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Ecography 40: 001–009, 2017

doi: 10.1111/ecog.02618
© 2016 The Authors. This is an Online Open article
Subject Editor: Michael Borregaard. Editor-in-Chief: Miguel Araújo. Accepted 22 October 2016

Abundance–occupancy relationships in deep sea wood fall


Thomas J. Webb, James P. Barry and Craig R. McClain

T. J. Webb (, Dept of Animal and Plant Sciences, Univ. of Sheffield, UK. – J. P. Barry, Monterey Bay Aquarium Research
Inst., Moss Landing, CA, USA. – C. R. McClain, H Louisana Univ. Marine Consortium, Chauvin, LA, USA.

The generally positive relationship between the number of sites a species occupies and its average abundance within
those sites provides an important link between population processes occurring at different spatial scales. Although such
abundance–occupancy relationships (AORs) have been documented across a very wide range of taxa and in many different
environments, little is known of such patterns in Earth’s largest ecosystem, the deep sea. Wood falls – derived from natural
or anthropogenic inputs of wood into the oceans – constitute an important deep-sea habitat, habouring their own unique
communities ultimately entirely dependent on the wood for chemical energy. In this study we take advantage of the unique
features of an experimental wood fall deployment to examine AORs for the first time in deep-sea invertebrates. The study
design combines advantages of both experimental (tractability, control of key environmental parameters) and observational
(natural colonisation by taxonomically diverse communities) studies. We show that the interspecific AOR is strongly positive
across the 48 species occurring over 32 wood fall communities. The precise form of the AOR is mediated by both species-
level life history (body size) and by the colonisation stage at which communities were harvested, but not by environmental
energy (wood fall size). Temporal dynamics within species are also generally consistent with positive intraspecific AORs.
This support for positive AORs in the deep sea is an important extension of a macroecological generality into a new
environment offering considerable potential for further testing and developing mechanistic macroecological theories.

Knowing where species occur, and in what numbers, is Understanding variation in the form and strength of AORs,
fundamental to many questions in ecology. Macroecologists and quantifying their dynamics in space and time, is likely
have long known that these two key variables are not therefore to provide useful insights into both fundamental
independent of each other: the number of sites a species ecological processes and into macroecological responses to
occupies and the abundance it reaches within those sites (and, environmental change (Holt and Gaston 2003, Webb et al.
by extension, its total population size) are typically positively 2007, Fisher et al. 2010).
associated. Such abundance occupancy relationships (AORs) In particular, different forms and dynamics of AORs
are among the most general patterns in ecology, observed might be implied by different ecological mechanisms
both across assemblages of species (the interspecific AOR) (Borregaard and Rahbek 2010), and simple considerations
and within individual species through time (the intraspecific of regional-scale population dynamics have suggested that
AOR), in numerous taxonomic groups and diverse habitats colonisation (itself determined both by species-specific traits
(Gaston et al. 2000, Blackburn et al. 2006, Borregaard and and the distribution of suitable habitat) is key to AORs
Rahbek 2010). AORs have attracted so much attention (Freckleton et al. 2005, 2006). This in turn predicts that
because they provide important links between local and AORs should vary systematically across groups of species dif-
regional scale population ecology, and between processes fering in key traits as well as across contrasting environmen-
occurring within and between species (Freckleton et al. tal settings. For instance, if dispersal ability increases either
2005, Webb et al. 2007); and because they imply that directly or indirectly (e.g. through its effects on propagule
changes in local abundance can have disproportionate size or number) with body size (Jenkins et al. 2007, Rundle
effects on regional occupancy, with important consequences et al. 2009), then larger-bodied species should conform most
for conservation (Lawton 1995, Freckleton et al. 2005). closely to a pure colonisation model (i.e. all available habitat
is colonised) and so have steeper relationships between
abundance and occupancy than smaller species (Buckley and
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Freckleton 2010). On the other hand, low levels of environ-
Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution mental energy should lead to species responding more slowly
and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is to changes in habitat availability, because local population
properly cited. sizes are unable to increase rapidly, and such slow responses

