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Data Unit Value
Coolant temperature ℃ 0.436 V (130℃) to 4.896 V (-40℃)
Intake air temperature ℃ -40 to 130℃ (varies by ambient air
temperature or engine mode)
A/T 780 ± 20
Idle speed rpm
M/T 750 ± 20
Engine load % 18~25%
Mass air flow kg/h 16 to 25 kg/h
Throttle position angle °TA 0° (Full Open) to 78° (Close)
Engine torque Nm varies by engine conditions
Injection time ms 3 to 5ms
Battery voltage V 13.5 V to 14.1 V
Accelerator pedal position 1 V 04. to 4.8V
Accelerator pedal position 2 V 0.2 to 2.4 V
Throttle position 1 V 0.3 to 4.6 V
Throttle position 2 V 0.3 to 4.6 V
Oxygen sensor mV 0 to 5 V
A/C compressor switch 1=ON / 0=OFF -
Full load 1=ON / 0=OFF -
Gear selection (A/T) 1=ON / 0=OFF -
Knocking control 1=ON / 0=OFF -
Brake switch 1=ON / 0=OFF -
Cruise control 1=ON / 0=OFF -

Rear exhaust gas temp. Front exhaust gas temp.
sensor Injector (C3I) Oxygen sensor sensor

Camshaft position
Glow plug

Variable swirl valve

Electronic throttle T-MAP sensor

Knock sensor (2) body (Temp.+Pres.) Oil level sensor
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GCU (Glow plug Differential pres.

control unit) sensor D20DTF ECU Fuel temp. sensor

Coolant temp. sensor
HFM (air


E-EGR Fuel rail pres. sensor

bypass valve E-EGR valve

1) Input/Output of ECU
(1) ECU Block diagram
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(2) Components for ECU Input

HFM sensor Crankshaft posi. Accel. pedal Throttle

sensor posi. sensor posi.sensor Knock sensor

Exhaust gas T-MAP sensor

temp. sensor
Differential sensor

E-EGR valve Camshaft posi. Coolant temp.

Fuel rail posi. sensor sensor sensor

Swirl valve posi. - ABS&ESP
sensor - GCU
- Meter cluster
Oil level sensor
Meter cluster
- Refrigerant pressure sensor
- Clutch pedal signal
- Blower switch signal
- Brake pedal signal

(3) Components for ECU Input

Start motor A/C compressor Injector

Variable swirl Throttle posi.
valve sensor

E-EGR valve IMV
E-EGR cooler E-VGT
bypass valve actuator

PTC heater Cooling fan

Engine room
relay box


- Glow plug unit

- ABS & ESP unit
- E-coupling unit
- Meter cluster
- Self diagnosis
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2) ECU Control
(1) Function
a. ECU Function
ECU receives and analyzes signals from various sensors and then modifies those signals into
permissible voltage levels and analyzes to control respective actuators.
ECU microprocessor calculates injection period and injection timing proper for engine piston
speed and crankshaft angle based on input data and stored specific map to control the engine
power and emission gas.
Output signal of the ECU microprocessor drives pressure control valve to control the rail pressure
and activates injector solenoid valve to control the fuel injection period and injection timing; so
controls various actuators in response to engine changes. Auxiliary function of ECU has adopted
to reduce emission gas, improve fuel economy and enhance safety, comforts and conveniences.
For example, there are EGR, booster pressure control, autocruise (export only) and immobilizer
and adopted CAN communication to exchange data among electrical systems (automatic T/M
and brake system) in the vehicle fluently. And Scanner can be used to diagnose vehicle status
and defectives.
Operating temperature range of ECU is normally -40 to +85°C and protected from factors like oil,
water and electromagnetism and there should be no mechanical shocks.
To control the fuel volume precisely under repeated injections, high current should be applied
instantly so there is injector drive circuit in the ECU to generate necessary current during injector
drive stages.
Current control circuit divides current applying time (injection time) into full-in-current-phase and
hold-current-phase and then the injectors should work very correctly under every working

b. Control Function
- Controls by operating stages
To make optimum combustion under every operating stage, ECU should calculate proper
injection volume in each stage by considering various factors.
- Starting injection volume control
During initial starting, injecting fuel volume will be calculated by function of temperature and
engine cranking speed. Starting injection continues from when the ignition switch is turned to
ignition position to till the engine reaches to allowable minimum speed.
- Driving mode control
If the vehicle runs normally, fuel injection volume will be calculated by accelerator pedal travel
and engine rpm and the drive map will be used to match the drivers inputs with optimum
engine power.

