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^a^eaC S^+W Pe-^i^f^^ irtn. Ps>*^i(!C-i-3^2,*'f^

Hs^yt^ N A&y^i^H4, fi^, /^^//kA.e^ , Ne^ tf6i4<.

He are most grateful to the publishers and authors who have
kindly allowed us to use their material

Colin Sm\tlie Limited for extracts from Tlie Middle Kingdom by

Dermot Mac Manus,

The Folklore Sociery for an extract from

Somerset Folklore Country Senes I III b\ Ruth L. Tongue.

EP Publisliins; Limited torextrac ts from Bntish Goblins by

Win Sikes (originalK published b\ Sampson Low. Marstoii,
Searle & Rivington- 1»«)).

Samuel W'eiser, Inc. for extracts from Tlie Coming of the Fairies
In .\rthui ( lonan Doyle.

I heosophical Publishing House Ltd for extracts from Fames

at Work and at Flay b\ CJeoHiey Hodson.

VVc are also indebted to Sarah Teale for her in\ aluable editorial
assistance and advice in the preparation of this Ixx )k.

Library ofdongressC^atalogueC^ard Number: 78-60699

International Standard Book Number: ()-«l()')-0<M)l-4

Copyright © 1978 Rufus Publications. Inc.

Published in 1978 Harry N. Abrams, Inc. New ^brk.


All rights reser\ ed. No part ofthe contents of this book may
be reporoduced without the written permission ofthe publishers.
C^olor reproduction by Carlton Repro International Ltd.
a di\ ision ofSir Joseph C^auston & .Sons Ltd. London and Eastleigh.

Printed and bound in the Inited States of .America.


The words ley' and come liom the French

and started to replace the Old English 'elt^ during the
Tudor period. Spenser and Shakespeare popularised
the change. 'Elfland' and *Faeneland\ 'Elf and
"Faerie" \\ ere and are still interchangeable words.
The spellings of 'faerie' are numerous: fayer\ e, tain e,
fa\ re, laerie. laen, lain. In this book Faerie refers to
the world of Faerie as an entit\ (noun), as a
geograj)hical location, as a general name for its
inhabilanls (faerie, faeries) and as an adjectixe to
describe its attributes, e.g., faerie music. Fain
(fairies) is applied to a particular, diminutive,
generally female species of Faerie; or when the
spelling is common usage, e.g. fairy Ibol, a hill,

\'ellow Fain- CUub, a toadstool; or if used in a source


Nomenclature is difficult in Faerie. The same faerie

species ma\ have \arious names according to the
region. The denizens of Faerie are so varied that in the
past some ha\e been wrongly or carelessK'
categorized. One species shades into the next, so it is
difficult to state precisely w here a Bogie ends and a
Bogle begins. And what of the shape of shifting
faeries? In one form the\ may be in one categon and
in another form a quite different one. Hence no
sensible rules appl\- to terminologA or, indeed, any
other aspect of Faerie — it is a law unto itself. We shall
do the best we can to clarify with the facts axailable.

The pronunciation of niany of the names of specific

faerie indix iduals or tribes may be difficult. For

purposes of clarity, howexer, ue haxegixen xvhere

possible approximate pronunciation equixalenis
after proper names.
TZ}^U^<T>1^^ - /^ IMBi^
We say ''by ay of'' berause there leally is no
\\ This is precisely the core ol much of i heir eiiwof
introduction to tiie w orld ofFaerie. 1 hat is. no one mortals and the .source of a good deal of the trouble
can introduce \ ou to Ikeries. (This is an old-fashioned for faeries are themsekcs creatures of the
idea, probal^ly rooted in the w ealtli of questionable raw stuiroflile and are ceaselessly attracted to all
fiction about these ul^icjuitous creatures) forms ofVreati\ir\ and pariiciihuly to momenisof"
high emotion in w hich the\ seek to be ])articip<niis.
The fact is. they will either accept you as a part of their Lovers, pc^ets, artists, w riters. sculptors, wcax crs.
world, or the\ won't. It's up to them. Sometimes musicians and the like -all the arts, inckrd.
indeed, a totalK' unwilling human will ne\ ertheless acknowk^dgeadebl to an unidentifiable, invisible.
become captix e (i.e. captixated) -taken by Faerie for caj)ricious. sensitixc, delicate-. c-lusi\c-ancl powerful
their own purposes. Sometimes no amount of which
force is called "insj)iralioir". or ".\Iusc-"" and is

moonino- around in misty forest glades or generalK irresistil)le when j^re.sent. It is no

communing with nature at the bottom of'ihe garden
coincidence that thc^searealso he chief characteristics

(erroneously said to be a laxourite haunt of faeries)

of Faerie. Hence Faerie should be held as infinitely
will bringabout an\ ihingotlu-r than a general sense \aluable.
ol damj3.
Faerie is a world ofdark enchantments, of cajitixating
Our own personal experience with faeries is
beauts', ofenornwtis ugliness, of callous su|)eiiiciality.
complicated. I'his is necessarih sowilh creatures of
of humour, mi.sciiief. joy and inspiration, of terror,
such \aried and e\er-ciianging character In an elloii
laughter, loxeand tragedy. It is far richer than fiction
to bring some order, at least, loa controxcMsial would generally lc\id one to beliex e and. beyond that,
subject, wc ha\e explored legend. m\ ih. folklore.
it isa world toenter with extreme caution. fc)i"of all

fiuMieloreand excn ouiriglu fanlasx. Ii has been things that faeries resent the most humans
it is curious
nec'cssaiA to sill down the massolnuuerial thus l)lundering about their private- domains like- so main
acxumulated to practical dimensions. Our book ill-mannered tourists. So go softly - where the
therefore is di\ ided uj3 into xarious categories of faerie rewards are enchanting, the dangers are real.
(where j)ossil)le) and into \arious categories of faerie
experience. Btit the time is getting short le)r the taking of such
delicious risks — faerie ccjntact with humans.
.\iulherewcnuisi makeonelhingxcMA clear. I hereal dejXMident as it is on the natural world of humans, is

faeiieexpeiicnce is xciAcliflerent fi'om the general shrinking withourown shrinking habitat. It is time-
xiewof faerie buill upb\ cioudsof seniimenial fichon and bexond- to distinguish theaccunuilaled
with legionsof ine\ iiable ha|)i)ily-e\er-aftei- endings. sujXM'stitionsand conjectural fictions about I"ae-rie
I he w ( )rld ( )f
""( )nce I ' jx )n a 1 "ime— ". delightluf as it is
from its reality, to study the woildoflaerie with, we
and higliK as wcxalue ii. is iioi ihc- ical world ol hojx'. kindlyobjeciixiiyanda j)ropeicMije)xinentolits
laerie. laerie repi'esenls Power. m<igical power. iruexaiue te) man.
incom|)rehensil)le lo humans, .ind lieiu c. inimical.
II must al\\a\sl)erememberc-d thai iliough ihewoiid
ol laerie- is to.i large exleni deixMulenl on humans,
faeries are alien creauires w ilh \alues and ethicsfar
remoxc'd fiom mankind: thesclo not I hiiik. and most
nol.ibK. the\ do not jecL the wa\ tli.u luim.insdo. Cy^M^ ^Ml('
} ' 'i-

The myths and legends about Faerie are man\- and
dixerse, and ollen contradicton Only one thing is

certain — that nothing is certain. All things are

possible in the land of Faerie.

Faerie Ongins:
The mystery of Faerie has been, oni the earliest li

times, a subject of human speculation. W hai are

faeries? \\ here did they come from!^

\orse mytiiologA relates how the maggots emerging

from the corpse ol the giani \\\\\x iranslormed
themsekes into the Light l^K es and the Dark Kl\ es.
Light el\ es. li\ ing in the air. are benign, haj^py
creatures, but the dark ekes, w hose domains are the
underground regions, are swcU'iln. exihuid blighting.

The Icelandic \ci"sion, on ihc other luuicL slates that

L\e was \\ ashing all Ikt children In the rixci" w hen
God spoke loher. In herawx-and iearshehid diose
children she had not already washed. Ciod asked il all

her children were there and she replied that they were.
He then declared that those she had hidden from him
would be hidden from num. Ihese hidden ciiildren
became the ekes or taeries and were kn( )wn as H uldre
Folk in the Scandinavian coiiniries. Huldre girls are
exceptionalk beautiful. Ijui w ith long cow siails; or
else they are hollow behind, presenting only a
beautiful front. Thus they fulfil the deception of their

Elsewhere laeries are beliex ed to be iallen angels; or

the heathen dead, not g(x>d enough for Hea\ en. but
notexil enough to find a jMacein Hell -compelled to
li\e lbre\ er 'in between" in the iw iliglil regions, the

Middle Kingdom. In Dexon lor instance pixies are

considered tobethesoulsofunbapiised hildn-n. (

Howexer. these beliefs stem only from the adxent of

CHiristianity. bajDtism being uiiknoxvn prior to that
time, and hence cannot be regarded as reliable.

Faerie xcn ancient and predates Christianity b\


scxeml millenia. Moreox er it exists, and has existed,

in \ an ingtbrms, in many (ountriesall oxer the world.
FAER to lie with his knights, in the heart of a faerie hill, in a
deep sleep from which he will awake in our hour
of need again to rule o\er this land.
Where is 'Faerieland'? Its position is elusive. It is

sometimes just over the horizon and sometimes Faerie can reveal itself, bright and glittering without
beneath our feet. Yet there ha\e been periods when warning, anywhere and just as suddenly disappear.
faerieland was thought to be an actual geographical I ts and anc\ are all around
frontiers of twilight, mists 1

area, although e\en this has tended to shift. For us and, like a tide running out, can momentariK
instance, the Welsh first thought it was to the North of reveal Faerie before flowing back to conceal it again.
their mountainous land, and then in the mysterious, The inhabitants of faerieland can be di\ided into
rocky and misU' west peninsular of Pembrokeshire. \arious different species according to habitat. In
Later it mo\ed to an island lying in the Irish Channel addition to the solitar\-li\inu; faeries, there are manv
off thePembrokeshire coast. It was seen sometimes rural elf types w ho make their homes in the forests (or
by sailors, and even landed on, but would then sometimes, more specificalK; 'adopt' a tree to such
disconcertingly disappear. Xe\ertheless, its faerie an extent that the faerie and the tree become more or
inhabitants were said to be frequent \isitors to the less synonymous), fields, hills and mountain ca\es.

markets of Laugharne and Milford Haxen.The Irish There are those that li\e on faerie islands or in
called the phantom isle Hy Breasail and, for them, it countries under the oceans while there are also water
lay to the West. To Britons it was the Isle of Man faeries inhabiting the seas, lakes and rixers. Finally

that was the faerie isle. The Isle of Man is a rich there are the domestic and house-spirits (brownies
source of faerie lore. and so forth).

Avalon is probably the most famous of faerie islands. Amongst the various species, life-st\'les vary
The legendary King Arthur, described by the X\'th considerably between the small family units, the
centurv' poet Lydgate as a 'King -crowned \ in hierarchicalK-organised communities (often
Fairve', was brought here mortally wounded to be inhabiting hollow hills) and the solitaiy independent
tended by four faerie queens. Arthur is beliexcd still faeries such as the Leprechauns.

, _y>X"0t \ \ ,;,

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1- //

Ancient earthworks, forts and barrows are the It is definitely not recommended that faerie hills (or
traditional home of faeries. The Gaelic for faerie is other habitat) be invaded by trespassers. But there is

Sidhe (Shee) meaning people of the hills. At night nothing to be said against discreet observ ation, and a
faerie hills are often seen ablaze with myriad sparkling friendly watcher may be rewarded. If, howexer, the
lights. Sometimes the hill may raise itself upon pillars faeries seem reluctant to emerge from their hill, the
to reveal the brilliant lights of Faeriewhich gradually entrance ma\" be disco\ered by walking nine times
move ofTin procession towards another hill. Lammas around the hill at full moon. The entry way will then
Tide (August 7) is the traditional time for this. be re\ealed. For those not bra\e enough actually to
Hollantide (Xo\ ember 1 1) is, howexer, the time when enter the faeries home, an ear pressed close to the
Hillmen or Hogmen, the most feared of Manx Faerie ground may be rew arded b\' the sounds of faerie
people, choose to mo\'e their abode. One does not revels.

\enture abroad on the night of November 1 1 if one is Besides being used for living in, the hollow hills are
wise. Hogmen use well trodden paths and ways, hiding places for gold, and are also often used as faerie
usually running in straight lines between faerie hills; burial places. We alread\- know about King Arthur
centuries of moving in this way has led to an in\isible .Another king. King Sil, sits in his golden armour on
faerie cats-cradle crossing the whole countrv*. 0\er his horse, deep inside Silbur\- Hill, Wiltshire.

the millenia, a residual concentration of |X)wer has A similar stor\- surrounds the Hill of the Goblins,
accumulated at thejunctions, or crossways, of these Br\n yr Ellyllon, near Mold, Glyd Flint; it is haunted
paths, and thesejunctions are close to many by a figure in gold armour Excavations as recent as
historically sacred human gathering places. 1833 did in fact re\eal a skeleton v\ith a gold corselet.
Faeries go to great pains to protect their homes and some by accident, some by sudden
their enterprise,

their gold. Treasure seekers digging into faerie hills death, and some by violent fevers, all paid with their
are warned by strange voices, baleful sounds and wild lives.'

storms. Should these warnings be ignored, ill luck, Reported in the 'Old Lore Miscellany' ofjuly, 1911,

disaster and even death will be the only reward. The is an account of an Orkney farmer, warned by a
Reverend Warne relates in 'Proceeding',
F. Trow not to dig in a mound in his field on pain of
(Somerset, 5 i 30fl) 1854,how some men, eager to find losing six cows and 'six funerals from the house,
treasure in a hill known as Casde Neroche in fellow', who nevertheless continued his
Somerset, 'violated thesancdty ofthis mysterious hill. depredadons and lost both catde and family.