Early View (EV): 1-EV

are expected to weaken AORs (Buckley and Freckleton are dependent on ephemeral and spatially unpredictable
2010). Equally, lower levels of environmental energy (which resources, they are typically made up of strong colonisers.
can equivalently be expressed as a reduced amount of suit- Populations of many species are established within one to
able habitat with sufficient resources for a population to two years (McClain and Barry 2014). Thus, natural coloni-
persist) should also generally decrease species abundances on sation processes are expected to lead to the establishment of
individual logs, increase patch-level extinctions, and decrease AORs similar to those that would be observed in an unma-
the likelihood of colonisation potential (and reduce connec- nipulated system on experimentally tractable timescales (ca 5
tivity) between logs (Holt et al. 2004, Freckleton et al. 2006, yr). Second, communities developing on individual logs are
O’Sullivan et al. 2014). The consequent effects on the AOR clearly distinct from surrounding deep-sea sediment com-
may be complex, however. For instance, even if all species munities (McClain et al. 2016) and also appear to be largely
were identical in other relevant factors such as colonisation independent of each other, in terms of community composi-
ability, weak AORs may result from highly unconnected tion, even over quite small spatial scales (McClain and Barry
sets of patches low in resources, because densities are typi- 2014), although connectivity between them increases over
cally too low for persistence within patches (Freckleton et al. time (McClain et al. 2016). This means that effectively mac-
2006). Equally, at higher resource levels, species–abundance roecological studies – i.e. including multiple communities
distributions may be more equitable (Passy 2016), leading – can be conducted at experimentally tractable spatial scales
to less variance in abundance across the community and less (ca 500 m2).
power to detect AORs – most likely because when patches Third, because invertebrate communities on wood falls
are both highly connected and high in resources most species rely on the wood that they colonise for energy (Bienhold
can attain sufficiently high densities within patches to per- et al. 2013, McClain et al. 2016), the total level of resource
sist and can reach most available patches (Freckleton et al. available to a community can be manipulated by varying the
2006). size of individual wood falls (McClain et al. 2016), in much
Although these predictions are relatively simple to state, the same way that resource availability to specific commu-
testing them has proved difficult even in the best-studied nities can be manipulated in microcosm experiments (Holt
assemblages, which are typically limited in both taxonomic et al. 2004). Finally, collection and complete enumeration of
and functional diversity (Webb et al. 2009). Nonetheless, entire communities (or a very close approximation thereof )
various approaches to quantifying variability in AORs have from all available suitable habitat in the sampling region is
yielded useful insights. For instance, meta-analyses have possible (Voight 2007, McClain and Barry 2014, McClain
revealed broad differences in AORs across different kinds et al. 2016). This ensures that any characteristics of the
of communities or in different environmental settings observed AORs cannot be attributed to sampling artefacts.
(Blackburn et al. 2006). Targeted comparative studies have Furthermore, communities can be collected at different
further explored variation around interspecific AORs, or points in time to assess how AORs develop with community
different forms of intraspecific AORs, in terms of the life successional stage.
history and ecological characteristics of component spe- Here, we fit AORs to deep-sea wood-fall communities
cies (Holt and Gaston 2003, Foggo et al. 2007, Webb et al. which had developed on 32 experimentally deployed logs for
2009, Buckley and Freckleton 2010, Bulafu 2015). Finally, between 5 and 7 yr. This is the first time that AORs have
more controlled manipulations of both species composition been quantified for these communities, and is among the
and environmental variables in experimental settings, for first studies of the links between abundance and occupancy
instance using microcosms, have explicitly tested for effects in the deep sea. We use the unique characteristics of deep-sea
of resource availability and wider ecological context (Holt wood-fall communities in general, and of the experimental
et al. 2002, 2004). Taken together, these approaches sup- deployment of wood falls in particular, to test whether AORs
port a role for biological traits associated with dispersal and are mediated by resource availability (i.e. on small versus
colonisation (e.g. body size, reproductive mode) and habi- large individual wood falls). We predict higher population
tat characteristics at both broad (e.g. marine v terrestrial) sizes on large logs, and higher connectedness between them,
and finer scales (e.g. heterogeneity in resource availability) but because of the details of the experimental deployment
in mediating AORs. However, more robust insights could (see below) and the expected complexities of the relationship
be gained by combining the control of experimental studies between resource availability and the AOR (Freckleton et al.
with the natural colonisation and community assembly of 2006), we do not have an a priori prediction of the effect of
more observational studies of natural systems. log size on the AOR (Table 1). We also tested whether AORs
Deep-sea wood-fall communities provide one setting in are mediated by species mean body size, with the expecta-
which such an approach is possible. Globally wood is trans- tion that larger species are more likely to disperse between
ported in vast quantities to the oceans via rivers, and after communities and so will exhibit more steeply positive AORs
drifting and becoming saturated with water, eventually sinks (Table 1). Finally, we tested whether AORs differ between
to the ocean floor (Wolff 1979, McClain and Barry 2014). communities collected after 5 yr compared to those collected
On the deep-sea floor, wood falls develop largely endemic and after 7 yr. We term this collection date variable ‘colonisation
highly diverse communities consisting of wood and sulfide stage’. Because we expect connectivity between communities
obligates, and predators upon them (Voight 2007, McClain to increase with time (McClain and Barry 2014), enhancing
and Barry 2014, McClain et al. 2016). Experimentally opportunities for colonisation between logs as resident pop-
placed deep-sea wood falls have high potential for testing ulations mature and reproduce, we predict that AORs will be
predictions about AORs for several reasons. First, because steeper, and/or will have a higher intercept (i.e. higher occu-
the distinctive communities developing on wood falls pancy for a given density) in the longer-established set of

Table 1. Predicted responses of abundance occupancy relationships (AOR) to increases in proposed mechanistic drivers. In each case, the
proposed driver is linked to a variable measured in this study, and the process by which this is linked to the AOR is described. Expected
changes in slope and elevation of the AOR are then given.