(2) Fuel Control

a. Fuel Pressure Control Elements
Pressure control consists of 2 principles.
- Determines rail pressure according to engine operating conditions.
- Controls IMV to make the rail pressure to reach to the required value.
Pressure in the fuel rail is determined according to engine speed and load on the engine.
- When engine speed and load are high
The degree of turbulence is very great and the fuel can be injected at very high pressure in
order to optimize combustion.
- When engine speed and load are low
The degree of turbulence is low. If injection pressure is too high, the nozzle's penetration will
be excessive and part of the fuel will be sprayed directly onto the sides of the cylinder,
causing incomplete combustion. So there occurs smoke and damages engine durability.
Fuel pressure is corrected according to air temperature, coolant temperature and atmospheric
pressure and to take account of the added ignition time caused by cold running or by high
altitude driving. A special pressure demand is necessary in order to obtain the additional flow
required during starts. This demand is determined according to injected fuel and coolant

b. Fuel Pressure Control

Rail pressure is controlled by closed loop regulation of IMV.
▶ Open loop determines the current which needs to be sent to the actuator in order to obtain the
flow demanded by the ECU.
▶ Closed loop will correct the current value depending on the difference between the pressure
demand and the pressure measured.
- If the pressure is lower than the demand, current is reduced so that the fuel sent to the high
pressure pump is increased.
- If the pressure is higher than the demand, current is increased so that the fuel sent to the high
pressure pump is reduced.
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c. Fuel Injection Control

Injection control is used in order to determine the characteristics of the pulse which is sent to the
Injection control consists as below.
- Injection timing
- Injection volume
- Translating fuel injection timing and injection volume into values which can be interpreted by
the injector driver.

▶ Main injection timing control

The pulse necessary for the main injection is determined as a function of the engine speed and of
the injected flow.
The elements are:
- A first correction is made according to the air and coolant temperatures.
This correction makes it possible to adapt the timing to the operating temperature of the
engine. When the engine is warm, the timing can be retarded to reduce the combustion
temperature and polluting emissions (NOx). When the engine is cold, the timing advance must
be sufficient to allow the combustion to begin correctly.
- A second correction is made according to the atmospheric pressure.
This correction is used to adapt the timing advance as a function of the atmospheric pressure
and therefore the altitude.
- A third correction is made according to the coolant temperature and the time which has
passed since starting.
This correction allows the injection timing advance to be increased while the engine is warming
up (initial 30 seconds). The purpose of this correction is to reduce the misfiring and instabilities
which are liable to occur after a cold start.
- A fourth correction is made according to the pressure error.
This correction is used to reduce the injection timing advance when the pressure in the rail is
higher than the pressure demand.
- A fifth correction is made according to the rate of EGR.
This correction is used to correct the injection timing advance as a function of the rate of
exhaust gas recirculation.
When the EGR rate increases, the injection timing advance must in fact be increased in order
to compensate for the fall in termperature in the cylinder.
During starting, the injection timing must be retarded in order to position the start of combustion
close to the TDC. To do this, special mapping is used to determine the injection timing advance
as a function of the engine speed and of the water temperature.

▶ Pilot injection timing control

The pilot injection timing is determined as a function of the engine speed and of the total flow.
The elements are:
- A first correction is made according to the air and coolant temperatures. This correction allows
the pilot injection timing to be adapted to the operating temperature of the engine.
- A second correction is made according to the atmospheric pressure. This correction is used to
adapt the pilot injection timing as a function of the atmospheric pressure and therefore the

d. Fuel Control
1. Main Flow Control
The main flow represents the amount of fuel injected into the cylinder during the main injection.
The pilot flow represents the amount of fuel injected during the pilot injection.

The total fuel injected during 1 cycle (main flow + pilot flow) is determined in the following manner.
▶ When the driver depress the pedal, it is his demand which is taken into account by the system
▶ in order to determine the fuel injected.
When the driver release the pedal, the idle speed controller takes over to determine the
minimum fuel which must be injected into the cylinder to prevent the enigne from stalling.
It is therefore the greater of these 2 values which is retained by the system. This value is then
compared with the lower flow limit determined by the ESP system.
As soon as the injected fuel becomes lower than the flow limit determined by the ESP system, the
antagonistic torque (engine brake) transmitted to the drive wheels exceeds the adherence
capacity of the vehicle and there is therefore a risk of the drive wheels locking.
The system thus chooses the greater of these 2 values (main flow & pilot flow) in order to prevent
any loss of control of the vehicle during a sharp deceleration.
As soon as the injected fuel becomes higher than the fuel limit determined by the ASR trajectory
control system, the engine torque transmitted to the wheels exceeds the adhesion capacity of the
vehicle and there is a risk of the drive wheels skidding. The system therefore chooses the smaller
of the two values in order to avoid any loss of control of the vehicle during accelerations.
The anti-oscillation strategy makes it possible to compensate for fluctuations in engine speed
during transient conditions. This strategy leads to a fuel correction which is added to the total fuel
of each cylinder.