But before they had found a single coin they were

seized with a panic fear, and renounced their
presumptuous enterprises, and wonderful and awiul
to relate, within one month of the commencement of

Clearly one cannot idly invade or desecrate the
chosen habitat of faeries. Ill-advised is he who elects
to build on faerie terrain for the little people are
perfectly capable of moving houses, churches and
even castles if they object to their location. Houses
built imprudently across a faerie path suffer from
disturbance. One such afflicted house build in
Ireland had an outside comer that was just
o\erlapping a faerie way. At night the house was filled

with noise and shook and seemed to be in danger of

falling down. It was not until the offending corner
was trimmed off that peace came to the house. In
similar cases the problem has been soKed to some
extent by lea\ing the front and back doors open at
night to allow the faeries free passage. Despite this
rather chilly solution man\- small cottages in Ireland,
as a precaution against this t\pe of disturbance, ha\e
their front and back doors opposite each other.

.f ir"
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-:v, .V

Invitations to visit a faerie hill should be treated ver\^

cautiously and all offers of food and drink refused as

this could lead to perpetual enslavement. This and
many other features of the faeries' underground
existence are strikingly similar to the mythological
ideas of an Underworld, complete with an
omnipotent monarch, in which the merest morsel (a

pomegranate seed in Proserpine's case) renders the

mortal incapable of escape.

The parallel between Faerie and Hades is well

illustrated in the story of St Collen's meeting with
Gwyn ap Nudd. Gwyn ap Nudd is the head of the
Plant Annwn (which can roughly be translated as the
Family of Hades) whose underground domain has as
entrances the Lakes of Wales. In this story, however,
Glastonbury Tor is the location of Gwyn s palace.

St Collen, who lived in a hermit s cell at the foot of the

Tor, refused several invitations to visit the castle
which had miraculously appeared at the summit.
At last he relented and. climbing the hill, entered the
manellous building. Here he found beautiful
maidens and handsome \ouths, troops ofsoldiers and
scores of attendants dressed in scarlet and blue. I he
King, Gw\'n ap Xudd, offered him food and drink
but St Gollen replied i do not eat the lea\Ts of a tree,'
and when Gwaii asked him if he admired the li\en' of
his pages, C-ollen answered that the colours, 'scarlet
for the ever-living flames and blue for the eternal ice of

Heir were appropriate for their demonic natures.

Then he cast the iioK \\ ater lie had taken care to bring
with himoxertlie assembly and they and their palace
disappeared leaving St Collen standing alone on the
bare summit.

The fact that a biblical \ iew of Hell is presented in

this stor\- only demonstrates with what eagerness the
supernatural inhabitants of the Pagan woiid were
conscripted into the Christian demonologN.



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Faerie musicians ha\e a magical skill, and many
songs and airs v\ hich today are widely known in the

human world haxe their origins in Faerie. The

Londondern air is one such tune. Faeries are
passionately fond of music and outstanding human
musicians are at risk of being lured into the land of
Faerie lor the sake of their talent.

Faerie melodies are know n to be beautiful and

plaintixe vet wild and capiiciousand they ha\ea fatal
charm for mortal ears. A wistful laerie air may lull the
listener into a fatal sleep while, at best, he might
become draw n into a melancholic ibrgetfulness,
hearing forever the vague, yearning music, a constant
reminder of the unattainable. Morgan Gwilym, who
saw the faeries and heard their music d\ ing awa\- w as
only able (fortunateh lor him) to recall the final

strains which, he .said, sounded like this:

3 (
\/^^n'eyU^ of A^^^^^^-^^s/


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^^-crt^ -^ix^^i^ Ua^ H-u2yi^ ACxt/ei^/ 5/t.<;rK./^

^';fe> \
There is an Irish faerie legend which tells of an

THE Le(TeMP unfortunate

humpback called Lusmore who li\ed in
glen at the foot of the gloomy Galtee


mountains. T. C^rofton C'roker in his 'Fairy Legends

KMOCK^RAFTDH and Traditions of the South ofIreland'

poor Lusmore (so called because he always wore a
tells us that

sprig of Lusmore or (bxglo\e in his little straw hat)

suffered twolbld Irom his deformit\ as the countr\'
people were somewhat frightened of his unnatural
appearance and shunned him. Lusmore's hump was
gigantic, 'he looked] ust as if his body had been rolled
up and placed on his shoulders and his head was
pressed down \\ ith the weight so much that his chin,
\\ hen he was sitting, used to rest on his knees for
support.' Some ignorant locals e\en made up strange
him although this w as probably also out
stories about

ofen\Aas Lusmore was a talented craftsman, plaiting

straw and rushes into fine hats and baskets which
inxariably Ictched a better price than those made
b\ others.

One exening howexer as Lusmore was returning

home from the prettx town ofC-ahir, he sat down a
moment to rest his wean' limbs by the old moat of
Knockgrafton. PrescntK he heard beautiful yet
unearthly music coming from the moat. The melody
was so capti\ating that Lusmore listened intently
until he became wean, of the repetition of the tune.

After a while there w as a pause and Lusmore took up

the song himself, raising it higher, and then went on
singing with the voices inside the moat. The faeries
were delighted with this variation in their melody and
'with instant resoKe, it was determined to bring the

mortal among them, whose musical skill so far

exceeded theirs, and little Lusmore was conveyed
into their company with the eddying speed ofa
whirlwind.' The happy faeries paid just tribute to
Lusmore's talent, him above all their
' ^-'f^- musicians and they leted him and honored him "as if

he had been the first man in the land'.

Presently Lusmore noticed a great consultation going

on and was somewhat alarmed until one taerie
stepped out from the rest and said:

T^usmore! Lusmore!
Doubt not. nor deplore.
For the hump w hich you bore
On your back is no more;
Look down on the floor,

And view it, Lusmore!'

Lusmore felt an unaccustomed lightness on his

shoulders and was so thrilled 'he could have bounded

at one jump over the moon.' He looked around with
wonderment, able to lift up his head for the first time
and e\'er\thing appeared more and more beautiful.
t3\erpovvered at beholding such a resplendent scene,
his head grew dizzy, and his eyesight became dim.' At
last he fell into a sound sleep, and when he awoke,

wonder of wonders, he was like a different man.

Dressed in a brand new suit, which must haxe come
from the faeries, he saw himself now^ to have become
'a well-shaped dapper little fellow'.

Not longafter, when the stor\' ofLusmore s hump was

well-known around the countryside, an old woman
came to his home to ask details of his 'cure' for the son
of an acquaintance who was a humpback. Lusmore
was a good-natured fellow and willingK' described
w hat had happened. The woman thanked him
kindly and went home. She told her friend what
Lusmore had said and they journeyed across the
country with the humpback to the old moat of
Knockgrafton. Now the humpback. Jack Madden
was his name, was 'a pee\ ish and cunning creature
from his birth'. When he heard the faerie music he was
in such a hurr\' to get rid of his hump that he never
thought ofwaiting for an appropriate moment to sing
a \ ariation. or indeed that he should mind the quality-
ofhis singing. So hejust broke into the faeries' singing,
bawling out words 'thinking that if one day was

good, two were better; and that if Lusmore had one

new suit of clothes gi\en him, he should have two.'

The faeries were beside themselves with anger at this

intrusion, whisked Jack Madden into the moat with
tremendous force and surrounded him screeching
and yelling. One stepped out of the crowd and said:
Jack Madden, Jack Madden!
\bur words came so bad in
The tune we felt glad in;-
This castle you're had in.

That your life we may sadden;

Here's two humps for Jack Madden!'

and with that 'twenty of the strongest faeries brought

Lusmore s hump, and put it dow n upon p(X)r Jacks
back, o\er his own, where it became fixed as firmK as
ifit was nailed on with i\vel\ c-jXMiny nails, l)y the

best carpenter that e\ er dro\ c one!

rhe faeries then kicked the unfortunate fellow out of

and he was found in the morning half

their castle
dead, with the double hump on his shoulders, by the
two women. Needless to say the unlucky Jack
Madden did not sur\ive long, what witii the journey
home and the tremendous weight on his shoulders,
and he died soon after.


Faeries often danee in circles in the grass which are
called faerie rings and this spells danger for the

human passerb\. The wild enchantment of the faerie

music" can lead him inexorably towards the ring
w hich. like and drink, can
a faerie kiss or faerie food
lead to capti\"it\' for e\er in the world of Faerie. I fa
human steps into the ring he is compelled to join the
faeries in their wild prancing. The dance might seem

n-i- to last only minutes, or an hour or two, or exen at most

a w hole night but in fact the normal duration would
be se\en years by our time and sometimes longer The
unfortunate captive can be rescued by a friend who,
with others holding his coat-tails, follows the faerie

music, reaches into the ring (keeping one foot firmly

outside) and pulls the dancer out.
'^ !V<

V' feYr /

\ VW-v.

/-/ I

kx There is the tale of a certain shepherd, Tudur of

Llangollen, who came across a troop of faeries
dancing to the music ofa tiny fiddler Tudur tried to
resist the enchanting strains but finally, throwing his
cap in the air and shouting: 'Now for it then, play
away old de\ir he joined in.

ImmediateK a pair ofhorns appeared on the fiddler's

head and a tail sprouted from beneath his coat. The
dancing sprites turned into goats, dogs, cats and foxes
and they and Tudur span around in a dizz\ing frenzy.
This lasted until the following day when Tudur was
rescued by his master who found him, apparently
alone, dancing like a madman. Some pious words
broke the charm and Tudur was restored to his home.



The different time span in Faerie most certainly

inspired many tales in popular literature, the best
known of which is probably that ofRip \'an Winkle
by Washington Ining.

One legend tells ofa young man called

Shon ap Shenkin who, a fine summer's morning, was
capti\ated b\ the sound ofa faerie melody. He sat
down beneath a tree to listen. When the last strains of
the music died away he stcxxl up and was surprised to
see that the tree aboxe him, prexiousK' gieen and
lusii. had wiiiiered and died. Returning home, he
Ibund the house looked stmngeK different, somehow
older and co\ercd in ixy There . was an old man
standing in the d(K)n\ay. a stranger, w ho giected
Shon and asked him w hat he w anted. Shon,
surprised, replied that he had left his father and
mother in that \ en house but minutes before. The old
man asked his name. "Shon aj:) Shenkin'. replied the
\x)\. The old man became deathly pale and replied,

'I often heard my grandfather, your father, speak of

your disappearance'. At this Shon ap Shenkin

crumbled to dust on the doorstep.

Spriggans are dour and ugl\- and grotesque in shape.
Although quite small, they have the ability to
inflate themsek'cs into monstrous forms which has
led humans to believe them to be the ghosts of old

Apart from their useful function as guardians of hill

treasure, Spriggans are an infamous band of \illains,
skilled thieves, thoroughly destructive and often
dangerous. They are quite capable of robbing human
houses, kidnapping children (and leaving a repulsive
baby Spriggan in exchange), causing whirlwinds to
destro)' fields of corn, blighting crops and all manner
of other unpleasant mischief

There is a stor\; told by Robert Hunt in his 'Popular

Romances ofthe \\ est of England' ( 1 865) ofan old woman


inwhose cottage a band of Spriggan thieves used to

meet nightly to divide up their booty. The
Spriggans invariably left a coin for the old

woman but she was determined to have more. One

night she turned her shift inside out, turning clothes
being as effective as iron or Holy Water in repulsing
faeries. In this way she gained all the Spriggans'
loot, although they avenged themselves to some
extent as the old woman subsequentK' suffered
agonies ewry time she wore the sliift.
A certain hill in Cornwall named the Gump, near
'He St. Just, is a reputed meeting place lor the faeries who
have often been seen there, gaily attired and making
mern with music, feasting and dancing. Despite the
OMTHC faeries'

usual dislike of intruders, well-mannered
u ere \\ elcomed and occasionally e\en
gi\"en small but precious gifts.

quMP There was an old miser, howe\en \\ ho planned to

reap benefit from the faerie gathering. One night he
set out to steal all he could from the little people. He
started to climb the hill and soon heard music under
his feet although he could see nothing. As he climbed
higher the music grew louder and suddenly the hill

opened in front of his eves. A stream of little people

poured out, a be\A of musicians, a troop of soldiers
and a hideous band of Spriggans, the guardians of
C'ornish faerie hills and treasure. At the sight of this
e\il-looking bodyguard the miser hesitated for an
instant but was undaunted as he was lar bigger than
any of the faeries.

The hill itsell nicanwhilc was lit up b\' thousands of

jewels twinkling from e\er\' blade of grass and the
miser gazed in wonderment at the tables being set
with finest gem-encrusted gold and siKenvare. Then
the laerie court appeared in all its linen- and the faerie
prince and princess mo\ed to the high table, the most
magnificently bedecked of all. The miser resolved
that this v\ ould be his object and prepared to swoop
on the riches laid out there. Too late he noticed the
Spriggans had cast shining ropes around him and
he saw that e\"er\- eye was on him. SuddenK' all

was plunged into darkness. He wasjerked sharply

sidew ays onto his back, pierced all over and pinched
from head to foot. With the dawn the miser found
himself flat on his back at the foot of the mound,
covered with dew\' cobwebs . .
A tale is told ofan encounter between faeries and
smugglers where the Spriggans played a far more
terrifying role. A small band of smugglers came
ashore one night near Long Rock in Cornwall.
Ha\ing heaved all their booty' out oftheir boat and up
o\ er the high-water mark on the shore, three of the
men departed to see to the necessarv' arrangements
for the sale of their goods whilst three others,
including Tom Warren of Paul, reputed as one of the
boldest smugglers of his day, lay down to rest.
Hardly had they dozed off when the\- were aroused
by a shrill whistling sound and a tinkling.

Believing this to be the sound of young people

making merry, Tom went to warn them to be off. He
climbed a high sand-bank and saw, a short distance
awa\', in hollows between other banks of sand, a
company of gaily attired people of doll-like size
skipping and dancing about, spotlighted by flickering
lights. On a high bank amidst the rexellers he saw a
group of little, old and bearded men blowing
mouth-organs, beating c\mbals and tambourines,
playingjew's harps and tweeting on whistles made
of reeds.