Predicted AOR response

Mechanistic driver Measured variable Process Slope Elevation
↑ Resources Size of log More resources support larger local populations, ? ?(⫹)
increasing mean local abundance. Larger
average local populations mean that more will
persist, and that more dispersers will be
produced, both of which will tend to increase
mean occupancy. This may increase both the
slope and elevation of the AOR, but it may
also reduce variance in abundance reducing
power to detect the AOR.
↑ Dispersal Species mean body Larger individuals tend to disperse better as ⫹ ⫹
size adults, and produce more and larger
propagules. All of these mean that patches of
suitable habitats will be colonised more
rapidly by larger bodied species, strengthen-
ing the coupling between local abundance
and occupancy, and tending to increase the
slope and elevation of the AOR.
↑ Connectivity Community More established sets of communities will be ⫹ ⫹
colonisation stage composed of more mature populations, and
the increased time available for dispersal
and colonisation will mean that local
populations are more tightly coupled across
logs, increasing the slope and elevation of
the AOR.

communities (Table 1). Conversely, the removal of commu- were possible. The final dataset is composed of 13 169 indi-
nities at CS1 may lead to greater isolation between commu- viduals and 48 species (from 5 phyla and 8 classes). Almost
nities at CS2, but empirical data on community similarities all of these species are mobile as adults, i.e. capable of move-
through time do not support this (McClain and Barry 2014). ment within individual logs, although we expect dispersal of
Although the predicted effects of dispersal and connectivity adults across the ca 3–4 m of inhospitable habitat between
are the same (Table 1), we can distinguish between them by logs to be rare.
using independent proxies (body size and colonisation stage
Environmental energy

Material and methods Invertebrate communities assembling on wood falls rely

on the wood that they colonise for energy (Bienhold et al.
Study system 2013, McClain et al. 2016). In this study, this environmen-
tal energy level was manipulated by using Acacia logs ranging
The full protocol used for deployment and recovery of in size from 0.6 to 20.6 kg. The experimental design was
experimental wood falls is described in McClain et al. such that the distribution of log size was discontinuous, with
(2016). Briefly, using the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research 13 small logs (ⱕ 2.5 kg) and 19 large logs (ⱖ 4 kg). We use
Institute’s Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) Doc Ricketts this to test whether AORs differ in the set of communities
aboard the RV Western Flyer, 32 Acacia sp. logs were occurring on small logs (low availability of environmental
deployed at 3203 m in the Northeast Pacific Ocean (Station energy; 2286 individuals, 40 species) compared to those on
Deadwood: 36.154098°N, 122.40852°W) in November large logs (higher energy availability; 10 883 individuals, 39
2006, over a ∼ 160 m2 area with ∼ 5 m between wood falls in species).
4 rows 10 m apart from one another (Supplementary mate-
rial Appendix 1, Fig. A1). Each log was sewn into a synthetic
fiber mesh bag which did not hinder larval settlement but Body size
allowed for collection at the end of the experiment (Voight
2007). During ROV retrieval, logs were further sealed into The combined total wet weight of all individuals of each spe-
300 μm mesh bags with sealable closing lids, ensuring no cies on each log was measured, which enabled the mean size
loss of individuals and/or cross contamination among dif- of each species to be calculated by dividing through by abun-
ferent samples. A complete enumeration of each wood fall dance. This allowed us to test whether body size influences
community was obtained by picking all specimens from the strength or shape of the interspecific AOR in wood fall
wood, and preserving them in either 95% ethanol or forma- communities. Body size measures were not available for 9 of
lin. All of the taxa were identified to the species level except the 48 species due to poor condition of preserved specimens
Actinaria spp., and species names were assigned to all taxa or too few individuals.

