉÿG è¡ædG º««≤J 3-103
§Øf ᫪æJ ácô°T ¿hÉ©àJ á«∏«¨°ûàdG ™bGƒŸG ™«ªL 9 ,8 ,7 ÇOÉÑŸG ™°†îJ »àdG áeq É¡dG á«∏«¨°ûàdG ™bGƒŸG áÑ°ùfh OóY OG4
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2018 ΩÉY äGõéæe ºgCG

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23 Ω 2018 ΩÉ©d áeGóà°S’G ôjô≤J

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