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Phys 3200 Fall 2015 Final Exam Name:________________________________________

You may use your non-programmable calculator. You may not consult books or notes. You must
show your work. Box or circle your answers. No partial credit is given unless so indicated.

1. (20 points: 5 points for each force) Determine the force in members BC, JK, HI, and HJ.
Indicate whether each force is in tension or compression.

From the lack of horizontal forces, we know that Ax  0 . Based on moment about L, we write
Ay 30  (1  5)(25  20  15)  1 10  1  5
Ay  12.5kN Ly  20  12.5  7.5kN

The force in JK must vanish, from analysis of the joint K.

The force in BC must be 5 kN in tension, from analysis of joint C.
To deduce the other two forces, we cut the structure in two at members HJ, HI, and IK.
The moment about L vanishes, which gives us

FHI 10  1kN  5 FHI  0.500kN Tension

The moment about I vanishes, which gives us

FHJ 10   1kN  5  7.5kN 10 FHJ  14.88kN Compression
2.667 2  52
2. (20 points: 10 points each for force and couple) Two 150-mm-diameter pulleys are mounted
on line shaft AD. The belts at B and C lie in vertical planes parallel to the yz plane. Replace the belt
forces shown with an equivalent force-couple
system at A.

Two forces about C have a total about C

FC  (215  145)( sin10o ˆj  cos10o kˆ) N
 ( 62.5 ˆj  354kˆ) N
M C  (215  145)  75iˆ  5.25iˆ N  m

Two forces about B have a total about B

FD  155 ˆj  240( cos 20o ˆj  sin 20o kˆ)
 ( 380 ˆj  82.1kˆ) N
M D  (240  155)  75iˆ  6.375iˆ N  m

Total force and moment about A are

  
FA  FC  FD  (443 ˆj  272kˆ) N
    
 A C
M  M  0.405iˆ  FC  M D  0.18iˆ  FD

 11.63iˆ  (25.3kˆ  143.4 ˆj )  ( 68.4kˆ  14.8 ˆj )

 (11.63iˆ  128.2 ˆj  93.7 kˆ ) N  m
3. (20 points, 10 points for each part) Arm AB has a constant angular velocity of 8 rad/s
counterclockwise. At the instant when =0o, determine the acceleration (a) of collar D, (b) of the
midpoint G of bar BD.

The tangential velocity of B is 8*3=24in/s

When =0o, instantaneous center of rotation is level
with AB and directly below D. The instantaneous
velocity of D is

24 vD
BD  3 vD  18in / s
10  6
2 2 6

  
aD  aB  aD / B  3  82 ( iˆ)  10  32 (0.8iˆ  0.6 ˆj )  10 ( 0.6iˆ  0.8 ˆj )
 ( 264  6 )iˆ  (8  54) ˆj

Because aD does not have y-component, we get

  6.75rad / s 2


aD  304iˆ in / s 2

Being the mid point betwen B and D, the acceleration of point G

 
 a  aD 3  82  304 ˆ
aG  B  i  248iˆ in / s 2
2 2
4. (20 points, partial credit) A uniform sphere of mass 1.00 kg and radius r =0.200 m is projected
along a rough horizontal surface with a linear velocity 2.0 m/s. The coefficient of kinetic friction
between the sphere and the surface is k=0.240. Determine: (a) the time t1 at which the sphere will
start rolling without sliding, and (b) the linear and angular velocities of the sphere at time t1. (g =
9.8 m/s2)

Let the final velocity of the sphere, when it rolls without skidding
on the surface, be v f .
Since the frictional force acts in the plane of the surface, the total
angular momentum of the sphere about any point on the surface in
its track is conserved.

2 vf 5 vf
rmvi  rmv f  mr 2  vf  vi  1.429m / s f   7.14rad / s ,
5 r 7 r

2 2
where mr is the mass moment of inertia of a sphere. The magnitude of the frictional force,
while it acts, is

Fkin  mg  k  ma a  2.35m / s 2

The time it takes for the velocity to drop from 2.0 m/s to 1.429m/s is

2.0  1.429
t1   0.243s
5. (20 points, 10 points each for velocity and relative speed) Three small spheres A, B, and C,
each of mass m, are connected to a small ring D of negligible mass by means of three inextensible
inelastic cods of length l. The spheres can slide freely on a frictionless horizontal surface and are
rotating initially at a speed 2.0 m/s about ring D which is at rest. Suddenly the cord AD breaks.
After the other two cords have again become taut, determine (a) the velocity of ring D, (b) the
relative speed at which spheres C and B rotate about D.

The final velocity of ring D is the velocity of the center of

mass of the BCD system, which is conserved..

(2m)vD  mvo ˆj  mvo (cos 30o iˆ  sin 30o ˆj )

vD  (0.866iˆ  0.500 ˆj ) m / s

The angular momentum (in k direction) about the center of mass does not change

2mlvt  m(l cos 30o )(vo cos 30o )  m(l cos 30o )(vo cos 30o )

vt  0.75vo  1.50m / s
6. (10 points, extra credit) The homogeneous wire ABC is bent into a three-quarters circular arc
(3/2) and a straight section and is attached to a hinge at A. Determine the value of  for which the
wire is in equilibrium for the indicated orientation.
(Note:  may be larger than that drawn in the figure.)

The x coordinate of the center of mass of the shaped

wire should equal that of A. We write

 r sin(135o ) 
  cos 45o   (1.5 r  )   0.5r cos    r    r cos    (1.5  1) r 
 0.75 

Simplifying, we get

cos     78.9o
3  1

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