Colonisation stage colonisation stages? Model 2: P(occupancy) ∼ log(abundance)
* size of log [two-level factor, ‘small’ or ‘large’].
The 32 logs were collected in two stages, with 16 logs Question 3: does body size mediate the AOR across all
collected in October 2011 (colonisation stage 1 (CS1), species and all logs in both colonisation stages? Model 3:
5 yr post-deployment) and the remaining 16 logs col- P(occupancy) ∼ log(abundance) * log(mean body size).
lected in October 2013 (colonisation stage 2 (CS2), 7 yr Question 4: does colonisation stage influence the AOR
post-deployment). The distribution of log sizes collected at across all species and logs? First, we consider separately those
each stage was approximately the same. In particular, using communities collected after 5 yr (CS1) and those collected
the definitions of small and large logs given above, 9 large and after 7 yr (CS2), and fitted AORs separately for each: model
7 small logs were collected in CS1, and 10 large and 6 small 4a: P(occupancy) ∼ log(abundance) * community-level CS
logs in CS2. In addition, the body size distributions of the [two-level factor, ‘5 yr’ or ‘7 yr’]; second, we classified species
assemblages collected at CS1 and CS2 are indistinguishable according to which colonisation stage(s) they occurred in
(linear model, log(body size) ∼ CS, F1, 57 ⫽ 0.47, p ⫽ 0.4939, (CS1, CS2, or CS1 and CS2) and modelled AORs for each
R2 ⫽ 0.01), indicating that changes in the AOR with CS are group of species within each CS: model 4b: P(occupancy)
independent of changes with body size. The two-stage col- ∼ log(abundance) * species-level CS [four-level factor, CS1
lection process enabled us to test the effect of Colonisation species in CS1, CS2 species in CS2, CS1 and CS2 species in
Stage on AORs in two ways. At the community level, we CS1, CS1 and CS2 species in CS2].
compared AORs calculated across communities collected in We also consider changes between CS1 and CS2 by test-
CS1 (4760 individuals, 33 species) with those collected in ing whether species occurring in both CS1 and CS2 have
CS2 (8409 individuals, 40 species). At the species level, we higher abundances or occupancies within either CS than spe-
compared AORs across species present only in CS1 (n ⫽ 8) cies occurring in only CS1 or CS2: model 5a: P(occupancy)
with those present in both CS1 and CS2 (n ⫽ 25), and those ∼ CS ID [two-level factor, CS1 or CS2] * number of CS
present only in CS2 (n ⫽ 15). occupied by species [two-level factor, 1 or 2]; model 5b:
log(abundance) ∼ CS ID [two-level factor, CS1 or CS2] *
number of CS occupied by species [two-level factor, 1 or 2].
Analysis NB model 5a was fitted as a binomial GLM, model 5b as a
Gaussian linear model.
The primary two variables required to fit AORs are occu- Twenty-five species occur in both CS1 and CS2. For
pancy and abundance. Here, occupancy is the proportion these species, we calculate the correlation between change
of available logs on which a species is present. The number in occupancy and change in abundance between CS1 and
of logs we consider to be available is either the total num- CS2. A positive correlation would be consistent with posi-
ber of logs sampled (n ⫽ 32), the number of logs of a given tive intraspecific AORs – i.e. species which declined in abun-
weight (n ⫽ 13 small, 19 large), or the number collected at a dance over time also declined in occupancy, and vice versa.
given time (n ⫽ 16 for both CS1 and CS2). Following estab- To further investigate whether these changes were influenced
lished practice in AOR research (Webb et al. 2012), abun- by species-level traits, we fitted the following Gaussian linear
dance is the mean abundance of a species across available model: model 6a: Δ(occupancy) ∼ Δ(abundance) ⫹ initial
logs on which it is present. We considered two measures of abundance ⫹ initial occupancy ⫹ body size ⫹ typical log
abundance, first using total counts of organisms per log, and size. Here, Δ(occupancy) and Δ(abundance) are the species-
second considering density (i.e. individuals per unit mass of level changes in occupancy and abundance respectively
log). We prefer the former, and present only these results, between CS1 and CS2, initial abundance and initial occu-
because the rarest species on each log is always present as pancy are abundance and occupancy in CS1, body size is
only a single individual, meaning that minimum density species mean body size, and typical log size is the average
scales as 1/mass of log, whereas the abundance of the com- mass of logs occupied by a species, weighted by its abun-
monest species on a log is less tightly related to the mass of dance on each log. This final measure is a way of distinguish-
the log (see Supplementary material Appendix 1 and Fig. A1 ing between species typically favouring large or small logs
for details). (i.e. high or low environmental energy). This model is lim-
We consider proportional occupancy to be the depen- ited to 21 species occurring in both CS1 and CS2 for which
dent variable in all models, with log(abundance) as one we have body size data. To include all 25 CS1 and CS2 spe-
predictor. We log-transform abundance because most spe- cies, we also fitted the model without body size: model 6b:
cies on any one log are rare with a few being extremely Δ(occupancy) ∼ Δ(abundance) ⫹ initial abundance ⫹ initial
common. Because the response variable is proportional, we occupancy ⫹ typical log size.
fit all models as binomial GLMs, using the number of logs All data manipulation and analyses were performed in R
over which occupancy is calculated as model weights. To 3.2.2 (R Core Team).
test the predictions set out in Table 1 we fit the following Data and code available from Figshare: <
models. org/10.6084/m9.figshare.4258316.v1 > (Webb et al. 2016).
Question 1: is there a relationship between occupancy
and abundance across all 48 species and all 32 logs in both
collection sets? Model 1: P(occupancy) ∼ log(abundance). Results
Question 2: does the interspecific AOR differ between
communities with high available energy compared to Across all 48 species and over all 32 logs, there is a strong
those with low available energy across all species and both positive relationship between occupancy and abundance