A switch makes it possible to change over from the supercharge fuel to the total fuel according to
the state of the engine.
- Until the stating phase has finished, the system uses the supercharged fuel.
- Once the engine changes to normal operation, the system uses the total fuel.
The main fuel is obtained by subtracting the pilot injection fuel from the total fuel.
A mapping determines the minimum fuel which can control an injector as a function of the rail
pressure. As soon as the main fuel falls below this value, the fuel demand changes to 0 because
in any case the injector is not capable of injecting the quantity demand.
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2. Driver Demand
The driver demand is the translation of the pedal position into the fuel demand. It is calculated as
a function of the pedal position and of the engine speed. The driver demand is filtered in order to
limit the hesitations caused by rapid changes of the pedal position. A mapping determines the
maximum fuel which can be injected as a function of the driver demand and the rail pressure.
Since the flow is proportional to the injection time and to the square root of the injection pressure,
it is necessary to limit the flow according to the pressure in order to avoid extending the injection
for too long into the engine cycle. The system compares the driver demand with this limit and
chooses the smaller of the 2 values. The driver demand is then corrected according to the
coolant temperature. This correction is added to the driver demand.

3. Idle Speed Controller

The idle speed controller consists of 2 principal modules:
- The first module determines the required idle speed according to:
* The operating conditions of the engine (coolant temperature, gear engaged)
* Any activation of the electrical consumers (power steering, air conditioning, others)
* The battery voltage
* The presence of any faults liable to interface with the rail pressure control or the injection
control. In this case, increase the idle speed to prevent the engine from stalling.
- The second module is responsible for providing closed loop control of the engine's idle speed
by adapting the minimum fuel according to the difference between the required idle speed and
the engine speed.

4. Flow Limitation
The flow limitation strategy is based on the following strategies:
- The flow limitation depending on the filling of the engine with air is determined according to
the engine speed and the air flow. This limitation allows smoke emissions to be reduced
during stabilized running.
- The flow limitation depending on the atmospheric pressure is determined according to the
engine speed and the atmospheric pressure. It allows smoke emissions to be reduced
when driving at altitude.
- The full load flow curve is determined according to the gear engaged and the engine
speed. It allows the maximum torque delivered by the engine to be limited.
- A performance limitation is introduced if faults liable to upset the rail pressure control or the
injection control are detected by the system. In this case, and depending on the gravity of
the fault, the system activates:
Reduced fuel logic 1: Guarantees 75 % of the performance without limiting the engine speed.
Reduced fuel logic 2: Guarantees 50 % of the performance with the engine speed limited to 3,000
Reduce fuel logic 3: Limits the engine speed to 2,000 rpm.
The system chooses the lowest of all values.
A correction depending on the coolant temperature is added to the flow limitation. This correction
makes it possible to reduce the mechanical stresses while the engine is warming up. The
correction is determined according to the coolant temperature, the engine speed and the time
which has passed since starting.

Superchager Flow Demand

The supercharge flow is calculated according to the engine speed and the coolant temperature. A
correction depending on the air temperature and the atmospheric pressure is made in order to
increase the supercharge flow during cold starts. It is possible to alter the supercharge flow value
by adding a flow offset with the aid of the diagnostic tool.
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5. Pilot Flow Control

The pilot flow represents the amount of fuel injected into the cylinder during the pilot injection.
This amount is determined according to the engine speed and the total flow.
- A first correction is made according to the air and water temperature.
This correction allows the pilot flow to be adapted to the operating temperature of the
engine. When the engine is warm, the ignition time decreases because the end-of-
compression temperature is higher. The pilot flow can therefore be reduced because there is
obviously less combustion noise when the engine is warm.
- A second correction is made according to the atmospheric pressure.
During starting, the pilot flow is determined on the basis of the engine speed and the coolant

6. Cylinder Balancing Strategy

▶ Balancing of the point to point flows
The pulse of each injector is corrected according to the difference in instantaneous speed
measured between 2 successive injectors.
The instantaneous speeds on two successive injections are first calculated.
The difference between these two instantaneous speeds is then calculated.
Finally, the time to be added to the main injection pulse for the different injectors is determined.
For each injector, this time is calculated according to the initial offset of the injector and the
instantaneous speed difference.