The little men were all dressed in green with scarlet

caps and as the\' played their beards waggled
about. Tom was highly amused at this sight and just
could not resist shouting out '\\ ill e be shaved - will e
be sha\ed old red-caps?'. He hailed them twice in
this manner and was on the point of doing so again
when all the dancers, and hundreds more than he had
at first noticed, sprang up into ranks, armed with

bows and arrows, spears and slings. To the

accompaniment of a military march, the Spriggans
stamped towards Tom, getting bigger and bigger as
the\' approached. Their fearsome aspect so appalled
Tom that he fled back to his comrades, roused them
and urged them to put to sea for their li\es. As
they ran towards the boat, a hail of small stones
rained on them and "burned like coals o' fire w hcrexer
they hit them'. The men were so frightened that they
pulled far out to sea before they dared look back
although they knew the\' v\ere safe as no Spriggan
dares touch salt water. When they did cast a
glance behind them the\' saw an army of the
ugliest-looking creatures possible lined along the
shore making threatening gestures. Itwas not until
davbreak when horses were heard approaching that
the litde people retreated to the sandbanks.
The hierarchy reigning in Faerie is very similar to our The breed of horses they reared could not be
monarchical system. The most aristocratic faeries, surpassed in the vsorld - ileet as the wind,
variously known as the Trooping or Heroic faeries, with the arched neck and the broad chest and
belong to organised courts such as the Seelie Court of the quivering nostril, and the large eve that
Scotland or the Daoine Sidhe (Theena Shee) tribe of showed thev- were made of fire and flame, and
Ireland. These courts pass their days in aristocratic not of dull, heavy earth. And the Tuatha
pursuits of which one of the commonest, and made stables for them in the great caves of the
certainly themost impressive, is to ride in solemn hills,and they were shod with silver and had
procession. This is termed a faerie Rade. The riding golden bridles, and never a slave was allow ed
and horses of the Daoine Sidhe tribe for one enjoy to ride them. A splendid sight was the
worldwide renown which is probably explained by cavalcade of the Tuatha-de-Danann knights.
the origin of these faeries who are believed to be the Seven-score steeds, each w ith a jewel on his
dwindled remnants of the legendary Tuatha de forehead like a star, and seven-score
Danann (Tootha day danan) who once ruled horsemen, all the sons of kings, in their green
Ireland but were conquered by the Milesians and mantles fringed with gold, and golden
driven underground.! he faerie horses of the Tuadia helmets on their head, and golden greaves on
de Danann have been described by Lady W ilde in their limbs, and each knight having in his
her Ancient Legends ofIreland as follows: hand a golden spear


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Lady Wilde tells us that these horses w ere able to li\e
for a hundred years or more. The \ery last ofthe breed
belonged to a great lord in Connaught but at his death
came under the auctioneers hammer together with
all his belongings. The steed was purchased by an
emissan- of the British Go\ernmeni "but when the
groom attempted to mount the high-spirited animal
it reared, and threw the base-bom churl \iolentIy to

the ground, killing him on the spot".


<• . iJ


sf ^
FAaeie i sLAi\jt:s>
One of the most persistent and recurring themes in Itwas to Tir Xan Og that the Tuatha de Danann fled
European mytholog\' is that ofthe Isles of the Blest, or before the advancing Milesians and that land gives
Fortunate Isles, lying in the western sea, beyond the them all that they could wish for They spend their
. . .

setting sun. The Irish seem to ha\ e more islands, or days feasting, hunting, love-making and enjoying
more names for the same islands, than anybody else. beautiful music. They can e\'en indulge their
Some of the best known perhaps are Tir Xan Og, the passion for battles, as those killed one day can arise
Land of the Young; Tirtb Thuinn, the Land L nder w ith their wounds healed the next.
the Waves; Tire Nam Beo, Land of the Living; Tirn
Aill, the Other World; Mag Mor, the Great Plain; Some of these islands float and some are
Mag Mell, the Pleasant Plain; Tir Tairngire. the submerged, raising themsehes abo\e the surface
Plain of Happiness. only at night or, in the case of Hy-Breasail as recorded
by Giraldus Gambrensis, once in seven years. These
These islands, whether the homes of faeries, Gods or islands can be made to remain on the surface only if
the dead, are, as their names suggest, lands where fire or steel is brought upon them and H\-Breasail
all is happiness, peace andplent\". There are no frosts remained there after a red-hot arrow was fired into it.
or droughts for it is always Spring. There is no It still who search for it, howe\er, e\en
eludes those
ageing or disease or work, for all things grow in though it has been marked on early maps and several
abundance without need of ploughing or sowing and major expeditions have been mounted b\" the
there is alwavs fruit on the trees. merchants of Bristol, amongst others, to find it

It is usual!}' depicted as round, divided in two b\" a

wide river which is not unlike Plato's description of

There are many stories of fantastic islands such as

those \isited by Mael Duin which included one
raised from the surface of the sea on one leg, an
island which lay several yards beneath sea-level and
around which the water tow ered like cliffs, and
others e\en stranger inhabited by weird and
monstrous beasts and adorned with fantastic
buildings. King Arthur, \oyaging in his magical
ship Pr\'dwen, \ isited many such islands and.
though many of the more surreal of these \isions are
obviously the inventions of poets,it can now safely be

asserted that the remarkable voyage of St Brendan

and his discov erv of Brendan's isle was based on fact.
£cyUYf^<je^ of Mte. ^e^\


Itwas Manannan, son ofLer who, as chiefdeity ofthe There is a \'I Ith-centun' Irish poem relating how
sea, held sway over many of these islands and it was Manannan mac Lir. drixing his chaiiot across the

he who summoned Bran, son of Febal, to Emhain, tops of the waxes, watches with amusement and
the Island of Women. This was beliexed to be a vast sings as Bran journeys in his coracle through what
countn' supported in the sea on four huge bronze to him is the sea. but to Manannan is the sk\
pillars and inhabited solely b\- beautiful women. The aboxe a fertile plain . .

joume\' took them past the Island of Delight, the

inhabitants of which beha\ed as though intoxicated, 'Bran deems it a marxellous beauty
gesticulating and shouting with laughter. When one In his coracle across the clear sea:
of Bran's men landed on the island, he started While to me in my chariot from afar
acting in the same manner so Bran was forced to It is a flowen plain on which he rides about.

continue without him. When they reached Emhain,

the\' found it more than matched their expectations 'What is a clear sea
and the\- were entertained ro\ ally. After a year had For the prowed skilf in w hich Bran is,
j^assed, howe\er, they began to long to see Ireland That is a happy plain with profusion of flowers
again and, j^romising to obe\ the women's To me from the charic )i of two wheels.
strictures not to set foot on dr\- land, the\- set sail.
When they approached the shores of Ireland. Bran 'Along the top of a wood has swum
(ailed to some of the inhabitants and told them his Thy coracle across ridges.
1 lame. They answered that theonly Bran, son ofTebal There is a wood of beautiful fruit
know n them was the one w hose xcnage to seek
to Under the j^row of thy lillle skiff

ihe land of women was the subject of some of theii-

oldest legends. ( )n hearing this one of Bran's 'A wood with blossom and fruit.
c()m])ani()ns waded ashorci)Ul. on touchingdry land, On which is the vine's veritable fragrance;
lie inmiediaiek crumbled lodusi. Bran stayed A wood without decay, without defect,
awhile near the shore to relate his acK cntures and ( )n w hich are leaves ofa golden hue.'
then turned his Ix^ats about and sailed aw a\. ne\er to
be seen again.
One of the few mortal men to be invited toTir Nan land. Even the men seemed different, smaller, almost
Og was Oisin (Isheen). son of Finn, cliiefofthe dwarflike compared to the men he remembered.
legendar}' Fenian warriors of Ireland. Fhe Fenians Oisin noticed three of them trv ing vainly to lift a
were out hunting one da\" when a lady of great great stone. He stooped to lift it for them with one
beauty approached them. She was Niamh of the hand but as he did so his golden saddle-girth
Golden Hair, daughter of Manannan and she chose snapped and he fell to the ground. Immediately the
Oisin from amongst them to be her lo\er She bade faerie horse vanished and Oisin was transformed

him mount up behind her on her faerie steed and into an ancient blind old man.
they rode over the land to the sea and then across the
tops of the \\ a\es towards the enchanted land of Tir A number of ballads recount how St Patrick found
Nan Og 'the most delightful countrv' to be found of Oisin stranded on earthly soil in his hopeless old age
greatest repute under the sun\ They saw wondrous and took him into his house. The saint did his best to
sights as they journeyed. Faerie palaces appeared on convert Oisin to Christianitv; describing the
At one of these Niamh asked
the surface of the sea. wonders of the Heaven that could be his if only he
Oisin to set free a Tuatha deDanan damsel who was would But Oisin replied that he could not
a prisoner ofa Fomor, one of the demons of the deep conceive ofa Heaven that would not be proud to
sea. Oisin fought the Fomor and set the girl free. receive the Fenians if thev' w ished to enter it or a God
who would not be honored to count Finn amongst
Soon they reached the Land of the Young and Oisin his friends. If however this was the case, w hat was
remained there with his love for three hundred years the point of an eternal life \\ith no hunting or
before he remembered his home and the Fenians wooing of beautiful women? He would prefer to go
and had a sudden yearning to see them again. He to the Hell where. according to St Patrick, his Fenian
asked leave to visit his homeland. Niamh furnished comrades lay in anguish, and die as he had lived.

him with a faerie steed for thejoumey but warned

Oisin at all costs not to let his feet touch earthly soil.
Oisin gave his word to take care and swiftly reached
Ireland. However he found all had changed from the
land he remembered. Finn and the Fenians had
become a legend of the past. The Battle ofGabhra
had been fought and St Patrick had converted the
•arr ^

N.^ -V'^-*



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Lough Lean in Ireland, now called the lake of The warrior was O'Donoghue and in his wake
Killarney, is the home orO'Donoghue,once the followed a bevy of young people who glided over the
ruler of the surrounding land. He walked out one water, linked together with garlands of spring
day upon the surface of the lake, watched by all the flowers, to the time of sweet unearthly music.
members ofhis court, and slowly sank into the Having almost reached the western side of the lake,
depths to claim his new kingdom. O'Donoghue turned his steed towards the
wood-fringed shore of Glenaa followed by his train of
Ever)' May Day morning he leaves the magnificent attendants. They then slowly disappeared into the
palace which is said to lie at the bottom of the lake mists floating over the lake and the magical strains of
and visits his old domain. their music gradually died away 'and the hearers
It has been some years since O'Donoghue last made awoke as from a dream of bliss!
his appearance. On that day T. Crofton Croker tells
us in his Fairy Legends and Traditions of the South of
beams of the rising sun were just
Ireland, 'the first

gilding the loftysummit of Glenaa, when the waters

near the eastern shore of the lake became suddenly
and violently agitated, though all the rest of its
surface lay smooth and still as a tomb of polished
marble. The next moment a foaming wave darted
forward, and, like a proud high-crested warhorse,
exulting in his strength, rushed across the lake toward
Toomies mountian. Behind this wave appeared a
stately warrior fully armed, mounted upon a
milk-white steed; his snowy plume waved gracefully
from a helmet of polished steel, and at his back
fluttered a light blue scarf The horse, apparently
exulting in his noble burden, sprung after the wave
along the water, which bore him up like firm earth,

while showers of spray that glittered brightly in the

morning sun were dashed up at every bound!

//t^c i^J ^ ^jts^ of Q suMfv^^Jiytr^ -hr^yi 1^ o^r^ of H^^ ^

II ^'pr^^ r t- w
The GwTagedd Annwn (Gwrageth anoon) are
Welsh water faeries, beautiful Lake Maidens who
occasionally take mortals to be their husbands.
One well-known legend tells of a young man
who used to graze his cattle by a small lake
near the Black Mountains. One day he saw a most
enchanting creature rowing gentK to and fro in a
golden boat on the surface of the lake.

He fell deeply in lo\e with her and offered her

some of the bread he had brought from home for his
midda\- meal. She answered that the bread was too
hard and disappeared into the depths. The young
man's mother ga\e him some unbaked dough to
take with him the next da\" and he offered this
to the faerie but she answered that it was too soft
and again disappeared. On the third day his mother
ga\e him some lightly baked bread and this passed
muster. Three figures rose from the lake, an old man
with a beautiful daughter on either side of him. The
girls were identical and the father told the \oung

farmer that he was willing to offer him the daughter

with whom he was in lo\e if he could point
her out. The farmer would ha\e gixen up in despair
but one slightly mo\"ed her f(X)t and he.
recognising her slipper, w on her hand.

The waier-faeric was gi\en a fine dow n and the\'

li\ed together happik. Howexen the young farmer

had been warned that he would lose his beautiful wife

should he strike her three times causelessly. It so
happened that, although they were indeed blissfully

happy, the Gwragedd Annw n had some curious

faerie ways; she might weep at a wedding or laugh

and sing at the funeral of a child and this e\entually

led to her lovinghusband reproxing her three times,

> "'
more b\' a lo\c-tap than a blow but this was enough

and she was forced to leaxc him. She did not forget
her sons however and taught them many secrets of
medicine so that they became famed physicians.

In other days, every New Year's morning a door was
to be found open in a rock by a \\'elsh lake and those
\vho dared enter came upon a secret passage which
led them to a small island in the middle of the lake.
Here the\' found themsehes in an exquisite garden
inhabited by the Gwragedd Annw n \\ ho feted their
guests, pressing on them all manner of fruit and
flowers and entertaining them with beautiful music.
The faeries told their visitors man\' wondrous secrets
and invited them to stay as long as they wished.
However, they warned them that the island was a
secret and nothing from it should be taken away.

One day it so happened that a visitor to the magic

garden pocketed a flower he had been offered,

thinking it would bring him luck. The moment the

thief touched 'unhallowed" land again hov\even the
flower vanished and he fell unconscious. Other
guests to the enchanted land were bid farewell with
customarv' politeness but since that dav' the door to
the beautiful garden has remained firmlv closed.


TUA^A V>a PAN AN /\)

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a^^ c^e^Vi^- chfr^s^eyp^ Hvc^h^ (/o^ 9^^^yi^ , c^Srf>t

the 'i^ ^^ /Aj^^ ^t^ .
u^i^^M/^ y
A^^e^ WA\|S

The faerie temperament is a complex one and the

behaviour of the little people is governed by a code of
ethics far removed from our own. Most faeries,
whatever their size, appearance or character, have
powers of some kind and can bestow good or ill luck
at will so the more we know about them, the more
likely we are to emerge from an encounter unscathed.