(model 1: binomial GLM, blog(abundance) ⫽ 0.75 (CI: 0.658– this model without the abundance ⫻ body size interaction
0.837), z ⫽ 16.37, p ⬍ 0.0001; Fig. 1a). reveals that abundance and body size each have significant
There is no evidence that this relationship varies between independent effects on occupancy (blog(abundance) ⫽ 0.710 (CI:
communities occurring on small logs (low energy availability, 0.617–0.807), z ⫽ 14.63, p ⫽ ⬍ 0.0001; blog(body size) ⫽ 0.078
40 species and 13 logs) and large logs (high energy availabil- (CI: 0.010–0.148), z ⫽ 2.23, p ⫽ 0.0255). In other words,
ity, 39 species and 19 logs), with no significant interaction for a given abundance, larger species tend to have a higher
between abundance and size of log (model 2: blog(abundance) ⫻ occupancy (especially at low abundances; Fig. 1c).
size of log ⫽ –0.015 (CI: –0.165–0.132), z ⫽ 0.20, p ⫽ 0.842). The AOR for 16 communities (total 40 species) collected
Re-fitting this model without the abundance ⫻ size of log after 7 yr (CS2) is significantly steeper than that for 16 com-
interaction, there is no evidence that size of log influences munities (total 33 species) collected after 5 yr (CS1) (model
the occupancy attained for a given abundance (small logs, 4a: blog(abundance) ⫻ CS ⫽ 0.341 (CI: 0.136–0.548), z ⫽ 3.25,
intercept ⫽ –1.69, CI: –1.93 to –1.45; large logs, inter- p ⫽ 0.0012). The value of blog(abundance) in CS1 is 0.53 (CI:
cept ⫽ –1.51, CI: –1.75 to –1.29; small–large contrast, 0.393–0.670) compared to 0.87 (CI: 0.664–1.077) in CS2
z ⫽ 0.09, p ⫽ 0.198). Rather, there is a single relationship (Fig. 1d).
between occupancy and log(abundance) very similar to that Considering only those species occurring in both CS1
from the full interspecific model (blog(abundance) ⫽ 0.71 (CI: and CS2, the AOR is steeper in CS2 is steeper than that
0.616–0.814), z ⫽ 14.10, p ⬍ 0.0001; Fig. 1b). in CS1 (model 4b: blog(abundance) in CS1 is 0.37 (CI: 0.216–
Across the 39 species for which we have body size infor- 0.529) compared to 0.64 (CI: 0.410–0.882) in CS2; CS1 vs
mation, the relationship between abundance and occupancy CS2 contrast ⫽ 0.27, z ⫽ 2.28, p ⫽ 0.0229; Fig. 2a). This is
does not vary systematically between large-bodied and small- unsurprising given that these species constitute the majority
bodied species (model 3: no significant interaction between of species in model 4a above (n ⫽ 25 of 33 and of 40 total
abundance and body size, blog(abundance) ⫻ log(body size) ⫽ –0.017 species in CS1 and CS2 respectively). Coefficient estimates
(CI: –0.075–0.041), z ⫽ 0.56, p ⫽ 0.573). However, re-fitting for the 8 species occurring only in CS1 and the 15 species

(a) 1.00 (b)

log 10 body size 1.00 size of log
−1 small
Proportion of logs occupied

Proportion of logs occupied

0 large
0.75 1

0.50 0.50

0.25 0.25

0 1 2 3 4 5 0 2 4
log(mean abundance) log(mean abundance)

(c) 1.00 body size (g) (d) colonisation

1 stage
Proportion of logs occupied

Proportion of logs occupied

0.75 0.75

0.50 0.50

0.25 0.25

0 1 2 3 4 5 0 2 4
log(mean abundance) log(mean abundance)

Figure 1. Interspecific AORs in deep sea wood fall communities. (a) Overall AOR for 48 species and 32 logs. Point size is proportional to
species mean body size, with open symbols representing species with no body size data. (b) AORs for 40 species on 13 small logs and 39
species on 19 large logs. (c) Predicted relationships from model 3 for species with mean mass 1 g and 1000 g, showing higher occupancy
for a given abundance in larger-bodied species. (d) AORs for 33 species collected from 16 logs after 5 yr (CS1) and for 40 species collected
from 16 logs after 7 yr (CS2). Occupancy is higher for a given abundance in communities from CS2.