▶ Detection of an injector which has stuck closed

The cylinder balancing strategy also allows the detection of an injector which has stuck closed.
The difference in instantaneous speed between 2 successive injections then exceeds a
predefined threshold. In this case, a fault is signaled by the system.

e. MDP Learning Control

MDP (Minimum Drive Pulse ) refers to the

minimum power supply pulse for injection
which the injector can perform. It is possible
to control the fuel volume for each injector
accurately through correct learning for the
MDP value. The basic process of MDP
learning is that the pulse slightly higher than
MDP is supplied and then (b) the vibration
generated from the cylinder is detected. The
knock sensor detects the vibration from the
engine after a small volume of fuel is injected.
And the time interval between the points of
injection and vibration is measured so that
MDP can be learned. MDP learning is helpful
to prevent engine vibration, high emission and
power reduction through performing
calibration for the old injectors. During MDP
learning, a little vibration and noise can be
occur for a while. This is because the fuel
pressure is increased instantaneously and the
exact injection value is not input, so that the
exact engine vibration timing can be
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(3) Accelerometer Control

a. Resetting the pilot injection
The accelerometer is used to reset the pilot injection flow in closed loop for each injector. This
method allows the correction of any injector deviations over a period of time. The principle of use
of the accelerometer is based on the detection of the combustion noises.
The sensor is positioned in such a way as to receive the maximum signal for all the cylinders. The
raw signals from the accelerometer are processed to obtain a variable which quantifies the
intensity of the combustion. This variable, known as the ratio, consists of the ratio between the
intensity of the background noise and the combustion noise.
1. A first window is used to establish the background noise level of the accelerometer signal for
each cylinder. This window must therefore be positioned at a moment when there cannot be
any combustion.
2. The second window is used to measure the intensity of the pilot combustion. Its position is
such that only the combustion noises produced by the pilot injection are measured . It is
therefore placed just before the main injection.
The accelerometer does not allow any evaluation of the quantity injected. However, the pulse
value will be measured when the injector starts injection and this pulse value is called the MDP
(Minimum Drive Pulse). On the basis of this information, it is possible to efficiently correct the pilot
flows. The pilot injection resetting principle therefore consists of determining the MDP, in other
words the pulse corresponding to the start of the increase in value of the ratio (increase of
vibration due to fuel combustion).

This is done periodically under certain operating conditions. When the resetting is finished, the
new minimum pulse value replaces the value obtained during the previous resetting. The first MDP
value is provided by the C3I. Each resetting then allows the closed loop of the MDP to be updated
according to the deviation of the injector.

b. Detection of leaks in the cylinders

The accelerometer is also used to detect any injector which may have stuck open. The detection
principle is based on monitoring the ratio. If there is a leak in the cylinder, the accumulated fuel
self-ignites as soon as the temperature and pressure conditions are favorable (high engine
speed, high load and small leak).
This combustion is set off at about 20 degrees before TDC and before main injection.
The ratio therefore increases considerably in the detection window. It is this increase which allows
the leaks to be detected. The threshold beyond which a fault is signaled is a percentage of the
maximum possible value of the ratio.
Because of the severity of the recovery process (engine shut-down), the etection must be
extremely robust.
An increase in the ratio can be the consequence of various causes:
- Pilot injection too much
- Main combustion offset
- Fuel leak in the cylinder
If the ratio becomes too high, the strategy initially restricts the pilot injection flow and retards the
main injection. If the ratio remains high despite these interventions, this shows that a real leak is
present, a fault is signaled and the engine is shut down.

c. Detection of an accelerometer fault

This strategy permits the detection of a fault in the sensor or in the wiring loom connecting the
sensor to the ECU.
It is based on detection of the combustion. When the engine is idling, the detection window is set
too low for the combustion caused by the main injection. If the ratio increases, this shows that the
accelerometer is working properly, but otherwise a fault is signaled to indicate a sensor failure.
The recovery modes associated with this fault consist of inhibition of the pilot injection and
discharge through the injectors.
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(4) Swirl control

a. Overview
- Variable swirl valve
The strong swirl caused by intake air is important element for anti-locking function in diesel
engine. The swirl control valve partially closes the intake port to generate the swirl according to
the engine conditions. When the engine load is in low or medium range, the swirl could not be
generated because the air flow is slow. To generate strong swirl, there are two passages in intake
manifold, and one of them has the valve to open and close the passage. When the valve closes
the passage, the air flow through the another passage will be faster, and the strong swirl will be
generated by the internal structure of the passage. This swirl makes the better mixture of air and
fuel, eventually the combustion efficiency in combustion chamber could be improved. This
provides the enhanced fuel consumption, power and EGR ratio.