Careful handling and respect in faerie dealings are of

paramount iniportance. Onlv' too easily is offence
taken and woe betide he who is tempted to take
liberties . .

The faerie tendency to be mischievous and

sometimes spiteful (and in some cases positively
dangerous) has resulted in the use of placatory terms
when referring to them — names like 'Good
Neighbours' 'Mother's Blessing' the 'Good People,'

'Wee Folk' (implying harmlessness). General

behaviour patterns amongst the faeries vary
considerably but some are indisputably inherentiy
bad and no amount of correct behaviour, kindness or
wooing could conceivably mellow them. Indeed it is
positively dangerous to approach these creatures.
Certain female faeries are particularly malevolent,
made more deadly perhaps by their beautiful
appearance which entices unwan' men to an untimelv"
and horrible doom.

WTiile the realm of Faerie is, to a great extent,

dependent on the world of mortals and many faerie
beings, such as the Brownies, actually attach
tiiemselves to human households (Banshees and
Butteiy Spirits could also be described as being
'attached' to human households but their motives
are verv' different . . .), the path towards a faerie
amit)' is fraught witii danger and should be trodden
with extreme caution. Many are the helpful
Brownies who have reverted to the role of churlish
and troublesome Boggarts when offended or even
teased and terrible is the revenge of die faerie
From time immemorial man lias maintained an
ambivalent relationship with the world of Faerie, tor

while faerie contact can unquestionably be

beneficial, it isjust as likely to be baneful.

In other da\'s any unaccountable deaths of animals •

and humans were believed to be due to 'Elf shot'.

Small flint arrowheads, which we now know were

made by Stone- Age man, were attributed to the

elves. Where no physical shot was in evidence it was ^

assumed the arrowhead made no wound but instead

induced paralysis. The victim could then be carried
aw ay to Faerie while a replica bod\' was left behind
to sicken and die. 'Stroke^ in the sense of paralytic
seizure, is a word we still use, probably unaware
that it originally meant 'Elf-stroke'. ^.^f*^ %r
Other human malaises, such as rheumatism,
cramps and bruising, were also exclusi\"el\" ascribed
to Faerie- caused b\ pinching faerie lingers, a
penalty- for incurring faerie displeasure. Marston, in
Mountebanke 's Masque says
If lustie Doll, maide of the Dairie.
enhance to be blew nipt by the Fairie . .

which strikes one immediately as ratlier a convenient


AdditionalK'. consumption, a wasting disease, was

blamed on compulsixe \isits at night to tlie faerie
hills, leaving the victims weak and exhausted in the

morning. Infantile parahsis was of course due to the

baby in realirv' being a changeling- in fact. an\-

deformities such as lame legs and hunched backs

were induced by the ehes. according to the lore of

the da\'. Shakespeare would seem to ha\e endorsed

this belief:

Thou EKish-marked. aborti\e. rooting hog.


Other \\ ell-known faerie annoyances include the

disappearance of small objects. There is e\en one
Of course it is usualK the small irritations in life that
kind of faerie, called V\lp-Luachra' b\ the Irish but
are actually caused b\ the mischiexous faerie.
dubbed a 'Joint-eater' or Just-hal\ er' b\ Robert
Tangles in human hair and horses' manes are better
Kirk in his book The Secret Commumcealth ( 1(391 ) who know n as elf-locks. Queen Mab for one . .

^its imisibk beside his \ictim and shares his iood

'plats the manes of horses in the night;
w ith him 'feeding on the Pidi or Quintessence ol .\nd bakes the elf-locks in fbulsluttish hairs,
what the Man eats; and that therefoir he continues Which once untangled much misfortune
Lean like a Hawke or Heron, not^s ithstanding his bodes'
dexouring .Vppetite;"

.AJthough w n( )\\ ha\ c a clearer understanding of


some of the causes (other than ekes) of many

human ills, the close connection bervveen Faerie and
the plant worldundoubtedly accounts for the blights
^ r >>^^59*^
and diseases which sometimes destroy entire crops.
lhcsede\astati()iisare\eiA j^robablx a punishment
for human transgression of some kind. ;>

\ .i

W'aiy coiintn Iblk ha\ c discovered numerous
methods of discouraging die more troublesome faerie
attentions. Tliose walking alone at night are
particularly \ulnerable and there are various pro\en
methods ofself'-protection lor the diflcrent risks.
Efiectixe devices and objects include the follow ing:

r^ ^^'^^n/e^ z^?">ie<j^ t^t^Sfc^ 6-i^ b<^

hh^t4^^ />a^^eu^d^

\ -4-

— ^r:^

An Anglo-Saxon Iccchcrall an li-clf "cock tail: Rub myrrh into wine,

and an equal quantity of white incense. Shave a little off
an agate stone and add to wine. Drink this after a night's
fasting, or three mornings, or nine or twelve.

( )ld time May Day fertility rites always utilized the

sun symbol clais\ to protect the participants from
the faericlblk who are particularly active at such
significant times of the yean .\mong other j:)r()tective

dexices were the bells on the legs of the dancing

Morris Men -these bells are still, happily, in use

> ' P!9f

WTiile at times the faeries are perfectly capable of
being morose, \itriolic or e\en sa\-agely rexengeful.
they are also indisputabh' the world's greatest
practical jokers and their penchant for pranks is
shared by even the best of the good faeries. This
basicalh- good-humored mischief is \'er\- exident
where such beings as the Hedle\ Kow are concerned:

The Hedley Kow was a bogie, mischiexous rather /^^

than malignant, which haunted the \illage of -1^
Hedle\". near Ebchester His appearance was nexer
\eiy" alarming, and he used to end liis frolics w ith a
horse laugh at the expense of his \ ictims. He \\ ould

present himself to some old dame gathering sticks, in

which she would be sure
the form of a truss of straw,
i ir
to takeup and earn awa\ Then it would become so

heavA she would ha\e to la\ her burden down, on

which the straw would become 'quick", rise upright,
and shuffle away before her, till at last it \anished
from her sight with a laugh and shout.

William Henderson in his Xotes on theFolk-Loreofthe

Northern Counties ofEngland and tlie Borders (1879) also

tells us how the Kow lo\ed to disrupt life in the
farmhouse 1or it is said to haxe constantK" imitated
the voice of the serxant-girl's lo\ers, overturned the
kailpot. gi\"en the cream to the cats. unra\clled the
knitting, or put the spinning-wheel out of order.'
Other faxorite tricks of tlie mischiexous faeries
include misleading unwan traxellers (this is

sometimes cZiW^d pixy-leading) and scaring people.

The faerie attitude towards humans meanwhile has
a curiously moralistic bias. They expect a particular
mode of beha\iour to be adhered to in their regard,
set high standards of orderliness for human homes

the\' habitually \isit yet forbid am- pr\ing e\es when

they do. Faeries like cheerful, generous humans and

are particularly sympathetic towards loxers.They
like food and wine to be left for them at night, yet

the\' are \en temperate.

The Irish Sidhe (Shee) faeries passionately lo\e

beauts" and luxurx and ha\e a total contempt for

thrift and econom\. Lad\' Wilde in her Ancient

Lege?ids ofIreland rcmm'ks how they detest 'the close,
niggard hand that gathers the last grain, and drains

the last drop in the milk-pail, and plucks the tree

bare of fruit, leaxing nothing for the spirits who
wander by in the moonlight".

The lazy or dishonest will be punished with

pinching, cramps or e\en lameness and worse.! he
kitchen maid who omits to sweep out the hearth and
set out clean water for the faerie babies to bathe in

does so at her risk w hilc her conscientious allcnlion

to these details could well bring her a gift of money in

her shoe when she w akes and much "ood luck . .

^ ^'

/,' X


Reliabilityand kindness are usually repaid with

good luck, gifts or practical help and faeries can be
> extra\agant. There is the tale told of the unfortunate
Bill Doody, sitting b\ the Lake of Killarney and

pondering over die insoluble problem of rent-day . .

'That lake' \V. B. Yeats tells us 'glittering in sunshine,

sprinkled with fairyisles of rock and verdure, and

bounded by giant hills of c\er-\an'ing hues, might,

with its magic beauty, charm all sadness but
despair. .
However from it came saKation for Bill
Doody. A tall gentleman appeared who, on hearing
of Bilfs plight, poured 'a purse full of gold into Bill's

old hat, which in his grief he had flung on the ground*

and disappeared before Bill could thank him.
On the morrow Bill Doody proceeded to his hard-
hearted agent to pay his rent, proudly paid what was
owed and left, having taken care to procure a receipt
for his- gold. 'The agent going to his desk shorth" after,

was confounded at beholding a heap of gingerbread

cakes instead of the money he had deposited there.
He raved and swore, but all to no purpose; the gold
had become gingerbread cakes, just marked like die
guineas, widi die king's head; and Bill had the
receipt in his pocket! Yeats goes on to say that 1roni

that hour Bill Doody grew rich; all his undertakings

prospered; and he often blesses the day that he met
with O'Donoghue, the great prince that lives down
under the lake of Killarnev.'
Nevertheless, he who receives faerie graces must not
talk of them for faerie etiquette demands secrecy.
Strangeh". the behaviour required for the main-
tenance offriendK- relations with the 'good neighbors'
excludes not only disclosure of faerie help or gifts to
other mortals but also expression of tlianks. Should
a grateful human misguidedly attempt to thank a
hardworking but ragged Pixie or Brownie with a gift
of fine clothing, no thanks will be forthcoming — the
litde helper will almost alwa\s take umbrage and
depart, ne\er to be seen again.

.\nother strange quirk of faerie nature concerns

loans. Should a mortal borrow faerie utensils or
food, he would cause great offence if, in gratitude, he
proffered more than he originalK' borrowed. The
faeries, howexen return loans of grain with generous
interest although they alw ays gi\c back barle\
for oats.

Faeries ha\"c a ratlier curious code of ethics for
themselves. Whilst there is a definite code of honor
bciw cen the different denizens ofthe faerie world
(and a tale is told ofthe poor unfortunate trow box-

banished for c\er froniTrowland for stealing a siker

sjx)()n from another Trow), a faerie will ha\e no

ciualnis at appropriating victuals, goods and
li\ estock from mortals. Sometimes, as in the case of
the Brow nie \\ ho sat between two greed)' servant
girls and consumed most ofthe stolen junket they

w ere eating, faeries will take ad\antage of their

magic powers to remoxe food from under the \"er\'
noses of those about to eat it.

Disturbingly, this faerie j^ilfcring does not stop short

of mortals, and particularly human babies who are
greath' \alued to inject new blood into this dwindling
race. Golden-haired babes arc at greatest risk and
mortal mothers should take all possible precautions
to guard their offspring until they are safely baptised.

Again, mortal midw i\es are often spirited away into

the land of faerie to care for a faerie babv


^:m J

Dependence on humans among certain r\pes of

faeries is xen' significant. For example, ever\' se\en
pay a tithe o^TEIND
\ears, the land of Faerie has to
to Hell and human capti\es are used as payment.
The most common way of taking a human is to steal
a human baby and lea\e a faerie changeling in its
place. This changeling can be an ugh" old elf or e\"en
a manufactured one of wood btit. under a faerie
enchantment, it appears to be an exact replica ofthe

stolen child. Sometimes it then seems to die and so is

buried, while the real baby is brought up in
Faerieland to inject a dwindling and weak stock with
a fresh, health) human strain. It might exentualK
be offered as part ofthe septannual tithe.
h^H'l }fl

Should the baby replica not die, it may de\elop a

wizened or deformed appearance, or be sickly and
fretful, or else ha\e a \-oracious appetite. The
changeling can be forced to betra\ its laerie nature
by various means. One is to place it on a red-hot
shovel or throw it on the fire. It will then fly uj) the
chimney. A less brutal and more common method is

to go through the motions ofbrewing water in empty

hakes of eggshells. The changeling, noticing this, sits
up and in a strange old \ oice declares, 'I ha\e seen
the egg before the hen. I ha\(>sceii the lirst acorn
before the oak. But I ha\e ne\er seen brewing in an
eggshell before' thus re\ealing its ancient age. It can
then be thrown on the fire from which, laughing and will IK uj) thcchimiicN. Ihc true baby
will then ncia likcK \)v found at the door
It has occasionally occurred that a little person has When those who were present saw this, they
been captured humans. Sadly these are al\\a\'s
b\" opened the pods, and showed them the
the most \ulnerable and harmless of their race and naked beans. They fed on these with great
they almost always pine and die in captivity when delight,and for a long time tasted no other
escape is impossible. Perhaps the most famous food. The bo\', however, was always languid
example of this Ralph of Coggeshall's account of
is and depressed, and he died within a short
The Green C'hildren of which Thomas Keightley time. The girl enjoyed continual good
has given an English translation in his book Faiiy health; and becoming accustomed to
Mytholog}y: The events took place in Suffolk: \arious kinds of food, lost completely that
green colour, and gradually recovered the
sanguine habit ofher entire bod\'. She was
affenxards regenerated b\ the la\er of holy
A bo\ and his sister were found by the baptism, and li\ed for many years in the
inhabitants of that place near the mouth ofa service of that knight (as I have frequently
pit which is there, who had the form of all heard from him and his family), and was
their limbs like to those of other men. but rather loose and wanton in her conduct.
the\' differed in the colour of their skin from Being frequently asked about the people of
all the people of our habitable world; for the her country; she asserted that the inhabitants
whole surface of their skin was tinged ofa and all they had in that countiy were of a .