(a) (b)
Colonisation stage CS occurrence
1.00 CS1
CS1&2, 1 CS1&2
CS1&2, 2 CS2

log(mean abundance)
CS1 4

0.75 2
Proportion of logs occupied

1 2
0.50 Colonisation stage


logs occupied


0 2 4 1 2
log(mean abundance) Colonisation stage

Figure 2. Interspecific AORs from deep sea wood fall communities collected after 5 yr (CS1) and 7 yr (CS1). (a) Species are classified by
the CS they occurred in (CS1, CS2, or CS1 and CS2), and (for those occurring in CS1 and CS2) by the CS sampled (CS1&CS2,1 and
CS1&2,2 show the abundance and occupancy of species occurring in both CS1 and 2 collected after 5 yr and after 7 yr respectively). Model
fits exclude one highly influential species from both CS1 and CS2 (see text for details). Also shown are boxplots (median, box ⫽ IQ range,
whiskers ⫽ 1.5 ⫻ IQ range beyond box) of (b) log(abundance) and (c) proportional occupancy for species occurring in CS1, CS1&2, or
CS2, collected after either 5 yr (CS1) or 7 yr (CS2).

occurring only in CS2 are less precise, and are strongly either CS1 or CS2 are almost all those species that occur in
influenced by a single species in each case (Xylophaga con- both CS1 and CS2. This is confirmed by models 5a and 5b
cava in CS1, log(abundance) ⫽ 2.34, 6.2 ⫻ higher than (Fig. 2b, c; Table 2): species recorded in only one CS have
any other species occurring in only CS1, Cook’s D ⫽ 7.34; significantly lower occupancies and abundances within that
Bathyxylophila sp1 in CS2, log(abundance) ⫽ 2.97 and CS than do species recorded in both CS1 and CS2.
p(occupancy) ⫽ 0.75, respectively 5.9 and 1.5 ⫻ higher than Across the 25 species occurring in both CS1 and CS2,
any other species occurring only in CS2, Cook’s D ⫽ 1.06). there is a strong positive relationship between change in
Excluding these influential species, very little variation in abundance and change in proportional occupancy from CS1
abundance remains across species occurring only in CS1 (6 to CS2 (r ⫽ 0.64, p ⫽ 0.0006; Fig. 3). Fourteen of the 25
of 7 remaining species occur at a mean abundance of 1 indi- species showed correlated changes from CS1 to CS2 consis-
vidual per log), and the coefficient estimate is correspond- tent with positive intraspecific AORs (11 increased in both
ingly imprecise (2.107, CI: –1.076–4.886). The coefficient abundance and occupancy, 3 decreased in both abundance
for species occurring only in CS2 is also based on a small and occupancy; Fig. 3). Changes in occupancy were related
range in abundance and is imprecisely estimated, but is sig- strongly and positvely to changes in abundance (model 6a,
nificantly steeper than those for species occurring in CS1 Δ(abundance) coefficient ⫽ 0.14, CI: 0.065–0.220). None
and CS2 (1.76, CI: 0.912–2.629). of the other variables tested was significantly related to
What is clear from Fig. 2a, however, is that the spe- changes in occupancy (Table 3), but overall the model fit
cies attaining highest abundances and occupancies within is good (F5, 15 ⫽ 3.81, p ⫽ 0.02, R2 ⫽ 0.56). Excluding body

Table 2. Means (with 95% CI) estimated from models 5a and 5b for proportional occupancy and log(abundance) separately for communities
collected after 5 yr (CS1) and 7 yr (CS2), for species that occur in either CS1 OR CS2, and for species occurring in both CS1 AND CS2.

CS occupied by P(occupancy) log(abundance)

CS sampled
CS1 0.10 (0.0547–0.162) 0.46 (0.409–0.506) 0.36 (–0.551–1.263) 2.01 (1.493–2.519)
CS2 0.20 (0.115–0.327) 0.58 (0.396–0.734) 0.34 (–0.779–1.467) 2.05 (0.713–3.388)

(a) (b)
0.6 1.00

Proportion of logs occupied


Change in occupancy



−0.2 0.25

−4 −2 0 2 0 2 4
Change in mean abundance log(mean abundance)