- Components
Coolant Accelerator pedal


Crankshaft position
Variable swirl valve sensor HFM

b. Input/Output for variable swirl valve
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c. Types of swirl

Swirl: One cylinder has two intake air ports, one is set
horizontally and the other one is set vertically. Swirl is the
horizontal air flows in cylinder due to the horizontal intake air

Tumble: Tumble is the vertical air flows in cylinder due to the

vertical intake air port
Squish: Squish is the air flows due to the piston head. Normally,
this is appears at the final process of compression. In CRDi
engine, the piston head creates the bowl type squish.

d. Swirl control
In DI type diesel engine, the liquefied fuel is injected into the cylinder directly. If the fuel is evenly
distributed in short period, the combustion efficiency could be improved. To get this, there should
be good air flow in cylinder. In general, there are two intake ports, swirl port and tangential port,
in each cylinder. The swirl port generates the horizontal flow and the tangential port generates the
longitudinal flow.
In low/mid load range, the tabgential port is closed to increase the horizontal flow. Fast flow
decreases the PM during combustion and increases the EGR ratio by better combustion

Load Engine speed Swirl Amount of Remarks

valve swirl
Low speed, below 3,000 rpm Closed Heavy Increased EGR ratio, better air-fuel
Low load mixture (reduce exhaust gas)
High speed, over 3,000 rpm Open Light Increase charge efficiency, higher
High load engine power

The variable swirl valve actuator operates

when turning the ignition switch ON/OFF
position to open/close the swirl valve. In this
period, the soot will be removed and the
learning for swirl valve position is performed.
Swirl valve

Swirl: This is the twisted (radial) air flow along the cylinder wall during the intake stroke. This
stabilizes the combustion even in lean air-fuel mixture condition.

e. Features
- Swirl and air intake efficiency
To generate the swirl, the intake port should be serpentine design. This makes the resistance in
air flow. The resistance in air flow in engine high speed decreases the intake efficiency.
Eventually, the engine power is also decreased, Thus, the swirl operation is deactivated in high
speed range to increase the intake efficiency.
- Relationship between swirl and fuel injection pressure
The injector for DI engine uses the multi hole design. For this vehicle, there are 8 holes in
injector. If the swirl is too strong, the injection angles might be overlapped and may cause the
increased PM and insufficient engine power. Also, if the injection pressure is too high during
strong swirl, the injection angles might be overlapped. Therefore, the system may decreases
the fuel injection pressure when the swirl is too strong.
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f. Relationship between swirl and fuel injection pressure

- The injector for DI engine uses the multi hole design. For this vehicle, there are 8 holes in
injector. If the swirl is too strong, the injection angles might be overlapped and may cause the
increased PM and insufficient engine power. Also, if the injection pressure is too high during
strong swirl, the injection angles might be overlapped. Therefore, the system may decreases
the fuel injection pressure when the swirl is too strong.

* Anti-knock methods:
- Shorten the ignition timing by pilot injection, lessen the fuel injection volume during ignition
delay period.
- Increase engine speed.
- Maintain intake sir temperature with intercooler or glow plug device.
- Increase intake air pressure with turbocharger.
- Warm up engine to keep the normal operating temperature.
- Increase compression ratio.
- Use the fuel with high cetane.

(5) EGR control

a. Overview
The EGR (Electric-Exhaust Gas Recirculation) valve reduces the NOx emission level by
recirculating some of the exhaust gas to the intake system.
The major difference with the previous EURO 4 type, is that the DC motor with improved response
rate according to the EURO 5 regulation. The solenoid type actuator is used in the conventional
model, but in this new model, the DC motor type actuator with improved response rate is
adopted. Also the hall sensor which provides a more stabilized signal than the potentiometer, and
the EGR bypass flap which improves engine warming up efficiency are also used. The HFM
sensor and the position sensor are used to feedback the amount of EGR for both EURO 4 and

b. Components
E-EGR cooler Accelerator peda Coolant

Oxygen sensor D20DTF ECU

Electronic throttle Crankshaft posi. HFM sensor

body T-MAP sensor E-EGR valve sensor (intake air temp.)
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c. Input/Output of E-EGR system

d. Bypass control for EGR cooler

1. Cooler temperature

When the coolant temperature is below 70℃, the exhaust gas is bypassed the EGR cooler.