Xo one could understand their

green colour. green colour; and that they saw no sun, but
speech. When they were brought as enjoyed a degree of light like what is after
curiosities to the house ofa certain knight. sunset. Being asked how she came into this
Sir the\- wept
Richard de Calne, at Wikes, countr\- with the aforesaid boy, she replied,
bitterly. and other \ictuals were set that as the\ were following their flocks, they
before them, but they would touch none of came to a certain cavern, on entering which
them, although they were tormented by they heard a delightful sound of bells;

great hunger, as the girl aften\"ards ravished by whose sweetness, thev' went for a
acknowledged. At length, \\ hen some beans long time wandering on through the cavern,
just cut. with their stalks, were brought into until they came to its mouth. When they
the house, they made signs, with great came out of it, thev" were struck
a\idit\. that the\ should be gi\ en senseless by the excessive light of
to them. When the\ were the sun, and thev thus lay for
brought, they opened the rr a long time. Being
stalks instead of the pods, by the noise


thinking the beans were in ^

of those who came on.
the hollow of them, but not them, thev- wished to fly,

findingthem there, thc\ but they could not find

began to weep anew. the entrance of the cavern
before they v\ ere caught.
Faeries ha\e die abilitv to render tliemseKes \isible
or inxisible to the mortal eye at will and tliey can be
simultaneously visible to one person w hilst inxisible
to another. Ho\ve\er they can at times be espied
without their knowleda^e. This is normally w hilc tliey

are at \\ ork or engaged in faerie re\els w hen the\ are

discoxered by humans who come across them
unawares or by those determined enough to use

de\ious metliods to seek them out.

lime is often an essential ingredient as most laerie

sightings take place either at noon, w hen the sun is at

its zenith, or alternalix el\ at midnight and in the

rvsilight hours preceding sunset and sunrise, all of

which mark the transition from light to dark or \ice
\-ersa. It dawn can also be
should also be noted that
the moment of escape for humans on w hom faerie
spells ha\e been cast.

Ma\" Da\ (which celebrates the return to the

summer solstice). Midsummer's Eve and Halloween

(which to the C'elts marked the changeoxer from the
old Celtic year to the new are especialK" faxorable

times for a sighting. This transition element is also

important where people are concerned and it

explains why growing children and. particularly.

young girls just prior to puberty are far more likely
than adults to see tlie little people. It is for tliis reason
in fact that a wise parent will take care on Max Da\-
to ensure liis children wear clothing adorned with
bells or caiiy daisy chains as these will w ard off
danger from faeries.

-C*^^ ^jti In general terms, faeries do not like to be seen b\

^ N humans so the gaze of the observer must be
yA,' steady for the little people will disappear in the blink
of an e\e.

There is also a square \ ard of turf somewhere in
, 4 Wales which gives a single glimpse of Faerie to
anyone who stumbles across it. Howe\er. it keeps its
secret'well for the exact spot can ne\er be found

The naked e\e, which is generalK unable to see the

faerie in its invisible state, can be 'opened' when a
mortal carries a four-lea\ed clo\er. A ston' is told of a
milkmaid w ho happened b\" chance to ha\e picked a
four-leaved clo\er with the grass she used to soften
the weight of the pail on her head. Wlien she next
looked at the cow she saw dozens of faeries taking
turns to milk her.
The application of faerie ointment to the eyelids (this

ointment is noi mall\ rcsen c^ for anointing the eyes

of faerie babies with mortal mothers), also dispels
the illusions cast by faeries to conceal their true
appearance. Ho\\e\ er. the mortal
enhance his \ision with the forbidden ointment
who dares
risks inctirring^ faerie wrath. There are those who
ha\"e been blinded in punishment. A tale is told ofa
young girl who takes up ser\ice as a nursemaid to
the small son ofa widow er. He is. unbeknown to
hen one of the little people. She applies the ointment
to her own eyes out ofcuriousirs. betra\s her \ision
of the faerie w orld \ et is allow ed to lea\e unhainied.
Howe\ er. tliis is certainly the exception rather than
the Rile.

hi the ston of Kilian of Garth Dorw en. Eilian the

sen ant maid escaped w ith theT\lwyth Teg
(Terlooeth teig) faeries ofWales and w as seen no
more until one night her old mistress, w ho w as also a
midwife, was stimmoned to help a birth. The w oman
w as taken to a large ca\e w ithin w hich there w as a
magnificent room where the w ife lay on a fine bed.
.\fter the birth of the baby, the husband asked the

midw ife to anoint the baby's e\ es. Ha\ing done so,

the midw ife rubbed one of her own e\ es that was
itching and w ith that eye suddenly saw herself to be /:-
in a jx)or ca\ e widi large stones all about and a little

fire in one coiner. Ihe w ife. K ing on a bundle of

rushes and w ithered ems, w as none other than


Eilian. her fbnner sen ant mr\.

Not long id tens ards the old midwife w ent to market

where she saw Uic husband and enquired after
Eilian's health. He replied that his wife w as w ell but
asked widi which e\e tlie midwife saw him. On
hearing w hich eye it was. he put it out w idi a

The protective camouflage used by the faeries is
general!)" termed 'glamour' and is often designed to

deceive mortals into believing they are dealing with

their own kind. Glamour. .

Clould make a ladye seem a knight,

A nutshell seem a gilded barge
A sheeling seem a palace large
.\nd x'outh seem age and age seem youth
^\11 was delusion, nought was truth.

77?^ Lay of the Last Minstrel




Robert Kirk in his book Secret Commonwealth, and
Essay of the Nature and Actions of the Subterranean (andfor
the most Part) Invisible People, heretofwir going under the
name ofElves, Faunes and Fairies, or the lyke, among the
Louy Country Scots as they are described by those who have the
pinned down the elusi\eness of {*^,
Second Sight . . . (1961 )

faerie essence. They are 'of a middle nature betwixt

man and angel' and ha\e 'light changeable Bodies
(lyke those called ,-\stral); somewhat of the nature of

a condensed cloud, and best seen in twilight. These

Bodies be so plyable through the subtil ty of the
spirits that agitate them, that they can make them
appear or disappear at pleasure'. This is only logical
in \iew of the fact that faeries have the abilit\' to >4' ^.

control their own size, known as an art

shape-shifting. At will they can become immense in

stature or magically shrink to the size of the merest

speck of dust. They can also drastically alter their
appearance, assuming an\- guise they may desire.
The importance of the faerie shape-changing abilirs"
cannot be o\'er-emphasised. It affects e\er\' aspect of
faerie life. Of course, some faeries also boast the

power to transform the appearance or size of other

faeries and also mortals -a warning to tread warily

where the Utde people are concerned.

The faeries themselves come in an endless \'ariet\" of

shapes and sizes and a multitude of hues:
and white
Fairies, black, grey, green,

Vou moonshine re\ellers. and shades of


The Merry Wives of Windsor



Of'i^ /^aeyt^t^, l^^yCten<^ B'^-ctia/pv'



e \

.'^il, '



»'* 'k
tc H^u^ a^i5^a^-e- Ot-f^^S^^a^ix^ of 5>

faJ^'M^ . 7^^<^^^ Aa^-e (><^eyi^ Scn^^^tC'^

v^^yiri^ ^f^^c^^ of- f^^e^t^ fU^t^A^a^

Sp^ y
^^^ .:?te<^^ai^^^ ^si^^t^>

b-eJr^^. f^ pH>c^^S^o<n^ '^

p h'X-ty<r7'VLe'iAy^ , 9^-6-

w 4^'otif*^- .( =• »i*W' J^'

Sometimes they cannot be told apart from humans,
at other times they resemble animals while they are
often totally 'exceptional' in aspect. They can be
enchantingly beautiful by human standards or,
equally often, wizened, hairy and grotesquely ugly.
However, how much of this external appearance is
really glamour and how much reality is not for the
mere human to know. Faerie beings also sometimes
appear to radiate a shimmering light: 'Their fluid
bodies half dissolved in light' (Alexander Pope).
Elsewhere tales are told of faeries whose presence is
solely marked by a distinctiy musty odour. (.



It is \'er\' difficult to generalise on faerie appearance
yet v\eknow that, when they are not naked, faeries
are most commonly observed wearing green coats or
dresses with red caps, sometimes with the addition
of a white owl's feather.The Tylwylii Teg of Wales
and wear white and tJie Silkies of the
ha\'e fair hair

North of England are dressed in white silk. The

more rustic solitary faeries sometimes wear clothing
made from the most easily available materials such
as moss and fallen leaves.

Giraldus Cambrensis wrote of XII th-century Welsh

faeries as follows:— 'These men were of the smallest
stature, but very well-proportioned in their make;
they were all ofa fair complexion, widi luxuriant hair
falling over their shoulders like tliat of women. They
had horses and greyhounds adapted to their size!

Big or small, grotesque or dainty, most faerie t\pes

are characterized by a physical deformitv* of some
kind which marks them out as 'different' to the
trained observer Such tell-tale signs include webbed
or. more commonly still, back-to-front feet, or e\'en

goat's hoofs, noseless nostrils, long pendulous breasts

and squint eyes. Pointed ears and cow's tails should
also be taken as a w arning diat faeries are afoot.


^ 1



Faeries spin, \\ea\e, build, churn and bake when not
indulging in more pleasurable pastimes and their
faerie powers enable them to accomplish prodigious
feats with rather less than the effort this would
demand from tlieir human countciparts . .

VVTicn in one night, ere glimpse of mom

His shadowy Flale hath thresh'd the Com
That ten day-labourers could not end.

This power is also evident from the many stories in

which a hideous dwarf tackles a seemingly
impossible amount of spinning in order to win a
human wife or obtain a human bab\ The most .

famous example of this t\pe of stor\' is


The litde people are reputed to be fine gold and

sihersmitlis and, typical of the complex faerie
nature, are known, despite their fear of cold iron, to
be excellent metalworkers. They possess cattle and
dogs and most faerie animals ha\e the peculiarit\- of
being pure w hite with red e\es and ears.

The faeries savour the most natural foodstuffs. We

know that they bake fine wholemeal breads and
cakes (and they sometimes offer these as gifts to kind
or helpful humans . .
.), that tlie\' relish cow's milk
straight from the udder (particularly from mortal
cows and without permission .) and that they will . .

gladly accept cheese and milksops as wages (if

indeed tliey do not simply help themsleves). Lady
Wilde reports in her Ancient Legends oj Ireland (1899)
that the little people 'lo\ e milk and honey, and sip
the nectar from the cups of the flowers which is their

fain" wine! Giraldus C'ambrensis meanwhile notes

that the Welsh faeries 'ate neidier flesh nor fish, but
lived on a milk diet, made up into messes with saffron!

However, in food as in every other facet of faerie life,

one must wonder just what and what is

is truth
'glamour! Who is to di\ine with autliorir\ whether

diat silver goblet of heavenly mead is not an acorn

filled with brackish water; diat those royal banquet
tables groaning under tlic weight of rare delicacies
are not soleK poor platters of faded autumn leaves,
those luscious plums toadstools.

One thing is certain though — faerie food, like a faerie

kiss, has special powers w here humans are
concemed and though tantalising in appearance
can, with few exceptions, lead to the unwarv^ being
imprisoned fore\ cr in the land of faerie.

Man creates gods in his own image, and the gods
which handed down to us.Thor. Bran
literature has
and Pallas Atliene amongst others, reflect the
aspirations, the lo\e of war, honor and poetr\' of
their worshippers who were basically the aristocrats
of their respecti\e societies.

Howe\ er, the people who had no written language,

and at whose dwellings the tra\elling Bards did not
call, must ha\e had their own di\inities. They had

local gods who looked after their crops, their houses

and the \agaries of the weatlier. These deities could
be blamed for tragedies and blessed for good fortune

Wliile the beliefs in Pantheons of thunder gods, war

gods, gods of lo\e and poetn' has sur\i\ed in

classical and mediaexal manuscripts, the simpler

rural gods have li\ed on b\ means of oral traditions
as faeries.
Y-n rflft Jriraiiii'^^ffiM't^'"' <» \ i '« , "^i m» tm
The Irish have their own industrious faerie, the
Leprechaun (lep-re-kawn) or one-shoe-maker. He is
a solitary' cobbler to be found merrily working on a
single shoe (never a pair) beneath a dock leaf

or under a hedge.

s with all faeries, it is important to see the

Leprechaun before he sees you, for he then becomes
more co-operative and can perhaps be persuaded to
guide you to one of his hidden crocks of gold. But he is
very sly and tricky and quite likely to disappear in the
twinkling of an eye.

Gold is a rare prize.

There is an old Irish legend of a young boy
who drove a turf cart to make a living. He was quiet
and moody- it was e\en rumoured that he was a
changeling - and what he loxed most in the
world was books. He read as much as his poor
circumstances allowed. One day he read in an old
book that Leprechauns knew all the secret places
where gold weas hidden. With such gold he could
buy all the books he desired. So, as the days
passed, he watched and listened sharply for the click
of a hammer in the hedgerow. At last one evening in
the setting sun he saw a Leprechaun under a dock
leaf The boy crept up on him from behind, seized
him by the scruff of his neck and refused to let go
until hidden gold was revealed. 'There is no need

for force', said the little fellow, 'for you and I are

cousins once removed!' The boy had indeed

been a changeling baby and since only those
of faerie blood could possess the gold he was perfectly
eligible. The gold lay in an old fort and they passed

through a door in a stone wall. The ground was

covered with gold pieces.

'Take what you want', said the Leprechaun, 'but One detects a somewhat moralistic flavour to this
quickly, forwhen the door shuts, it shuts for ever'. tale — the
good boy rewarded. Even though the
So the boy gathered as much as he could and took 'subjectwas a changeling. Leprechauns are seldom
it outside. He was just returning for more when, with so benign. They are characteristicall)' tricky, merry
a tremendous crack, the door shut firm. The and mischievous. For instance, in one case, a farmer
Leprechaun was nowhere to be seen. The gold was was shown the only plant in a whole field of ragworts
banked in Dublin. The boy was indeed rich; his under which gold was buried. Not ha\ing a shovel
money was spent wisely and he grew^ into a man of with him he tied his red garter to the plant and went
great learning and wisdom. His descendants are rich home to fetch the necessary tool. On his return every
and prosperous to this day. single ragwort sported a red garter


Goblins are a breed of small, swarthy, malicious

beings -although 'goblin' as a term is often used
as a general name for the uglier inhabitants of Faerie.
They sometimes appear in the shape of animals
which appropriately retlects their bestial nature.

They are the thieves and \illains of Faerie,

companions to the dead, especially on Halloween:

In that thrice hallow 'd E\e abroad.

