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Advancing I can see our 3D printer

Accuracy enabling us to better train staff
and surgeons of the future,
and ultimately becoming even
more integral to all aspects of
Dawood and Tanner Improve Dental
Patient Care with 3D Printing the dentistry we practice.”
Founded over 25 years ago in London, UK,
Dawood and Tanner is a specialized dental Dr. Andrew Dawood
Dawood and Tanner
practice that covers all aspects of dentistry,
from implantology to orthodontistry and
beyond. The practice strives to be at the
forefront of digital dentistry advancement,
and has pioneered 3D printing since 1999. To
achieve that goal, Dawood and Tanner brought
3D printing in-house to pursue more innovative
and effective patient care.
Dawood and Tanner

Dr. Andrew Dawood preparing for surgery using a patient-specific 3D printed model.

Since adopting 3D printing, Dr. Andrew Dawood and improved patient satisfaction. That’s why Dawood
his team have elevated treatment for all their patients. and Tanner chose an Objet260 Dental Selection™ for
Many procedures use 3D printed implant and surgical their in-house 3D printing, to take advantage of its
guides as integral parts of the treatments. The ability multi-color, multi-material capabilities.
to plan surgery using a 3D printed model allows for “With an in-house 3D printing solution that
minimally invasive procedures, reduced operation can produce 3D printed models overnight and
times and improved patient care. But what makes unsupervised, we can ensure an accurate model is
these models particularly unique is their realistic created within hours. This means that we can now
hard and soft tissue and differentiation between see a patient on a Monday morning and have an
bone, teeth and gums. accurate, tailored and specific treatment plan based
Highly precise and anatomically accurate, the 3D on a 3D printed model of the affected area the very
printed models and customized surgical guides next day,” Dawood says.
are produced within hours of the patient’s first visit. Planning advanced maxillofacial dental surgery is one
Producing surgical guides in a variety of colors and way Dawood and Tanner employ their printer. When
textures lets surgeons prepare for complex surgeries preparing for advanced surgeries such as a mandible
ahead of time, resulting in less-invasive surgical reconstruction, visibility of the impacted area and
procedures, more accurate surgical planning and practice are essential.
Dawood and Tanner
3 Expert Surgical
Having access to an
in-house 3D printer has
A mandible reconstruction is an incredibly complex
surgery with lots of variables,” Dawood explains.
simply revolutionized the
“Having access to an in-house 3D printer has way we can treat these
simply revolutionized the way we can treat these
complicated injuries. Most notably, we were able to complicated injuries.
provide implant restorations on the day of surgery,
something which would never have been possible Dr. Andrew Dawood
without our Stratasys 3D printer.” Dawood and Tanner

The practice has reduced surgical time by hours,

allowing the team to provide better treatment and
increase the number of patients they are able to
treat. Surgeons also use the models to explain the
procedure to patients, making informed consent
faster and easier.
“As we move forward, I can see our 3D printer
enabling us to better train staff and surgeons of the
future, and ultimately becoming even more integral to
all aspects of the dentistry we practice. From multi-
material, multi-color surgical guides, to prosthodontic
models and anatomical models, the Objet260 Dental
Selection provides us with the utmost flexibility and
fits perfectly into our pristine dental environment,”
Dawood concludes.

The team at Dawood and Tanner created a patient-specific 3D printed

model of a patient’s fibular to plan for a mandible reconstruction.
Dawood and Tanner

3D printed surgical guide produced on the Stratasys Objet260 Dental

Selection 3D Printer.

Stratasys Headquarters

7665 Commerce Way, 1 Holtzman St., Science Park,

Eden Prairie, MN 55344 PO Box 2496
Dawood and Tanner

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