2. Exhaust gas temperature

When the exhaust gas temperature is below 300℃, the exhaust gas is bypassed the EGR cooler.
Otherwise, PM could be increased due to too low exhaust gas temperature.
e. Control elements for EGR system
- Accelerator pedal (engine load) - Indicates the driver's intention and engine load. If the load
goes up, the EGR ratio is decreased.
- T-MAP (boost pressure map stored in ECU) - Compensates the difference in boost pressure
by adjusting EGR ratio.
- Engine rpm - Used as the signal for determining EGR operating range.
- Coolant temperature - When the coolant temperature is low, NOx is decreased but PM could
be increased. So, to reduce PM, decrease EGR ratio when the coolant temperature is low.
- Intake air mass and temperature - HFM sensor measures the intake air mass to calculate the
actual EGR volume. If the air mass is larger than programmed value in map, EGR ratio will be
- EGR position sensor - Detects the actual opening angle of EGR valve and performs feedback
function according to PWM control by ECU.
- Wide band oxygen sensor - Detects the oxygen volume in exhaust gas to check if the EGR
ratio is proper.
- Electronic throttle body - Keeps EGR ratio to optimized level by controlling the throttle body in
EGR operating range (decreasing pressure in intake manifold).
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f. Features

As EGR ratio goes up, smoke volume will be As EGR temperature goes up, the
higher. But, this lowers the combustion concentration of NOx will be higher. Thus, it
chamber temperature and accordingly the is necessary to cool down the exhaust gas.
concentration of NOx is decreased. The point However, during engine cooled, it may
with highest NOx is immediately after TDC. cause large amount of PM. To prevent this,
the exhaust gas is bypassed the EGR cooler.

(6) E-VGT control

a. Overview
E-VGT (Electric-Variable Geometry Turbine) turbocharger system in D20DTF engine uses the
venturi effect that controls the flow rate of exhaust gas by adjusting the passage in turbine
housing. The newly adopted DC motor actuator (E-actuator) controls the E-VGT system more
precisely and faster. To get the high operating power from turbine, the ECU reduces the exhaust
gas passage In low speed range and increases it in high speed range.

b. Components

E-VGT Accelerator peda

Coolant (D20DTF)

HFM sensor
Front EGT T-MAP sensor Crankshaft pos, (intake air temp)
sensor sensor
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c. Input/Output for E-VGT system

d. E-VGT system control

Turbocharger system operates the E-VGT actuator according to the signals for engine epm,
accelerator pedal position, atmospheric pressure, T-MAP, coolant temperature and intake air
Turbocharger actuator is performed PWM control by ECU.
In general, the boost pressure feedbacks the turbocharger operation and the boost temperature is
used for calculating the precise density.
E-VGT provides higher engine power with faster reaction speed compared to conventional VGT.

Operating wave Vane Control

In low speed
range: retract the
vane to increase
boost pressure.
Low The vane has low
speed (-) duty, and the
range unison ring moves
to retract the vane
in weak PWM

The unison ring

moves to extend
the vane in strong
PWM signal.
High Maximum pressure
speed is 3 bar and the
range system controls it
according to the
input signals.
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(7) Wide band oxygen sensor

a. Overview
For diesel engine, combustion is not performed at the optimum (theoretically correct) air-fuel ratio
and the oxygen concentration is thin in most cases. So the wide-band oxygen sensor is used for
this kind of engine, and this sensor is a little different from the one that used for gasoline engine.
The combustion in diesel engine is controlled by fuel injection volume. Therefore, the wide band
oxygen sensor should be used in diesel engine. This sensor measures the air-fuel ratio in very
wide range, and is also called full range oxygen sensor.
- The wide band oxygen sensor measures the oxygen density in exhaust gas and sends it to
ECU to control the EGR more precisely.

b. Components

D20DTF Oxygen Injector (C3I)
ECU sensor
HFM sensor
(air mass)

EGR valve Electronic throttle Coolant temp. CDPF

body sensor

c. Input/Output for oxygen sensor
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d. Oxygen sensor control

The wide band oxygen sensor uses ZnO2. It produces the voltage by movement of oxygen ions
when there is oxygen concentration difference between exhaust gas and atmosphere.
If a certain voltage is applied to the sensor, the movement of oxygen ions occurs regardless of
the oxygen density. The current generated through this flow of ions, is called pumping current
(IP), and the oxygen sensor measures this value.

(8) Cooling fan control

a. Overview of cooling fan and A/C compressor
The cooling system maintains the engine temperature at an efficient level during all engine
operating conditions. The water pump draws the coolant from the radiator. The coolant then
circulates through water jackets in the engine block, the intake manifold, and the cylinder head.
When the coolant reaches the operating temperature of the thermostat, the thermostat opens.
The coolant then goes back to the radiator where it cools. The heat from automatic transaxle is
also cooled down through the radiator by circulating the oil through the oil pump.
There are two cooling fans (200W+150W) in D20DTF engine. ECU controls the electric cooling
fans with three cooling fan relays to improve the engine torque and air conditioning performance.