When Ghosts, as Cottage-Maids beliexe.
Their pebbled Beds permitted leaxe,
.\nd Goblins haunt from Fire or Fen,

Or Mine, or Flood, the Walks of Men!

More than this, goblins are tempters, often using

using forbidden Faerie fruits to lure \ictims to
their doom:

We must not look at goblin men.

We must not buy their fruits;
Who knows upon what soil the\ fed,
Tiieir hungn thirsty roots?
Goblin Market
CHRISTINA gi(:>R(;inar(^ssf;iti

Not all goblins are inherently e\il. The mine dwelling
goblins are generally benign towards man.

The Knockers \\ ho inhabit Cbrnish and De\on tin

mines make die knocking noises that ga\e them
Uieir name to indicate rich \eins ofore. They are
oeneralh tiiendK tow ards the miners althouoh die\
enjoy making mischief. Ihe Knocker is an
exhibidonist and enjoys nothing more than teasing
miners by pulling his already ugly face into e\en
more horrible grimaces and peiforming grotesque

A small piece of die miner's tradidonal underground

meal, the pastie. should be lett lor the Knockers or
die\ will be angn and bring ill luck. W histling and
sw earing also anno\ them and are rew arded widi a
shower of harmless faerie stones. Knockers are still
acti\e in the hundreds of abandoned C'ornish dn
mines w aidng to lead an enterprising miner to a

hidden w ealtlix lode.

How e\er the Knockers in an old mine at C'haw

GulK Dartmoor
. are zealous guardians of their
mine. Rich \eins of tin and gold are said to be hidden
in the mines depdis. High on a rocky point abo\e
die mine sit dark birds, silent and w atching.
If an\ one should be intrepid enough to low er himself

by rope into the black shaft, halfw ay dow n die birds

croak, rasp a warning and a knife in a scrawny hand
cuts the rope as well as die thread oflile.Tlien die
body is found neady laid out at the top die follow ing
t^h^^e^ (^ m^u^t-^ Ha^ Ss^-^^^e m/9^ ^^^^^ o^^^-^H^^Tt-^^^^

r -/<



A company ot fifteen or sixteen C^oblynau was once

seen in the Parish of Bodfari, Denbighshire, in the
middle of a field dancing madl\ something after the
manner of Morris-dancers, but with a wildness and
The Welsh have their own mine goblins called swiftness in their motions'. The C'obKnau were
Coblynau (Koblernigh) They are the Welsh cousins
. apparently dressed in red like British soldiers 'and
Cornish Knockers. These creatures, using
to the wore red handkerchiefs spotted with yellow wound
mining tools, are seen working industriously at the round their heads. And a strange circumstance about
seam faces. The knocking of their picks and hammers them was that although thc\ were almost as big as
is lucky, a sign of heavy ore content. However, for all ordinarv' men, yet they had unmistakably the
their bustling labours, nothing is achieved for they are appearance of dwaris, and one could call them
simply miming, thoroughly enjoying the imitation nothing but dwaiis'. (From British Goblins b\ Wirt
and pretence. Sikes)
Short but powerfully built. Dwarfs are a^enerally
bearded and aged in appearance, although this is

because they reach maturit}' when onl\ three years

old and are grey-bearded by the age of se\en. Fheir
homes are the mountains of Scandinaxia and
German)- where the\' mine for precious metals to
work into arms and armour and other artifacts which
are often endowed with magic properties. It was the
Dwarfs who fashioned Miolnir (the hammer of
Thor) the spear Gungnir, the necklace Brisinga-men

of Freya and innumerable other manels. including

a new head of hair for Thor s wife Sif and a rope
strong enough to bind the giant v\olf Fenris yet as
slender as a thread.

) I ir/u. c to ^ 0^-^n^^^ 7^ ^A^A If n /

>• /^

*\ >^


A Pue^qAesTDRV >^

i:y^^e^^^ i^ft^, t>e,<^ ^{r^ u^ 'V |p^

M^^v/V^ /A/. -^tV^ ^ H^*")^ cP^^WAu ^(J^^tA^ . 7A^

^^ li\JU^ S^ ^<^vi>t^ ^^I'v*^ i^f\i^i\^ 3^ ffyi^CC^

fry.. Hie ^^ o/ > ''^^ Cir&^ . (C- /t^

r ^/'crPK of 6:J\^h<^

Of The hAuifzs

3^ l^iA^O'PtA^ ^
The PLxie. also \ariously known as Pisgie. piskie.
I pigsey. of Cornwall, is based in the district of

'There's piskies up to Dartmoor
And t'idden gude yu sez there hain't!'

There's hardK a place on Dartmoor that is not

haunted b\ the green mischiexous creatures. They
ha\e lent their name to man\ landmarks. Pbde's
Holt. PLxie's Ca\e, Pixie's Parlour. Puggie Stone (the
word Puggie has the same derixation as Puck) The\" .

dance in the shadows of the standing stones, or

gambol on the tumbling stream edges. Their bells can
be heard deep in the heart of the many tors on the
If thou "rt of air let grey mist fold thee.
if of earth let the s\\ art mine hold thee,
if a PLxie sink th\ ring*
if a XLxie seek thy spring.

The mischie\"Ous PLxies delight in stealing horses

and Dartmoor ponies at night to ride them wildly
across the moor, twisting and knotting their manes to
spur them on. E\en in the house one is not safe from
them, for the\" like to throw pots and pans after the
kitchen girls.

Although they enjoy their fun. the PLxies can be

hard-\\ orking and often threshcom at night for
rewards of bread and cheese. How e\ er, one grateful
farmer obsening that the PLxie w ho threshed his com
wore clothes in tattei's. got his wife to make up a tin\-

suit. This was left where the Pixie might find it at the
beginning of his night's work. The PLxie. on seeing the
brand new outfit, delightedh' put it on. the threshing
forgotten, and cried
'New Coat. New Waist-coat.
New Breeches!
\ou proud. proud. I

Ishan't w ork any more!'

Xor did he. lca\ ing the farmer regretful of his
*tafric ring

of i^^yi2 h/y^^^yi^'^ '^^ fe.-G.&t^/yc<i

In Ireland this "mis-leading" is attributed to a faerie

tuft of grass or stray sod w hich \n hen trodden on,
triggers a spell. Under its influence, a usual
experience w hen tr\ing to cross a field is to discoxer
that a stiled exit w hich may ha\ e been clearly xisible
on entering, has suddenly disappeared: and no
amount of systematic searching of the surrounding
hedges \\ill rexeal its wherea bouts. In other cases a
\\ alker might abrupdy find himself heading in a
totally different direction to the \\ ay he wishes to go
and no amount of re-alignment of his course seems to
put this right. The sp>ell may be counteracted by the
traditional method of tumine one's coat inside out
and \\ earing it this \\ ay.

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The Phooka is an Irish goblin with a variety of rough
beast-like forms. He appears sometimes as a dog or a
horse, or e\en a bull, but he is generally jet-black with
blazing eyes. As a seemingly friendly, shaggy,
sway-backed pony Phooka offers the unwary traveller
a welcome lift; but once astride he is taken for a wild
and terrifying gallop across the wettest and most
thorny countrv', eventually to be dumped headlong
into the mire or deposited in a ditch. The chuckle is
that of the Phooka as he gallops away.
PUCK. , ^, ,
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TiHe ^SLPl^
is a Scottish water faerie. Although
sometimes appearing in the guise of a hairy man,
this is more often seen in the form ofa young horse.
The Kelpie haunts rivers and streams and, after
letting unsuspecting humans mount him, will dash

into the water and give them a ducking.

The Each-Uisge (Ech-ooshkya), or Aughisky

(Agh-iski) as he is known in Ireland, inhabits seas
and and is far more dangerous. After carrying
he will tear them to
his victims into the water,

pieces and devour them, leaving nothing but the


If the Aughisky is ridden inland, he is quite safe, but

the slightest smell or sight of sea water will spell
death to the rider. ,


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Li/I^y AN/DTn€A/\6£MAip
In the old days die fishermen of Cornwall used to
comb the seawrack on the beaches for valuables
washed ashore from the many wrecks that were the
toll of that cruelly rocky coast. One da\- Lutey of
Cur\', which is near Lizard Point, discovered a
lovely mermaid stranded in one of the many
ddepools to be found among the rocks.

Li ^\
She was a \'er\' beaudful creature and easily
persuaded Lutey to carr\- her dovvn to the receding
sea. Snuggling against him, she offered him three
wishes for his kindness and Lutey, who was a good
^ man, chose first to have die power to break
power to force witch's
witchspells, second the
familiars to do good and third, that these
to others,

two powers be inherited by his descendants.

The mermaid gladly granted these wishes and,

because he had chosen wiseh* and unselfishly, she

added two gifts - first, that none of liis family should

ever want, and second, a way for him to call her
when needed by the use of her magic comb. He
thanked her gravely and, still carrying her without
effort, paced on toward the sea.

Now Lutey was a handsome man, and strong. .\nd

the mermaid began to wish that she might see more
of him. She was a very lovely creature indeed, her
silky, pale hair having a siK ery cast to it, wide green
\ eyes and a throaty liquid \ oice of great sweetness.
WTien at last they came to the edge of the sea she
began to plead with him to come into the water a
litde further, holding him tight about the neck when

he would have put her down. Her voice was so gende

and the movement of her lithe body so sweet in his
arms that Lutey strode on into the sea and would
have been forever lost had not his dog barked
frantically from the shore and reminded him of his
own dear wife and children. But now the mermaid
clung even more fiercely and would have dragged
him down into the heav\' sea until finalK' Lutey
unsheathed his knife and threatened her with it.
The knife was of iron, a metal which is repulsive to
merfolk, and she dashed away into the sea, calling as
she went:
Tarewell, farewell!
And keep thee well, my love!
For nine long years I'll wait for thee
And hold thee in my heart, my love
.\nd then I shall return!'

Lutey 's wishes all came true and his famil)- and
descendants became famous healers. But the
mermaid's promise also came true, for nine years to

the da\ from the time when Lute\' had cast her off
she returned. He was out fishing with one of his sons,
and she rose high in the water that was as green as
her liquid e\es and shook her silk\- head and
beckoned. Lute\- turned to his son and said, 'It is

time. must pay my debt; But he did not seem in the


least unhappy as he leapt into the green depths with

his sil\"er-\oiced love.

It is said also tiiat e\er after, e\er)- nine years, a

Lutey of Cur\- would be lost to the sea. But whether
they went as joyfulK as the first Lutey no one knows.


The ll^Z^ ti^C'vpe^Lc

-fs>eA^i^ t*v HviA: /k£^ v^-c-^r ^ioC'

called a variety of names according to location, i.e.

Bwca (Booka) in Wales, Bodach in the Highlands,

Fenoderee on the Isle of Man ; he has a number of
characteristics which make him easily recognizable.
Typically he is a small and shaggy man, wrinkled
and brown in appearance, standing some twenty-
five inches in height and either naked or dressed in

tattered brown clothes. Whilst Highland Brownies

have no fingers or toes, Lowland Brownies have no

The Brownie generally 'adopts' a house which he

then looks after. He has a very developed sense of
responsibility and will come out at night to watch
over farm animals, reap, thresh, mow, run errands
and generally make himself indispensable. He will
willingly do the work left undone by the servants
although, should he feel they merit it, he will also
plague them for their idleness. In Scotland, the
Brownies help with the brewing.

For all his labors, however, the Brownie expects no

more than a bowl of cream or best milk and a cake
smeared with honey. Indeed, anything more and he
will take offence and leave as has so often been the

casewhen a kind-hearted householder has

misguidedly left him the gift of fine clothes:

'What have we here, Hempen, Hampen!

Here will I never more tread nor stampen.
Curiously though, there is at least one reported
occasion of the Brownie taking umbrage because he
esteemed the quafity ofa set of clothes left out for
him to be inferior . .

'Harden, harden, harden hamp!

I will neither grind nor stamp.
Had you given me linen gear,
I had served you many a year,

Thrift may go, bad luck may stay,

I shall travel far away.'

Of course Brownies, like all faeries, are unpredictable

in their behaviour and certainly one must take care
not to offend them for, as already mentioned, the
transition from helpful Brownie to troublesome
Boggart is easily made. One Brownie whose mowing
was criticized, had his revenge by throwing the
entire harvest over a steep rock-face.

the Welsh variety otBrownie. He will willingly

churn butter if the kitchen and fireplace have been
swept clean and a bowl of cream set next to the
lighted fire. If mistreated or insulted, the Bwca will
lose his temper and refuse to work. He will bang on
the wall, throw things and even people through the
air, pinch sleepers, destroy clothes, tell secrets out
loud, howl and beat his tormentors. The
householder should protect himself with iron, Holy
water or crosses made from Mountain Ash. Then a
Wise Man should be called in to banish the Bw ca.

The Bwca despises teetotallers and people with long

noses. One W^sh Brownie tormented a Baptist
preacher who strongly disapproved of alcohol by '

jerking his stool away from him whilst he w as

praying, causing tlie unfortunate man to fall flat on
on the hearth, making
his face,jangling the fire irons

dogs howl, frightening farmboys and maids and

terrifying the preacher by taking his likeness. Finally l^-

the preacher fled with the Bwca riding pillion on his

horse and grinning from ear to ear.

A Bw ca on a Monmouthshire farm was tricked by a

servant who left him instead
stale urine in a bowl for

of cream. He attacked her and then went to work at

another farm where a curious girl wished to know
his name but he refused to tell her One e\ening all
the men were out and the girl pretended to go out
but crept to the foot of the stairs and heard him
singing; 'How would she laugh, did she know tliat

Gwarwyn-a-throt is my name! She called out that

she knew his name so he left and mo\cd to a
neighbouring farmhouse w here he became friends
with the manservant, Moses. Eventually Moses was
killed at Bosworth field and Gwarwyn-a-throt

turned bad and became so troublesome lliat a wise

man was called in to lay' him. He got die Bwca to
stick liis long nose out of the hole where he was

hiding and transfixed it with an awl; the Bwca was

swept away in a whirlw ind to the Red Sea.