Figure 3. (a) Changes in mean abundance and proportional occupancy between communities sampled after 5 yr and after 7 yr for 25 spe-
cies occurring in both colonisation stages. Orange quadrants indicate correlated changes in abundance and occupancy consistent with
positive intraspecific AORs. (b) Trajectories of the same 25 species illustrated in (a) placed onto the overall interspecific AOR. Arrows start
at the position of each species in abundance–occupancy space in communities sampled after 5 yr, and arrowheads point to the position of
the same species in communities sampled after 7 yr.

size increases the number of species in the model from (Dawson 2012) of a macroecological generality concerning
21 to 25, but results are similar (model fit: F4, 20 ⫽ 4.99, the scaling of populations from individual to multiple com-
p ⫽ 0.0060, R2 ⫽ 0.50) with Δ(abundance) the only signifi- munities. It also further demonstrates the utility of deep-sea
cant predictor (0.14, CI: 0.069–0.208; Table 3). However, wood-falls as experimental systems in macroecology, offer-
the coefficient for typical log size approaches significance ing advantages of both control and tractability (e.g. control
(0.02, CI: 0.002–0.044; Table 3) suggesting a trend for spe- of environmental energy, networks of communities estab-
cies preferentially occupying larger logs showing more posi- lished over relatively small spatial and short temporal scales,
tive changes in occupancy through time. recovery and complete enumeration of entire communities)
and of more observational studies (natural colonisation
and establishment of taxonomically diverse assemblages)
Discussion (McClain et al. 2016). These unique characteristics have
enabled us to address a number of questions about the
We have documented significant positive interspecific abun- form, strength, and dynamics of AORs, including the role
dance–occupancy Relationships (AORs) in deep-sea wood- of resource availability (environmental energy), species life
fall communities. Because of the ephemeral nature of wood histories (body size), and the temporal dynamics of the AOR
falls, the communities developing upon them – in particular both within and across species (colonisation stage).
over the 5–7 yr timescale considered here – are bound to
constitute primarily species with strong colonisation abili-
ties. Such species are expected to show exactly the kind of Environmental energy
saturating positive AOR that we find (Fig. 1), with no evi-
dence of the critical lower abundance thresholds predicted The AOR of communities developing on large (ⱖ 4 kg) logs
for species with restricted dispersal (Freckleton et al. 2005). was statistically indistinguishable from that of communities
This first demonstration of AORs in deep-sea invertebrates is developing on small (ⱕ 2.5 kg) logs (Fig. 2b), despite the
thus an important extension into the largest habitat on Earth marked difference in environmental energy available to each,
and significantly higher biomass and species richness on large
logs (McClain et al. 2016). This lack of a clear difference
Table 3. Models of change in a species’ occupancy between CS1 is not unexpected for two reasons. First, as outlined above,
and CS2 as a function of change in its abundance (Δ(abundance))
together with mean body size, abundance in CS1, occupancy in the effect of resource availability on the AOR is likely to be
CS1, and the typical size of log occupied by that species. Coefficients complex. Expressing resource availability as habitat suitabil-
and 95% Cis are given, and significant predictors are in bold. Model ity, Freckleton et al. (2006) showed that it is the distribu-
6b excludes body size as a predictor, enabling all 25 species to be tion of suitable habitat (i.e. habitat patches in which species
included (cf. 21 in model 6a).
are able to persist) that is critical, rather than the amount
Predictor Model 6a Model 6b per se. Differences in resource availability may also change
Δ(abundance) 0.14 (0.065–0.220) 0.14 (0.069–0.208) the extent to which species span both axes of the AOR.
log(body size) 0.01 (–0.040–0.064) / For instance, communities with access to more resources
log(abundance in CS1) 0.003 (–0.080–0.087) –0.01 (–0.087–0.062) may have more equitable species–abundance distributions
occupancy in CS1 0.05 (–0.397–0.497) 0.10 (–0.318–0.517) (Passy 2016), meaning that a smaller range of abundances is
typical size of log 0.02 (–0.006–0.052) 0.02 (–0.002–0.044) represented by the community, potentially reducing power