For details about A/C compressor and refrigerant pressure sensor, refer to Chapter "Air
Conditioning System" in "Body" section.

b. Components

Coolant temp. DSI 6 A/T ECU

sensor (ATF temp.) D20DTF

Refrigerant pres. Engine room

sensor relay box

HFM sensor
A/C compressor (Intake air
Cooling fan module temperature)
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c. Input/Output for cooling fan and A/C compressor

d. Cooling fan and A/C compressor control

▶ Conditions for cooling fan
The cooling fan module controls the cooling fan relay, high speed relay and low speed relay. The
cooling fan is controlled by the series and parallel circuits.

A/C switch Cooling fan Coolant temperature Refrigerant pressure A/C

OFF Coolant temp. < 90℃ -

OFF LO 90℃ ≤ Coolant temp. -

< 105℃
HI 105℃ ≤ Coolant temp -
Refrigerant pressure <
18 bar
Coolant temp. < 105℃
18 bar ≤ Refrigerant
ON pressure

HI 105℃ ≤ Coolant temp. -

< 115℃
HI 115℃ ≤ Coolant temp. - OFF (cut)

▶ A/C compressor OFF conditions

- Coolant temperature: below -20℃ or over
- Approx. 4 seconds after starting the engine
- Engine rpm: below 650 rpm or over 4500 rpm
- When abrupt acceleration
- Refrigerant pressure:
* OFF below 2.0 kg/㎠, then ON over 2.4 kg/㎠
* OFF over 30 kg/㎠, then ON below 21.4 kg/㎠

▶ Output voltage according to refrigerant pressure

The output voltage from refrigerant pressure sensor is 1.7 V to 3.5 V when the refrigerant pressure
is 10 to 24 kgf/㎠ with A/C "ON".

▶ Cooling fan control according to ATF temperature

ATF temperature Cooling fan Remark

Over 100˚C High speed -
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(9) PTC heater control

a. Overview
The supplementary electrical heater is installed in DI engine equipped vehicle as a basic
equipment. The PTC system is operated according to two temperature values measured at the
coolant temperature sensor and HFM sensor. This device is mounted in the heater air outlet and
increase the temperature of air to the passenger compartment. Because PTC system is heated by
electrical power, high capacity alternator is required. PTC does not operate during engine
cranking, while the battery voltage is lower than 11 V or during preheating process of glow plugs.

b. Components

PTC heater

Engine room relay box

Coolant temp. HFM

sensor (Intake air temp.)

A: PTC 1 (changeable)
B: PTC 2,3 (not changeable)

c. Operation process
The ceramic PTC has a feature that the resistance goes up very high at a certain temperature.
There are three circuits in PTC heater. Only one circuit is connected when PTC1 relay is ON, and
two circuits are connected when PTC2 relay is ON.
Operation process: reaches at a certain temperature→high resistance→low current→less heat
radiation→temperature down→high resistance→high current→temperature up
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d. Control conditions

Operation Operating condition PTC Heater

HI - Coolant temperature < 15℃ PTC HI ON
- Coolant temperature 15℃ ≤ 65℃, intake air
temperature ≤ -10℃
LO - Coolant temperature 15℃ < 65 to 60℃, intake air PTC LO ON
(PTC1) temperature <-10℃ to 0℃
- Coolant temperature 15℃ ≤ 60℃, intake air
temperature ≤ 0℃ to 5℃
- A/C blower switch OFF
- Defective ambient air temperature sensor
Stop (including open or short circuit)
- Engine cranking
- Low battery voltage (below 11V)
- During pre-glow process (glow indicator ON)

▶ Operation diagram for PTC heater LO (step 2)


(10) Immobilizer control

a. Overview
The Immobilizer System provides an additional theft deterrent to the vehicle in which it is installed
and prevents it from being started by unauthorized persons. The transponder integrated in the key
and the engine control unit have the same code. When the ignition key with the integrated
transponder is turned to the ON position, the ECU (Engine Control Unit) checks the crypto code
of the key and, if correct, allows the vehicle to start the engine.

For details, refer to Chapter "BCM".

b. Components
▶ Basic components (ignition key system)

Immobilizer Meter cluster


Immobilizer key BCM

Start motor D20DTF
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▶ Key approval process

When turning the ignition switch to ON position, the power is supplied to BCM and ECU. ECU
communicate with the immobilizer key to check if it is valid crypto code. If it is valid, ECU start to
control the engine when turning the ignition switch to START position.
The system has 10 seconds of valid time-out period. If the engine does not start in this period,
the key approval process should be done again.

c. Components for immobilizer with Smart key system

▶ Components (For antenna, refer to Chapter “SKM”)

Smart key slot Meter


Smart key BCM
Start motor D20DTF SKM
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▶ Key approval process in Smart key system equipped vehicle

The key approval consists of two processes; immobilizer key approval and Smart key approval

Immobilizer key approval: When inserting the Smart key into Smart key slot, the power is supplied
to the key slot. SKM communicate with the Smart key in key slot to check if it has valid crypto
code. If it is valid, ECU start to control the engine when pressing the Engine Start/Stop button.
The system has 10 seconds of valid time-out period. If the engine does not start in this period,
the key approval process should be done again.
Smart key approval: When pressing the Engine Start/Stop button or depressing the brake pedal
without Smart key inserted into the key slot, SKM communicate with the Smart key to check if it
has valid crypto code. If it is valid, the engine can be started.