.'^^^-;,. ^sd-'ltf^i

A type ofbrownie from the Isle of Man. A willing-

worker ot prodigious strength, the Fenoderee
perfbrnis many labours for the fanners oi'Man. His
strength and enthusiasm are not matehed by his
intelligence however and this w as exident when he
rounded up a hare with the lloek of sheep in his
charge. There was also an occasion when he was
tricked intcj tn ing to fetch v\ ater in a siexe.

The Fenoderee was a member of the

Ferrishyn - the taerie tribe of Man,
until he made the mistake of absenting

himself from their Autumn festix al to

court a mortal girl. His good looks were

taken from him and he became the
solitary, ugly creature he is now.

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One of the best-known of the Highland Brownies toMaggy Mouloch, who asked him who was
is Meg or Magg\- Moulach. Meg had a son, responsible for hurting him in that way- he replied
Brownie-Clod, who however was a Dobie, that it was 'Me myself
a rather stupid variety of Brownie. One tale tells
of a certain Fincasde Mill that was reputed to be But the girl did not escape Maggy's wrath for long.

haunted so no-one dared set foot there after dark. Some time later when she was married she was
One night however, a girl who was making a cake for asked to tell a story so she recounted how she had
her wedding discovered she had run short of meal. tricked the Brownie at Fincastle Mill. Unbeknown
Finding no-one willing to go to the mill for her, she to her Maggy Mouloch was outside and heard ever)'
had to go herself. She made up a big fire, put a pot of word and she had her revenge immediately,
water on and began to grind the meal. On the
to boil throwing a three-legged stool so violently at the

dot of midnight, an ugly little brown man came into young bride that she was killed on the spot.
the mill, edged towards her and when she asked who
he was, replied by asking her what her name was. Maggy Mouloch then found a new home near a
She answered: 'Oh, I'm Mise mi fein' (me myself). farm where the servants paid her with bread and
The Brownie edged closer to her leering in an cream for her help. She worked so conscientiously
unpleasant manner until she took fright and poured however that the farmer decided to dismiss all the
a ladle of boiling water over him. At this he servants and rely on her work. She retaliated by
screeched in anger and flew at her. She defended going on strike and becoming a full-time Boggart,
herself by pouring the rest of the boiling water over plaguing him so much that he was forced to rehire
him. He fled out of the door, mortally burned, the rest of the servants.
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mo^o i^cyz^^ to i^oJc^

Bees , A^/t^^^ 3.K: Cd^sfdjeyf-e^ U^ /He^se^^e4<f
of /^ Cjoc>(4 ^ h9A^ ^ p3nAict<4'^i^ fvyi^ntC£ ftrr ^li4/^

of ^^ faei^^&f CotvsC</pt'^%^

c^ the y^e^t of- ei^(^f^^.


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FA6RJe Many trees are the haunts of Faerie. Humans foolish
enough to pass b\' a host-tree late at night find their
arms bruised or pinched by small faerie fingers.
Three Thorn trees growing closeK' together at an
acute angle are especially potent and should be
approached warily if at all. Or on the other hand,
Thorn tree branches can be hung with ribbons and
e\en rags as propitiating gifts for the faeries.

Other trees most favoured by the faeries are the

Blackthorn, Hazel, Alder, Elder and Oak.
Elementals and strange creatures haunt these trees,

especially if tw isted together; two Thonis and an

Elder are thought to be a particularly dangerous
combination. So are Oak, Ash and Thorn.
Strangely, howe\er, a twig from each bound together
with red thread is a protecti\e charm against e\ il
and hostile spirits.

In general, however, one should beware faerie trees

for they are fiercely protected. As with all things
"aerie, one must approach the benefits with caution.
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Sp^^ M^ T^^^^^ex/ ^^u.c^ w^^pc^ Hie4^ lrtP^/v^^ uf>^

There are many folktales and songs linking the
people of the hills' with toadstools whose sudden
appearance and rapid growth have always seemed
uncanny to man. Hence some supernatural agency
must be their cause. The European St Veit, on 15th
June, rides through the woods on his blind horse
sowing toadstools. Their unearthly shapes and
colors (sometimes e\'en luminous) and their often
poisonous nature are considered a sure sign that these
growths are the Devils or faerie spawn:

. . . you whose pastime

Is to make midnight mushrooms.

The toadstool most associated with faerie is the red

Fly Agaric (Amarita Muscovia). This is a toadstool
with poisonous hallucinogenic properties. The
Mkings ate this magic fungus to gain their fighting
frenzy known as 'Berserk'.

I n \iking mythology Woton was once chased by devils

and the red flecks offoam falling from the mouth of his
galloping, six-limbed steed, Slepnir, were magically
transformed into red toadstools. Fly Agaric was thus
a gift from the Gods. The C-elts had a taboo on the red
toadstools and, indeed, on many red foods like
rowan berries and red nuts and fruits. These were
the food of the Gods.

Similarly Robert Graves considers that Amarita

Muscovia is in fact the nectar and ambrosia of the
Greek Gods, a statement that is reinforced by similar
attribution and use of the sacred mushrooms by
peoples as far apart as Siberia, Mexico and Borneo.
Extracts from the Fly Agaric induce in the partakers
great animation during which they dance wildly,
have visions and talk to inxisible people. What
better mushroom to be a magic faerie seat or a
gateway to faerieland.

Faerie has claimed many toadstools as its particular

property as reflected in names such as Yellow Fair\-
CUub, Slender Elf Cap, Dune Pixie-Hood and
Dryad's Saddle.
At the time of the English Civil War there li\ed a
':.>^sf^ \4 certain Anne Jefferies who became quite notorious
for her claims of having been carried a\\'a\- by the
little people, her powers of clair\o\ance and healing

by touch.

.Vnne recounted that she was knitting one day in a

shad\ nook when she heard a rustling. Believing this
to be her sweetheart she decided to pretend she had
heard nothing. Then she heard a suppressed laugh
and a tinkling sound and six handsome little men
dressed in green came into the arbor. One of them,
the finest of all, had a red feather in his cap. He spoke
to her lovingly and, vv hen she put (jut her hand to
him. jumped onto her palm. Wlien Anne set the
faerie dovv n on her lap, he clambered up her bosom
and began to kiss her neck. She was enchanted with
his love-making. The other five little men then
climbed on her dress and smothered her with kisses.

Suddenly one touched her eves, she was plunged

into darkness and felt herself transported through
the air. She was set down, opened her eyes and found
herself in a vsondrous land of lush trees, beautiful
flow ers, gold and silver palaces, lakes of glittering
fish and colored song birds.
Magnificently clad people were promenading,
resting, dancing or indulging in pastimes, lliey now
seemed no smaller than Anne who found herself
garbed in the same fine manner as they. Blissfully
happv', courted b) her six friends, Anne could have
sta\ ed there forever.

Later she stole away v\ ith her beau v\ ilh the red
feather but the five others, with and in
angrv' crov\
their wake, broke in on their happiness. Again she
was plunged into darkness, w hisked into the air and
finally found herself on the floor of her arbor
surrounded by worried friends.

Although Anne continued to be guarded by the

faeries who nourished her v\ith faerie food, as people
came to see her from lar and v\ ide and her lame
I* spread she was persecuted by the Authorities,
v^/ arrested in 1646 and committed to prison. She was
not led but thrived on iaeric victuals. Eventually she
was released but, understandably, would speak no
more of her visit to the realm.
Sir Arthur Clonan Do\ Ic recounted in his
Tfie Coming of the Fahies the experiences of "a
N [iss ^\'inter of Blarney in C'ork \\ hich. the author
concludes, "seems to linlv up the lain kinodom w ith
spiritual communication". Apparently Miss Winter's
family receixed a number of "communications' from
a faeiie called Bebel (one of which lasted nearly an
hour). The faerie explained that he was in fact a
Leprechaun. He was xen fond of the children of the
house and many were the times the family w ould
gather round the table to listen to the children and
the Leprechaun chattenns^craily together. The
Leprechaun told them how w ell on
the faeries get
\\ ith rabbits and how the\' ride on the backs of hens
w hilst they dislike dogs as these chase them.

7 he Leprechaun told the family that PLxies d\\ elt in

the old ruined ibrt nearby while the \\ inter demesne

was traditional 1\ the home of the Leprechauns,
these being both male and female and haxing a
queen. Queen Picel. w ho \\ ould tl\ on a magnificent

A doctor friend of Dermot ^ lac A lanus. author of

The Middle Kingdom, disclosed hox\". as a lad. he was
bathing one hot day with friends in an isolated little
pool they had discoxered not far from Foxford in
Max o. and sax\ a Leprechaun.

Folloxving their bathe, the boys chased one another

to getdn; dressed and began t(^ x\alk slox\ly home.
Crossing a field. Mac Manus" friend saw a little
figure dart behind a rock. He told his companion
w ho ansx\ ered that it must haxe been a scarecrox\-
flapping in the x\ind. His curiosit\' unsatisfied, the
boy approached the rock to investigate and
suddenly both boys found themselxes confronted
x\ith a little man about four feet high xvearing a shinx
collarless black coat buttoned up to the chin, and a
cap. He had pe]Dper and salt x\hiskers and a broad
friendly grin on his face but the box s x\ ere terrified
and took to their heels 'as if the dexil himself
x\ ere after them.'
An account is gi\en ofa sighting in a spa. I lklc\

Wells in Yorkshire, in the late 19th-centur\.

A man called William Butterfield used to open the

door baths first thing in the morning.
to the
One day he arri\ed. fitted his key into the lock and
turned but the keyjust went on turning as if in a
void. He took it out to look at it and it was the same
massi\e key as e\er So William pushed the door
w hich opened slighth" but was thrust forcibly back
again. He then gave it a powerful push, it flew open
with a bang. To his amazement he saw that the
water was completely co\ered by little creatures, all
fully clothed in green. 1 he\ were dipping into it as if
taking a bath and jabbering unintelligibly. Soon one
or two of the faeries made to lca\e and William
Butterfield, anxious to speak to them, called out
'HaHo there' at which the entire comj:)an\ scallcMcd
shrieking with alarm like a fk)ck of birds cUid
disappeared w ithout trace.
Theosophy recognises the world of Faerie as a part
of a usually hidden spiritual world that co-exists
with our physical world. In the theosophists' \iew
the general function of faeries is to absorb PR.\X.\
or vitality from the sun and distribute this to the
physical. Thus the flower faeries are nature spirits for
they pro\ide the \ital link between the sun's energy
and the soil's minerals. C-ertain laeries are
responsible for the structure and color of flowers;
others work below ground around the roots; others
on a moleciflar level are concerned with cell growth.
Still other faerie species aid the dexelopmenl of the
mineral, \egetable, and animal kingdom.



{' K- .t-t

The faerie body comprises the finest states of

ph\ sical matter. When faeries are \isible the\ are on
an ETHERIC: le\el (a state more subtle than
gaseous) and when in\isible the\" are on an
ASTR,\L le\el (a state e\en finer than etheric)
The\" are able to change le\'els at will, but on the finer
le\els are onh- \isible to the clair\o\ant.The matter
of their form is so sensiti\e and fluid that it can be
molded b\" such tenuous things as thought and
feeling. Their normal state is a pulsating sphere of
light \\ ith a bright nucleus, but when this condenses
and they materialise on the etheric le\el. they often
use a collecti\e consciousness as a blueprint (or their
form. In this wa\' form is determined by imitating
elements of plants and animals, or by using a
traditional mold; or by intercepting human
sub-conscious thought patterns.

Thus a faerie's appearance will often reflect oui" ow n

preconceptions of faeries. Xot unnaturally faerie

^ forms are both numerous and \ aried. but arc

generally based on a diminutixe human figure with,
usually, some defect or exaggeration of feature or
limb. Because of the nature of its etheric structure a
faerie can change its size at will but, if naturally
small, to maintain a larger size for any period oftime
is a considerable strain. In order to take on a new
form a faerie must concei\e it clearK" and keep it
fixed firmly in its consciousness, for as soon as the
thought waixcrs its Ibrm rexerts back to normal. The
energies that flow through the faerie body often Ik^Ijd

to create flowing hair and outspread wings of

brilliant, e\er-changing hues. These pinions are not
used for flight for faeries can tra\el through air and
matter at will.



Common experiencx and claino) ant sightings ol
faeries prove that the faeries of tradition are the
faeries of fact. Clairvoyant Geoffrev' HcKlson in his
book Fairies at librk and at Play dcsci'ih(^s his liunie

1 lie Houseliold Brownie tliat fixed in Mr. Hodson's

. some fix'e or six indies higli, wears a
. .

conical brown cap, ofa texture like deerskin,

tilted at the back of his head. He has a bright,
youthful clean-shaxen countenance, with
fresh colour, and dark brown e\es which are
round and bright. The neck is a little too long
and thin for our sense of proportion. He is
clothed in a green, close-fitting coatee; knee-
breeches, and brownish-grey stockings of a
rough material; at the jMcsent moment he is

wearing large boots somewhat out of

jM()j)ortion to the rest ofhis ixxly.
A Golden Fain' -she is decidedly fair in

colouring, full of laughter and happiness.

\er\" open and fearless in expression. and is
surrounded b\ an aura of golden radiance in

which the outline ofher wings can be traced.

There is also a hint of mocken" in her
attitude and expression, as of one \\ ho is
enjoying a joke against the poor mortals who
are studying her.

In a waterfall he sees an Undine:

... in the form of a full-sized nude female of
singular beaur\ . Ihe hair is fair and shining,

the brow broad, the features beautifully

modelled, the eyes large and luminous and.
while their expression has something of the
spirit of the wilds, their glance is not

In Epping Forest he describes tree spirits as green

with the appearance:
. . . ofvouno-orirls.and are of human height.
Fhey ha\e long dark hair whic h hangs loose
and gi\es them a rather w ild l(K)k. Some are
wearing garlands and looscK hans^ing
necklaces ol lea\ es . .

V r

Wood P.Kes arc tin\ and: . . . appeared as if completely coxered in a

tight fitting one-piece skin, which shone as if

£. \\ et. and was coloured like the bark ot a tree.