to detect a strong AOR. In addition, the specific deploy- individuals of different sizes within and between species, at a
ment of wood falls in this study (Supplementary material range of scales, would be useful to further examine this result.
Appendix 1, Fig. A1) meant that large and small logs were In particular, determining how the effect that body size has
interspersed, such that all communities actually developed in on the dynamics observed here between a local aggregation of
a heterogeneous landscape of high and low energy resource. resource patches scales up to effects at wider biogeographical
Previous experimental studies have shown that resource het- scales would be interesting.
erogeneity has important effects on AORs (Holt et al. 2004),
and more generally on colonisation and dispersal dynamics
(O’Sullivan et al. 2014), over and above any effects of high Colonisation stage
and low resource availability. Although individuals develop-
ing in resource poor environments may be less able to dis- The AOR is steeper in communities sampled after 7 yr
perse to neighbouring patches (O’Sullivan et al. 2014), there (CS2) than in those sampled after 5 yr (CS1) (Fig. 1d). In
is no reason to expect the reverse to be the case. To fully test addition, the range in both abundance and occupancy is
the effects of environmental energy on AORs in this wood- somewhat higher in CS2: the only 4 species to occur on all
fall system, then, it would be valuable to compare different 16 logs within a CS occur in CS2, and the two highest
experimental designs – for instance, deployments of logs of species-level mean abundances are also in this CS, whilst at
uniformly large or small size, in addition to mixed deploy- the same time more species in CS2 are found on a single log
ments. Other factors, including wood density and the spac- (25% cf. 15%) or at a mean density of one individual per
ing between logs, could also be manipulated to more closely occupied log (35% cf. 21%). This is consistent with higher
mimic specific models of habitat distribution such as those connectedness between communities in CS2, as previously
considered by Freckleton et al. (2006), and to tease apart the shown in terms of community composition by McClain et al.
roles of habitat quality within patches and dispersal path- (2016). A relatively small number of species occurred only
ways between patches. in CS1 (n ⫽ 8), with almost twice as many unique to CS2
(n ⫽ 15), indicating that more time for colonisation allows
a greater range of species to reach the wood falls. However,
Body size most (n ⫽ 25) species occurred in both CS1 and CS2, and
these ‘temporal generalist’ species consistently attained higher
We show that body size significantly mediated the interspe- mean abundances and occupancies within either CS1 or
cific AOR of wood-fall communities: for a given mean abun- CS2 than did the ‘temporal specialist’ species that occurred
dance, larger-bodied species tend to occupy more logs (Fig. in only a single CS (Fig. 2). Moreover, temporal generalists
1c). The body size effect is relatively small (Fig. 1c depicts typically occurred on more logs for a given mean abundance
relationships for species differing 1000-fold in mass), but than did temporal specialists, especially at low abundances
indicates that AORs can be influenced by key life history (Fig. 2a), indicative perhaps of an ability to persist regionally
traits. A similar effect of body size has previously been shown at lower densities as expected for strong dispersers with high
for shelf sea macrobenthic infauna, using a much cruder colonisation ability (Freckleton et al. 2005).
measure of body size (species-level maximum linear dimen- Considering only those 25 temporal generalist species
sion, aggregated into categories) (Webb et al. 2009) than we that were recorded in both CS1 and CS2, a majority (n ⫽ 14)
have been able to apply here, suggesting that these patterns demonstrated trajectories in abundance–occupancy space
are robust to body size measures, even when these measures consistent with positive intraspecific AORs – that is, they
are applied across invertebrate groups with very different life either increased in both dimensions or decreased in both
forms. That study also used maximum density rather than dimensions (Fig. 3). This agrees with previous work show-
mean density as we use here, making it easy to relate the result ing that positive intraspecific AORs are common, but not
to systematic differences in spatial aggregation between small as ubiquitous as the interspecific relationship (Gaston et al.
(highly aggregated) and large (less aggregated) species. It is 2000, Webb et al. 2007, Buckley and Freckleton 2010). It is
harder to relate mean density directly to spatial aggregation, important to note that communities collected at CS1 were
and in our dataset most species occur on only a small number completely harvested, and so these changes reflect wider-scale
of logs making robust estimates of species-level aggregation processes and not simply dispersal between logs collected in
using the distribution of abundances across logs difficult. CS1 and CS2. There is no significant tendency for combined
Nonetheless for the 26 species for which we have a measure changes in abundance and occupancy to be greater in species
of body size and are able to estimate skewness in abundance, conforming to positive intraspecific AORs (i.e. for arrows
all skewness values are positive (indicating right skew, i.e. in Fig. 3b to be longer for species occurring in the shaded
more logs with low abundance than high abundance), but quadrants of Fig. 3a; linear model, difference in arrow length
there is no relationship between skewness and log10(body between conforming vs non-conforming species ⫽ 0.56,
size) (correlation, r ⫽ –0.08, DF ⫽ 24, p ⫽ 0.6834), where CI: –0.254–1.364, t ⫽ 1.44, p ⫽ 0.167), although the four
a negative correlation would indicate decreasing aggregation longest arrows are all consistent with positive AORs.
with increasing size. It may be that the small body size effect
we observe is indirect, influencing spatial distribution through
correlations with, for example, development mode or life- Conclusions
time reproductive output rather than directly via increased
dispersal (Rundle et al. 2009, Webb et al. 2009). Efforts to In conclusion, we have demonstrated that the generally
more directly and robustly quantify the spatial distribution of positive relationship between local abundance and site

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Supplementary material (Appendix ECOG-02618 at < www. >). Appendix 1.


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