(11) CDPF control

a. Overview
As the solution for environmental regulations and PM Particle Material) of diesel engine, the low
emission vehicle is getting popular. This vehicle is equipped with an extra filter to collect the soot
and burn it again so that the amount of PM in the exhaust gas passed through the DOC (Diesel
Oxidation Catalyst) is reduced. The CDPF (Catalyst & Diesel Particulate Filter) is an integrated filter
including DOC (Diesel Oxidation Catalyst) and DPF (Diesel Particulate Filter).

For details, refer to Chapter "CDPF".

b. Components
Rear temp. sensor CDPF (DOC+DPF) Front temp. sensor

Oxygen sensor Throttle valve D20DTF ECU Differential pres.

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c. Input/Output for CDPF control

d. Operation process
When the differential pressure sensor detects the pressure difference between the front and the
rear side of CDPF, the sensor sends signal indicating the soot is accumulated and the post
injection is performed to raise the temperature of exhaust gas. The amount of fuel injected is
determined according to the temperature of exhaust gas detected by the rear temperature sensor.
If the temperature is below 600°C, the amount of fuel injected is increased to raise the
temperature. If the temperature is over 600°C, the amount of fuel injected is decreased or not
controlled. When the engine is running in low load range, the amount of post injection and the
amount of intake air are controlled. It is to raise the temperature by increasing the amount of fuel
while decreasing the amount of intake air.

Front temp. sensor DOC performs

Measure DOC oxidation and
temp. reduction process Injector: Control
at 300~500˚C, and post injection
front temperature
sensor monitors Intake air
the temperature of mass

Rear temp. sensor: DPF performs ECU (DCM 3.7)

Measure DPF recycling
temp. (combustion) Post injection
process at 600C,
and rear Control intake air
temperature sensor mass
monitors the
temperature of
DPF. Electronic throttle
Diff. pres. sensor: Differential pressure body: Control
Measure pressure sensor measures intake air mass
between front the pressure
side and rear side difference between Exceed PM
of CDPF pre-CDPF and pressure/
limit temperature
post-CDPF (If PM
has been
accumulated, the T-MAP sensor
measured value is
over the specified
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e. Cautions
- Use only specified Engine Oil (approved by MB Sheet 229.51) for CDPF.

1. Use only specified engine oil (Low Ash Oil)

- The vehicle equipped with CDPF should use specific engine oil to improve the engine
performance and fuel economy, and ensure the service life of CDPF.

2. Issue with normal engine oil

- Sulfur, one of the contents of engine oil is burned and generates soot that is not regenerated by
the DPF. This remains on the filter as ashes and keeps accumulating. Eventually, this ashes will
block the filter.

3. Benefit for specified engine oil
- Minimized the sulfur content of engine oil which reduces the service life.
- Improved fuel economy and emission level of CO2 with high performance and low viscosity.
- Increased service life of engine oil with high resistance to temperature.

4. Problems when using unspecified engine oil

- The service life of filter may be reduced by 30% or more by the ashes accumulated on the
- The fuel economy may be reduced because of engine rolling resistance, frequent
regeneration of DPF.

* These problems are also caused by oil with high sulfur content, such as tax exemption oil and
heating oil, etc.

3) Input/Output for CAN communication

(1) Configuration of CAN (P-CAN/B-CAN)
Abbreviation Function
GCU Glow Control Unit
EPS Electronic Power Steering Unit
BCM Body Control Module

CAN Topology communicate with system units. There are two types (P-CAN and B-CAN) of
communication according to the communication speed. Instrument cluster, BCM and diagnostic
connector use both types of communication. And, ECU, ABS & ESP, TCU, GCU, E-coupling and
EPS unit use P-CAN communication because it is faster than B-CAN. The terminal resistances are
installed in ECU and BCM.
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(2) CAN communication flow chart
Splice pack Wiring harness Location
S101 Floor wiring (LH) Under fuse & relay box in engine compartment
S102 Floor wiring (RH) Inside of right fender
S201 Main wiring Behind meter cluster (cowl cross member)
S202 Main wiring Behind meter cluster (cowl cross member)
S205 Floor wiring (LH) Under driver's door scarf

(3) Input/Output for CAN communication

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