Iheir hands and feet were large, out of all
proportion U) the rest cjf their bodies. 1 heir
legs were thin, and their ears ran upwards to
a point. Their noses too were pointed and
their mouths were wide.

True Thomas lay oer yond grass)' bank,
And he beheld a ladie gay,
A ladie that was brisk and bold.
Come ridin"" oer the fernie brae.

Her skirt was of the grass-green silk.

Her mantel of the velvet fine,

At ilka lett of her horse's mane
Hung fifty siKer bells and nine.

True Thomas he took ofFhis hat.

And bowed him low dow n till his knee:
'All hail, thou might\ Queen of"Hea\en!
\ox your peer on earth I never did see.'

'O no. O no. Irue Thomas' she says,

'That name does not belong to me;
I am but the queen of fair Elfland,
And Tm come here for to \isit thee.

'But \maun go wi me now, Thomas,

True Thomas, \"e maun go wi me,
For ye maun serve me seven years.
Thro weel or wae as ma\' chance to be.'

She turned about her milk-white steed.

And took True Thomas up behind.
And a\'e wlieneer her bridle rang,
The steed flew swifter in the wind.

For forty days and forty nights

He v\ ade thro red blude to the knee.
And he saw neither sun nor moon.
But heard the roaring of the sea.

O they rade on, and further on.

Until they came to a garden green:
'Light down, light down, ye ladie free.
Some of that fruit let me pull to thee.'
'O no, O no, True Thomas' she says,
'That fruit maun not be touched by thee,
For a' the plagues that are in hell

Light on the fruit of this countrie.

'But I have a loaf here in my lap.

Likewise a bottle of claret wine.
And now ere we go farther on,
W e'll rest a while, and \e may dine.'
When he had eaten and drunk his fill,

'Lay down your head upon my knee,'

The lady sayd, 'ere we climb yon hill.
And I will show you fairlies three.

'O see not ye yon narrow road,

So thick beset wi thorns and briers?
That is the path of righteousness,
Tho after it but few enquires.

'And see not ye that braid braid road.

That lies across \on lillie le\en?
lliat is the path of wickedness.
Tho some call it the road to heaxen.

'And see not ye thai bonn\ road.

Which winds about the fernie brae?
That is the road to fair Eliland.
Whe(re) you and this night maun
I gac.

maun hold your tongue,

'But Thomas, ye
Whate\eryou may hear or see.
For gin ae word you should chance to speak.
You will neer get back to \our ain countrie.'

He has gotten a coat of the e\ en cloth.

And a pair ofshoes of \el\et green.
And till se\en years were past and gone
1 rue Thomas on earth was ne\er seen.

The Fn^/is/i (ind Scottish Pofndar BaUads


5^2^ "^Ha^ UyveA rru.. ^'i gn^ ^v^e-i^ ci^^ '^i^kjt y^se-^te C^ru^n^ .

f^^Kyt fffheyi^ Hjz^-e/^ /-e-'^W^'^v -fi^M^^ /A^ h^^u^ af F^^e^.-t^

<z^i/i^ sc^cfCu^^/^ firry /^sue^vt<^ (rs^u^c ,

Janet has kilted her green kirtle Janet has kilted her green kirtle

A little aboon her knee. A little aboon her knee.

And she has snooded her yellow hair And she has snooded her yellow hair
A little aboon her bree. A little aboon her bree.
And she is to her father s ha. And she's awa to Carterhaugh
As last as she can hie. As fast as she can hie.

Four and twent\ ladies fair When she cam to Carterhaugh,

Were playing at the ba. Tarn Lin was at the w ell.
And out then cam the fair Janet, And there she fand his steed standing,
Ance the flower aniansr them a". But awa\' was hinisel.

Four and twenty ladies fair She had na pu"d a double rose,
Were pla\ ing at the chess, A rose but only twa.
And out then cam the fair Janet. Till up then started \oungTam Lin,
As green as onie glass. Says Lady, thou pu s nae mae.

Out then sjxik an auld grey knight. Why pu s thou the rose, Janet,
Lay oer the castle wa, Amang the gi'oxes sae green,
.\nd says. Alas, fairjanet. for thee And a' to kill the bonnie babe
But we'll be blamed a". That we gat us between?'

'Hand your tongue, ye auld fac'd knight. X) tell me, tell me,Tam Lin,' she says.
Some ill death may ye die! Tor's sake that died on tree,

F ather my bairn on w hom I will, If eer ye was in holy chapel,

Fll father nane on thee.' Or Christendom did see?'

Out then spak her father dear, 'Roxbrugh he was my gi^andf ather,
And he spak meek and mild; I ook me with him to bide,

'And e\ er alas, sweet Janet,' he says, And ance it fell upon a day
'1 think thou gaes \\i child.' That wae did me betide.

'If that I gae wi child, father, "And ance it fell upon a day,
Mysel maun bear the blame; A cauld day and a snell.
There's neer a laird about your ha When we were frae the hunting come
Shall get the bairn's name. That frae my horse I fell;
The Queen o Fairies she caught me.
'If my lo\e were an earthly knight, In yon green hill to dwell.
As he's an elfin grey,
I wad na gie my ain true-lo\e 'And pleasant is the fairv land.
For nae lord that ye hae. But, an eerie tale to tell,

A\ at the end of se\'en years

'The steed that my true-lo\e rides on- We pay a tiend to hell;
Is lighter than the w ind; I am sae fair and u flesh. f ( >

\\ i siller he is shod before. I'm feard it be mxself.

Wi burning gowd behind."

» x^-MJi
'But the night is Halloween. lad\". 'And last they'll turn me in your arms
The mom is Hallowday; Into the burning gleed;
Then win me. win me. an ye \\ ill, Then throw me into well water,
For weel I \\ at ye ma\ throw me in wi speed.

'Just at the mirk and midnight hour '.\nd then 1*11 be \"our ain true-lo\e,
The fair\- folk will ride. I'll turn a naked knight;
And they that was their true-lo\"e win, Ihen me wi your gi^een mantle.

At Miles Cross they maun bide.' And co\"er me out o sight!

'But how shall I thee ken, Tam Lin, Gloomy, gloomy was the night.
Or how my true-lo\e know, And eerie was the way.
Amang sae mony unco knights. As fair Jenny in her green mantle
The like I ne\er saw ?*
To Miles C'ross she did gae.

'O first let pass the black, lady, About the middle o the night
And s\ ne let pass the brow n. She heard the bridles ring;
But quickly run to the milk-white steed, This lady was as glad at that

Pu \e his rider down. As any earthly thing.

'For ril ride on the milk-white steed. First she let the black pass by.

And ay nearest the town; And syne she let the brow n;
Because I was an earthly knight But quickly she ran to the milk-white steed,

The\' gie me that renown. And pu"d the rider down.

'My right hand will be glo\d, lady, Sae w eel she minded whae he did say.

My left hand will be bare, And youngTam Lin did win;

Cockt up shall m\ bonnet be. Syne co\erd him wi her green mantle.
And kaimd down shall be m\ hair, As bl\ the's a bird in spring.
.\nd thae's the takens I gie thee,
Xaedoubi 1 w ill be there. Out then spak the Queen o Fairies,
Out of a btish o broom.
'I hey'll turn me in \ our arms, lady, 'Them that has gotten \ oung Tam Lin
Into an esk and adder; Has gotten a stately groom!
But hold me fast, and fear me not,
I am your bairn s father C^ut then spak the Queen o Fairies,
.\nd an angn woman was she:
rhe\"ll turn me to a bear sae grim. 'Shame betide her ill-far'd face.
And then a lion bold; And an ill death may she die.
But hold me last, and fear me not. For she's taen awa the Ixjnniesl knight
As ye shall lo\e your child. In a' m\companie.

'Again iIua'II turn me in xourarms l)Ulha(l I kend. lam Lin." she says,
lb a red hel gaud ofairn: 'W hat now this night I see,
But hold me last, and (ear me not. 1 w ad hae taen out thy twa grey een.
ril do to vou nae harm. .\nd put in twa een o tree!

Hie English and Scottish Popular Ballads

While working on the illustrations/or this book, Brian Froud
received this unusual letter and drawingfrom Matawan,
NewJersey. .

Dec. 30. 1977

Dear Mr Froud,
Please forgi\e this intrusion — it isn't my usual habit to annoy
strangers with correspondence. Howexer, I happen to be one of the
great many admirers of your work and this is a .sort offan letter
Recently I inherited one of the oldest houses in New Jersey (1677) and
it w as necessary for me to clean the place out and sell it. Since it has
been in the family since before the Revolution, this is rather a large
and interesting project, if a trifle melancholy. I am a toymaker and a
builder of horsedrawn wagons by profession and, though I lo\ e this

work, it does not pro\ide the sort of income necessarv' to maintain a

large countn house. (This is O.K. by me, howexer, as 1 really don"t

want to li\e here tbi^ a \arier\' of reasons) . One olniy fa\orite items in
the house is the enclosed sketch \\ hich I would be honored if \ ou
v\<)uld accept as a token of my appreciation of many happ\ hours
spent studying your drawings. The stor\' behind the sketch is as
follows; During the summer of 1887 my great grandfather, James M.
Hawkins, cut down a dead apple-tree near the house. .Mter the tree A/
was down he got a lx)ok, a pipe and a mug of tea and went back
outside to rest a bit. Shortly there appeared on a branch ol the tree, an
old man with a pin feather in his cap and a full white beard. He was
about sL\ inihes tall but was otherwise unremarkable. They regardai
each other for a while and the little man asked w hy he had cut down
the tree. G. Grandfather replied that it was dead and would ha\e
fallen in the winter The little man asked what he would do VNith it

and was informed itwould belire wo(xl..\t this, the little man flew
into a rage and said he had li\ed in the tree for years and wouldn't w
see his home casually burned and if ( i. Cirandfatherdid .so dispose of \ J
it he would suffer for it. G. Grandfather asked what he should do with
it and the little man gave it some thought and replied he should make
a cradle for liis children and the\' v\ould ha\e good fortune.
Thereupon he stamped a loot, said something in a "foreign"
language which G. Grandfather said sounded like an Indian tongue
and was gone. G. Grandfather at once took out a pencil and recorded
the little man's likeness on the flyleaf of his book. He made the cradle,
a really nice piece of work which 1 chensh and which impresses me
ver\' much, haxing tried to work apple wood myself with no success -
\eiy gnarly and grainy and hard to do anything with.

His children did do rather well, all being successful and li\ ing
to old age. For whatever it's wortli, I might add that G. Grandfather
was a man with a reputation f()r being quite dour and not gi\en to
fancies at all.

You may or may not be aware that there are native legends in
/Wierica regarding elves, sprites The Leni-Lenapi Indians (the

local tribe hereabouts) called them "Nan A Push" which literally

means "little people of the forest'"

,\nyway, it strikes me that items such as this sketch really only

have value if they are passed around

Yours with best w ishes,

Toby Grace.
(cith some up-lo-dale faerie siij^hlina^s but, despite a thowiiiihlv

researched itineran' cnrenni^ known faerie haunts, they retunu'd disappointed.

Suhsef/uentlr the snapshots taken n 'ere submitted jor minute examination

by a panel oj experts a 'ho maintain that they do in J act show evidence oj
Jaerie presence.

/i Z!W^^^^€^^^ Ar>Ms^
Over the many months during which the author/illustrators and fibre and also charred stones which are
researched and compiled this volume, serious doubts arose assumed to have been used in or around fires.
over the authenticity of information pertaining to the Elsewhere, a race of 'little people', ie small in stature, is also
existence, nature and role of "Gnomes' in iaerielore. biov\n to have inhabited the caves along the
The proper noun itself was probably born of a simple Mediterranean coast of Southern Spain. The existence of
mistranslation combining the root ofthc^ Mediacxal such cave-dv\elling people might well also have given rise
Latin "gnomus' and the (ircek verb yi/wpt^O) (to to stories of '(rnomes'.
know). Alternatixely it has been suggested that Possibly the most likely theory, however, is that the word
"Gnome' is derived Irom, or is e\en an erroneous "Cinome" came be used in the English language
elision of, the Greek yefoixof; which, comparable through the writings of the 16th-century Swiss
to the word daka(jcnvo<; meaning "ofor from the sea', alchemist, Paracelsus.
could conceivably have been understood to signify Paracelsus was variously regarded as wise man,
"of the earth'. magician and rogue but certainly the man himself
At all events the resulting noun v\as probably had no doubts as to his capabilities for he called
used in reierence toa breed ofsmall p(X)ple to be © himself Paracelsus to proclaim his superioriry over
found in the remoter mountain regions ol the 1976 Aulus Gornelius Celsus, the celebrated author of
Northern Hemisphere and notably the De Medicina.
Carpathian mountains. I'hese people used to
mine the rock quarries of the mountains many One ol Paracelsus' works was entitled Liber de
centuries ago and hence popular legend could nymphis, sylphis, pygmaeis et salamandris et caetenbus
have described them as having actually spintibus in which he propounds the theory of
inhabited the bowels oi the earth rather in existence of four spiritual beings: the sylphs of
the manner of Dwarfs or Knockers. Fhey air, the salamanders of the fire, the nymphs
were also said to be intimateh- accjuainted with of the water and the pygmies of the earth.
the locations of precious metals and stones, Writing in Latin, he also referred to the pygmies
(hence the Greek root word indicating knowledge?) as 'gnomi' which has the singular 'gnomus'.
Anthropologists, however, can see no foundation for Paracelsus' "Gnomes' were able to move through the
suggestions that these people might not have belonged earth "unobstructed as fish do through water, or birds
to our race. Archeological remains have included both and land animals through air' However, whether he
human and animal bones, various receptacles in coined the word "Gnome' himself or simply culled it
pottery and glass, metal tools, fragments of leather from the writings of an earlier author is unknown.

The authors have concluded thus that the 'Gnomes'

so familiarly met in popular folk and faerielore do not figure amongst the denizens of the Realm of Faerie. They do not, in fact,
exist. The most feasible explanation for the abundance of so-called genuine faerie stories featuring "Gnomes' is that they have
resulted from the romantic elaborations of recent writers.
We regret that we have had to dismiss 'Gnomes' as such from this volume.
But we may be wrong .

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